L. Friday, March 10. 1953 tnt tAIHAl, JULiiML, tialem. Oregon 1 Gunf ighter's Return By LESLIE ERNENWEIN tA HtWltMlUIHl CHAPTER The moment Jim Rimbaud step ped. UuouKta the Bhiloh'e b&U wing gates h understood that ew Btxomoerg vu waiting lor Wm. The Roman Four boas stood with one elbow on the rosewood bar. He continued his conversation with Pat Flnucane, the night-shift apron, and showed no slightest sign of Interest. But he had been watching the doorway and now no longer watched it. "So ye finally came back," Pat nnucane greeted, resting his huge belly on the bar's beveled ease. He wore a derby all his waking hours to hide a head hairless as a ooorcnoo. -wnat'll ye bay jim my, boy?" "Bourbon," ' Rimbaud ordered, ana leave roe Dolus." "Ah, so it's celebratln' you are. Or mournln' the death ol that great patriot, Durango. Tell me, James, how'd them Nortli-oi-Ire-land Federals accomplish the kill In' of Durango, Ood rest his weary aoul?" "A Judas slut sold him out," Rimbaud said. Flnucane shook his head. "Wlm min," he muttered. "A man should have no dealln's with them what soever." Then as a man at the poker table called, "Bring us a bottle of Colonel's Monogram, Curly," Fl nucane added sighingly, "Nor with saloon clowns that think they're comical, bejasus." Iemorilur Strombere. Rimbaud (lanced at the poker table, where five men sat, their faces sharply ccnea in a cone 01 ugni irom an overhead lamp. He Identified Buck AUbrey, Joe Gabbert and Fonso Peal, who owned the saloon, and noticed mac umpy smith stood propped against the side wall with an empty glass in his hand. "Seat open for a poker player," joe uaooert called mvtungiy. Rimbaud shook his head. He , poured himself a brimming drink and downed It, and was pouring another when Lew Stromberg asked. Ton in the market for a "No," Rimbaud said, not turning to look at etromberg. And now, as he lifted his glass. Rimbaud apaAtsTnlnn 1 glimpsed Ernie Link's reflection in the bar mirror. link stood Just outside the batwlng and seemed to be signaling to Stromberg. smiting nis gaze to take in Stromberg's image in the glass, Rimbaud saw him nod; when he looked at the reflected batwlngs again, Link had disappeared. "I Day toD wages to ton men." Stromberg said, as If there'd been no Interruption. "I'm sending my West Camp crew across the line tomorrow to gather my Sonora stuff and could use a man like you to ramrod the Job. "Not interested. ' Rimoaua sua. "You could do worse than ride for me. Rimbaud. Much worse." "Sure," Rimbaud agreed. ' Which is wnat l u De ooing. -"What do vou mean bv that?1 Rimbaud shrugged and said quietly, "I riding for Sam Mai- Den, Astonishment briefly changed Stromberg's face, "what for?" he demanded In a disbelieving voice, "Why would anyone ride for a posse-dodging thief like Sam Mai- ben?" The fun of It." Rimbaud