i P u ! 1 Thuntday, March 19, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sataf , Oregon Section III Prt Applt Cheesettes . . . Finger pick-up bites, sharp and zesty. Aoole Cheesettes Something Different I o serve at Party When you Eass Annie riuui. ettes to guests, be sure to have plenty more in reserve. You'll need them . . . these are pi quant morsels that disappear last once guests have tested them. You bite through tender . cheese pastry right into a Juicy apple center flavored with orange rind and nuts! Served warm, served cold . . . people reach for them eagerly ... come back for another and yet another. . . . f . You might set out a tray of Apple Cheesettes, together with glasses of chilled apple Juice, for an evening of bridge or TV.' They're inviting, too, served with refreshing hot tea in mid-afternoon. And : the teen-ager of the family will certainly want to have them on hand in generous, quantity for her friends. Apple Cheesettes are fus) to make. The recipe gives direc tions for the pastry, but if you prefer to use a pastry mix and add the cheese, go ahead. It will work put fine. The rest is simple, too . . . canned apple slices are available in any .srrcery store, all ready to use without any bother of peeling, coring or slicing. Apple Cheesettes 2 cups sified all-purpose flour V4 teaspoon salt' teaspoon baking powder cup shortening cup grated American ched- dar. cheese - 3-4 tablespoons ice water 244 cups (1 can) sliced apples 1 tablespoon grated orange ; rind . ' . .- 3 dozen walnuts ' midget markets 351 State St. 1128 Center REAL MEAT VALUES The quality and cuts are juit at advertised. When good meat, is told for less, the Midgets will tell it. CORN FED STEER BEEF ARM ROASTS BLADE ROAST SWISS STEAK CORNED BEEF BEEF CUBES 53c i. 49c ib. 65c II 50c i59c A REAL BARGAIN WHOLE PORK LOINS Small, tun, from young piMti porictn. , mm IdNl H your locker. . .........U. Jjt In lots of t or more, le per lb. less. No charge for slicing. lb. 37c lb. 65c lb. 53c lb. 53c PORK ROAST PICS . CENTER CHOPS LOIN ROASTS . .. .... SPARE RIBS Inch Thick . . . . SLICED SIDE PORK .......tB. 49c PURE SAUSAGE ...... .. . lb. 45c LITTLE LINKS . .. .. .. lb 55c SMOKED LINKS lb.55c GENUINE LAMB There is nothing nicer than loin or rib lamb chops, cut thick-broiled, serve with trench fries or a baked potatoe. LAMB CHOPS LAMB STEAKS i. 69c it. 55c lb. 35c lb 25c SLICED BACON Dixie.... LEAN JOWL PURE LARD .lb. 10c WEINERS Skinless LB. , 45c POLISH RINGS .... lb.49c BOLOGNA lb.45c MINCED HAM Sliced LB. 45c CAPITOL FISH CENTER In Our Center St. Location THE TALK OF SALEM Stop in and tee the nicest variety of fresh and cured fish In Oregon. Our Center St. Market it open until 7 P.M. Friday evenings Until 9 P.M. Just across from Owl Drug Co. ' Brown sugar' v Sift together flour, salt and baking powder; cut in short ening with t knives or pastry blender.. Add cheese; mix well. Add enough water to hold Ingredients together. Chill. Drain liquid from can ned apples; add rind; mix well. Roll out pastry to . W-inch thickness; cut with , 8-inch round cutter. Place - apple slice on one-half of circle of pastry; fold over; press edges together. Flute with pastry wneei. . Pierce with fork or make gash in center of each. Place on baking sheet; bake in hot oven, 425 F., 10-15 min utes'. Yield S dozen. . , Honey! mol&fiseii nA rhrvn. late all have a tenrienrv in scorch easily so watch your neat wnen you are coo King or baking with them. Week-end Buys Spot Vegetables Snrlntf rnmpi mtIv In thai. parts and we are appreciative. Thoush the ca1niti nnvlilnu the arrival of 'Spring as a week-end event, we've been revelinc in Dririu-lm hnnrf. ance of good things for some wfexs now. ' Cabbage and