Friday, March 20, 1933 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Baton, Ortgoa Pa.VlI MARKET QUOTATIONS pobtland pbodoci list Batterfet Tentative, aubloct to Im mediate chenge: Premium Quality, mait mum . cd Mnl acidity it' Hvered In Portland I.-7I0 tb.i tliw ouel II, 11-7001 second gualitr, l4-7e. Vallsr rouUi oud countrr point!, I ctnU lees. Baltsr Wnolssal. I O.O. bull enku tg wholssalee grade AA M score. 7ci A grade, tl geore, Mel a, M oeort. M! C. W octroi M&..MOT0 prleee itrlcUr aomtnel. cmm Belling pile, to Portion wholeealara, Oreion olniloi 4IV.-4ICI Oregon I 10. lool, llre-Hrici triplets, Ida liu thin singles. Esse I Wholesalers Candled Of I! containing so loss, eoool Included f.o.b. Portland, A frado laraa, UH-eiticl A grade medium. ottt-Httci B grid. lan, )H-slVie. Portland Dalrr Merest Baltertrle. to lotanom Orado AA print, Tlei A carton, lies A prints, llci carton, 71cl B prints, lie. Eggs To retollcra, Grade AA large, loci A large. 17-Mc; AA medium, ilci A modlum, l-17cl A email. nomlnaL Cartona, 30 additional. oaeosa Prlco to rctallori, Portland, Oroaon alnalri. 4H4-Mc; t-lb. losvee, tl-UVttl trlplota, lV4o lou than sin glee. Premium branda olmlea, Htaci loaf, 60V1C. Proceaaed American cneeae, l-lb. Iootm to retail, 4lra-4tttl lb. Poultry Lire Cblekene (No. t duality, Job. plants.) Jrrerl, Sra-I lbs. loci 1-4 lb loc: roasters, 4 to lb., and over, lie: heavy heni, all weights, ll-17ei llibt bene, All weights, M-He: old rooet. an, ia-llci Dressed Cnlekene Pryere, IV.-I lba., 4-41ei roeatera, 43-44CI llabt Hani, 11 lie; nevr Sana, 11-1701 out op Inert, all weights. 43-44e. Babblta Averaae to growers: tire whltee, 4-1 lbs., ll-17cl t- lbs., 13-lSo lb , old does, 10-I4c: few hither. Preah dressed fryers to (etallari, ll-ltcl cut up, 00-l9c. Coontrr Killed Meat, vcai-Top quality, 40-tle lb., rough heavier, 11-11. Uoia Lean blockers, 30-13c; aowa, light Umbt Top grada iprlngera, 40-43cl other aradea, according to quality. Mellon Beit awes and wethers, li ne lb. Beef TJtllltr cowi. u-lto lb.1 ceanor euttera, 33-37c, Freak Dreaaed Meata Wholoaalera to rctallori: Dollar! per cwt.: Beef Steera, choice 100-70 aba, 38.0O-40.0Ol good, 11.00-30.00; commercial 39.00-37.101 utility. 31.00 -15.001 cowl, commercial, 11.00-11.00; utility. J0.00 33.00: cannera autttra, 31.00-31.01. Beef Gate (Choice eteera). Hind quartan, 47.00-60.00: rounda. 4S.O0-U.OO; lull lolna, trimmed, I3.00-73.00i trl angles, 33.00-35.00; fore-querters, 11.00 36.00). chucka. 17.00-tl.Ml rlba, 41.00 M.OO. , Veal Oood, 143-11.10; commercial), 37-48. Calveo Choice. Itl-M.M; oommet clala. 117-41. Lames Prima springers, - 40-10 lbs 43-411 good, 140-44. Matlea flood choice, 131-34. Perk Cole Lolna, No. 1, 1-13 lba., 113 17: ahouldera, 10 lba., 115-30; sparerlbe, I4S-4I: fresh hama, 10-14 lba., 55-M. Smoked Heme skinned, 117-11 .80, Re fined lard In drums, 111.80-11; alab bac on. 141-81.80. Portland Mlseellaneeiio t.lrr u. erMhv, .-.v. I3.3t-4.3I. Pew to 14.80. ore., 13.31- 3.80. Onlena 80 lb. aacka Wsst Oregon rsl lowe, medium, 84.O0-.B0: l-lnch, li.1l 0.18: No. 3a, 3-38c; bollera, 10 lb. aacka, .44-47C; Idaho yellows, large, I4.Q0-4.76I No. 1 large, 13.11-3.76; white mod. large, I4.16-4.o0: large, I4.J5-.50. Potatoea ore.-Wash. ruaaeta. No. 1, (4.SO-4.7S; few down to tt.ltl bakera, 6.00-loc; IS lba., alto A. ll.J5-l.J5: to lb. aneab. 60-66e: paper, 46-B3ci No. 3. 60 lba, $1.35-1.50: Idaho bakera, balea, f-10 lba., Ii.oo-3.oo: loo-lb. aacka,; 15 10. no. la, - Be, TJ. 8. No. 1 green alfalfa, de livered ear lota f.o.b. Portland, nominal ly 133.00 toil Seattle. 137-40. Waal Willamette -allay moatly nornl ttal at 46o lb. graaae baala. nilee celvee, lo-llo lb, according to weight: green klpa, 17-ltc: bulla, 4-lai green buteber cow hldea, 7-le. Pllbarta Wholeaala aelllng price No. t lerpe Barcalonaa, 34-360 lb.l grower prleee. orchard run, 14-160 lb. Walnita wholeaala aelllng price, flret quality large Pranouottee, 33-330 lb.l grower price, orchard run, 16-180 lb few beat to 11c. Chleaga drain Chicago (V- Small price loaaeg were recorded In moat gralna on -the board of trad Prlday. Sealing, were rather alow..: , : , i . Wheat tradere were dlaeppolnted by newe Japan had bouaht mora than four million buahela of wheat from Canada. leading to the belief Japan would not want much wheat from the United states. Wheat oloaed It -lie lower, March 1.17-3.17v.l corn to 1 cent lower, Kerch I.IIH-Vil oata to Vi higher. March 78)4-74; rye 1 cent lower, May . ei.7B-, aoroeana a eenta lower to Metier March ll.OBU-tt. and lard 11 cents lower to f centa a hundred pounda Planer, atarcn aio.ST-llo.50. Pertland Grala ' Portland (XV- No eoarao gralna quot. on- Wheat (bid) to arrive market, baala No. 1 bulk, delivered tout: Sort White a tew sort wnita (excluding Rex) none vtuo a.iiva. Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 3.46: 10 per cent 3.41; 11 par cent 3.41; 13 per cent 3.46. . car neerpta: 4; mill feed a. Wheat IS; flour 1; corn WANTED WALNUT MEATS All Grades Any Amount Highest Price MORRIS KLORFEIN PACKING (0. 460 N. Front Bean Acreage Wanted On Stringless Pole Better prices warrant planting, for O good return this year. For com plete information and our help in setting up a yard, contact us at once . . . Write or phone. Hudson House, Inc. (Dundee, Oregon) R. A. Howell Horn Phons Sherwood 4345 SALEM MARKETS Compiled Item teporte of Salem dealeee leg aba gaiduae of Capltar, Jouial BeUD Peed Ptloaai Babbit PeUaU 1)11 (N-lb.) bu). 4.M-I.7I (100-lb, ba. sag auia it m-m m. DeUr gal, tl ti.i m .a ia, t. i Mil-Ill tlM Wl.l. , ' remrr Bavlu rrii-r,u,ia - 10c: aid metere, lie; oelarad fowl, lie; jjJiJf. tmn loaaf'a. Me, ..,ta 'Haoa-Igga. AA. 44c; Una A. nnataaala Priooe lao Uu.u h... eneraily t-la higher then the irleee above. Urea gtede A generaily quoted at tte: medium, 61c. BalleHat-Buylni price: Premium. 71 71c: No. 1, te-ioci mo. i. gj.. Batter Whnluil- a uu . Tlo Ik.; retail, lie. -. Chleaee Oileoo CBlcatO 0J BuDallaa mnantl, J mend fair, market dull t allahttr weak- Track aalu M tki lt chtu ... generally aood quality alaa 44 to 73, cer 3.10; Mlnneaota Tallow Olobaa gen- -.-.w ewoo quality rg to la per cent I Inch Ud lareer aBBrnitM.,! a m. Meileo CryaUl White Wai generally' good quality I-lath gad larger, alio 1 to a-inch. part car l,t, t-n.ui.- Colorado TeUow Danvera lenerally good oar 4 u " lut" Street aalaa ru tha t Tah- nt.i. Oregon Spanlah l-lneh and larger 4.11- .w, niiawvai meoium yet oiBhei 11-4.36: few 4.40. IM tmlm t.e ill. Mexico errata! White w i.iw larger 4.15-1.00; I to l-lneh 4.15: Taxaa Oranoa l-lnch and Urate moatly 4.15. i .. -?',tn"e peniaa moatly 4.11, few viuie openian moatly alio 0, 4.15. The oachanae. whkth hai AimA - porU of price manlpuiatlon by epeeula- tu, lermva ne marcel "unatttled. ' O. W. OltOB. nr-llial 14 he haa "Juat returned from mv lion" and la unfamiliar with the cauaea behind recent wide fluctuation, la the onion market. HO aald ha knew nathlne thniift n,i. that three Calllornlana had tried to corner the tnerket. chicaio'o onion mar ket la the world, largeat. cuaon aald the nrlce limit a- ii. day'a trading u 10 centa i aack. H, aald ha "preoumed" that If lba prlea went hlah enouah It would have to come down, aa It did today, datpltc a report ed ahortage. Chicago Uveatack Chicago CP) Slldlnr tirleu nn t,na whico let In with Tueeday'e. obortlva V-B aeare, continued rlabt through to the week'e clou Prlday, Trading waa weak to 18 centa lowlr, with aceuntu lated louu for the week amounting to bout It centa to 11.04 hundredweight. vain, were aieatiy to go centa lower. Teaiera fuUy 11.00 down. Umbo, how ever, were ateadr with ewaa ami hn,. lng aoma weakneaa. Moat butcher weight boga gold from llo.ta u ihia e- joBua topping ai iii.oo. sowa generilly iu,u, fii.ow ao qia.oo. . email quentitlee of commercial to hiih-oholee ateera aold from 5170 to .v. woinc, naiiera oroughl IU.W, but cowl topped at iig.00. atoai good to vrlma elamrhtav laaaiia aold from lll.oo to I33.M, but a top Of 131.00 waa paid eparlnily, A fa own reacnect fii.oo. Pertland Uvaetack Portland IU0 Cattle: For week. Mtli uooven. Calvaa; Por waak 131; 1-1 lower. Sheep; Por week, 111; ateadr. teek Market New York UP! A ateadr atoek market jTiaay produced few leaturaa. rnce cnangoi ran a point either way with flret one aide and then the other holding tho balance of pawar between a gain and a lota. Volume waa moderate at an aatlmated 1.100,000 ' chares. That compared with Thuradar' 1,140,000 entree. Many food exDertf recom mend that adults consume at least one pint of milk a day. LEGALS IZICDTBIZ' NOTICE TO CBEDITOBS NOTICE IB XDUCBY OIVXN that NEL LIE V. LAND haa been, by order of the Oiroult Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County, appointed executrix or the xatate of Reginald w. Land, do- ceated. Any peraona having claims aaalnat aald- aetata are lequeated to present them, with proper voucher. aald executrix at 110 Pioneer Truat Building, Salem, . Oregon, within six months from tho data of this notice, Dated this nth day of March, UH, NELLIE V. LAND, Executrix of the Estate of Resinald W. Land, Deceaaed. RHOTEN, R HOT Erf da SPEEnerTRA Attorneys at Law .310 Pioneer Truat Building Salem, Oregon Attorney for Executrix March 13, 30, 17, Apr. 1, 10, 111!. MABCB 11. 