Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 19, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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    Pftg 6
Edlkd by U AEIAN
Eta Chapter
Elects New
New officers for Eta ehap-
ter of BeU Sigma Phi were
named at the meeting of the
group Wednesday evening at
ine nome ox inn. uinion rai
(erion. Mri. EUU White was elect
ed president, succeeding Mrs,
Wilbur Pearson in the office,
Other new officers are! Mrs.
Richard Vincent, vice presl
dent: Mrs. Berwyn Maxwell,
secretary; Mrs. Ernest Thaller,
treasurer; Mrs. Donald Cros
by, corresponding secretary;
Mrs. Francis Rothweller, exten
sion officer: Mrs. J. A. Kitxke,
representative to city council
of Beta Sigma Phi; Mrs. Bruce
Thompson, alternate to city
council; Mrs. Richard Trent,
historian. .
The group decided to make
300 Easter favors for patients
In the hospital at Fairvlew
home; also to supply Easter
basnets lor lour neeay lamiues.
Co-hostesses with Mrs. Pat
terson for the meeting were
Mrs. Bruce Thompson and Mrs.
Norman Vaughn. -
The founders day banquet
was announced for April 80.
The next meeting of the chap
ter will be April 1 at the home
of Mrs. Trent.
Shower Feted
Miss Edithanne Simpson
was ' honored at a kitchen
shower on Monday evening
t Todd hall on the campus
at Oregon College of Edu
cation. Miss Elaine Peterson
and Miss Nancy Lou Clark
entertained for Miss Simpson
who Is to be married this
Saturday to Lawrence A.
Miller. She is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Rockwell Simp
son and Mr. Miller is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Levi a Miller
of Hubbard.
Invited to honor Miss Simp
son were her mother, Mrs.
Rockwell Simpson, the Misses
R t a n Fletcher, Shirley
Phelps, Marilyn Hall, Sharon
Strand, Pat Walt, Bonnie
Cameron, Millie Thornton,
Hilda Boeder, Elaine Irwin,
Pat Patrick, Eloise Scott,
Glenna Tafks. Special guests
were Mrs. Hazel Lannlng,
Miss Kempston, supervisor of
the dormitories at the eollege,
and the house-mother, Mrs.
GUSH'S at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Parker
for two week are their
daughter, Mrs. Gerald M.
Roblson and her little daughter,
Kathleen, from Oakland, .Cali
fornia. At Rainbow Event
Attending a birthday dinner
and program for Ramona as
sembly, Order of Rainbow for
Girls, in Silverton on Monday
were several members of Chad-
wick assembly of Salem. Pr
U . tllW XTUIU
t t ,v. 1 - . ! A
Salem were the Misses Nancy
Bone, grand representative to
unto, Joan Meal, Margaret Hll
dreth, Lo Anne Mundlnger, El
eanor Mlezlva, Pat Sexton, Sal
ty Merrill, Karlene Qulstad,
Beverly Walls, Donna Haugen,
Diane Clough, Louise Hender
son, Judy Keller, Barbara
Sharpe. Accompanying the
girls were Mrs. Elmer Hildreth,
Mrs. Carl Qulstad and Mrs. Ar
nold Johnson, mother adviser.
f - F
Thai anklets ore of vary Una Durcne Mer
cerized cotton with nylon too ond heel for
xtra long wear. Vat dyad and wash fast.
Whites and all now summer color. Sites 9
to 11. 39c tingle pair.
. 136 N. Commercial J
Camp Reunion for
Girl Scouts Due
Saturday at Leslie
Santlam Area Girl Scouts
and Brownies plan their camp
reunion in Salem. March zi, li
a.m. to 2 p.m., at Leslie Junior
hlah school.
AH girls who attended Smith
Creek camp last summer may
attend and each may bring as a
guest one girl who has not at
tended camp before. The girls
are to bring a nosebag lunch
and money for a soft drink.
For entertainment, picture
slides of camp will be shown,
and there will be a Girl Scout
fashion show. ' Announcements
about this summer's camp will
be made.
WGA Starts
New Season
Eighty women turned out
for the season' first golf day
for Salem Woman's Golf as
sociatlon. The brunch at 11
o'clock was followed by a
business session and after
noon play.
New members and guests
attending were: Mrs. R. E.
Bradley, Mrs. Robert Y.
Thornton, Mrs. Earl C. La
tourette, Mrs. Walter L. Toezs,
Mrs. Ollle Williams, : Mrs.
