kt12 FORULE HOUSES , Denton's SELECTIONS Oood family home, fl nice bedroom, targe living room. Large utility room. WW trade for esaU mtmii. Prlea OWNFR LEAVING -room homo plu Urit attic. Pirt- ,,. place, hardwood floors, oil furnace, st- woom g tract. rr.ce itih. I IDEAL FAMILY HOME AUuwV diw a bedroom on let floor. Ana lMdroom end Dart room In basement. S fireplace, double plumb ing, l-car garage. Large ettte, room . for l room. Close to om iu acnew. Price il.K. Denton & Denton, Rltrs, aaa atat. Btreat. Ph. 13663 Ere. nc, IWVT Of M71I Ml JvsT A LITTLE different, hard 10 da- aorta. Ih'II bar to tea It, nearly bow 1 It. bdrm. name locates w Walnut Puk. Excl. door plan. Philip pint Brahoienr and birch woodwork. V41Ue I1B.0W. BVt. Bail .-aiv. BD LUKINBIAL, REALTOR, oil N. STOH BT. PH. 1-6680, KLUMPP'S BEST BUYS "MECHANIC'S SPECIAL" . 1. A alee Horn. I. t Mill kUt Mil. I. Ob paved hwr, 4. la. aluminum ahop. t. oood wall Of aprlnkltr tritem. Burnt priea at 111,780 . "$3800" m.mum .nnnu WDUK with kit. kitchen, on 11 acre of ' Lake Lableh soil. Oood 11-ft. wall with mall auctaa nouae. "' ahard. "LOOKING FOR SECLU SION?" a trUl l-bdrm. soma with Hvlna room, bltchin, breakfeet nook, lent Ulllr, nettled In a trove o( fir traai on 414 acraa of around with rear ' around areek runnta, throuih back of properly. JUil a iw-miui... ' from Salem. Prlca 110.600. Aik for Richard Bitunpp, ou I'MFnw TT IS!" Beautiful boma on Donna Ave. Wall built and wall kept. Oood baaimtnt at iiraplaca, au lurnaca, .a,.., eloie to H.W. at St, Vlnctnta. Toura today ror fij.iou. rhono 1-7641 Aik tor Clyde "INCOME" arm AND REST rhia Income property haa i a vary Bice boma for owner and thraa aep arata rental unite. 1 tiratea. In the .. . ik - i- ..rat Jk aU7 BUrill. smw. Jmi .-. " aawar. Near bui and ahopplnc. only 31,000. "GREETINGS" One roil atop at thla nice motel, rou will alwaya want to eoma back. Own er'! boma and 10 rental unite. 4 double, I alnilaa, only 4 rra. old. Will aonitrueted on nice acre. Is araaea, 10 bathe. No cooklni. Thla to a food . lnreetment at 137,500, L. E. Klumpp, Realtor I0W Portland Rd. ' Ph. t-7641 Ire. 1-741 or 1-IS14 al7' iHBK-TIAB-OLD 4-bdrm. home In perfect oond, Thlt borne baa lie. llvlnt rm. with llrtpL, nice cheery kKchtn and dlnlnt rm., all bdwd. floor! thru out, 3 complete bath., extra ehower In baimt, which haa He. play rm. with fireplace aa tile floor. Breeteway and arate. uoceMit wiia u , w. a ataal at llt.TtO. Aik for BAT DAVIS, wra 4-M1T- ZD LTJKOTEEATj, BEALTOIV WE NEED . $10,000 to $20,000 HOMES '.W.4:'iaJ BEVERIN REALTY BT TBABa OP BATX0PAOTOBT SIBTIOB WALNUT PARK 4 BEDROOMS Am ant fine homel. S bedrooml and kath crown. 1 bedroom! and bath up. Larae 117 tut aad dlnlnt room. All floor aarpetad with ISI.OO par yard arpetlu. Plnrahad baaement and 3 aar rareia. Bare la a fine boma, built prewar with beat material. It la youra 1 for wader aoit. anbatantlal morttua an be arraued. 117,000. SUBURBAN SOUTH A home you'll enjoy. 1,000 eq. ft. c4 fine Uvtu. S t6roomft, 1 complete bathi, llTlni and dining rooms art aarocUd. Stalnleaa ateel kitchen. Laraa party room with fireplace, V4 avsia of fenced lamlacaped lot. A lot of homo for only 011,000, LITTLE TARM HOME lWi acrea of aarden. frutt .trapta. crack pond. Well-built borne of 7 roonve. It la located close In and can a ronra for only lll.ooo. Terma. 4585 CENTER ST. Seat of Lanoaater. Lcrelr V-room fcome on landecaped k acre. UtIhi 4i dlnma room, fireplace, cheeriui klth n with nook, 3 coodaUed bedrooms, tilltr and attached cerate. Onlr $10,- voo. Moraaca can at arrant ea. JUDSON STREET Hanch atria l-room well-built home tht rott must tea to appreciate at the price offered, ThU la a newer home emotae the nanr fine homes being built la thU eectlon. Toura for 110,160. North 23rd - Englewood One block from market. A truly floe noma conautlne or llvlnc dlnlna - with nook, full daylight baaement, lovtly yard, and carta e. This la an outstanding bargain at 111,000. Severin Realty Co. 9H V. HUh 4-Wil; erae. l-ftM Mr. Klanc -04 Mr. Moon 9-783 a68 JM DOWN, eee mo.. uu price iwoo. THRKE-B.R. homo on nloe lot close to RKTHMOSn) Ben. Itangt, rtfrlgerator w etora Included. CALL MR, METZ OBt, 4 -1710. KD LUKINBKAU MCAL- t n. uiun err. fh. i-wao. iTraurwooD bobool djbttuut An Meal family home, laraa living and dining rm., beautifully earptttd. 11 replace, I bed rm., bath, down; 7 bed rniH bath up. Modern aonvenlent kitchen. Baaement, oil forced air fur nace,, corned patio with fireplace. Mrlnkllnff aratem in sawn, ntee ahruba. Out of town owner aacrltlclng at f 17,1100. JOHN 3, DAMN, NEALTOR 41ft N. High BL Ph. 4S4U atvenlngt 37401 . tun . 