Friday, Mutii Z0.M5S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orotroa Housing Bill Posses House The House of Represent. ve, after ltt hours of debate, voted Thuradav fnr Kin -T quire county-wide elecUoni to approve puouc nouilng proj ect. ... The bill, approved St to 10. foes to the Senate. . Rep. Lee Ohmart, Salem real rtate man, author of the bill, argued that housing projects should be put up to the people because It Is democratic. But onnonenU eontnHH te .k -- ! UW bills purpose is to scuttle the Housing program by tying up each act of a housing author ity by forcing elections to be held. "This is simply a question of private housing vs. public nous - inc." Ohmart said, "anil hm,.- ing should be decided by the wiu 01 we majority of the peo ple. "Public housing is a fallacy of getting something for noth ing." v Rep. Monroe Sweetland, Mil waukee Democrat, lalri? - "This spiteful biU came out of the spleen of its authors to undermine public housing. Any act of a housing authority would be referred to the people by this ill-tempered, ill-considered bill. It would force the federal government to provide housing in war time by mak ing it impossible to do it Iocal- ly." ' Talent Show ? Billed Tonight The Marine Corp League's second annual amateur contest will get under way tonight promptly at 8 o'clock, at the Salem high auditorium, Clyde Brummell, commandant, said. Thirty-five acts will fill out three-hour program embrac ing every phase of the artists, musicians, soloists, singers, ; dancers and impersonators. They will be competing for the title of the best amateur in the Salem area, along with a wide assortment of p r i z e s for the runners-up. Entries have been received from all p o i n t s in the Salem area, Mill City, DaUas, Sheri dan, Amity, and Independence. Doors will be opened at 7 and the curtain will be prompt ly at 8 p.m. Herb Johnston, Jr., former Salem radio announcer, now of Portland, will act as master of ceremonies. . .'-t " w-v -Recreation Meetings ; Draw Salem Residents ' Among the 125 out-of-town-rs registered for the workshop sessions on recreational skills held lit connection with the convention in Portland last week of the Oregon Education association were Mary Bow man of the state department of education and willow Ev ans of Salem. . Experts from' Portland's bur eau of parks and public recre ation led the instructions on recreational skills, which cov ered such subjects as arts and crafts, music, drama and danc ing. The sessions were joint ly sponsored by the education association, the governor's committee on children and youth and the Oregon awocia tion for health, physical educa tion and recreation. - Tiny, New HEARING AID rkuUKHONE Jm Yaall like lenlih't new Esttrntl MUtophoMfor two Important ni ter :() h'l a imanly-aty fed tcctuory r your ntckiit, coat lapel, drew, or suit, and (2) it brinn belter haarmi bwiH of leiMned clothini "whit pert." Optional it (mall added coit with lenith "Royal'' snd extra powerful "Super-Royal. II3AWNO AIDS aaa. Cssiiiifhse Device tVraxMte at fceWt Uh) Cast tr Mawsts el leak Tstevrirea ad Reals teti l-MT MMT-UCI WRMTI1 o ' Batteries for All Makes and Models of Hearing Aids MORRIS OPTICAL CO. 444 JUT! JT. H0K J552S LIVING ROOM at M.K.N. (All living room furniture carries 5-year guarantee) Daveno and Rocker . . . Reg- $149.85. 