Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 19, 1953, Page 2, Image 2

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    "THE tJAl'H'AL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon
Thursday, March 19, 1953
In -the: Valley
Hopewell Elmer WIdmer
or Aioany, brother of Rev. H.
E. WIdmer, win be (uett speik-
tr 111 me nopeweu JE. u. B.
churcl) Sunday morning,
March 22. at it am. He la
Gideon, and will take part in
tn uueon raUy In McMlnn-
vllle the aame day, with pot-
iuck ainner at noon at the Me
thodist church and mass meet
ing In the afternoon in the
aam ehurrh
The Young Adult class of the
nopeweu e.u.b. Sunday school
will hold the monthly politick
dinner In the church basement
March 22, at noon.
Elmer Kotka, of Woodburn,
was guest speaker at the Youth
Fellowship Sunday evening,
accompanied by his family,
who visited the Janzen family
following the evening service. J
.ine missionary society oi
the Hopewell E.U.B. .church
win noid election of officers
at the Ladies' Aid meeting at
2 pjn. In the afternoon on Wed
neadav March 1 '
The Ladles' Aid committee
for buying the carpet for the
aisles of the church will make
their report at the Ladles' Aid
meeting Wednesday. .
Mrs. Oscar Laffertv Is still In
Wichita, Kane., with her sister
ana brotner-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Norton, who are ill
in the hospital there. Mr. Laf
ferty was Sunday dinner guest
oi Mr. ana Mrs. boss Rogers.
Stephen . Reed passed the
pnysicai ior Army service on
March 10, but will not be called
until May. He is driving trac
tor for John Allison.
.Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Modde
meyer and Miss Eleanor Mod
demeyer have been seriously
m a tneir nome with flu this
past week.
Mrs. John Funua l rernvrr
ing irom a case of flu at her
Little Sammy" and Clara
Kotxa, children of Mr. and
Mrs. John Kotka, were con
fined to lied last week with
flu. Sammy underwent an eye
operation at the Salem General
hospital on Tuesday morning,
March 17.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Waller
attended the wedding of their
niece. Miss WVnona Wnnita
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
aeorge Woods of McMinnvUle
to Norman Olson of McMinn
VlUe at the Methnillat ehiirh
in McMinnvUle on Saturday
evening, Marcn 14. Mr. Olson
is home on furlough from the
Army f and returns , to duty
msTcn is.
'Rtrtert Polvl, ton of Mr.
and Mrs. George Polvl, spent
the weekend at home, from
Oregon State college. Spring
vacation begins March 20.
- Robert Janzen, ton of Mr.
and Mrs. Gust Janzen, will re
turn from his studies at Oregon
State college March 20.
Mrs. Newhouse of Pleasant
dale district, mother of Mrs.
John Allison and Miss Elva
Allison of McMinnvUle, were
Sunday guests of the John Al
lison family...
- Donald Stephens, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Chasles Stephens, re
turns . to Camp . Pendleton
March ID,- after an emergency
furlough because of his fath
er's accident. Mr. Stephens is
at home and recovering stead
ily. - .
Mr. and Mrs. N. O. )earae'
and Robert spent Satsrday in
Aihtnt, visiting Mr. Pearse's
sister and brother-in-law. Mr.
and Mrs. John Babcock.
MM rMarenra Tea anil Mra
John Gelsler were Portland
visitors' Wednesday. '
The Hopewell Home Eaten-
amn iimr will nnin lis Marcn
meeting at Mrs. Btepnen -jar-
kiwi, ojlih ihm Uiinn nn
Frozen Foods, to be presented
oy Mrs. xneima Mc&enney ana
Mra. Tarter. A potluck dinner
will be served at noon, using
samples of foods demonstrated.
ivira rninra van , inrn will
hav rharffa n the Hiialneaa
meeting. All members and
iriends are urged to attend tnis
Mrs. Lenna Wllann was host
hi to the Cotton' Dress Work
shop Friday afternoon. Those
attending were Miss Virginia
Maeness. Mrs. J. S. Gilk-ev.
Mrs. N. O. Pearse. Mrs. Peggy
Ingram has finished her cotton
dress and Mrs. John Fuqua has
been ill. r
Mrs. Henry Deedon has been
in Sorinafield far the nast
week, with her daubgter, Mrs.
