. Chocolate And Coconut Tops in Pie ' According ' to the -' Jingle, there was a time when a girl's qualifications for homemak ing had something to do with her ability to bake good pie. Today Billy Boy would have difficult time Indeed deter mining either his sweetheart's . skill or her devotion to the - kitchen by what she can offer in a pie plate! The delicious ly simple Coconut Chocolate Pie Crust Is a brand new case In point. The new recipe is as bungle proof as it is beautiful to see and to cat. You merely com bine shredded coconut and unsweetened chocolate with butter, milk and sugar, press the mixture into a pie pan and pop It not into the oven but into the refrigerator. Take your choice of any chilled pudding-type or chiffon fill . ing. There are any number of prepared mixes to do the Job or make it easier. Or you may choose to fill this new crust with ice cream. a particularly delicious com plement to its flavor and and crunch. Nice Idea in this case might be to top the ice cream filling, sundae-fashion, with a trickle of dark, rich chocolate sauce. CHOCOLATE COCONUT CEUST S squares unsweetened choolate ' S tablespoons butter i lauespoons not milk or - water , . 4 cup sifted confectioners' " sugar "' 1V4 cups shredded coconut, cut, toasted or plain Melt chocolate and butter In top of double boiler, stlr 1 ring until blended. Combine milk and sugar. Add to choc olate mixture, stirring "well. Add coconut and mix well. Spread on bottom and sides of greased 8 inch pie pan. Chill until firm. To serve, fill crust with ice cream, pudding or chiffon-type pie filling. CHOCOLATE " SUNDAE SATJCI ." Itt squires unsweetened chocolate H up' water ' M to cup beet or cane sugar Dash of celt Combine chocolate and water la small saucepan. Bring to a boil and cook gently 4 minutes, stirring con stantly. Add sugar and salt and boll 4 minutes longer, stirring constantly. Pour ever vanifla ice cream in It's Thrifty to Freeze Meat Cuts Smart homemakers these days are finding it's both thrif ty and handy to buy large cuts of meat and divide them into smaller cuts to freeze for later meals. With beef supplies on the' increase, you'll find it's a double economy to purchase a large round-borie beef pot roast. Cut it into three pieces the center piece with the bone in for pot roast, one end for stew meat and the remaining piece for Swiss steak or for grinding. " "You'll probably be prepar ing one beef dinner immediate ly. The other two cuts go into the freezer. When freezing meat, remem- ber these lmpotrant rules: 1 Wrap meat tightly in special freezer paper, making sure to exclude as much air as possi' ble. 2. Seal well with freez er tape or tie tightly. 3. Store at zero degrees for no longer than periods recommended by authorities. (For beef, it's 8 to 10 months.) ; Scalloped Cauliflower Cook cauliflowerets from a 3 pound cauliflower in 1 inch of boiling salted water about 8 minutes or until tender. Place in buttered baking dish. Top with mixture of 1 cup fine bread crumbs, 2 . tablespoons melted butter, enough cream or milk to moisten and 1 beat en egg. Season with salt, pep per and a dash of nutmeg. Brown quickly in 875 degree oven. . t , Chocolate Coconut Crust Just before serving. Makes 1 cup sauce. . II Duuertly Lup Cakes for Easter Light as a feather, lemon or chocolate filled, with sugared wings, these butterfly cup cakes literally will fly away when you serve them to the family. Dainty and suggestive of spring, they are just right to serve for an Easter dinner or luncheon. ' -BDTTEBFLY CUFCAKEg (Makes 12 large or 18 medl um cup cakes). 4 eggs . - teaspoon salt 2 cups beet or cane sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla v 1 cup milk 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 2 cups sifted flour 2 teaspoons baking powder Beat eggs until very light and thick; beat in salt, sugar and vanilla. Combine milk and butter in saucepan; heat to boiling point;' beat into sugar mixture. Mix and sin flour and baking powder; beat in. Fill greased muffin pans half full. Bake in moderate oven 350 degrees P., 20 to 23 min utes. Cool; remove from pans to wire cake rack. When cold, slice off top and scoop out a very little of lower half. Fill lower half with chocolate or lemon filling. Cut top slices in half; dust heavily with con fectioners' sugar; set upright on filling to resemble butter fly wings.