1 1 AO 0 C Assorted colors SPECIAL e)eU7e7el Daveno and Rocker . . . Reg. f 179.85. t f QC Assorted colors SPECIAL eJearTeT.? Daveno and Rocker ... Reg. $189.95. tliQQC Assorted colors SPECIAL 17,7 J Daveno and Chair . . . Reg.' $229.95. (4 OA QC Assorted colors, new nylon covers. 8PEC. !07e7J Daveno and Chair ... Reg. $219.95. tITO OC Fibre E. cover, grey .......... SPECIAL ) I 7e7 J Fold-a-Bed . . , turquoise. ' ' t. .0 OC Reg. $189.95 SPECIAL jleW.J.p' Davenport and Chair . . . green Reg. $219.95 2-Pc. Sectional ... red. Reg. $349.95 z-re. bectional ... green. - Reg. $230.00 SPECIAL 2-Pc. Sectional ... brown. Reg. $179.95 SPECIAL Rocker . . . assorted colors. Foam eons traction. Reg. $99.50 SPECIAL Arm Chair . . . boltaflex covers. Reg. $49.95 SPECIAL Rocker and Ottoman ... assorted covers; Reg. $97.00 SPECIAL Rocker . . . Blltwell. Green or red. Barrel back. Reg. $119.95 SPECIAL tifit AA . SPECIAL IWiW .SPECIAL $225.00 $175.00 $125.00 $75.00 $29.95 $69.00 $75.00 Two of Salem's Leading Furniture Stores Join Forces to Give You the Most Oustanding Furniture Values Ever Of fered in the Willamette Valley! L Join in on the Huge Savings at . , . MM AMD SHAW FURNITURE "STOCK DISPOSAL SALE" ' (MKN on the West Side . . . Shaw in Capitol Shopping Center) (If there is nothing in this ad that strikes your fancy, you are still invited to come in to either Shaw or M.K.N, and pick up your free yard stick and Simmons decorator book.) .... CEDAR CHESTS by Um . .. M.K.N. . . .Floor samples. . . (several floor samples reduced as much as $20.00... Buy now, and hold for (ndaation.. A small down payment will hold any cedar chest until called for. Don't Miss this opportunity to save en her graduation gift. Alio you young men. ..What better gift eouM you boy her than a Lane Cedar Chest... MIRRORS . . . M.K.N, or Shaw ' Plate glass, beveled ... guaranteed against defects I4-in. Round . . . Reg. $22.00 Special $10.9B S-Way . . . 12x24 in. Reg. $22.00 .... Special $12.98 3-Way . . . 10xl4-lii. Reg. $14.90. . .-.Special S 8.98 18x36-ln. Reg. $19.40 Special $18.98 S2x48-ln. Reg. $45.10 Special $34.98 36x48-in. Reg. $48.40 ....Special $37.98 30x60-in. Reg. $51.70 Special $39.98 30x50-in. Reg. $45.00 ............. .Special $36.28 24x36-ln.. Reg.. $23.60 Special $19.98 24x48-ln. Reg. $31.00 ............ . .Special $28.98 ':'" BEDDING... M.K.N. or SHAW Mattress & Box Springs, reg. $39.50, xtra special ..................... .$27.95 Mart ran & Box Springs, reg. $59.50, special $39.50 Englander Foam Set. ........... $99.50 Coil Springs ......... . $10.50 " P ' PLEASE NOTE . . . Onr specials for this event cannot be duplicated in town or out ol town. Reg. $59.50 units for only $39.50 (guaranteed for 10 years). These mattresses are also guaranteed to suit you or your full purchase price returned without question, b that f alrT If you've ever been taken on a mattress deal In the past, please rest assured that If our mattresses, at any time dur ing this guarantee, fail to live np to our praise for them, the mattress will either be replaced or your FULL purchase price returned. We're stressing this point because there are many so-called mattress specials that are absolutely sold at a sale price HIGHER than they should be sold even at regular price . . . , , . : . -.