rinrwisynhiranCT" lp the Easter Ham With Tulip-Red Glaze 'A liX. V ; Giv your ham a beautiful tulip-red glaze this Baiter Sun day. Spoon the bright red glaze ever whole ham, a hall ham, a thick ham alice and let it bubble the last tialf-hour be fore serving. ' It the ham la pre-cooked, re member the glaze needs only to be heated. So a half-hour before more souflle Souffles Bring Ohs And Ahs Few' things Inspire Ohs and Ahs than a when brought to the table. So use some of Spring's egg boun ty like this. Many do not make souffles because they are afraid . they own't stand up well. Well, Just follow these directions and your souffles will, have only praise. We give you a basic cheese recipe with variations to last you a month or so without repeating. Cheese Souffle ' 4 tablespoons butter or margarine 4 tablespoons flour ' 1 cup milk Vi pound sharp cheese, chopped . f 4 eggs, separated i teaspoon salt Vt teaspoon dry mustard Vt teaspoon pepper I Melt butter, add flour, blend well and cook over low heat until bubbly. Add cold milk all at onoe and cook stirring con stantly until thickened through : out. Add cheese to white sauce and stir until melted and well blended. Add mustard, pepper and sauce to yolks beating constant ly. Add salt to egg whites and beat until shiny and whites leave peaks that fold over when tester is withdrawn. Pour yolk cheese mixture gradually over gg whites, folding at the same time.. - :.....?,,.. Pour Into an ungreased 1 quart casserole. Circle mixture With a spoon about 1 inch from tide of casserole and about 1 inch deep. Set in pan of hot water and bake in a slow oven, 123 degrees, until puffy, deli cately browned and a knife in serted in center, comes out clean. Takes an hour to Hi hours so don't rush it. And of course serve promptly. Four servings. ouffle Variations Chicken, turkey, salmon or tuna souffle. Omit cheese. Stir 1 cup finely chopped cooked meat and 1 tablespoon minced onion into yolks, before com bining with hot sauce, Increase seasonings aa needed with salt and add grated rind of 1 lemon and 1 tablespoon lemon Juice with tuna or salmon. Serve plain or with gravy or mush room sauce. Spinach or carrot souffle Omit cheese. Stir 1 cup finely chopped raw spinach or grated raw carrot and 1 tablespoon chopped onion into yolks before combining with hot sauce. In. crease salt to I V4 teaspoons. Cheese, -parsley or tomato sauce la a good accompaniment, taking the ham from the oven, spoon this ruby red topping over for a good heating. . There are several wonderful cranberry toppings to spoon over the Easter ham. Here's one that we know you'll like. . , Tulip-Tims Cranberry Glass (for 8 to 10 pound ham) 1 smoked ham (8 to 10 lbs.) 2 dozen long-stemmed cloves 1 pound esn Jellied cranber ry sauce Vt cup brown sugar Bake ham according to man ufacturer's directions. One-half hour before end of baking time. remove from oven. Score fat with sharp knife, stud with cloves, return to baking pan. (Fat that has collected on bot- ton of pan should be poured off). , Crush cranberry sauce with fork. Combine with brown sug ar. Spoon over ham. Bake Vt hour longer, batting occasional ly. .. Note: Use half of the recipe above to glaze a half ham or a thick ham slice! Serve Springtime Cranberry Salads with either turkey or ham at Easter-time. Make one of these salads for your Easter dinner. ... Springtime Cranberry Salads 1 envelope unflavored gela tine. Vt cup cold water ' '. 