Thursday, March 19, 1953 dosic Kecipe Dishes, They Creamed Salmon . . ' (AP News Want basic formula for main dish that you can vary a thousand ways? Sounds Impos sible, but Iff true. The chief In gredients for the dish are 1 cups precooked rice (prepared according to ! package direc tions) plus a can of condensed aoup and H cup of milk plus 1 cup of fish or hard-cooked eggs (for Lent) or meat or poultry. You can also add cheese, cel ery, onion, green pepper, par aley, mushrooms, pimento, ol ives, horseradish, chill sauce, peas, corn, Chinese vegetables or what have you. Then all you do is mix the rice and the oth- . er ingredients and turn Into a casserole and reheat In the ov- . en or under the broiler. Here are a few suggestions as to combinations: Rice and cream of tomato soup with shrimp or crab and green pep per; rice and cream of chicken aoup with Chinese vegetables and a dash of soy sauce; rice with vegetable soup and cooked hamburger. You can go on and on. Convinced? To show you how the formu la works in detail here's a Len ten dish Creamed Salmon with Parsley Rice. CREAMED SALMON WITH PARSLEY RICE Ingredients: 114 cups pack A Good Brakfast Means Beginning of If there't a good breakfast, then the dav's a ffnnn nn inn Below Is a week's breakfast menus: : , Monday Curled Orange - , ' Oven-popped Rice Cereal Crumb Coffeecake Butter MUk . Coffee ,'v "-Tuesday ' " Grape Juice Malt-flavored Farina Fried Egg Cracked Wheat Toaif . Butter Honey . ' 1 Milk Coffee Wednesday Halved Pineapple Rings on Whole Wheat Flakes Milk Assorted Sweet Rolls Butter Coffee ... Thursday Chilled Applesauce Prune-Orange Topping on Wheat and Barley Kernels" Toast Butter Jelly Milk Coffee Friday ' Canned Loganberries Hot Whole Wheat Cereal Coddled Egg . Frosted Cinnamon Bread ' . Butter Milk Coffee ' Saturday ' Tomato Juice ' '. Whole Bran with Raisins Popover Butter Milk Coffee FINNEY THE 1 I "I am at my verry " I !- I I'll -I hi uiiu see. i ii piegse you. ribh nun Of - 4 A RED SNAPPER m39. W BY THE PIECE A As! ' LI NG COD . . , ib 29 FRESH . Wd FRESH DEEP SEA f sf4 Fillet of Sole l.. 65' CRAB .,..,..,,, 39' BY THE PIECE m 0d FRESH 0 f d SALMON , lp 49 Steom Clams t. 35' Pan Ready FRYERS lb. FISH AND rl FITT'SJ ( POULTRY MARKET tor iuuu Say of This 1 with parsley rice. Features) aged precooked rice, ltt cups water, M teaspoon salt, 2 table spoons chopped parsley, 2 table spoons cream of asparagus soup, cup milk, one 7-ounce can salmon (drained and flak ed), 2 tablespoons finely chop ped cucumber or sweet pickle or dill pickle, dash of pepper. Method: Mix rice, water, and salt in saucepan just until all rice is moistened. Bring quick ly to a boil over high heat, un covered, fluffing rice once or twice with a fork. Do not stir, Cover and remove from heat, Let stand 10 minutes. Add the parsley and butter, mixing lightly with a fork. Meanwhile mix soup and milk in a sauce pan. Heat, stirring occasionally. Add salmon, cucumber or pi ckle and pepper. Mix and heat thoroughly. Makes 4 to 5 serv ings. Serve over the rice: Arrange parsley rice In serving dish and top with the creamed salmon. Serve mixed with the rice: Add parsley rice to the cream ed salmon. Mix lightly and serve at once. Casserole: Add parsley rice to the creamed salmon. Mix light ly and turn into 1-quart cassser ole. Sprinkle with buttered crumbs. Broil 2 to 3 minutes or until lightly browned. Good Day '; Sunday Grapefruit Half with Cherry Center Oatmeal Milk Bacon Curls Drop Biscuits Butter Peach Marmalade . ,. : Coffee 'Curled Orange. Cut skin of a clean, seedless orange into lengthwise sections beginning at blossom end and cutting nearly