1MI Marlon County Is asking .for sealed bide on 1100 tons of cut back asphalt road oil, for the rear ending December 31, 1953. Blddera or. suppliers will Please quote prlcea on the following: SC 0, I, g, I, a, l, l, , . MC 0, 1, I, 1, 4, I, RC0, 1, 1, I, 4. I. 100100 Donotratlon asphalt ewment Merlon Countr reserves ths Tight to relect eny or alt quoted bids on any specine one, or group of graaei or product. Bide to be opened at 11:10 a.m., March 17, 1M1. BY ORDER OP THE MARION COUNTY COURT REX HARTLEY. Judge. ROY J. RICE, Commlsiloncr. (. L. ROOERS, Commissioner, Msr.ll,30,ll. Dr. T. T. Lam, MJ. Dr. O. Chan, ND DRS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS TJpatalre, 241 North Liberty Office open Saturday onlr 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.. I to 7 p.m. Consultation, blood pressure end urine tests ere free of eharae. Preetlced ainee 1,17. Write for attractive lift. Mo obli gation. Field Dept. Office Newberg 64 fOK tAU HOUSH (AM HOB B11X Tear -old i-bdrsa. name on largo oorner let, dining ntH tuu burnt., bath half, oil piped fur. i real he. tirrplacee. lll.too. tva. call PwCX 81111. S LDKINBXAL, RBALTOR, III ft. aTJOH, PK 141a). all WE NEED $10,000 to $20,000 HOMES i aoiaaiX SEVERIN REALTY 17 TEAM OP SATISPACTORT . . fERVlCS - . WALNUT PARK 4 BEDROOMS Aaanf tin boraw. 1 bMroeni ctl tin flown. 9 Horoovi uq Htn vp. Larit lWtni ud Uolm room. All floor trttf4 with tll.99 ytr yard trptticai. riDind BUfmioi im i tr iimis U Ha hoou. bout imir with twit mtturUL It U your lor utT4tr oit. loLutADittl vortcut LITTLE 7ARM HOME Iva aeree gf garden, fruit ,irapea, duck pond. Well-built home of 1 rooang. It Is located close In and earn ae youra lor amy 111,00. Terms, 4585 CENTER ST. of Xaneutcr. Lovely rotm feomt oa Uadaciptd V4 cr. Llvint & uunt room, lutpitOt eburful klteh. n with Book. S toot1ilu4 bodriWDU, vtlUtr d1 atUehod iuui. Only it), W. UorttMi cio b rrvnitd. JUDSON STREET Kueh itrli l-room wtll-buili homo wi you nui. tot to opprtelit ot tho prlco olttrod. Thii u nowtr homo omong tht mini fiat homu bolni built la thla Uon. Your lor North 23rd - Englewood wi oives arora marxei. a truly line noma coneistlng or living st dining wnn noog. iuii oaynghl bailment, lavely yard, and garaae. Thla la an outatandlng Urralr, at 111,100. Severin Realty Co. III N. Rllh 4-U4I; eves. 1-SIW Mr. Xlang 3-II9J. Mr. Moon 1-74SI all HOC DOWN. Ml mo., lull nrlea 06(00. thube-b r, home on nice lot eloaa to RICHMOND Belt. Range, rtfrlgerator da atova included, call ben, Mrrz- OEH, 4-1711. ED LUKINBEAL, REAL. ivs, ass n. suatt Bl . ra. 3-5fig0. an OPEN HOUSE Sunday, 22nd fJORNBt OP RURAL AND JOHNS STREET 2020 JOHNS ST.- 1-bOdroOm Cent Cod stria noma Hardwood floors, full basement with ""dust heat. Lot also eoiio, well iandaeaped. Price 513.100. Open houae miuti sv a.m. ao a p.m. McKillop REAL ESTATE Ph. I-UIO 4.1 Center St., Salem all '.s...,,.so.aooooo., DIRECTORY ADDINO MACBINIf AU makea used machinea aold, rented, repaired. Itom. 411 court. Ph. 1-1711. . o' BULLDOZIXO Bulldoalng road, clearing teeth. Virgil Buekey, 1011 Palrvlew. Ph. 1-1141. 04,. CASH BIOItTtBS Intlent delivery of new RCA caah reslaterr. All makes, sold, rsnted, re paired, rtoen, 411 Court, Ph. 1-I77J. o DBEBBMAEINO Alteratlona. hematltchlng. buttons, bucklee covered, buttonholes. Mrs. H. M. Allender. 3-1111. oh DBtVDfO IMITEUCIION Learn to drive she "Easy Drive" war. Call or aee Mr. snelllng. Valley Mo tor Co., Salem, Phono l-llll or 4-1074. EXCAVATING. Ben OUen at Ben. Bxcavating, grad ing, land clearing. Phono 3-1010. obi INDUSTRIAL TRUCK! Pork-lift trucks. Inside and outside work. Hyater, Clark, Mobile lift, 2000 nd 4000 lb. meehlnea. Br der, week or month. Ph. 1-1431. Capital City Tranafer. o INICLATION Inaulatlon, waatharatrlpa, aereene, Pree oatlmatea. T. Pullman. Phono 3-0001. MATTBI8BII Capitol Bfddint, ronovatet. roll lna new nattrtiioto Ph. J-406B, o OFFICE FCRNITUBE I UP PL IE Dealt chain, files. Mini auppllaa, aafta, dupllcototra, luppllta, deik lam pa, typt writer itandi. Bora, 468 Court. o SEPTIC TANKS Hamol'a ttptlo tonka cletnod, lino aerv Jet auarantead work. Phono 3-7404. o73 uike'a toptle Strvlco. Tanka cleaned. D'rootcr cleona eMWort. dralna. Phone 3-9461. 084 Sawer, aeptle tanka, drains cleaned. Ro-to-Roottr Bowor sorflct. Phono 3I12T. ' err TXLEV1810N TV Seles. Ssrvice, Antenna. Ave. Phone I-I0H. 1170 Lane oil WINDOW CLEANING Aetrle Window Cleaners. Industrial floor waving, housecteanlng, Phong 3-3337. 117 Court. o BUILD INO MATERIAL O. W. KLANO Wrecking Co. Bulldera cheap auppllea. 