Comedy Stars Appear on TV Appearance of Bud Abbott M Lou Coatello, Eddie Can tor, Bob Hope, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewli, and Donald O'Connor on the "Colgate Comedy Hour," Sunday, March 32 (NBC-TV network, 8:00 p.m. PST),-when the series ha 1ti 100th telecast, will be another In a lone list of firsts for the Sunday evening extravaganza. The "Colgate Comedy Hour"' inaugurated several develop ments In television. It was the first program to bring the big- name comeoians to TV on a regular basis. It also evolved the rotating format for the tars which was adopted by the industry and applauded by mil lions of viewers. This was the first major show to make the shift to the west coast, and also was the first commercial pro gram to be beamed across the country on the coaxial cable. ' In addition to the "regular" stars of the series, the program, now In its third season, has displayed the efforts of over 800 top guest stars and out standing supporting acts repre senting every facet of show business. From motion pictures, stage, radio,-recording studios and night clubs the "Colgate Com edy Hour" has drawn topflight talent from Abbott and Cos- Built-in Alf-Channef Tuner , Standout Picture With Interlace ';; : Installed in Your Home for as Low as ' : ; $35.00 down, $3.50 per week Valley Television Center "TWO VALLEY STORES" Complete sales, service and installation. All sets fold and installed carry fall 90-day service. s , , IN SALEM Balgley Bros. - Furniture ; 2315 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2-5491 AT PRALL'S, 220 N. LIBERTY OPEN: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. EVERYDAY TRADES: Trade your old radio or radio combina tion set for the TV model of your choice. Tabla models, consoles or combinations with record changers. We are not anx ious to dispose of any particular models. We were trading last month and wM be trading next month. SERVICE: At 220 N. Liberty We maintain our own service dept. A flood service dept. ie essential for your permanent TV pleasure. USED RADIOS: Twenty or more to choose from. Table Models, Consoles, Combinations. Out they go ot make room for more trade-ins. And we'll trade in your old radio. Terms. YOU MUST SEE THIS 5 vnccsrTV Exclusively 220 N. Liberty tello to Zsa Zsa Gabor. Phil Harris to Lily Pons and Enrol Flynn to Rosemary Clooney, Woodburn School Carnival Friday Woodburn ' ' The annual carnival of the Washington school will be held tonight (Friday) at the school, be ginning at 7:80 olclock in the gymnasium. ' Many features are planned for the event, featuring the "country fair," and jeans and cotton dresses will be worn. Booths of all descriptions are planned by the Parent Teacher association which is sponsoring the carnival. General chairmen art Mrs. Elmer Witham and Mrs. Balph Pickering. Charles Comwell will be in charge ' of the country store, original hats made by the third and fourth grade rooms will be sold by Mrs. Peter Zastoupll and Mrs. Helen Perillo. - Cashiers will be Mrs. Mae Engle, Mrs. Frank Doerfler. ana Mrs. Russell Blevans. Rev. Arthur Goble and Char les Buchanan will be at the loud speaker. - Proceeds from the carnival will be used for projects at the school. Aluminum is not found in a metalic state in nature. IN WOODBURN 171 Grant SI. : Phone 3611 MOW YOUR OLD RADIO OR PACIFIC ' MI6HTIEST IV MttttNUI Cf THIM Mil at Tele - Radio By DAVE KPTV 1b currently working on a huge booklet telling the story of how they got started and what their plans in the future will be, This booklet will be under the direction of Tom Meyers of the KPTV staff. . . Plenty of fire is in store for the ?Yoa Asked for It" TV program Friday night at 8:30 p.m. A gent lights a cigarette from his burning fingers and then proceeds to shave with a blow torch. Oh, It'll be a hot time tonight on TV ... . . , . . Bed Skelton will present a few of his favorite im personations and ' impres sion from a hospital lobby, on the Red Skelton Show Sunday March 22 (KPTV) 7:00 p.m. TOPS IN TELEVISION A new day on TV . . . Dennis Day has overcome his bashfulness . . . has ingratiating charm . . . a dashing young bachelor and a bold adventure . ... all this and Dennis Day wrap ped in one package on his show every Friday night on KPTV at 10 p.m. ' The fights Friday night will pit Johnny Bratton of Chicago, 111. against Bobby dunes, uaiuauu, um., 111 a " J)enniDay lo round main event from " r I Madison Square Garden. The welter weight is the class i in which the lads will fight. , YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING FRIDAY ! You Asked for It at 8:30. Chandu lights a cigarette : v - s-i.i 9 1 - from his burning fingertips and shaves with a blowtorch. The Big Story at 9., Chester Potter of the Pittsburgh Press trails a killer of a stool pigeon. Mr. and Mrs. North at 9:30. Pam and Jerry offer a helping hand to a friend and