Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 20, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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    Friday, March 20, 1553
rtrt f
3 Alumnae Groups Meet;
Mrs. Patterson Honored;
Unanders Feted at Supper
Tbtll iorority alumiu
iroupi met Thursday evening.
Gamma Phi Beta alumnae
entertained at a dessert 'at the
home of Mrs. Hollis W. Hunt
ington to honor Mri. Paul L.
Patterson, wife of Oregon's
governor and a member of the
orority. On the committee
with " Mn. Huntington were
Mr. Harold M. dinger, Mrs.
William H. Hammond and Mrs.
Robert B. Ebersole. Miu Mar
garet Eimmt poured.
Attending the gathering
were Mri.,Patteron, Mrs. Wal
ter A. Bench, Mrs. Ralph
Boone, Mri. Robert Burm, Mrs.
Letter Carter, Mrs. Douglas
Drager, Mrs. Ernest Hobbs,
Mrs. Marens Maltby, Mrs. Ivan
Merchant, Mrs. Richard Nel
son, Mrs. Donald Liudahl, Mrs.
Garlen Simpson, Mrs. Hugh
Taylor, Mrs. Glenn W. Whar
ton, Mrs. Coburn Grabenhorst,
Miss Margaret Eimms.
Mrs. James H. Nicholson, Jr.,
Mrs. Seth P. Smith, Mrs. Del
wyn Kleen, Mrs. Henry Dixon
of Portland, Mrs. Thomas
Ford, Mrs. Jack Steward, Mrs.
Russell C. Haehl, Jr., Mrs.
Charles Phipps of The Dalles.
Mrs. George Beane, Mrs. John
M. Carson, Mrs. Roger Dasch,
Mrs. David McEwan. Mrs. Al
McCready, who Is here from
Portland during the legisla
ture, Mrs. Harold M. Olinger,
Mrs. William H. Hammond,
Mrs. Robert D. Ebersole, Mrs.
HoUis W. Huntington. ..
For Unanders
Kappa Alpha Theta alumnae
entertained at a supper on
Thursday evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Stone
to honor Mr. and Mrs. Sigfrld
B. Unander. who recenllv
moved here. Mr. Unander as
siate treasurer., Mrs. Unander
is a Theta alumna.
Attendlnc the suDDer were
Mr. and Mrs. Unander, Dr. and
mn. rv. wells Baum, Mr. and
Mrs. Philip M. Brandt, Jr., Mrs.
Frank J. Burke, Mr. and Mrs.
Allan G. Carson. Mr. and Mrs.
Wallace Carson, Miss Mariann
crolsan, Mrs.. W. E. Deenev.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hadley,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Helt
Ml, Mrs. Taylor Hawkins, Mrs.
ueorge Hug. Mr. and Mrs.
George Schwarz, Mr. and Mis.
Keith Powell, Mrs. Donald Mc
Cargar, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver T.
Mansfield, Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Murdock, Mr. and Mrs. James
G. Watts, Mr. and Mrs. Rich
ard D. Slater, Dr. and Mrs. Ed
win F, Snider, Dr. and Mrs.
Charles D. Wood, Dr. and Mrs
George S. Hoffman. Mr. and
Mrs. Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Mar
shall Swearlngen.
Plan Dinner
Sigma Kappa alumnae met
at the home of Mrs. E. E. Beck-
man on Thursday evening,
Flans were made for . the
group's annual dinner for
members and husbands on
April 25, the event traditional
ly given at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Bert A. Walker. Also,
plans were made for the 35th
anniversary of Upsllon chap
ter at Oregon State college on
April 18. Attending the meet
ing were Mrs. Erie Carlson,
Mrs. Frank DeWltt, Mrs. Earl
Hampton, Mrs. Norman John
son, Mrs. Allan Johnson, Mrs.
B. W. Stacey, Mrs. Lynn Wal
lace and the hostess.