--:-- Rubber pads to fit on mattresses or davenos . . . W solid rubber. Makea your bed feel like a eloud. Special this sale only $9.98 . . . Remember, these work beautifully on davenos ., . . FLOOR COVERING . . M.K.N. All-wool Throw Rugs. 27x54. (Values to $35.00). Special $3.80 and $8.80 12x20 H beige friese. Reg. $340.00 .... Special $180.00 18x18 Hardwicke Magee Carpet, green. Reg. $21.95 yd Special $18.98 Please note this special en all orders of onr stock or special order from our samples we will Include absolutely free the padding for underlay Abo, we will Install your carpet wall to- wall free of charge or bind your rora if you prefer room she rugs This offer good only until March SI (end ef day.) Please note that this offer Is good at either M. K. N. or Shaw : Furniture. APPLIANCES. . .M.K.N. or SHAW We want to completely close out all floor samples of appliances so please note that wo have really taken the axe to chop these prices Philco Refrigerator. ( cu. beautiful refrigerator.) Reg. $339.95. Philco Range. $90.00) . . . ft. Deluxe with Dairy Bar. Deluxe In every way, double oven, etc. Philco Range. Deluxe one-oven range. Reg. $319.95 ... Potts Please note the tremendous sayings en the above appliances and note this... in addition to the sayings you make on these offers, we will also Include free of charge a 64-pe. set of dinner ware If you purchase one or more of the units above before Tuesday, March 14. In ether words, the offer of the Free Dinnerware Sets Expire Monday Night at (9:00 PJM.) P.8. This dlnnerware set will retail In any store at $19415 or more , (Save $70.95 on this Special $299.98 Reg. $419.95 (save Special $129.00 ........ . .Special $289.00 BEDROOM ... M.K.N. Bunk Beds, complete with springs and mattresses. Reg. $159.95 Special $129.00 Mahogany Bedroom Set Reg. $379.95, Spec. $279.00 Solid Ash, L. Ronney. Reg. $172.50. . .Spec. $180.00 5-Pc. Suite, L. A. Period. Flamewood. Reg. $329.95 Special $229.98 4-Pc. Suite, Broyhtll. Cherry. Reg. $339.95 Special $200.00 Open Stock Harmon Bedroom reduced 33 H 2-Pc. Oak, L. A. Period . . . Special $189.98 Many other very attractive buys In Individual pieces or sets... FIREPLACE EQUIPMENT . . . SHAW or M.K.R 20 discount . . . screens, andirons, firestopi, baskets, etc. OCCASIONAL TABLES M.KX. or SHAW MANY STYLES REDUCED VP TO 50. However, all occasional tables carry at least a 15 reduction . . . DINING ROOM . . . MK.N. Drepleef Mil, Brandt, exuaa mt IS ft, SitMW. a.,, in. ft. Ik Uta.M. t Bmlf.t WlUaantla, U ml. Bar. S1MJS. Saw. IU.N. slMe-awar cbmI table, aakt. Bet. sisa as. im. IllJ.aa. (LMka Ilka a It, aiaku . lata tM. . .wMdf .1 far mill atnlnr una. sill. A-w.r table, n.m...a. tmM. sm. S-ac. MarcantMi Chtrrr Dlnlnf Sit Haltoaallr aSTUtUaS. Takla, china, a .bain. It SWtrrat km rabfcW mratlma. Baa. Mll.M. Sm. 1390.00. ImaalM mt ttn.aa nlHllai .a tkU knaUfal art. S-a. Ifaraanta. Mhr. Dlalaa att. (Saaw nalltr a. akaTa). Takla, balf.t, s akalra. Um. StM.ta. SMa. SS7I.M. (In aaalan'l tar s ekaa. aat far tkja orlea.) Takla, tattkc.Vaal, w.lnal. . .S.f . SM.M. Bfe. UmbS Takla, Taal, m.nU. Na. IOMI. Bai. SlIM. Sm. Su.aa. Baaal labia, aeal. aiaala. Na. taiat. Baa. MI.H SMa. aia.aa. l-ac. Slnlna art. Frar. Narlhwatt Chair Ca. In. Stttao. Saaa. HN.N. ' Used Furniture at M.K.N. Folks ... look this list over . . . there's some terrific bargains in used furniture aaa on haatara...lala t ehaaa. fraai...S10.0S an I p.,,. Bank haaa..