Thursday, March 19, 1953 ratr THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Satan, Ortgoa ,i 1 -, I I 4 I s ' - , "if- ; K ; V! In Salem Nut Tuesday Zino Francescatti, . world famous violinist, cornea to Salem next Tuesday evening, March 34, to play in the aeason'i final concert of the Com munity Concert association. The program will be at :15 'clock' In Salem high achool auditorium. Stayton CD As 'l Are Entertained , . Stayton At the meeting of Catholic Daughters of America, Court Queen of Peace, Tues day, it - wn announced that Father Peyton is presenting the sorrow mysteries at 2:30 on Sundays during Lent, and will present the glorious mysterious In May. There was a day of recollection on Sunday with talks and discussion. Junior chairman, Mrs. Cecilia Mertz, has asked David Nettl ing to ahow slides taken on his trip to the UN on March IB at 8 p.m. In Forester hall. The mothers and the senior Catholic Daughters are Invited. A contribution was voted for the Red Cross, and tickets were on sale for the Eugene Glee men concert. The Catholic Daughters will conduct an all-night adoration on Holv Thundav nleht. ' The members are. asked to contact' Mrs. Clara Dozler as to what hour they can serve. The Rev. Father Gelinas gave a talk on the cross. Entertain ment committee chairmen were Miss Agnes Silbernagel and Mrs. Janet Pepperllng. Mrs, Rufina Silbernagel, Mrs. Hattie Samek and Mrs. Bertha Basl won prizes. .' : . Dinner Wednesday ' Yellow spring blooms and green and white candles deco rated the dining room table Wednesday evening when past matrons of .-Order of Eastern Star entertained their hus bands and guests at a dinner party. More than 80 members and guests were present. . Donald Madison showed pic tures of national parks and Oregon points of interest for entertainment. - Mrs. C. L. Blodgett was chairman of the serving com mittee and assisting were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phillippe, Mr. Miss Covert Is Wed at Stayton Stayton The Church of Christ was the setting for the wedding of Miss Jessie Jean Covert, daughter of William W. Covert, and Stanford s. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth I. Smith, Sr., on Saturday, March 14. The 8 o clock ceremony was per formed' by the Rev. Glenn Vernon. . The church was decorated with greenery, daffodils and forsythia, and white candela- brums. Lighting the candles were Mlas Dorothy Poole and Miss Helen Ware. They wore identical dresses of light green designed with lace bo dice and full length skirt. In their hair they wore half, coronets of spring flowers. ; Mis Sharron Poole sang, accompanied b y W 1 1 1 1 a m Covert, Jr., brother of the bride, who also .played the wedding music, The bride . was given In marriage by her father. She wore a dress of white satin with train, the shirred bodice being topped with a net yoke. A lace crown dotted with seed pearls held the finger tip veil In place. The bride's bouquet was a nosegay . of mixed flowers with a large purple orchid in the center. Honor attendant was Miss Colleen - Hales who wore a blue net frock with lace bodice, and matching mitts. Bridesmaids were Miss Gay Lesley and Miss Florence Davis, cousin of the bride. They wore yellow dresses identical to the honor maid's and all the attendants carried nosegays. Junior attendant was Linda Jones, small daughter of the Courtney Joneses. She wore a dress of light blue with a white organdy over-skirt. ; Best man was Darwin Feh len and the ushers were Cla rence Hinrlchs and Edward Neilson. I Mrs. i Smith, the - bridj groom's mother, wore a navy taffeta dreaa with a white hat and black accessories. Her corsage was of pink carna tions. A reception for 200 guests took place In the church par lors. Cutting the cake were two aunts of the bride, Mrs. Jessie Van Boening and lit. Vern Davis. Pouring was Mrs. Dale Crabtree and at the punch bowl was Mrs. Robert Reinke, sister of the bride. groom. Serving ' were the Misses Cheryl Morgan, San dra Davie, Janet Huffman and Marge Micheals, cousin of the bride. Passing the guest book was MUs Mary Howe. Opening the gift were the Misses Sherry Spaniol, Sally Studnrck and Sherley Mlnten. Assisting ' were Mrs. Delia Keithley, Miss Mary Basl and Mrs. Amanda Gavette. For traveling the ''bride wore a cocoa brown suit with pin striped jacket and brown accessories. After a wedding trip, the couple will be at home in the Klllian apart ment in Stayton Both Mr. and Mrs. Smith attended Stayton schools, Mr, Smith graduating with the class of 1952. Mrs. Smith is a senior this year. , ,. . - Council Fire Due Salem Heights The Otak uye Camp Fire Girls group of the sixth grade of the Salem Heights school will stage their council fire on Saturday, March 21 at 8 p.m. at the Sa lem Heights Community hall. Parents are- invited to at tend the council fire, awards event, entertainment and re. freshments. In conjunction with Camp Fire Girls national birthday week, the group attended church last Sunday at First Christian church in Salem. At tending were Karen Harris, Sue Zwicker, Claudia Weaver, Bonnie Jean Kurth, Joan Has kln9, Betty Jean Dyke, Sue Bartlett, Carolyn Howells, Judy McClellan and Nancy Baker, Osborn-Morrow Wedding in Corvallis Lebanon At a candlelight service Saturday, March 7, Miss Ravda Jo Morrow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Morrow of Corvallis, was wed to Wesley Glenn Osborn, son of Mr. ana Mrs. W. Glenn Osborn of Leb nnn Hitch Webb officiated at the 8 o'clock service in the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat ter Day Saints in Corvallis. 