3147a aUiT NOB BILL Teer-oW t-bdnn. nome on large corner lot, dining rm., full baemt.. bath half, ell oiotd fur. I real lac, fireplaoea. 431.500. Xva. call PjECK 1-8413. KO LUK1N3KAL, REALTOR, 43S N. RIOH. PH. S-4U0. WELL mtn.1 I kaJaau. .u."aM 1 mrv m ar HHIWIII A1WUIBT, All VfitlC! I ft rar m janmaiwi In waua u.ai a. P. H. A. commit. Small down payment! riiuiiv aoa- CLASaiPHD ADVBBTlIDfa Per Ward e Par Ward, I 4uaaa la. Par Ward, t Uraee Ua Par Ward, I aaanlk ee N B.faa4a Minimum It Warda. B1ADUS la Laul New Calama Omfr. Par Word 7. Mraraiaaa M Waraa T Plata Ad In 8am Day'a Paper, Phone 1-1400 Bcfora 10 fa.m. REAL ESTATE CAR TRADE I kadrooma with fireplace that afford! eomfortaWe Urlnf, fuU dla tn tu , Urea lot. If rou prefer to be afoot tnatead af ham.liu. doa'l pua UiU up. Call TlbbatU sow, REASONABLE 3-BEDR00M Tee. and aatra lot bonua. on Ibll newer euburben home, weU laaalad. hardwood floori, Inalde ulUltr, lane kitchen, one beoiooaa dawn, t . parSJ tlnlihad. lip. Owner left itata, we Inrlta an offer. Call Tlbbetta. 2-BEDR00M SUBURBAN PuU dlnlu room. MaOO. ThU a.pearld-euburban la ea t Blca laraa lot and la lull ahoek full af nicer thlnae. Haa hardwood floore. metal aabtneu. to weU-arraniad kitchen. fuU-eliad dlnlna room, bit ll.lm room, bedroom are laraa. loll of oloeil apace, attached aerate. Street la hard-aurfaoed. Call Jim. LARGE 2-BEDR00M $12,000 l-badroom, oririlM llrlni room, nice fireplace, bll dlnlu room. w.U plannad kitchen, bll combination utllltr and play room, double plumb ln, attached laraie, ineulatlon, waalheritrlpplna, Immediate pouaa aloB, hurrrl Thla won't lait. Call Jim. . 2-BEDR00M SUBURBAN l-year-old home with larte ll'lna and dlnlu room. Inalde utility, . food well, I block! from Waahlnlton ecbool. W1U be a pleaaora to abow tela tine home. Immediate poaieaalon. Cell Dale Baybura. BUILDING LOT Looeted aaat off Center St. 7I down. I on balance. Pun prlca in. Cell Dale Bayburn now. 4-BEDR00M DOUBLE PLUMBING Here'a a four-bedroom home with double plumblna, full baaement. with 1 acre plua of around In the eltr limit! Ban on "D". Hn a llrlna . approximately 1 i u, dlnlu room 14 I II. Don't mate rhla. Price only 14,000. Call Chat. $800 DOWN Blca t-badroom Bortheaet auburban. MOO or maybe llu win handle. Pull price 10600. or owner would trade for I -bedroom, call Chat. RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT, REALTOR) fa00 B. Capitol Office phonea: -4M ar 4-Htl TTinyjc phanea Tlbbetti 1-74M Out l-UM Jim 1-iSTI Dale Baybura 1-1041 atl' Roy Todd Real Estate YOU WILL LIKE THIS Ntct tomforUblt Uvlnv, kltcbtn 4jlnettt combine Btb. Ooi U: btdroom. Utllltr. ahU oxterlor. About t m. eld. H uro. Only I900. CU Mr, Mnipson, laleraw. BEST BUY IN TOWN ThU driavm feomt la onlr t yn. old. Hi t lit. bdrma., let. llrlno with bfauttful flrtple, kitchen, nook. lm: lot all ftnetd. Will triMlt for I or 44djm boui, Ttrnia. $KC0. Call Mr. Vndervortp jilaaman. LOT AS PART PAYMENT Dailrabla location. IM blka. to ich. but. 14x30 llflnc, dlnattt kltotaan comblna. 1 la t. bdrma. with lb)t. wanlrobt eloattt. I4t. f araaa. Lot toilio. Onlr 18500. Will consider lot w part flown parmant. Call Mr. aimpton, aalaiman. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT You win Ilka thla location and thla noma, l bdrma., flraplaca, Blca nook. Iff. llTlnr. dlnlnt room, full baument, lovtly yard with out aide patio ft fireplace. Close to enopplng. Oood but jerrlce. Price 11,150. Call Mr. Todd. TRADE FOR KEIZER PROPERTY Beautiful lie. 1-bdrm. home onlr 4 rra. old. Very 1st. Urine with fireplace. Ice. kitchen with cat apact. Lot la Terr larae. street In front and baok of lot. Excellent location and rlew. Price $13,500. Call Mr. Vanderrort. aalaiman. ROY TODD, MO state Stmt Bra, phonal Tandetyort '!. Grabenhorst Specials PATRMOUNT HILL Cnarmlnt older homo, llr. rm. with fireplace, oparate din, rm., kitchen with nook, 2 bdrma.. full baemt. I0TB0. CALL FITTER H. OKISBR, OALBBMAN BUSIN180 BLDO. liocatad OB corner lot In excellent uuelneee area, Intaraactkm of main arterlala, 1-atory bldr., wall laaaad, Apwol. ,a I loo ft. lot. Income 1051 per month. Prlca 79,800. CALL C I OBABSN H0R6T. closx iw xoifB-rViill burnt, with on itiam hint. lit. rm., din. rm., tltehan, bath bdrm. down, 4-nn. apt. up with bath. Very Blca loca tion. CALL O. H. ORABENHORST, JR., CO-OP. BROKER APARTMENT Excellent location. 