Friday, March SO, 1953. infj'Tjir n-UCJUtftHAL,' Salem, Oregon 4 ri V ? S! . c v Hi l ; I, lu s '! f t W K M til mtj I II i r e A hi ei rle r, te e . Hi' b ; i. 4 ff B n f ! N '!;. M l; f a ' 'f I 1 li ! RIAL ESTATE RIAL ESTATE . "Before You Buy Give Zeeb's a Try" Oar listing are ell swluslvg contracts. You will not find Hum 1b w other office. They neve boon uttUD MHllirtn or. proud I offer h end every one. we r mot members of Iho multiple list ing bureee. n rou bin been thinking of Ustlns tow proportr r if re rust want u know whet It'e worth. plea (Ml ft e to can for our fro. NWnlMl MTTlO. 4 A Cnharpr. Jut oft Unrirttf Br. Bacel. for MMr. Tn name roar fl 4-tdrm. home kM all tho room rou've teen looklnf (or. Flrepl.. stale, plbg, m Mid WUIuutto dt.Uk Ml. en Pared rd. end oh och. Trnlr root veins, 414,400. Modern l-bdrav plated, tang., Uuldi tituitr rm., ett. hw oa be. see. Loco too Jut outside gltr limits clow to ku ten. mho. Terms or trad. -kdrm. Colli, otrlo otuoM has, ftrspl., full kaemt, ott mm., cnlr I MU. from (I. Vtnasnt't. A reel talue-dl0,tc4. When yon ooo this 4-edrm. -rr.-eid 1-itorr homo with hwd. tiro, tbrouahout, ftropL, ott. fiiut, Ige. thermopene pletoro window, on as, lot, Ton'U ko convinced It' tho homo you need. Vtrr low do. Tor ment. Price 8H.M0. l-tdrt. rmnch trpo bono .la Bngltweed dlsirttt, with ovnrtbing. Dklo. garage. Word, wltt not do Jnetlc. to UUo Tela, met only lt,MO. 44dm. bono with Two 1-bdne. oottoiM, walking dlslaaeo to hop wing outor and Stat buudiaga. Awn Tour own bono and Mro Income, koo. 817.600. S-torr fcrlok business building that win show you 10 not on mtcIiim Ttco. Ton will to that thu la a Monro tomtmont, oiooL tooollon. ' fl,o00. l-odnn. homo In Bulowood Slot. Bdwd. an., flropl., koMaoat, oil : boat, a BBAL BaROAIH at II.H0. Lortlr t-kdrm. bono, el ooo to oehoolo and km. ZJl, OR, X, woQto W11 aarpot in LB D. flropl, bout., koHlUol rard. Fried at 111,100 " MaltHborhood Orocorr I tore, onowi iood rotnmo, will trade (or borne or eereeie. ZEEB'S REAL ESTATE 1036 X. CAPITOL PH. I-J0S1 , re. m. t-lat, HOW, n-Hi, o-Wlt ' WANTED SAilSMAN WANTEPSALtSAAAN INTERVIEW FOR ' . TIRE SALESMAN will ko held kr tbo Ooaoral Tire Butter Co. at Tl loto AH. Iron to I dallr. aelarT and konuo. aaoerUneo helpful kM net anonttal. uadr enplanunt aaiurod. PH. 1-US9 " W. V. "PAT LYTLB STATE TIRE SERVICE -J J J J 1IIIWMNIWWW"W"W"'""'W' WANTD--0$mON$ CHILD CAE Call 2KW17. r feotutwork Wr h4 nrtBiT.ri.AHit turiMBter work. Mtw, model, rtptir. job o raw Hill. work- kon nnrl1ni. ttm nUtlmBUI. tTtUl S-Hll, 1.1.11. hw- FOR RENT ROOMS DOWM.TOWN oiHpIni room. Hot and nlil wiLar HMionaoia. ooo Kinm. JktS" uaiNUi DUTBICT, hot end eou wottr and noet in nice ojmtuio rwni Its cenur. W BOOHS FOB rent in Hollywood dUtrlct. homo priTllocoi U deurea. m -nmo rock. Pb. l-i1J. Ib MICI UOBT houirtofplni room. Ledy. Ml H. Cburen. Grabenhorst Specials BNOLZBH ATTLB OK OKI ACBB-torolr ur. ra. with Mrtpleee, loo. din. rm.. kltohta with nook, til kathroom, i kdraaa. down, I p, full kaamt., dblo. (ante, oU boat. CULb PaTBt S. OCISBR, BALESMAN -ROOU BOUB LOCATED AT 171 N. OOlaUBROIAL ST-eto. I Vuo kiu ion. Pul bumL, I bdnne. dbl. MM. FT let 01 1,000. CIALI, O. X. ORABENHORST, At, COOT. BSOtXa ' TODR CRBAlf BOUB-BoautUal now, le. lot, dole, vlbf , (all fcaemt, dblo. faraie, kdmu. with dklo. elooot. kullt-m drawer, tea Ur. rm, with ralMd flreplooo .lie. din. m., kllohtn, Ml of kont-tn, loreir k. Auto, oil (ored-lr fomaoe. In foot, thl borne In or try thin for con Tonitnco and traolou Urlni. CALL J. B. LAW, baucbuan , BNOLBWOOO DnrnucT-a kdrra., Iff. ra. with ftreplece, din. rm., conTenlent klloben with krkf. nook. Lie. ntllltT room, dole. ., at taohod dole, tar, A Terr nl floor plon, To be shown kr appt. onlr. CALL H. X. LAYlfON, BALBBUAN LATI-BDILT BNOLBWOOO XOMS Lovolr 11T. rm. with flrtplKe, eparat din. rm., room to Ml in kitchen, 1 tptclout kdrrn., utility room, well-kept niKhborhood. P7kl lit, 000. CALL PETER