Friday, March 10, 1953 iss ioboi nei ii TRAINING CAMP NOTES iOBOBsaenoB Hollywood, UJ0 Hollywood ,nd the Chicago White Sox, both recovering from losses. will be out to take each other when they meet today for an exhibition . clash ' at Gllmore Field here. " The Lot Angeles Angels dumped the Stan, 8 to 2, in a nip-and-tuck lession at Ana heim yesterday, and the Chi cago Cuba routed their cross town rivals, the Sox, by a staggering H to 3 at Pasa dena. The Stars bsve elated Red Lynn to start on the mound, and the Chi-sox will open with Joe Dobson. Hollywood's ex hibition records now stands at two wins and six defeats. Coronado, Calif., tut A pepped-up Los Angelea nine will step out of PCL and big league competition today to take a crack at the San Diego Naval Air Station. . The Angels scored three un learned runs yesterday to blan ket Hollywood 3 to 2 and even (up the feud between the cross city rivals'. The Angels have Swon four and lost seven so far. I San Diego, Calif., (U.R) The ;San Diego Padres, having won jthe majority of their games against both PCL and big lea gue opponents so far, aim for another notch in their bat to day against the San Diego Naval Training Center team, f The Padres, led by a double nd triple by Daln Clay yes terday, maintained their cur rent winning streak by top pling the St. Louis Browns 4 lis GUARANTEED INCOME $600 cosh, gives you your own Independent busl V ness. Be your own boss operating a route of our new t 5c dispensers, handling a new fast moving eonfee , , tion. L NO SELLING - All locations obtained for you by company repre i tentative, you operate route only. No experience ' needed, can bo operated in spare time as little as . 4 hours per week. You must have car, references and $600.00 Cash which it protected by an ironclad money-back guarantee. Spare time should net up to $70.00 per weak, full time more. Liberal financial assistance given on ex pansion program. Reply giving phone to Box 19, Capital Journal. ' CI . J to 3. Memo Luna held the Brownies hitless for five in nings. Glendale, Calif., (URlThlngs were looking brighter for the Portland Beavers today alter they employed a two man pitching crew to blank the Tokyo Giants, 1 to 0. The win over the baseball champions of Japan was a shot in the arm for the Beavers who have been on the losing end of most of their spring training tilts so far. The victory ycst?ruay was attributed to Portland pitchers Larry Ward and Dick Waibel. Ward allowed only three hits and fanned four batters in the first five frames, and Waibel allowed but one hit while on the mound for the duration. San Bernardino, Calif., (U.R-. Bill Sweepey's Seattle Rain iers, by clouting 21 hiU for a 14-7 win over the St. Louis Browns' "B" team, proved to day that nobody is going to push them around even big; leaguers. Rainier pitcher Art Del Duc ca led the win over the Brown ies yesterday by holding the American Leaguers to only two runs in the four final Innings. During the last three innings his teammates racked up eight tallies. : Sacramento, Calif., AJ.FD Sac ramento's Solons dried them selves off today and got seri ous about training for their exhibition