said. not smuing. "Purely tor tne lun of It." "You must be loco." Stromberg muttered and seemed wholly baf fled. "It doesn't make sense, Rim baud. Not for a man like you. Why, he's nothing but a two-bit neater with a llttlecJag of scrub cows a man could gather between break fast and supper, with time left to grease a wagon." "It's a oueer streak I inherited irom a annung granmauier on my mowers siae, ' tumoaua ex. plained confidentially, "He was partial to bourbon whisky and underdogs." Lew Stromberer strode anorllv toward the doorway, Limov Smith came ud to foe bar. his peg leg creaking. He oeer- ed at Rimbaud through booze bleared eyes and said, "Seems like I've saw you before. But I oant recouect your name." 'Don't Dotner." HimDaud s gesiea. was you ever acoualnted with uoo uaegarae?" umpy agaea. wen, uoc was a wonaenui sur geon," Smith announced with 1 drunken man's insistence, "The best surgeon west of Chicago. You should have knowed him. I didn't think there was a white man in Arizona Territory that didn't know Doc Odettarde. Even sheen- herders knowed him." ' Pat Flnucane waggled his bar rag at Smith and said, "Don't bother the customers, Limpy." "Well, I'm a customer, ain't I?" Smith demanded, drawing his scrawny frame erect. Flnucane spat behind the bar. "Well, ain't I?" limpy Insisted. "You," Flnucane said sourly, "are a nuslance." (To Be Continued) Keep teeth bright Chew Wrigley'a Spearmint Cum. Chewing helps cleans the teeth, LW,.n9mel, ""important Helps keep them naturally bright Refreshing! JkO Enjoy thiiartyum cYdy. i) ,, ROOM BOARD JOVEI THINK. IVE f BLENDED A GREAT PERFUME THIS TIME -IT HASAN ORIENTAL InAii a Itn T 1 1 ivir k forij:.:pago?a7 f .. YV".jr i SAy...AY ROOK IS NEXT ID YOURS, AND THE SMELl OF YOUR PERFUME EXPERIMENTS IS IRRITATING MY SINUS AILMENT... I CAN'T SLEEP'.. JUST AS IF I WERE STRETCHED OUT IN THE SOAP SECTION OF A MARKET...wuy DONT YOU DO VOUR TESTS ON THAT WORKBENCH IN THE BASEMENT? to TO THE FURNACE ACMOIIH A Oti. . J. Animal at the jacking in family 4. Loathe . By 12. Pedal digit 13. Depart 14. Self 15. r start ol 17. Kneading of tne ooay upright ness 40. Barrier in a stream 41. Thus 42. Formerly: prefix 43. Article 45. Less danger ous 19, Familiar aalu- 4S. precious tatlon stones to. Smooth: slang M Xxpreaa ayn olutlon of Yesterday's Puszlt 21. Inaulrs 23. Accomplish SI Roman weight 28. Neckpiece 30. Consequently S3. Heroine ot IS. Reverent fear DStllY It Fabric mad ot flax M. Fuss M. Wa.h lightly 58. South Ameri can Indian 59. Bird's beak 60. Tropical fruits 61. Horse DOWN l.Xngrav with add 1 Learning t. Lowest tlntr, ber of a ship 4. Nearly ' t. Exist f Ii Ii IhM If B L U hi i gs . ; - xsyfatT 1F r i wm isr 57 t -r cr artr :- rr rtsr ir-sr ?r :a I I Fia I I l r,.l l l STEVE ROPER ..".",..