Thursday, Much 19, 1958 . THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon - Pan I Local Paragraph Eureoa Free Assigned It has been, announced by the 44th InJantry at Fort Lewis that a man from the Salem area hai been assigned to the ( 44th to take basic training. r Eugene Free, son of Mr. and . Mrs. Adam Free, , Box 43, Brooks, he has been assigned to Company H, 130th Inf. Begt. 4- Elected Director A. H. Randall was elected a member of the board of directors of the . Northwest Canneri association at the annual meeting held at Yakima, Wash. ." Lt Karl Removed After a hearing that Warden Virgil , O'Malley said lasted five hours . Lt. George Karl of the Oregon " State prison guard force was removed Wednesday. The ' charge against him was "con ' duct unbecoming an officer by dealing with Inmates," the warden laid. The warden gave out no details of the case, but ' said "there was Just too much evidence against him." Lions Club Program "Al r.'aska's Silver Millions," a mo ' tion picture pertaining to the ' fishing Industry in Alaska, was . shown during Thursday's lun , cheon meeting of the Salem Lions club. The picture was ..secured by Carleton L. Roth of the Willamette Grocery com . pany, Secretary's Father Dies .. Miss Frances Becker, secretary to Speaker Rudie Wilhelm of ' the House of Representatives, .Tuesday attended tHe funeral ' 1 J 1 m.M! at The Dalles. Services were held at 10 a.m. at St. Peter's Catholic church. Rep. Overhnlse 111 Suf fering from rheumatic fever, Rep. Boyd Overhulse, Madras, was taken home Wednesday in an ambulance. He became ill several weeks ago, and is ex pected to be in bed for three to six months. Derbylsta Meet A meet ing of the Soap Box Derby as sociation will be held at Doug las McKay Chevrolet company Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, Derby Director Bill Byers an nounced. The official Derby movie, "Where the SON Shinea," will be' shown after the business meeting. Officer Resigns - Resigna tion of city patrolman Ray mond Guthner, 910 Mill street, was announced Thursday. He has accepted work elsewhere, he said. Guthner joined the police department last December. Apparatus Received Four self-contained breathing appar atus and IS all-servlije gas masks have been purchased by the Oregon Civil Defense as ency under matching arrange- air for approximately Heavy Use of Aircraft Made One hundred and five air craft were used in Oregon dur ing 1052 in dusting or spraying a total of 016,848 acres. A total of 14,433 hours were flown by the aircraft In these projects and dispensed wert 13,478,100 pounds of dust and 1,302,800 gallons of spray. In the area including Oregon. Washington, Montana and Ida ho 401,843 acres were treated with 346 aircraft used and to tal of 64,203 hours flown. By states the number of air craft used, hours flown and acres treated for the three states besides Oregon are: Washington, 205 aircraft, 26, 005 hours, and 1,772,433 acres. Montana, 157 aircraft, 14,063 hours, and 1,708,683 hours. Idaho, 70 aircraft, 7,790 hours, and 413,883 acres. Included In the acres sprayed in the four state area were approximately 663,000 acres of timberland, treated for spruce ouaworm. Aerial surveys fire patrols and other industrial uses had an additional ;115 airplanes in the 44,000 GUARD MEDAL PRESENTED McKAY ments. Robert Sands trom. ad-; flight hours. This included the ministration coordinator for the surveying of 11,850,000 acres of agency, said they were turned over to the security service for use in training regular and auxiliary police officers at the old Camp Adair grounds in Benton county. Training in use of gas masks will be in corporated in regular police courses held there serfj-annu- tunberlands, which were sur veyed for suspected bark beetle infestation. ally. Mexican Tour The Salem 'and Tillamook YMCA's will cooperate in the sponsorship of student tour of Mexico during . the period June 29-August 2. Mr. and Mrs. John Gardner of Tillamook will be directors of the tour. Both are graduates of Willamette university and Gardner was a former boys' work secretary at the Salem Y - and was an air pilot during World War II. He is now gen- . eral secretary of the Tillamook Y. A similar tour was taken last summer under the direc tion of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Moore of Salem. New Church ' (Continued from Page 1) Building Permits M. C. Kanz, to build a one-story dwel ling and garage at 280 Judson, $11,000.'