.J- r 1 fl !s : ; N : S ?B 5'4 , ;. m y. , v C : & B I'p' : i ' C-5 r- s 2 ll f . ? i ' 1 J 3- i ( ' 4 . t': ,;" :'. ":Na I : ., .;. : . t. . i. I 'i "i 'i THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Oregon . Friday, March 20, 195S Dunking Nay Await Losers fMle member of the losing claw la connection with the presentation of Willamette unl vertlty't annual Freshman Glee art once more In danger of be ing dunked In the M1U stream that borders the campus. . Because of the danger In volved in swallowing some of me water which heretofore has contained disease bearing germs, the practice of tossing students into the stream has been under ban during the past two years: ; ' However, Dr. Ralph Purvine, university physician, Is quoted as ' saying that recent tests show that the stream now con tains few harmful germs. Hence the losers once more face the possibility of a cold plunge next Monday forenoon. The ban has not been entire- See UNKNOWN WARRIOR Opening Now RHODODENDRONS AZALEAS RAINY WEATHER? Sure, but these plants lova It. That's why we should all have them. . SELECTION? Over 4000 plants, 110 varieties. 8EA8ON? From now to mld-Jnne.' PRICES? From 60o on axaleas, 12.25 on fine rhododen dendrons such as Alice, Betty Wormald. PAUL GRIEBENOW . lOSFairviewAve Phone 3-6382 Torn East from S. Com',, Opposite Ericsson's Market ly lifted and those men etu dents who are suffering from colds or infections should not be forced to pay the extreme penalty, says Or, Purvine. The Glee Is scheduled for Saturday night and the follow' "g Monday, those students who pinned their hopes on certain class only to find they had backed a loser, will pay the penalty , for their poor judgement. , . . Jfj thU tow jp"tms "as? 1 ? IT MAY WELL BE It Will Belong to J Someone m It Could Be You! CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER ' FREE PARKING . Bonneville Poo Changes Made :: Beginning April 6, the Bon neville pool will be lowered from Its present elevation of 78 feet to 73.8 feet, says a notice sent out by Col. T. H. Lips comb, district engineer. It is expected that elevation 73.5 feet will be reached at a.m. April 8. The change will causa the pool to be held at approximate ly elevation 73. S feet until the flow in the river reaches 260, 000 second feet. The pool will then be gradually raised to an elevation of 82 feet when the flow equals 490,000 second feet. ' After the peak .of the spring run-on, as the now decreases, this procedure will be followed in reverse order, and the pool elevation will be returned to a normal 73 feet. All changes will be accom plished gradually. Elevations are mean sea level at Bonne ville Dam. . Course for Junior Scout Leader Due The 1993 junior leaders train' ing course sponsored by Boy Scouts will be held at Silver Creek Falls recreational camp, Saturday and Sunday, April 18 ana i. Since the facilities are lim ited registration for. the event will be confined to Junior as sistant scoutmasters, senior pa trol leaders, patrol leaders and adult leaders. Those attending will be re quired to provide sleeping bags. foul weather gear and patrol cook kits. More than a quarter of the population of the British Isles lives in greater London. r--' WIleaV " ' V J ''''' I g-J Iw3sy 5 "vertna In Biee". red, beige, gray. a Extra Sturdy All Hardwood Frame I t) Extra High Back For Mora Comfort v Tempered Steal Spring Throughout I ' Rubberized Hair Pad Cushion Downy Soft, Long Wearing Cushion nationally Yet, Dupont Fibre "E" wears better than wooll Just wash It, stays new looking for yeartl Steel springs keep rocker cushion buoyant, V thick rubberized hair filling keeps It comfortable as foam rubber. Button tufted back h filled with 50 cotton, 50 kapok relaxes. Feature for feature, here's your best rocker buy. See for yourself todayl, AmitC3TTEn bursal 1! torner fouri& Commercial e- Kimsey Leads Bridge Players ' With half of the Seaside ae ries to be played, William E. Kimsey is leading 44 eligible senior players of the Salem Elks Duplicate Bridge club af ter three tournaments. . Closely behind are Mrs. T. C. Lutz, Ray Ward, Mrs. Elsie Day and Elmer O. Berg, 4 who teamed with Mr. Kimsey to win the latest competition. Twenty-seven Junior players are led by Mrs. Myrtle Watson with Mrs. W. F. Lieske, Mrs. Stanley Neuens, Mrs. Donald Duncan and Mrs. F. T. Munger