4 unite plua owner'a ouartera. Com pletely furnlahad. Very tood condition. Terme. Por further Information CALL H. K. LATMOK, SALBSUAN CHARU WITH BCONOUT A ly. family home with orery modern aonranlcnea for traoloua llrlnt, t bdrmi., Kl. reception room, lit. rm. ? Un. rm., dream kitchen a nook, daa, 1 t bathe, auto, eoal forc.d bot air heat. A wonderful home for oatcrtatnlu. CALL J. B. LAW SALBSUAN 10 ACRB-.bdrm. boma, bam, chicken bouee, machine ahad, able, araaa. Penced. Prlca IM0O. CALL PETER H. OIIBER, BALEBMAN GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 114 S. Liberty at. Bvenlnea Ji -r-T.'.:.y?'f "w wwwww.iw.wiMi FOR SALE HOUSES 365 EAST RURAL Thla pre-war-built BntlUh type Nob BUI home should appeal to a home buyer wanting a real well-built home of luting architecture, i bedroom or I and den. Living room with fireplace k dining room with built-in. There la a lull-Hit basement with laundry tk party room. Automatic heat. ni decorated thruout. Oarage and lovely landscaped corner lot. Can you dupU eata It at 113,600? Ask for Dick trwvtrin, Severin Realty Co. 191 B. Bltb 4-IXIs eru. 1-MSI R69 BBW 1 bedroom, PHA built, 1,300. Do your own palatini and aara on down payment, rnona 10017. a VALUE PLUS A well-built 1-B.R. homo laai than I yra. old, hdwd. flri., aoar flriplaci, lou of buut-lna, lorely yard, a real value at eatoo, P.H.A. terme. Aak tor aoo conkiin. i67' BEW, BEAUTIFUL t-badroom bouie. la Baitmoreland. Lane double taraia. Br arrthlnt you need for eomforl. ,11,000. Bart Saamater. Ph. 43IM for appolnU mant. ,70 BZIZEfl DTarr. Bear Bert'a new Mdt, elte, an aknoat sew i-B.R. home as WM00-ft. lot. Oood tardin 10IL pared it., nice lawn. ahruba di fruit tree,, anoo wltb llaoo aown. call Allan Fletcher. Oood 1-B.R. home, eame locality on Mrad at, lta. lot wltb lawn, ahruba at fruit tren. 14.000, with ta.000 down. tu aiiaa riaiofler. NORTH SALBM at you are looklnt for a boma on a are. lot la North Salem, aaa thla 1 B.R. home on a payed at., I bl. to achooL 44180. with 7M down. Call juiaa nitcner. 1740 IXTWH I E R. bouie an ate. lot. MM down. ao aw. Total prlca attto. Call Packy POR SALB OB LEASE SmaU 1-B.R. houaa. furnlahad, on Vt acre around on Ptahar Read. Win itaie. raierenre raculred, 00 per mo. Call Packy UcParland. Burt Picha S7t M. BUb St. Off.: I-404T Braa. 1 Packy licParlaad 1-0414, Allan Plitehar 1-1701 a!7 WEST IALKM, modern 1 bedroom plat ter home. Oood location. Prlea ift.aao. Oeneral Baal Batata, tor. Center. Phone Min. aai To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE REALTOR Office pttona: l-ltM Mmpaon l-llll, Todd 1-1711 a7e Ph. 1-1471 RuiuIih n a-iiu h. r. Larraon l-lin n ---------rrrr.rfrr.f, a,, FOR SALE HOUSES BT OWNEB t bedroom borne, lltlnt wui, iuuiob room, larte utility, at tached tirait. I73M. Belter DUtrlcL Phone 1-3763. BT BUILDEB 1-bedroom. 1 blocka to "!i acaooi. 111,000. Phone 4-5301 MALL MODERN BOUIE, built for moy wii r.rr reaaonaoie, rnone 41901. a7 WILL TABS CAB, truck or city lot a down payment tor a-bedroont home. ...iter ouiriot. rnone a-sni. a47 BT OWNEB Svaeloui 1 bedroom home " nai.oi. vTer iiuu aq, i,, rioor ipace plua attached laraie. tlx 110 101 with lawn and ahruba. Prlca 1B.000, call 1-741 for appoint, to .70 1-BKDROOM home or will trade for imall acreate cloia In. , Brera Ave. Ph. 1-1U7. aaa HntlERN t.mtt.nnu hflM. 1... ir lurm.naa witn aieotria ranaa and refrtierator. Lynn Warner, Amity, Oraton. a70 NEW, 1-BED80OM. unfmllhld. but Hy. abli. Inculra at 1111 an lib at. In wait aaiim. By Owner . Ohalleue to anyone to set mr t-hdrn home with fireplace and not become It new owner. Have to be In Calif, thl week-end and oan't take It with no. It you hare anyt'ilog to trade eueh aa ear, airplane, rolltrakates or montr that Z can take with me then you can have my home. If yon don't have anything then lease with option to bur, but the main thing It Z can't bt. 11 ao 11 net 10 go. cau 1-tsiH). aee FOR SALE LOTS CHOICE VIEW lou la atlniwood Helehtt. atwara, water, eta. aanelbly priced, oaay tarma. Call awner. Phone 1-0413. nail FOR SALE FARMS a A. WITH all-rear creek. 1-B.R. nod. home, plastered, good barn, poultry nouse, family orchard, all cultivated, i A. berrlet, pasture, fenced, S ml. from Salem. 