THE HOUSEWIFE'S HANDY FOOD SECTION LATEST IDEAS FOH YCUH 3 to Tf C "TIM f Edited by Morion Lowry Fischer Published Thursday 1Mb Wort Salem Oregon, Thursday, March 19, 1953 . Salad Pelifht Spring is here, tra la, tra la! Delight the family with this Springlike green and gold Lenten season platter. Many seasonal good things in our columns today. By ZOLA -, :. .;. :. -?v .' modi V "Spring hangs her infant' blossoms on the trees, Rock'd in the cradle of the western .breeze," sang the poet Cowper. The western breeze also waits gently over fields of golden carrots and the varying greens of burgeoning asparagus, beans, broccoli,-cabbage, cel ery and "greens" galore as we greet the first day of Spring. In our picture we've combine the last of the winter season Brussels sprouts with young tender carrots of ' spring. There's the red of rhubarb and of tomatoes and the creamy white of cauliflower available, too.' '" . . 1 Weeks ahead of most of the country, we revel in markets filled with color and prospec tive good eating. With the Lenten season still , in mind let's plan a few menus com bining seasonal vegetables with plentiful,, economical, nourish ing macaroni products. - In both plain -and fancy cooking, macaroni foods are easy on the budget, Choose any favored style of macaroni, spaghetti or egg noodles. They're practically inter changeable in almost any reci pe'. ''1 ., : " i , Green and Gold Platter ,-. 4 ounces elbow macaroni . 1 can condensed cream of mushroom soup , cup milk teaspoon salt teaspoon peper ' ' VINCENT writr ' ' ; ; v ; ; Cooked buttered Brussels , . sprouts ' , Cooked buttered whole . . carrots Cook macaroni in foiling salted water according to di rections on package. , Drain and rinse. Stir mushroom soup in saucepan until smooth. Gra dually add milk and stir until well blended. Add salt and pepper. Heat to boiling point and fold in macaroni. Arrange on hot platter with fresh vege tables. , Four servings. ' A tasty combination of the large , shell, shaped macaroni with cream cheese and sour cream. Super Shells Creme 1 tablespoon salt " 3 quarts' boiling water 8 ounces super shells 2 tablespoons butter , cup thinly sliced green - -. onions -. . cup chopped parsley 1 3-ounce package cream cheese ' tup sour cream cup milk ' 1 teaspoon salt Freshly ground pepper Add 1 tablespoon' salt to ra pidly boiling water. Gradually add shells so that water con' tinues to boil. Cook uncover ed, stirring occasionally, until tender. Drain in colander. In a saucepan, melt butter over low heat.: Add green onions and parsley; saute until onions are tender. In a large bowl, Mts; in Recipes Spring Vegetables and i r Macaroni ProducTS Are Combined in Good Result 9w. Hot Potato Salad Is , Always Good , The foods that appear on the table day after day are the ones that need a bit of special atten tion. Coffee always responds to the thoughtful touch, and even the lowly potato will rise to great heights when it s giv en some loving care. Next time you serve grilled ham steak, lavish the time you save on hot potato salad. Did we say "lowly potato"? Noth ing lowly about it now! Ham steak, savory hot potato salad, steaming coffee . . ; mm . , mm . . . that's kings fare. Hot Potato Salad ' 8 medium potatoes cup diced celery cup minced onion cup diced green pepper cup vinegar -1 teaspoons salt teaspoon pepper ' 1 teaspoon dry mustard 2 hard-cooked eggs, chopped cup hot bacon fat t cups grated sharp Cheddar ., cheese ' Cook potatoes; peel ' and cube. Combine with celery, onion, green peper, vinegar. seasonings and eggs. Toss gen tly to mix. Add bacon' fat. Spoon into ; shallow baking dish. Top with cheese. Broil, with surface of food 8 inches below source of heat, until the cheese . melts and