Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 19, 1953, Page 24, Image 24

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    St. Joseph's Parish Happy
Dedication N ears
Church services Thursday fop the altar boys exactly eor
mornlng will be In tht new rect, could Judge of the trend
thurch. ot their thoughts from the ques-
Thli bald statement In the "on. aked, the comments
Sunday, March IS bulletin ot -
tt. Joseph' Catholic church "How long nee I ther
waa what might be termed M?" "! ' ShStJ
official notification that, come "?J I g"f
the feast of St. Joseph. Thurs- did rather Buck come to St.
irathvr Bernards, so recent
ly a part of the parish la rare
iv nnMnnrl ex-cent as one
who is still part of the parish.
Which does not in we sngniesi
imply any less respect for the
present pastor, Father Vander-beck.
Sn Viofflnninff with the eele-
Krntlnn nt nnntlfical hlBh HISSS
at 10 o'clock Thursday morn
ing in the new churcn ny we
m Ppv Reward D. Howard,
archbishop of Portland in Ore
gon, all church services wm
be held in the new church. But
th nnntlfical mass on Thurs
day will be Just one of four,
since the three daily Lenten
masses at 6:30, 7:20 and 8 will
be celebrated as they nave
been all along in the old
Tha white carra marDie
statue of St. Joseph was given
to the church by tne noiy
Name society and the carra
maroic otawuc v "v"v" i a..uvh.w " - -
Virgin Mary was the gift of on milady's nylons, as women
day, March 18, 1093, the day
the swallows come back to Ca
plstrano, believe It or not, the
people of St. Joseph's parish
in Salem, Oregon's capital city,
la the archdiocese of Portland
m Oregon, will have new
Bow many times plans for
a' new church have been start
mA nver the vears would be
difficult to determine. Not-so-eld
parishioners remember
plana started in 1924 which
were Interrupted when the
north portion of the parish was
cut off to form St. Vincent de
Paul parish and St. Joseph's
hall was built Instead of a
A few days ago Ben Max
woll'a ivtliimn in the Capital
Journal, gleaned from an Issue
of some 15 years ago, ua oi
the plans which were part of
the centennial of the arch dio
cese, 100 years after the cele-
u.alAn a 4 Via 4 rt mass with-
In the Oregon country. There marWt statue of the Blessed fidence they will not be hard
nave neen oner such tan.
St. Joseph's hall, located on
Chemeketa at North Winter,
was not an acceptable substi
tute for a new church to mem
bers of the parish, but It more
than served the people of the
parish, people of Salem and
many hundreds of Uncle Sam's
nephews who were provided
with places to sleep when they
am, nn waek-.end nassea from
nearby Camp Adair. The hall
was operated during those war church on tne chemeketa street
years by the USO. side.;
Tn another niche near the
"Where will we play?" de- BiesSed Virgin's altar is a new
manded basketball players picture of Our Lady of Per
from Sacred Heart Academy, ritual Heln to which there is
whan the hall was torn down .neolnl devotion in the Darish
two years ago to make way for This is the gift of a parishion
the new church, That the hall el., not yet announced as also
violated manv laws of beauty ho not been announced the
never stopped the boys and donors . of the stained glass
girls from enjoying parties iwin(jow, which have been In
thcre.'nor did It detract from I, tailed during recent weeks.
the thrill of chalking up the The mothers' room which
top score in a school game. has its own private entrance,
jueanwuuv uw n i loucv xitvuiwvn mm oavh.m
IKiaea OT uv n j m on llltr HUllIl Blue uga. w
Into the future. The parish parochial school. Loud apeak
built a new parochial school ers and large plate glass win
when Sacred Heart Academy dows make those in this room
the Young Ladles sodality
k Tuther RurV when he vis
ited Rome in 1923 while pas
tor of St. Joseph's.
Directly opposite tne Biessea
Virgin's altar in the new
church Is the statue of the
Pieta, "Our Sorrowful Moth
er," now located in a wall
niche. It was previously locat
ed near the back of the old
Members of Girl Scout Troop 81, in Garden City, N.Y.,
study the Declaration of Independence for new "My Gov
ernment" proficiency badge. Badge is designed to enlarge
Girl Scouts' knowledge of U. sr government. , '
of St. Joseph's have com-
ine I Dung Ajauivo ivuBHv I vi ofc. -
Both were brought from Italy plained about for lo these many
.. 1 I.. I I .uJt.M M AKM
iutlna win exhausted. Then
an addition was built to the
nerlsh school. Sacred Heart
Aeademv. was remodeled to
comply fully with state fire de.
nartment regulations, and par
lahloners wondered. "Will I
1ia to aaa a new ehurchT1
. Meanwhile the war had in
creased the sire of the parish,
numbers of masses celebrated
a oh Sunday had to be in
creased to take care of the new
residents and the great num
bers of transient including the
soldiers and the sailors.
. .
' I The preliminary plana for
the new church, the work of
construction of the parochial
school and the addition to it,
plus the heating plant which
v aervwl tha old and will
Krve the new church, were
accomplished under Father
Tternardi direction. He direct
ed the razinc of St. Joseph's
hall and then turned over the
duties of pastor with tha very
linn iailr of huildlns the new
church to his successor, Father
Joseph E. Vanderbeck, in Sep
tember. 1051.
Tha rectorv had bean moved
from Chemeketa street to Cot
tage street Just before rather
Bernards left and replacement
ot this frame structure with a
brick rectory and parish office,
and a new gymnasium for the
parochial schools, are projects
for the near future of this
downtown Cathoic parish
close to the state capltol.