013.400. floe Don Wall. We have a oood variety of farm emeu aertacee to ahooca from. Let t help you find wnat row want. see .oon wan. BURT PICHA IT N. Kith Bt. atvei: 4 -4447 Off: 1-4041 M7 10-ACRB PARU Some beavardam land on It All crop go with place. House vacant now. Purchaser can move right In. F. H. Weir, Realtor 1317 So. Com'L Phw l-llll THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, OrtfM (REAL ESTATE CGLBATH HAS THE BUYS $950 DOWN BNOLBWOOD DMT. eat B. falrd. Baa X badraoma, Urlu rm., aUa. rm laraa modera klubaa. lulda utllltr rm., attachau garaae. Doe. need awno paint an the Iniwe. PHlca aea, Tarma KM da. III par atoala. o. an. aaa7B. $850 DOWN bmolbwood Diavr. ea b. letb. Larae t-bdrm. boma with I bathrma., L.R.. D.R, braa kitchen, ululty rm attaehad raraaa. OMLT IMH. Tarme alio da,, III par moata, are. pn. 417B1. $900 DOWN Bee this 3-yr-old I-bdrm home In the Hoover aeheoi ust. l.r.. o n.. bath, large lot. Storage bouac. ALL THIS FOR eOOO. BVB. rm. 41103. MANBRIN GARDENS THIS beautiful l-bdrm. boma wltb Tare, baemt..' flr,placa, bdwd, nra. L.BU D.R forcad-alr furnace, patio. corner landecaped lot. THIS IS A SHOW PLACE IH TUB OARDSN, WE OPPEB THIS PBOPEBTT AT A REDUCED PRICE. BES IT TODAY. EVE. PH. 1M7I. Store Bldg. - $950 Dn. PLXNTT PBEB PARKINO SPACI PLUS lane trlaule lot, atora bulld- Inr. llrlu quartara. attaohad cerait. THIS PROPER TT IS SUITABLE POR MANT DIPPERENT TYPES OP BUS INESS. TO BE SOLD POR LESS THAN ACTUAL VALUE. PRICB KtOO. NO PHONE INFORMATION. SEE VAN HORN. WANT TO TRADE Thla well-kept l-bdrm. home with hdwd. flra.. nil heat, flrtplact, love ly kitchen, dinette, attached garage. Located on n. astn .price oio.mo. WILL TRADE POR LAROKR l-BDRM. HOMB UP TO 110,000. BVB. PH. 417CO. VaT. PHB. 41764, 417M, 3171. FARMS & ACREAGES . 1 ACRE $3250 With t-bdrm. house not culte fin- lehed but livable. Beautiful view ef hi Us and mountain. $760 down and 430 per month. 20 A. MUST SELL THIS BANCH with l-nn. modera hi.., aood ban. ear ate, 4 A. Blca Bullah walnuta. Alklu 111,000. WB WANT TOUR BEST OPPER. OOOD TERMS. THIS HAS TO BE SOLD VERT SOON. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 5 ACRES PLUS ; Close in N.B. Small modem home, barn and etc. NEAR LANCASTER 40 ACRES 14 A. In oata w vetch, good orchard, live erttk, older l-bdrm. modern borne, good barn, garage. On paved rd. Nice view. WORTH $10,000. TAKE OOOD a or 4-bdrm. homt on trade. 87 ACRES TT in ault. tl A, crMk bottom, under Irrigation, ft-rm. older modern homt. Barn 4060. Price $16,000. Irrigation tqulp., machine & etock extra. SEX T. T. ANDERSON POR A PARM EVE. PH. 43714 NEARLY SOLD OUT COLBATH LAND CO. NEEDS YOUR LISTING. CALL OR DROP IN; WE CAN HELP YOU. BVB. PHS. OOLESBEB - KS7I ANDERSON 43114 LAZENBT - 41701 VAN HORN 4170S orncE dial K 44494,2-4552 A $400 DOWN Small home inside city llmlta needs a nanor man to make into a cute place. Cltr water. Cloee to bua line. 139 per month. , . NEED MORE ROOM??? Then trade your email home on a lovely 1-bedroom home with a double garage. Excelltnt dining room, forced air oil beat, Inalde city limits. . $4300 t-bedrcom home inalde city limits, Large living room and a nice kitchen. Attached garage. REIMANN REALTORS , LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml South Hlih street Phona 1-1301 Phona avenlnai: 4-1171, 1-ine, 4-4311, 1-33,4 e7 BB. HOUBE, baiement, furnace, fenced rare, jurnianea, ,7100. Terme. Cell 1-810, evenlnn. c Center St. REALTY OLD HOUSE XTCVHT-RCOM HOUSE in No. I bill Ines lone. Lot 100 X 100. An ooDor. tunity for remodeling or buUdlng a nnuu cour. rnco oniy ft.ooo. NEW HOME NORTH. Two bedrooma and a beau- unu wraa en; eeparatt uninc room; h.w. floora, fire place, forced-air heat. bbwrvuvu Bjart:at, irar Kaooi ano Out1 ineta. Price S19,000. F.HJL terma. No. 3 Business Zone lXJR-BTORCOli HOlrlE tn good condition. Pull buemtnt, furnace heat, 1 bathe, larae deep lot. Thl la lo cated an a main two-way artery la t Saltm and It provided with plenty of off-atreet parking. An .excellent loca tion for a home and bualneaa com bined. Splendid location for a beauty ahop, real aetata office, acatt and gift thop, antique, ate, Prlca $11,800. vwntr wui consider i-oedrom homt, ma mi, wr varta Center Street Realty ITU Center St. Phono 4-eai Bre. pbonai: Brlrht l-uaa, oiaa f-Tllt BY OWNER I acre No. Best sol, all plowed, ready for crop olantlnt. aood Lb.. room house, wired for ranee, very eaay terms, rnone anai evening. ceJ1 8-BDRM. SUBURBAN BY OWNER . The one you've been dreaming about, Lee, living room, fireplace, lovely new a its, i WUI, law) IUWOPU tOOr, BUllt-in kit. 1 lg. bedroom Plus full bath dn. - kumiwhii piua wr. rooai wun lUil bath up. World of built-in linen clot- nwiamu. wmiar P4U UUC well for Irrigating. Any ground? -h yeeM, over 1 acre, perfect natural. Rolling landecape, aunken