Thursday. March 19, 1953 Page 20 Gunf ighter's Return ly LESLIE ERNENWEIN ' CHAPTER Be thought that would end it; that his blunt rejection would con vince Bonn to thoroughly that he'd leave him alone with Eve. Rimbaud went on eating lor a moment. Then, observing how sur priced and disappointed Bonn acem-ed to be, he said flatly, "I'm through siding underdogs. It's a losing proposition." Charley Bonn sat there lor a moment, absently tracing the steeple sweat stains on his hat band with a big-knuckled finger. Anally he said, "I calculated you'd be a man who'd oav a debt." "What debt you talking about?" ee oemanaea. "You mean you don't know?" Bonn asked. "You ain't funning?' Rimbaud shook his head. "Well, according to what Doc Feathers tone said two years ago, flam Maiben saved your life. "Saved my life?" Rimbaud echoed. Then abruptly he understood and the knowledge shocked him. He hadn't seen Maiben since that eventful nltrht when the home steader had picked him out of the road and toted him to town in a wagon. "I'd forgotten what his name was," Rimbaud admitted. Aware of Bonn's intent gaze, he added, 'It's my habit to pay a debt." "Then you'll protect Sam's Mace?" Bonn asked eagerly. Rimbaud nodded. He looked at Uve and shrugged, and said, "So I take one more ride with the underdogs," "Them Roman Four toughs won't be so brash when they hear you're at Boxed M," Bon pre dicted smilingly. They'll think twice before tangling with you." But Rimbaud paid him no heed, lie was looking at Eve's com posed unsmiling face, wondering at her gravity and wanting to kiss the soberness from her Hps. When Bonn had left, Rimbaud told her, "This deal will delay my plans trifle, but they still stand, Just like I said." That seemed to embarass Eve. I don't think you'd ever change," she murmured, as much to her self as to him. "I thought you'd go on being what you were as long as you lived." Then she held up her left hand, and as Rimbaud peered at the man cnamona ring, Eve said quietly, "I'm engaged to Sam Maiben." For a moment, while the jronlc significance of her words lanced through him, Rimbaud stared at the ring. A self -mocking smile formed on Rimbaud's whisker - shagged face as he reached for his hat. "A shift less saddle tramp thanks you for a fine supper," he acknowledged, remembering what she'd told Llmpy Smith. "Jim, I'm sorry," Eve said in a sincere, subdued voice that was scarcely above a whisper. "That also Is a losing proposi tion," Rimbaud told her, and went on Into the dining room. Ernie Link had been assigned the chore of watching the rear entrance 10 jcve oaegarde's restau. rant. -Maiben will be getting sruijjjr, urw ocromoerg naa pre dicted. "He might Just be fool enough to sneak In for a late upper." It was a loco Idea, to Ernie's way of thinking. A useless waste of time. But there was no use try ing to reason with Lew Strom berg. He was In a lather about losing that Mex graze In 8onora. Standing In the shadow of Gab Bert's wagon shed, Link watched the restaurant's lamplit doorway and caught a brief glimpse oT Jim Rimbaud moving across the kitch en. Ernie grinned, recalling how spooked young Buck Aubrey had been when he found out who It was he'd mistaken for Sam Maiben. Buck wasn't