'Whit stock and candelab rums against a background of palms provided the altar set ting. Mrs. Harold Harper played the wedding matches and accompanied Gladys Pos talwelght, soloist. Given In marriage by" her father, the bride wore a gown of white satin with lace-edged veil and carried a white prayer book on 'which lay a wmte or chid. i Her attendants were her sis ter, Mrs. Delmar Bryant, Miss Nancy Assum, Miss Shirley Lugenbell and Miss Ruth Har vey. Best man was David McGre gor, and ushers were Loren Gardner, Ellwood Tracy and Delmar Bryant. All are Ore gon State college fraternity brothera of the bridegroom. . The reception was in the church recreation room. For traveling, Mrs. Osborn wore a navy blue suit with pink accessories. The couple left for San Francisco and San Diego, where the bridegroom has served with the navy as elec tronics engineer for' the past turn veara. He is a graduate of Lebanon high school. ' and Mrs. Fred Keeler, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Eby, Mrs. Floyd Thompson, Mrs. Winifred Her- rick, Miss Frances Byram, Miss Lelia Johnson and C. L. Blod gett. Mill City Group Mill City Friendship night was observed on Monday, by Marilyn chapter, Order of East em Star, with Mrs. Laurel Johnson, worthy matron, and George Huffman, worthy pa tron, presiding. Visitors were presented from Salem chapter and 'Cedar chaDter of Scio. A friendship ceremony was con ducted by officers of the local chapter and Doris sneytne sang a medley of Irish songs for en tertainment. . ;. ; ... Mn ' .Tniinenn was honored with a handkerchief shower In observance of her birthday anniversary. The St. Patrick's day theme was used in the decorations. Serving during the refreshment hour were Helen Johnson, Gar net Bassett and Gladys Cow drey. ' ' i 155 N. Liberty Phone 3-3191 i for "SPRING FESTIVAL II r': ' SPECIAL PURCHASE AMD TRUE WjtMIHGTHI FOLLOWING VALUES AT THE LITTLE FRENCH SHOP FOR THE "SPRING FESTIVAL" On group of 49.95 Coots, miluim Hnsd Dexter tweeds. Anglo Loom wools, virgin $ 38 wool Kasha. v Other Spec. 115 ft f 45 DRESSES!! DRESSES!! DRESSES!! $5 and $10 : VALUES TO $19.95 A Group of $54.95 and $39.95 SUITS!! NEW FOR SPRING MANY HIGH COLORS AND PASTELS , . . at the . . . r 71,, 7 I C m .si-.M- w sr sr i' i. .uue renew jwop "Across from the Courthouse Square" . 115 N. High St.' , Open Friday Evenings 'til 9 25 45 173 Open Friday Night Til 9 REG. 39c 80-SQ. PERCALE 29 yard For sryls, quality ond sturdy weor ot a thrifty price, Wards Percales art your best buy. Easy to sew into style-wise dresses, children's wear, home accessor ies. Pay less for this gay, washfast cotton today. REG. 39c MEN'S SOCKS 23' pair Men's slack length, crest woven, long wearing, soft tombed cotton. Knit in fancy patterns, wash-fast colors. For dress or sports wear. In sizes from 10 to 12. Buy these and save during this sale: '- REG. 39c KNIT BRIEFS 18 each Full cut Briefs at this low Ward price, Your choice of elastic or band leg styles. Long-wearing run resistant circular knit rayon reinforced at strain points. 4 lovely pastels. Small, medium, large sizes. REG. 98c NYLON HOSE 67' pair 60 and 51 gauge Carol Brent nylons. All first qual ity full-fashioned. Ideal for every day but sheer enough for dress. Your choice of glamorous dark or slim regular seams. Lovely new spring colors. I SHOP jfWARDS VY'.GC k-End Specials I SHOP H WARDS REG. 23.45 HAND MOWER 18.88 och .3 sttel blades cut your lawn quickly, quietly. Has cast-iron frame, tubular steel handle with rubber grips. Enclosed wheels ond gears won't clog. Ball bearings in reel and roller. Cut adjusts V to 1 W. REG. 6.98 METAL BOARD 4.88 each Sturdy, steady, extra strong. Lasts years. All metal, welded construction. Perforated top speeds ironing. Rest on end serves as hanger when not in use. Baked on enamel finish. Similar to one pictured. REG. 29c KITCHEN TOOLS 17 i r each Shining cooking tools you'll use every day buy one or all at Wards low price. Resist rust. "Hang up" tyP cIeor lacquered handles with bright red tips. Other utensils not shown olso on sale. REG. 17.95 SEAT COVERS 13.88 set Made of heavy-weight fibers lacquer-coated to re sist toiling, scuffing, fading. Elastic inserts for tight t.t, ond attractive Sealtuft plastic trim. Choice of three smart new motching plaids. Installed free. (7i