rardtn, lily pooi, loia or ige. rir tree in bark ground. Phone Baa Lambert, tun, eweaum ace- REAL ESTATE WC SPECIALIZE IN TRADES DON'T MISS THIS Loil la area. Sap. utility room. Bo front door. Deep lot. fireplace. Older Irp. to aood repair. Pull Prlca only 7M. Tarma. Here It Is Read On Shtnr new. t bedrooma ea cue door. Automatic ell neat, cirouiaung mt n, buu. rnfltaiateti. Wtatheratrlaptd. iioa m. tt. floor Hvace. Spacious lot. 1 blka. to bua and eebool. Oood family home. Priced at only IfOOO. ThU if a bur. OWNER MUST SELL amaller boma, auburban. Only I rra. old. Weep well. ZB tood condition. Very liberal tarma. H acre. PuU prlca only 4,000, Better nurry. Reduced for Quick Sale Juet Ilka Bew. tunawooa neunte. Plreolace. Braeaeway. Att. tarate. xn anlatad. Weetheratrlpoad. Pvd. at. In rery tood repair. Oil beat. Reduced t 11,000. Lovely Brick Front plua apaeloua 1-bedroom homo with Bailment. nreprac waji-io-waai arpeu. Nice lawn and ahruba. Att. aaarta. Porced-alr ail furnace. P.H.A. termi If dnlred. JMU prlca only ail.too. CALL POR MR. KIOOINB. BVB. PH. 4-4434. or MR. CRAWTOHO, BVK. ril. 4-SO30. if bo aniwer, cau a-nta. HARDWARE STORE ThU ttora haa Ttrr good potential, Location la flue. Rent extremely reasonable. Owner la offering for aale at tnventorr plua onlr 91000 for the fUturee. Thla la a fine opportanltr to get Into business with amall investment. Gross 12 to 15 Thousand Annually aa thla lovely motel. Each unit equip ped with modern kitchen. 1 bedrooma and full bath. Very dllirable for per manent rental.. All lonereprtnt mat treaaaa. Operatlnt aoata are extremely low. Location la the bt. Liberal terma. Pull prlca MO.OOO. CALL POR DAN ISAAK, EVE. PH. 44111. If BO auwer, call 4-238. 37 ACRES - Highway frontage with modern t room house. Oood outbldga. Very fine walnut orchard. Best of WW. silt aolL aTicellent aubdlrlalon property. City water available. PuU price re duced to 4134,000. 11 ACRES AII cultivated. 1 acres aaneberrita. Amity toll. Oood S-bedroom home. Barn, a-ear oarage, email chicken house, hog house. 1 acre atrawbtr- rles. oood acreage. Really worth the a king price of $0400. Terma. SUBURBAN DANDY Almoat 1 acre, cloaa In north, aub dlrlalon poaalbllltlH. Vary cloaa to achooL Vary tood modem home. Al moat new. Unflnlihed upatalri. 1-ear carate. stona'a throw from achool. Pvd. hwy. Chicken houaa. Beit of toll. Pull price 114,850. Terma. CALL POR MR. LEAVENS. BVB. PH. 1-4735. If no anewer, call 4-Mtl. MORTOAOB LOANS M-Tear Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phonea: 4-3311 or 1-7810 I03S PORTLAND ROAD i Bra. Phonei: 1-4738, 4-0494, 4-5010 or 1-1551 If BO anawar, phone 4-Mtl Carlhaven 1. Terr attractive 3-bedroom houaa on Clarke St. in Ktuer area, only 4 rear old, paint like new. Front and back lawn, fenced-in back yard. Hardwood floors, oil furnace, tntd utility room. See thl for 18000 with 30 down. ' S. We have t new houaea under construc tion on Thorman St. Ona la a S-bedroom hotut with hardwood floora, oil furnace, fireplace, attached garage, Inalde utility room. Priced at $9000. The ether haa $ bedrooma and la priced at $10,000. Will be completed coon. Call and look them over now. KINGW00D PARK S-btdroom house with hardwood flra., 1 baths, full basement, separate din ing room, double garage, beautifully landscaped lawn with lovely ahadt trte. Priced at $13,800. Reasonable offer considered. ABRAMS, B0URLAND & SKINNER 411 Maaonlc Bulldlnt Real Batata Inauranca Morttate Loana Phona 3-0317 Evralnte 1-4701 INVEST (Salem Za Orowlng) Own part of downtown Salem. Large builnea bid., ground floor leased and returning the investment. Second floor vacant and Juat waiting to take the overflow from the high achool building. Income will far exceed In vestment coat when leaaed. Investigate now while It 1 priced to give you a handsome return. $700 PER M0. $700 per month income. Bee thl beautiful realdentlal court. 3-bdrm. units, finest rental -area, very low overhead. Liberal terma to takt over. Vacancy almoat non-existent. No Phone Information. Shown by ap pointment only. HOME & INCOME Live tn thl good 3-bdrm. home and take In $56 per month from perma nent renter In furnished homt on tame lot. Private driveways, private utilities. A fine buy for only $10,600. sawo flown. 19B0 Fa In rounds Road Phona 4-1MI, Eve. 3-IOM, 4-170$, 4-4673 e76' INCOME PROPERTIES INCOME IIM par month, t unit fur nlihed apartment. Three Blca lota, cloaa to achool, bua, and toro. Muat be aaen to be appreciated. 