browns. Makes 6 servings. Poultry labeled "ready-to- cook" means that it is dressed poultry with the pin feathers, entrails and internal organs removed. It is ready to use as it comes from the market. One advantage of ready-to- cook poultry is that although it costs more than poultry that Is just dressed, there is no waste to it. Vary Sauces To Go Wi th Seafood Butter is pletniful dairy food and your culinary art will acquire a French accent when you use it as a base for piquant sauces. Butter sauces add dis tinction to every kind of fish dish and many of them require little more ability than cream ing butter together with herbs and other subtle flavorings.. With a little practice you can master the art of some of the more famous sauces. Holland aise Sauce holds butter, egg yolks, salt and lemon juice in a marvelous consistency, and with a little know-how you can soon attain penecuon. . Hollandaise Sauce cup butter 2 egg yolks " . ' teaspoon salt : Few grains cayenne ' : 1 tablespoon lemon juice -: Cream butter.' Beat in egg yolks one at a time. Add lemon juice and seasonings. Cook gen tly over hot water,; stirring until mixture thickens slightly. Set aside until ready to serve. Add boiling water a teaspoon at a time until of desired con sistency. (Makes cup.) r Drawn Butter Sauce ' - cup butter 1 and Yt tablespoons flour teaspoon salt . H teaspoon pepper ' ' 1 and Y cups boiling water 2 tablespoons butter addi tional - i Cream together butter, flour, salt and pepper. Gradually stir in boiling water and simmer 10 minutes. . Just before serving beat in remaining butter Yt teaspoon at at time. (Makes 1 and cups). Savory Butter cup butter I teblespoon minced celery leaves 1 tablespoon minced parsley , Dash garlic salt teaspoon salt . teaspoon aage 1 tablespoon minced green onion tops 1 Cream butter until soft. Add remaining ingredients and beat until smooth. Serve cold on hot fish. (Makes V4 cup.) , Mushroom Sherry Sauce U cup fresh mushrooms, . chopped 1 tablespoon minced eel on cup butter ( Yi teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons sherry Cook mushrooms and onion In butter until tender. Remove from heat, add salt and sherry and serve immediately (Make. cup.) Chili Sauce Butter Yi cup melted butter 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 tablespoons 'chili sauce Mix all Ingredient together thoroughly and serve immedi ately. (Makes cup.) . , '.'.'.,.!.., ..,!..., A knife rack will keep your knives within easy reach in the kitchen, and protect .: their sharpened edges. It's a good idea to sharpen knives before you put them away,; if they need sharpening. . soften cheese. Add sour cream, milk and seasonings; blend, Add onions, parsley and cook ed shells; mix lightly but thor oughly. Pour Into 1-quart cas serole; cover. Bake in mod erate oven (350 F.) 30 minutes, Stir once during baking period. Makes 4 to 6 servings. Variety of flavors and tex tures keynotes this good vege, table-macaroni salad. Calico Macaroni Salad - 1 cup chopped carrots Vt cup chopped parsley 1 cup cooked, drained green peas 1 4-ounce can pimientos, :. drained and chopped ' 2 tablespoons grated onion V cup French dressing 1 tablespoon salt 3 quarts' boiling water . ' 8 ounces elbow macaroni cup mayonnaise . """Salt "to taste; ; . " - In a bowl, combine vege tables and French dressing mix thoroughly. Place in re frigerator and let marinate 1 hour. ; ;- - - Add 1 tablespoon salt to ra pidly boiling water. Gradual ly add macaroni so that water continues to boil. Cook un covered, stirring occasionally, until tender., Drain in colan der. Rinse with cold water; drain again. Add cooked mac aroni, mayonnaise and salt to mnrinated vegetables; m I x lightly. 