3-7301 evenlnga. oil VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Canfleld'a Laundry, Repalra, Reflnlsh- lng. 1110 B. 23th. Fh. e-5403. Pick-up. Delivery. e TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona, Remlsiton, Royal, Un derwood portable!. All makea vied maehinifc Repairs rant. Roan. 498 court. To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 SCHAEFER'S RECTAL OINTMENT 75c tuu (With Applicator) Why suffer the discomfort of irritating and itching of piles? Sold Only at SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Dally, I'M a.m. - I p.m. Sunday, I a.m. 4 p.m. 13S N. Commercial FOR SALE HOUSES New Home by Builder v IN ENGLEWOOD DIST. f " ' ' I bedroomt, hardwood floora. lsrae Uvlng room with fireplace, mahogany daora ud trim. Madera kitchen with natural wood flnlih etrrftogrde, -, CsnnnUul utllltr room. Ineulated and w,alheratrlpped. Attached pict ured gareg. Auto, forced-air Ml heal, Lot site Mill', Pared street and aldewelk. ; ' ' LOCATED AT 2195 N. J7TH ST. , ; PRICE 110,900 F.HA TERMS; FAT JARVH.L, BLDR. b CONT, FOR SALE HOUSES dVNQLBWOOD 0CUOOL SIBT1UCT Aa Idoftl fftmiiy homt, lust ltvtni o4 dining rmi, botuUlully dtrpttod. flropUco. 1 bid im., bath, do wo I S hod rax., bth up. Uodtra onTt&int kitchoiu BMamtnt, ol toretd tlr fur Boct. eorored pttlo with flriploco. SprlnkltBi aratim in Uwb. nteo ibrubi. Out ot town ovoir aerlflcUkg ot lT.too. JOHN J, DAMN, RXALTOR 411 N. UUh St. Fh. i34tt IvintOf 37401 - 731 - 31471 tol WILL BUILT bodroom homo, flripltet, un corntr toi, nttr ocdooi ono due. T. X. .I. commit, to ill 4on pdrmtnt. fhOQO 4-1317. M 365 EAST RURAL Thl yro-wtr-buUI IoiUh typt Mob Hill homo ihould oppofcl to a homo bum wontlny ml wnbullt homt o lwtlny trohltHturo. 9 bedrooma or S nd dtn. Uvinf room with llnplict Ai dlslnt room with bullMu, Thoro U h luli-ilio wtiomint with Uundrr ft ytrty room. Automttle hoot, Kowlr dscotd thruout, Oroi ortd lovolr Itndicapid oorntr lot. Cut you dupll- tto it ot lil.oOO? Ask lor Sfek ftvirlB. . .. Severin Realty Co. t K. Klsb 4 Ht; otw, S'OMI C8 NEW 1 btdroom. rUA DuUU 3300. Do your own ptintint nd mo en down pormcm. moot aoi. oh NEW. BEAUTIFUL 3-bedroom houio. In simorit&d. utrip doubio gome. t firthlnr you aetd for comfort. 111,000. Xorl Beftnutov. fti, 4384 lor oppolnt- ment. 70 WEST IALEM, modorn S hettroom ploa- .tr none, uooa location, rnea ss.tBo. Oentral Rtal 9lt, an Cantor, phona 33383. i 43 BT OWNKB S bedroom homo, llvlnc room, cinmi room, larta utility. at tachid tarait. 37330. XoUar DUtrkt. Phono 3-a:53. 8a BT BUILDER 3-bedroom. 3 block to now hlth achool. 113,000. Fhooo 4-3301 or 4-3171, Bl. 5.33. a?0 ByOWNER and builder. IMO0 lor quick aale. Will accept lata model car aa down pay ment. New S-bedroom lnaulated home with attached garage. lait on Middle grove Drive. This home la plastered, haa hardwood floors, automatlo oil hsat, large kitchen, with plenty cab inets. One block to hue and school. Mice quiet street In nsw dlitrlct with attractive homes. Thla la a aound In- vsttmsnt In an area increasing la value deny.' can 4-uii after 4 p.m. and all day Saturdtr. all' BT OWNER Spacious 1 bedroom home in MI Salem. Over 1700 eq. ft. floor specs plug attached garage. Ilillo lot with lawn and ahrubs. Price, . 111,000. CaU 1-141! lor appoint, to aee. aio 1-BIDkOOH home or will trade for amall acreage close la. Ml Breya Ave. Ph. 1-1117. aoi MODERN l-BEDBOOM horns, comolsts. ay aurnisnsn witn electric range and rerrigerator. - Lynn Warner, Amity, Oregon. a70 NEW, l-BEDROOH, unfinished, but liv- Die. jnqutrp a, in. rm am . . in West Salem. - an Denton's SELECTIONS Good family homo, 9 nlc bodrooma. lari living room. La no utllltr room. WIU irado for .small Aeroati. Prlco SIM. OWNFR LEAVING l-room homo plus largo title. Plro. plaeo, hardwood fioori oil furnaco, at tached garaio. Prk 17(60. IDEAL FAMILY HOME j Almost new a bedroomr on lit floor. Ona bedroom and party room In basement. 2 fireplace, double plumb lnr, 2-car laraie. Larae attle, room for a rooms. Cloio lo bus and aebool. i Fries 113,600. Denton & Denton, Rltrs. 1 at. state street. Fit. 31101 Eve. losm, 11007 or H71I all" SPACIOUS, nearly new 1 bedroom houae, jarge cioseta, ouiit-ins gsiors. oak floors, fireplace,' oil furneee. base ment, double garage and patio. IIP! Pir St. Ph. l-oooo. a70 JUST A LITTLK different, hard to de cent. You'll nave to aee it, nearly new 3 lie. bdrm, home located In Walnut Park, ticl. floor plan. Philip pine mehoceny end birch woodwork. Value I1S.B00. (ve. call ZD J-70(. ED LUKINBEAL, REALTOR, 433 N. RIOH ST. PH. 1-1110. all NOT NEW, but in excellent condition i-oedroom home. Ph. s-0101. a70 BKD11CED for quick aale. Modern 3- bedroom houae, good terms. Ph. 4-1351. a73 ULTRA MODERN California redwood home, wall to wall carpet, Thermldor range, 11990.00. Call 4-0033. no 1771 DAV1DION, new 3 B. Room, owner t Builder, pn. lion. aoi BV OWNER, nearly new 2 bedroom homemakert dream. Bee at 1140 Wal ler. Phone 4-1174. Juat 11710. 