In the Valley, Edited by HIKE FORBES Jefferson Jefferson Mr. William Lake waa ' turprlied Sunday noon when she came home from church to find a group of , friends in her home preparing a birthday dinner in honor of her birthday, which was plan ned by her husband. ' The din ner was served cafeteria style. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Donald 'Lake and daughters, Kathleen and Donna, of Port land; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Da vis of Warren ton; Mr. and Mrs. Nap Wagner, Corvallis; Mrs. Joe Waring and Carol Lou of Scio; Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Davis, Miss Anna Klampe, the honor guest and host, Mr. and Mrs. Lake. The Evangelical United Brethren church purchased the Vail house, just across from the grade school. The new church is to be built on this property. Mr. and Mrs. George Vail will move- to Toledo, where Mrs, Vail s son, Oluf, has built a new house for them. The Evangelical United Brethren church has sold "the lot on which the former church stpod to Irvine Wright. J. R. McKee purchased three and one-half acres of ground on Second St. McKee plans to .Now Showing - Open 6:4S Bobert Byan, Bock Hudson Jnlla Adams j , , "HORIZONS WEST" . Abo . ' Irene Dunne Dean Jafer "IT GBOWS ON TREES" HOLLYWOOD KIDS MATINEE Tomorrow - 1:00 to 4:00 pjo. ' 10-YO CONTEST" City Championship' finals . This Month I CARTOONS SERIAL - ) i: Special Matinee Feature '.- Whip Wilson ALSO BENSON'S BIRTHDAY CAKE , for , Ann McKesson, Lauren Nebrija, David Corns tock, Mary Camp bell, Terry John, Jerry Oliver! Laura Sanford, Gary Anrer baner, David Reese, Mary Bent, Larry Dobbins, Kenneth Bush nell, - Jerry Kronser, Vernon Watte, Bernlta zumwalt, Joan Baldwin, Donald Nettleton. HELD OVER . 3rd Week . IT REQUEST DUSTY BROOKS ',' . AND HIS MI-STAR ' : HARLEM REVUE '' restating Hit HARLEM JAZZ BAND SONGSTRESS JUANITA (BOMBSHELL) MOWN .. DtMindDinca and Floor Show! .". "A REAL TREAT FOR SALEM" The New Village Inn 4A O. . A On Un tl lft I S057 Portland Rd. I I "tfc HVN.wSYetri old For outdoor flavor, call for Jl H like the balance of your favorite rod, fTll CABIN STILL, old style Kentucky J (J ' sour mash bourbon, is balanced at pgggy 91 to evenly combine mildness of , iS jrzTwA proof with richness t l Jr of flavor. sfJJjF j I ILL mild In proof. r.ef rich In fliror a3$i Every drop made, mtHowtd and bottltd nltly by STimi-WEUER DISTILLERY ESTABLISHED LOUISVILLE. KY.j 1141 lay It out in lots and build I house on the corner. The WSWS of the Evangel leal - United Brethren church met at the home of Mrs. Chrys- tal Wells Wednesday afternoon. Devotions were in charge of Mrs. Geneva Meyers. ' The lesson study was given by several members of the soc iety. Mrs. Bashford asked to have her name transferred to the Corvallis society. Mrs. Geneva Meyers led in prayer. VTwo ' visitors were present, Mrs. Morris and Mrs. Howard Hampton. - Mrs. Karl Kihs gave the cur rent events. Officers elected were: Preii dent. Mrs. Bern Ice Kihs; vice president, Mrs. Chrystal Wells secretary. Mrs. Florence wnit tie: assistant secretary, Mrs, Geneva Meyers; treasurer, Mrs. Gertrude Kihs. Mrs. A. E. Bashford offered the closing prayer. Pleasantdale Pleasantdale Mrs. Wil liam Mills was honored with pink 'and blue shower by the Country Flower club at its March meeting at the home of Mrs. J. M. Murphy. The president. Mrs. Harry Gray, save out the new year books. The club plans a neia nip to the Gresham fair and flower i show during April. Mrs. Vernon Melzer and son of Wasco are spending the : week here with her parents-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mel zer. Recent house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Flock and chil- dren were his mother and hus ! band, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Parker oi Mineral, cam., wno visuea 10 days, and Mrs. Flock's fath er and grandmother, Homer Knott, and Mrs. Emma Knott, of Vale, Ore. Floyd McParlane end his son-in-law, Don Carlson of Mc Minnville, spent Sunday fishing at the coast. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Graben horst, accompanied by two of his daughters, Mrs. Ralph Con way of Washougal, Wash., and Louise Parker and sons of Sa lem, drove to Eugene Sunday to spend the day with another daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Lewis and family. ' Mrs. Walter Wingate of Portland was Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Winger. Mrs. W. E. Grabenhorst of Pleasantdalt, her sister, Mrs, H. N. Butler and daughter Carol, of Portland, spent Mon day at Tierra del Mar, on the coait. FREE! DANCE LESSONS S1B.9UT.MTE (Prior to our regular dance) CRYSTAL GARDENS Professional Instruction by Mr.Trlplettandstaffof specially trained teachers from the JON HARR STAFF Pins Gala Floor Show Modern and Old Time V I I it Sublimity Sublimity The senior and Junior classes of St Boniface high school recently observed the Oregon State legislature in session. The group was then taken on a tour of the capitol. In the afternoon the students visited other state institutions. Father O'Hara, Sister M. Re, glna and Sister M. Victoria, in structors in the high school, ac compa nied the pupils on their trip. Mrs. Herman Hastier is ill with the flu. The Thlbert place, formerly known as the Alvin Schmitt home, . west of Joe Brleten- steins, has been sold to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flynn of Wyoming. The Flynns are taking im mediate possession, of the prop erty. It's a boy, Darrel Eugene, for the Harold E. Russels, Jr. The lad, born Sunday, March 13 at a Salem hospital, has two sis ters. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rus sell, Sr., of Marion, and Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Lulay are the grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. William RIdp are the parents of a son. Da vid James, born Sundsy, March 13, at a Salem hospital. Grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rlpp and Mr. and Mrs. Porter of Mehama. The degree work put on by the Women's Catholic Order of Foresters Sunday was pre sented to a large group of members. The ritualistic work was done by the local group, due to the inability of the St. Paul degree team to be present. Relatives and friends from here attended the funeral of William Klecker, 70, who was burled at Stayton Monday morning. Interest is being shown in Study club work, which is un der the direction of Rev, bert O'Hara. Ro- Mr. and Mrs. 'D. J. Ditter were week end guests of the Don Shepherds of Eugene. Mrs, F. C. Williams returned for few days visit with them. The Sublimity fire depart ment will meet Tuesday, March 24, to complete plans for the first social after Easter. Costumes for, the operetta. "Our Lady of the Terrace," are nearlng completion under the direction of Mrs. Cecelia Dit ter, together with a few assist ants. Pedee Rev. and Mrs. Delbert Dow and Sherrlll accompanied the senior class of the Kings Val ley high school group to Port land Monday where they spent tne day at tne cascade college. Mrs. Troy Turner and Mrs. Paul Ronco were hostesses to the Womans club at the club hall Wednesday. One visitor, Mrs. Howard Perry, was present. The group finished . a quilt for Mrs; Glen Edwards. ,1, , , Mrs. Lyle Ritner received the attendance prize. Mrs. Irene Jungllng's birth day was observed. Thursday the club will meet and quilt for the Rocky John son family who recently lost : their iiome by fire. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Daugherty and Allen of Salem were Sat urday guests of her mother, Mrs. Thera.Womer. Chester John, small son of 1 wm " , . m ... I air, ana mrs. nooen ionn, naa nis lonsus removed Wednes day at Dallas. , ,, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Perry of Jennings Lodge spent the Shoes you'll lovt Yeu'll levT4ha Spring eraartast high-stepping flats Rati leather f hHa leathor " f i THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon past week at the home of her. aunt, Mrs. Frank Sheythe. The Perrya are moving to Klnp vauey where he will be em- ployed at the Simpson mill for tne summer. Miss Alma BircheU, who is employed in Corvallis, spent the week-end with her mother and family. Mrs. M. BircheU. A large crowd attended the benefit supper at the club hall Wednesday evening given by the Alrlie PTA for the Rockv lonnson lamuy. Mrs. Leroy Starr was called to Hlverton, Ore., by the seri ous illness of her mother, Mrs. Lydla Carver. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ronco and small son, Broody, spent Monday In Salem. Woodburn Woodburn At the regular meeting ox woodburn chapter. of DeMolay Wednesday night at we Masonic temple, the. in itiatory degree waa conferred upon Arthur Peterson, Homer waaswortn and Russell Ander son, with Philip LaBarr. master councilor, presiding. The state conclave, to be held at Astoria, May 1, 2 and 8, was discussed. ' Announcement was made of "Obligatory Sunday." March 22, when the members will at tend the Methodist church in body. Dr. A. G. Guild. Portland dentist for the past seven years. has announced the opening of an office in Woodburn. A 1943 graduate of North Pacific Dental college. Dr. Guild will be in Woodburn Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays of each week for the present. His offices will be in the Allen building. Pringle Prinale "Becoming a Good uyer was tne project pre- sentea to tne rringie extension Unit Wednesday afternoon at the Pringle club house, with IB present. Presenting the project was Louis Hannah of Oregon State college. Mrs. George Crump, chairman, conducted the busi ness meeting and appointed Mrs. J. A. Gray and Mrs. Ed Holden on the nominating com mittee. Discussion on the braided rug workshop and a date for the . workshop will be ' an nounced later. The project leaders , will be Mrs. Charles Kllngler and Mrs. C. A. Bunse. Norwegian study for ACWW was given by Mrs. Jack McNeil and Mrs. J. A. Gray. At the nocr. hour the group had a smorgasbord and Mrs. L. w. Kenyon was the assisting hos tess.". . ! Gervais Gervais The regular meet ing of St. Rita's Altar society was held at the parish rectory with Rev. Sniderhon last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Fersch- weiler and children were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Bochsler in Port land. The ladles are sisters. Miss Freda Manning, local beautician, attended the Pacific coast beauty and trade ahow in the Rose Bowl of the Multno mah hotel in Portland Sunday. The Gervais Garden club, president Mrs. M. Lucas and 12 members of the club motored to Salem Tuesday, where they attended a 1:30 p.m. luncheon. The April meeting of the club will be held on the regular third Thursday of the month at the home of Mrs. Ward Mann ing. - . . way tttey fit 176H.lRwrlT Open FrMrf HlgM Til 9 P.M. Buena Vista Buena Vista Mr. and Mrs. Willard Pruiett entertained for dinner recently Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kobler and, her grandson, Kelvin Kobler from Idaho and Mrs. ' Will Kobler from Kansas. Lt. Richard Moler of Vir ginia was guest of Farrel Rust this week. B1U Pruiett will attend State F.F.A. convention in Corvallis this week. He is president of the Central high school chap ter. Mr. and Mrs. Ferry Wells were Sunday dinner guests of his sister, Mrs. Clair gtrawn In Salem. Sharon McQowan and Ra mon Pruiett from Oregon State colleae were dinner euests at the Willard Pruiett home Sun day. Mrs. Dane Purvine of Cor vallis spent the week end with her daughter and family, Mr, and Mrs. Charley Breedon. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Beck of Oakland are spending spring vacation with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Short, and at tending convention in Port land. Miss Joan Harrison of 'Sa lem is spending this week with her Aunt and Uncle, Mr. and Mr. Cecil Hultman. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Graber were Mr. and Mrs. Elza Long. Polk County Past Presidents club held its jprlng meeting at the Cecil Hultman home Mon day afternoon. Tom McLaughlin of Bremer ton, Wash., spent most of last week with his parents here, Mr. and Mrs, Grant McLaugh lin. Mrs. McLaughlin is ill with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conger of Suver were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mr. Nelson Ander son. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ander son were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mr. Leland Prattler. Janet Busby and her brother Marie, are spending their spring vacation in bed with the measles. - . i a Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Withrow were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morse, Monty Zaker, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ferguson and sons Gary, Dale and Stephen of Ctnby. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Mlllhou- ser and Raymond Croft were weekend guests at the Zeb Millhouser home. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dotson and family of Dallas spent Sun day, at the Luther Osborn home. Mr. and Mr. Chester Dotson and family of Dallas spent Sunday at the Luther Osborn home. , Mrs. Willard Pruiett is tak ing Parent Teachers associa tion leadership training in Cor vallis which is meeting in the Lincoln . school Monday ' and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Arden gave a birthday dinner for their daughter, Mrs. Arthur Hartt and their granddaughter. Jane Hufflne. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartt, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Wade of Colton, Ore., and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mack and son of Falls City. Kent Ward, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Ward, was taken to the hospital in Sa lem Tuesday where he under went surgery for a ruptured ap pendix. . - ML Angel Mt. Angel Mt. Angel Wom en's College and Academy will i be the beneficiary from the pro ceed of a card party planned by the Mt. Angel Area Alumnae for April 8, the first Wednesday after Easter. The fund-raising event which will be the first after-Easter! social planned for here, will be I in the St. Mary's grade school auditorium, beginning at 8 p.m. The proceeds from the party will be used towards furnishing j ACORNS FROM THE WITH DEL MILNE We hare had many comment on the huge slice ot butter we serve on our lusolous baked potatoes. How do you do lt with butter the price lt is today, we are asked. Well for my money, a baked potato Isn't worth a Missouri Waits played backward on a piano recently moved out of the White House, unless lt is ust smothered in butter so I say cut down on the bread, tf we must, but give them lots of butter on the baked potato. With I had had some sort ot work in agreement with the former ad ministration . . , lt has Just come to light that the government has In stock, purchased over the past few years, 130,000,000 (yes, 130 mil lion) pounds of butter. If I had Just a small slug of that butter I could serve a whole pound on every baked potato Instead of Just a quarter. Say ladles, you hav a luncheon date at the Marion April 30. Tell you more later. h Mtm Wt Km NiM Htrita, 3-4123 the science room in the newly constructed college building. Mrs. William Fessler, vice president of the Mt. Angel area alumnae, is general chairman, with Mr. Joseph L. Wachter as co-chairman. - - Committee member Include, Miss Eustelle Bauman, Mrs. Robert Fronk. Miss Elaine An- nen, Miss Mary Alice Berning, Mrs. A. J. Bigler, Mrs. Urban Butsch, Miss Therese Denier, Mrs. A. A. Ebner, Miss Anne Erwert, Mrs. Victor Frey, Miss Eunice Geek, Miss Lorayne Kraemer. Miss Helen Keber, Mrs. Joseph Wavra, Mrs. Carl Ertelt, Mrs. John Schmltz, ana Mrs. William A. Worley. Hubbard A son. Daniel Stewart, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Elvan Pitney Friday morning, March 13, in a Portland hospital. The Pitney have a daughter, Kathy. The Busy Baker 4-H club will entertain their mother at a tea Friday afternoon, March 20, at 3 p.m. in the gym kltcn en of the school. . Hosts and hostesses for the tea will be Richard Woods, Gary Barrett, Jane Van Lieu and Janice Nel son. Decorating committee will be Lois Levens, Wonona Pow ers and Dale Graham with Mrs. Marvin Barrett; assistant leader, as chairman of the com mittee who plan to use the 4-H colors of white and green. Mrs. Leon Graham is leader of the group. , The member of the Ladies' Aid of the Hubbard Commun ity church met for an all day meeting at the home of Mrs. R, C. Mains Wednesday and decided upon March 31 as church clean-up day. The next meeting will be March 25 at 2 p.m. in the home of Mrs. A. L. Murphy. Unionvale Unionvale The Unionvale Home Extension Unit will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hraba, Wednes-'! day, March 25. ; j An all-day meeting will be held with Mrs. Alma Hartman, j Wells county agent -proiect leader on "Housekeeping Short cuts." . , .-- . , , ; . Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hraba returned home Monday eve ning. Mr. Hraba attended a national convention, for freez er held at Chicago since Feb. 28. ; ....... Mr. Hraba had been a euest of her brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ditte and family, for a week at Los Angeles, Calif,, and Mr. Hraba joined her there. While Mrs. Hraba was away, Mrs. Rose-, Ditte,- mother of Mrs. Hraba, had charge of the home and care of the children. The trips were made by rail. Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Ma gee were Sunday guests of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Magee and sons, Steven and Bruce. "fiioNi 2-7829 UIISH GARDENS, HIGHWAY 99 GATES OPEN 6:45 SHOW AT 7:15 ENDS 8ATURDAY t Technicolor Bits "THE TREASURE OF GOLDEN CONDOR" Cornell Wilde ' Pins "THE SAVAGE" Carlton Heston Tonlte Fri.) at 7:15 Our 4 Big Color ' Cartoon Carnival! Swift's Steer: STEAKS SIRLOIN ra BEEF ROAST SHORT RIBS BISQUICK 40-oz. Pkg. . . . . 09 Borden' MAYONNAISE Quart ... . 59' Sextant Salmon No. 1 SOl Tall cans . . 03P Willamina Willamina John Buswell underwent surgery Tuesday in a McMinnville hospital, and is getting along nicely. Gen Matthews is home on leave from the navy, visiting hi parent, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Matthews. He has just re turned from a trip to Japan. -.. Mr. and Mrs. Franz Sedla cek and family of Milton-Free-water were visitor here this week. They are former rel dent here, both having taught Bchool here last year. . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Decker and son of Klamath Fall left Wednesday after visiting here with her -mother, Mrs. Karl Lentz. Joy Thorn spent the spring vacation in Eugene visiting her parents. Brent Snow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Snow, spent last week in Salem visiting his grandparents. Mrs. Rurlk Hendrlckson and Mrs. H. A. Parrett attended a meeting of the Board of the third district of the Oregon Federation of Women's clubs in Salem Monday at the home of Mrs. George Rossman, board president. A double birthday party was given March 18 honoring Frankie Kauble on his fifth birthday and Karen Kauble on her eighth birthday. . Kathleen Dentel celebrated her seventh birthday this week by having Judith Barber and Mark Spencer as dinner guests. Aurora Mrs. James T. Smith was hostess in her home 'Friday evening March 13, to members of the Fast Chiefs club of Una temple No. 26, Pythian Sisters of Aurora. Co-hostesses were Mrs. George Wurster and Mrs. -Ml II . . PHOHf S-S7 .. Shirley Booth " Burt Lancaster "COME BACK, LITTLE 8HEBA" Hugo Haas "STRANGE ' FASCINATION" . pNONt a.aosa Maureen O'Hara In Technicolor . "REDHEAD FROM ' WYOMING" Richard Greene "BLACK CASTLE" ' PHONI .4T John Wayne Maureen O'Hara t In Technicolor ' "QUIET MAN "Abbott & Costello Meet Caet. Kidd" In Color HEY KIDS! See Chapter No. 4 of "Son of Geronimo" .Tomorrow! ot Noon flu.! 2 Features! Cartoons! Priies! STEER 1 IWI'i T XJ3 i am Friday, March 20, 1953 Harriet Ehlen. Present were Mr. William Dentel, Mr. Harry Schultz. Mr. Tillie Webert, Miit Frank Thiel," Mr E. J. Sny. 1 der, Mr. Willi Yoder, Mrs. 1 Fred Schneider, Mrs. C.- B. Pursley, Mrs. Percy Ottaway' 1 Mis Emma' J. ' Snyder, Miss 7 Leona Will, Mrs. Anna Wur. ster, Mr. G. Fredrikson, Mrs," Jonaa Will, and the hostesses! ' Mrs. J. T. Smith, Mrs. Har. riet Ehlen . arid Mr.' George t Wurster, additional guests in eluded for .refreshments were' E. J. Snyder, Fred Schneider J. T. Smith, G Fredrikion sad i Frank Thiel.. s Next meeting, will, be held ! at the home of Mr. Winu i Yoder, April 8. . j; The officer of Una temple.. No. 26, Pythian Sisters, held it their . monthly meeting at t), ' home of the MEC, Mrs. Erven j Miller. .,. . ' :,-.;:;:' - ; Plans' were '' discussed " to1 attend the district convention to be held at Rose temple In" Portland, .'May- 2.' Una, temple ha been asked to put on the ' the obligationceremony for the1' convention. . . The April 13th meeting will be held at the home of Mn . H. A. Lohse, in Wood-burn,- y anaaaBaH 195 S. Commercial urtN 6:15 p.m. - NOW SHOWING! . , STAKand.l'a J V AUTHOR ol 1 v I tm snows or itjj KILIMANJARO V-JI Gregory PECK ( HIS GREATEST ROtt In ;, Ernest :yVi .. HEMINGWAY'S GREAT AFRICAN ADVENTURE STORY Cxvlt Vi1ls ' tfomwH , n MACOMUt AFFAIR) . Randolph scon Charles LAUGHTONj Phone xffiim 4-1451 WA saaaaaatuosffonaH Gifc. THf; MACOMBER AFFAIR) M rm ffomwriv a n W aU, A UFFflT nCTURIS St-rriMW . .39' .29' Burbank ' POTATOES SO ,b!; 99' FREE DELIVERY On Order Over $4.00 ED'S MARKET Open 7 Days a Week 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. 1120 S. 12th St. Ph. 26403 II :