game with the Cleveland Indians tomorrow. - The Senators came - home Flavor that switched a million be er drinkers In just the past two years Hamm's Beer has won over a million brand new friends. What attracted all these folks? They tell us it was Hamm's special kind of crisp, clean-cut taste, with land of sky blue waters - :7a f3 ix il ( Ercolini Moves From Canby to Woodburn High Woodburn Henry M. (Hank) Ercolini, football and track coach at Canby union high achool, has been hired as the gridiron and baseball coach at . Woodburn high school, effective next fall, ac cording to Frank Doerfler, lo cal superintendent. He will succeed Charles (Chuck) Sher on who resigned recently aft er five years in Woodburn., Ercolini has been at Canby since 1949 and during that time has coached all major sports at one time or another. Prior to going to Canby he coached all four sports at Sac red Heart academy in Salem. A native of Seattle he grad uated from Willamette Uni versity in 1848 where he earn ed three letters as a tackle in football and one in baseball. He is 30 years of age. At Woodburn Ercolini will be head coach in football and baseball, assistant in basketball and had charge of physical ed ucation for boys. Marshall Bar bour will continue as head bas ketball and track 'coach here and assist in football. A list of 35 applied for the position aa football coach. r 1 1 ' from Santa Cruz yesterday when a rain storm forced them to break up spring training camp a little ahead of sched ule. ' . Oakland, Calif., U.R The Oakland Acorns, with new manager Augie Galan at the helm, play the New York Giants in an exhibition game here tonight. Augie makes his local debut against Llppy Leo Durocher, for whom he once sweated as a Brooklyn Dodger. Oak fans also will get their first glance at former San Francisco Seal Con Dempsey newly signed to the Acorn pitching staff. San Francisco, U.R) San Francisco pitcher Al Lien has a tough Job ahead tonight when he faces Mike Garcia of the Cleveland Indians in an ex hibition game at Seals Stadium. Garcia, the giant one, has won 42 games for the Indians with his big right arm. Last time he pitched ' against the Seals, two years ago, Garcia sent the locals away winning with a 15 to 2 defeat. KX HlBl-rlON BASKBAIX ' (Br The AiaoclBttd Press) droit (A) s, Boiton (A) i. Chlcuo (N) 11, Chlcsaa (A) S. Ntw York (A) S, St. Loull (H) 1. Philadelphia (A) S, miUdilph! Of) S (10 Ionian). San Dleto (PCL) 4, St. -Loul, (A) S. Cincinnati (Ml 4, Milwaukee M I. at. Louie "B" (II) J, Cincinnati "B" (Al 1. attlt (PCL) 14, St. Louu "B" (A) 1. Brooklyn (N) 4, Washautoa (A) 1. Dangerous Trees A SPECIALTY Topping, Trimming and Bemoving Insured . . . Ph. 16628 smoothness "aged-in." It's an unusually refreshing flavor which we have cap tured here in the land of sky blue waters. Won't you be curious? Just once, try Hamm's Beer. Tuo. Htmm I Brewing ( r he heer romihe THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Baseball Brass Predict More Moves t LKO H. PETERSEN St Petersburg, Fla (U.R) On the theory that the first etep always is the hardest, club owners and officials today pre dicted . farther sweeping