Arthur Ha user. Mr. ami Mn
Arthur Hauser are the Barents
of a second son, born March 8.
Mr.' Deedon anent Thunulav
with them, and found Mrs,
Deedon ill with flu.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Hewitt
visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Hewitt
of Kelso, Wash., recently, and
went lisnine on the coast, but
reported no luck.
Mr. and Mrs. William Reed
and family, and Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Real of Salem were
Sunday west of the H. n
Hewitt family.
Grand Ronde
Mr. and Mrs. Ted E. Smith
had as their Sunday dinner
guests. Mrs. Pearl Strohecke nf
oaiem, and Mr. and Mrs. Gor
don Hansen and son, Vernon,
of Dallas.
Mrs. A. M. Gill Is snenrtlno
few days visiting in Eugene at
tne nome of Mr. and Mrs. Dean
Gill, and Mrs. Nels Cnndrew
Mr. and Mrs. A. W Helltnan
are the prandparents of a 6 lb.
and 4 oz. ffrandsnn hnm laat
week to Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Hellman of Walla Walla, Wash.
The child has been named
Michael Scott. Both mother
and baby are dolne- fine
Mr. and Mrs. Drew Hobbs
entertained over the veeV.enn1
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Ferguson of
ReedSDort. Mr. Feroi iann will
be remembered as the former
depot agent in Grand Rnnri
xor several years. Mrs. Fer.
guson and her nephew are at
tending- the teacher's mnhi.,
ence betas: held in Portland
ior a xew days, and will return
nere ior a visit before return
ing to their home in Reedsport.
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Hnnt.
had as their week-end guests
tneir parents, Mr., and Mra.
fiiiia-wemeyer of Gladstone
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lindsay
spent Sunday visltina? frt.nrt.
in foriiand.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace T.lnrt
Say are Visltina- their risnanter
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Buuie oi Myrtle Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones
are the parents of a 4 lb. 10 oz.
baby girl born in the McMinn
vUle hospital this week. The
young miss bears the name of
Brook Marie. Both mother
and babe are getting along
nicely. Mrs. Jones will be re
membered as the former Pearl
Good of Sheridan.
Donald Marlon anil "June
But" Feller, daushtera nf Mr
and Mrs. Barnev Feller, took
advantage of the fact that there
was no school and flew up to
Yakima. Wash..- where ther
uvea several yeras ago.
Thev left Portland at run
Saturday evening and arrived
at the Yakima airrjnrt annul
40 minutes later. The girls
Dhoned home flundav evenlna-
They will also fly home after
their Visit. It takes leas time
to fly from Portland to Yaki
ma than it does to drive from
Donald to Portland,
Mr. and Mra. E. W. Chrlato.
pberson spent part of last
weekend In eastern Oregon
visltina their aona and their
lamuies, Ernie Chrlstopherson
ana vernon cnristopherson.
Mrs. E. W. - Christnnher.nn
sustained a very painful bruise
last week when she caught the
fleshy part of her arm In the
latch of her deepfreeze. For
tunately. Mr. ChriatoDheraon
was at home and was able to
unscrew the lock and release
her arm.
Ervin Nvaullt has returned
to work for Roy Drlever. He
recently cut his Index finger
badly whUe chopping wood.
Mr. and Mr. A. F. Lytel and
cnuaren lext Monday, March
16, for a two-weeks .visit in
California. WhUe there, thev
wm visit Mrs, L,ytel's mother.
Their place of business the
"Squeeze In" wUl be closed
for the two weeks they are
Mr. and Mrs. TJn rmmnn
have purchased the home
Ernie Cnristopherson west of
uonaia. Mr. and Mrs. Phri..
topherson and children are
now living in eastern Oregon.
Pupils of the Donald school
enjoyed a two-dav vacation
whUe Mar. Hasstae- and Miaa
Vincent were attending Teach
er's Institute.
Barney Feller has reeenrTv
purchased a D-4 "Cat" which is
quipped with two blades, a
"dirt" blade and a clearing
maae wiin teem, it also has
a "Drum" attachment The
is also a breaking plow which
can oe used alter the ground
is cleared. There are oniv h
of these breaking nlow in this
Mr. and Mrs. Rav rTaekan.
berg of Sandv. Oreimn nar.
ents of Mrs. Raymond Peter.
son, were visitors in the Pe
terson nome Friday, and all
of them attended the funeral
of Mrs. Peterson's uncle in
Mrs. Raymond Pelerin an,
daughters scent the week-ami
in Aioany visiting relatives.