. Earl Headrick, to : build a one-story dwelling and garage at 1016 Klngwood, ? 00. Will Krohn, to build a .' Barege at 255 East Myers, $500, ! Roy Borton, to alter a one-story ; dwelling and garage at ii.u Howard $4350. A. J. Flint, to ; build a one-story dwelling and garage at 145 B street, $7000, Purple Heart Meets Sunday Held in Salem at the VFW hall Sunday afternoon will be the state executive meeting of the Military Order of Purple Heart. - " All members of the organi zation and auxiliary are invited to attend the meeting at which plans will be discussed for the state convention to be held in Salem In June at the Isaak Wal ton club. Speaking on legislation dur ing the session will be the Dr. H. Schilt, Portland, director of veterans' affairs. State officers other than Dr. Schilt here to attend the meet ing will be Commander Frank Juno; Senior Vice-Commander Clifford Stevens, Junior Vice Commander Elmer Johnson, Secretary-Treasurer Ray Dor ris, Sergeant-at-Arma E. B. official lif of the church Combs, Ciiiel 01 stall verne 1 the mystical body of Christ in Ostrander, Service Officer Sam work. But two hours were lost during the entire building pro- ram because of adverse weather. In his sermon to those pres ent, Archbishop Howard said the church was the fulfillment of the labors of many people. "This church will, thank God, stand for many genera tions as a symbol of your spirit of sacrifice, your spirit of hope and your spirit of faith and life," said the archbishop, Turnins to the liturgical phase of the church, a phase that has been given consider able emphasis in recent months, Archbishop Howard stated that this was to bring to the fore the MILITARY. MEN AND VETERANS Thnrsday, March 19 Organized Naval Reserve sur ' face division, at Naval and Marine Corps Reserve training center. D battery, 722nd, AAA AW bat talion. Oregon National Guard, at Cjllnnaer. nun. Company D, 162nd infantry regiment, Oregon National Guard 'at saiem armory. tvU.v Marr.h 2A Seabee Reserves, at Naval and Marine Corps Reserve training center. Warn nlltllAn mm .iniv 31' throueh Aunust 2 at Denver, Colo., will be the 11th. anniversary reunion ot the women In the Navy, with both active and inactive Waves in attendance. Both officers and enlisted women of the Waves will be among those at the reunion oemg nem at uie Dwmm.PAiiuw Hotel. Headine the omim arranetne the reunion Is Mary C. Griffith, Denver attar ney. . In Tnr Heach Long Beach, Calif. Arriving here March 18 aboard the heavy cruiser, USS Toledo was Wilton W. Brett, aviation machinists mate first class, USN, son of Mr. -j Mr. William J. Brett. Route 1, Brooks, Oregon. The Toledo had been in combat operations in sup port of United Nations forces In Korea for seven months and was f twin, chin artlclDatlfiff in the mock invasion of the North Korean city oi ojo. BORN titU Mri. Boyd Monmouth, uninDlll. ttnttPITAL JACOBS - TO Mr. .r.4 Mr.. Marshall A. Jacobs, J10 Bellevu. V. Mcciure, uiu -nr. - " v: FORfiTEB To Mr. and Mil. Donald C. ror.ter. in Wallace RO., .:-. "S3hv-t Mr. d Mr.. u.k... imi Barnes Ave., a "' March II. . MASS-? To Mr. and Mmtr. sol w. Mil- St. DOUOHTON-TO Mr. nd Mrs. Divld O. Doushton. 10 M1U Av.. Dallas, """.J '. Ur. V. B. Null, t. 1, Bo 144, Slhrerton, a bor, Mrcli 1. uiii.tvt Mr. -nd Mri. Jullu. ,..'.. . .irt. March 16. BURDEN To 'llr. Ud Mr.. Cnerlas Surden, Molalla, . Mtreh II. "".'''i? i. u. u,i. Lewis Ar- snds. 701 M.P1. St.. Dalle., sirt NEOrLD-To Mr. and Mri. Menno ..m in uflltr Avi., dhim, h ,4 u-aatravato Mr. and Mr.. John n. n bor. March 13. OBTKN-To Mr. and Mr.. Charles 0lwn. Monmouth, a lift March H. MULLER To Mr. and Mr.. Robert Mull". Dallas, a ilrl, March IS. . wnrpjjnN To Mr. and Mr., -in a bor. March 19. unnniiw-To Mr. and Mri. Henrr Morrow. Independence, a boi, March 17. - -,i nnapfTAL oatpom fa Mr. and Mr.. Jam. ... twi.. airl. March 14, LASK0W8KI-T0 Mr. and Mr.. Ted liikonkl, HBPOranv w - I J vs V 5 . tit 'J ' iirt'Ttjat IP 0 Ma). Gen. Thomas E. Rilea, Oregon's adjutant general, presents Secretary of Interior Douglas McKay the Oregon Military department's medal for distinguished service to the Oregon National Guard.