11.000 down. a70 BY OWNER 1100 aq. ft, 1 bedroomt. 0160, near achool .and bua. Terma to be arranged. 310 Weat Madrono. .70 CHOICE CORNER, 1073 N. CAPITAL I furnished pertinents, I bsth rooms, all electric, 111.000 cash. Phone Xalep, 31700. 071 THKEK-YEAR-OI.D 4-bdrm. home In perfect cond. This home has 1st. living rm. with tlrepl.. nice cheery kitchen and din lnr rm.. tall Mm A. flnora thru. out, 3 complete baths, eitra shower In baamt., which has lie. play rm. with I rep act St tile floora. Breereway and erase. Located north on lie. lot. A steal at 113,760. Ask for RAY DAVM, ive. 4-6917. KD tUKINEEAL, BKALTOR, 433 N. HIGH. PH. S-cflRO. aSS FOR SALE LOTS I LOTS, CLOSE In, dupleg sone, 11100 and 1390. owner. 1-1731 avenlnea. a.ll COBNZB LOT, Wills. 1 block leat ol Lancaater Drive, between B' and afar bet Bl. ly owner, Phone 41111 Sat urday or Sunday. Ball CHOICE VIEW lota In Klngwood Belahta, a.wera, water, etc. Bentlblr priced, eaey terms, call owner. Phong l-llll. aag FOR SALE FARMS A FARM BARGAIN 111 ac. or good land. 1 bedroom home, large barn, other bides. On hi wsy 331, nesr Salem. Priced for cjulci sale. 119.000, some terror. JOHN 1. DAMN, REALTOR 111 X. Hlth Ph. 4-3111. eve. I-I41I Mike 1-1(01, Oacar 1-1311, Dann 4-114 Ml HODF.RN 4 bedroom, plastered, neat home, barn and chicken houae, u aerea In wheat, price 110. BOO. Oeneral Real Eitete, Ph. l-llll. Ill csnter. Ml 10-ACRI PARM oma beaverdam land on It. All crop, ao witn piece. House vaeanl now. Purchaser can atova right In. F. H. Weir, Realtor 1317 lo. Corn's, Phone Mill FOR SALE HOUSES REAL ESTATE $50 DOWN 111 00 peg aaoctth, bttra Tag good otarter home fuel ouuido dtp unite of M. t- Salem. Paved attest, close to bug Una and ochool, : McKINLEY DISTRICT mo.M full price for a good I bedroom homo with basement. Ktee dining room, garaie, paved itrMk DOLL HOUSE ' Wade aspeelaUr for those who want vorrtblng In ons-bedroeav home. Lovelr living room with fireplace. Din ing room and ebjni closet, wonedr ful kitchen and aeparate nook, stn- glesed utiutr. Oorner let on paved street, low gg trees, cug or door. REIMANN ' REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE .101 south High Street Phong 1-tJOl Phone evenlngal 4-10T1, l-IMI, l-MTl. 4-II1I, l-llll. COS" SECLUDED CASTLE TOR 1330 down von can novo into thla largo atucoo klntdom with hdw4. flr.( vary laraa uv. rm., oaK lira., v bdrma. down, lano flnlihod ra. vpstalra (room for 3 bdrraa.), inaldo vtlUtr rm., braaaaway, larta 3-aar faraja. Ovar 4fa ra. Circular drlvt war. THIS COUNTRY-TOWN XBTATB CAN BE YOUKB FOlt 18500. TBHUB, 9H DOWN and 186.00 par month. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. IT COST YOU MONEY TO KZIP ON PAYING RENT. get WISE and buy this pica 1-bdnn. home with LR, DR, large modern kitchen, ' inside utility rm, attached gerate. Paved at nice location on X. llrd St. Price la onlr glioo with into eown ana im per month. DON'T LOOK PcjKTIiBc--Bero Is a buy worthy f your inapecuon. aee inut T-rr.-oM l bdrm. homo with hdwd. firs lovely llr. rm., nice roomy kitchen with nook. Nice attached garaae with plenty of rm. tor your work ghop. THIS OOKS POR THI PRICE OP gTtoO. TSRUS POSSIBLE. AIM down. EE SIRS. OOLESBRI, Ivs. Ph. IS37I or BIN COLBATH, Ive. Ph. 39921 . 'OFFICE DIAL 44494,24552 Carlhaven U Very tttracUv s-bedroom feousa Clatka St. lrt XoUar area. Onlr years old, paint like new. Front and back lawn, fenced-in back yard. Uardwood floors,, oil furnace. Inside - utility room. See thU for 11000 with down.-, i . . k 7, We have a new bouses under construc tion on Tborman 8U One Is a J -bed' room houae with hardwood floors, oil furnace, ft replace, vttaohed garaae, inside utility room. Priced at SfiQOO. The other has a bedroomt and le priced at $10,000. Will be completed soon. Call and took them ere? now. KINGWOOD PARK t -bedroom house with hardwood firs., 1 M baths, full basement, separate dln Inv room, double taraie, beautifully landscaped lawn with lovely shads trees., Priced at ll,fto0. JUaaonebls offer considered. ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER .. .411 Uasonlo Building Real latate Inauraneo Uorteaca Loana Phone 1-1317 Xvininie 1-70I cll INVEST fflalem Is Orowlni) Own part of downtown Balem. Lane business bldr around floor leased and returning the Investment. Second floor vacant and Juat waltlna to take the overflow from the hlth ochool buildlnr. Income will far eiceed In vestment cost when leased. Investleate now while H la priced to live you a handsome return. $700 PER MO.- . $700 per month Income. Ate this beautiful residential court. 