to stem end. Loosen the skin and roll point of each sec tion toward inside. Remove re maining tough white portion from pulp. Serve cold. Prune-Orange Topping on Wheat and Barley Kernels. For a new and different cereal top ping, combine Vi cup prune juice and Vt cup sugar. Cook the mixture about 3 to 5 min utes, tHen add Mi tablespoon lemon juice, Vt cup cooked, diced prunes, and Vt cup finely diced orange; cook slowly un til thickened. Serve atop a bowl of crisp wheat and barley ker nels. Remember that frozen vege tables taste best when they are cooked without thawing before hand.- Try adding a pinch of sugar along with the water in which you are going to cook frozen green peas. FISH SEZ: bestat Fitt's Market every week . . . Come II Suggestions Given On Asparagus Buying Sweet and tender ... a gift from the godsl Buy 2 pounds asparagus for 4 servings. Stalk should be green and tender for almost entire length. Break off stalk as far down as it snaps easily. .Wash thorough ly, removing loose scales. Takes 10 to 20 minutes for cooking, covered with 1 inch boiling salted water. Cook and drain asparagus; arrange on buttered toast points made by slicing toast from corner to corner.X Serve at once with melted butter, lemon butter, a smooth cream sauce with or without grated cheese, or with heated mayon naise. Pineapple and Rhubarb Dessert Fresh rosy rhubarb and tart pieces of pineapple share hon ors in this delightful dessert feature. Either fresh or can ned pineapple may be used. The fruit mixture, sweetened with brown sugar and faintly flavored with nutmeg, goes into a casserole, then intriguing little scone swirls are arranged on top. This dish is nicest served warm . . . With a pitch er of cream or a bowl of whip ped cream alongside. Leftovers may be put back into the oven for a few minutes just before serving again. Pineapple Rhubarb Cobbler 3 tablespoons butter or mar garine 3 tablespoons flour Vt cup brown sugar , Vt teaspoon toutmeg Dash of salt 1 cup water ' . Vt cups rhubarb (cut in 1 inch pieces Vk cups pineapple chunks Melt butter or margarine in saucepan. Stir in flour, sugar, nutmeg and salt. Add water and cook until thickened, stir ring constantly. Add rhubarb and pineapple. Remove from heat. Pour into ungreased 2 quart casserole. Top with scone owiris. Scone Swirls , Sift together 1 Vt cups sifted flour, 2 teaspoons baking pow der, Vt teaspoon salt and Vi cup sugar. Cut or rub in . Vt cup shortening until mixture is crumbly. Add Vt to Vt cup milk to make a soft dough. Turn out on lightly floured board or pastry cloth and knead gently 30 seconds. Roll out into long narrow strip, 5x12 Inches and Vt inch thick. Cut into 6 equal strips of dough about inch wide. Coil loose ly leaving about a 2-inch end. Arrange on top of pineapple- rhubarb-mixture with the ends meeting at the center. Bake in moderately hot oven (400 degrees) 35 minutes. Serve warm with cream. Makes 6 servings. ' , Meat and Olives Good Combination Meat and ripe olives in com bination make praiseworthy dishes. Try a few of these suggestions for family meals, then surprise' guests with the tasty dishes you ve created. Spaghetti Sauce Use half buttermilk and half tomato juice in preparing a ground beef sauce for spa ghetti. Add chopped ripe olives after browning meat and onions. Swiss Steak Cook round steak or flank steak in a tomato, green pep per, celery and onion sauce, Just before serving, add sliced ripe olives. i Olive Meat Loaf Add chopped ripe olives to a standard meat loaf mixture. OVEN READY HENS sT ssksl 21" N. Commercial Free Delivery Ph. 34424 Glazed Fruit Pie Perfect For Spring We submit our "Glazed