- CHOCOLATE FILLING 4 tablespoons flour H cup beet or cane sugar - Few grains salt 1 cup milk 1 square (1 oz.) unsweeten ed chocolate, melted 1 egg beaten teaspoon vanilla Combine flour, sugar and salt. Scald milk; add. Cook over hot water 15 minutes, stir ring constantly until thick, then occasionally. Add melted chocolate; blend. Add a little hot mixture to egg; return to double boiler. Cook 3 minutes, cool. Add vanilla. LEMON FILLING - ' 1 egg - k cup beet or cane sugar ' 1 lemon, Juice 1 tablespoon eold water Beat egg until light. Add sugar. Strain lemon Juice, add with water. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until thickened. Cool slightly before spreading. When you simmer food you cook it at just below the boil ing point; bubbles will appear just below the surface, b it they will not form and break on the surface. HOPPY'S and AMERICA'S FAVORITE TUNA! TUNE IN HOP ALONG CAMIBY Monday 5:30 to 6:30 P.M., KPTV, Portland, Channel 27 1288 STATE ST. SALEM, OREGON PHONE 3-6489 RANDALL'S FINE MEATS ALWAYS THE BEST MEAT VALUES peso prices effective till further notice. Buy with confidence! We guarantee von the bent BEEF ROAST ... Lb .39" I BEEF STEAK : ,,59 RIB STEAK SPECIAL whH. Thcv Last Lb. 49c Pa a! Fresh Country Style AMv HAMBURGER Lh ,39' SAUSAGE ,,Lb 39' BEEF HEART or TONGUE lh 39c Extra Lean a. I Lean Tender mm Ground Round 591 BEEF CUBES , 59' PLUMP YOUNG HENS 'Dressed and Drawn .. ..... ...Lb. 49e BEEF FOR YOUR LOCKER - FANCY EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD Front Quarter . Half or Whole Hind Quarter FANCY U. S. GRADE A GOOD LIGHT STEER BEEF Front Quarter I Half or Whole I Hind Quarter lb. Artichokes Always Vegetable Favorite . When choosing artichokes, remember that size has little to do with quality or flavor but those with uniformly green color, . compact globes and tightly adhering leaves are most desirable. Flan one per person unless size is large, in which event, halve after cook ing. Prepare just before cook ing. Cut off 1 inch of top with sharp knife or scissors; cut off stem about 1 inch from bate. Cook 20 to 45 minutes depen dent on size. Drop into boiling salted water. Season by adding clove of garlic, thick slice of I lemon, 1 bay leaf, tablespoon salad oil for each artichoke. Cover and cook until leaf can be pulled easily from stem. Re move carefully; drain; cut off stub.- ? - . . Place upright on plate. Serve with hot melted butter or margarine, lemon butter, tart French dressing or may onnaise to which lemon has been added generously. Never pour sauce over artlcnoxe. Serve in separate dish for indi vidual leaf or "petal'' dipping. When you come to the fuzzy center or "choke," remove same with knife and fork. Cut artichoke heart into bite-slie pieces, dip in sauce and eat with obvious enjoyment. V I Spaghetti Sauce That Is Simple Mmt .n.ffhettl uuce redoes Mm in call for an almost end less amount of ingredients. Maybe they're better tnsi way, but here's one thst's really thinff .rvelal with lust a few ingredients plus everyday. sessonlngs. - It's a wonderful recipe for entertaining a large crowd. srv it buffet jtvle with a big pot of freshly cooked spa ghetti, some heated French bread, a green salad, Spaghetti Sauce (Hakes 0 servings; 1 cup chopped onions (about 3 medium onions) , ' S tablespoons salad or alive oil . t. ; t peeled cloves garlic, . crushed : 1 6-ounce can tomato sauce ' 1 pound finely ground ham burger 1 No. 2tt can tomatoes 1 can condensed tomato soup 1 teaspoons cinnamon 1 teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper 114 teaspoons chili powder Brown onions in salad oil or olive oil. Add garlic, tomato paste and hamburger. (This beef Is not browned before adding the sauce in this rec ipe.) Add remaining ingredi ents. - Cover and simmer over low heat lVi hours. Serve im mediately or store in refriger ator and reheat the nest day. ' , Like garlic? Try adding a little of it, crushed, to the dressing you arc going to use for cole slaw, , . ..... .,: S- LsfAl- mm 'I ill -V V;; 1 ooo a Iff 0s! MSim . : ' A, 4 um. too-'ln? old 'AcnW.o No other hon"' clorod, mor , J btlMenost white totton he(nsattary...a' a c .... wa other big 01 by o Pen" ,onserv "Wte cotton. m y...so -j ,Uodortze . ... ,nens. .Adoy onu i., vour tnost P" - . nd every. causitc - And CL0R0X kills germs . in routine deanin-g! Clorox hat dozens of uses besides faun derlng. Most Important, tt removes stains, deodorizes and disinfects In routine dean ing of home germ centers such as drain boards, sinks, wash basins, tubs and toilet bowls. See directions on the label. ...MtM S ...rt.HgTCMu'SUSaR fflBK America. fivonW Bleach & Household Disinfectant Cb. if5),0eiOcrMrlCia. When it's CLOROX-clcan... it's SAFER for Family Health! . .. r