H. OBI, SALESMAN . , GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 111 . Mbortr Sk Fh. 1-im Bronlnn aundan Mil rotor X. OtUer I -MM 1. X Law 1-1111 X. XL Lormon 1-11 W'l''0i AUCTIONS ATJCTION TONIQBI 1:K, btidwar Auc tion, ltd Cherrr Ave. ddu Out of Business 6 big auction yt to clear the houae of good new at t uaed furniture . TREE PHIZES GIVEN AWAY Scottys AUCTION HOUSE 4840 CENTER ST., SALEM 4-STAB pullorum controlled chick avall- aoi now at word, xeaithr rliorotu ohlck which are direct deicendant of pedlireed-elred (lock. All art from TJ.B. approved pullorum eontrolled (lock. 100 u auhod Haw Hamn 117. M. WARD'S FARM STORE Trad m Hlfh at. aaltm Off afATlf MARCH 11 10 AM. T TM. m 5-po. WaUnut twin bodroom Mk. Nw ooil fprXnti k lunar bp, ntU. 42X70 putt mirror, ukt nrw t walnut obtiU liwtr, of nU. JDoneui Plirf dropltol ffiabocanr 41nln4T tavblt. 1 Mtw Bom ftab. Mwlnr aaaMbln 1 Kiv Hon portablo ttv. Muhlno. otn. sup. rMnttrator AB Apt. Kiao. ranis Bsndlx automatle wwbtr ud xtrr wutULt&ouM ltctrie roMttr eV-pe. napla olln.tta Ml -po, m wehroms act PhUeo eoiDblnaUot, 1419 n raeord plam UnlTsraml naxLils, Ilk biw. a till iood wool run How Umpa Mtw awl uatd dfeTonoi Occaa. ahalra .tobloa, natta, awrlata Loads ot misc. artlelta Truck load of shrubs flowtrlBf iraaa from top Btti-itrr. ORGANIC GROWN TREK - RIPENID oratuaa and raptfrolt. Potatosi, n lona, apple and nuts. FHXFPIP BROS. VARU MARRJET, M0 Lancaittr Drift. hotn l-l l. if Livestock Sale 2 p.m. Oowf, boci, Tmvaltv wtantr plim, ttalek ni, rabblti. Prodnea ot potatota, obIobs, aar- rota. CXN-T Mam TRMI BIO ATJ0110MB Col. Ernest E. Scott FH. 4fl4St AUCnONEZR ddflt RTPISIINCID Appllanct rapalrman. ontrrw city naetrie. sst Cbtmaktta. Apply altar 1:00 p.m. u HELP WANTED FEMALE BOTJBEEEiriB wanted In country. Fhono J. D. BartweU. 3-Utt. btt LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKIB BEEF White fact Btrtford. 16c. Locktr pork, too. Nothing down, 6 m oi. ic pay. outiom tuuo. Trailer loaned tree. Salem Moat Co, lilt a. 19th. Ph. 1-4HI. ... oooo1oooooo RABBITS WING HEEDS BABBITS IOt lilt. 41111. abet CALIFORNIA BUCKS and dota. phono 0-3011, 4410 ClaiUr Rd. obtl BABBITS WANTED. Anr lu and cuan. tltr. Alto purebred brttdlni atock tnr aaie. irton. i-7ior. obTl PETS MOOBB TBOP1CAL TISH, aoulpmtnt, aupplltt. S mil from Loncaattr on Ifacltkr road. Phone 4-11T1. Clottd woanetaart. ocit1 CHOICE CAN ABIES 1140 Cnrmeklt tt. rn. i-ciu. eel fcoLLTWciOD AQUABIUM llll McCoy, no block OMt of H. copltol, m Moeta north of lfadlaon. Fh. i-ttn. eo7" Fua BITT AHDBBSON'S hmdplokod lb. wood, now s oords I14.oo. Phono l-1Tti or 4-4141. eon Capitol Lumber Fuel Co, Pick np Tour Preito-Losa, Brlonot and Wood. Ill Bo. Com't, phono S-T711. oe" Oregon Fuel Co. BLAB AHD BAWD08T S. & H. Green Stamps Phone l-Mll toST Broadwar Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. ivsKhaii run W9 UAIB VlaBtr trimmlnfa, as load. Phoat 1TT11 t FOR SALE POULTRY S boom furnlihed bout. clKtrle ran, rofrlcertor, heat, attic, water and garbage dliposal paid. No drinker. 110. Call 3-ISM. imll' NICELY furnlihed duplelti, ttrlctly modern, 150.00 and ASS.OO pir mo. Aloo imau l-bodroom clean, uniurnunaa hous. 1H block B. ot Colonial Bouse. Cell 1-1715. JmU WANTED Colored frrera, colored and icgnorn nn. price, w Bateherr, phono 1-1841. t LBOBOBN PULLETS, I WMk'a old. Thl w onir. trpocial prtco, ate, none 1-1841. Lie' Bateherr. tra CLEAN AND neat 1 bodroom unfurnlth- ed hour, attached garage, large liv ing room, Venetian blind, alectrlo heat, (55. No pot, tb mil But 4 Cor ner, Phono 4-1175 or Mk tor ken at 4075 auto. Jm71' FOB SALE Twice wooklr, Uy-old cnicit m new tumpanire, Fnrmenttr, Bad, White Lachoma, Auitra-Whlto, White Bwcka, White WrandotU. Par. mentor cockorola. Loo Bateherr, phono a-asoi. v SFBCIAL New BamMhlra ptultti, 11 oa. vautr nrm were. rn. o-eci. 170 WBTTB UOHOBNS, Auitra-Whlte, and new Mampenire nieu, fig hundred. ra. a-oxu. Former fouiitt Form. Brook. (78 PRODUCE FOB