'x J y,Xy, t. , - f J THE CHOICEST MEAT 3 IM THIS CTOREy-, NO OTHER KIND SHALL PASS OUR DOOR Hoffman's Specials FOR THIS WEEK-END Have you tried our BOCKWURST - the traditional Lenten Sausage. Truly different, only : 59c lb. Whole or Half. Another shipment of Spring Lamb ha arrived . . . at the same low prices Legs of Lamb Shoulder of Lamb Lamb Stew lb69c u 55c .Lb. 25c & BoStOn ButtS Har Who.. . . Lb. 59c Picnic Shoulders "N!'....u:49c Cottage Cheese Cherry Lane Special . . Pint 23c '. EXTRA FANCY Sliced Bacon t som. 49' With That Old-Fashioned Smoked Flavor Stop in M This Week and Uv UaIIa! r i GREAT NEWS FROM: the most famous wowttoln food! la m omimir- Wang, fati-eirtffMb TASn-PIET FOODS!" If you have a dieting problem, here's the best news in years! Tr? TfetJMTiet u ' -k dietetic foods. Discover for yourself how sweet-tasting and deikUna !ow calorie foods can be. Youll agree o'Mm; taw delicious! r iin imif wrmu .utKfi'miimnmmnmi i i n iiiistntmeniinnf sWiiiitVitoffj,;,' ' j MOW ENJOY SWtTGT-TASTCTJG, FUU FLAVOEXED DESSERTS.. FDEO FROM ABBZD SU6ADS IF YOU have a sweet tooth but must watch your intake of calories there's a new treat in store for you at your grocer's. New formulas developed under the direction of Tillie Lewis "Most famous woman in food" bring you an en tirely new kind of dietetic, low-calorie foods'...TASTI-DIET! Unlike any other dietetic foods you' ve ever tasted, Tasti-Diet puddings, desserts, fruits, jellies and dressings are so down f right mouth-watering sweel-tastittg and delicious you'll won der how they can possibly save up to 76 of the unwanted calories! Compare Tasti-Diet with the finest of foods made with sugar added. You'll have to look again at the Tasti-Diet label to realize these fine dietetic foods arer from added sugar. Yes, once you try Tasti-Diet you'll agree dieting is UP TO 76 SAVINGS IN CALORIES! now delicious. Look faltetMfrtiiudrwsjpt riakfctUit food -department at yovt-trocas. FAT CAN K FATAf iiik yuwr OuUut iDriiytltJUajft funny but may be dangerous. Doctors and leading insur ance medical specialists warn that overweight people between the ages of 20 and 64 bare a death rate up to 50 higher than average from various diseases. It seems yco tmgfam your lifeline when yon shorten your waistline! Ask your doctor. This pleasant new redocmgplattpsnnits you to enjoy sweet-tasting satisfying foexfr stbl cutting down sharply on the urssantrcVciloors. ATTENTION DOCTORS! ltymriiotSiFBvata information and analyses of Tasti-Diet, please; writet TBSb Lewis, Tasti-Diet, Post Office BatglOStortlwOrWnrnis. SINGH SHVINQ ' . uSSTlAl IARTIETT PEARS ........ 73 19 ' VANIllA PUDDINO (par Y cup ntluilv. of liquid) ...... 61 1 CANNED PEACHES . 75 - 34 SALAD DRESSING (par Ibi.) .... 3S 1" . APRICOTS .......... S9' GELATIN (par cup) .- , . . ' . . 5 U PRUIT COCKTAIL 4 91 CANNED CHERRIES 94 5) JELLY (pr lb..) 13 1 MAYONNAISE (par Ibl.) ...... 10 I6f -with htm rgrnrp , 0m Calorl Drtitlni tUBitppatt Dill Drtlii iiSiiVm iwcirsu WTrtmru AfUi We want ntTjmevUtospaJdki&tKMiin to kaaw aH about our ortting nwr dls 1 1 in k s in low-calorie foods, And so lU be tapp fc ' send you, without cost crotfgafoc ray new . 16-page booklet Tbe TJIie Lewis Tasti-Dist - Plan'. It contains the story of the dcwlopment of Tsti-Diet and many low-calorie menus and meal tggesUonsjTjstetSK) your name and address-in thecoopoo below." I tfeiiiifJrarisisAfi rftsVMi1AsaWyRi- 1' fcM.PWetlieii. TASTI-DfLT 04ITETIC LOW CALORIE DIETETIC FOODS CANNED PIUITS IUDDINOS CllATIN DESSERTS 'HUES SALAD DRESSINOS LOOK FOR THIM IN.JHI DIITITIC FOOD DIPARTMINT ATJfOUR.OOCIR'$, u ; CR4 Till! Lewis Tastl-Dlet Foods v SlocMon, Calif. - J Pleaie tend me your free TasH-Dlet Menu Booklet. My nome Addreti , -l City '. V Zone- -Stole-