ThOTdiy, Much H, lt At Willamette THE CAPITAL JOUUNAL, Salm, OragM FroshGlee QtWeek-End Big Campus News Now GrOUDi nf fraihn... w. mores, Junion, tnd seniors have wn a congregating at 6 clock la the morning thii week, u the WUlemette cam PPres for ITeshman Glee. The long leit will take place Saturday evening at 8 o clock In the gymnailum. The icniori will make their final appearance in Glee sing ing "Willamette, Our Alma Mater." Words lor the long were written by Amaryllli Lu lls and Eleanor Oakei of Port land, and the muic was writ ten by Beverly Handi, alio of Portland. Accompaniita for the Clail Will h HivrUt All.. -J - . ...tri ui Yakima, Wash., and Jane Foo hee of San Leandro, Calif. In the three yean that they have ung in Glee the seniors have a second and two fourth places to wieir creau. By BARBARA JACKSON x-rnsi irau ccrrupondint 4. Monday will be devoted to pay ing off the Glee bets that have been made. Known on the cam pus as "Blue Monday," this Is the dav whu tH has to swim the mill stream. v ' Sharon Griawnlrl n Kaujnl wm elected president of Chi Omega recently. Assisting her vice presiaent will be Sheila Shuerman nf PnrtUnrf uau Harris of San Leandro, (Calif., was elected secrtary, and Bet ty ean wiison is treasurer. Pledied in Alnha TjimU. Delta, freshman women's hon orary, in ceremonies last week were Amy Girod, Marjorie Lit tle, Carol Hewitt and Gyla Seal of Salem; Yvonne Bowles, Mar ian Rutledse anri .Tninn. T.r. hark of Portland; Gladys Coop 'wfnim.,A a,. "I ale re: ?ecca liang m C Z. I j TV ... ,r ol "en; "uia Harmer of St. Will be presented by the Junior Paul, Minn.; Frances Miller of class, who has won Glee both Prescott, Arii.; Joann Pym of IMZ n. i,'",!! p!rJ!.icl- s. Wash.; Marilyn RusseU pated. Lliabeth Sheilds of Cas- of Medford. tleford, Idaho, and Carol Em-1 P !?"bett epmposed the The highest debate honor that music and also will be accomp- can be awarded to a university JTm '.!? tW rdw witten was received by Willamette ??jm L""lard of Sllverton j when It was invited to repre nd Maryjane Stewart of Port-'sent the Pacific Northwest in" k'.m'i. m. u ...... J AprU '' the Nationl Invita- Keith Mirirlr nf UaHfnMl ll 1 n.i . ... itu.ii 1 i """ uBuaie tournament at wrote "Hall to Thee, Willam- West Point, New York. This is wLiiiuiiiure aons, m thirrt uraii ua iimm that Jaycee-Ettes Plan Event AtSilverton Silverton The Sllverton Jaycee-Ettes at their Tuesday evening meeting planned en tertainment for other groups in the district, Friday even ing, April 17, at Legion hall. Invitations were sent to Jaycee-Ettes at Albany, Dal las, Woodburn and Salem. The program theme is to be "The Gy Nineties." Mrs. Jim Jones, president, and Mrs. Phil elites were hostesses at the Jones home. Twenty-three were present. The members named the committee personnel for the visitors' entertainment. ' To arrange the serving of refreshment! will be Mrs. WiUiam Duncan, Mrs. Phil Clites, Mrs. Murl Anderson and Mrs. Curtis BoldUH- ra eention. Mrs. Harlan Itath. Mrs. Jsmea Jones, Mrs. Robert Edgerton; Invitations, Mrs. John Middlemiss and Mrs. Robert Mallorie; enter tainment and decorations, Mrs. David Demeter, Mrs. Richard Hartley, Mrs. Kieth Anderson, Mrs. James Nelson and Mrs. Virgil Pettit. ' Mrs, Jones named as the nominating committee to sug gest officers for the coming year, ' Mrs. Gordon ElweU, Mrs. Kenneth Brown and Mrs. Robert Edgerton, the first re nort to be made at tha Anrll meetinV Club Party Wallace Road Camellias and Ivy decorated the supper t.Ul .f 