changes In the big league base ball map will result from the transfer of the Braves to Mil waukee. "There now is really only one key question," said Warren Giles president of the National League. "That is how big a handicap two teams in one city will be under in this day of television." . . Walter O'Malley, president of the Brooklyn Dodgers, was more emphatic. "One thing I'm sure of," he id. "This transfer is going to set off a chain reaction and there are bound to be some more transfers." Official sources pointed to the St. Louis ' Browns and Philadelphia A's as the teams most likely to transfer In the near future. Speculation on the new sites included Balti more, Montreal and, of course the two ' big West Coast cities, Los Angelea and San Francisco. Although American League club owners rejected the tram- Bratron Faces Bobby Jones In NY Tonight , New York (ff) Johnny Brat- ton is a S to 1 choice to even his score with the Jones boys Friday night when he faces middleweight Bobby Jones of Oakland, Calif., at Madison Square Garden. Last December Jolting John ny of Chicago was a 4 to 1 shot to whip Ralph Tiger Jones, no relation to Bobby, but the Tiger wasn't awed, by Bratton's repu tation and all but chased him out of the ring to provide an upset. "This Jonesy won't do it," promised Bratton, former NBA welterweight champion. "I'm out to set a shot at Kid Gavi- lan the welter champ, and I don't want anything to spoil my chances." The 7 p.m. (PST) ten-round er will be broadcast and tele cast. Fights Lost Wight (Br Tba Auoclatad Prau) Detroit Rockp CsslUo, 147, Chlcuo, knocked out Gene Ounter, 141, BalU more, 1. Pall BJT.r, Maes. Bddls SUtU, 141, New Bedford, knocked out Gordon Pern, 141, proTldenee, 4. New Tork (Snarelde OarSeas) Joe JulUDO. at. Hew Tork. outpointed Italo scortochlnl, 141, Milan, Italy, S. Newark, N. I. Junlua Woode, 141, New Tork, outpointed Bobbr Boeado, 14S, Brooklm, s. I, Mimmlt wi I Coming Soon fer of the Browns to Baltimore last Monday, it was pointed out that they left the door open for tho switch to bo made next year. An unidentified Balti more syndicate has offered Veeck 12,400,000 for his 10 per cent interest. It the predicted transfers go through, New York and Chi cago will be the only cities supporting more than one big league team. Lou Perinl conceded that the overwhelming factor which persuaded him to leave Boston was the conviction that tele vision had made it a one-team city. "I rerretted leaving," Per lnl ssld. "But I was absolute ly convinced that Boston could not support two teams In this era of television." . The terms of Perinl's agree ments with the American As sociation and the city of Mil waukee virtually guaranteed a profit for five years. Perlni was called upon to pay only $50,000 damages to the Asso ciation a figure which Kansas City protested in vain and he will pay only 11,000 a year rental for the first two years in the Milwaukee Park. In the following three years, he will pay a 5 per cent fee on admissions and also turned over 5 per cent of the Income from concessions.