Fruit Pie" as a perfect spring time dessert. It's really extra easy to put together too. Fill a baked pastry shell with a layer of chopped cooked prunes and sliced banana and then cover the fruit with the beau tiful golden orange glaze. Be sure you give the glaze a chance to set before you cut the pie. If you're not count ing calories, a puff of whipped cream on top will be a de lightful extra. Glased Fruit Pie Vi cups cooked prunes 1 baked 9-lnch pastry shell 2 bananas Hcup granulated sugar 2 tablespoons cornstarch Vt teaspoon salt ' cup cooking liquid from prunes cup orange Juice 1 teaspoon grated orange rind 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon butter or mar garine . . . Fit and chop prunes, and piace in baked pastry shell, Slice bananas over orunes. tiiena sugar, cornstarch and salt thoroughly, and mix with part or prune Mould. Combine remaining prune liquid and orange juice, and heat. Stir in cornstarch mixture and cook until clear and thickened. Re move from heat and stir in orange rind, lemon juice and butter. Four over the prunes and bananas. Cool thoroughly before cutting. Makes-1 (9-inch) pie. , Bacon Muffins Breakfast Treat A different muffin rrrln t always sought Here's a dandy: Bacon Muffins ' 2 cups sifted flour 2V4 teaspoons double action baking powder 2 tablespoons sugar . , W teaspoon salt . " -. . Vt cup crushed, crisp bacon 1 egg, well beaten 1 cup milk 4 tablespoons melted butter, - - shortening or bacon drip- ' pings Sift flour once, measure. add baking powder, sugar, and salt, and sift again. Add bacon to flour mixture'. Combine egg and mux; add to flour mixture. Add shortening. To mix. draw Minn from side of bowl toward cen ter (15 times), turning bowl Gradually. Chnn inimn hmnoh batter fin tlme1 Than only enough to dampen flour (5 strokes). Turn Intn arxaaorl muffin pans, filling each full. Bake In hot oven (425 de crees F.I 20 minuten. or until done. Makes 12 muffins. Por k Steak Sinks Tastv Dinner Dish Pork shoulder steaks are one of the tastiest and most eco nomical of pork buys, For a main dish which Is as nretty as It Is eood tastine. braise pork steaks toped with vege tables and rice. Fork Steak Stacks 4 work shoulder steaks Salt, pepner. flour 1 cup cooked rice 4 slices tomato (H Inch thick 4 slices onion (V Inch thick) 4 teasooons chopped green nencr Marjoram, thyme (optional) 1 can sliced mushrooms (op tional) Trim a little fat from the edge of the nork steaks and fry out In a skillet. Remove the nieces. Snrlnkle steaks with salt and nenner: flour and brown in the hot fat. Remove sterku to a rna.tlnff nun. On each steak, nlace 4 cup cooked rice, l snee tomato, 1 slice onion. . and 1 teaspoon green neDoer. Snrlnkle with fait, nepppr. marjoram and thyme. Top with well drained mush rooms and add water to cover bottom of nan. Cover and hake at 350 F. for 1 hour. Add more water as needed; baste steaks several times during eookln. Serve with some of the drlpdngs snnoned over meat and vegetables. 4 serv ings. ' etit Fours Petlts fours are easy and Inexpensive to make at home with cake mix. Bake the batter j In a Bxi3-lnch pan and cut ! Into diamond - shaned pieces, j Spread the tons and sides with i this apricot glaze before frost ing. Cover H pound dried apri cots with water and boll 15 I minutes. Drain and force ap ricots through a sieve. Meas ,'ure. add an ennui .mmmt sugar and boll slowly 8 mln- uiea. Want to cut a thnw.etra clpe In half? This Is how toi measure that half an egg: Beat the whole egg slightlv enough to blend yolk and white and measure It, then use half the measured amount. Throw the half an egg leftover into i a pan