Past Matrons at
Woodburn Entertain
Woodburn The March
dinner meeting of the Past Ma
trons club of Evergreen chap-
ter, Order of the Eastern Star,
' was Wednesday night at the
Masonic temple. Dinner was
served at 7 o'clock with Mrs.
E. Aline Beers, Mrs. Martha
Relllng and Mrs. Nellie Mulr
as hostesses.
Other past matrons present
were Mrs. Evelyn Morris, Mrs.
Nettle Johnson, Mrs. Marjorle
Merrlott, Mrs. Maude Scott,
Mrs. Agnes Jones, Mrs. Beulah
Gilbert, Mrs. Eleanor Vickers,
Miss Gladys Adams, Mrs. Rose
UiDDens, Mrs. Nina Bingo, Mrs.
Violet AtwoodL Mrs. Florence
Butterfleld, Mrs. Mabel Dixon
Miss Hughes
Woodburn Capt. and Mrs.
Everett J. Hughes, formerly
of Woodburn, now ot Munich,
Germany, announce the en
gagement of their daughter,
Miss Beverly Jane Hughes, to
Enos W. Moreland of Detroit,
Mich. ......
Miss Hughes attended
schools In Woodburn, and was
graduated from Oregon State
college with BS degree in
home economics.' She taught
home economics In Sonora
Union high school at San
Bruno for five years with one
year s absence when she
taught at the Capuchlno high
school at San Bruno.. Former
member ot Evergreen, as
bly of Rainbow Order for
Girls at Woodburn. she Is a
member of Evergreen chapter
No. 41, Order of the Eastern
Mr. Moreland Is the son of
Mr.and Mr. Enos C. More'
land of Detroit Mich. He is
a former employee of the U.S.
forest service stationed In the
Stanislaus National forest
with headquarters in Sonora.
He is now located at Klamath
Falls, Oregon, where he is
engaged in the sales depart
ment of the Weyerhaeuser
Lumber company. He attended
school in Detroit Mich., and
the university of Connecticut
where he received a BS de
gree, majoring in forestry. He
served with the US navy and
later with the naval air force
for five years during World
War II. He Is a member of the
Masonic lodge of Detroit,
A summer wedding Is
planned at Woodburn. .
So smooth IjljJ
k leaves you
breathless Iggj
' the artaust name
10 proof. Mt4e beta 10096 Vn ocuutt spirits.
St. Pierre Smirnoff FU. Inc. Hartford. Coo a.
and Mrs. Minnie Richards.
Following the dinner, Mrs.
Morris expressed her thanks to
members who assisted in serv- mmm
ing the Masonic homecoming
dinner. Small pillows for the
Masonic and Eastern Star
home at Forest Grove are be
ing donated by members and
Mrs. Florence Butterfleld was
appointed to buy the material
for covers to be -made by the
Plans also were completed
to redecorate the women's
lounge at the Masonic temple
and the committee in charge of
the work will be Mrs. Evelyn
Morris, Mrs. Agnes Jones, Mrs.
Marjorle Merrlott and Mrs.
Mabel Dixon.
The hostess committee for
the April meeting will be Mrs,
Maude Scott, Mrs. Rose Gib'
bens and Mrs. Minnie Rich
Albany The little chapel of
the First Methodist church
was the setting for the wed
ding ot Miss Lila Mae Abra
ham, Albany, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis C. Abraham,
Shedd, and Donald L. Ack
erman, Dayton, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Claire Ackerman
also of Dayton, on Sunday,
March 15 at 1 o'clock in the
afternoon. The Rev. George
H. Huber read the double ring
I Given in marriage by her
father the bride wore a suit of
light pink made with box jack
et Completing her costume she
wore navy blue accessories and
a small white hat with blue
trim. Her flowers were light
green orchids.
Mrs. Carole Steckly, sister of
the bride, wearing a navy blue
suit, and a dark pink carnation
corsage, was the bride's only at
Duane Ackerman, brother of
the bridegroom, was best man.