- The juLUant Perinl thanked the owners and representatives for their confidence in him and predicted that Milwaukee will prove a true "big league city." There was a wistful note in his voice only when he talked of leaving Boston. "It was my home town," he said. "I hate to leave. And I wanted to leave with a better team." SCORES In the Alleys Capitol Alleys atBBOANTlXB NO, S Plralee Oeld (I) Howell all. Btrona eie, Aauia ,bb, Anion !57, Larky 411: Seara Bemarta Ill-Oliiin 417, Sardlas MS, Krauae 393. ocnaa 440, Weiss 371. lalem Smoke Skew () Toraeaoa all. Kicnaras 300, u. Toneaon ess. a. Tor leaon 3H, Adam, 441: Veller OU Ca. (t Warner 34, Lien 314, Vestal 473, Boon air. viausen sou. Weet Salem Lambar Co. (I) Nelson 417, Brim 4l, Rom 4U. Smith 311, Tork Mil Oaftemaa (1) Williams 447, Myers ill, Alderln 313, ateok 471, Daeer Ml. Seara Keamoro (I) Dyer 111, Klein sos, BprifKo ess, cook aos, noma 4411 total, (l) Wefrrenaa 310. Blltcot 441. Brtataard 431. Overt 411. Sleeeneon 341. Rltb Ind. aame. Anson. 314: hlah tnd. serlee, Clausen, Slot hlsh team same. vaiier oil, asii aim team serial, xea more, t3B03. . . " LADISS CUT LXAOUS - Saleaa NayliaUsa (I) lilller 347, aiaeaar coiyin 10, oauatin 41s. Penny 4S3i Shallae's Ckaleaa (I) Chamberlain 313, Pollniky 434, Curtis 171, Prime 413. Olbb 434. Bradley Steele (S) Doerfler 3ST, avow ry 313, Bundo 400, Bradley 440, Thomp son 4U: Isaak Beally Co. (I) MeBl- hanay 411, Ivans 4U. Push 311, Black 311, Blind 401. Ckaek'a Steak BaBoo (I) Krejel 403, Schroeder 410. Blind 317. Clark 441. Oar- barlno 4S4: Senator Belel (I) Gartner 447, Undtey 3t, Llndssy 441, MusU haupt 4, Adolph 431. Goad Hoaetpeeplnf (t) Olney 431, Al brleh 411, Oardner 311, Jonas 111, Poa eehl 411: Capbeard Cale (I) Vlltone 340, Olodt 4(1, Helaey MO, Utke 111, Zwleker 431. Mooter Bread (I) lfenell 317, Moa ner 407, Harne 111, Meola 333, Bermu 431: Baadla Oil (t Ansore 411, Brna dldse 344, Smith 400, Staldsr 314, Van Dell 409. Bob Lawless Melon, (1) Thruah Ml, Lawlou 413, Schmidt 431, McHeal 411. Vanderhoof 4411 Slateemaa (I) White 414, XlUmUler 111, Bounds 433, Co, ton 403, Rlcnss 38B. Hlsh team tame and serlss, aenator Roul. 137 and 3307: hlsh Ind. lame, Glo ria Utke. US: hlsh Ind. series. Marl, Jones, sal. (frali'ty Leader Intke Price 3UU Time-tested Jacobsen 2-Cycle Engine Fully Enclosed Chain Drive Extra-Heavy Air Cushion Tires All-Steel Construction '99 EASY THUS $10 DN $9.70 MO. Immediate Delivery! Come In and gat yours now . BRADLEY'S Bicycle & Sport Shop 217 N. Koh St. Open Friday Evenings FANFARE State Tournament Box Scores ( ...... (M) St si Pt BP SS it Pi tp AisM.1 ess trtu.f a a 4 Stett.l 1(1 4Jtiaaa.f t S IS wuhor.o s s e m biu, s s 4 SfokAS S S H Deaals.s t I ID Baaor.t II III Knw.s I 4 11 TuttU.I II 1 S allller.e Sill toooiM til ltprser.t l uoiu., see eavu.1 s i e i otiiu.1 e i a iTripiiu s i s Krtaau ess trtersn,i a a Tetals IS M IS St Teilla M IS IS 14 OUATUr MOTMl .