Jim aiormo, son of Ole Stor
mo of Donald has been Inrinot.
ed into the service.
Mrs. William Oiiiolev whn
broke her hip in a fall in her
basement is aettine alone- vptv
nicely and at last renort ia
able to sit up on the side of
her bed.
Jerry Yersen. inn nf Mr and
Mrs. Norman Yeraen Miun.
that he arrived In Rremerrnn
saieiy after a short leave at
home, and he believes he will
be there for some time aa the
ship which they wUl take is
noi quite ready.
His cousin. Buz Yemen hi.
received his discharge from the
navy aue to the ill health of
his mother, Mrs. Lyell Yergen,
Who was In an atltn aerldent
New Year's day.
Mrs. Yergen Just had the
cast removed from her arm
Saturday. Her mother has been
staying with her.
with Mra. James Lamh Mra
C. K. McNarv. HarnM r-nloan
land Mrs. Steve Ensign driving,
tne latter accompanied also by
Mrs. Lorene Bartol.
Gum Hamdorf at f!alaarv
'Alberta, Canada, and Mr. and
Mrs. John Hamdorf and son of
Rouleau, Saskatchewan, Can
ada, were recent auesta a Me
ana Mrs. J., c noya.
The American Legion auxil
iary held a bualneas meetln
Wednesday avenina fallowing
the no-host dinner in observ
ance of the Legion ' birthday.
Judge for the essay contest
were selected.
Frank Wall. Who has heen
on the sick list, is now steadi
ly improving.
Larry Fltzwater, a brother-in-law
of Frank WaU, spent the
day Saturday, pruning the or
chard for Frank. Larry Uvea at
Salt Creek.
BUI Burr, a nela-hhnr and
renter of Frank WaU, haa as
sisted the Walla with their
early gardening and also some
grain sowing..
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stouffer,
together With their slrla and
their neighbors, Mrs. Nettleton,
motored to Salem Tuesday eve
ning to see the new picture
"Oil Town U.S.A." which waa
shown at the First Baptist
church that evening. The Net
tleton family live on the
beorge Pfeiffer farm.
Ernie Ediger and Wesley
votn came home for Saturday
and Sunday from Portland tn
help Sol. burn prune brush.
iney completed all of the
owning Saturday, on Sun
day thev were amona? the rela
tives who gathered at the home
oi Mr. and Mrs. John P. Neu
feldt in Dallas to celebrate the
birthdava nf Jarnh TT. Pemnel
Elizabeth Rempel, Alfred Quir
ing, and Joyce Ediger.
Rev. Amo Wiebe visited
members of his church in the
Smithfield area Pridav 17.
caUed on the Frank Wall fam
ily and the Sol Ediirera that
morning. Rev. Wiebe is the
new castor nf the r.inffAliMl
Mennonlte Brethren church in
DaUas. He comes here from
Enid, Okla. His family con
sists of wife and two sons and
two daughters. They occupy
the Darsonaire nn Knwe St
next to the EMB church.
Unionvale Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Dehn, Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Dehn of Albany were re
cent dinner guests of their
cousins. Mr. and Mrs. E. J
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Wild
er and daughter, Sandra, of
McMinnvUle, were guest at
the same home.
Mr. and Mra. E. J. Wilder of
UnlAnvale war Knturri v
guests of their son and dauih
ter-in-law. Mr. and Mra. Har
old WUder., .
Patricia WUder came home
with them and Sunday dinner
eueatfl nf Mr. and Mrs E. J.
WUder were Mr. and Mr. Har
old WUder and seven coil
, Mrs. Jacob Tomoklna Sr. of
flrand Island, who. haa more
than 100 stands of bee for clo
ver field poUenization, was
here in interest of be work
and caUed at the home oi
Mrs. Clarence L. Fowler.