much account with a gun, nor with his fists either, for that matter; and Rimbaud was nupposea xo De a neiier from here to who hid the broom. Even Lew Stromberg wanted no part of him In a gun fight. Link shaped up a clgarett and thought how it would be to have Rimbaud's reputation. A man like that could draw top wages any where, and have his pick of pretty llrls. Ernie observed Charley Bonn sitting at the kitchen table with Rimbaud. Mildly curious. Link eased across the moonlit alley and was standing close to tho door way when he heard Bonn alr "Then you'll protect Sam's place?" mem whs a onei silence oeiore Rimbaud said, "So I take one more ride with the underdogs." Ernie wasn't sure what that meant, until he heard Bonn say, "Them Roman Four toughs won't be so brash when they hear you're at Boxed M. They'll think twice before tangling with youl" That was enough for Ernie Link, doing quickly to Main Street, he hurried toward tho Shlloh Saloon. Lew would want to know about this. Perhans Lew would want Rlmbnud stopped right now; tonigni. It occurred to Ernie that the man who killed Jim Rim baud would make himself a rep in one fight. He would be known far and wide as being faster with a run than Jim Rimbaud. "He'd be famous," Link thought loud. Then he skidded to a stop, barely mlaslng a collision with Lew Stromberg's daughter, who came out of the Bon Ton Millinery with nuge natoox in ner arms. She was a brunette beauty, this Delia Stromberg.- Just rwt nine teen, she seemed more like a big city girl than the daughter of a Quadrille Basin cowman. She said smilingly. "You're Just the man I'm looking for, Ernie," and pushed the hatbox Into Link's hands. 'Take it to my rig at the hotel while I pick up some yard goods at the Mercantile.- "But I'm In a big rush," Ernie objected. "Oct somethln' real Im portant to tell the boss." Delia laughed at him. "It cant he that imDortant." she said, and left him standing there with the hatbox. . , . When Ernie came to Delia's nvi.wheeled binary at the Alham- bra hitch rack he observed Swede Severide and Al Sumway loaf ing In front of the hotel. He hoped they wouldn't notice what he was toting, but tney peerea at uie nuge hatbox and Swede said wonder lrmlv. "Must be a new style Stetson built special for Roman Four heads." With thrusting sense of tre mendous outrage oroDelllng him, Link drew bis gun, lunged for ward with It held head-high, and whipped It down, sevenae at temDted to dodge, but the barrel caught him across the lei t temple. He expelled a yeasty' high sigh and staggered sideways, colliding with Al Sumway, who tried to prop him up. But Swede went entirely limp, and Shumway. eased his friend to the olank walk. That'll learn mm not to can me comical," Link muiierea, backing slowly out Into the street, (jo Be vonunnea; - THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon 8TEVK BOPEB - ,.''''.'. SUM I6AL SVUfTj MOT I A DADTV EHO CnkJC J I RATI. NfeW U IMC OVK).'. Ski V AFRAID TO SLUOH OP THE BOYS rl I , 1, T- f""-w I i r nr in, i-ni mm a i wv. 1, FOGO - '- ('WPr'H'K": Vm-i.