BALE BDRBANS POTATOES, Mod . ana oat. aw 100 10. g Ballet oael 01 Keiter acnooi, sa sproed. No st. U. fiu SMALL FIVE room home at 140 Che- CLEAN, S bedroom, living room, kitchen. dinett. parur rurnunea. aauiu. ho pt. DtllltlM, 143.50. Phone 11131. Jm78" Cl'00'J0 HELP WANTED MALE VEBX NICE 1-bedroom (urnlibed ren tal, newer, elean and nMt. 150 pa mo. Call Bawlln Realty, 1-4884 or 4-1711. )m FBACTICAL NTJBSB to care lor patient. auaorir laor, ao-nour oervieo. Room and board. Pann bom. Ill per week, call 1-1175. gb73 AVON COBUXTTca XauiowlVM. Sell Avon In tout neigh borhood. Part time, earn Tour own opendlng money. For pcnonal inter view, write, Avon District Manager, P. a Box 1711, Portland S, Oregon. M BEAUTICIAN WANTED X will have an opening for an ai- perlenctd operator, kr the middle of April. Excellent opportunltr. Applr sricn oi new Torn, 251 N. Lt&ertr, Phone 1-1111. gb73 NEAT AFFEABINQ, InUUlgent, ettsdy counter gin, eau in perton, Kennodr Cltr Cleaning Works, 1345 State, got! WAITRESS Woodroffe'e Ban Shop, 1400 ruiii.uu mi. no pnono caiu. go CAB BOF Woodrotle'i Ban Shop, 1400 Portland Rd. Ho Dhona c.lki. h. WANTED SALESMAN BBAL ESTATE SALESMEN wanl.d. Pleutr of leads, prosretolv manage ment, good opening for right man. DONT applr unlets rou have selling enperlence. Per appointment, Ph. a-M. ggn WANTED POSITIONS WEEK DAT bsbr titling job. 1370 Brdt Bt. MO PABT TIME lob afUr 4. Box 13, Capital journal, n70 CHILD OABE Pick up and deliver. Phono sasit. nVO WBtMAIS DAT NVBSBBT-ilcented and atatc Impacted, inlant up to 1 rnono g-oio. hio PLOWINO nd discing. Orovw L. Ha mann, 1415 Blossom Dr, Balom. Phone 1-1111. htf. NEW lawna. Rotary boeme. PrM ostl mates. Duant Wolcott. Phono s-8117. hll FATCH PLASTEB1NO, batementa waur. prooled br pluMrlng. Prnk' Bervlce. phon 1-8545. hll Hiway Fuel Co. Sawdust tub ismco, all binds of wood. Phone 1-8444. oe WALNUT SHELLS, 10 uek for II, or 03 Ion. II ton delivered tn town. Mor ris FJorleln Puking Co. 40 North West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, 18" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood lilt Bdcewtltr Phone Salem 1-4011 FOR SALE POULTRY GOLDEN BROAD and New Hampablre chlcke, hatched vrr Mondar and Thurtdar. Our oiilcks grow faster. Una's Hatcharr. 1U0 Btlta Bt. Ph. PAFEB BANQINO. painting, Irtt eitl mates. Don Lucero. Ph. 1-8531. h71 GARDEN PLOWINO PHONE 2-3041 h74 GARDEN. FLOWER bed end lawn pre paration. Plowing, datclng, leveling, rototUtng. service Center. Phone 43573 h7t TIUVO WITH new MX ROTARY TIL LER. Phono evening I-eMl. hit LIGHT CRAWLER, dotln. dirt level Ins, grading. Phon 1-1330, h77 LANDSCAPE maintenance, pruning, trimming. p!ntln. fertilising. Serv ice Center. Phone 4-1171. hit- CI'KTOM WOBK plowing and discing, Phone i-4141, Isas Birchwood Dr. hlla TBEB WOBK. Topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator. John Porn. Ph. i-eeai hi EFEB1ENCED ttereltrr-bookkeeptr, ful, onrat trplat. Bos la. Capital BOOMS FOB BENT Prlvllogo of bouse. I860 N. Winter oeioro o:sv p.m, jkv- WANTED TO RENT ' PBBMANENT COUPLE, small child, want 2-bedroom house, saraae, npru s seei orencct. 1-7701. Joel ASS'T. MOB. Montgomsrr Wards want 1 bedroom house dote tn. Willing to pay up to 75.M. Fleas call i-jiM. Ja70 COUPLE WITH S smell children, desire 3 bodroom. nnruraumea nous a Kclsor District, before March II, Ph. S5401. JcTC WORKING mother with child went room and board, plus cnua ure. Morning or even Ins. 1-0710. J7 WOULD LIKE to rent 3 -bedroom home in Liberty district, pnono a-eou. JaW' S OB 4-BEDBOOM hout. Willing to par 1100 to 1135 for runt notuo. cu 33WI. J88' FOR RENT HOUSES l-BEDBOOM houte In Brook. Electric rnge, relrlgerator, oil heater, at tached garage .Ph. 4-3801 after 4 p.m. jmol S BOOM DUPLEX, clean, unfurnished. Adult. Phono l-it. not . sin. Jm8' COMPLETELY furnished, very lovely, for lovelr couple. Ill a. sstn. gooso. jm8f NEARLY NEW, 1 bodroom cottMO, un- zumlsnea except ctovM. Fh. 3-7100. jm70 MODEBN clos In 3 bodroom with serag. Ill MM. bout. )m70 FOR RENT APARTMENTS BEAL'TlrUL fumUhed apartment. Pre fer permanent resident. 