2-bdrm. units, finest rental area, very low overhead. Liberal terme to take over. Vacancy almost non-eilstent, No phone Information. Bhawn by ap pointment only, HOME & INCOME Live la this food 3-bdrm. home and take in 935 per month from perma nent renters in furnished home on same lot. Private driveways, private utilities. A flna buy for. only 1 10,500. ijuuu down. 10SO P.lrarounds Road Phono 4-13IS, Eve. 1-I0II, 4-17M, I-M7I C7I Center St. REALTY OLD HOUSE BIPHT-ROOM HOUSE In No. t bue lneu tone. Lot 100 x 100. An oppor tunity for femodcllny or building a rental court. Price only A4.000. NEW HOME NORTH, Two bedroom, and a beau tllul lsrae drn; eeparate dining room; h.w. floors, fireplace, forced-elr heat, attached carat,. Near school and bua lneu. Price 113,000. P H-A. terms. No. 3 Business Zone POOR-BEDROOaf HOME In good condition. Pull, furnace heat, m baths, laree deep lot. Thla la lo cated on a meln two-way arlerr In Salem and la provided with plenty of on-airett parking. An eacellent loce Hon tor a home and business com. blned. Splendid locetlon for a beeuty chop, reel estete etrice. aaale end gill shop, antiques, etc. Prlee 111, 900. owner will consider l-bedrom home, north, for pert. Center Street Realty 1741 Center St. Phone 4-IIII (vs. phoaaa: Brubt l-IIM, Oils l-llll RIAL ESTATE DON'T . rxxNT aa oaar , lioaag ooraer-ballder baa hut ..ropleted a heme la ringwood Xalahta that aurely ahoild oleasa both bfothar and S4 at once poeeealon and enjoy thla fine l-bedroom home with fireplace, loreed-elr 01) heat, rnahocanp paneling, decorated to a pertecttoa. Cell today. Only 31M els-, baL P.B.A. I-Z termg. t 'TfOME SWTIT BOUT' - Tear family will really live la the ewotlesslr clean, a-bedrcora with din ing room .Petto, large lot, Asking onlr 111. TOO. Located In a well-selected aecuoB est oaiea Bortheast. ' " rriTaWTOR S iPBCIAL , ' 93IH .. Oult foolla" around" see this amall l-bedroom houae and ejatra lot. ai, w auaaoa. ctsw rooi. . WARIHOtrSI SPACS POR KENT .. 4pM n. foot, - HOUSES AN3 APTS. POK XINT Coder i-bedroom houae.. W. Side. Ill 00 month, room furnrshecl apt, HS.00 mo. l-bedrcom unfur. apt. (up), no. OaU for Ml HUTCHISON. REALTOR N adgawater Phong Wit It no ens., can l-attt oei j tin it nun lallflll tlltllll '' tlllMIUM MaWlttll . Illltlllll WWIIIIII TtTTV' llllltlHIIItlllll T veiv out imnnwni ajioa , ttttttttitftttittiiti lltaassui w llllMltll IIsiiiii It lllllill I MMII W SULLIVAN 41.000 Hint aptrtmintt ud three flret floor business outlets la concrete building, located la Stlverton. Thla Is one to make the Inveator'i mouth water, cat air. Keens, Bveav. l-aoil. Ill OXPORO-New P.H.A. 1-01-room homo Just competed, 1100 do., pug PH. A, coita. Drive by and cheek the home. Loeeted betweea a. Com'l aad W. Nob Pall. Trots. BaYmocajs-South Bear UcKtnley achool. Largo kitchen and 1310 gq. ft. Heat Is oil forced-air. Owner will teas house up to 11,100 In trade. 113,500. Call Bob Davis, vea. 3-1714. - .. . ... 7500 Three bedMomi and onlr gig rear. old. Outside patio and fireplace. Thla you mutt see XU Sd Brattol cvea. mil. . TAVBRN Thla piae. hag don. the impossible. Located la mill town with net cc over eso.oog oa Both the. res taurant tavern. All gqulpmint In. eluded. 110,000. . .VJW "w CoUhc; juat ft Wallace Ru. Three-bedroom home i.u, aerea etoyai Annaa, ?! rr prunei, acraa of Bertlett peera, I acree apples. Own. or WIU divide farm to gull burar. Priced to aeH-di,M, call Mr. Zltae- ROBERT B, SULLIVAN! REALTOR HI Portland M. ; ph. 44131 11 X. High, Branch Office Ph. 4-IU1 - ' g70' NELSON TRADE i - TLOBB TN Owner wenta te novo aloaw tn and a good trader Bora might gat an ex ceptional dial. Meat .clean l-bdrm, .borne, oil dr. furnace, good alee lot, a cur ursuia. meg 97109 call Urg. WOOIKO. . 4 BEDROOMS HIOHLAND DISTRICT ' Pamllr home with roomy bed rooms, dining room curt), maul, good roof, almost new gar .1 bibs, to grade . acnooi. cur oug or aoor, priced lo ..u, iw, i-au ssrs. wootten. $11,600!! t BDRia, po rpricw OP TWO. Lot 70 175 In city, pvd. st., makea Ihla desirable l-room home a splsndld Investment In pleasant living, uon teg foreed-alr heat, circulator fplaca. PHA eppralaal 11,900, aelllng prlea 11,100. you owe youraelt a look at this one. Cell Al. Watts, 1-7111. SOUTH I BDR1IS. da DIN Only I yoaro old ,all on one floor. A reelly good homo for a family, Lo catM off main road with large lot. Ideal for gardening. Only 110,100. CHICKEN RANCH CLOSE IH 10 aerea with good nod. l-rm. home, 4 lge. poultry butsai 1110 x 111, (10 II), (110 x 10) and 14 x 10 double 1 etory. cepacltr 30,000 fryers, MOO or more layers. Idsal location. Just out side cltr limits oa main hwp. CaU Mr. Gallagher. m NELSON & NELSON SPBCIALIZINO REALTOR Wl If. High St. Ph. Mill ' ell' $300 Down - Total $3950 SMALL MODERN HOME . ON Vt AC. SO. $800 Down - 1 Acre MODERN 2-BDRM. AND 20 x 24 UNFIN. HOUSE. PAVED RD., BARGAIN AT . . 