Mrs. Ida Newton oi Salem
was a Saturday afternoon guest
of Mr. and Mrs. George
Mrs. Georse Strawn attend
ed a wedding shower tveex
Newberg Sunday artrroooa,
Honor lna Miaa Dunai u
Edwards, granddauc&tr oi Mr.
ana an. s. J. wuae at
vale, a bridal afco-rw wtil e
held at the XuMX-si Kv-
Mrs. Julian.
.1. T .mHt.t and farrte
Nau were hostesses for the
March meeting of the Lyons
Garden club held at the Re-
kk.k k.ll WmdiiMrfiv after. uui . .-- - - -
noon, with Laura Wells, chair
man, .presiding and Frances
Garsjo, secretary.
tln hi... made and Anrll
IT the date set for the spring
flower show wltn Ma Dei uown
ing appointed chairman.
Bulb flower wUl be featur
Mrs. Ivan Smith was hostess
4a hmi n n ladiea at her
home Wednesday morning for
a "Com as you are coffee."
Present were Mrs. Rlnke
Feenstra, Mrs. Louis Thomp
son. Mrs. William Prichard.
Mrs. Glen Julian, Mrs. Orln
UmrniL Mra. Leonard Cruaon
and Mrs. Smith.
Mari-Llnn pupils enjoyed a
holiday Monday. The hign
sehonl attidenta ar home this
week for anrinfl- vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Put-
man and daughter. Mary Lynn
ox tvugene, were calling on
Lyon friends Sunday after-
oooa. Pubnan is a former
principal oi the Marl-linn
Mr. and Mr. Ivan Smith,
tvahns and EWnnla. wer Sun
slay aiad Moaday guest at the
amo oi Mr. asd Mr. Ronald
By at Coo Bay. The two
cm at evUeg friends.
M. ami Mr. Leroy Hiatt
M ill City
hcal rnTed P rJS " Bburg,
geilcai united Brettre ekscsftf Monday moiin with
friday eveninr Trv-Jv ' . "r' H' wlln
Mi; m-- :v. to8 . T?y ere
Tim-,. i 'f?. "e nome
IrVl lT,-r .r rT S .Alx Bodeker. Hiatt is
" tr fvnwiURVi ww IKV 0e
church in the prntan ihf rvt
a Uvea at 2:39 pm. fissMi- Suor-day.
Mrs. Lores Ktiiivc a rtvr.
ed mmioMfT trn ili.
will be the? guest apeoxw at
the WSWS at that IVlmyn'n
Evangelical United Breccrem
Church TtwadaiY afternoon
March 24. Te m?ni'aT election.
of officers win b lieicL.
N. Marion High
Smooth at silk. .Rich, durable,
never wrinkles. Amazing the way
t hold It creas on and enl
Llghfwaight for spring and ism
mr. Regular pleated and Holly
wood models.
, Rag. T8.S0
J. J. "M 387
2 Doors West of Liberty
Hubbard The seventh srarl.
era of the Hubbard grade
school were taken on a tour of
the state house and the state
legislature In Salem Thursday.
In the morning they saw the
senate in session.
In the afternoon they were
taken on a conducted tour of
the state library, with special
attention to the legal docu
ments of territorial Oregon.
They were then taken out
to the state forestry building
Awards at the third annual
Parent-Son banouet nf the
North Marion chapter FFA,
xnursaay evening were pre
sented by Elvan Pitney, ad
visor, to Charle fro no .Tr
dairy farming; Ron Barendse,
electrician; BUI McNary, pub
lic soeakinc: and atar hant.
farmer to Jack Rasmussen.
Ron Drlever. a nnat chant
memoer, spoxe on his experi
ence in . iarmlntf ' and .
eieciea to American Farmaii
having completed all four de
grees. George Renaud of Ore
gon City presented Safeway
awards and cash to Dean
Soence. first, and tn n.n
Blake, second, for merit earned
during freshman year.
- Speaker for the evening was
Lynwood Lundquist, state FFA
president, from Newberg.
Chanter activities
viewed by Larry Cole and in-
ciuaea zo acres of winter
wheat on land lenced tnr t.,-
years; Jack Rasmussen took a
first in the Better Farming
contest; Carlton Gianella and
Ray Pirkl received registered
Berkshire gilts from the Au
rora Lions club; 11 boys spent
five days at Suttle lake; Bill
McNarv took first nlace In 4ViB
chapter public speaking, the
parliamentary team won top
honor at the sectional contest.