130,000. Phona a-toil. cf!7 JOE PALOOKA ''jf HULLO... YEAM...THIS IS KNOBB LIMBN.HE'S V VWJ rW6HT AT I OUAV.VOU 6UVS... rl&HTE60. T CROIPES ' m rLSM...HUH..YtXJVEARRAN6EB 60TTA TRAIN. ) IEA5T SAY PUNL6AVV SAVS JuIt 6(VE WE AINT NO Sarw "gCgPSHUMS AN' PINNEH, rtL60TDTH' f TrlANKS, KN06BY YOU'RE 6000. BUT A US A SHEILAS-' REAL ESTATE C. W. Reeve hear MEHAVU aa the bask af the Status rmr. 4-BJ4. koma, fireplace, tSiTiu". pi-id, - "-'JS'u,; aar ,ar. l-rm. apt. en I A. Thl la a o4 bur at MHO. Tarma. W-. BEAR CHEMAWA - kaa.aroaa. family orahard, all uadet Irrlt. Oood barn, rerr tood l-B-B. haa. Pull aaarat. Only 111.00, and WIU aon ataar twe or Uieeai, pro, la Iraoa, IH A, t-BDRM. HSE. wltb baamt Plrealace. Una deepfrwia. Eara, hleken hie. Irrlt. arilem. Oood bltck aoU. Uaderprltad at 84400. Terma WUI take la tood 11 morlaate. - 410, DOWN. BAST-4-adna. ha, with litre tleeplnt rm. a parah. Lie. kllchea A, L it. Oar. ahkkaa haa. Oood ait, water entera. Soma fruit. Bel. par maatk. Prtca lilt. C. W. Reeve, Realtor MM MUaloa at. Pa. 4aN Bra. ar M,4I MT' DON'T DOHT BB aORBT ,10 30 OWBer-bullder rial )uat omplalod a home la riatwoed Helihta that auraly ahauM pleaae both Mother aad Dad at once poaaeeilon and anjor thla fine I -bad room home with fireplace, forced-air oil heat, mahocanr panellnt, decorated to a parfeclloa. Call todar. Onlr 11100 dn, bal. P.H.A. X-l termi. "HOME SWEET rTOMB" Tour family will reellr llva la the apotleaalr clian t-bedroom with dln lna room .patio, lam lot. AaklM only tll.TM. Locaud la a waBMMtod ocuoa t tMlemortbeaM. . aWVaBTOR'S (necTU. M Ouit "tooluf imK'-M thla mall I b.aroam keaaa aad wtra rot. new ahakaa. aew root. WAMMOOSE space port BBrrr 400 at. aat, OCBBS AND APTS. POI4 BENT Older 1-bedroom hottta. W. aid. ,45.00 month. lroom furnahed apt, 44 O0 ma. l-badroom unfur. apt. (up), aao. Oall for ' JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR ,H Bdttwatlr Phone 4B74I If bo ana., eall l-oetl CO' . Him MWU ItaaaiM aaaiutl aillMlllal M48I4IIM IMM44WI IMMNIIt httv MlrtllrAaaMWin . Tc BU IMIIIItlltltt lIol tiiiiimiwiiutttti aaHIIMI II ItliHiilt lllltlll ,1 lltltlll 4)1114 M 144111 at aa SULLIVAN $85,000 Bight apartment an1 three first floor business outlets In concrete building, located In Sllverton. Til 1 one to make the investor' mouth water. Cat Mr. Keene, BveV 1-007$. 30 OXFORD New P.H.A. S-bed-room home Juet competed, $000 dn., pua P.H.A. cost. Drive by and check the home. Located between s. Com'! and W. Nob Hill. THRUB BEDRCJS South near IfcKlnley achool, Large kitchen and 1330 cq. ft. Heat Is oil forced-air. Owner will take houee wp to $4,600 In iraac. .a,wo. cau boo ovum, evea, 3-9704. $7500 Three bedrooma and onlr alx year old. outside patio and fireplace. Thl you muat aee .Call Bd Bristol, eve. 38414. TAVERN This place haa done the lmpoMlblt. Located in mill town with a net of over $30,000 on both the roe taurant A tavern. All equipment In cluded. $10,000. 3$ ACRES near Brush College, lust off Wallace Rd. Three-bedroom home in xme anape. 7 acre Royal Anne. acre of 6-yr.-okl prunes, 4 acre oi .ttaruete peara, s aorta applet. Own er will divide farm to ault buret. Priced to eeUl4,M0. Call Mr. Xltte wlte evea 3-1337. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR tm Portland Rd. Ph. 4-443I MT N. High, Branch Office Ph. 4-1493 C70" W ANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED A to 10 acres with good home, close in. Al Isaak, Bit., phona 4-3311. If no answer, 4-334$. ce I WILL pay cash for a good I or I bedroom house in a dtslra&le loca tion. Give full dlacrlptlon and prlct. Write Box 30 Capital Journal, cats NOTICEt If your property 1 for aale, rent or exchange, list it with ua. We have all kinds of cash burera. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 163 S. High St. ca WB ARB In need of good houe to ll, in or near Salem, if you wish to litb your property xor a, ae ORABiaraORST BROS., REALTORS. 134 S. Liberty Ph. 3-3471 ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE SWAPS Are your varmente pinching your budaetT If ao. Z have a buyer for a a better home who will auumc your mortgage and give you a 3-b.r. homt for your equity. Call Picky McFar land. BURT PICHA 170 N. High St. Bvti: 3-0414 Off; 1-4047 CM71 WILL TRADE my equity in mr large. beautiful 9-bedroom home, in Sacra mento, California, for home or other property in Salem, rnone I-4030. cb73 TRADE SMALL farm for Salem prop artr. John Kern. Rt. 1, Box 379. Hub bard. eMB" BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES VARirnr stoke and poet office la burr ahonolnt oen ter. 10x80 ft. In modem bldt. Poet office drawa lota of bualneel. Approx. Ill.ooo for future tood titan ttock, Aak for Bob Conklln. RESTAURANT an buey lntenectlon In alty, well equipped at tood leaaa t low teat, Ideal apot dolnt tood builneat with axe. chance of bit lneriaae. Well wortb aaklnt prlca at 14,000. Aik for Bob conuin. BURT PICHA rt N. Bllh St. Oft: t-4047 d87 CAPE FOR SALE. Oood location. 