Witnessing the ceremony
were the members of the im
mediate families of the bridal
The couple left on a wedding
trip to the Oregon beaches and
for going-away the bride wore
her wedding costume. They
are now at home in Albany, at
181 E. Sixth Ave.
45th Anniversary
Monmouth The 45th wed
ding anniversary ot Mr. and
Boots & Spurs
Fun night was nut on bv Mr.
and Mrs. Ervin Ward. Mrs.
Ward announced. Buck Gandy
won the prize. Such games as
stajce bending, pass the pillow
and an obstacle course were
played. The obstacle course was
easy enough ao that all the
members could and did parti
cipate, '; .
Monday night's coffee was
served by Mrs. James Single
Wednesday night coffee and
hot dogs were served by Mrs.
Ervin ward. The monthly
meeting was called to order by
Ervin ward.
It was finally decided that
the drill team , will wear red
shirts with white piping on
them and white hats for the
summer shows.
National Head
Of AL Due Here
' Many distinguished guests
will attend the banquet Sat
urday evening at the Marlon
hotel honoring the national
president of the American
Legion auxiliary, Mrs. Rae
Ashton, ot Vernal, Utah.
Among them are: Mrs.
Mabel Lockwood, Salem,
national president of the
American War Mothers, Mrs.
Stanley Krueger of Indepen
dence, past department presi
dent of the auxiliary and Mr.
Krueger; Mrs. Mitchell
Thorne of The Dalles, past
department president; . Mrs.
Grover Francis of Portland,
past department president;
Mrs. Callie Helder of Sheri
dan, . past . department presi
dent; Mrs. Hazel Alden ot
Seaside,' department child
welfare chairman; Mrs. Ed
ward Seufert of The Dalles,
department - constitution and
by-laws and legislative chair
man; Mrs. Guy Wilcox of
Grant Pass, department re
habilitation ' chairman; Mrs.
Theodore Mark ot Roseburg,
department publicity chair
Governor and Mrs.- Paul
L. Patterson will represent the
state department and Alder
man Chester Chase and Mrs.
Chase will represent the
mayor of Salem. Representa
tive Lloyd Haynes and Mrs..
Hayes will attend from the
The past presidents ot
Salem unit 136, Klngwood
unit No. 81 and Capital unit
No. 9 will act as hostesses dur
ing the evening. .
The program will include
vocal numbers by Mrs. David
H. Cameron, accompanied by
Mrs. Earl T. Andresen, and
accordion selections by Bob
Bsrnes from Wlltsey studios.
The tickets will be In
charge of Mrs. T. J. Brabec
and Mrs. Anson Ingels. Mrs.
Theodore Ullakko - and her
committee, Mrs. Jack Sim.
kins, Mrs. Elwood Townsend,
Mrs. Clarence Cox, and Mrs,
Jack Johnson, will decorate
the tables, carrying out the
Easter theme. Mrs. John B
Eakin of Dallas . will act as
mistress of ceremonies.
Mrs. Robert S. Kreason ot
Dallas, department of Oregon
president ot the auxiliary, will
introduce her official family
There will also be the gllft
The cloak room will be In
charge of Sue ' Wilson and
Mary R o o k e r. Publicity
chairman is Mrs. Austin H.
Wilson Sr. Mrs. Ashton will
sit In on a radio Interview
during : her! stay 'here. . Her
headquarters are In th
Marlon hotel. .
Wedding Is
At Albany
Albany Mis Marianne
Alice Mlchele, daughter of Mr.
and Mr. Leo F. Mlchele, and
Jimmle Allen Doerfler, son ot
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Doerfler
were tinited In marriage In
double ring service on Sunday
afternoon at 8 o'clock at the
First Presbyterian church by
the Rev. Morton L. Booth.
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, wore a white
satin dress with a long train.
The fingertip veil ot nylon
tulle was arranged from an
orange blossom headdress, The
gown was worn by the bride's
sister, Mrs. G. A. GilflUan,
(Beverly Mlchele).
The bride carried a bouquet
ot white orchids with green
inroats cenierea on a wnne
Bible with streamers.
