tuTbuasPlarch 19, 1953 Pears Are Popular for Many Salads and Desserts As sophisticated u Trench model if thli pear and blue eheeae salad. Iff easy to pre pare but elegant a falad your family or guests will enjoy at often as It is served. Crumbled blue cheese if mixed with cream cheese and chopped watercress to Siva a piquancy that blends perfectly with the cool delicate flavor of canned Bartlett pear halves. Pacific coast canned Bartlett pears are the best known and most popular of pear varieties, There should be room on the cupboard shelf and in the re frigerator for a generous sup ply of canned Bartlett pears. Busy homemakera will find they're a boon to menu plan ning and may be used for sal ads and desserts as well as for a refreshing meat accompani ment ' Fear Sophisticate , 12 canned Bartlett pear ' halves tablespoons crumbled blue cheese 1 8-ou. package cream cheese' Vt cup chopped watercress or 1 tablespoon chopped chives . cup mayonnaise 1 tablespoon lemon juice Blend 'cream cheese with blue cheese. Add watercress, mayonnaise and lemon ' Juice and mix well. Chill. Place two pear halves, cut aide up on each salad plate. Fill centers with cheese mixture and serve with French dressing. Serves 6. - For" a fresh as spring-time salad try tola Pear Blossom Salad. Each creamy pear half is underlined with pink, rhu barb flavored gelatin. It a a compliment catching salad to serve with dessert or for party refreshment. Fear Blossom Salad canned Bartlett pear halves, drained 1 cup boiling hot, sweetened . thick rhubarb sauce -' (about 2Vi cups raw) 1 package strawberry, flav ored gelatin 1 cup cold pear syrup cup sliced green celery cup chopped nut meats 1 tablespoon lemon juice Salad greens Wash and slice rhubarb. Bring slowly to boll without adding sugar. Add cup su gar and simmer gently until rhubarb is tender. Pour 1 cup of the boiling hot, thick rhu barb sauce over gelatin and stir until dissolved. Add pear syrup and lemon juice and chill until partially set. When mixture begins to thicken add celery and chopped nuts. Then chill until firm. When ready to serve, cut gelatin Into squares and place pear half on top Of each square. Serve with your favorite fruit salad dress ing. Serves a. Bacon and Brussel . . Sprouts Combined Brussel sprouts season will soon be ending so enjoy them now. Good sprouts are hard, compact and, an attractive green color.. . Raw sprouts are rich in Vitamin C and Bl but care must be taken in cooking them to avoid loss of these ele ments. . ,. :: Bacon Brussels Sprouts v 1 quart Brussels sprouts 1 slices bacon ': . S slices white bread S tablespoons butter or mar garine. . ' teaspoon nutmeg Trim brusaels sprouts early in the day and soak in cold salted water. Wherl ready to cook, drain and drop In boil' ing salted water and cook, un covered, until just tender. Meanwhile, remove crusts from bread. Cut Into small cubes. Honey Good For Many Menu Dishes Honey for Breakfast Week, celebrated April to 12, is a week set aside so that you can enhance your breakfasts with this food. Possessing many of the elements of good nutrition, honey if food, not just a sweet. Honey if an appetizing and economical food, one that ap peals to all ages and all Income groups. ' Try it on the cereal In the morning. Mix it with an equal amount of butter and surprise your family at breakfast with Honey Butter as a new spread for toast or biscuits. . Use it as the cooking staple that it is in muffins. Give the family extra satis