- Banna is u i at Seleaa I IS U-4 auaaad tree Bum: Busaas 111) Otott. Atoaa I, Wnleushor, Hsnale. Baaof 4, Halallni. Salem (I) Platens I, Kapp S, Rica. ShaotUMr nnw POA PO Pat. Busena N II Jw Salam K D HI Officials: llalpn Barpar and Pi ink O'XaU. su (SI) Otoralaat u n pr tp M It pt tp Curtlict Oisoa.f Dosasky.a I I 4 14 ITNalM 4 t I I I tjj-ctn.t S II Nenew.e S latmpla.s 1 lOJoller.s BraMll,! Kltmllrj ferra.f HoJdorf.l wilot.l 1 Vrnon.f S SBaanor.c a I Hall,, I 1 Simula,! atmofo, Total, IT II It al Totslt II I II quarter acoraa: . Dtllat 11 14 II Claraland 14 10 S 1111 Ulaaad fraa throw,: Dallaa 111) Our- Uai S, OUon 1, Domueboflkr t, Klu mlllar I, Brutfll 4, Jor, HoMort S. Cla?alu4 (ll) n. otampla S, Krnow S, MoNall S. Varum S. aiambatuh. Bfcoousi Taiaiaa: POA to Pat. Dallas , 41 11 417 ClaTalairt SI II Jll AtUulaiica: l,MI (nUhl aaaaloa). OfflolAlai Bd Watlnlta lb4 In Pa,. tlMOB. . BaaaoTaU (II) (44) Clatskaala IB It PC IS It pt tp Rodln.f S 1 Oeoorn.l s S 4 11 Hrrlaa,! S S Wanaka.f OBldckr,a S llPhlsrn.4 1 e S II Pillar . 1 4 S S MOky,f S 11 s Lenta s a a IBUnsa,t 1 1 4 ISrnaen.e S 1 1 lHsrmo,i a S Smith,! 4 a WIIUls.i curtu,4 Plood.I atrons.t wntrnir,s Marsuu Totals It 34 17 SI Totala HUMU Quarter seoros: , , Koosseelt IS IS SO 1S-S1 Olatakanle II 17 II 1144 Missed Iree throws: Roosmslt (ll) Wanaka. Rodin I. wutala 1. ation a. and WlnterhoUer I. Claukants (10) Harrison 1. Oaborn, McCroaky 4, PlUar, ahootlna atsraiat: POA PO Pet. Hootereit 44 11 .171 waiekaaia 44 11 jh Offiaiaai: Ttrtll Swaasoa and oaasay Mealerd (tl) , , () Ontario is It M In ta It tl it Blnthm,! s t I UMnder.t lata wtuams.1 1 a 4 I Beesa,! . S S 4 S WMtBn.4 SIS IBtoner,a 1143 Aunty I T 111 Orcla,a S I 4 11 Thmpin.l S S S iaayata,t S S I 11 uuy.i aaa asarioM salt MevF,i w , a iaaii,r t 1 s 1 anaerca aaa tNchlen,t Sill Landers.! till Ackmnj S S S 11 cnppan,( tat t Andes j lit! T4UI1 It M St 47 Totala it aa aa ai Quarter aeerea: Medford 11 11 S3 11-17 Ontario 13 It it 1143 Mlaaed free throws: Medford (la) euuuts 0, nuiiama a, wootea 3, at terbury I. Thamasoa 4. inun a. tnri M. Landan. Ontario (11) Binder S, Stoner I, Oarcla, Aereee I, Mali, Nmhol aon, and Aekarman. Shoo tine arsruu: POA PO Pet. wodlora tl 11 Jll Ontario I, 17 j Officials: O-NsU and Harper. (44) (IS) aUlwaaale It It PS" BP Si ft p! tp cksrl,! s sprdrut 4 I 1 11 Comptn,! S St Miller,! t IBloedl.o S S Brer,,t S TLaran.1 S 7trele.r 4 taaimr.e t t Derby J a eafaawl.1 atchltn,a nnitcnM Ornhrt,t aartar,! a a 11 a 1 t Hertrpf.4 POOI.I RUBhlw Totala 11 tl tt St Totals it 14 11 St Quarter acoras: You're paying for top quality ihlskey.,.are you getting It? ESwi as'ajy, l syfeaBjayT, lloja,! Glanmore's richer taste leaves no doubt but that yotj f I . M have found whiskey that pleates everyone. You can ' 1 SmmiSmm, 04 ProuL ,00 whtn you terte Glenmore, for Ita name ll w baa stood for the finest in Kentuclc Straight Bourbons V for over eight yesm l afi'l'ii'' atSTtJCn yP aea mmmmri,-'i,- I BilUboro 11 t II 11-44 aUlwauals ...4 T IS 1S-SI liliaaa; tree throw,: Ulakoro (11) Coaaptoa s, lakart I, ntlahsleoa, Oara ntrt 4, Bartrampf. Muweukle lid Miller S. Pradorlcka 14, BWedel S, law aaa I, atunia s. ahootlnc avsraaes: POA PO Pt t. BlUaooro ............. M II J71 MUwaukla ; 14 11 III Attendants: IMS (noralng aaaaloa). Official!: wallnlti aaa 1m Peltereon. ( St It wi MS) Laaonav at ft pi tp Sappa.1 Its lllchlan.f lias Bar.l 1ST Jon,,,r II 1 IS WUbu.4 1 S 1 SPmrU.i 1 S 4 4 CaTa.f tea iw.iii.f 14 1 o Poaum.f