find themselves involved in the homicide of his wife in "The Blackout." Dennis Day Show at 10. Dennis is forced to disguise himself as Charley the apartment superintendent in or der to save the old man from the police. Adolphe Menjou's Favorite Story at 10:30. "The Crime of Sylvestre Bpnnard." An old sweetheart's daughter is in a charity schol and Sylvestre tries to get custody of the child only to become involved in a chain of circumstances which end with, the girl getting married. Nite Owl Theater at 11:45. "Vampire's Ghost," John Abbott, Peggy Stuart. t YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING SATURDAY "Your Show of Shows" will be invaded by the Kula politans Saturday March 21 when Kukla, Fran and OUie will be guest star and hosts of the variety program starring Sid Saesar and Imogene Coca. (6:00 to 8:00 p.m. KPTV). The Hit Parade (KPTV 7:3p p.m.) finds "Till I Waltz Again With You" in first place and Don't Let the Stars Get in Your Eyes in second place . . . Jackie Gleason at 8 :00 p.m. ; Rocky King at 10 :80 p.m., Boeson Blackie at 11:00 p.m. PIANO ON A Model 214 With Half Doors Walnut Fringe-e-Matlc TV AM Radio 9-Speed Record Changer 4. 5 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Views - Television BLACKMEB 1953 F R I N G E ONLY 369 95 On Television KPTV (Channel 27) onrr mmii MMeaM to Umnl rats U:M .m T Mi r.roff 11:1. 9-m. wtlecm Tils 1W p.m. KU amIUi a S:0C p.m. Doubl. or Mothtes l.M p.BairU. It Rkb l og p au.tiBM Tbniu 4:11 .m.AcTc tor Toaorrow 4:1. p.m. Loy of Ut. -1:00 p.m. Quiz KkU :N P.B. Ror R.n . 60 p.n-CUoo Kid :!. p.u-Douf Bdwtrd S:4f p.m. Tlmo for SuBV l oo-. M pm. NCAA Tournuntal :1. p.m. Mr. ud Un. MorUi 10:90 p.m. DooJiU Day 14:10 p.bu Adolch MtniM 11:11 p.m. Ufa of HII17 MARK RADIO .. -and . . TELEVISION INC Salem's Most Complete ". -Television Center -2140S.Com'l - Phone Day or Nlf ht 2-1611 or 2-4728 ATPKDAT 11:00 a.m. Kldi and Co. lltlo p.m. Sky Klnf 1:00 p.m. Taint Patrol 3:10 p.m. Vlctorr at fita 1:00 p.m. ione Banitr ' t:10 p.m.-ton Art Thira 4:00 P.m. TV 1'md Club ' 4:10 pja-BLihop Sheen 8:00 p.m. All altar JUvua 4:00 p.m. 6how of Show ' " 1:30 p.m.-Hlt Parade 4:00 p m Jackie Oleajon 4:00-10:10 p.m. NCAA To urn am ink 11:00 Naab Premier Theater 11:10 p.m. "Leet of tha Wohlcaai 13:00 P.m. rApDrox.) flint Off 13:30 p.m. (Appro.) sua Off MITCHELL'S Factory Trained Service nd Installation 1880 SUte St, Phone 1-7577 Keizer Keizer Volunteer citizens of Keizer and the surrounding area are invited to attend a Well Child conference work shop at the Community church in Keizer, Tuesday, March 24, ai 2 p.m. Mrs. B. Yeary and Mrs. E. Haulman. public health nurses. will conduct the workshop. At the meeting the past year's work will be reviewed and analyzed and plans will be made for the coming year. There will also be a demonstra tion and discussion of the var .ious . jobs volunteers have, at the clinic, so that each person who attends the meeting will unaersiana uie worxmgs of the clinic; volunteers, nurses and we pnysician. The committee Is Inviting anyone wno has previously worked at the clinic to attend as well as those who may be interested in aiding at a future time, also anyone who is in terested in this work. Refreshments will be served. The Keizer Garden club met at the local Fire Hall Tuesday evening, March 17. jack Ou dean had charge of the ques tion hour with the assistance of Mr. and Mrs. Arch Claggett ana Mrs. a. Burr Black. Guests at the meeting were Mr. and Mrs. Guy H. Smith, Mrs. i . u. IjUiz, air. ana Mrs. Willard Bear, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. John - Touchie, Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Miller, Mrs. Naomi Neyerlin and Mr. and Mrs. NickXeRud.. New . members introduced were Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Wil son, Mr. and Mrs. C. DeBeeld and Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Baker. . Refreshments carrying out the St. Patrick's day theme were served by , Mrs. J. C. Mount and Mrs. C. T. Danen. ' The next meeting of the club will be held Tuesday evening, April 2, when there will be a plant sale. ' Wife Relents Albany Wiley McAdams, arrested on complaint of his wife on a charge of assault with intent to kill, was released from the county Jail Tuesday. Mrs.. McAdams appeared in district court and pleaded for a reduction of the charge to one. of assault and battery. When District Attorney Court ney Jchns reduced the charge as requested, McAdams en tered a plea of guilty. Judge Wendell Tompkins thereupon sentenced him to three months in the county Jail and sus pended the sentence. Compare Oaylhcontg Picture Woodry Furniture Co. 474 J. (Mtmwclil Mom 42IM Lebanon Lebanon Low bid on con struction of a city sewage dis posal plant offered by Henry Den Herder, Lebanon, ana . C. Carl. Salem, a joint venture, has been approve by the en gineering I I r III Ui Howland. Hayes