faction by adding a tablespoon of honey to each glass of milk. Once you start using honey you will find ' Innumerable uses for it. Glased Not Rolls Made in a jiffy and fresh for breakfast. Prepare biscuit dough from a prepared mix. Roll into oblong piece Vt inch thick, brush with melted but ter, spread with honey, sprin kle with nuts. Roll as for jelly roll and cut in 1 inch slices. Put Vt teaspoon butter, 1 tea spoon honey, and a few nuts in each muffin tin. Place rolls on top and press down well. Bake in a hot oven (400 de grees F.) for IS to 20 minutes. Let rolls stand in pans a few minutes before turning them out. For Wedding Reception Traditional sandwiches for a wedding reception are chicken and almonds. For the filling combine finely chopped roast ed almonds with minced chick en, and mayonnaise spiked with lemon Juice. Make small dosed finger sandwiches and dip the edges first in mayon naise and then in finely chopped parsley. . Want to roll out pastry fastT Use a floured pastry cloth and ribbed stocking cover on your rolling pin. Flatten your ball of pastry slightly, then roll in all directions to keep pastry round. Cut bacon into 1-inch pieces, Fry until crisp. Add bread and fry until delicately brown ed. Melt butter and stir in nutmeg. Drain sprouts and add to melted butter. Pour into serving dish and sprinkle with bacon and bread cubes. Serve immediately. Three Ways io Prepare Thrifty , Lamb Cuts Given You'll be serving lamb often these days, for it is plentiful and reasonable, too. Here are three ways to prepare the thrifty cuts, all teamed flavor- fully with wine. Baked Breast of Lamb Serves S or 4 t pounds breast of lamb, cut 1 in 6 or S pieces Salt and pepper H cup tart JeUy Vt cup boiling water. cup burgundy or other red table wine I tablespoons chopped par- sley . . Place meat, fat side down, in a shallow baking pan; sprinkle with salt and pepper; bake, un covered, in a moderately hot oven (376 F.) for lVt hours, Remove meat and pour off all fat from pan; replace meat in pan fat side up. Dissolve jelly in boiling water; add wine and parsley; pour over meat. Bake IS or 20 minutes longer, bast ing 2 or 3 times with sauce in pan. Arrange meat on a serv ing platter and serve the sauce separately. Lamb Bagont (Serves 8 or 6) 2 pounds lamb stew meat, cubed . cup flour 8 tablespoons bacon drip - pings 1 cups sauterne or other white table wine 2 cups boiling water -. 1 onion, thinly sliced Several sprigs of parsley Dash of thyme 1 bay leaf salt and pepper to taste medium-sized carrots, cut ' . in strips -1 cup sliced celery 1 cup cooked , peas , Shake meat and flour togeth er in a paper bag. Heat bacon drippings in a heavy skillet or Dutch oven; add meat and any flour remaining in bag; saute, stirring frequently, until meat is nicely browned. Add wine and . water; cook stirring constantly, until gravy is thickened and smooth; add onion, parsley, thyme, bay leaf, salt and pepper. Cover tightly and simmer, stirring Oc casionally, for 1 to. 2 hours, or until meat is almost tender. Add carrots and celery; .con tinue cooking for Vt hour, un til meat and vegetables are ten der. Add peas just before serving. Curried Lamb Shanks - (Serves 4) "" 4 tablespoons oil , -' 4 lamb shanks 4 tablespoons flour 114 tablespoons curry powder 1 cup water 1 cup' sauterne or ether white table wine Salt, garlic salt and pepper Spaghetti Used in This Speedy 'ChoW Here is a quickly cooked dish for the main course M the fam ily dinner. ' Speedy