Thursday, March 19, 1953 DENNIS the MENACE )fao MEAN yOU XXtUKE CAT5UP ON HOTCAKES? FOR RENT HOUSES CAN MOVE m at once 4-bedroom, modem house, toll bseemont, new del eel oil furnace, water, garage, cbick onhouse and large garden epot. 860 g month or $18 mora furnished. ml. north near Qulnabr. Inquire Rt. 1, Boi 341. Salem. Ore. Jm67 i-ROOM furnished cottage He, Ill Qerth Ave. lml- S-BEDBOOM house, gome furniture. 3286 Portland Road. Jm68 t-BEDBOOH home, with loU of eloiet apace. Kleotrle range, refrigerator. " Oarage. Borne tttllltlei. Inquire 1908 N. 18th. tow SMALL 1-BIDBOOM home, Weat la lem, with nlea view. 388 vor month. Phone 3-3301. Jm(7 4-BDRM. HOME completely furnished. 4 bike, from town, or 1 furnished 1 bdnn, duplel apt, located on 731 Perry St. Sea Harry Van Horn, Ph. Hro. 4171, Office 44494, with Oolbath Land Co. lm67 (MALL FURNISHED COTTAOE, clear. . coay, raasonablo. Nice for couple. 118 N. Commercial. Jingo CLEAN, 1-BEDROOM furnished cottage, launrry, garage. In q aire 38i8 Portland Road. , JmW . CLEAN AND neat 1, bedroom unfurnished house, attached garage, largo living room, Venetian blinds, electric heat, 488. No pete. mile Beat 4 Corners. Phono 4-1878 or ask for ken at 4878 State. Jm87 TBBT NICE 1-bedroom furnished ran- taU newer, clean and neat. 188 per mo. cau rtawiina Realty, s-aeee or 4-1781. ; m txCEPHONAIXT nice, 1-bedroom ren tal In a nice dletrlot in West Salem, too per mo. Call Rawlins Realty, l-488t or 4-I7B1. lm TEST NICELT furnished duplet. All pri vate. Near Forestry building, t-8088. ImBT JtEWLY DECORATED 1 bedroom, livlns room, kltohen, .dinette, aleo. xefrlg. ex store, water Jl sanitary aerrloe fur nished. Alt. garage. $48. Ph. 1-1338. ' m88' OFFICE FOR RENT OB 4-BOOII BUTTE, I stalls. Oregon Building. Phone 8-4114. dEOCND FLOOR Office OT itOTt ipac Mtnt f?mll rat IHtts Uftrkat. Jfi FOR RENT APARTMENTS COZY. COMFORTABLE, 3-room apart ment, closo In, reuonable. 474 N. Church St. 1p70 Business district, nicely furnished 3 room apartment. 358 Center. ip8B SHALL APARTMENT, close In, adults. 780 N. Church, phono 4-3487. Ip8 CLOSE IN, housekeeping room, $38. Utilities furnished. 881 N. Church. Jp7 CLOSE IN. desirable turnlahed apart ments. Private bath. Utilities, 746 Marlon. JP69' ft VERT NICE apartment'a furnished. Including electric etove and refrlcera . tor. Hot water heat. Only $80 month. Phone 4-1730 or 35(48. Jp89 CLEAN t ROOM furnished apartment, private bath. 2600 N. Front. Jp68 1-ROOM FURNISHED apartment and 1 sleeping room. Ladles only. Call 838 N. Winter. 1P8J1 4 BOOMS Nicely furnished, quiet neighborhood. 1 block cut Memorial hospital. 405 So. Summer. 1P72' 8-BOOM upper apart., furnished, outalde entrance, shower, a adulta only, n drinking. 485 8. 18th. lot)' gTNFCKNISHED 3-bedroom apartment, 740 Ferry St. Utilities furnished. $48 mo. Call Pioneer Trust Oo., 1-3136. Jp9 FURNISHED DUPLEX near Stale hot. pltaL Garage and laundry. Ph. 44688 IP69' 1-BEDBOOM furnlthed apartment. Prl- rate bath, entrance. $40 month. 3-7718. JP07' UNFURNISHED 3-room apartment, trie range, refrigerator, 194 So. tage. alec- Cot- 1P87 PRONT FIRST floor, furnished 3-toom apartment, utilities except electricity. 389 N. Liberty. Ph. 1-7134. Jp67 CLEAN, WARM, a room apartment. Close In. Only $3$. Lady preferred. 646 Terry. Ip69' CLOSE IN, nice modern 3-room furnish ed apartment. Adulta - only. Phone 38490. )PS9' 1-ROOM FURNISHED apartment. In cluding etove and refrlseretor. Close In, north. 139.50. Burt Plena. Inc., 379 N. High. Phone 3-4047. jpsv FURNISHED I8T floor, 1 room, $35. ! room $35. Ph. 1-4070. 1880 N. Com merclal. 1P871 FURNISHED small court Newly decorated. Close In. apartment. Ph. 30714. lp68' CLOSE IN. Snd floor, to oulet couple, 3 room, heated, completely furnished apartment. 686 N. Cottase. SrT BEAUTIFUL furnished apartment. Pra ter permanent resident. 44i N. Cot tase. Phone 3-1887. IP' PRIVATE THREE room furnished court apartment, clean. Adults. 48. 3860 Portland Rd. lP'6a SEVEBAL furnished apartments, tood location. Inquire H, L. Stiff Furniture. Phone 3-8168. IP' VERY ATTRACTIVE 3-room and bath, court apartment, oil heat, electric ranee and refrigerator furnished. 