- The medal, which Rilea is placing on McKay, was presented during the general' recent visit to Washington, with the ceremony In the office of Sec. McKay. In the picture also are Oregon's . four congressmen and Mrs. McKay, Left to right they are Rep. Harris Ellsworth, Rep. Walter Norblad, Rep. Homer D. Angell, Mrs. McKay and Rep. Sam Cdbn. Violent Quake (Continued from Pa 1) - there were 38 confirmed dead in the towns of Gonen and Manyas, but that there was no contact with the towns of Ve nice and Cihan, believed to have been even harder hit. The Ballksir police said they had unconfirmed report that 800 were dead in Yenice and Cihan. town of about 3,000 each. Their confirmed reports included 83 dead at Gonen, 100 miles Southwest ot . Istanbul, ana tnree at nearby Manyas, They said more than half the home In the latter two town had been destroyed or dam aged. Istanbul Badly Shaken ' The Istanbul Observatory aid the quaka was felt over an area of more than 10,000 square miles. , r Throughout the affected area, people fled their homes, pending the night In the open. House and buildings shook throughout Istanbul but there were no Mport of casual tie In the big port. . A report trom Gonen said that half the town was wreck- - ed in the tremor. Rescue squad pulled 60 living vie- , Urn from debris a fire broke out in the wake of the quake. In New York, Dr. Frank Press seismologist at Colum bia University, classified the quake as ' a "severe. Class A earthquake, capable of doing severe damage." Press said hi instrument continued to; re- act to the shock for hour after the tremor, Plane Attacks (Continued from Page 1) action "It alms not at the material but at the spiritual," he pointed out. '., . . ... ." -- Man is noblest when he prays, and liturgy Is his highest art," continued the archbishop. "The great purpose is to bring us into the presence of Christ." Among those assisting the archbishop were Rev. Joseph D. Howard, assistant priest; the Very Rev. William Klllian, deacon of the mass; Rev. Meth od Korn, O.S.B., subdeacon of the mass; the Very Revs. Rob ert Neugebauer and Nickolas Deis, assistant deacons; Rev. James Harris, processional cross; Rev. Lowell Blackburn, archepiscopal cross; Rev. Don ald Denman, master of cere monies, and Rev. Armand Gel inas, assistant master of ceremonies. While predominantly Cath olic, the audience Included a number of Protestants and Jews. A dedication luncheon was held at the Marion hotel at 1 p.m. with Justice Hall S. Lusk of the state -supreme court presiding as toastmaster. A welcome to the group was given by Father Vanderbeck, pastor of St. Joseph's church; with responses by the Very Rev. Theodore J. Bernards, dean, Oregon City; Mayor Al Loucks of Salem; the Rt. Rev. Thomas Meier, O.S.B., St. Bendict's abbey; Rt. Rev. Dam ian Jentges, O.S.B., abbot St. Benedict's; Most Rev. Francis P. Leipzig, D.D., bishop of Baker; Gov. Paul L. Patterson and the Most Rev. Edward D. Howard. Bleeding heart, Primroses, Anenones in bloom. Pember ton's Greenhouse, 1980 So. 12th. 68 Langwell, Refreshments are to be eerv ed at the meeting by members of the auxiliary with the com mittee including Mrs. Willard Boehmer, chairman, Mrs. Stan ley Boehmer, Mrs. George Quesseth and Mrs. Clifford Stevens. Mrs. Verne Ostrander is president of the Salem or ganizations auxiliary and heading the Salem post Is Clif ford Stevens, Reappointed T. H. Birk- beck, Milton, was reappointed by Gov. Patterson Wednesday to a three-year term on the State Board of Dental Exam iners. COURT NEWS Circuit Court Jojca Joan Draka Ti David Franklin Drake: Annulment of uarrlaia trantad plain tin. Allca Mar Crawler v. Harry w. Craw ley. Order oi default or delendant. Josephine Ostrander vs Roy Reynold., at at, Ray Moore, at al: Defendants file amended motions. Jeanttta X. Htndman vs Harry Euf ena Hlndman. a minor, by and through By ron H. Hlndman: Motion to quash execution. . Karl W. Harry v. Arthur Ml Crle- son, dba Krlckson's Super Market: An swer to plaintiff's second amended com plaint. Charles DeOulre ve Oreton Pulo and paper company: Plaintiff demurs to da lenaant'a tmrd answer. Plaintiff mo tions to make mora definite and car. tain. Oerald Cravens va Geone Alexander: Plaintiff's replication to amended n turn. Roy Brown and Katharine A. Brown ts raul w. Harcourt and Delia M. Har court: Plaintiff's reply. 