- l :aztw ..... v 7u.MiuianMiu I XOMlOkWKtmi. I HI DUTY fOK I CAM SYmArStft UXX9( I 1M A MCHfffA. OUT Of- h5 AWPSII e A wxe&f-SaMri ICAMPTHEYNHDft a A VPOKt. lhr A ttmAl. SBriuril Iibt k nm rJTWrt . I AMIW I'OKBMNTI ORPHAN ANNIE ... ... J I wl 1 uWB.L,TEXHDEBBMBel ! f THEY ttoT WHY NOT?yWRE I HESR rVE HBO A tXTT KIT MS EeSTll OH-NO 1 AND TOM TWINKLE -WO III THAT POR TH' BK3G6CT6UY cm BruDTawsmsioNRml bwiumoubi I un I .uicr ttuttr uoi n to' HI I mc9 I IN TOWN NOW f I ESS come from? I -Tupvn i ft uro- II IL L J it . Halls Ferry "The Pine- rT Ya CT CVjV LFW lJLt VY ls toppers" 4-H Forestry club met Hr "'v) ,l . S fltl fVC KaQA IhsboloiX gf . Friday evening at the home of "v V V I I T4- CTry uSerL V-, 2tF,w " mltted to the club, Leroy and UIj ABNER Norman EUingsworth of Bt. 3. I $INCEWeMm W.SPEAKIN,0.STOANGE,MRK TlfMl Icometo r VSX ) W"l A wire recording of "The uvewiftoisstwawe) things what looks pretty J VS?I thinkofit-H DEAR.-yo1 keep I fgg!Z2ZJ. JA. Pinetoppers" radio broadcast Tk TlweiSS Sjd HmeE WmK Jlro- of Feb. 28 was the high light TJSg tuOMkM MMFli&Q Prl THAT ni EEP A- OOBJN Sr, of the evening. . mta RBON-yj-'Jaf'fi , cloud r-jQffl g SWSmn 8 jl Green" campaign. HOPALONG CASSIDY . 7. TZ .. .. . f WE'il I I Pf TAKIN6 fT EWY.WE AN' MP I I fieANWHIU 6 XAFIPLY Larol Lurtis Pattern never omjo 6Hort-ut throuah V at th tunim tevvrtY. MV -aviiac M. auw'X Bciyu Tuc rikm I I oivTi pa kun UIT TUC I it' PrtWV I I.. fHT TUA" AMf DfZTMATIM. f - LAME. RECKON I'VE I I T0PAY.THI6 H0R6E 1 I BATTLE TRAIL tfUT OF , EXPRE66 I SjartKfa MM I i f a v v;;. rvv : a . . sr j mMf-m. . j n3w 11 MPTT It JEFF - - ' ' . , 1 OyfcW I mi K WHAT SEEMS TO BE 1 1) WHAT I'M X I Y HERE'S My MOUTH, DOCI LL ilK 3 !3Wv$f I HEX MORGAN, M. P. PiVT'V .' . T 1 1 a vnn nnwTKNOvul Y t'ia aniNS to c&ll vouX I'd LOVE rT. . .M T Bur WHY f WHER6 NO, I'M 71 1U ' V DOV i IT'S BBBN AVERYNCI IT'S B6ENTO PAY OB TWO.' WOULO J AWAY, KEX.' S W. ON ATRIP f V J U lllUf . T-AH E IMl.ltH -e f.v.,. a I T f -JsAS L- DONALD DUCK . a i i 1 1 n I 1 1 ii ii 7. v -v jTT " llli P 11 " w!j2 V C' BLJNS JH A ' t" Tii I" I PAPPy!- -VOU STARTLED noboDV EVERCALLEoN ? KWOEff KWAT5 BfJlNG UTTU MlfS HIOHimOT J jl ) OOeTT TBY ANY STPON6 STUFF WTTH TOUCHY BLUES, UWCUHO J n m lITTLfe UIKL VIIH A BIG MEMORY-ABOUT WHERE BODIES ARC BURIED Halls Ferry ROOM ft BOARD RADIO PRO GRAM S FRIDAY-?. M. -TKGW KOIN KEX KSLMjKGAE KOCO BeKBC .tm "g,"6 " " u - w L r rrr: ri t, tim wur Mm r!:?! I"! . iji. r.l. Oil II Ni. ! NW f"" r'"k IX ES- Ss !L H huh..' . K,r W,l , lrkww4 Sll,r M. Mil,4, :! i,.T.?.f SISmJ Bill ! W..Sbw. J im D.nj, ... :TT BH K'lk A.H Stalrril Cu Bali7 Mail, Htrt rrwiS Mlv 4:lMr."e B.i T.tllr H. Tl.. BwM M.ilo M.rt W.m.n', rj, Tl-J.w. rrd. El Ivm Mt Clrd, Hull Mrt Ihmit !lN.wrVt Slt Niwi V. rinklw WiMtal . Math Mart SkoweaH UL. MtCall Warli Tatar Cnat Banltoy WHS Bill HailoMari VallrBcHrl 8:45 f.t.". N.wa ' a OanaS HIcaaE Alalia Mart rUhta.i.7" ' m .mji atiitx wub . Taalh ' ' WaatfcarmaB Oaa. Baalar Sim Off iCandltllrta S'.Ti Mails Saalltikl Baia Idlllaa NW Nam CaaSltlutk :il JsdrCaaaTa Sparta M. Uilnlns An.w.r Maa N... SlU ladr Caasaa MaSllallaa Blsckbara Bm Baras ,,, i.'lt CrlllsalUa. Mr. J. C. rithla 4 JlM'r VUIat Raiar, : 8 .M ChlU. Bers riihts Lailslalln Mails A J. C. Swayn Bacar ' lrta . Clisa I I . ' 11.1. IIS Banl.