Miss Sharon Casey in an
ankle length nlle green .taffeta
dress with a net stole and
matching headdress served as
maid ot honor.' For flowers she
carried a nosegay of white
daisies and freesla, yellow
roses and violets.
Junior bridesmaid was Miss
Judith Mlchele, sister of the
bride, wearing an Identical
dress to that of the matron of
honor. She carried identical
Serving as best man was
Keith Holmes. Ushers were
Charles Wagoner, Willard
Glbbs, David Seavy and War
ren Doerfler. Candlellghters
were Miss Janeti Cochran of
Olympla, Wash., sorority sister
of the bride and Miss Janet
Dahl of Portland. Both wore
choir robes.
Mrs. William Kurtz was or
ganist during the ceremony.
Before the . wedding . service
Miss Judith Michele played
piano selections. Sidney Burt
Two large baskets ot white
stock and white tulips dec
orated the church and a bas
ket of the same flowers was
set on the organ. Two sets of
candelabrum -and candles
were used at the altar.
Mrs. A. D. Campbell was cele
brated at an open house on Sun
day when friends and relatives
came to greet the eouple at the
Evangelical United Brethren
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell were
married near Starkweather,
N.D., on March 18, 1908. They
came to Monmouth in 1936.
All of their children attended
the party. They were Mrs. El
etha. Nichols, Princeton, Mo.;
Mrs. A. W. Mills, Independ
ence; Mrs. Russell Butler, Dal
las; Asa Campbell, Monmouth;
Mrs. Vera Sanslng, San Mateo,
Calif. There are 16 grandchil
dren and eight great grandchil
dren. A. J. McLarty, twin
brother of Mrs. Campbell, was
also present at the celebration.
b Bride-elect Announ
ced recently was the engage
ment of Miss Mary Lou Wik
surom, daughter ot Mrs.
Louisa Wlkstrom of Salem
and Dr. R. O. Wlkstrom of
San Diego, to Roger W. Mor
ley, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Donald A Morley. (Jesten
MUler tudto picture)
Aid Society. All friend and
neighbors ot the honored
couple are invited to attend.
Following the ceremony
reception was given in the
church fireplace room with
more than 200 guest in at
tendance. Pouring were Mr.
Paul NeU of CorvaUii, Mrs.
Orvllle Doerfler, Mrs. C. O.
Budlong and Mrs. R. C. Grit
was passed by . Miss Barbara
and Larry Howard, nelce and
nephew ot t he bridegroom,
Mrs. Floyd Hopeman was in
charge ot the reception and
was assisted by Mrs. Otto Kern
and Mrs. Lud Heyman. Cut
ting the cake were Mrs. G. A.
GUfillan, sister of the bride
from Corpus Christl, , Texas,
Mrs. Robert Howard, the bride
groom's sister, and Mrs. Ward
RUthruff, aunt of the bride.
Assisting about the rooms
were Mrs. E. V. Bennett, Mrs.
Otto Vollstedt, Mrs. Monte
Krop, Miss Clara Voyen and
Mrs. R. L. Roberts, Pouring the
punch ware Mrs. Roger Reid
and Mrs. Richard Johnstone
Serving were the Misses Peggy
Robb, Kathy Paulson, Barbara
Hickox, sorority sisters of the
bride, ' Ann ! Drew, Joyce
Graves, Alice Kropp, Deldres
Griffin and Mrs.. Freda Mil-
Benefit Is
Successful V-
Annual Easter Bonnet
bridge, given by the Salem
Junior Woman's club, was a
special event of last evening.
Winning honor at cards were
Mrs. Albert C. Gragg, Mrs.
Severt Swan son, Miss Martha
Llerly, Mrs. Donald Dye, Mrs.
Charles Youngblood and Mrs.
waReneld walker. A new
hat was won by Mrs. William
Leeper as a special prize.
A ait and children's style
how were features ot - the
evening, the hats from Mill
ers and little girl's Easter out
fits from Margwen'. Miss
Pat Grayson, Mrs. J. A. Rom
baugh and Mrs. Harry Wesley
modeled hat made in the Sa
lem YWCA millinery ; class.