I 4 lawnal.a SSI Bllott.s 1I1S aCou.4 I 4 I I 4 1 amart. Brar,t Ultl.a BchloU.t Raltarl Oatrlnd.s Vulka.t Janaan.0 a t S 4 I s I t s s s I Tolaii ti 11 SI si ToiaU 11 K n 41 Quarter acoraa: Aitorla 14-11 14 14-41 Lakovlav , s II ( 1141 MUiad frra throw,: Astoria (II) -Sappa S, Bar i. Smart S, Brar I, Oatar lund 4. Utiili, (17) ararts I, Paris a, Poaium I, Swlrnla S, llllott I. Mos, 4. ahoollns (Tsratas: POA PO Pet. Aatoria It SI .400 Laksrlaw 4t n . ,n Oflklala: Vlrtll awanioo and cuw otaanla. MaiaktMl (14) (47) Contra! CetaeUo It ft pf tp Powora,f Crbtra,.! t S Otfrld.f I SAlthfn.f S 1 Dufry.o S 10 Wsber,t 1 11 M'Rsh.1 4 11 Mrphy.t lOrkvh.t 5 orarrell.f Sndsrs,o Sntalo.1 41 S S 4 a 4 11 a s 4 1 4 1 1 4 it a s a a s ass at Krousti.a Uwli., milium Blek.e Jonas.t . Airu ' Totala II M II M Total! II 11 H it Quarter score,: uarehtleld ..It SI IS 1044 Central Catnollo ... a S IS 1447 MUied tree throw,: Marihlleld Mel Powsra 4. Krouah I, Blck 4, Jonei S. Central Clthotlo (I) Duffy t, Gott fried. Weber S. Oreaknleh S. Murphy, ahootlni artraiss POA PO Pet. Marehfltld ..,.71-11 .111 Central Oalholl II It .tH OtflclaU: Bet WeUnlU and Lest Patter- Tka Daises (74) (71) rs it ml ta It II pi tp S 4 1 11 t s s SO IS 1 11 Harass,! t S 1 lahslky.t Jonea.1 a s s 11 Pntlua.t t S S 14 Casble.a t 1 0 17 Popprt,t S 1 a 13 Brntn,t S S I 11 Brtord,f tilt, Moore.e Haynea.t Lund,ll,t S I S I 4 a 4 it Peet.f .. Hyde,! it . Totals 11 14 14 IS Totala M 11 11 41 Ouarur scores: . . TOO Dalle, it SI IS U 74 ' DON'T BE FOOLED tbout your LOCKER BEEF Do not bo influenced by meat aradino such as "AA," "SUPER," "fAKY." "WICIAl," Etc. Stkk with U. S. Government iradirvg terms "UTILITY," "COMMERCIAL' GOOD." . Insist on STATE - INSPECT! D, FEDERALLY GRADED beef. .. . 1. 1 KDKAllT CMKO UTILITY BEEF COMMERCIAL BEEF I. S. KOftAliT SMDfO . f gBf GOOD BEEF 3 No extra chorfle for quick f reeilnf . V Cuttinf end wrapping, smoking, curing, custom killing. SALEM MEAT CO. J32SS.2Stli Phone S-4858 KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON OUNMORE DISTIUERIES COMPANY . LOUISVILLE. KYs Pas U ly WoM Dshsos) Albuy It IT 1 Missed free throw!: The Delia, (11) D. Herat, s, Moore 4. Lundal S. a. Heron. Pass t, Albasy (14) Popper! 4. aweiay 4, caatbia 3, aoraasoa. poa lias. i Mtootina atwiaaee - . r'tk wwt. The Danes to SI M Albsny ........,.., tt ' 14 .434 Offklell: Ralph aarpwr as Prank CNalL "1 AlUadance: lit? I afternoon aeailea). . : I.,' . Kiner Finally Comes to Camo - Havana, Cuba tf Balph Kiner finally has arrived at tho PittaburaTh Pirates traininc camp after long distance . argument with General Man-, ager Branch - Rickey and la ready to take aim on another. nome run uue. Vla.a I I Ml , t s u v r Brrivra . Aituraasgr night from his Palm Springe, Calif.,' home and officially signs his new contract Friday calling for reported 20 per cent reduction of his $90,000 salary in 1952. -; V it Registered Nurse SSB(aeejWBJS!l!iwlA JIJWBIMBaw Nurse, Lillian Caro, says: "I have to know I can depend on my Sash light. That'a why I use the new . 'Eveready D-09 batttrlea for mora ataarlv llsrkr. . Amtm Ufa ThaiHte , ,' , ,,' . , 1 r-' ...... -. y ' m 1 1