and Merri- field. The bid was awarded to the bidders by the city council at its meeting this week.. The winning contractors of fered the low bid of $219,- 589.33. Ten bids were received. the highest being $349,070, and all were referred to the engi neering firm for study. The primary treatment plant will be started In approximate ly a month, Den Herder said, with work during that period sub-contracted to H. C. Werner of Eugene who will excavate trenches for the outfall line from the site near the Crown Zellerbach paper mill to the river, and for the intake line from the sewage system to the plant site. Den Herder said completion of the plant will require one year. " - - ' ' ' : Ralph Roderick, consultant engineer for the engineering firm, had permission from the council to negotiate for a dif ferent type of grid chamber, saying that cost of plant con struction could be lowered by that means. . The Lebanon firm is current ly constructing similar sewage disposal plants at Albany and Cottage Grove. The low bid on the Lebanon work was made possible by .these companion projects, Den Herder stated, since he will be able to move many of his construction forms already prefabricated to the lo cal site. - Ml. Angel Elects New Chest Officers Mt. AngelMrs. Fred Lucht was elected president of the Mt. Angel Community Chest to succeed Mrs. Al Lulay at the annual election of officers held recently. . .. Other officers who will serve for the coming year are Carl Muchen, vice president; Miss Loretta Dehler, secretary; and Al Dieker, treasurer. New directors elected ' for three years are Mrs. Lucht, Al Dieker and J. J. Penner. Leonard Fisher was elected to serve as county vice presi dent, and Mrs. Ernest Crowder was again selected as welfare chairman for Mt. Angel, to be assisted by Al Dieker. . - Although rains in London probably are more frequent than in most parts of the Unit ed States, the quantity of pre cipitation is less because it comes in frequent drizzles. Halsey Couple Divide Property Albany Real estate and personal property near Halsey valued at more than iiuu.uuu was divided between Harold W. and Josephine C. Knutbs, in connection with a divorce granted Mrs. Knuths by Judge Victor Olliver in circuit court Wednesday. ,v 6everal tracts of land are in volved. The Knuths were mar ried at Marshfield Dec. 24, 1927, and have two adult mar ried sons, Gary Lee and Wil liam K. Knuths. Personal prop erty of the Knuths is also to be divided. ... ' Mt. Angel Prepares For Passion Play Mt. Angel Final prepare Hons are being, made for "The Betrayal,? a two-hour Passion play, to be staged by the stu dents of Mount Angel Semi nary this week-end. . Three performances, for the presentation have been set at the seminary gymnasium: 8:18 p.m. Saturday, March 21, and at S p.m. and again at 8:15 p.m. Sunday, March 22. Proceeds will go towards the erection of an additional semi nary building. The play is under the direc tion of Rev. Gabriel Morris, OSB, dramatics instructor, at the seminary. . Assistant director Douglas Brinkman, formerly associat ed with the '.'Very Little Thea ter" in Eugene has Initiated a new lighting system to add color and effectiveness to the drama. Pot Luck at Lyons Lyons "Jacobs Well Was There" will be the topic for Rev. Walter Dodge's sermon next ' Sunday morning. The orchestra . will play special music also accompanying the singing. A pot-luck dinner will be held at the parsonage following the services, with an official board meeting to be held at 2 olclock. Bring lame service. Wotwinfoe Ow Motf Tony and Dolph FULLY SEP I Parkins Friday. Mirth 20, I953 Reserves Go To Pendleton ' - Members of Salem' m., . 155mm gun battalion, Marin. Corps reserves, will be takin! their two weeks of summ.5 training at Camp Pendleton. Calif., June 13-27. Th dates were alvxn rv-. Cecil Gardener commander of the Salem unit, and u. Joseph L. Svejkosky, whJ" heads the Instructor here, at a pre-summer carrm conference held at Carrm Pendleton March 16-18 P v Marine air transport plan, will fly the unit to andfrem camp, flying into Salem t .J them up on June 16, v . In' past years the Salem unit has taken its training dur. lng the late summer, but this year, the earlier date has been set for summer training so that all of the 155mm gun units from reserves west of the Mis sissippi river may train at the same time.- . Salem's unit nresentlv v.. five officers and 27 enlisted men. :, . Delay Dallas Show Dallas The Junior Cham. ber of Commerce talent show scheduled for Saturday,, has been postponed until March 28. The postponement was announced after It had been determined that Gtom Thompson, Dallas senior high school band leader, would bt in Eugene for the state basket. ball tournament. ' iiM i a a aaft a b4l RENTALS 394 North Church Phono 3-9600 ind Ted 1m Hi QdiIHt AGED! WK WWSE IS VMS 0U U PM0F . THE OU BESMItME CO, HWI HOST, Kf.