-. I rPEOPLB LOOK SO WHAT IS. 1 f 1 6UESS VOU AINT W ThmM I OfrT NEED JL r I " l WHO IS HERE THIS? A PACTV SEEN TM BOS5 f i& THESE TO TELL ME WHO IS LUCKIER THAN LU6ER - , fJjOU A IVAXS? j 1.ia..-v7 -SOMEBODY IS 6VAg L0Ue?-A Nice BUSINESS, A SWELL n,-, in 1 VL SSruAC. JO J SWL AND THE BEST MOB sM TDWH; H H A J Vk VO-ZbMif - POGO " QuirM-cvfri calm Ao.7m wnkVjrfAmYHO T MYpeAKgT ) l!WJ&S"2ZrZtt f,"'"w' www ACwr rzAGffj in all you k huthftilUi ORPH.m ANNIE ' - 1 . ' I VJWOOMJH MEN, T WVT V(203E THE 1 T UFC.OR N06OOVT) HPWEVOUlJOHEol M QI8-0UCT RWTHER'N THAT FROM V I I I ANNIE, I'M TH' ) ONLY ONEWHO f I BVER KM KNOWN HM WHERE B I 1 HflPPENEO VOH,G, SINCE VUH J l I ttQGEGT Cuy IN f KNOWS WHAT ALL I I ALLTH ANSWERaf KTTTGONE BACK I V W A QOTSHOTf, A It JLrrijJ WWSS35L-J V-Jkja?J aVgfegBy HH1 LIL ABNER I (TSONE Y AH'U-WORKTH' I tT WAS EASY "AH GOTTA I NOW.S'POSEA ) OH-oVv.'-l ItWM-VO' CARRIES TH'ZIPHERTO I I MINUTE I USUAL TWO HOURS I S-5tilM' BREAD TESTVO', 11 I BREAD COS- Y MAH FUTURE II TH' LEFT CANCELS TH' DECIMAL I Al STMIDNKSHTTO I I FO A DIME-BUT; I TO SEE EJ II I TOMER GAVE " BABVS FUTUREl I POINT AH' DIVIDES BV THREEIT I DAWN, MAKE fT UP. ?p I I NOW VO' GOT IT VO'KIN I IvG'A DIME AWA V, DEPENDS J HM-N-NOff'-VO'ADWsTH'ZIPHER I VOKUM. WW(r$ THtT? A IAU.COMPLV- ( HANDLE THISjl I NICKELr-MOW Q ON THIS.? TO TH' DECIMAL POINT AN ---J LaJiia tM bi-iCREiBiL,"j Jir' manzmmm HOPALONG CASSIDY ' i- ' -. V. ' ' 11- APPEAR5 LIKE iOWitom6 TmTT? WELL.PON'T 3U5T 6TANP I IT S5JA" ALREADY BEATEN US TO , FffWW m '"" !,. t THERE IWE BEEN EXPECTIN6 THAT16 THE OLP Vv.'j'''' L THIS AMPttlTE. J, V V' "& , OU,iO THE VOOR PONY EXPRE66 I iuT -V . AND WE'LL (SET PWN MUTT & JEFF r kut iHkiBiAHDTHA-f r&ra eraic-juA S'".' IJTOk f'lX A.llfepWr!PttuupMTyA5A i.r Joi.D IX BE GOOD r fT'-fm rLLBE K'. BARTER A5KEO FOR AStKafl I NOTH.M' 7 VI 1J REX MORGAN, M. D. -., "1 B-iR M VlliFail' T """""1 n OUT WHY fTl-r'! AFRAID YOU MEAN fl'M SOWW TO" I'M NOT 5URE, WR."2 1 mr-A JkLJX'P K YET... BUT I I --V VVOULONT UNPERSTANR1 WHILE BOTHER YOU BARNS 5 .' MS HAD A l v.'ss I vTVi21 t va I no rn l uAvn anv T -njiui it rfct tuatI I s ri B , J &r tmis hdiis. I dimmcv 'maarcmput j I 1 HfiW PeOA PLAJYS, -6AVe, RX -'jj I V j W VVISS 6Al... BUT JmRUBR THIS eVENINS.'' m i kwi a ..in I ii vii i m . a - j k r-L r 'mmtMiim DONALD DUCK MARY WORTH ' . I N- . t II LlN?t!'P' why.. uh-no, dr. --nI I ti Zr fl AW-MTTCHELLTy TUCKER.Y!I LEFT ONE I A-ft' JiS TtMrtURClA55--VOU S3 QUESTION UNANSWERED..