Thursday. March 18, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea, Ortfoi Beetle ElTax T Flaming I Dessert Spectacular f So taanv hartnv 11441. wservances can come from the kitchen that mean more to mall boys and thoie frown all than anjrthlnf. money len taqrt Birthday eaka and aolldar eolar schemes. mmcUI , jeeaelon dishes, food customs fat become family tradition pew are in tblnfs that have staying business men reminls $nf on "what Mother wed to Jake" and giving a algh for tha good old dayi when cook ing wai a atudled art lnttead m a pacaagea aclence. , s aure to be repeated often Ihd well on the way to making tradition Is thl Flamlnff T... Cream King which make of me mott eommonplace an oc casion. Thli crunehy butter laramel eirelet filled high with tavorlte Ice cream la brought to the table a flaming spectacle , n oeauty ai well as goodness. Hi pattern reads "easv tn An" Batter-Crunch Ice Cream Sing . f lor mne-incn ring mold: : .m cup butter ' 10 2 cups brown sugar to . cup chopped pecans ;;8 cups corn flakes (crushed P, slightly) , Combine butter and brown nigar in .heavy saucepan and heat slowly, stirring constant ly. Boll a minutes. Add to pe cans and cornflakes in but tered bowl Toss quickly with fork to coat flakes thorough ly. Press flrmlv Into well. guttered ring mold. Chill. 3 To serve Innwn with an. I tula and dip in warm water. ,' Invert on serving plate.. Fill i.'Wlth scoops of your favorite flavor of ice cream. A sauce snay be served with this. Flaming Butter-Crunch '. lea Cream Ring . I For eight-inch ring mold: 4 cup butter . 1 cups brown sugar 1 ft cup chopped pecans , ji 6 cups corn flakes j. To serve aflame: . 1 Place pineapple slices, drain ed and patted dry with paper toweling on galyx, grape, straw berry or geranium leaves (to protect the plate and add 'dec oration). Other fruit may be added for garnish.' Pip quickly a 'cube of sugar in lemon ex tract and place in the center of each pineapple ring. Touch a lighted match to each dipped sugar cube and carry to. the table triumphantly! i , Cookie Bars fUse Mince Meat I Spring lsnt too far away but ;we suu nive soma cnip days, and for these there is no treat like Cookie Bars, rich in energy-giving nutrients. They're delectable to taste, handy to handle, and easy to prepare. Served with coffee, tea or milk, they're Just right for all the family. Mince .Meat Cookie Bars m cups sifted flour i teaspoon baking powder , H teaspoon salt H teaspoon cinnamon I 14 teaspoon nutmeg f.H cup shortening : : 1 cup sugar egg Vi teaspoon vanilla j 1 tablespoon milk Vi cups mince meat, drained 1 ;Sift flour. Measure and sift kfain with baking powder, salt and spices. Cream shortening. Gradually add sugar, cream ing until light and fluffy. Beat In egg. Add vanilla and milk. Gradually add flour, stirring until well blended. Press of dough into greased 9x9x2-inch square pan. Spread with mince meat. Boll remaining dough Into 8x8x2-inch square. Cut Into 12 strips. Place over mince neat lattice fashion. Bake in moderate oven (375 degrees F.) SO minutes or until browned. Cool. -Cut into squares x3 Inches. Makes 18 cookies. ; rff0 THIS Schilling Lai ond Til hove . ) tr richer, homemoite J fillip tMt 00 TOOtTWI scmuiriG Pure Vanilla SI n n LTD Through combined moss buying power of over 5000 grocery stores from coast to cosxr, plus th low operating cost IGA Food Plan add up to sayings for you. Make IGA Stores your place to cave Mil MARGARINE SPRECKELS pAfo) (ol(oic SWIFT'S W i fe urn Special Prices Effective March 20:21-22 12-oz. Tin We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities NEW 6 mm ; CARROTS lurnn ; . TOMATOES Sunkist, Full of Sweet Juice, Med. Size 0 US' til OBAIKES Mar. let. 25C 98c 4teto, MNUKinT APPLES Miaf Nat er Seat Peae -, Steere : MA Dof HmntJ., , EGG DYE BOUILLON CUBES DOG FOOD Kk BTU WHIPPED . rm B MAYONNAISE NA (BEAM CORN SWANSOH FRICASSEE H. 30) CM I4i. . cm KA DELUXE COFFEE SIMMY MORN COFFEE SUNSHINE " CHEEZ-ITS Pound Pessd ,.911' 7? US' itfmnt off eddod DOfjcrH TOO ffc edorioo 40 ' IOA Yellow Clint af4 Tasty A A, Peaches J 29 Ry-Kritp f23' COTTAGE CHEESE m 29c DflCTt HOOtE BEEF STEW HOME? CHILI m HANS TUNA lUSOUDMa : TUNA ua Itf, slit CM s'25' LOW CALORII DtZTETfC POODS afc oVwdgefy owf of offefnf0 Aec feJbs iibo tu9t$ 1 eJewej 9tt evjAonv ieoiVaBj Tear dieice ef 39 ImsiWni TotMVOfcjt emvtoeJc looeVaNwf In Ihe rflotellc iliiiiiiaiiiiH si row IGA U.S. Graded Good - Properly Aged (0)c WEU HUMMED HUTU HADE (UT I. S. WADED MOD SHORT RIBS BEEF ROAST GROUND BEEF SMOKED SAUSAGE TfTZYPf 0 ie, Ribs, Round, Swiss y Lean, Mealy For Braising er Boiling C c Pure Fresh Daily CASCADE COOKED IKN SMOKED RAVOt 12-OZ. PK6. Another fin tin of Till! Itiwi prcMfvete WESSON OIL it Of. SNOWDRIFT 93- 3-lb.can Cocomalt ... Lb. can 49c Swel Fudge Mix 33c Roll " Kuriy kote Scouring Pads nchlOc Old Dutch Cleanser 2.25c Babo Cleanser for -tJJ Breeze, Large bf Pkg. OU LUX SOAP 3 Reg. bars uivl LUX SOAP 2 Bath Ei bars Lifebuoy Soap 3 Reg. -JC bars Lifebuoy Soap 2 Bath 5C bars SM Lux Flakes Large Pkg. f3! Rinso Large Pkg. 9 Free! . i f . . Of Extra Cert Bet. Ban ' Vu ot,r ' With Boston ; Coupon from This Spedrnl v Barf .Pack . 2.59t VISTA fis MARKET YOUR FRIENDLY IGA STORE AT 3045 S. COMMERCIAL State Street MARKET Your Friendly IGA Store ot . 1230 STATI STREET IGA Reserves the Right To Limit Quantities OEKUTT'S MARKET Your Friendly IGA Store at 4200 N. RIVER ROAD ' 1