4500 $750 Down - 3-Bdrms, 412 Ac. LIV., DIN., KIT., BATH, ATT. GARAGE, 1V4 AC. PRUNES, 6 MILES SALEM. PR. J53B50 Attractive, Spanish Type mviurvir rm TKraKS, CITY WATER, CLOSE SHOP PING DIST. PART FUR NISHED, INC. AUTO. WASHER. ONLY $6930 AND TERMS , The Star Realty M10 So. Pao. Miwar Ph. 13011 3-BDRM. SUBURBAN BY OWNER .Uo. llvln room, fireplace, lovelr view tun. ruum, nrawooa Iioora, SUIH-IE ee., s.J. uwejIVVW FlUa IUU DHIQ 3n. 3 bedroome plua Dr. room with full araa.u up, nuiiUI ( OUlUIQ I1DID ClOa- ete, Baiement, city waUr plua drilled win ajnr irrnaiina. Any around 7 "Oh TM", orer 1 aera, a perfect natural. Rolllay landscape, eunken aarden, lily pool, lou of lie. fir treae la beck' t round, Phone Ben Lambert. 17711, cap BY OWNER I ecru No. Cat soil. .11 plowed r.edr for crop plentlnc, good l-bedroom house, wired for range, very sasy terms, rnone S77sa ,venln,s. eO0 I BB. HOIJ8E, baaament, furnace, fsneed yard. furnUhed, TI10. Tsrma. Cell I-.1M .venlnga. g REAL ESTATE S BLOCKS FROM , ST. VINCENT dePAUL Ban's s nearly aew I bilrioeg teas wlUt appru. Jade at. It Uvrai arsa. larg. gaiase, nrgplaa. and gxeeUsatt aearhaortnii This woa't ao fee sal. ., Ion at tag prlc. of HitN. ' ' L Lee Obmart WOULD YOU BELTJTVK ITT . . t , A house for onlr HTM. Ta, thafa the tn prioa. A I tldrswB ftnaahod -. borne .ft auvirtoa aa. ScuU dewa paysasst. NOW TAKE A LOOK ' ' ' ''. , A really cut. l-room horn, with lot. of shana. Large lot ertth traaa, located just eouth of town tn seed residential area. Ol-aprreved, on .l.. 1000 anovaa iph la tomorrow, tint, - t . FAIBMOUNT HILL HOMS ' ' ' ' i '-'.'.'r-' '"' Hen's a lot of comfortable Uvlng la tbU 4-raar-oM Mi arena hetact" . Nie. vlsw froat the Uvlng room windows, aeparate dlarag rocaa. haadp . kitchen with Book, S kedroomg dovzv I ap. catra owata aa attea. ao a 130 lot .nkelr landscaped, aeveral aHad. treu AMD th pels, u just tu.ioo. . .., , .., , , ,; , ; 40 ACRES GRADE "A" DAIRY TARM It-stanchion btm, I -bedroom home, sloe. t. town. ITl.OM, ,. v., . ... ..- ... ;. . -e- Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors 1 477 Court St, arc: Louie Loraaa HIM Ralph Made Mill Ted Morrison lull Leslie School - II. loo I rra. old. f-adrm. Trpflalehsd aaatatra. Lrf. drslnboarda, Nice yard sb ahrubs. Oar ; .- . : Four Corners '., , M.Mo-l srrg. old. Hie. l-bdrm. Llv. Plreplsee. lasll. lUllty. Let ) 1 IM. Nice garden apace 17M dan. Cast bo bought turatahad, Englewood District 10,100A good bur. I bdrma., llv., dinette, kltehsa, rttU basemen t, , auto, oil turn, a. range aa relrlg. Oood tsrma. East lll.too m aerea. Let. hunt. 1 flrsplacsa. Party gap. OU heat, akcuUl ' ' Keizer District tll.HO-Baautlful l.bdrm. ranch .trig. U... din., kitchen with Book. ' .1 Tnside utllltr. s-car gerage. Lot approx. ti acre. 4 pre. aid, Pamllr trait ? or barrier, Omrden apace. . ? v View Property, Klngwood Heights 17.J0O-1 rra. .14. Modern .Iris. I large bdrma. Mr Ola, kitchen. - , Inalde utllltr. Birch paneled fireplace wU with book ahelvea. Large lot, 101170. Fruit, nuts eb berries. Oood lerira. - V A. A. LARSEN, Realtor 111 f . Blah . ' Andy Halvorgaa mw A. a. Beckstt tttll aves. 4b iuaday REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES DON'T MISS THIS Leslie area. Bap. utllltr room. Bus fmnl door. De.n lot- Vtrcplace. Older typo In good repair. Pull Brio, only 7110. Terms. Here' It Is Read On Mnv naw. l bedrooma en ma floor. Automatic oU heat, emulating flra Vlace. lnatdated. WtatharatrlvpatS. mm m. ft. floor aoaaa. aoaeioua m, hlki. to boa and aebool. Oood tas4l7 home. rlea4 at only M0. W li ft bur. . -l OWNER ;MUST SELL . amallsr home, suburban. Only S rra. old. Weep well. In good condition. Very liberal terma. tt acre. Pull prlc. only 4,900. Batter hurry. , Reduced for Quick Sale Just Ilk. new. luncwooa usionie. Bre.a.wer. AtL garaae. In. , aulatad. Weatheratrlpped. Fed. st. In very good repair. OU heat. Reduced la 11,000. ,.... i . - Lovely Brick Front plus .paetoiia l-bedroom homo with basement. Plreplsee. well-to-waa carpets, Nice lawa and ah rube. All, aaarte. Forcsd-alr oil furnac. P.H.A. terma If dealrcd. Pull prlcg . onlr 1I.M0. cau. por ur. Kiooma. eve. ra. 4-9404, or MR. ORAwrtmt arvs. rss. 4-9030. If no answer, call 4-1141. HARDWARE STORE This store haa Terr good potential. Location la fine. Rent eatramaly reeaonable. Owner la ottering for sale at Inventory plug only 11000 for lba futures. Thla Is a fine opportunity to get Int. business with a amall lnvestmsnt. Gross 12 to 15 Thousand Annually , on thla lovelr motel. Each unit equip ped with modern kitchen, 1 bedroom, nd full bath. Very dealrable for per mensnt rentals. All innsrsprlng mat tretaes. Operating aoata are aitremelr low. Location Is ths beat. Liberal terms. Pull nrle. 110.000. OAU, POR DAN IBAAX, IVE. PH. 4-1S1I. If no answer, call -rceo. . 