Robert Carey, Mrs. Richard
Allen. Mrs. Jerry Frei, Mrs.
Ted Ogdahl, Mrs, Alex John
son, Mrs. Charles Phipps of
The Dalles, Mrs. Bradley
Burkland, Mrs. Gordon Wel
ler, Mrs. Charles Mills, Mrs.
George Squire, Mrs. C. W.
Jordan, Mrs. Merle Kaufman,
Mrs. Harold Schick, Mrs. C. J.
Hieber, Mrs. Louis Lawrence,
Mrs. Donald Cutler.
Next Wednesday, some of
the Salem women will be at
Riverside course in Portland
for the first play of the sea-
ion for Oregon Women's Golf
Music Counsellors
Invited to Coffee
Counsellors of the Salem
Federated Music clubs were
entertained at' a coffee hour
Wednesday morning at the
home of Mrs. Harvey Gibbens.
The meeting was in the in
terest of the spring music fes
tival which is to be in Portland
the first week in June.
President of the state feder
ation, Mrs. F. R. Hunter, and
the festival chairman, Mrs.
Mary Craig, conducted a festi
val clinic. Mrs. Craig discussed
the material to b used, draw
ing attention to the educational
value of music and to the form
of presentation. The playing
was demonstrated by Mrs. Lou
ise Christian.
Mrs. Hunter gave a talk on
"Parent's Workshop." Mrs. Do-i
rls Van Veen gave a talk oft
junior club work. i
Out-of-town guests were Mrs.
F. R. Hunter, Mrs. Mary Craig, !
Mrs. Doris Van Veen, Mrs.!
Louise Christian, Mrs. C. L.
Burgraph, Mrs. Rosella Travis
and Mrs. Carrie EtzeL
rican Violet club will meet at
7:30 o'clock on Friday with
Mrs. A. C. Hersch, route S, box
402. Discussion will be led by ;
Mrs. Verda Blackley and Mrs.!
William Bauman will speak on
preparation of plants for show
ing. Refreshments will . be
served by the hostess.
GOLDEN AGE club will
meet at the YWCA at 2 p.m. on i
Friday. A special collection of
slippers and bells will be displayed.
irst Quality, Ladies' A
bcnuine tnqlish Kib
3 $100
on. A
Miss Baxter
In Salem
The marriage 'of Mia Lola
Maxlne Baxter, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Baxter,
Marlon, to William Wolfe, Jr.,
son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Wolfe, Jefferson, was solemn
ized Friday, March 13, In the
Salem Englewood Evangelical
United Brethren church. The
Rev. Lloyd Uecker officiated
at the 8 o'clock service.
The setting was pink and
white. Bouquets of pink blos
soms and white gladioluses and
chrysanthemums decorated the
Mrs. Lloyd Uecker sang, ac
companied on the organ by
Mrs. Lola Murray.
Ralph Kramer and Morris
Wolfe lighted the tapers.
Given In marriage by her
father the bride wore a white
satin dress with seed pearls
outlining the yoke; long sleeves
and tiny buttons down the
back. The fuU skirt fell Into
a train. TJie fingertip veil
edged in lace was arranged
from a tiara trimmed with seed
pearls. The bride carried a
bouquet of pink rosebuds and
small white blooms centered
with a large purple orchid.
Mrs. Ralph Kramer, sister of
the bride, was matron of hon
or. Mrs. Jack DeBow and Miss
Joyce Baxter, sisters of the
bride, and Mrs. Loren Newklrk
were bridesmaids. They wore
pastel colored dresses and gar
lands, and carried nosegays of
pink and white flowers,
Dwayne Wolfe, brother of
the bridegroom, was best man.
Ushers were Orval and Morris
Wolfe, brothers of the bride
groom, Ralph Kramer, Jack
DeBow and Loren Newklrk,
Junior attendents were Miss
Evelyn Baxter, sister of the
bride and Gary Smith.
The bride's mother wore
47c Colgate 18c Scot
Toothpaste Paper Towels
2,ubes69' ' 4 ,,,63'
Toiletry Toiletry
39 Saccharin Tablets ;&5'
T Chlorophyll Tablets V
Mennen !ht; Cream 2 , ,3'
Milk of Magnesia 0. 43'
Brewers Yeast Povd. .'.69'
Listerine Toothpaste 2 f 59'
$6.95 Voluo Croon
Garden Hose
50 Feet.
5-Yr. Guarantee
$3.98 Volue California
Pottery Planters
Wid virltty tl
itylos ind colon
lo choose from.