Emotions regarding the old
church, the so many well loved
things left behind with the
move to Winter street were
very near the surface In any
gathering of parishioners the
last few days, btrt little was
Nothing about the change
co close at hand was men
44oiurf Sunday. The castor him
self speaking at all of the miss
es on the commandment "Thou
shalt not bear false witness,"
just one of the series of talks
during the Lenten season on the
But the eavesdropper, as
members of St. Monica's Altar
society sewed and ripped and
.resewed to make the surplices
nresent and within slKht ot the
high altar but hidden from
those in the body of the churcn
niu of tha much discussed
features of the new church is
the "bride's room" which is
near the main entrance. Onen
Intf off thla ton la tha hnDtistrv
the grill work of whose door
was being polished as we went
in to look around Tuesaay
morning. "Doesn't it look
nice," the workman ald a his
eve aparkled to match the
metals on which he worked.
Perhana we lust have not
aeen the latest but this is the
first of the many new Catholic
churches we have seen that has
a telenhone booth.
Tha new news are all tn
place, polished and waxed to
a queen's taste, we xorgot io
try the kneelers but nave con
years regarding the old ones,
Members of the Altar so
ciety are sponsoring a hot
cakes and sausage breakfast
fnllourlnir three ot the masses
next Sunday, first In the new
church. The group is going
"whole hog" on this allalr, tne
husband of a member having
purchased a large hog and
making the sausage, you know,
"after an old family recipe."
The women, will serve the
breakfast in the school cafe
teria following the 8:30, 9:45
and 11 o'clock masses.
rth ve and lust to stress the
move to the new church, the
time of the Sunday masses has
been changed. Six masses,
ome number, but instead of
every hour on the hour, they
Will be every hour ana a
nuorter atartinff at 0 O ClOCK.
The last, a low mass, will be
t 12-1 R.
This change in the time for
the Sunday masses it is nopea
will help in solving tne trai
fin nrohlem which it is antici
Ipated will be greatly Increased
following the move.
BabySitterrs Father
Beaten by Mistake
Cortland OJ.R) J The home of
Vern R. Lewis is one place par
mmim t hehv aittara needn't fear
for the safety of their daugh
A strange man knocked on
Tnrl' door, luat after he had
driven his Dany suier nome,
iwA nalrAri to aea her
Tmli aiked for identllica-
Mon hut eot no answer as the
man turned and left. Lewis,
mindful of recent sex assaults
on baby sitters, pursued the
trAnffer. knocked
him down and struck him until
he bled. : ' ; -
&NroMl hmr tatat T . a w ( m
learned the man was his baby
sitter's father coming to take
ner home.
Falling Tree in
Damage Action
Albany Damage of $107,-
f!90 ara aakeri in four iUitS
filed in circuit court here. Of
the four suit three name one
defendant. . .. . i .
!1va O Hunter has filed the
largest claim being the driver
of a car that on Jan. 8, iwaa,
was struck by a falling tree
while travellne alone a rural
road cast of Scio in to the
Lulay Brothers' logging
' Thk olalntiff asks a iudg
ment of $75,750 against Lyle
I,, wimer, wno tne piainuu
avert caused a tree that was
being cut to fall across the
The - impact destroyed the
ear. Hunter allege. ' and ' in
flicted uDon.him injuries in
cluding a broken back, neck
and leg injuries, aggravating
an old back iniurv. besides
enuhlna his wrist watch.
Judgments of $15,000 each
are asked by Carl and L. D.
Hunter claiming to have been
passengers with Elva Hunter.
Both these plaintiffs allege
aerloui iniurles.
In the fourth suit sneriaan
Fountain alleges hi car was
severely damaged when a
flatbed truck haulinfi a trac
tor made right turn in front
of him without warning as ne
waa proceeding southward on
the Pacific highway January
10 a quarter of a mile north
of Tangent. The result, roun
tain alleges, was a collision.
Hazel Green
Hazel Green The Haxel
Green Community club wm
meet on week early thi
The women and men are
both presenting their play Friday-
night, March 20, at the
Hazel Green school at 8 o'clock.
The women will present
their niav. titled "Modern Tel-
eriion." and the men will pre
sent "Operation Unlimited",
Serving on tne reiresiunem,
committee this month are Mr.
and Mrs. Laurence Zieiinski
and Mr. and Mrs. Francke,
who have asked that the mem
bers bring donuts for the even
ing. ; .v.'. '' "
Marion County Boys
Get Farmer Degree
Corvallis Eight Marion
county ,' Future, - Farmers of
America received the State
Farmer degree Wednesday at
the annual convention of the
youth farm group.: : "' .
Listed by schools they are:
Cascade Martin Boatwright
and Lee Metcalf; Central
Herald Freeman. William Pru-
itt and Terry Staats; Gervais
Richard Leith; Salem Marvin
Cage and Robert Notebloom.
Worry of
Sliootna or Irritating?
Don't mbuiuiMI 7 leou !!
teeth iMsDlni. dropping or wobbling-
hn you oat, Ulk or loath. Juit iprln
kla UUli FAaTEVTH on jour ploui.
Tula ploaiant powder iivti Temork-
rltr br heldlnl plotoi more llrmlr. No
rummy, gooer. pan? how or iwuni.
Ire eene noo-aekU. Oot WASIXBIB
aar drug auto.
: ' '-'.Af
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