394 8. 17th St, Ph. 33134 ders or 33716 after 8:00 p.m. 1P88' FURNISHED APARTMENT, 836. 1866 North Commercial. Phone 46668 even Inge. JP71- SERVICEMAN'S WIFE wishes to there her 3-bedroom duplex with another lady. Phone 4770 after 8 p.m. JP68' Lee Apts. Salem'a Most Distinguished Address Following rentals can be shown now: 3-Bdrm. Avelleble Now 110.00 1-Bdrm. Avelleble Now 78 80 1-Bdrm. Avelleble Now 77.00 1 Bachelor Unit. April 1 61.80 For luxury llvlnr et moderate retes cell at 188 N. Winter St, Ph. 4-1641. IP' ByKttcham FOR RENT APARTMENTS CLEAN FURNISHED ATT. close to ttate ouiccs. en. s7g. JpM NICELY FURNISHED Apartment, Am- yuMun apertmenia, eev Jl num mer. hm .owgas'.a.'e' MISCELLANEOUS BKI-HIV1 TRUCKS U.DRIVB ljfOVB YOURSELF AVI PICKUPS STAKES VANS TEXACO STATION 19 COURT ST. . PHONE 3-1011 PAOE STEVENSON and AL AfXPPORD DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARVEY 8EULER. TjrNTurr Adolph Bldg., State A Commercial Sts. mm PH. 3-3311 m ALEM SAND ORAVXL COUP ANT Contract Work ' Road Clearing - Ditching Sewer and Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the Foot Phone Days 3-8406 Srta. 3-4(17 or I-741J Salem, Oregon m Logs Timber WANTED! L. E. Klumpp, 80S5 P'tl'nd Rd Salem, Oregon Ph. 3-78(1 m71' BUILDING MATERIALS GARAGE. 11x91 complete ob roar lot, llt-M par mcnin, no soirn pmratnu You can fix Hut dan or add thtt xtra Dwoom tat lust tiy. Vlilt with ui loont Portland Road Lumber Yard OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY aeu rorkiuid H4. ... rboM 4-4411 in a Look! Look! 3x11, M.i 3x6i, Aiding, m U. Hot wter hatter, brick, windows, door, coll pip. 1" pipe, tolltta, Iat- Atortea, btth tubi. Can be ttn 431 Ferry street. Cau erenlni after . Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles No. U, 13 Inches clear, 5; Bo. I, I inches dear, $4. No sap wood or culls, come snd set them. Ted Muller, 8lem-Independence Road. Ph. Salem 2-1199. ma SPECIALS! Lighting fixtures, Vt discount. Orade "A" Uah. doom, 36x68. $9.86 Shekel No. 1-18" five colors ...39.86 Closet combination 838.75 Campbell Bldg. Supply eat on Center St, Ph. 3-8334 ma66 WE NEE6 TO MOVE IT TO MAKE ROOM QUICK!! Cedar Biding BhorU 18.00 to 35.00 (good lor small Duuoinit. Hem. eos. Rdm. length (not bad) ttxe 59.50. x S $ xl0 69.30. 1x3 V Bean Poles (a lew) ..tie each you haull Raked Cedar penels 18x16, some very good soma bad, from 8c ft. to 13c ft. Hop Pegs 8.00 M. you haul. )r- 3en fl takes, or what do you need? To fence In the dog or child "sticks for pickets" ltte lln. ft. "TOUR BUILDINO SUPPLY FRIENDS' Portland Road Lumber Yard 3545 Portland Rd. Phone 4-443I ma Price War Reverse trap toilet $2S.U StV'xlft" Wash bailn flT.M) Cast Iron bath tubs, complete ..tW.M 40 sal. water heater $73 .M New 4" soil pipe .70 New shower cabinets complete ..143,00 Medicine cabinets, 14"x34" ....I 7.M 6M sal. septic tanks IH.&O Un pain led cedar shakes 1.75 Painted cedar shakes I.7S Overhead sarase hardware 111.50 Waterproof wall board, 4x ... 1..0 Plywood, Interior A exterior Cheap t tab eorap. roofing ,..f t.n Steel sarase doors complete ... 151.80 No. 1 doors, 3'8"x6'S" B.50 New door Jambs $ 8. 60 Chicken house, barn windows.. Special New picture windows I 1.00 C. G. LONG & SONS Phone 45051 a mile North of Kelier) ma ROOFING Complete Una. Call Western Auto, 1-7177, for free estimate. Gam ble's Western Auto (Supply Co., 301 N. Commercial. ma77- NURSERY STOCK PRIMROSES DELPHINIUMS 35c k 50c. Peony A phlox, 10 colors snd va rieties; boxwood, heather, daphne, earn ell las et rhodes. Merrill's Oreen- houiie, B root a. mbSB For Sale MISCELLANEOUS $M ALLOWED for ur old water heater on this new 45 -fallen automatic elec tric water heater. Yeater Appliance, 375 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-4311. n MTcrLLSnfilXlN RAWS, SOI Edie wster. West Saltn. fteJem Loislnt 6up plr. Ph. 4-1541. , R F Sele MISCELLANEOUS motscb or aim TIM Ortcoe. ttute Klchwivy OoMlt tiofi he for twit ea Meortaeat ei iwed ue, rtelLpe. Auw.P Intake, mvm