-.aaBpkHa with aartnn n4 aMttraaaaa. . . Mav arla 1140.0.. Tana far nlf M9.00. . . (aiaa S Manthi.,.rapaMuaad.) Ckrama aat...rallaw...Nav IW.M. W. aak K M. Uu ihan S aaaalha .14. Oak too, ibmi hi Ir.ble. . .SIS.aO. SUalrla raBn...(Waatlnibaaaa) S4(.M. IlMi, Bafrli. Q. X. ISI.M. a1 aaU aarlu...(dbla. call) lU.ta. BaaSlx Eflenaaaal...appm. SH paara aU. BeaSlz Salaaa aatanaila...(esvallaBl Uka w)...tM.W. Laath.r navenpart a Ckalr...(MW laaklna). Raw price, road a. pew, nilr Na. a7S Daveppert ahalr...Brew. aalear...!alr aaa SlUea.... aee4 kar far anl, ttlM. tried 4a aaallreaa. ' ' Backer.. .reaa kaaallfal kraaketU eaar...New prlc. Aa taad aa aw far aalr atB.eo. Na. ICON weed raeker... tap. ..lead aoBdlUap, IS0.W. Nfc 4M Daveapart...ralr candllle... .ra. caa't a. wra&a at lte.00. DaT.n..rt a Chair... BIa aaahalr frleta...aaw eaa- dlllan.... kaaatUal art. Ceet pew SSM.aa. Win acll far enlr I1.6S. ' i S ased SxU nta with pad...11.M aa. DaaaBpart O Chair... (win. vahMt). Tea weald as pect t pay twite car aeklnv prte. ef afia.aa. Celfea takla. ..walaal...BeBeet...aa taaa ae aaw... new price tae.ia. w. aak la.0. Medera ekalr. .race frleae... Iltae. Olak ehalr...wa .na...Wa kanr rea'n Uka ahla .p. far enlr S.W. . Balae tap reeker...lle.M. Im tap raeker... Tier table.... very aapapalT. takle. SpapklRS aaw ceaditlep.,.aaar lis.aa. Da.enpart a ekalr... Deeakhl M.aalr. ,.94 eaetra.- tlen, fowl Bhape...lSS.oa. Davea. a Ckalr...aarhadr weaid ae pretl a. kaa Ikla aat ta their keaaa and na aaa tar It far aalr iu.aa. Na. Ill larie elah ekalr... Oai ran,.. . ..xc.Il.nt eamdltlea.. .Matte Ckal. . .aaa.a. Dlntne Table No. ell (we bare pa reeai la atera It ...reare far MM. Daraaa a Chair. . IT. 7 aiahalr frleae. ..repeeeeaalen... New prlc. ItW.M, aalr aa. ellikl aall...tkla act kaa keep claaped and la rnn far aalr tlMee. (Akere peed farnllara at M.K.N, enlr) CHROME TABLE AND CHAIR SETS M.K.N. Theee prleee ar. all eleee cat price. I.r ekreme and to ear kaewledre have peeer haea affered at epch paheari af Tedaetleaa. Net p apeelal parckaee...BetaUr ateck erckaadle. at leea tkap eeat prlcea. Ne. tOTMtMM table a ehalra. (Weed arala). Bet. I1M.W. Saeh IN. at. tMStzMt table a 4 ehalra. (Bel). Bar. I1U.1I. Spec. Ill.e. TBitStIKt table a 4 ehalra (creep). Baa. I11I.M. Spec. SN.N. ISOniaoat ar tut takla I ehalra. Star. epee. 9MJS. IHMtnll table a 4 chain, red, renew er aaelker af pearl (t leerei). Bet. I1U.W. Spec. TtllttI16At table a 4 ehalra, trer. Bat. S17t.1l. Spaa. 1111.10. HMM1I1LS ar lean table a 4 ehalra. Bet. ntl.W. Spec. Iltt.ta. (Tellew), S learee. tmvmlCtn table a 4 akalra. Orer...Bet. HI4.N. Spec. IlltJS. BEDROOM . . . SHAW W'r Bt llitlnr mnj f nr IwdrMM titlailt. ,Btwrr. If m $ la look raa'U bitm thai w't rc1ic4 oar t4rMa t whirl ?a'U wat t bar FLOOR COVERING . . . SHAW All WmI THrtvw ran 17 xM. Bp. M M Ml W.M nlwn U fSS.W). lltltU Ha.4wlk Mmtm CavrMl, trtoa. Kct. ttl.N ri. n. 91S.V6 (IfMk al tat Mflnn. Mr yr4 iba asott ttoaatlfal arMl m aft bar. Daa'l )$ II If - Tta tie4 anr whert aar ST tartl af ariMt...