15800. aew oown. Haunt, aaiy tarma to re. poailblo peraon. Phona I-I430. dM4 umtss 0rTUw-nis MALL BUUNXU tB SewBtoam Salem, eullabl for ea fw Pj kaadla. Call 4117 attar ,1s lfjjt. oooaoaaa aaa e BUSIKESS INCOME Completely furaUhed, Inal. renin and rafira. I blk. to bua, sear Holly wood abopplnt dial. Apia, rent from are to ,47.to par month. Mora than 11 return on Inreatmint. PACIPIO NEWSPAPER BROSBM .nr n. nm.w brokkb W7 N, Capital I-3C3S ert FURNITURE f OR SALE rntnKlt tAfltrr OPEN PRIDAT EVENINO WANTED FURNITURE uiiiwir auction Wa bur aad Mil Phone 4-,ll. WANTED Oood aeed furniture aad eprllinete. Phone MOM. dj 00000000000000000000t AUCTIONS AUCTION TONITE 7:80 O'CLOCK LCOm OP OOOD USED PURNrnlKi AND MIBXmiXEOCB East Salem Auction 1119 Lane titer Dr. wdtT. Furniture Auction tonite at 7 o'clock at LANE SUDTELL'6 AUCTION SALES YARD, lo cated 1 mils salt of Salem on Sllverton rood. Fh. 3-8908. 444T FOR SALE LIVESTOCK I GENTLE aultrrattnt boraaa, a art lottlnt warn, I haarp aTrtntar aawt. 4745 SUrertoB Road. 58 Professional HORSESHOEING I forte the ahoa to tit the foot, Thla la the bait for the bona. Tat tThltelr, 1371 Sllrerton Rd. a47 SADDLE H0RSI8 TrKle tor kid ponlei. Shetland., pick-up, or a-wnaei arm leap. 3378 Sllverton Rd. C87 LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKEB BEEP Whit face Hereford, 18c Locker pork, toe. Nothing down, f mot. to pay. Ouatom kllllni. Trailer loaned tree. Salem Meat Co., 1111 s. 15th. Ph. 1-4851. aa RABBITS WINO MEEDS BABBITS lilt State. 43lt. ebtl CALIPOBNIA BUCKS and doei. Phona 4-3081. 4410 Clatter Rd. bl7 BABBITS WANTED. Any alia and uaa tlty. Alio purebred breedlnt atook for aale. Phona 1-7107. eb7l PETS MOORE TROPICAL PIIH, oqulpmant, tuppllei. 1 mllit from Laneaitir on Macleay road. Phono 4-1771. Cloaad wodneedeye. ' tell SIAMESE MALE at ItBd. PbOB 1-0811. C7" CHOICE CANARIES 1140 Chtmeketa it. Ph. 1-4)15. tcl4 HOLLTWOOD AQUARIUM 1111 McCoy, one block t af M. Capitol, lta blocka north of Medlaon. Ph. 1-8M7. C7B FUEL BUT ANDBBSON'S bandplakad ilab wood. now 1 cordt 114.00. Phone 1-7751 or 4-4351. teTI Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Pick up your Prattd-Loii, Brloueta and Wood. Ml So. Com'L, phone 1-7711. Oregon Fuel Co. SLAB AMD SAWDUST S. & H. Green Stamps Phone 1-1831 IN7 Broadway Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. SPECIAL POR M DATB Planar trlmmlnta, H load. Phone 17731 Hiway Fuel Co. aawdutt tubt carrlee, all kind, af wood. Phone 1-1444. aa WALNUT SHELLS, 10 aackt for II, or 11 ton. 13 ton dellrerad In town. Mor rla FJorfela Packlnt Co. 410 North Pront. ce West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, 1" CLEAR IMMEDIATE DELtVERT Pickup Wood lilt Bdtawatar Phone Salem 1-4031 00000000000000000000000000004 FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED Colored fryera, tolored and lethorn bent. Hltheit prlcee. Lee't Hatchery, phona 1-3861. t LEGHORN PULLETS, 1 week'a old. Thla week onlr. Special prlca, Mo, Phone 1-3861. Lae'a Hatcherr. ! POB SALE Twlc weekly, day-old chick In Ntw Hampthlrt. Farmentara, Red. While Lathorni, Atutra-Whtte, White Rocka, White Wyandottaa Par menter cockerela. Lea Hatchery, phone 1-3861. J. SPECIAL New Hampihrre pulleti, 19c ea. Valley Perm stort. Ph. 4-4034. . no WHITE LEOBOBNI, Auatra-Whlte, and New Hampahlra ohleka, ,11 hundred. Ph. 1.6341. Pitmer'a Poultry Perm. Brook. ni OOLDEN BBOAD and Kw Bampahlra cmcaa, naicntu every Monday and Thuraday. Our ahlekt trow fitter. Pox'a Hatchery, 111, Stat. SL Ph. 1-43W. f. Journal Wont Ads Pay Thuraday, March 19, 195S PRODUCE FOB lALa BURBANX POTATOES, aeed aad aaa. 13. a 10 lb. 1 mllae eall of Kelaar achooL Ed Sproad. Bo Sat. talla. !' OBQANIO OBOWN TREE - RIPENED rantea aad trapefrult. Potatoaa. on. loni, applaa and nut. PHIPPIP BROSt PARM MARKET, 1510 Lancaatcr Drlra. Phone 1-11P1. II' HELP WANTED MALE EXPERIENCED Appllanca repalrmaa. Cherrr City Blaclrlo, II, cnemateia. Apply after 1:00 p.m. teal 100 0000000000000000000000000000 HELP WANTED FEMALE PBACTICAL NUBIE to tare for patient. siaerir urar. ..