plowa. edere, Mpnell kettle, perlnc plant. nn4 other wee4 wpaulje. nent end Mrap materiel located at the HLehwar Department Vqulpment Jflnt at Salesn, Oresea. sealed aide lor the purchase ef all r aar erne piece of this aeed sialp ment and for all er any elau of the wrap materials vul be recelred by the atate Hlthway Commlulon tn Room 133, Ute Btfhway Bulkdlna. aUlem, Oregoo, ontU 3:00 p.m.. Ttiura 4ay, March M, mi, at which time the bkd will be publicly opened and read. PBeUsal forma ufi foil tafnrm ft tltm ' lor bidden mar bo obuined to Boom 7)1, auto BKhway Butkhnj. falem, Ovetoa, and at the qtilpmeat Plant at stolen.. OREGON 9TATS HIOH WAT COllMIBSIOlf. M7 PATENTED NEW DESIGNED letter pet- Hm tor puiow mm, mousm, ate. Ph. 1-8318. nw DRY POULTRY FEBT1L1EEB U tut ooa for lk via ud eser to epreed. Br seek or rerd. Phillips Brat;, Ph. aiooi. B. SINGER ELECTRIC eowlner machine. Round bobbin, aewt forward Ji reverse, looks like aew, beauttlol blonde cabinet, for unpaid balance. sUnter Bewlnt Center, 130 K. Commercial. Open Prl eve. nl9 LASCI BurLDINO lor sale or lease, see Olenn woodrr. Ion If. shimmer. (Pine opportunity), n87 SEWING MACHINE Dee ddeetrie, walnut eabmet, round kobbln, good aewlng condition and guaranteed. Pull price $33.80. Singer sewing center, 130 N. Commercial. Open Prl. eve. not Sewing Machine Buyers When buying new or used aewlng meehlne, cell or write for our free colored catalog, singer Sewing Center, 190 N. Commerele, Salem, Ore. Ph. 33611. n71 HEW S-PO. bedroom eet with new box spring Inneraprlng mat. Can be eee at 1310 Maple Ave. mo ANTIQUE PUBNITUBE for aale. Two 1. Piece bedroom acta, one hlgh-bor, one s-pieoo routop GelK. rnona 11784. 98806 after 4 p.m. n67 MTJST SEIX-1S ou. ft. upright home xreeaer. new and In orlalnal crate. $ yeara Insurance on food and freeaer paid. Pood on terme at discount II desired. Bespontrble party can take over balance of contract with nothing down and 1st payment In May. Bank iinancing. pn. 4-8348. . n69 FBBTII.IEEB Pulverised. rotUd manure. eieurerea anywuere. 3-0774 or 1-6073. n78 FULL SIZE roll-away bad and mattress. coiospet reiruerator. call after 8. 43706. 119 8. 13th. n4S one mi BOO, all wool. $80: 1 radlo- pnonOH table model. 136: one lady. ' suit, sue 10, beautiful material, $38. Gravel and Sand Anythln" in (ravel, wboluale and retail. VALLEY 0 AND GRAVEL co. rn. 2-eooi. TOTJNG'S TBOUT FARM, eood flahlne. nuies u. ox aatea on unn county we. nSS1 FREE Weatlnchouae aewlng machines on ail floor aamplea. Saye up to $10, TKATRR APPLIANCE CO., 175 Che- meketa. & USED Wutlnghouee automatic laundro mat, only . 7 eater. Appliance Co., 31S Chemeketa. n PLASTI-KOTE requires no waxing. For your floora or linoleum. TEATEB AP FUANCS CO., 17ft ChemakeU. CIDAB TELEPHONE and electric poles, xence poets. Dean poets and stakes, Phillips Bros., Rt. I, Box 493, a miles out or corners. Ph. 4-1011. REFRIGERATORS, NEW and used. TXATEA APPLIANCE CO., 378 Che meceta. THE IDEAL fertillier It's organic peatmoss, with poultry droppings, only tfto a sack. Valley Farm Store. Ph. 4.-4M4. n70 EXCELLENT barn yard fertiliser. Phone e-ivuy or j-bwo. no8' ARMLESS DAVENO, 18.00. Glenn Wood n7' NOW IB the time to buy your 1053 Weit lnghouse automatic dryer at only ibAi Jut- ArruLAHGW CO., 175 cnemexeta. DEEPFREEZE home freesere. YEATER AffUAwci co.( 375 Chemeketa. REDUCED! $10 per day until sold. USED ONE I INCH DRUM TYPE FLOOR BANDER. 340 SHEETS OP SPEED ORIT PAPER. THIS PAPER ALONE IS WORTH 3180. Starting price Feb. 26, $575 MARCH 20, 385 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard FRONT At COURT STS., PHONE $-9111 (Wo Olva 8&H areen stamps) METAL FENCES Chain, link or ornamental types. Residential and Industrial. No lob too large or too small. Material only or lob complete. Free eetlmatea. BORKXAIf LBR, 1480 State Street at HDWE. OO. Ph. 3-3701 n67 END, COCKTAIL 4t lamp tablet, over 300 an sale priced. New ft used. Shop Olenn woodrr Furniture, 1606 N. Summer. n67 OAK orriCE desk and chair, 366. Add ing- macnino. ssd. Type vice. 18.60. Used lire brick. So each. Pressure cooker, 86.00. 