(thla rtmnaat aaa aa mtA la ran far ? ar wall la Ws.lL Cana la aa ask la aea Ihli ana, On all arden tfm ilaek ar sraaNial arltr w will laclada aadAlw aa labar tBitaOaliaa a ill tin lb tal at aar LAMPS... Shaw all lamps drastically reduced. Some over 50. Here are examples: Table Lamp, No. 5700 Milo . . . Reg. $52.95 Special $24.98 Table Lamp, 3-Way Deena ... Reg. $12.50 Special $ 9.98 Table Lamp, C-O-l Reglor . . . Reg. 127.95 Special $18.98 Table Lamp, Modellne No. 235 . . . Reg. $39.95 Special $19.98 Floor Lamp, Aladdin No. 3605 . . . Reg. $28.95 Special $19.98 Floor Lamp, Aladdin No. 3603 . . . Reg. $28.95 Special $18.98 Floor Lamp, Aladdin No. 3606 . . . Reg. $23.95 Special $14.00 USED FURNITURE af Show Furntiur. ktahr. Table, S ehalra, a Ballet.. .W. allewed lltee chair.. .Deep kara r...(er wipe). MMS. ...Teare far S11I.M. (relke tble aat la la Terr teed . , . .... eeadlllcn aad the new prlec weald ka eer-ral ban- "f,2l''r: .?" rarpllsro atea- dred deUare. tleoed abere ara at Shaw...). Wataat Dtnlnr. ete....l-pe. rieaee kelleve ae thla la S-pc, aaaple kdna. aet...apaal kei, ebeet, dreeaer with werth aaere thap the I160.W we're aektna. ailrrer. IM. fLOOR COVERING SHwW batlaau Ul aw Marak Slit. Karataal Tlla at anlr 14 er ilia (itrtrtl aalari). Karoacal la tba Mlracla Tlla. Oraaw-araaf. fUln-iraaf, falawpraar avaa lalllcl Ink w.aa rlahl aa. Wan'l thtp, aeratcb, ar oraek. Na waxier ncadel, Calarfal and bciallfala a ataata brr anlr lia ar tlla. Aiahalt Tlla...Orada A. It twr lllet Grada B, fta war tUti flrade C He ar illti Orada D, 16a aar lilt. Tba a kara aaaball tna la Anottraaft Dalara (! ttandard) tlla. Can raa bar It anr chtaaar In Satamt LIVING ROOM ... SHAW Davenport and Chair . . . Monte's foam t1C9 M ruooer eonstrueuon. Reg; $335.00, SPEC S-Pc. Sectional . . . Magnuson. Brick a41 ftn asani color. Reg. $271.00 . SPECIAL 2-Pc. Sectional . . . Crown, Lima areen. iafi M Reg. $334.50 .............. r. . SPECIAL 18IaUJ 2-Pc. Sectional . . . Magnuson (foam eon- 110 M struction). Brown. Reg. $299.50. .SPEC. a)Xa7aVnJ 2-Pc. SeoUonal . ... Magnuson. Gold. tlitk tA Reg. $439.95 . . .... . 8PECIAL )e1l7aVl toe aura to see uub beaunful valua) a-rc atecnonai ; . . seug. ntnlmmon color. Reg. $179.(5 (as is) ..... SPECIAL Bora . . . Crown. Fresno. Cocoa color. Reg. (249.95 ................. flPF.n Al. Sofa . . . Sellg No. 475. Suede. OUve green. Reg. $174.50 ......... ..SPECIAL Sofa . . . Crown No, 5101. l-ft, long. Reg. $229.95 ....SPECIAL Daveno . . . Blltwell. (1 only.) Raw. aaa OK aaernii Davenport and Chair . .'."Mo'nte'a Continental grey. foam construction ta real ueautyl. rirn fift aBaratWaWV S119.CD $1S?.C0 119.C3 189.00 $69.C3 Reg. $439.(5 ..SPECIAL Love Seat . . . Blltwell. Green ton rrada s jrk nr cover. Reg. $179.95 ...8PECIAL ejlalaJ.? Fold-a-Bed . . . Blltwell. Rose. 4 OO BC Reg. $189.95 SPECIAL l'a Davenport and Chair .' . . Magnuson Bel-alre. Green. Foam construction (what a steal). MiM Reg. $321.50 . . . . . . . ... ., ...... SPECIAL a)Xl7.lV uavenport ana c&alr... Crown. Brown, tid M Reg. $369.(5 . . . . . . .1 . . . . . . SPECIAL leUl BILTWELL DAVENO AND ROCKER AND CHAIR SPECIALS ... BE SURE TO NOTE THE FOLLOW. ami; Daveno and Rocker . . . Several colors. Reg. $149.(5 SPECIAL traveno ana ttocBer . . . wool Mesa cov ers- Reg. $179.95 . ... . , .SPECIAL Daveno and Rocker . . . Fibre E. covers Reg. $189.(5 SPECIAL Daveno and Chair . . . Assorted covers. Fibre E. covers. Reg. $229.95 . SPECIAL $109.95 $139.95 $149.95 $189.95 HASSOCKS . . . M.K.N. or SHAW Buy one ar more for extra sealing araund that ...aa low aa (2.85. (X3 per cent uunount.) ; DINING ROOM . ;. SHAW 5-Pc. Dining Set . . . solid ash. L. Ronney. (See this.) Reg. $189.