444 H. Cot- two. Phono 1-1117. pe PRIVATE TBBEE BOOM lunlshed sourt apartment, cloon. Adult, get. 1940 Portland Bd. 1P7S SETBBAL furnlshsd apartment, good location. Inquire U. L. Stiff Furniture, Phono I-I1S5. Jp Till ATTRACTIVE 1-room and bath. court apartment, oil beat, electric range and refrigerator rarntshtd. 304 a. 17th St. Ph. 31 1M dara or 13715 after 1:00 p.m. ipM PTJBN1SBED APARTMENT, $18. IMS North Commercial, phono 45861 even ings. Jrm SEBTICEMAH'S WIFE wUhe to share her 3-btdroom duplex with another ledr. Phone 4477 after S P.m. jpM' Lee Apts. Balm' Moat DUUntulthed Addrau Following rentala can bo ahown now: S-Bdrm. Available Now 110.00 1-Bdra. AvaUablo Now 70.00 l-Bdrm. Available Now 77.00 1 Bachelor Unit, Apni 1 11.50 For luxury living at moderate reus call at 18 H. Winter at. Ph. 4-1S4I. p CLEAN FUBNISHED APT. close to itate OIIICOS. Fh. 40571. JPS8 NICELY FUBNISHED spartmrat. Am- oauaaor apartment, iso H. Bum mer. '1P77' MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE . TRUCKS U-DRIVE MOVE YOURSELF BAVE V, PICKUPS STAKES VAN8 TEXACO STATION II COURT BT. PHONE 1-1111 PAOE STEVENSON and AL MEFPORD DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-KR. SERVICE IN MOST OASES DR. HARVEY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bid.. State at commercial St. PH. S-1111 m SAUO SAND 4b ORAVEL COMPANY Contraet Work , ' Jtoad Clearing - Ditching Sewer and BMoment , Eouipment Rental Ditching br the Foot Fhono Dor 1-1401 -Evas. 1-4417 or 1-7413 Stl.ra, Oregon m NURSSRY STOCK COME IN and ae our lino of garden supplies, shrubs and bedding plants. Middle Drove Nurterr, 430 ailvsrton Rd. , m FBIMBOSES DaXPHINICMS 15c at aoc. Feonro a phlox, 10 colore and va- neues: noxwooo, neatner, cupnn. eomeiiua OJ modes. MsrrlU's Oreen hous. Brook. mbM For Sale MISCELLANEOUS 10 ALLOWED for tout old water hooter on this new 41-allon automatic elec tric water heater. Yeatcr Appliance, 171 Chemakata. Ph. 1-4111. n bUClIXOCH CHAIN SAWS. 401 Edie wtr, Weil Blem. Salem Logging Sup ply. Ph. 4-1541. n PATENTED NEW DESIQNED letter paU tern lor puiow caMa, blouses, etc Ph. I-41T5. new BX FOULTBY RBT1UEEB U Terr good for lawn and eaiy to oprsad. Br lack or rard. Phillips Bras., Ph. mil. n- Sewing Machine Buyers When burlng new or ussd Mwlng machine, call or write for our free colored catalog. Blnger Sew Ins Center. isu n. commercial, aiem, ore. Fh, 13811. n71 NEW -PC. bedroom act with nsw box spring Innereprlng maL Can be M ot 3330 Mpi An. mo JUST BECErVEDIIt A SHIPMENT OF HINGE JOINT STOCK FENCE in ALL aizss. oivu under ttrsln, wont bend or strttcn out of anapel Made of Iln Mt oualltr galv. steel. Adiusu so con tur of land. 13 In. S Una wires. SAVEI 30-ROD BALE WARD'S FARM STORE TRADE AND HI08 ST. SALEM nM HOB8E powar outboard motor. 880. 1 pleitlo car cover, like nsw. 110.00. Older trpo olectrie stove, good condi tion, 130.00. 1 small wood cook stun, 10. Inquire 1354 llh at. West Salem. nlO- BABY BUQOY, good condition, onlr tie- mono noo3 oeioro 4 p.m. n70 S ANTIQUE Clocks, oood condition. Rea, aonabl. Mar be wen after 5:30 p.m. and all dar Saturday and Sunder at 300 B. 33rd Bt. n70 CLOTHING stie 11, IsdVi white uni form, good condition. Phone 8-7785. MAROON DAVENPOBT And chair. Ph. Ph. 3-4705. nOS' s-HOBSB Johnson outboard motor. model, pn. 37008 eve. ALLEN AUTOMOTIVE tune-up equip ment, thl high qulttr qulpmnt like new, guaranteed A-l, about new price. TRADER LOUIE, 1870 Lena Ave. 1 nil MUST SELL II cu. ft, upright borne rreoMr, new and in original crate. A rears Insurance on food and freer paid. Food on term at discount If desired. Responsible partr can take over balance of contract with nothing down and 1st payment In Mar. Bank financing. Ph. 4-6345. net FERTILIZER Pulverised, rotted menure, delivered anrwnere. 2-0774 or g-5073. n78 FULL SIZE roll-awar bed and mattress. coldepot refrigerator. Call after 8. 