Potatoes ' March markets feature fresh spring cabbage at a few pen nies -a DOUnd to h mnkri gently and quickly and sea soned with butter or margar ine, lalt anil nartnAi m ulth sour cream. There are those who add a few whole cloves, caraway seeds, a bit of sage or paprika by way of something different and delicious. Shredded cabbage makes ' fine cole slaw any day and can be happily combined with any and all salad greens. Potatoes are headed back for the plentiful list, both "old crop" potatoes such as bakers from Maine and Idaho as well as new potatoes which are in creasing as April approaches. Good vegetable buys include cauliflower, celery, onions, po tatoes, rhubarb, cucumbers, lettuce, spinach, sweet pota toes, all bunched vegetables, banana and Hubbard squash. Available at . reasonable to high prices, dependent on qual ity and seasonal conditions, are asparagus, broccoli, beans, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, peppers, summer squash and tomatoes. . Featured fruits continue to be oranges and grapefruit, both fresh and processed. Huge or ange crops are responsible for lower prices. Grapefruit pro duction is actually lower than last year, but more of the fresh fruit is coming to market which also makes for lower prices. Raisins are plentiful and bargain priced, FUlTand Shellfish Lenten season interest con tinues to center on fish and shellfish. Frozen supplies are unusually large for this season; many are 'genuine bargains in cluding whiting, ocean perch uuets, coa fillets and halibut, shrimp, salmon and haddock fillets. These make up 7 per cent of total holdings of frozen fish and shellfish, in case you are interested. Steak and bak ing fish include ling cod, sable fish, carp, northern halibut, chinook. Pan-ready are Co lumbia river smelt and brook trout. Plenty of eastern and western oysters, fresh Dunge ness crab, scallops. Other good buys 'Include cheddar cheesecottage cheese, non-fat dry milk, buttermilk, fats, oils including margarine, vegetable shortening, lard and . salad oils. , Watch advertise meats. 'i : ' i ; : - J : for i:0??'f S FACOE ! . V ' - : ifcon pfoeffcojy ony of - 3 I V - 731 fcosfc feeds! van urn su woo cmuany. mc . , TUNE IN HOPALONG CAS5IOY Monday 5:30 to 6:30 P.M., KPTV, Portland, Channel 27 l- si -l $.!:. j, lg,--4(f " Wl -3.1: 1 SpfcMti li:,,:,-,-:,:,:, :."" ' A XJT ''" V fl Special Prices EffecUve : ' CB BtoTM BeMtT the ; :: nvric 11 1 1 1 . r-. 1 11 ; 1 Pillsbury White, Chocolate, Yellow CAKE MIXES 3 Elsinore Freestone ; t Elsinore Fancy Mindsd (JwMlswd) Ormgt (Swsstined Urge 4-ez. mm JUICE uapiroi sranaara a PEAS 10 Hc,f ' U fclsinore Fancy Tomato fm JUICE EpS10N Boni Fide Broken GRAPEFRUIT Elsinore Fancy Solid Pack TUNAS' Elsinore Fancy Solid Pack 41 ciinore rancy dona racK TOMATOES &J Elsinore Crushed PIHEAPPLES'4,,1 t&esQ m 1 1 5 1 NALLEY'S SAUD DRESSING ft ffi - II I i&f ill JJ 111 ALW Full Quart Elsinore Cut Green i.iviliwi5 vui yiccil m BEANS B"3 1 Del Monte Cream Style No. 303 can Tasty Pak Whole Kernel CORN CORN . 1 $ Lindsay Select Ripe OLIVES S Armour's Star Vienna sausage: Hunt's Tomato IIUIII 1 IWIIIUIW ' ' y 5 (orsl CATSUP . 51 oz. can 5,.J Joan of Arc Kidney BEANS 8"0$1 Many Other Money-Saving Values at Your Independently Owned And Operated COMMUNITY BUILDER STORE U.S. Good BEEF ROAST Oregon Sliced Layer Pack ; ' BACON ib 49c No. 1 "A's" Florida New POTATOES 3 ,te: 19c Red, Ripe, Tube f mm TOMATOES 25 Sweet, Juicy ' ' Grapefruit 49c Highland Market BERT CARR, Owner Delivery Twice Dolly 800 Highland Ave. Cell 3-9403 Lemmon's Market ORAL LEMMON, Owner 598 N. Commercial Carter's Market REED CARTER, Owner Delivery Doily 17th & Market Coll 3-6171 Wourm's Market GILBERT WOURMS, Owner Steyten . ,