of scrambled eggs, ' Broiled Meat Loaf for Change Meat loaf usually comes to the table in a somewhat tra ditional shape, ' Here's one that's broiled, imaginatively seasoned and served about as thick as the hamburger we slip into buns, v . - The result is a hamburger loaf you can serve with Justi fiable pride to guests, especial ly when it's accompanied with grilled tomato slices and salty French fries. Layered Hamburger Leaf (Makes 6 servings) -1H pounds hamburger Vt teaspoons salt Vt teaspoon pepper H pound sliced cheddar cheese 2 tablespoons chopped onions 2 tablespoons catchup Vi teaspoon oregano Salt , Season hamburger with salt and pepper. Divide into two portions, flattening each rec tangular piece about inch thick. Place cheese slices on one, portion and cover with onions, catchup, oregano and a sprinkling of salt and pepper. Top with second portion of hamburger and press edges of beef together with tines of fork. - With two wide spatu las, lift onto broiler pan and broil about 5 minutes on each side. After turning, place ba con strips diagonally across loaf and broil on second side. If desired, garnish serving platter with grilled tomato slices and sprigs of fresh pars ley. Easy Lenten luncheon dish: Add sliced hard-cooked eggs and cooked drained green peas to a cream sauce and garnish with strips of pimlento. Serve over crisp Chinese noodles. It you buy the canned Chinese noodles, be sure to oven-heat them, then cool them again, be fore serving. TUNE IN HOP ALONG CASSIDY Mondqy 5:30 to 6:30 P.M., KPTV, Portland, Channel 27 BIGGEST LITTLE MARKET IN TOWN Where Your Dollar Gets Time and a Half Aged Cheese Beef Hearts beef tongues .b. 23c Ground Btef Lb. 54c n. .And C Lb 39c Yor old rigs reet pigs tails.,... u..oc Nn Sliced Bacon BEEF GlVronrJed11"' Vi V wh0,e U. 35c T-Bne Steak u. 49c i mm i u Swif' Nullum coT Lb. 75c Swift's o r Armour's ImCQ O LGITIP 12 or whole Lb. V7C Guaranteed BEEFRQASTS ,47c targt $1.49 CTC AIC Round or Loin TC- OC R.I. Reds I eo. I CAlXj Boneless. Lb.dC Lb. 5DC GARDEN-FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES CALAVOS yC- BANANAS Om POTATOES q I POTTED PLANTS 3 for XJC 2 lbs... A7C No. 2s; 10 lbs. OtC AND FLOWERS SY. 15c us...35t jaA 9c L.. 89c TUNA ChSAiMaNM COFFEE MARGARINE 29c Lb. 79c 2 ib. 45c Light Meat; Cot. Brand Con29C N.W. Yallow Bag Sweet. Sixteen SARDINES " tIn BISQUICK MILK 3can.25c Sa,ad D;!"ln9 39c 6 11 87c Maine Coast Quort 39C A" ?opu,or 8 Tomato Juice Cove Oysters Tomato SouP SWIFTNING '"a" 25c oo. c"10c 75c Hunt's ' CanaTC Campbell's 3-lb. can mmmm , Cottage Brand " " Country Fresh Tomorrow'. B,..d BROADWAY MARKET EGGS IDtrlHOrJ Broadway and Market Sf. 11)1V AAaSter Bread Star Hours 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. Every Day : a-A..5SG Ev,ry Day ot 4 P'm' No L,m,h f A" You Want GUARANTEED I,8pf fua. I Sat. Pries Good Fri., Sat., Sun. Fried Cream Torrljas f - Nata 3 egg yolks X cup whipping cream , 1 whole egg, beaten Butter . -. , Powdered sugar . rMnnnmnn volks llBhtlv and whip into cream. Spread sot more than Vt inch thlcK in a greased pan. Place over a very lnur flams and COOk Slowly. Cool and cut in small pieces. Take up wltn a spaiuia, orusn lightly with beaten egg and fry in hntfer. Snrlnkle with cow dered sugar and cinnamon. Serve hot. , Seasoned Pork Balls on Noodles To welcome the coming of a new season, here s a perky tast ing main dish tiny nutmeg seasoned pork balls served on raisin noodles. Pork Balls on Fruited Noodles 1 pound ground pork Vt cup soft bread crumbs V cup minced onion 1 egg Vt teaspoon nutmeg Salt, pepper, flour, fat I 3 cup bouillon or water : 1 teaspoon onion salt 