43705. 139 S. 13th. n48 ONE SxU BUO, all wool, 850; 1 radio- phono., table model, 115; one lady's suit, site 10, beautiful material, 135. 4-4778. n6t Gravel and Sand Anrthlng In gravel, wholesale and ntaU. VALLEY SAND a ORAVEL CO. Ph. 3-4002. n Logs & Umber WANTED! L. E. Klumpp, 8055 P'U'nd Rd. Salem. Oregon Ph. 3-7641 mil' BUILDING MATERIALS WEST SALEM Cls an, nicely furnlihed g-room house and sarag. no. in quire 1311 Edgawater. mo. Iron' S-bedroom bouse, aome furniture. 3380 Portland Road. imoi l-BEDBOOM bouse, with lots ot closet snaoe. Electric range. rexngrtor. aaras. Some utllltl. Inquire 1008 N. lath. Jmei1 SMALL FUBNISHED COTTAGE, clean. cosy, nMonabl. NIM for coupl. gig N. Commercial. ime' CLEAN, 1-BDDBOOM furnlshsd cottsie. lsunrrr. gkrage. Inoulra 3145 Fortlftnd Bold. JmlO EXCEPTIONALLY nice, 1-bedroom ren tal In a nice district in wsst saiem. to per mo. Call Rawlins Realtr, 3-4664 or 4-1761. Jm NEWLY DECORATED 1 bodroom, living room, kitchen, dinette, eleo. rcfrlg. tore, water At sanitary service fur nished. Alt. gerue, 145. Ph. 1-1131. Jm68 OFFICE FOR RENT S OB l-BOOM SUITE, I alngle. Orsgon Building) Phone l-4114j lo OBOCND FLOOR offle or store space for rent. Call at Pitta Markst. Jo FOR RENT APARTMENTS LOVELY, NEW, prlvatt, 3 room, fur- Buneo apart, on mui creek, aarait. Cloaa to abopplng etnttr ttato bulld Inta, aaay walking dlstanca from town, on bua lint. Ph. 3-5M3 or 1-1417. jpTO" CHEAP RENT, olaan apartment, wood ram, ground floor, Pn. 1-iMe. ipiv CLEAN, WARM t room apartmsnt, clona in. only arc. oo. iaor preiarroa. its Ferry. imv CLEAN I ROOM furnUhtd apartment, round floor, aide entrance, adulta, cloaa In, 38378. JpIO COLUMBIA APARTMENTS. Purnlahed or unturntihed. Modern 3 room, electric heat, garaae. Bua cloaa by. No pets, Phone 3-9334. Jp70' UNFURNISHED, t bedroom, modern court apartment. Cloaa to baa, elec tricity, water. laundry, facilities fur Blahed. Ph. 3-3539. JP73- COZY, COM PORTABLE, 3-room apart ment, cioae in. reaaonaoie. ti m, Church St. .p70 BUSINC58 DISTRICT, nicely furnlihed a room apartment. 3Bft Canter. J per SMALL APARTMENT, dots In, adulta. ?oo N. Church, phone 4-3487. JpM CLOSE IN. housekeeping room. $38. Utilities furnished. HI N. Church. JpT3 CLOSI IN. desirable furnished apart menu. Private bath. UtUltlee, 78 Marlon. Jptts S VERT NICE apartment's furnished. including electric stove and refrleera- tor. Hot water heat. Only 60 month. rnono a-nao or jpesj' CLEAN a ROOM furnUhtd apartment, private bath. 3900 N. Front. .pfi- 4 ROOMS Nicely furnlihed. quiet neighborhood, l block east Memorial hospital. 0 fw. Summer. Jp73 t-ROOM upper apart, furnished, outalde entrance, ahowtr, S adulta only, no drintmt. 435 s. nth. jp49 UNFURNISIIKD 3bfdroom apartment, 740 Perry St. Utilities furnUhed, $4b mo. can pioneer Trust Co. 3-3136, .P4- PURNIBHED DUPLEX Bear State hoa- Pltal. Oarage and laundry. Ph. 4ra JPM1 CLEAN, WARM, 1 room apartment. Close in. only Lady preferred. e5 rerry. J pes1 CLOSE IN. nice modern 3-room furnish' ed apartment. Adulta only. Phone 3I4M. jpAt l.ROOM rURNiSHED apartment. ln j .acini aiore ana reimeraior. cioae In, north. 131.80. Burt Ploha, Inc., 37 n. hud, rnone 1,W7, jpot' PI'RNifinED antaU court anartmenT Newly decorated, cloaa tB. ph. 10714. GARAGE 14x11 complete on Tour lot, 111.36 Dor month, no down payment. Yon can fix that dan or add that extra bedroom tne aamo war. Visit with us soon I Portland Road Lumber Yard OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY MM Portland Rd. Phono 4-4411 ' m Look! Look! 3x4s, 3S M., aza, siding, 135 U. Hot water heater, biiek, windows, doors, jotl pipe, 3" wipe, toilets, lav atories, bath tuba, Can be seen 427 Perry atrwt. Call orenlnc after . S72M. maN Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles No. 33, It Inches clear, IS: No, I, t Inches clear, 14. No aap wood or culls. Come and get thsm. Ted Muller, Salem-Independenoa Road. Fh. Salem 1-1199. ma