37 ACRES Hllhway frontal, with modern -room houae. oood outbldga. Vsrr fine walnut orchard. Best of Will, silt soil. Excellent aubdlvlslon propertr. City weter available. Pull prlc. re duced to 114,100. 11 ACRES All aultlrated. I aerea eaneberrlei. Amity aotl. Good l-bedroom home. Barn. 1-ear aaraie. email ahleken houae, boi bouie. I aoro itrawber rlee, Oood aoreaie. Really worth, the aiklnc price of Terae. SUBURBAN DANDY Almost T acree ctoso rn north. Sub division possibilities. Very clot, to school. Very good modern home. AV moit new. Dolinlthed upstelri. 1-ear carase. Btone'e tbrow from achool. Pvd. hwy. Chicken haute. Bsst of soil. Pull price I14.I50. Terma, CALL POR SIR. LEAVENS, EVE. PH. I-I7T9. ir no anawsr, cell 4-3JH. MORTOAOE LOANS S0-Tear Uaturlty Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phonetl 4-1311 l-IIM 1011 PORTLAND ROAD Ive. Phonesi 1-1719. 4-1114, 4-1030 or 1-3191 If ao anawsr, phone 4-UII MOTELS - MOTELS ll-unlt bargain. All modern and 10 furnished, kitchens, sacrifice at $20,000, and $8,000 down, bal. easy. Gross $50,000 in 1952 9-unlt, trailer park, gas pump, l'A ac, near Salem. This court nets nearly $1000 month, $15,000 down. Coast 7-Unit - $28,500 Sell or trade for home or acreage. Ocean view, kitch ens, good location 101 Hlway in good town. The Star Realty i lo. re. Klwu RIAL ESTATE Bady Celoba Phone Kill . Milt Haarp Torrend MM District . . dsn apace, PttA terms. Salem kdrma - lit.. Ua- full I I Ijaaemeat, t" ham. Wonderful eoU. Terms. llrev well. HTM REAL ESTATE GOOD 85-ACRE FARM Oood I bedroom home, ban and oth t out buUdlnaa, most all ra enltfvaw Uon, oa pavemcQt, 4 aula. Mat al cltr. ' 111,100. .... ., 2 Acres, 2-Bdnn. Home MOO 100 down. trecB ahakea, well built home,' not aid, acre, all in .-. eultlvetlon. Out aorth. Lake Lablsb. way. Art Madsen Realty I-MN-j-l till State St. : Nit 070 WANTED RIAL ESTATE WANTED I to 10 acraa with good home, eloaa la. Al laaak. rut. phono 4-1911. If a. aaawn, 4-1141. - ea WILL pay aaeh for a aood I or 1 .bedroom houtva la a de air able loea ttocu Olva full aUmlptioa. and price. Wrtto Bos tt Capital Jonrnal, eaat MoticIi If your property la tor' aale. rasa r aaciiaaaa, iu it wtut tit. wa have U klnde ol aaaa bujtra. aVrAemi u.fB nn fswir ervneat aa 101 0. Hlrh SI. ca Wl aiBI la need of food taouaa to eeu, ia ar near saiem. is you ,wiaa to iiii to dp nrBDirif tot iiav VSHUISHVUWlva A 0aV spAs,1IIW, . 114 a. Liberty Ph. 3-1471 aa EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE vTILL TBADE my equity la tup large. OMUuiui a-naorera noma in Baera Btenta, California, for horn, or ether property In alera, Phong 1-4010. eon TBADE 11 ate S-rooaa eummer hosn. far '. Baiera Borne, suntmg, nsnlng, ana, atato highway. Prlee 01710. John O. , Adams, otle, Oregoa, M. 1, Bos 111. . .ON TBADK SMALL farm for Salem prop-. .' any. gonat stern, jti. i. box ito, hub- -bard. cbtg RESORT PROPERTIES COAST CABIN, i0u, 11190. Trade for trucg, ear. 14774. M7I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CAPE FOR SALE, Good location. IS IOO. 00. down. Balance eery terma to re aponilble person. Phone 1-1430. cdMa . Business It Propertr , r owNzn Brook Nook BB9TAOVANT . MOOKI Tavern, cards, pool, etc WIU consider trade. Cd70e MALL BUSINESS la downtown Salem, euiteoi. tor one or two people - to handle. (Tall 41101 after .Is .clock. . Odlie BUSINESS INCOME SALE OB TBADB 13,100 eoultr In unit, and two bedroom Bom. . auto court. Ocean .lew oa Hlwey 101. Bel anoo MO with terma. Paellle Oot tag.a. Depo. Bay. aa7S : s-Tjirrr apartuent - . Completely furnished, Inel. gams, and refers. 1 hut. t. bus, near Holly wood ahopplng diet. Apia, rent from U0 to I47.M per month. Mora than Uet return en Investment. .PACIFIC NEWSPAPER BROKERS a n. MM, SMnun 007 N. Caoltol - l-3o esse. FURNITURE FOR SALE TRADER LOUIE OPEN PRIDAT EVENING CUI'...o'awc WANTED FURNITURE H3ZXEIEsllHsl3J MIDWAY AUCTION-W. Sup and Sell. rnone .-osoj. nar. WANTED Oood aiad furniture and appllanese. Phone 1-eosl, da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK CHINCHILLAS Proven breedere or young meted pain. Eaar terms. Writ, or phone for fro. literature. Visitors welcome. Crsst chinchilla Ranch, son Portland Road. Ph. 4-4011. all S GENTLE culUvaUna hortaa, a big logging team, I heevp springer getwe. 47a Sliver toot ftoed, edl .a x;