183 So. Church. Phone 3-7817, Apt. 1. n8B 84.00 OR MORE trade In allowance on your old ranie towards a beautiful new Montac electric ranse. Investlsate this fine deal today at Olenn Woodry'a runmure s Appliance store, 1606 N Summer. Terme of coarse. n67' ORGANIC FERTILIZER, pree of weed seeds, snd odorless. 3ack or bulk or ders delivered. Phone 1-1137. n9l i MODEL New Home cabinet electric sew machine. Real buy at H.50. Olenn Woodry'a, 1605 N. Summer. nfl7 LAEOE CEDAR CHEST, brau trim, 18.00. mer. Olenn Woodrr, 1808 S n87 Keith Brown SPECIALS "E1 Grade 808 It. 1I4-RL Fig 10.08 M. 708 It. 1I4-RL Sins "V" Celling 40.00 M. 400 It. K8-RL Eceded Celling 48.00 M. 1500 It. lxe-RL V It Center. "V" 80s io.00 M. 100 It. 118 RL Fig .80.00 M. 1800 It. RL StS P)n 80.00 M. 10 It. 1x3 RL Channel Bui- tic 40.00 M. 1000 1X10 RL 848 Pin 80 00 M. Some damaged Plrwood and Sheetrock resl low price. 8800 It. 1X4-EM C A Btr. Pig.. 100.00 M. 708 It. 1x8 4 to 8-8 C A Btr. PIC 118.00 M Keith Brown Lbr. Yard Fh. I-Bllt WE OWE 8 Front A Court at. H OREKN STAMPS I PC. BREAKFAST set, 18.0 Woodry'e. 1808 N. Summer. Olenn n87 TOP SOIL River ellt and till dirt, ieUvenr. Phone. 1-1748. promptly 78' THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Baton, Oregon AUTOMOtH.ES Let ' ' WARNER MOTORS pave the way for greater driving pleasure with a SAFE BUY USED CARS Here is a fine selection of the best! I MERCURYS 19S2 Sport Cp. A beige color Spt. Cpe. A most wanted model. R&H, O.D., Skirts, W.S.W., one owner 2SB5 1951 Spt. Sdn. A besutlfuf everglade green' sedan . . that hat not been driven far. Hat effortless Merc otnatic trans., R&H, skirts, seat covers. You'll appreciate this one .....$1975 1950 Clb. Cpe. They don't come any cleaner than this shiny Maywood green clb. cpe. Fully equip ped ......w..,...S1690 1950 Spt Sdn. This sedan is sharp,- equipped with all s the accessories, plus overdrive. Tops in every re- " ' spect $1690 1050 Spt. Sdn. A color easy to keep clean, this New port gray sdn. It has overdrive, nylon interior , " arid is sound as you could wish for. Priced. $1595 1949 Clb. Cpe This tu-tone cpe. is the car you've been looking for. Fully equipped including overdrive. A light and dark green combination that catches your eye. Yours for only .$1345 1949 Spt Sdn. A tu-tone sedan sold and serviced by us, is a guaranteed car. Skirts, o.d., good ' tires $1290 1949 Spt Sdn. A popular beige spt sdn. with prem- . - ium tires, R-H, skirts, drives and runs like new. ' Take it for a drive. A bargain $1295 1949 Clb. Cpe. A shiny jet black cpe. you'll enjoy. Needs nothing, 'cause it has everything. Look . $1290 We also have two fine Lincoln cars must see to appreciate.. Stop and See! ' 1950 LINCOLN SDN.... . . .$1995 1949 LINCOLN CLB. CPE. (HYD.) ........... 1445 OTHER lUKXfl AND TO CHOOSE TOOM. OPEN ALL SAT SATURDAY ZVEKIKOS BY APPOINTMENT Your Ldncoln-Mercury Dealer ; 545 Center St. Phone 33012 DeSoto - Plymouth r , QUALITY USED CARS : This'Week-end's Specials 1951 PLYMOUH CRANBROOK CLUB COUPE. HEATER. 1951 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN RADIO AND HEATER 1948 PLYMOUTH : SPEC. DEL. 4-DOOR SEDAN. MOTOR O-H. 1951 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN DEL. SIX 2-DOOR SEDAN. VERY CLEAN, LOW MILEAGE, LOADED WITH EXTRAS. " 1947 CHEVROLET DE LUXE 2-DOOR SEDAN. R&H. 1947 FORD SUPER DE LUXE V-8 2-DOOR SEDAN. R&H. MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM W. L. Anderson, Inc. 554 N. LIBERTY For Sole MISCELLANEOUS HOSPITAL BED (or sale or rent. H. L. Still Furniture Co. Phone 3-8188. n USED washing machines, 88.88 and up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 178 Che meketa. n USED AND damaged plumbing Uttlngs, toilets, tubs, sinks, gas water beaters, 1174 Mill St. nes FIREPLACE SETS, Spc. sale, 8.88. Woodrj'e, 1808 M. Summer. Olenn n8T TABLE MODEL radios, 4 eamples at a big dlaoount, Trader Louie, 1878 Lena. nes PACK1NO TRUNK, 1.00. Olenn Woodrr. na7' PORTABLE trpwrlter, 88.88. Olenn Woodrr Furniture, 1888 N. Summer. n87 HAMILTON automata elothet drrer. gas, 1 year old, this Is tops, 8189.80. Trader Louie, 1870 Lena Ave. n8B SOLID BRASS lamp, 8.78. Woodrr. n87 SEWING MACHINE bargains, we have several aewlng machines, taken In trade on T, V. sete. Muet move them out. Challenge Treadle, used Singer Treadle, 818.88, National Rotarr Elec tric, 888.60, Universal consot, used 3 monthe, 8118. Domeetlo electric, new consol, 8148.88. Trader Louie, 1870 Lena Ave, n88 REFRIQEBATOR (small Kelvlnator) worke good, 80.00, Woodrr. 