placing. Top scores in the lat est tournament also were made by Mrs. Wesley Ritchie, Mrs. Frank Mohlman, Carl Chant holm and Donald Duncan. Others scoring In this week's senior play Included Mrs. E. O, Berg, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newsom, Gilbert Groff, Leo nard Groff, Leonard Kremen, Lin Miles, Mrs. Paul F. Burris, W. F. Leary and R. D. Hutch inson of Corvallis. Winners in the second March master point were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. L4wis, Lin Miles and Ray Ward, Jack She- pard of Corvallis and L. W. Frasier, and John Pugh of Shedd and Ralph S. Dannen of Brownsville. Second plaees went to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kimsey, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Ford, Mrs.. Rupert Park and Charles Tambling, and Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Hutchinson of Cor vallis. In the afternoon group at the Women's club Walter M. Cline held to the top spot in the series by finishing second with Mrs. Arthur a. Binegar. Winners were Mrs. Robert Mc Kesson and Mrs. R. Park, while Mrs. C. L. Newsom and Mrs. E. O. Berg, and Mrs. . Harry Wiedmer and Mrs. Cline also received points. Mr. and Mrs. Berg and Mrs. Robert Burns and Mrs. Leona Taylor were high in Friday evening play. A good proportion of the 12S members of the Salem duplicate group will journey to Portland this week-end for the Mt Hood sectional play, lasting three three days. dvanced Students to Get Summer Training Twenty-seven advanced stu dents in the Willamette uni versity AFROTC program will spend four weeks in summer training, reports Ma. Norman W. Campion, commanding offi cer. Orientation of summer ses sion will begin June 22, with some bases holding second camps July 20 and 27. Approximately 17.000 cadets from 209 colleges and univer sities . will participate in this summer's training program which is a requisite of the four year AFROTC course. The 188-hour training pro gram will give primary em phasis to orienting cadets to ward a better understanding of aircraft and its place in the air force mission. ' Marajo, art island within the mouth of the Amazon is about the size of Denmark. HIGH PAYMENTS GOT YOU DOWN? Refinance with Satan Pay less each month Vbu can piy off all your bills with a cash loan and you can : repay us in small monthly amounts that will not over burden your budget, Ask us for details on our easy-to arrange loan plans. Come ir write or 'phone. SIGN AlUKt AUTO FURNITURE LOANS $25 to $1500 . tm. tee, 117 CMrt It. Mmm 4-lltt J. D. WAlKIt, Mr. court street store i" Your OLD Washer is Worth yhen Traded in on this famous D0WMt0WMSS JZ&40 SALEM MERCHANTS ' f WASHER & DRYER COMBINATION SPECIAL UNIT OFFER! ' If you das ira either the Washer of Dryer $40 Trade-In Allowance on the Washer : $50 Trade-in Allowance on the Dryer ECONOMAT AUTOMATIC WASHER ... fea tures undertow washing and rinsing . . . float-away.fluth-away draining that pulls toil out the bottom, never filters it back through clothes ... eafe, vacuum drying. No wringer, spinner, no bolting down. 5-year guarantee on Wondertub. BENDIX AUTOMATIC DRYER . . . gives you perfect drying weather all year 'round! One dial to set then forget! Dries clothes fast, always the same safe, low temperature . . . completely safe for even your precious fabrics! Clothes look better, feel better, last longer! I44- 4t J- - " U ' f '4 S) 1 ' . Appliances Downstairs Economot Automatic Washer Bendix Automatic Dryer '. . Lett $90 Trade-in. No Down Payment on Our Approved Credit AS LONG AS 24 MONTHS TO PAY 229,9S 239 95 46990 9Q.00 37T OPEN FRIDAY NITES TILL 9 fiirft UEBiiiilf aV OPEN FRIDAY NITES TILL 9 ADMIRAL 17" TV lowest Price Yet Reputable Dealer Guaranteed Service 1 fnsE B1 1 (W ,Tk Model 17DX-10 In tmart ebony plastic cabinet . . . resists burns, cratches, stains. Matching consolette base, optional, . extra. Also available in walnut color. Sensational 1953 Admiral 17" TV at a spec- tocular new low price! Yours in a trim cab inet only 17Va" wide oil these advanced en gineering features ... new "DX-53" Chassis for amaiing long range reception . . . guaran teed UHF reception with the fomout Admiral Turret Tuner ... new "DX' Range Finder . . . and many more! See ft today! Compare and you'll tee why H't a fabulout buy! WE GIVE AND REDEEM .StvC GREEN STAMPS i