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce - Vi cup raisins 4 ounce package noodles Combine pork, bread crumbs, onion, slightly beaten egg, hut meg, 1 teaspoon sale, and Vi teaspoon pepper. Shape into 16 firm balls, roll in flour and brown in 2 tablespoons melted fat. Remove balls from skillet, blend well. Stir in bouillon or water and add onion salt, Wor cestershire sauce and a dash of pepner. Cook, stirring con stantly, until thickened. Add nails, cover and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Mean van cu u noa comun. sat. Salad Dish For Easter You might as well start plan ning your Easter dinner menu now. If you're going to have the traditional ham, then why not serve it with the equally traditional raisin sauce. Small whole new potatoes, cooked in their jackets and then neeled and buttered, fresh green peas with slivered roast ed almonds go well with the ham. A crisp shredded carrot salad with bits of bright green pepper tossed with our very special "Nectar Fruit Salad Dressing" (see recipe below) will take care of the salad course nicely, but do have a relish dish of crisp celery sticks, carrot curls and shiny ripe olives. For dessert our choice is a mile high lemon merringue pie. Nectar Fruit Salad Dressing . Vi cup granulated sugar 2 tablespoons flour - while, soak raisins in warm uAtffr f!nnk nnodlei in boil ing salted water until tender. Mix drained raisins with drain ed noodles and serve topped with meat balls and gravy. 4 servings. Vdtr Irroit ol thlf f pt ctal OSr! Good only until ; Starch M, ISM. Umlid out paekopt pr family.) . T.ftiNIT Pi 1 so easy it's slmott magic. Saves assembling ingre dtanU . . . saves measuring . . . saves mixing. While ihtll bakes you get the filling mix ready. In a fw short minutes a dell, clout, creamy-smooth pie is ready for your family to enjoy! THE TREAT'S ON USI SO TREAT YOURSELF TO THE QUICKEST... EASIEST PIE YOU'VE EVER MADE...AND THE BESTI Today while offer holds buy 7-M1NIT Rcady-to-Make Pit at your grocery store. Send us the top of the package showing price mark; along with a letter of fifteen words or mort,.telling why your family liked 7- MINTT Pie. We'll send you back the price you paid, plus post . age! It's like finding mon ey! Be ture to include your name and address. Letter must be postmarked on or before March 28. 1993. . Hurry! Don't mist this wonderful opportunity Offer limited one to a family. Use the handy coupon below llMCtOUllMM ' CfMMyCMMWt toliclMi Smmh Craa ' SMMttl OlMllf It Spicy Pwwkhi Ttmptmi sttlM Ctiaa tTStlt. cur V teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon dry mustard Vi cup milk 2 eggs 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 5 tablespoons lemon juice 1 cup apricot whole fruit nectar Combine sugar, flour, salt and mustard with Vi cup milk. Beat until smooth. Blend in re maining milk and cook and stir over low heat until mix ture thickens. Beat eggs thor oughly, and slowly add hot mixture, beating continuously. Cook over hot water ur.tii thick, beating frequently, Re move from, heat and stir in butter, lemon juice and nee. tar. Chill. . Rummage Sale Spring Valley A rummase sale is to be held by Spring v aiiey i unior f armer s Union above the Star Ex change, Salem, Saturday, March 21 at 10 a.m. Kenneth Noteboom is in charge. WW - lfSmiTj both ,; Jg(y y 'lUINOMlx f 7-MINIT, Box 2382 S-4 1 I NrtlMt, SriN I I melon Itltif Itllini why lay limily IIUS 7-MINIT " ft. . . . also ptchJit top shewing trie.. Pltau rtturn my monty. plul pottait. I I MHISII J Void If taxad. prohibited or otharwla. I namctea oy aiatc or municipal uwt. untr expiras Marcn vt, ivu. j I