1808 N. Summer. n87 ADDINO MACHINE, cash register com bination. 888.00. Itemising caah regis ter, 8188.00. Ph. 3-8178. ml' ANTIQUE Lincoln Bock, re. 18.00. Olenn wooarr, ibos n, summer. n67 FHILCO CONBOL radio-phono eomb.. 388.80. Trader Louie, 1870 Lena Ave. nog PAINTED SHAKES No. t VO - Bole. Dipped Choice ol oolora - with undereourae 18.80 eg. without undereourae .,,,,.11.80 aa. Keith Brown Lbr. Yard Phono 3-8111 Front A Court Ste. WE OIVE A H OREEN STAMPS 8ALEU DIESEL Roller and ball bearlnga lor trucks and tractora. 3778 Sllverton Road. AUTOMATIC washer and mlicellaneoui Phone 2-813!, 8170 Portlend Rd. not1 LIKE MUglCr Then eee this line Zenith redlo lor only 38.08. Olenn Woodry'a Furniture A Appliance, 1808 It. sum mer. n7' FARM HOME GARDEN Rotted manure, composts', the same quality ae lest year, lor home and garden. Plagitonee, red lava atone and other typee lor walls or gardens. Rue- tie cedar lenclng and trellle work. Phillip, Bros., Rt. 3, Roi 481. Salem Ph. 4-3081. n' Journal Wont Ads Pay AUTOMOCILES PHONE 4-3492 EXCHANGE MISC. WILL TRADE GE rne for bunk or twin beds. Phone 3-W7. nn88' Wanted MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Walnut meats, and walnute In ehell. Highest cash price on delivery. MORRIS KLORPEIN PACXINO CO. 480 N. Front St., Salem Ph. 3-7813 ne WOODRX WANTS Pianos. Phone 3-8110. , na WANTED, 33i4 or 38" Urea. Ph. 31087, na08 WILL FAl CABH lor email bungalow piano Irom private owner. P. O. Box 348, Lebenon, Oregon. na87 LOGS WANTED Stud Mill. Lengths 3' 4" or if I' Diameter 8' to 16". Sawmill, Lraathe 12' and longer. Diameter 8" to 80' Top prices paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ore. Phone 1138 - na' WANTED Oood piano, mahogany pre. na70' lerred. Phone 3-8735. ELECTRIC RANGES. Woodry'a. 3-8110. PERSONAL I WILL NOT be responsible lor any debts other than my own. Jack An derson, pfla ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Oroup No. 1. sobs N. . commercial. Ph. 3-8418 or 3-4837. POI' AUTOMOBILES CHEAP TRANSPORTATION 1887 Nash coupe, good motor, good rubber, 8138. 825 Larry Ave. Ph. 8-3881. qS7a 18t8 HUDSON Commodore 8 Seden. good , oondltlon, 8800, 881 Rlvervlew Drive Ph. 48204. 088 FOR BALE 1343 Willie or trade lor mo torcycle, 881 Rlvervlew Drive, Ph. 48204. 088" 'S3 FORD 2-1S04. VICTORIA-Overdrlve. '48 V-8 COUPE lor aale. Completely or erheuled. 180 N. Church, Apt. 8. 0.88 M FORD V-8 Olub Cpe. RAH. com pletely blended out, back lowered. Jet black Ilnlah, 8818. 42741 alter 8:00. 087 18.11 FORD Customllne blue tudor dan. 18,000 actual miles. 318. 3-3304 or see at 830 wama Drive. o.70 40 FORD V, ton pickup, best. Phone 4-1887. the WILL SELL EQUITY In 1083 Pontlae 3- dor sedan. Lrnn Warner, Amur, Ore gon. q70 FOR SALE 1838 Pord 3-dr, tual miles, excellent cond. Townsend Way. 13.000 so il 00. 3260 017 WILL 8EI.L EQUITY In A-l '48 Hero, tor 1188 cash. Original paint, redlo, heet er, new seat covera, clean and sharp throughout. See at 438 Delmar Dr. alter 8 p.m. q87 1880 CHEVROLET drluse. Fully equipped with Power Glide. Sacrlllce tor 31345. Terme available. Phone 3-7231. q87 ISiiH :HKV4-t00RsMenTverv good condition. Only 32.000 miles. New bettarr, I new liiea. Phone 17414. on1 AUTOMOSILES IfEBCCBY CLUE Cbapa. Oatt atr S. 818. Terms. ttr OWXEal IMi Cknelar aaaveruaie. A-l aaadiuea, lieaa. K. t. n. S8888. EST otfeb OTIS-188 Tort Oousa. eooa eesMiuoa. aagus ana. lege oeariarn. n. -ini '48 CTEV-'g siatar. ISM. to. S4TB8. GREEN STAMP DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN Thurs., Fri., Bat Mtr. 19, 20, 21 USED. CARS Cash or' Contract 1949 Buick Sdnett .... , RarH, Drnanaw, ' 1949 Ford Custom Sdn.. RH. O.D. 1948 Olds. Sdn. ....... HXIre.'DT,, MeB 1949 Ford Tudor porUtght, heaUr 1950 Ford Clb. Cpe. i ., $1198 1046 695 995 1195 - RAH, a tandr 1952 Ford Mainline Tu dor Radio, heater 1745 1950 Olds. 88 Clb. Cpe.. 1695 ' RAH. Hydra. 