1 pound can whole or jellied cranberry sauce , 1 cup crushed pineapple -' (drained) teaspoon peppermint ex tract. ' i : v.. If jellied cranberry sauce Is used, crush with s fork. Place gelatine in custard cur,. Add cold water and let stand 3 min utes. Place custard cup in pan of boiling water until gelatine dissolves. Add to cranberry sauce and mix well. Stir crush ed pineapple and peppermint extract into cranberry gelatine mixture, spoon into individual salad molds and chill in refrig erator until firm. Makes 6 salad molds. '. Cranberry Waldorf Salad 1 pound can jellied cranber ry sauce, crushed 1 envelope unflavored gela ... tine . . S tablespoons cold water : , 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 cup gingerale : .. . i cup unpeeled apple, diced cup diced celery Vt cup chopped nut meats Crush cranberry sauce with a fork. Soften gelatine In cold water; place cup with gelatine in. pan of boiling water and heat until gelatine is dissolved. Stir into crushed cranberry sauce. Cool slightly. Add lemon juice and ginger ale and mix we'll. Chill in refrigerator until mixture begins to congeal. Fold in apple, celery, and nut meats. Turn into six individual molds and chill until firm. Unmold and serve on lettuce. Serve with mayonnaise. ., try MMUSC New Kind ofPuddir u Gam Move to ox! jvtrmewmMtuct 3 Instant Pudding Pointers Given on Buying Easter Hams Ham Is first choice with many families for Easter din per. If you're nlanninc a tra- I ditlonal dinner for Easter, here are a few pointers on buying snd cooking hsm. There are several different kinds of ham on the market. It's Important to know which type you re buying so that you can accurately figure cooking time. ( Hams marked cobk-before-eating must be completely cooked before serving. Ready-to-eat hams 1 require somewhat less cooking time. Hams marked cooked or fully cooked may be served without further cooking or simply heated (10 minutes per pound.) Uncooked hams (cook-be- fore-eating type) require 18 to 20 minutes per pound, half hams 22 to 25 minutes per pound. Use a 838 F, oven for any kind of ham. Easy Lemon Meringue Pie Liked Tomato-Dill Noodles For Low Salt Diet If you're on a restricted low salt diet we can sympathize with you and appreciate your cooking problem. We admit that noodles cooked without aslt sre flat snd tasteless but here's a way of cooking them without salt that gives them plenty of fjavor. We cooked them in half unsalted canned tomato juice and water, and added accents of dill seed and black pepper. The tomato juice gives them a pretty color too. Tomato-Dill Noodles , iVt cups unsalted canned to mato juice , IVt cups water Vt teaspoon dill seed Generous dash black pepper IVt cups noodles Combine tomato juice, water dill seed and pepper, and heat to boiling. Add noodles snd cook slowly 10 to IS minutes, or until noodles are tender. Serves 2 or 8. Cabbage and Cream Cheese Once you've tried this, we think you will fix it often. Cook 8 cups shredded cabbage (uncovered) In Vt Inch boil ing salted water until crispyr tender, about 8 to 7 minutes: Stir in one 8-ounce package of cream cheese until cheese is melted. Add dash of pepper and V teaspoon celery seed. Serve hot. Makes four servings. Easy Lemon Meringue Pie Is prepared by a new quick and foolproof method.- No more lumpy or too thin filling whan made this way. Making the meringue with a little filling folded in for flavor also gives it s delicious soft smooth tex ture that is distinctive. Easy Lemon Meringue Pis Sift flour before messurtng. Use level measurements for all ingredients. In s small bowl, blend with a rotary beater until smooth Vt cup sugar Vt cup cornstarch Vk teaspoon salt 2 egg yolks, unbeaten ' ' Mi cup strained lemon juice 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind In a medium-size saucepan bring to a boll 1 Vt cups water 4 cup sugar '8 tablespoons butter or mar garine Slowly stir egg yolk mixture Into the boiling liquid. Bring again to a boll and cook 2 or 3 minutes longer, stirring con stantly, until mixture is thick ened and smooth. Remove from heat and measure out Vt cup filling to be used for meringue. Pour remaining filling into a baked 9-inch pie shell. Let stand until filling is cool. Just before serving spoon Lemon Meringue In mounds around edge of pie. Place un der broiler until meringue is a golden brown, about 1 minute. Watch carefully so it does not burn. It is best to serve this pie within . an hour as this type of meringue may "water" slightly upon long standing. 