-ruh. JarSam rithla Cilia KU tiarai, " Maa'l Full: I Tb.aiii Laoiln.l Adaanlarar Stan " (It Warli Navs Oa Spol Sraiphon.tU ASraalarir . ' Tourur 1:M PorUind Mails la Air Faa far All Banasalaa Slali j:45 Blirarala Mails la Air Pan lar All Dla. Caacsrl Tsarair i.M First Nlihlsi Mr. Kna O11I1- OIsd BarSj , Ststi "" Ts rlnt Nlsktu Mr. Kcsa Falls Uwli Tsara.i1 '.ii FrssSsai Js Stalfart Oarllii laSr Caasra Hll. ;b Fsraai Jr. Mill Arsksr Jadr Cassia Ni, ia.M Bsasrlsr S Star Flaal Flail IdlL Babied Stun Nlihl t. t'-iK Sparls Fats Intsrrlsws Dsass Tin. Nssrsrssl Miht ,B. Daaisrsai Cllr Olab Daasa Tins Nswi Mail, p liS A.unmnt. Talk! Daasa Tlais Malila Wial I -m Navi Capital Daass Tlaia Malila Nactaras " !:. L. MsCall Claakraaa Daass Tlais Mails Nselaras I'm CltrCasaall Tr.nirr Daasa TlaM Nswa Nselaras l:iS CUT Csanill Bindiliad Daasa Tlma Mails 1 ' ' Notion, liTifl Sim Off 'Bllial Daaea TlaislMaila I slia oh " Don't fret sver a down paymtnl. We tokt molt anything on a tradt for a boautiful - Bayth Set. See Ui First for the Finest! TRADER LOUIE TV 1870 Lana Ave. ' , Phone 18558 Open Monday and Friday Evenings , , SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 11:45 A.M. i'M Mntlo Tine CBS Ntwi Farm Hour News Suturday Wcitm 15 HhU Tine KOIN Kleek Vmrm Rear TlacketMr Skill HU41w :Jfl Mle Time KOIN Kleek Fam Bear March Tim Satardar Farm Niwi : Moilc Tine KOIN Kleek Farm Hear NW Newi Salote New "VM Newe KOIN Kleek let Edltlea Henlorwar Batarr KOCO KlMfe 715 New Bear Newe Atreniky Breakfast Salate KOCO Kletk 7.a Tbli Newi Vels News Breakfast : Saturday , KOCO Kltth K. Uanntni- Consawer Beb Haien Newe Salate Iitta Un. ZI Masle Bex Newa Smltlnr Ed Masle 8atardar Freadlr Hsfl ,?r Masle Box Grand Cent. MeConnel! Masle Salute - Freudl? isB .42 Musle Bex Give and tim School Havea of 8atardr Concert J45 AdTefltare Take Today Best Salate Concert Howdy Dood: Theater ef Xerland Newi Polk Ceanty News , 'Tz Howdy Dood: Today Tnae March Tine Flatter Fart) Science ; ;12 Howdy Deed; Stare Oyer Space Fatrol Pastor's Call Platter Parti Sit. Serins ji Howdy Dood: Hollywood Space Palrel Bargain Platter Part) Kids Csrasr 1-1-1 Keadlnc Fan Fun for All Blare or Glen Hardy Platter Fart) Aint HsIUs Z:7e Bk. Carnival Fan lar All Tomorrow Masle Platter Fart Aunt Battle S:S Hollywood City Hospital Stars of Hlrh School Platter Farti Melody 1, :4V; Breakfast city Hospital Tomorrow Chaa. AnteU Platter Part) Bat. gercaU mm Mary Leo Masle with Met. Opera Musle Hoar Platter Part) Satordsr ll-li! Taylor Girls Met. Opera Masle Hoar Platter Part) Semite 11 M Farm and Meet Mlssas Met. Opera Farm Presa Platter Part) Satardsr Hone Heal Meet Mlsaae Met. Opera Farm Pras Platter Part?! Ssreasde KOAC BOIN 1 1.1, a.m. la IS p.m. KEX M, S la DIAL LISTING KOAC. 550 KflAl aal. A.M. lt:M Ni; 11:11, rw"v' EipselaUr Isr Wsmiai IM, Friday F.M. :, Nawsl 1S:1S. Naaa Fam Haari 1:N, Naif Star Tlmai M, Iipsslallr Isr Wia- S:M, Fsspls TJndsr Csaiaianlimi . Sparti Fsrssastl 8:00, Cklldrsn'l Tbntlr: :W. Vswi. W.athiri S:I8. Statl Canssrt Ball: 11:00. Nawn :00, Mailt at Maatsrsi 4:w, Exsarslaaa la Seliaes. Lsalilatarsl 9il5, Fara) Flsyoff. Bsan. 1:11, NCU Silverton Three Children's Quilts. A 'Mollier Goose" quilt, a "Scottle" oullt and an adorable "Kitten" miilt are In this one pattern. Make mree maiviauai quuu usinic w-mcn Diocks