4r. 1949 Ply. Clb. Cpe. ... 1095 R&H 1951 Ford Victoria .... 1825 RAH, O.D. 1941 Pontiac Sdn. A buy 245 a MORI MODEL A-l USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM . . 8-Mo 6000-Mile' Guarantee in writing. VALLEY Motor Co. A-l USED CAR MART "USED CARS WITH A PEROOHAUTY" Ph. 33147 Center at High : Salem S8 WILSON'S " A s A '' C T V I - O ., N 1949 Ford Custom 6 Se dan $1095 Low mileage, tood condi tion. 1950 Chrysler N.Y. Se dan 1795 Fine In every recpect. 1951 Plymouth Club Coupe 1495 Very clean, low mileage. 1949 Buick Special Se dan 1095 Top quality, conservative 1947 Buick Super Sedan. 995 Choose Irom three 1946 Buick Super Sedan 795 Very good oondltlon 1952 Ford F2 Pickup. 1495 8183 miles, like new. OTHERS OTHERS OTHERS OTTO J. WILSON'S Commercial at Center Phone 2-3623 '49 OLDS 88 De Luxe 4-dr. Sedan Fully equipped Special $1245 LODER BROS. 488 CENTER 0.87 $200" Discount '53 FORD Customllne 4 -door, - R&H, Fordomatic, white side walls, undercoat, windshield wash ers, backup lights, turn sig nals, eze-eye glass, nylon washable seat covers SEE Lee's . Used Cars . 240 N. Church MUST SELL Hake any olfer. '43 Keller Traveler. Radio, heater. 3-8388. qee MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS S-wnrFX lervlc crclt with all attach mpnii. rnemp .hihi. atlK AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR RAVING RADIATOR TRO Until VftlUy Motor Co. oiperU will aolvt your prob iero ann aavt you money, rrta tatt matei, epeedy tervlct. Cantor at Lib' 9Tlf. qr. Journol Wont Ads Poy TRUCKS E Batkad. awaa an I-180S er m. at Willamette Ma- ahlno as Welding Co awl Wallace IBM O.M.C. balt-Ki. Magna, to. J-8141. W871- 188 1H-TON Chmalat gruak. ewveraS vmiv. nut. soil xieelrie oo. adia. BOATS TDEOPLAlfS J n. airaeuaa. neaaa rapatra. man 4-IMI alter 8. Aa M, aw. 8H-E P. atEacrjBl awlkoanl. KD-4. Ilka aew. m hours, sea Mh 8-8108. ,,as it-rr. nrwooB koat, ra. tun. its oone raao. SOB SALS 14-18. Banberan beat assl wauer. usea twice, m mrmjwt aaft tor, 18 hours, tfc (If. stl alcMarr. West Salem. . u. SPECIAL AUTO USED PARTS Motors, radiators, fenders, ax les, bodies, gears, batteries, etc. Acme Auto & Truck Wreckers ' 8555 Portland Road MBAB BAH SHOT DIUTB-W FINANCIAL LOANS UP TO $1500 on Signature, Furniture, Car AT PERSONAL lt'g "yes" promptly t mpioyea men or women. . . 1-vtslt loan . . . phone first. Tou aeleot best payment data. . , 3) Between peyday loans. Phone, write or tome tn TODATI Personal Finance Co. lot . BOI ST., SALEM . SUta Uoanaa Moa. S-113. M-118 Loans over 8308 up to 81800 aw) np to 38 months to repay mada br Personal Finance Oo. o( Marlon County under the industrial Loan Compaslaa Act of Oregon. rlt' . Lie. S-1JJ and M-J38 , and . ROT . SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear "Top Trades" 13:08 Dally ztSLM 1300 Re. ; OENRRAL FIN ARCH CO. . LOANS 3I So. Commerelal St. Tel. 3-8131 AUTO LOANS . ; WUiAMXTTE CHAD IT SO, 183 South Church Parkins s-piantr Fh. 1-1481 Lie. No. M-188, S-1B4 SIX US FOR FARM, CITY OR ACRBAOR LOANS BEST OP TERMS WE BUT ttaal estate mortgagee A aontraeto State Finance Co. til So. High St, . Ph. 3-4121 ' - r STATE FINANCE CO, 5 IIMPLE WATS TO 1ND TOUR MONET WORRIES 1 Furniture Loam S Anto Loan a Livestock Loaa 4 co-Maker Loaa 5 Signature Loan Maximum small Loan not Maximum Auto Loaa 8404 , Ml So. High at. Phone J-41T3 111 M-3T3 no PRIVATE MONEY Special Rata, and Terme On Larger Loana Long and Short Time -Paymonte ROY H. SIMMONS 138 So. commerelal St. Ph. J-3181 5 Interest If ron bar Idlt tvndt Mtklox to- witment, than roo it tb tjpe ol ptrioa to whom -wt 110 m of trrk. Tta OTtr TwMty-flrt Trt w bavo btin blplnf ptoplt In thli community find promabl vork for thttr montr. During this period vt hm promptly paid M Ntal-aanal hitmit pajrmenia totaltlm many Thouiandi of Doll an. W art eurrantly paying 1 DfTEUBT on fundi from to 6000. General Finance Corporation im s. ootuiaawcaAL rr. tUm, OrcgoB . , rbont l-llll HOUSE TRAtLERS Buy ... Brgalne . . . Sell . LAMA LAN! TRAILER PLAZA Trad . 