Chew Spaghetti (Maxes o serving sj 1 8-ounce package thin spa ghetti " I quarts boiling water ; 1 tablespoon salt 1 1 -ounce jar dried beef 1 3 -ounce can mushrooms 1 8-ounce can kernel corn 1 8-ounce can peas Sauce: . '' Vt cup margarine or butter Vt cup flour -1 cup liquid from mush rooms, peas, corn 1 tall can evaporated milk tt teaspoon salt ' Vt teaspoon pepper Cook spaghetti in boiling wa ter with 1 tablespoon salt un til tender, about 10 minutes, Drain and rinse with hot water. Return to pan. Tear or cut dried beef into bits. Add to spaghetti. ' In small saucepan melt margarine or butter. Add flour, stirring smooth. Gra dually add vegetable liquids. (There should be 1 cup. If not, add water to make 1 cup.) Stir constantly. Add undiluted evaporated milk. Cook, stir ring constantly until thickened. Add mushrooms, corn and peas, reserving a few for .garnish ing if desired. Add salt and pepper. Taste to make sure this is enough salt. Pour sauce over spaghetti in pan. Toss all together lightly. Heat thor oughly and serve on hot plat ter. If preferred, the spa ghetti mixture may be poured into a well-greased baking aisn, sprinkled with grated or shredded cheese, and baked in a moderate oven (330 F.) This method will take about 30 minutes. Fkh Cooked in OvenAlways Favorite Dish J-ISn OUISCU II bouquet IbolH. Removo from heat an. 1 imy-v . to taste Heat oil in a large, heavy skillet with a tight-fitting lid; add lamb shanks and brown slowly on all sides. Remove lamb shanks from pan. Add flour and . curry powder , to drippings and blend well: add water and wine; cook, stirring constantly, until mixture is imckened and smooth; season to taste. Return lamb shanks to pan; add onion; cover tight ly and simmer gently for ltt hour, or until meat is tender. . 1 j i.h alwava brings the aha and ohf at dinner time. Try one of these oisnei. SEAFOOD TIB . 1 pound eookea or white fish t of. can shrimp 3 tablespoons butter H cup each, finely onlop, celery and green pepper t tablespoons flour 1 cup seasoned chicken broth teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper Vt teaspoon ginger teapoon kitchen bouquet cup sour cream 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 pkg. pastry mix " Arrange flaked fish and Ar.inA ahrimB in 4 creased individual 8 or. baking dishes. Melt butter in saucepan. Add onion, celery and green pep per and cook over moderate heat about 10 minutes. Stir in flour and add chicken K-nth AiM MunninH. kitch en bouauet. sour cream and lemon juice. Pour sauce over fish, lightly lifting fish witn fork to allow sauce to run unrienwath. Make UD DSStry mix according to directions on Hetitt. Roll out and cut to fir tops of casseroles. Baxe in lint nvrni. 400 degrees F until pastry is lightly browned and flan Is not, a Bout su mm utea. Serves 4. BAKED FISH ON SPINACH 2 pounds spinach 1 teaspoon minced onion 2 tablespoons flour Vt cup milk ' 1 teaspoon salt Vt teaspoon nutmeg Vt cup mayonnaise 4 small haddock fillets, ' about iy4 lbs. 2 tablespoons fat salt 118 teaspoon peppe' . ?JVre stems from spln- Trim coarse si" m Avocado Specialty Take advantage of special buys on avocados which have become a little too soft for slicing. Mash the avocado and stir into a slightly thickened lemon gelatin base made with a package of lemon-flavored gelatin, IVi cups hot water and 3 tablespoons lemon juice. Stir in 1 sectioned grapefruit and Vi cup sliced celery. Chill in 8 individual molds. in mayonnaise, rwi. with