8. Said his nomination of Charles E. (Chip) Bohlett to be Ambassador to Russia seems to him to be a very good ap pointment. The President made that remark in reply to a request to comment on a statement by Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis.) that it was a serious mistake for the administration to press for Senate approval of the nomination. . Trip to Latin America 4. Said he is deeply interest ed in Latin American affairs and that it might be a good idea for him to make a brief trip there, but that on the other hand lt might better oe leit to emissaries. 5. Declared he feels this na tion cannot afford to reduce its combat strength, but that he does hope to get more na tional defense for less money by eliminating waste and du plication. ' 6. Said government staffs have been studying a proposal for authorization of big in creases in military and civil defense, but that no conclu sions have been reached. No Unnecessary Provocation 7. Said he would not want to do anything unnecessarily provocative at the moment with respect to any move in the United Nations to brand Russia an aggressor in Korea. 8. Said he has not heard a word on whether Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia is planning to visit the United States. 9. Announced he has asked Lewis Douglas, former ambas sador to Great Britain, to head a group which will study such things as foreign trade, the raw material situation, and world markets generally. Commerce Budget Cut 10. Commended the Com merce Department for its esti mate that its budget for the fiscal year starting July 1, will be cut about 18 per cent. The President said it is too much to hope that the over all pic ture will be that bright, but that each department is going to make every effort to cut as deep as possible. It was Elsenhower's fourth news conference and it like the others drew a capacity crowd to the conference room in the old State DeDartment building which seats over 200. Governor (Continued from Page 1) "On the other hand, we have an institution operating with its administration costs divided among some 3600 patients," he added. "The addition of several hundred patients would not make any material increase in such administration costs." "I wish to make it clear that I am not opposed to the new hospital in or near Portland," the governor declared. "The people voted that they wanted a geriatrics hospital construct ed in Portland, when and if funds were available and it is my view that the legislature I must give consideration to this verdict of the people." The governor said, however, that one of the last acts of the old state administration was to approve the priority list of state buildings, in which the rebuilding of the old state hos pital building was given first place. , "I was present at that meet ing," the governor said, "and lt is my recollection that Dr. C, E. Bates, superintendent, said that there were so many elder ly people seeking admission to the state hospital, the Portland hospital would be filled with new patient and the load at the state hospital here would not be materially reduced." ' The governor said, that he had requested' that the co chairmen of the Joint ways and means committee arrange a meeting with a building com mittee, not yet appointed,-and members of the board of con trol, when the priority ques tion will doubtless be discussed. Zorin Fails (Continued from Pag 1) To the second question as to whether the Soviet Union con sidered the U.N. the proper ; forum : for such discussion, r Zorin laid the discussions have been going on in the U.N. end should continue. "The Soviet Union and It proposals have run into opposl- tion in this forum from the -United States," Zorin Mid. 1 "Nevertheless, the Soviet Un ion will preserve in its at-' tempts