-itwur iwiw. nvm and board. Perm home. HI per week. Call 1-II78. rbTl" WAfTBEIS WANTED. Inquire at Capitol Coffee Shop. tt.07 AVON COSMETICS Bouaawlrea. Sell Avon In your Belih borhood. Part time, earn your own ftpendtnt money. Por perional tnter rlew, write, Avon DUtrlot Manater, P. O. Box 1781, Portland I. Oraton. 108, BEAUTICIAN WANTED X will have an openlnt for an t. perlenoed operator, by the middle of AvrlL Excellent opportunity. Apply Erich of .New Tort, 111 N. Liberty, Phone 1-1131. tb71 NEAT APPEARING, Intelllient. itaady aounttr tin, till In peraon, Kennedy City Oleanlnl Work. 1345 State. tbs WAITBEII Woodrolfe'a San shop, 1100 Portland Rd. No phona calle. tb Apply Scan, Roebuck t Co. tb67. 8ZPE3UENCED WAmtlll wanted. Phone 4-1331, tb!7 CAB HOP Woodroffl'l San Shop, 400 Portland Rd. no phona caua. tb WANTED SALESMAN SEAL ESTATE SALESMEN wanted. Plenty of loada, protraaalr raaaeae rnant. tood openlnt for rurbt man, DOHT apply unleaa you hare l!lni aarparlance. Por appointment, Ph. 4-Hro, ttt Leads Leads Leads Salesman by distributor for 41-year- old firm. Product accepted by Amer ican Medical AaaocIaUon. No credit problem. High rata of commission. Pay every week. Average aale 300. Averaae eommlaelon 070, Iduat be bondablc and have car. Apply In per aon. 310 Court Street, Salem. gg(T WANTED POSITIONS COLLEGE GRADUATE Veteran, offleir. family, 38, amb'tloua. Seeklnt full time arenlnf or early mornlm po tltloa after I p.m., experienced In raenaterlal, office, retail atlea, writ Int. Inveitltatlon work. Conelder any thlnt. Phona 17475. h67 ENVELOPES ADDRESSED at tar boma. neatly, a-iioi. . A07. LADT WANTS to ear for ahfldran, my noma. naipoBilbie. 4 corner chttrlet. 4113 Durbln. 1-1397. bl7 CHILD CARE Pick ap and deltrer. Phone 16618. h70 WSMAIS- DAT NtiBSEBT-Uienaed and atat Inipectad. Infant ap to 1. Phone 1-6015. h80 PLOWING and dliclnl. Orover L. Ha. mann, 3491 Bloaaom DrN Salem, phona l-llll. hl6 PLOTVTNG. IMMEDIATE earn,,, 1-1300. b67 NEW lawae. Rotary hoarnt. Proa aatl. matee. Dutnt Wolcott. Phone f-1117. h8T GOOD CASE tlran children. My home. neiereneea. Phono 4-6866. h67 PATCH PLASTERING, baaemenU water proofed by plaaterlnt. Prank't aerrlca, phone 3-6545. bll PAPER HANGING, palatini, tree aitl. meiee. uon i,ucero. m. t-ani. bij MRS. MIOKENHAM'S DAT NURSERY State Ilcented and Impacted. Ph. 1-7101 h87 GARDEN PLOWING PHONE 1-S041 b74 OABDEN, ILOWEB bed and lawn pre paration, riowlnt, duclnt, lerellnt, rototillnf. Bemce On ter. Phone 43871. h76 TILING WITH BOW III. ROTARY TII- LKR. Phnna avanln l.ail. h.A LIGHT CRAWLER, doalnt, dirt level. mi, traoinr. Phono 3-T33D. h77" LANDSOAPB maintenance, prialai, mmrnint, piantini, rertuitmi. Mr. Ice center. Phone 4-1671. hTpa CUSTOM WORK plowlnt and dlaclni. rnone x-aaia. itro Bircnwood Dr. b8 THr. wnat u uuvina. inaurco operaior. dona payna. Ph. 1-6638. h7I EPEBIENCED aecretry-bookkeaper,fut. accurate typtat. box 16, capital Journal. hoi CHILD CARE or houiework by day. vau toon. h68 PTR8T-CLAB8 aarpenter work. New, re model, repair. No lob too amall. Phona 11381. h71 n A B rtP Var r.ui . 1. , " vmumv wuiav, XtViTia rt Muiillrr trau a. . am 11 aa 1... aumiaiUK, 1 war SlWUiaiwIi JM. J.D-11, 4-1B33. hfifii FOR RENT ROOMS DOWN-TOWN Bleeping room. Hot and stria water, etcatonaoia. tea center. Jk6B BUSINESS DISTRICT, hot and Col4 we.cr anq neat in nice sleeping room, aa center. jk8- BOOMS FOR RENT Privilege) of house. ltco n. winter before 0:30 p.m. Jk8 WANTED TO RENT PERMANENT COUPLE, small child, want a-Dearoom nouse, garage. Apru 1, Ref- , erence. 1-7768. jaei WOULD LIKB to Ttnt 1-bedroom home m uovTiT cusuict. rnone 1-6804. Ja4fl S OR 4-BIDROOM house. WlUlng to pay eiw vw iug jot riant , nouse, cau 33501. laftna FOR RENT HOUSES S-BEDROOM DUPLEX, unfurnished, SM. ruunv e-vutv ne.wcea a ana 7 p.m. Jm7 1-bedroom house in Brook. Dectrlo reniv, rciruvrevor, Oil nttter, at tached garaae Jn. 4-3904 alter 4 p.m. jmes S BOOM DUPUtz. dean, vmturnlshed, dTHiuiia. i-uvuf KJ10. iDUO . em. Im69 OOMPLETELT furnish td, rerr lovtly, avs iviiu tJUUfl. 1 m. JSU. J5085. Jm69 a rUaal1rT hirnl.t. V...... 77 siwubwt, vitTotrie ran st. ....s.i.,vi, ucak, L,c. water ana garbagt dUposal paid. No drinkers. 4v. vail ai-eooo. Jm72" S NICELT furniehtd dupltita, atrictly modern, 0,00 and Mft.00 per mo. Ahio ..uws . upuiwm wten, uniurnuneci heiue, IVb blocka aV of Colonial House. CaU 3-8705. jmM. NOT NEW, but In tictUant condition-. -wwurogin nomt. yn. a-OtOB. JmflO I WEST SALEM Clean, nicely furnUhed aaw 1IVJ rSKf. . ,p. autre 1111 Bdgewater. 13109. Jm71- By Ham Fisher