49c Kitchen Fresh
Peanut Brittle
Mice from
ctunchy psinuh 14 OL
ind ml bultir. I0X
27c Halm Tomato
14 14) CtfV
oz.A O for uU
Fred Mm:? Drugs
148 N. Liberty
We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities
foster Hats and
Favors Made by Club
Welcome Wagon club met
for luncheon Wednesday in the
Cherrlan room of the Senator
hotel with 41 members present.
Mrs. Walter Crane presided.
The meeting opened with com
munity singing led by Mrs.
H. K. Gottfried. .
After luncheon tome of the
group made flowered hats for
Easter, with Mrs. Eugene ivok
ko in charge. She was assisted
by Mrs. Floyd Baker, Mrs. La
Verne Fulton, Mrs. James
Webb, Mrs. Warren Lund and
Mrs. R. N. Chase.
Those not wishing to make
hats worked under the dire
tion of Mrs. A. Kenneth Smith
on Easter -favors for patients
who are ill at Falrview home
Easter centerpieces were also
made for two cottages at rair
vlew home.
Plans were made for a plant
sale to be April 15 In the base
ment of the Woman's club with
Mrs. Everett Day in charge.
New members for the month
are Mrs. Warren Lund, Mrs.
E. C. Engvall and Mrs. W. J.
powder blue two-piece dress
with navy accessories, ine
bridegroom's mother wore a
dress of naw with white acces
sories. Each wore a corsage of
pink carnations.
A reception for the guests
immediately followed the cere
mnnv and was In the church
social rooms. The bride's table
was centered wlU a large
three-tiered wedding cake.
Spring flowers apd candles
decorated the table. Pink ca
mellias and Japanese plum
were used to decorate the
room. Miss Linda snrnn was
in charee of the guest book.
Myra Burch cut the cake. Mrs.
Dwayne Wolfe and Mrs. Earl
Hedges poured. Mrs. Ray Wilt,
Mrs. Morris Wolfe, Mrs. Ray
mond Tomlinson and Mrs. Cap
Smith were in charge of the
frieei Good Thru Saturday
3 for
Told at
Mt. Angel
Mt. Ange) Announcement
Is made of the engagement
and approaching wedding of
Miss Elizabeth Joanna Hoff
man, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Erie A. Hoffman of West
Linn, to Eymard Bernlng, son
of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bernlng
of Mt. Angel.
The wedding will be at a
10 o'clock nuptial mass Mon
day morning, April 8, at the
St. John's Catholic church In
Oregon - City. During the
afternoon the reception will
be at the Bolton City haU.
The bride-elect attended
Marylhurst college and Se
attle college. She formerly
taught school in Seattle and
Is currently a member of the
teaching staff at the Mulino
grade school where sne xeeca
es the fourth grade.
Since his graduation from
Portland university in 1949,
Mr. Bernlng has been on the
teaching staff at St. Mary's
grade school here, where he
teaches the seventh grade and
is also the athletic coach at
the school.
Student Visits Here
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hold
er of the Liberty district have
as their house guest this week
a Korean student, Steven Lee,
who attends Lewis and Clark
college on a scholarship initi
ated by C. A. Kells. Mr. Lee
was introduced to his Salem
friends by MaJ. Harlan A.
Judd, for whom Lee did inter
preting in the war crimes sec
tion in Pusan.
Mr. Lee hopes to acquaint
many local folk with his coun
try through the colored slides
he will show at Bush school
on Friday night. His program
is being sponsored by the Sa
lem Camera club.
29c Voluo King Alfred
2 doz. E5'
59c Voluo Floral Pattern
TV. Snack Set
39' 3 rT
89c Voluo Cannon
Bath Towels
3$D00 SllgMly
for A lrrgii,,r
15c Franco-American
L? 6 65' r
open Friday
i ill v r.m.
UCT Auxiliary
M VJatma TVwnlkl WAS hOSt-
ess to United Commercial Trav
elers auxiliary, weanesaay i
ernoon, for salad luncheon and
Xarnnnn nf rardl. PlajlS Were
discussed lor a rummage sale
on March 20 ana ror a vim t
Wlinil Saturday with the
UCT croups there. Mrs. J. H.