(5 ....... .Special $109.98 Buffet . . . Veal No. 215502. Mahogany. Reg. $139.95 Special $109.98 Drop Leaf Table . . . Mhg. Veal No. 215242. Reg. $124.95 Special $109.98 Drop Leaf Table , . . Mhg. Veal No. 213282. Reg. $94.50 Special $81.98 Dining Chairs to match the above drop leaf - tables. Reg. $18.50 Special $18.00 COSCO STOOLS . V . M.K.N. No. 22A2. red. Rer. 12.15 No. 22B2, red, yellow. Reg. $4.45. No. 21L2, red, blue. Reg. $3.75.. No. 21M2, red. Reg. $8.45 No. 29E2, red. .Reg. $10.95 No. 25C2, blue. Reg. $5.25 ..... Fold-a-Step. Reg. $4.95 . . Special 82.29 Special $2.89 ......Special $1.98 Special $4.99 Special $9.9$ ......Special $8.89 Special $2.80 SAMPSON CARD TABLES Show room samples. Some slightly marred. Reg. f 5.95 , SpecUl $2.98 Reg. $ 6.(5 Special $4.87 Reg. $13.(5 ..... .Special $9.80 I Only Canasta Tables. Reg. $18.(5. .Special $12.99 Sampson Folding Chain . . . Show room samples Reg. $8.95 SpecUl M DESKS a a a M.K.N. No. 211112, walnut. Reg. $119.59..... Special $99.9$ No. 211222, blonde. Reg. 199.50 .Special $89.9$ No. 211222, walnnt Reg. $89.(5 Special $82.98 LAMPS a a a M.K.N. All lamps drastically reduced; here's few as amplest No. 215582, Golden State Floor Lamp. Reg. $36.(5 SpecUl $19.98 No. 216832, Golden SUte Floor Lamp. Reg. (26.95 Special $14.99 No. 216812, Golden SUte Floor Lamp. Reg. $27.(5 Special $14.98 No. 216582, Golden SUte Floor Lamp. Reg. $12.50 SpecUl $8.98 No. 274602 Deena Table Lamp (green, Ivory, brown shades). Reg. $12.50, SpecUl $9.98 1 Group of approximately 15 table lampa . . . values up to $35.95 for ONLX .each $8.00 CHROME SETS . . . SHAW S-pc. eel. ..Bet. IrS.M. Spec. SM.0O. S-pe. act.. .Bet. II1I.M. Spec. SIM.aS, l-pe. aet,.Bet. Slte.M. Spec. 1111.11. MISCELLANEOUS rellewlst ara a treat af lleaap which we1, redaced at the last aslaate aad hate act been pat lata .ar eataterr...Leek thcai arer, Mark, there'a . Tela. her. fer rep.,, (Skew). Ne. 400 Mat rack.. Bet. flt.U. Spec. IS.IT. Ne. lee Peak. ..Bet. I loan. Spec. I7I.M. tt-t tad takle. Bet. ITI.tS. Spec., - lamp table, blende. Bet. lit.M. Spaa. Halt. Ne. T-aonT table leaip...Bet. Spea. mien wreaakt Iraa chair . . rellew . . Bat. Spea. 111. la, AND MANT, MANX MOBSI CHAIRS & ROCKERS . . . SHAW Chair,. .Crawa...nilerect...teld... Bet. Ilei.a. spec. H.aS. , Chair. Ne. M...Medem...hrewp...Bef. Nl.M, Spaa. Rl at. Chair anl .Iteraaa aarTer...MatBaoa. .rcn aaeatraeUaa. Tep'd ke aerr pread t. awa thla heaallfal eenblaaUea ahaar. Bet. Iltt.ll. Spec. HUM. Chair... aaabaa a eloile ked...SaparkUt, Bet. IUS.M. Spm. M.M. Becker... Meate'a...faaail aeraral oalara. tut, an.W. Spaa. 171.10. Becker. Blltwell Ne, Id. Aea'i aelera. . .Bet. eS.M. Spec. IH.TeV Chair... Blltwell... Ne. aM, rec. er trace. Bet. KT.ta. Spaa. tw.w. Becker and Ollemaa...nrkUne....h.le ef Mlata...Bas. ITI.aO. Spec Chair... neira...plaatla mered. Ne. M. Bet. 141. M. spec. in.aa. Amine Chelr...Scllt. Bet. K4.1S. Spec. SSS.M. Chair... Swellah Madera. .Scllt. Bat. IM.I. Spec. Stiaa, Chair.. .feaia aepilracllea...alanpMa. Bee. aaa.le. Spm. tea. as, 1425 Eagewater - Open Monday and Friday Nights Capitol Shopping Center - Open Monday & Friday Nights ? i " . a. t 11 i c i 1 i: s -f 5 i I"' f J