Mrs. - James T. . Brand wa
commentator for the show.
Miss Evelyn Johnson playing
tbe muilc.
Proceed from the benefit
will go to the. children's hos
pital school in Eugene. ' Mr.
Calvin . Kent - was , general
chairman of the affair.
Sisters Wed Together,
Give Birth to Sons
28 Minutes Apart
- Higmana, ina. out) Mrs.
Joyce Vander Mollen collected
a bet from her sister, Mrs. Joan
Van Weelden, that she won on
a "stork race." ;
The sisters were married in
a double ceremony last May.
Each bet they would have the
first baby. Joyce gave birth
to a boy Tuesday. Joan had a
boy 18 minutes later.-
AdvcnJists Pr::::t
The members of the) keel
Seventh Day Advent! church
have arranged a epedal pro
gram for the 'March 11, Sat
urday, Sabbath worship hour
at their church in . Park and
North Second. , ..- -.
The resident alder to Har
old J. Johnson, the district
pastor 1 R, G. Bchaffner of
Salem, . ,-; . ,.- ,. .
A 15-mlnute sacred snusl -
recorded program will pre-''
cede the 9:30 Sabbath school '
hour, when Mrs. Oliver Btef-
fen , will supervise . instruction.
At the 11 o'clock worship
hour the sermon guest speak
er will be Pastor Neal Loeey,
member ot the SpUlman-Ly-man
Evangeliatia company ae
ler, Mrs. Beverly Lethln, Mrs,
Norman Bethell. .
Mrs. Gordon Dery, Miss Na
dine Mlchele, Miss Carol Hope-
man and Miss Jean Johnstone
were in charge of the gifts.
Background music was provid
ed by Mrs. Gordon Mespelt.
The bride wore a green suit
and gray lizard accessories for
her wedding trip. Her costume
was accented with the orchids
from her bridal bouquet. The
couple left tor the Oregon
coast and on into Washington.
They will make their home in
Klamath Falls after April 1.
CIO Woodworkers and ;
Employers Deadlocked
. Portland mn Representa
tives of the CIO Woodworkers ,
union and officials of seven
Northwest lumber and logging
group today reported they
were deadlocked in ttegotia-
tlons tor a new contract - -
Members ot the two groups
yesterday held their fourth
meeting since negotiation be-:
gan last month and ended with
a report of no progress. The
union seeks a $1.80 per day -pay
increase, r v '
'Unnecessary Items.
In Ag. Dept. Budget
Washington u. Rep. Allan ,
Oakley Hunter (R., Calif.),
found these while studying the .
b u d g a t , for innecessary'
items: :' i J ; . .. ' ..
1. A $13,000-a-year Agricul
ture Department employe do
ing a study ot cut daffodils. -
2. A $12,000-a-year man',
working on the problem of
marketing dandelion greens. ;
Expert Watch
AU Work Guaranteed
I K. OwmnUI SL (OMtitn)
Golden Wedding ,
Woodburn Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Rogers of Woodburn
will be honored on their gold
en wedding anniversary, Sun
day, March 22, when an open
house will be given In the
social room at the Presbyter
ian church here between 2
and p.m. Hosts will be their
son and daughter-in-law Mr.
and Mrs. George Rogers, and
members of the Presbyterian
nova utuoNS of times
iTimuoMS of HOfU
TfcreeT llazel Btshcp Lpsticks
2.25 VALUE ONLY 1.25
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t n. lit, uujjjg i,Ma'l
Shoe you'll love . . .
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Friday Nigh! '
A lovely pair of spring and summer
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charmers, I'Aiglon-styltd 'in rayon sheer crepe! Both, In navy or black. Right. . Assets: diagonal
stitching; stitched pleats.' With an Icing of lineny rayon. Left. Assets: a sundress with many-gored
skirt, a jacket to vary your wardrobe. With an king of whitt pique.
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