to bring about the pro hibition of ' atomic weapon.v and other, phases of dlsarma- , ment. - Speaking of general Soviet policy, Zorin qoted from speeches by Malenkov pass ages avowing . hi desire to strengthen world peace. -. Zorin said all people of the world, including the American people, aspire .for peace, but -he added that as far "a the U.S. government is concerned, ' lt may be seen. from Gross statements that an armament race Is still the policy of the United States." FOUR CORNER CUB SCOUTS Four Corners A meeting ot Cub Scout Pack No. 108 will be held at 7:30 p.m. Friday, March 20, in the Community hall. Lonergan Honored Senator Pat Lonergan of Portland has been designated as representa tive of his alma mater, Univer sity of Illinois, at the inaugura tion ceremonies of Dr. Duncan Smith Ballantine as president of Reed college on March 21. Notice of this designation came from A. J. Janata, assistant to the president of the University of Illinois. Sen. Lonergan graduated from the university with an engineering degree in 1905. Uyl&a FOR I ; i only DOES YOUR FOOD BILL HAVE YOU OUT ON A LIMB. Smiling Jock's and Dickson's Market Hare the Solution for You! Z.. If Your Food Bill Is Over M973 per Month . a i . ....., .. Keith L. Tweedle T. BHIla Bernlre Tweedle: Order for publication of aum- mons. Uaraaret Uclnnls ra William P. Me Innls: Order for county treasurer to pay to plaintiff's sttorneys defendant's payments to the county treasurer by previous court order. Castle Permanent Wavers, 305 Livesley Bldg. Ph. 3-3663. Permanent $5 and up. Ruth Ford, Manager. 67 Moving and storage across the street, across the nation, CaU Russ Pratt, Capital City Transfer Co. 67 Ringlet Permanent Wave, S2.50 ud. Phone 3-4844. 250 So. Cottage. 67' Liberty Mother's club spon sors rummage sale Fri. and Sat. above Greenbaum's. Good: rummage. 67 Bazaar with luncheon, 11:30 to 1.30, Friday, March 20. First Congregational church. 67 Nobles Tavern, grand open ing, Thursday, March 19. 67 , We are announcing our being open 7 day a week by popular demand. The Western Trio will play Wed. & Frl. nights. Y Cafe, owned and operated by Lois M. York. 67 Probate Court s ' Dora T. Humphrey aetata: Order ap proving Guardian's report. Robert lee' Wood estate: Final ac count filed. Order settlni April M. imi ae time of hearlnc of oblectlons to final account. A. N. Bush estate: Order appotntlnc appraisers. (William J. Bmlck, Chand- i.r r. orowo ana hobs h. coppock.) William Bmlth aetata: Win admitted to probate: Richard L. and Lillian Wll- on nimea administrator and admlnis, tratrtx. Why Suffer Any Longer when others fall, use our Chinese remedlee. AmaKlna eiieeeie for 1000 years In China. Mo matter with what ailments you ara afflicted, disorders, sinusitis, hesrt, lunis, llrer, kidneys, tas, constipation, ulcers, diabetes, rheumatism, aall and bladder ferer, skin, female complaints. CHARLIE CHAN chinks! maa cs. Offlea Hears la S Taa. and Sal. only 1st N. Commercial Phone UMS SALEM, OBE. Dee Whitlock Says: Follow Me to Page 7 STEP RIGHT UP! GET YOUR A 15 Cu. Foot HOME FREEZER STOCKED WITH FOOD AND INSTALLED a ' First 6 Months $11 (fWOjSSSL. VDOWM $17.73mo. BUY THE BULK OF YOUR FOOD AT CARLOAD PRICES YOUR SAVINGS WILL PAY FOR YOUR FREEZER Your Freezer Will Be Stocked with 12 Qualify Beef 2 Pork Shoulders 2 Pork Loins 4 Fryers 1 Whole Ham 3 Pounds Bacon 10 Asst. Pkgs. Seafoods 24 Pkgs. Peas 12 Pkgs. Peas & Carrots 12 Pkgs. Mixed Yegs. 12 Pkgs. Cut Corn 12 Pkgs. String Beans 12 Pkgs. Lima Beans 6 Pkgs. Succotash 24 Cans Frozen Orange Jce. 6 Pkgs. French Fries 6 Pkgs. Spinach 6 Pkgs. Tamales 6 Pkgs. Broccoli 6 Pkgs. Boysenberries 6 Pkgs. Raspberries 6 Pkgs. Strawberries ALL MEATS CUT AND WRAPPED TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS You May Renew Your Food Every 6 Months at Comparable Prices Until Freezer It Paid for . . . SEE IT TODAY! Completely Stocked Freezers At Either Smiling Jack's or Dickson's Market If You Wish You May Make Your Own List at the Same Low, Saving Prices OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 SMILING JACK'S Mag Corner Church and Center Plenty of Free Parking en Our Let. Just Drive In. CALL TODAY 3-9600 Marck Is.