Garage complete on your lot to your spselfleatlon, as low as lit pr month, no down pennant. BORFISAN LBR. HDWE. CO. 1460 atate at. Ph. 3-1701 maSB SPECIALS! Lighting fixtures. .404 discount. Orade "A" Man. doom, 31x81. t,5 Bhakaa No. 1-13" five colors .. .80.15 Closet combination 135,75 Campbell Bldg. Supply Bast on Center Bt. Ph. 1-1314 mats WE NEED TO MOVE IT TO MAKE ROOM QUICK!! Cedar Siding Short U.00 to 19.00 (good lor email buiMing). iiem. sag. Rdm. length (not bad) t.x 99.H. x t ft Si 10 W.sO. lxa r Beaa Poles (a ftw iVto eacn you nauii , Baked Cedar pensla 19x19, aome very good, aome bad, from h It, to lie it. Hop Peg 4.00 M. you haul. Oar den Stakes, ar what do you need? To fane 1b the dog or child "stlcka for picket." iHc lln. ft. "TOUR BUILDINO SUPPLY FRIENDS' Portland Road Lumber Yard 1841 PorUand Rd. Phong 4-4433 ma Price War Reverse trap toilet 138.30 30-alI" Wash basin 117.80 Cast Iron bath tuba, complete ..169.80 40 gal. water heater .I73.M New 4" soil pipe 70 New shower cabinets complete ,.143 00 Medicine cabinet, 1V'x34" 7.M 800 gal. atptle tanks tea. 60 un pa in ted cedar anakta a 8.78 Painted cedar shakta I 9.78 Overhead garagt hardware .,.119.50 waterprooi wall board, 4xl 1.90 Plywood, Interior ft exterior ....Cheap S tab comp, roofing ...! 4.95 Steel g arace doora complete ..,.957.50 No. 1 doora, 3 8 x4 a" I 9.50 New door Jambs , 3.W crticten nouse, barn windows. .Special Mew picture window 9 I.oq C. O. LONG & SONS Phone 48091 l mil North of Better) maa ROOriNO complete line. Call Waiters auio, j-7177, ior rrte estimate. Oa.n bJe's Was tern Auto Supply Co, 101 N. YOUNG'S TROUT FARM, good fUhing, 3 miles east of date on Linn County aide. n98 BEARCAT garden tractor, like new, with complete ae. oz aitacnmenie, iitw. Trader Louie, 1870 Lanav Ave. B89" FREE Westlnghouse sewing machines on ail floor sample. Save bp to 40, YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Che meketa. n USED Westlnghouse automatic laundro mat, only 8139.95. Y eater Appliance Co., 375 Chemeketa. ' n PLASTI-KOTE require bo waxln. For your floor or linoleum. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. a CEDAR TELEPHONE and electric poles, isnee posts, oean posts ana stake. Phillips Bros,, Rt. 9, Box 493, 1 miles east of 4 Corners. Ph. 4-3081. n REFRIGERATORS, NEW and uaed. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Che meketa. n' THE IDEAL fertiliser He organic peatmoss, with poultry droppings, only 95c a sack. Valley Farm Store. Ph. 4-4934. B70 For Sola MISCELLANEOUS OSPITAL BED lor sale or rent, B. L. Stiff Furniture Co. pnono 3-oisa, nun Mitihi. nirhlni. 41. BS ud VXATta APPLIANCE CO- 371 Che- meksla. USED AND toilets, tubs. 1174 Mill Bt. plumbing fittings, ga wtr bMtsre, . nM TABLE MODEL radios. samples at a big discount. Trader Louie, mo una. HAMILTON automatic clothe drysr. gas, 1 year eld. this Is top, giasso. Trader Loan. 170 una at, ns SINGER ELECTRIC aawlnar machine. Round bobbin, aeva forward ft revere, jooe ubo ntw, beautiful blond cabinet, for uapatd balanee. Singer Sewing Cantor, 130 R. Commercial. Open Prl. ve. w FOR YOUB convenience, Trader Louie oa Lane Ave., open till i p.m rnw evanlnss. B' SEWING MACHINE TJao daltctrk, walnut cabinet, round Bobbin, good Mwlng condition and guaranteed. Full piic $33.90. Singer Sewing Center, 190 M. Commercial. vpea m. eve. nw SEWING MACHINE bargain. W have several aewlng machine, taken In trad on T. V. sets. Mutt mov them oat. Challenge Treadle, nd Slnser Treadle, National Rotary Kiec- trie, 939.00, Universal Consol, used 3 months, $139. Domestle electric, new oonaol, 9149.98. Trader Louie,. 1970 xaana ave. nw ADDING MACHINE, ouh register com- ninauon, gtu.oo. itemuing cash regis ter, 9399.09. Ph. 1-5378. n89 PHILCO CONSOL radio-phono comb., n.BQ. xraoer Mute, hid una Ave. AUCTION TONIGHT 7:30. Midway Auc tion. 3893 Cbegry Ave. n68 PAINTED SHAKES No. 1 TO Bale. Dipped Cholco of color with nndercours .11.10 , q, without undercours . 