- -TW iwl, S J ONTHE LAST RADIO PROGRAMS r FREE TV THEATRE Watch TV at aur Television Theatre. Sea them la action before jeo buy. Packard-Belt, Imerson, Rayttieen, Wettlnjheuia OPEN FROM 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY Open Other Evenlnas by Appointment YEATER APPUAKCE & TELEVISION CO. 375 Chemeketa Phone 34311 SATURDAY P. M. KGW KOIN I KEX KSLM KGAE KOCO . ew hbc n cbs use asc iih hbc use at. n m I-r-rr Nm Mrt. OMra Oar S Kck. Sanaasa Nawa i'-ft ttmm ram Facta (. Own Hm Saruaaa Slrlaia i'li UaUalas r.nluS Hat. Oaara Maa aa Naaa NawS Biilaaa l-iS Dt1" Oaiaaa Oal StaL Oaara farai Sataaasa ra. Baalls Maala S. Cralf Mai. Oaara Haila ae. San Satardar ' Hals BaaSilaal Mat. Osara Matla le. Bacat Mallaae J:1J Matla KlrUaat Mat. Optra falka Tlaia Bah Baaal SalarSar J;! Maala KlrShaat Mat. Oaara rolha Tina Baa, Ba.aa Matlntt ! fj Bit Cllr US Air farai Mat. Optra Matla .. Jlta Daair lalarlar . ;R Saranada Band Mat. Oaara Mailt Saaw MaUaaa ;12 Aatkar Spaal Ufa Pralaad Star Tlata Maala a Mat Daair Satardar :45 aa. attain Ufa Fratand Oa Ta Tawa Matla ataw Matlaaa 7mi Maltaaaoah Nawt Sclaaca Matla Jia Daadp Satardar -.71 rart. Maala IIN Batard Oar Taw. Mailt Baaw Matlaaa ii NBO Kl Critraa Na Sekaal Otartla . Ilat Daaar Satardar I45 Srnpbaar Qaatl Slar Tadar Ctacttr Shaw Matlaaa SC "BO Klrkhaaa Wkal't Kaw Math UlUa Shaar Mailt lit Sratpkaar Farai Faatt BaaaaMawa Baatlaswar Lillla Shaw Maala :M Baatpart . T.ar lehaal CIO aid In Maala Uttla Shaw Bab Craakr :4J Baaapari Aad Taa ladaatrr Mailt tlttla Shaw Hawa BaHaaaara Carratpai. Navy Raar Llttla Shaw Bhrtbaa ITT Nawa BUrwd Data Narr Haar Maala Uttla baw Bak :ti t. L. MtCall Daair Abaat ABO Nawt Ob. Sctaaaa I-lllla Shaw Malta :g Vata Nawa FtaBh Oaat Maala Had Mailt UttH) Shaw NaT Baal J. Parlt Taraaa Sparta Idltar HawaU Call! Uttla Shaw Dlonar :JJ Star Tina Taraa. Baaaa Sdllar Hawaii Calli Sin CXI Matla . Cja Faa Wat . Oanlaiaka Oaai Watttra Ntwt . , ! Hp Oaatneha . Llataalar Bambltrt ' Maala . i: Waalani Vaatha laatar Saal Maala . . Sptakai at :7l Tkaatar kf.nraa Varltlr Lrlt aad Waak IIS Oraad Oat Nawa Tka Waataraan Maile : M" Sat. Nliht Adranlarar Maala Maala- Sii! "!' Waahlnitam Lana Baaiar' Callata . . Saarta Basn. :l y'Vil?" u" "aaaar Chair : I" Sf! M' G"' Aalnr Barllaa Uaabarla DUtHal :U T" WUllaati Gaaa Aalrr Htrltaaa Land USA Taaratr I:M Watttra OaHbaalara Daatlas Naan Dlalrlat JL,"J Oaaabaatart Fartp Saraaada Taaraar ;M Happp V . Orals Ska Old Warli - Nawa Dlilrltt Ii4ll anak Bab Cratbr Daataa Maile Taaraap l:S Nawa Sat. Ftaal Flaal Idlk Matla Salt Fraabaaaa 1S:1II "trlt Final Uak AhtaS Daaaa Tina Maria Salt Olaa 1S;!tn DaacaOrch. Dalartln. Danea Tlaia Traa ar Fraahataa 1,1:45 Daaca Ottk. Orahtalta Daata Tint Faltt Olaa 1 .an Danaa Orch. Oraan Danca Tlmt Danca Farty , Fraahataa ;!. Cltr Gaancll Oraaa v. Daaaa Tina Daata Fartr Olaa :S0 Cltr Caaatll Trtat. Danca Time Danea Fartr Freahraaa lllJI Cltr Ceanall Bandttaai Danca Tina Danea Fartr ' Olaa lSlflO'SIm Off 'silent Danaa Tune Opaa Haua ' TM stas.i BOIN is 1.1. ( as. ta It p.n. KBX tl.t, Iklu Don't fret oyer a down payment. We take most anything en trade for a beautiful Diiythconp Set. See Vs First for the Finest! TRADER LOUIE TV 1870 Lana Ave. Phone 