140 Lanoaoter Are, . Rental ta3. UANO IflW 14 foot teaUtr bouat. Uxod juat I wtakt. $Wi 14M M. tb at. MACHrNERY 30-38 M. sawmill maehy. 330-h.p. dlasel motor, aager, pona gaw, nnloadlng rig, to., ready to so. lew, Independence. 70 DIRECTORY ADDINO MACHINES All makee used machlnoe sold, rented, rtpelred. Roen, 488 Court. Ph. 3-8773. e BULLDOZINO RuUdoalng road, altering teeth. VlrtU Hueiey, loio Famiew. pa. 1-3148. MS CASH REOUTERS Instant delivery f new RCA e registers. AU makee, eold, rented, re paired. Roan, 444 Court. Ph. 3-3773, o DRESSMAKINO Alteratlone, hemstitching, b u 1 1 s n 8, oucKies eovered, buttonholes, afro. H. M. Allender, 1-8811. oSO DRIVING INSTRUCTION Learn to drive the "Easy Drive" way. call or gee Mr. snelllng. valley Mo tor Co., Salem. Phone 1-3147 or 4-3074. EXCAVATING Ben Otlen at Sen. Excavating, grad tag. land olearlng. Phone 3-1080. 088' INDUSTRIAL TRUCKS Pork-lift trucks. Inside and outside work. Hyster, Clark, Mobile lift, 3000 and 4000 lb. machines. Br dar, week or month. Ph. 3-3438, Capital City Tranefer. INSULATION Ineuletlon, weatheretrlpe, ecreene. Pre estimates. T. Pullman. Phone 3-8888 .088' MATTRESSES Capitol Bedding, renovates. Full line new mattresses. Ph. 3-4088. OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chalre, files, filing suppllee, sslee, dupllcatotre, euppllee, desk lempe, type. writer etands. Roen, 488 Court. o SEPTIO TANKS Hamel'e eeptlo tanks cleaned, Una serv lee. Guaranteed work. Phone 3-7404. o73e Mlke'e Septlo Service. Tanka cleaned. D'rooter alcana sewere, drains, phone 1-8488. 084 Sewer, septlo tanka, drains cleaned. Ro to-Rooter Sewer Service. Phone 3-8337. TV Sales. Service, Antenna, 1171 Un Ave. Phono t-8881. 1 DWKTORY WDOKtW CtSAMna'" Aoma Window Cleanera. todaatrlal g at waging, haweaeleenlag, Phone s-twi. 347 Coirs. w bhuldino material '. RXAN48 Wricking Co. ehaas aappllM. 3-734 mauraaa. V EXIT IAN 3U4ND LAUNDST Cearleld'a Laonarr, Repairs. RelhUgC tag. 1448 S. nth. Fa- a-oa. tnak-as. ,ar. waw- rmwimn Smith. Corona. Roathntras, RaraL Urn- rood amtaaMa, All gaaaaa waaas maehlMa, Repalre A rent. Rosea, aa rnl . w" aeeeeeweeiaeeafeiiHieewaeeai LIQALS No. 88W4 Dt THE CIROUrr COITRT C4F TEJ aTTATS OW WunuB rsjm .w COCNTT OP afA3UOH OLHf V. BBUNOER. aa Acnaotuiraaar ol a Rstate e owearw " .nwvwia WW pareona aod panua wnasoww or olalmlng any right, title, aaUla. Uon or tnterast In sod to lb. reel properly deaorlbad an the Cogeptatnt herein, ' Drlendanlla, IN TH1 HAMS OF TBES STATS Ot OREOON: Yet and. aactt at pea an hereby requlrad to upaar and ait the Oomvlalnt tiled against mkW .tw,.nutiMt aula en ear balora Oka) . data ot tin last publication at this Sam- . Bona to-wlt: March le, uai, isks u awn tail so to Appear and answer, loe want thareot, the pfcalntut wul apalr to Ik Court tor the relief preyed tor 3b aaaS Complaint, to-wlt; For a deer. quleUaw UUo to the real propertr to eavld Coaa plelnt and harelnaltar Seaorlaan, aaal deoraelns that olen P. Berlnaar as mlnlstrator ot the Estate ot Oarlors .: Ernut Berlnger, deceased, It the tola legal and .qui table owner la fee staple aald property ana aecreema tna eum . ,h fl.timd.nta In the abOVC-CO titled suit have any right, title. Interest, Haa or aetata In or to the same or anr part thereof, which real property 13 cnaorlha as follow,, to-wlt: Beginning at a Point en uses ann ea Poet Road; thenoa North ISO Rodrt thenoa East 140 Rods: uenea gtomn aw Rods; thence Weat 80 Rods; therm South so Roda; thenoa Weat to Rods; thenoa South 30 Rods; thenoa Watt SS . Rods, to the plaoa ot beginning, bring 337 acres, mora or leu, and which land . haa thereon a nousa and tour nama, all being In Section t. T, 3 S. R. 3 last ot the Willamette Meridian In Marlon County, Oregon. s - - Also dcaoribea as: Beginning at a point on the Section Line between Sectlone 7 and S ta Township South, Rang i East at ah Willamette Meridian tn Marlon Coun ty, Oregon, said