6 servings. ... Lemon Meringue Beat to a moderately stiff meringue 2 egg whites, beaten until stifwith , H cup sugar Few grains of salt Carefully fold in the Vt cup cooled lemon filling Spoon meringue around edge of cooled pie. , Pastry Stir together In a mixing bowl Vt cups sifted enriched flour 1 teaspoon salt Measure In same cup and add all at once cup (Vt Clip plus 2 table spoons) salad oil 8 tablespoons cold milk Stir with fork until pastry clings together. Press into a a ball, flatten slightly and place between 2 sheets of wax ed paper (12-inch squares). Roll out' gently until pastry circle reaches edges of paper. Cheese Cake Topping Next time you make a chesse csks give it this beautiful top ping. Arrange . well-drained canned cling peach slices over the entire top of the cake, Soften 1 teaspoon plain gelatin in H cup syrup from peaches anai dissolve by setting over a pan of hot water. Chill until partially thickened. Spread over the peaches and chill until firm. Peel off top paper, then pick up pastry and bottom paper by one cage (tney will cling to gether). Place, paper-side up, over a 9-lnch' pie pan. Then loosen pastry at edges and carefully peel off paper. Ease pastry snugly Into place. Build up a fluted edge and prick bot tom and Side thoroughly with table fork, Bake on lower rack In a preheated very hot oven ,478 F., for 8-10 minutes, or until golden brown. - I Oven-Beef Stew Easy. Flavorful . Oven cooked meals save fuel, dishwashing and fuss. Next tlms you make a meat stew, try cooking it in the oven. The last hour of baking, pop In with it an oven-made dessert, such as sn apple bstty. Oven . Best Stew 1 pound beef stew meet Sslt, pepper, flour 8 tablespoons lard I medium onions, chopped cups wster csn condensed tomato soup small bay leaf whole cloves stalk celery, sliced 4 carrots, sliced 8 medium potatoes, cut In eighths 1 cup canned peas (8-oz. can) Cut meat into 1-inch cubes; sprinkle with salt and pepper and roll in flour. Melt lard In a skillet and In it brown meat thoroughly, Transfer meat, to a quart casserole, ugnuy 14 1 1 8 1 brown onion In fat; add to meat. Heat water with tomato soup and pour over meat. Add seasonings snd celery. Cover snd bake In a 328 F. oven for ltt hours. Add vegetables, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and mix well with meat. Cover and continue baking for 45 minutes. 4 servings. . "Flfll -that shaker with MbrtoifhenI WHIN IT RAINS IT POURS" iodized c plain . Elmers FOOD VALUES J Jusf look al these Savings in Every Department . . . More for your money always! , OTOiwxtcan! HflWmsJtMillHd 7 Celery Hearts 19c SNOBOY. Rom Bsauty ' APPLES box 2" treat him KUCmS AND WOURt has his love for your coffee cooled ? to Hills Bros r?ex r..9i?o n9l(T!9. 9o??d.ne.sJ? J Smoothie Dsschutes POTATOES 10-u,. r Mesh bag ODC Tomatoes ,B;::b;;t 25 Coupon for Plastic Eostsr Bunny Insids SUNKIST ORANGES 29c Med. six Doisn V MORULL'S BRAND STEER BEEF DIRECT FROM IOWA POT ROAStS .. .... lb 69c Round or T-Bone RIB STEAKS . . BOILING BEEF .Lb. .Lb. .Lb. 89c 65c 29c SPARE RIBS u 49c Hormel's Tender Smoked Boneless DAISY ROLLS .79c Cascade, Sweet Cure, Sliced JOWL BACON u 19c JXapoii5 69' Bake, Fry, Roast lb. FRYERS $1.49 - $1.98 OYSTERS CRABS SNAPPER HALIBUT . SALMON .. Smoked 541M0H California PITT ID RIPE OLIVES 19' BORDEN'S - Mayonnaise DOG FOOD 3 Meats Brand for 25 i&t2pkg.for 2 r 29c Ballard Biscuits Cheese Winnd Mid. A BeeTS Whole Sauerkraut Tomatoes Tomato Juke "X. Salmon '! c" ."'....... Chili Con Carne Tender luf lea wPrieiw. Old South Fresh Froien 2.ttn.' Iff I) u. for 25c 27c 79c 33c 9c 43c 23 c 29c 4 Iff 99t) 21c Orange Juice 2 29c Dams 9mm Hln" O Ofl- reOS rhFron...; t JVC . WHITE STAR . U TUna Mf'Slii':! SWEET in taste... LOW in dorijs SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF THIS NEW LOW CALORIE FOOD 29c mtm 'SEE l.39c fAJ ' CL ' I MEAT BAKERY VEGETABLES LOCKER? Baiy Cigtstfont