3S558 Open Monday and Friday Erenlnfs I $ SUNDAY (.Cured thighs ot hogi 7. Egg-shaped , B.Liva (.Highest point 10. Urge on 11. Fish eggs IS. Wing 18. Jeer SlAiiatlorultr 34. Total meajure - of. surface it. Appear 26. Garden plots 27. Psrt ot a mlmtral show 28. Donkey SO. Female sheep 31. Remainder 32. Aged 34. In the lead 38. Engllth unl. versity 39. Oar pins 44. Slender nnlal 43. Vulgar admirer of wealth 4(1. Charles Lamb 47. Hire 49. Presently 10. Feminine name M. Obstruction 92. la able 63. Poem 97. Compass point 1;M Charch la Chareh a Caneart Ball 7:15 Baaaa Air Oaneart BaU 7:30 Mailt tar Cbareb af Qaeat Starr Maadr 7:45 Bandar Air Htrt'i ta Tat Jtaraap ' i-an Newt Kaon Salt Lake Newt Flrat Baptltl Oatpel at Qaa. Writ at VI Mailt far Tabernaelt Baaaareh Flrat BaptUt Chrlat Ntwt : JO Sander Inrllallen ta Llaht a Ute Back ta Oad T. FewaU Central :45 Mailt Meadl Uarnlns Uakt a Ufa Back ta Oad Ckrlttltn Latktrak M Newt Earape Starr Cnele Bob Bible Olaaa T. Bebtrta Bible Ig Badle Pnlpll Europe Starr Tap a' Mara. Bible CI tea T. Babertt Oraaa Left :30 Olenn Shellr H. K. Snllh Utttale al Valet at Waffla Olab Are Maria :4S Glenn Shellr awe laraal Frophcef Waffla Clab Hani is. so Bridal Hr. St. Fran. Ntrra Cel. Nawa Fenteeeeatal Free. SereTee follie Shower Dnlr. Iiplon Choir Taar Haaaa Fenteaeettal Sacred Heart ftVia Froodlr HallJtwIih Faltb Nallanal Latheraa Wtlllt Clab 'ret. Sereloa a:45 Proadlr Hall Medal Honei Vetpctt "tar Waffla Clab anttaber It.aa Art Urlns Sraaphaaetla Parade at Frank-Irnatt calrarr lit Baptttt :7S Ntwt Srnphenette Bite Mailt Baptltt lit Baptltl Eternal New Tork Parade ad 'Irtt Calrarr 't BaptUt 1:4! Ulkt PhUharatenli Hlte Mttkadlat Baplltt let Baptltt tatfi Intermetta New Terk Newa N. W. Nawa Sander Newe ii:!tONirM PhuharmanU Oard. Talks Canarlea SerenUa Ma). Laatae i-in & Cantlaiat Ntw Terk Chrlltlana Mailt Sander Mai. Uaaaa 11:45 a Boper Fhllhanaanlt In Action Matlc Serenade MaJ. Uaaaa wuNawe Newa Rerltal Hoai fnnr Boat sondar MaJ. Uaaaa Uh Gar M'a Fltatara Betital HearMu" Strenada Mai. Uaaaa 'm Mertdlth Gedfrer'a BerWal Heat Faleoa ' Sender Mai. Uama ;45 Wilton Dlrttt Bctlral Hear falcon Serenade Mai. Uaaaa 1.M GI Joe Godfrer't Voice of rht Shadaw Sander MaJ. Uaaaa :V? GI lee BoandlaMe Prephecr "a Shadaw serenade Mai. Uaaaa ii Mind Hrd. Starr Graaleet Tree Sender Mai. Uaaaa J'U Mannera Newt Btcrr Deteetlre Strenada MaJ. Uaaaa Tii Hr Gardner Bter Theater Blllr Nlek Carter Tooth Boar Frethmaa 15 Meet Veep Shew Grahaaa Nlek Carter Tooth Roar Olee 'in Challente of Wakrtr Herald af Official Becori Boon Fraahataa :4S Prtaone Shew Troth Deteetlre Becord Boaiil Glee d-MiChallento of lack Bonnr Charek In Affaire of IBeeerd BeonFreabniaa a IS Filtena Jack Bonnr Horn Piter Salen Boeerd Boow Glee I jO Aldrlth - Anee Andi Groat Fraad N.W. Artlttt Rteerd Booaj Frethaaaa 