point being see e feat North 0 33' watt from the otolith. weat corner ot said Section 3; theno North 0 23' Weat 844.70 feat; til moo Wait 9888J4 feet to the line dividing Section t Into, East and Watt halve.! thenoa North 0 33' East 1330.38 feat to the eanter of Section St thenoa Was 1348.88 feell thenoa North 0 r watt 1388.88 feet; thence South M 88' Wast 1330.80 leet; theno South 88 Or West 1330.80 feet; theno North S 33 West 83.73 feet; theno South 70 S Weat 184.08 feet! thenoa South 83" 43' . Weet 388.38 feet; thenoa South W SB" Waet 388.38 feet! thenoa South St i' weet net; tnanc Booth r It' East 330348 feet to a point which is 333.33 feet North 8 38' Weat from the Southwest corner of the fouUi8 quarter of the Southeast quarter f Section 1l theno North S3 30 Rest . 1338JB feat to the place at beglnntn. This Summon la eorved upon rou gar publication In the Capital Journal, newepaper ox general circulation arm ten and published at Salem, tn Marlon Conn tr, Oregon, lor a period ol one each . week and tour auecaaalv weak as mre ecrioeo or ana pursuant to an order f th Honorable Rex lUrnmell, Judge f - an aovo-named court, duly entered herein on the 38th day of February. 1883. The data 0! the mat publication at thla Summons I February 34th, IMA, and the data of the laat, pubUeattoa hereof 1 ISaroR It, 1(83. . j. william erronrrs , , ... Attorney tor PlatntUt . 100 Oray Bnlldtns Salem, Orison Pah. 18. Mar. Is 13. 18, 1883. NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S RALE , NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that L. W. mt, guardian of the Istat of 3IAI M, IVE, will, at 318 Pioneer Trust Bnlldmt, Salem, Marlon Countr. Oregon, on or alter April 11. 1883, at : In the far, noon of aald day, sell at private awl for cash the of Ma M. Ivl in and to th following described real prgmlsaa, ao-wlt: . Tract: Lot One in Block Forty-fonr In North salam, Marlon County, Or. : v son, and mora particularly deoerlben a, being the North half ml th North- ' aait Ouartsr t nlnetf a. tn WnrOk Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, ac cording to the plat thereof get ril and of record tn the office ef th Recorder of Convey anoaa for Maris Countr, Oregon. Said eel la to be mad In pureuaac t an Order of the Bonorabl Rax 3Um melL one of - the Judgee of th Circuit Court ot tho Stat of Oregon for Marios County In proceedings pending thorobt entitled "In the Matter of the Ouardlan. ship ot the Estate of MAI M. rtrrj, Clerk's Reenter No. 13310. Dated and first published March Re, 1333. . . yj. W. rvn. oaardlan f tne Iltsta of MAX M. TVTJL Pioneer Truet Bulldlns, Salem, Oregon Attorneys for ouarcuan. Mar 13 13 Hi Apr I Monmouth Monmouth I da a teott, daughter of Mrs. Ida Scott, Is recovering from major turgery performed March 11 at th Emanuel ' hospital, Portland. Miss Scott is a teacher In th Portland schools. - Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Way and three children of Plummer, ' Idaho, are visiting with her mother, Mrs. Esther Hlnshaw. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan BlankttB. baker had all of their family at home Sunday, the first tune in over fix years, as their two sons in service are both home on furlough. ' Nick is home on a five-day pass from Ft Lewis and Jack on a 30-day leave from San Diegb, having lust returned from Korea. Both boys leave here Wed nesday, March 18, to report to their bases, . Present Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hinkle and two daughters, Salem: Mr. and Mrs, Ted Kubena and two children. valsetz; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Blankenbaker and three chil dren, Pedee; Mrs. Dale Snyder and two chidlren, Morris Boil liot, Ronnie and Rosemary, Bill Blankenbaker and the parents, all of Monmouth. T. Lam, NJ. Dr. O. Chan, ikd. DH8. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATH! Upstairs, Ml North Liberty Office open Saturday only 10 a-aa. to I p.m., to 1 p.m. Consultation, blood pressure and urine testa are free ot oharte. Preetleed sine 1817. Writ for attractive tilt. No li gation. Dr. T.