spinach and place in bot! torn oi greased shallow t, . vldual baking dishes. ArraiT,: n.h fllleU aver th. ,"' Blend together the fat, kl2 ; bouquet, salt and penoer Spread over fish. Bake In mod. irately hot oven, 375 deir F. until fish is done, about U minutes. Serves 4. flucoatstteonetobuy- ...tite first yellow margarine wrrh food value In every single Ingredient! Everything to today's Nucoa is good for you! No benzc-ate preservative, no synthetic BavorlJEven Nucoa' sunny color comes from Nature, from golden carotene, rich fa vitamin A. Delicious, fresh-tasting Nucoa margarine Is made by the makers of Best F oodr UmI Mayonnaise. Next time you buy, buy NUCOAt FIRST IN QUALITY All Nutrition! Notoal Flavor, fljjgp Thrifty TIWC about our... JELLO for AO CAUROSE FREESTONE PEACHES Vagetbles& Fruits track .t Crisp, Fresh ...39c ..... 13c .... . 5c ...33c NEW POTATOES C lbs. SOUP HEAD LETTUCE, lb. ... GREEN ONIONS Banch JUICY LEMONS Dosen , HUNT'S TOMATO JUICE HOLIDAY MARGARINE KRAFT DINNERS NESTLES MILK Or. Broccoli . Whit Cauliflower Solid Cabbage - Artichokes , Carrots Turnips Beets . Endive Romalne Peppers Cucumbers-Radishes-Tomatoes Zucchini Parsley . Mustard Greens BAKERY 50c HOT CROSS BUNS Dosen MODEL COOKIES . OC Dosen AJC (Sugar, Oatmeal, Choc Chips Peanut Butter). MODEL PIES P Each dUC - Apple -Cherry-Boysen-Pnmpkln ZEE PAPER PRODUCTS Facial Tissue, 00's . .21 for 20C Facial Tissue, 400's .'.1 for 49 White or Colored Napkins, go's. . . .1 pkg. 21 Towels, 150's. .i . . .1 pkgs. SB ' Dinner Napkins, 40'f . .2) for 25 Toilet Tissue, pack of 4 SB , ( wmte ureen urchld) LINDSAY RIPE OLIVES i ' Regular Sis Cans Select Ripe Olives 28 Large Ripe Olives ....... .27 Mammoth Ripe Olives SB Colossal Rip Olives S7 Mammoth Pitted Olives . . .S3 Large Green Ripe Olives. . ,2 Large Green Ripe Pitted. . SI Chopped Olives, 4-os. S cans 2t Good Grocery Buys 48 os 4 ,0, 99c ......4 Ibi.85c ..... 2Pkn.25c ...... 2e.29c PERSIAN PITTED DATES ...... ... lb 25c HERSHEY CHOCOLATE Giant bars . 45c CLOROX Special for This Weekend Leg of Lamb Any Sise to Choose From Wesson Oil Quart ' 79' lb. BORDEN'S Mayonnaise Quart 55 .Gallon . . Vi Gallon Quart . . . SKIPPY PEANUT BUTTER 14 as 7 os. II OS. 49c ..29 .17 .43c ,.2B 59c SWOT'S CANNED STEAKS SWIFT'S BONED TURKEY 2eilB.89c SWIFT'S BONED CHICKEN .... 2 89c KRISPY CRACKERS llb. . . 25c H1-H0 CRACKERS i n .....29c SHARP CHEESE Miss Wisconsin II oi. . . 69c WRIGHT'S SILVER POLISH Jar . 22c lS-oi. jar ....39 IOWA SORGHUM ,4 - 63c S-lb. PaU fi.St JELLO All Flavors 4 pkgs. 35c GERBER'S BABY FOODS 4cin,35c SIMONIZE FLOOR WAX Onart 98c (75c Pkg. of Flower Seeds on Esch Can) Model Food Market 275 N. High (Next to City Holl) Phone 3-4111 SO-Day Accounts The Store of Friendly Service No Charge for Delivery Grode"A"Choke BEEF ROAST Guaranteed Tender 65V OVEN READY Roasting Hens 55' ib. FOUNTAIN BRAND PEAS 2 J25c CORN 2 -0J 33c ASPARAGUS cm 33c AU. PURE MILK 6 cans 7y NAUEY'S LUMBERJACK SYRUP 5t79 KITCHEN QUEEN FLOUR LIMY? Corned Beef HOLIDAY Margarine &LCE PLATE SHRIMP 25' can SUNSHINE CRACKERS 2 MS TJXLTSTT" Rice Dinner can TUNA BITS OF SEA 3-arV- MEAT ONE INCH THICK COUNTRY STYLE SPARERIBS Great for tarbecuing 59V QUALITY PRODUCE POTATOES ML 69' Oranges r d0z. 59' TENDER MEATS Bacon Squares c ......... u. 19c Picnics w,. ........ .11. 43c Franks 29c Rib Steak u 49t Beef Roast 39c PURE PORK Link Sausage Seosoned Just Right! 65' SOUs. No. 2 POTATOES 99' CABBAGE 9 ib. WEST SALEM STORE NO. 2 ONLY AVIM!G(JE MTER