4:45 FamUr Aaaet And) 8endar adit. N.W. Arllm Becord Boon Glee :N Id Baaker Barton ant T.p Gar "owe Becord Beea World Wewe :ill Top Starr McCartbp Tap Gar Cannlathan Becord Boon UN Starr 1:M Theettr CBS Ntwt Mtl. V Nerer Bne Becord Boot Mailt far 1:41 Ootid CBS Newe Aadltlont Bible Hoar Becord Boon Amarlea !:M Theater Plerheaie Winehell Concert Record Boon Warwick :I5 Gelid Flerheaia JlnnrFldler Maale sin Off Warwick :M Toalh Vltwi Etcape tarlar Grant Coaeert Newa :45 The Newe Etcapa In Seleni Mailt 8t. Frantlt 7:S Drarnet Portland Paal Barrap Utile Matlc 1:15 Dretnet Brnphenp Br road Srnphenr Mailt TlMPbll Berrli- Whlitltr Inttrtolltta Mailt Honor Medal 7:45 Alice Faro Whlitltr Feram TV Clinic NaflGaard !:M Starlliht Oar Mitt Drtw Ptarton ; Qneitleni Frodalr Hall :lt Starlliht Breeae Man. Newa ag Oaaitleni Proadlr BaU :.' Srnahanr Utile Chet Hantlr Moan Gerd 'Den Stewart 45 Hear Merela Maale HeU I and Bonce ' Don Stewart !:N Srnphenr Bcraen aad Careere Newt DaH Stewart :ll Boar MeCarthr Sec Heart LandWeUri Den llaaui :1S Janier Jack Bonnr rortlaad HI. Edit. Speek. u Norer No :4I Sraepkonp Jack Bonap Tine Newe Beelth Coan. I(;N B. Boporlor S Slar Final Final Edit. Maala Are Maria t;lt Starr Teller Maala Faith Tinea Mailt Are Mario (:M Calhello Staart Cralt t. Ceoke Charek at Bererle (:a Hear Bdr. Mr Beat Cancert Hr. Air Berarle ' ll:WNowa (Bdr. Mr Beat Concert HoalCeaetrt iBIen Off ' i 11:15 Sander iMaale Cancert Hon Ceaeerl ll:." Brnphenp Troaearr Ceneert HoajCeaoert I lltdj Smahanp I Band foncart HeajCaneert Lewis-Clark Papers Found St. Paul (U.R1 A collection of papers dealing with the Lewis and Clark northwest expedition 150 years ago has been found in 'an attic here, the State Historical Society announced today. ' Some of the papers, describ ed as "priceless," were writ ten in the barely-legible scrawl 0t Capt. William Clark and included notations by his colleague, Capt. Meriwether Lewis. The society said the discov ery of the papers was "the greatest of its kind in dec ades." Research worker found the papers in January and stored them in vaults. The announce McMinnville . Yamhill county Camp Gideons inter national will hold a rally in McMinnville, Sunday March 22, 9 to 6 p.m. Registration will be In the Oregon hotel lobby at a.m. papers could be properly eval ated, the society said. Dr. Harold D. Cater, direc tor of the society said there are 67 pieces of manuscript in the collection, dating from December, 1803, to April, 1805. He said the last section deals with the winter the KTOUD snent nttr Rlimawa N.D., and closes with the de parture for the mountains and the Columbia river. The society said th. nanara were found in tha hnma s Mrs. Burnside Foster, St. Paul. They were found In nM rin.ir. tt I" d h o X I t r t i i . ment was withheld until the' stored in the attic.