Ritchie was welcomed as a w
member. Others attending were
Mm Rforffe A. Brown. Mrs.
Bay Strong, Mrs. Harry Jacob-
sen, Mrs. Floyd woiourn, tart.
M. E. Canfield, Mrs. P. E.
Hicks, Mrs. William McGlll and
the hostess.
Alumnae Meet
Kappa Delta alumnae were
guests of Mrs. H. B. Collins
for their meeting last evening.
The national convention to be
in Biloxi, Miss., was an
nounced. Attending the meet
ing were Mrs. William Ashby,
Mrs. Harris Lietz. Mrs. Leo G.
Johnson, Mrs. F. O. Rankin,
Mrs. Floyd Colburn, Mrs. Hope
Edwards, Mrs. Ralph Sipprell,
Mrs. Collins. Mrs. George Bag
nail Is to entertain for the
April meeting,
of the Neighbors of Woodcraft
will meet on Friday at 8 o'clock
with Mrs. R. M. Ashcraft, 844
Mill street. Mrs. Stella Black
erby will assist the hostess. ' All
past guardian neighbors are in
vited to attend.
mitiff"0 miiii' sassis
S Ik
Plenty Free Parking
Ci pout money 6x4'
2 Honor
At Shower
Honoring Miss Claudette
Smith, who Is to be wed this
spring to Keith Mootry, a
hiwir and nartv were given
last evening by Mrs. Henry
Burnham and Mrs. Fioya mor
gan at the Burnham home.
Feting the bride-to-be were
Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Mrs. Ralph
Glasgow, Mrs. Carl Arndt, Mrs.
Clifford Reynolds, Mrs. Lester
Smith, Mrs. A. B. Mootry, Mrs.
Earl Mootry, Mrs. Grant Door
man, Miss Marjorie Nleson,
Mrs. Lee Smith, Miss Mary
Lee Smith, Mrs. Lillian Mc
Avee and the hostesses.
MRS. LKNNIE Irvine was
initiated into Pythian sisters,
Centralia temple No. 11, on
Wednesday evening. Guests
from Independence Included
Mrs. Ella Baker, Miss Gay
Dudley and Mrs. Ethel Rlha.
Refreshments were served
following the meeting by Mrs.
Clifford Schultz, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Wilson and Mrs. Reno
VISITORS at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Todd this
week are Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
Nelson of Bend. Mr. Nelson is
elementary school superinten
dent at Bend.
Thursday, March 19, 1953
Dinner Given
As Farewell
A buffet dinner was given
by Mrs. Lorena Anderson and
Mrs. Don Watson at the home
of Mrs. Watson on Glen Creek
drive, In compliment to Miss
Alma Schroeder, who Is leav
ing soon for Washington, D.C.
Miss Schroeder has been
treasurer of the Oregon Farm
Bureau Federation and Insur
ance company. .
Those honoring Miss Schroe
der were: Mrs. Audrey Coul
ter, Miss Donna Diehl, Mrs.
Audrey Keucher, Mrs. Letty
Farman, Mrs. Bessie Loomis,
Mrs. Betty Axon, Mrs. Grace
Widdows, Miss Ruby Mar.
tens, Mrs. Evelyn Hughlltt,
Miss Shirley Nieswander, Mrs.
Lois Webb, Miss Pat Momey. '
er, Mrs. Margaret ' Nelson,
Mrs. Winnie Anderson, Mrs.
Mildred Hoffman, Miss Gall
Watson, Miss Heather Watson.
At Soroptimist Club
Mrs. George Rossman was
guest at the meeting of Salem
Soroptimist club, Wednesday
evening, to present a book re
view. The book was'The
President's Lady."
The meeting was the month
ly social one for the club, at
the home of Mrs. Edwin John
sen. . A program on Soroptlm
lsm will feature the club's lun
cheon meeting next Wednesday
at Golden Pheasant.
Hats that toy "ft! springf
flower-laden lovelies to
odd sparkle to your eyes, a
rosy glow to your cheeks
. . . the perfect foil for your'
Emtercostome. There
to derkotely detailed, so
xcjuWterf designed,
you'd have to look twice to
believe that $5 price tag.
Gleaming straws and stray '
cloths in a lovely array
of dazxhng whites, vivid
and pastel, shades.
New Store Hours
Mon. & Fri. 9:30 to 9 p.m.
Other Days 9:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Phone 3-9191
550 North Capilol, Salem