witn tne o-incn iigures an. pllqued in brignt colors or you may combine the three figures Into a single quia, rigurea materials, Rlnahams, calico, polka-dotted cot tons are all good choices to use on pastel cotton backgrounds. You'll have enough applique designs to make perfectly charming crib or small bed spreads, quilts and com' lor tobies! Send 30c for the THREE CHIL DREN'S QUILTS (Pattern No, 689) all outing, applique, sewing andtl nUhlngt instructions, YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS, Cpltal Journal, 652 Mission street, Ban Francisco 6, caiir. . Silverton Mrs. Earl Ded rick plans to leave Sunday lor a week's stay in San IfOrezo, Calif., near Oakland, at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Lt. Cmdr. and Mrs. J. P. Bishoff. For the past 15 yean Mrs. Dedrick has cared for her aged mother, Mrs. E. L. Smith, 91, and an uncle, Nathan Mc Guiret who is 93 years of age. . Mrs. Dedrick has secured a nurse's aid at the Smith home during her absence.. ' Mr. Mc Guire is : recovering from a slight attack of flu. Two prominent workers in the American Legion auxili ary, Delbert Reeves unit No. 7, are reported ill. The' president, Mrs. Robert Allen, is a surgery pattent at Silverton hospital, entering Hollywood Waits for 'Oscar' Presentations Hollywood (UJ9 Movledora dusted off the black ties and mink capes for the 25th annu al Academy Awards tonight, but it will be another "absen tee" event with 12 nomineei absent, ' including favorites Gary Cooper and Shirley Booth. . . A capacity crowd of 2,80& Hollywood figures, glittering with jewels and custom-designed finery, will fill the Pantages theater on Holly wood boulevard at 7:30 p.m. PST, for the silver Jubilee presentation of the cinema city's famed Oscars. Wednesday, with her condition . reported as "normal." Mrs. Florence Schlaebitz is ill at the family home in 713 South Water street. t jflgaii across 31. Youngster l.Demonstra. j4.stre tivfl adjec- " " tive 35. Diner - 4. Part of a boat 36. Genus of the 8. Cook in water maple 12. Roman bronze 13. Persia 14. Roman mperor 15. Entangle 16. Sea bird 17. American lake 18. Happening 20. At no time 22. Dry 23. Do alone 24. Flow back 27. Shower 29. Ancient Asiatle country 37. Likely 38. Small body ot land 40. Actual being , 44. Gives ofl fumes 46. Glossy fabric 47. Greedy 49. Comfort 51. Together with 62. Ceremony 83. Sacred Image 54. Solid water 55. Acute 86. Variety of lizard 87. Masculine nickname PIF ratHOtUlHACrrJ cio MpyillE OI22J tag an Ensile. ED ar Tjaug wQrbaLe TSnUEIVE eflliD o M ffEiCfflrWRBSTrtoM CjAMhmwstoi Solution of Ytitsrdsy's Puxile - DOWN 1. Domesticates 2. Throw t. Compound - - ether 4. Course ot eating rrrprrrrrrrr mmrm'' rww -mW 'm 51 irf m-'irWM' L-jr- si p M I 1 I Hf I 1 1 w1 8. Blunder . Artillery 7. Assume a reverent attitude 8. Large knifs 9. Earthly 10. Silkworm 11. Misery 19. Audacity: ' slang 21. Utterance 23. Title 25. Large re- ceptacls 26. Cudgel 28. Eagle's neit 30. Sheath around a stem 81. Huge wave 32. Chance 38. Worn by friction 34. Playing card 36. Department in N.E. ' France 39. Quantity of yarn 41. Dye 42. Because 4.1. Finished 4,1. Paradise 46. Dispatched 47. Clumsy boat 48. Contend 50. Plant if A? Nswrfssrsrss -