11.10 M. Keith Brown Lbr. Yard Phono l-llll , Front ft Court St.. WE OrVE BAH OREEN STAMPS n SALEM DIESEL Rcltsr and ball bsarlngs for truck and trtor. 1771 Sllvcrton Road. n" AUTOMATIC WMhcr and miscellaneous Phone 3-8136, 6170 Portland Rd. net- FARM HOME GARDEN Rotted manure, composts, tho sam qualltr as lait rear, for home and garden. Plagstonss. red lava atone and other type for walls or gardens. Rus tle cedar fencing and trellis work. Phillips Bros., Rt. I, Box 403, Salem. Ph. 4-3081. ' n- EXCHANGE MISC. WILL TRADE GE range for bunk or twin bed. Phone 3-6807. nnoo Wonted MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Walnut meats, and walnut in ahell. Highest cash price on delivery. MORRIS KLORFEIN PACKING CO. 460 N. Front St,, Salem Ph. 3-7633 ha' WOODBY WANTS Pianos. Phono 3-5110. no WANT TO BUY: 1041 Chtv., good con dition, private owner. Ph. 3-7738. na70' EXCELLENT barn yard fertiliser. Phone 4-3007 or 3-8400. n68 NOW IS the time to bur Tour 1051 West- ingnouse automatic dryer at onlr 300.05. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 371 Chemeketa. n DEEFFBEEZE home freezers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n REDUCED! $10 per day until sold. TJBED ONE S INCH DRUM TYPE FLOOR SANDER. 360 SHEETS OF SPEED ORTT PAPER. THIS PAPER ALONE IS WORTH 1180. Starting price Feb. 26, $575 MARCH 21, $375 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard FRONT A COURT BT8 PHONE l-llll (We oive bach areen Btarapi) n OAK OFFICE desk and chair, S6. Add ing machine, 135. Type vice. .oo. Used fire brick, lo each. Pressure cooker, 85.00. 151 So. Church. Phone 1-7897. Apt. 1. nit ORGANIC FERTILIZER. Free of weed seeds, and odorless. Sack or bulk or ders delivered. Phone 1-1137. nil Keith Brown SPECIALS B" Orade 000 ft. Ixt-RL Pig 70.00 M. 700 tt. 1X4-RL Sing "V" Celling 40.00 M. too ft. lxe-RL Beaded . celling 40.00 M. 3500 It. lil-RL V At Center "V Bd. 80.00 M. TOO ft. 1x6 RL Fit 80.00 M. 3500 ft. RL S4S Fin 80.00 M. 70 ft. Ixl RL Channel Rus tic 40.00 M. 1000 1X10 RL 848 Fin 10.00 11. Some dsmued Plywood and Sheetrock real low price. 5000 ft. 1X4-EM C At Btr. Fl,.. 100.00 M. 700 ft. 1x8 4 to 1-0 C ft Btr. Fig. 115.00 M. Keith Brown Lbr. Yard Ph. 3-1111 Front ft Court St. WE OIVE S ft B OREEN STAMPS TOP SOIL River tilt and fill dirt, promptly delivery. Phone 3-1741. n7l Journal Want Ads Pay LOGS WANTED Stud Mill. Length 8' -4" or II' I". Diameter 8" to 16". Sawmill. Lrogthi 13' and longer. Diameter 8" to H". Top prices paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Or. Phono llll ha WANTED Qood piano, mahoganr Pre ferred. Phone 3-8735. na70 ELECTRIC RANGES. Woodry'I. Ph. 3-6110. na FINANCIAL LOANS UP TO $1500 on Signature, Furniture, Car AT PERSONAL it' "yea" promptly to employed men or woman. 4ft 1-vklt loan . . phon first. Yon select beat payment data, A Between payday loan. Phone, writ or come In TODAY, Personal Finance Co. 309 S. JnOH ST., SALES! Stat License No. S-133, U-16B Loan over 9300 up to 91800 and tip to 30 months to repay made by Personal Finance Co. of Marlon county under the Industrial Loan Compantea Aet of Oregon. t78 AUCTIONS AUCTIONS BIG AUCTION Livestock, Hay & Machinery Farm Sold Therefore all livestock V machinery to seU at public auction, on the farm, 1 mile northwest of Brooks. Turn left at Aasembly of God campground and go mile on left, known aa the old Sturglt farm. Monday, March 23, 1 p.m. Sharp 1 20 HEAD CATTLE 20 - 14 Dairy Cows. Fresh and springers (no middle milk ers), Guernseys & Jerseys. 8 Heifers. Guernsey It Jersey. All cattle double tested. ' " 250 BALES CLOVER HAY - McCormlck Deering milking machine. 2 palls, pipe and stall cocks. Motor and pump. ; . MACHINERY ; ' Oliver to Row Crop Tractor, on rubber. All Is Chalmers Combine. Lode M. New drapers, sickle, ' perfect condition throughout. 1 4a ft. endless belt, new. Case flex. 2 sec. harrow, new.; Shallow well water pump, elec. 5 ft. Tandem Disc. . 2-section Spring Tooth. 