4U. eiiii.J.u Mlkl I vwa- HID Ala11 meeting .of Willamette Lodge Country club. Mrs. J. P. Bmart, Mr. and Mrs. James S. Smart and Mr. and Mrs. Dusne Gib- Ft 1 1 son were la charge W arrange- meots. E. W. Peterson, president, conducted a brief business ses sion prior to an evening - of bridge. Winning the women's high score was Mrs. Guy Doan. Fred Gibson took top honors for the men. . Additibnal members attend ing were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Newgent, Mr. and Mr. Charles Unruh, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cook, Mrs. Addle Fetryt, M. P. Adams, Miss Laura Elms, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Copenhaver,' Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. James D. Kusael, Guy Doan, Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Miller, Mr. and Mrs. A. X. Uley, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn filo per, Mrs. Fred Gibson, Mrs. E. W. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Darby, Mrs. Pearl Grote, ' 7T f Mil MKNTI BW V hum Special Offer Sites 4 to 12 . Inclusive BOYS' TAILORED SUITS V'. ' ' $1980 '. SPECIAL VALUE 1 , ,y DARBY'S BOYS' SHOP ; MS N. High It Ph. Sttll Friday k"VT: I VKlzi I ISf I - 1 Words were written by Julie Mellor of Portland and Bar bara Jackson of Rochester, N.Y. Mirkk and Dorothea Church of Lake Grove will be the accomp anists. The sophomores placed second last year. - The challenging freshmen's song, "Willamette, Our Guiding Light," wss written by Paul Ackerman of Oak Grove. Words were written by Helen Calla ghan of Salem and Dale Gustaf son of Harrisburg, Accompan ists will be Amy Girod of Sa lem and Ron Hershberger of Klamath Falls. ' Practices have been held for song and formation this week for the 48th snnual Glee clas sic, three and four times a day. Saturday, each class will have practice In the gymnasium in preparation for the presenta tion of their song Saturday Bight. After Glee la over and the winners have been announced, Willamette has rareivad an In vltatlon. Outstanding in the forensic squad are seniors Tom Scheidel and Jim Wood of Sa lem. Bob Packwofwt nf Pnrtlinri was elected president of Beta Theta Pi this week. Ellis Von Eschen of Salnm will nk him and Don Berney of Camas, Wash., will be secretary. Dick Moore of Bend is recorder, and treasurer. Chuck Seagraves of Milwaukle was chosen as house manaaer. anrf nlriff ivinr will be Chuck Ruud of Wood- Durn. Selaftlffaa nf mnriirint fni varaitv ball ouaan. in h hM April 24, will begin soon. Can didates win . oe nominated by Lettermen from thatr nlrtur They will be Invited to a func tion March 31, and selection of 10 candidates will take place. They will be invited to further functions, and the queen and four princesses will ,be an nounced at the dance. Barrow-White Lyons Miss Lois White youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank White of Mehama, was wed to Douglas Barrow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bar row of Mehama, in a recent ce remony at St Patrick's Catholic church in Lyons. The Rev. Father Bernard officiated at the o'clock service, The bride wore a white satin dress with net overskirt, a crown of pearls and rhine stones, and carried a white prayer book topped with an orchid. Miss Shirley Weider, maid of honor, wore a pale green frock and carried a nosegay ef white chrysanthemums centered with Iris. David Zolkoska was best Man for Mr. Barrow. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. White wore a two-piece gray dress, and Mrs. Barrow, the bridegroom's mother, wore , --'.J, corsages were of white carna tions. Following the ceremony a 1 reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. After a short wedding trip the young couple will be st the home of his parents until he leaves for the service the last ef the month. 1 ' 10 minutes. Meanwhile shell, de-vein and cut shrimp into two lengthwise. Melt buiter oiS margarine in saucepan; blend in flour. -Add shrimp liquid and milk all at once and cook and stir over low heat until thickened and bubbly; allow to bubble 2 minutes. Stir in lm. on juice and garlic, then shrimp and peas. Add more salt and 1 nenner if ntmuirv ctu ' Water chestnut! or nelerv- r. heat qiuckly; MrVe at once. Makes 4 small servings, or 3 large ones. TodayVMenu Sunday Night Supper Special Creamed Shrimp and Peas Chinese-cooked Rice Ealad Bowl Hot Rolls ' Cottage Pudding with Red Cherry Sauce Beverage Special Creamed Shrimp and Peas Ingredients: 1 pound large shrimp, 2 cups wster, 1 tea spoon salt, 1 bay leaf, a few whole peppercorns (If on hand), 1 whole clove, 1 small onion (sliced), 4 tablespoons butter or margarine, 4 tablespoons flour, 1 cup milk, IVi teaspoons lem on juice, teaspoon crushed garlic, 1 pound green peas (cooked and drained), Vt cup thinly sliced drained canned water chestnuts or raw celery crescents. Method: Wash shrimp In cold water; drain. Put water, salt, bay leaf, peppercorns (If used), clove and onion in saucepan and slowly bring to a boil; add shrimp snd simmer, covered, J to 5 minutes. Drain shrimp and seasonings from liquid; dis card seasonings. Pour liquid back Into saucepsn and boil until reduced to 1 cup about Don't Forget Your $alej mercants SALE BEGINS Festival Tickets Vaj FRIDAY MORNING Htre They Arc . . . The Bargains You Have Been Waiting For!! At The Smart Shop EXTRA SPECIALS f1S6 ON THE IALCONY 50 SHORTIE (OATS The NEW ALL WOOL SPRING STYLES 100 DRESSES Including This Spring's Styles 50 5, COATS New Spring Models Air Wool In the Most Wanted Snades Smart EXTRA SPECIAL 100 19' EXTRA SHOAL and $300 $8oo EXTRA SPECIAL Shop EXTRA SPECIAL CmOO ri J I each 11$ N. LIBERTY Dressy and casual crepe, cotton, rayon, pure silk, rayon jersey, Moral prints. Valuti to 29.95 Don't Forget Your Festival Tickets! V iOiP WIMl) a CD ETTQA CC3T! X." Surprise Ftctore ef BOTH Greet few , ff WMI 0). ',,.,-,; ., .Vat, aahf ka abas raa WMi t -C .X1 , Watw n4 se Savat. Utm I , Ow WucSas Saai w . 1 "T : aatn mil k awsaan mm faar ' nili)i)m fm a mm e I I hal inoer watar aaS m aaaW I ' I 1 ' -. lMiMakWlKe I wator aae 100a, Sa e 4mmmM9Htm Ssj ' a m awMal a tmmmf Sasr ' ' - ' OmZXltmW ,.s.r v.., I S ? 2 50 ceowing bo parti awj lobar , . en mm awtsasaiaai ) PayaiLrrHaai s5 XrarWaak . OPEN FRIDAY HWHTS Till, f P.M. FURNITURE CO. ' 27IN.LUtXTY I USE YOUR CREDIT ; fC." 4 ' 1 11 iiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaiari ATTEND OUR PARTY Our first successful year ef business Has been due to your enthusi astic acceptance of our merchandise and faith in our service pro gram. We want you, as our future customers, to come in and just compare the many lines of new and rebuilt vacuum cleaners and floor polishers so that you will be positive when you make your next purchase. 14 THE ONLY PLACE TO SHOP FOR ALL MAKES OF VACUMM CLEANERS AND FLOOR POLISHERS! Our newest service 60 days exchange privilege without discounting original tall VACUUM CLEANER CLINIC II . ljJ -WIT ,:.r a,, I BT. 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