16-in. Oliver Tractor Plow, on ' rubber. 5-ft Corrugated Roller. Rolling Sod Cutter. Box trailer, 2-wheel farm wagon, on rubber. Duster. Scraper. Implement Trailer, 2-wheel. Cable. Garden . Hose, Forks, Shovels It Misc. Small Articles. : 200 Red Cedar Posts. - Don't miss this nice sale of good clean stock & machln . ery. . . . - -Terms: Cash : FRED A. LOWRY, OWNER Col. Ernest E. Scott, Auctioneer Nina M. Scott, Clerk PH. 46433 - SALEM FINANCIAL aim - Lie. S-133 and M-331 and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear -Top Trades" . 11:01 Dally KSLM 1390 Ke. ' GENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS HI So. Commercial St. Tel. 3-1111 5 Interest If you have Idle fund aeeklng in vestment, then you ar the type of person to whom w can bo of eervtce. For over Twenty-flv Year w have been helping people la this community flnd profitable work for their money. During this period we have promptly paid M aeml-annaal Interest payments totalling many Thousands of Dollars. We ar currently paying t INTEREST oa fund from $500 to $5000. General Finance Corporation . 13$ S. COMMERCIAL ST. Salem, Oregon - ' 1 Phone 1-9191 r- HOUSE TRAILERS Bur . . . Bargains . . . Sell LANA LANE TRAILER PLAZA Trade 1040 Lancaster Ave. . Rental tall" BBAND NEW 14 foot trailer bouse. Deed lust S weeks. ISM; 1410 N. 15th St. U69 PERSONAL I WILL Not be responsible for any debts other than my own. Jack An derson. p68 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. . 193 South Church Parking a-Plenty Ph. 1-3467 Lie. NO. M-1B0, 8-184 SEE US FOR FARM. CITY OR ACREAGE LOANS BEST OF TERMS . WE BUY Real estate mortgages 4. eontraotg State Finance Co. 187 So. High St. . . Ph. 3-4131 STATE FINANCE CO. 5 SIMPLE WATS TO END TOUR MONET WORRIES 1 Furniture Loan 3 Auto Loan I Livestock Loan 4 Co-Msker Loan I Blanature Loan Maximum Small Loan 1300 Maximum Auto Loan 8500 S-111 117 So. illlh at. Phone 3-1131 M-3S1 r70 PRIVATE MONEY Bpeclal Rates and Terete On Lercer Loans Long and Short Time Paymenta ROY H. SIMMONS 111 So. commercial St. Ph. 3-1111 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Oroup NO. 1. 3081 ft. Commercial. Ph. 3-0111 or 1-4537. P91" SPORTING EQUIPMENT SPINNING BOD, good thape, fiber Heat pole. Cost 11.00. u (or ei . aim rubber hip boot, aiae ,, like new, cost lit. SeU (or 1.80. Call 1-4703 after 5. nctl AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVING RADIATOR TROUBLEf Valley Motor Co. oiperta will solve poor proa lems and eev you money. Free ostU mates, speedy service, center at Lib rtr. qe FARM EQUIPMENT SEE WARD'S HEW LINE OP OARDEN TRACTORS FOR ltlll PRICED HIOHT1 100.M to 343.50 . , . li BP to 6 B.P. Ward tractors are priced to suit your pocketbook. Come In and m them today. WARD'S FARM STORE TRADE AND BTOH ST. SALEM o6. -oo' ; AUTOMOBILES STOP! '48 FORD CLUB COUPE I lit Radio, heater, 4Uy ebarp. '48 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE...., 7 Radio, neater, dean as . pin. 'tt CHEVROLET 4-DOOR I S8 Radio heater, clean a A pin. - '10 PLYMOUTH 1-DOOR ....... .13M ' Excellent car with good tiros, low mileage. '10 CHEVROLET COUPE ........tl3M Original green finish. A rsal bur. 'tOBUICS SUPER RrVTERA ......11098 Radio, - heater, drnaflow, -tu-tono blue, Verr fine condition thruout. E-z Ere glass. '40 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR DLX...11 Radio and beater. 41 BUICK SUPER RIVIERA I111S - Selectono radio ft heater, Drna flow. One local owner. , 40 OADHiLAO l-DOOR "43" 13111 Tu-Tone green finish. Just like new, 48 CADILLAC 4-DOOR "03" lilt! Original black finish with whlt wslli. '41 CHEV. CLB. CPS. Nsw paint ...ell 41 FORD CLB. CPE. A bOMT 8191 CAPITAL AUTO SALES t block south of Center on Conunerelat Phono 4-1607 .88 DENNIS the MENACE By Ketcham I m&,THX& HtS PET CATKPIL1AR. THAT SPOT R9hT THESE f JOE PALOOKA By Ham Fishtr S10KATem",TIjr3 I DO A LOTTA SPARRING., i"! LS?""" A PHEW t rflCcP'P , . WcyrK arH C. i emal. ereiau. maTT" d t ! II w , J sgBV 1 a-