Ben Ennera wa elected tn
honorary membership and giv
en me nonorary degree by the
j Mrs. Leland Manning wu
complemented with a surprise
shower in her honor held at
her home Monday evening.
Games furnished the enter
tainment with nrirea enlno tn
Mrs. Wayne Lairman of Stay
ton and Mrs. Earl Hampton of
Following the nnenlno nf the
gifts ice cream and cake was
served to Mrs. Manning. Men
dames Sim Etzel, Joe Piser,
Theron Plaer. Cletua Nvdeoiu.
Wayne Lehman, Mathlew
Mack of Stayton, Earl Hamp
ion, . norman Johnson, Ken
neth Weldon nf Salem Pari
Allen, Forest Nydegger, Alex
Doaeuer, vaughn Hunt, Clyde
uressier, uud Walker, MerrUl
Brasafleld of T.vnna and n..-
ney Kirsch of Mehama.
Those sendine- olft.
Mrs. Maymie Susbauer of
Portland; Mrs. Agnes Forrette
oi atayton, Mrs. Wood Oliver,
Mrs. Jim Phelps, Mrs. Percy
Hiatt. Mrs. Jack riifcf0Bn HMJ
""Bfl"" aiiu
Mrs. Alice Huber of Lyons.
Nadine Duggan was hostess
for the meeting of the pre
school mothers at the hnn. t
Mrs. Alice Huber Monday eve
Attending were Phyllis Pow.
er, Lucille Huber, Katty
Fhromherst, Louella Hargln,
Millie Aronson, Gypsie Weav
er. Lorraine Free. Alice Knh
Vivian Boyce. Norma Miller
and the hostess, Nadine Dugan.
The meeting of the 'Home
Economics Cluh nf the Kantl
Valley grange was held at the
nome oi Mrs. Albert Julian
near Scio, with Mrs. Wilson
Stevens, chairman, presiding.
Plans were made and dis
cussed for the bazaar and har
vest festival.
Attending were Mrs wu
Stevens, Mrs. Albert Bass, Mrs.
Jerry Coffman, Mrs. Viola
Zander, Mrs. Inez Ring and
COC!ie of Mra. Bodeker and
latr Crvde. Preaaler
Sua CtUweU is convalescing
:M d iiem Memorial hos
I Vital after being taken there
taat M the week with pneu
! Jack Roy, who is with the
P. Sv Air Force, is spending a
short furlough with his Bar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester
kov and Bob. .
This week guests at the Van
Prichard home are their d
ter, Mrs. Virgil Smith, Jim and
jay irom Kalnier; also their
daughter-inlaw, Mrs. Dale
Prichard. Zeta Ann Vathv .nd
ouiie irom Ulatskanlne. Mrs.
Prichard spent last week in
Mrs. Georffe Huffman Tq.a4
ana janette, went to Eugene
Sunday where they visited at
the home Of her narenta u.
and Mrs. George Hubbard.
Webf oot Twenty - eight
nieinberii nf (nKnrriinot& mo
t v. uvawvA uuiai AO
grange and Junior grange "of
neoioot attended the regular
monthly meeting held at the
Webfoot Bran Be hall Satnrdi.
A miscellaneous program
carrying the St. Patrick theme
Was Eiven. two real Trick
drawn work tableclothes made
in Ireland and a gift to Mrs.
Ray McManimle were di.
Refreshments carrying St.
Patrick theme were served.
Mrs. Arch Shafer and
daughter, Laura, will receive
the third and fourth degree In- j
itiatlon at McMinnvUle grange !
Wednesday evening, March 18. 1
An open meeting wUl be held '
oaiuraay evening, March 28 in
Charse of Richard tin..
chairman. Guest speaker wiU
be Stanley Allison of Amity.
"Weed Control" wUl be discussed.
Mill fllv Rev and Mrs
WUUam Turnbull and family
are mnultif tn Jaclrannvllle
where he has been called to
the pastorate at tne Assembly
nf flnA church Peu Tnrnhiill
haa been with the church here
for about three years.
Me and. Mra Dale Paaaett
(Ursula Witt) and son, France
Dale are mnvins hack to this
vicinity from the east coast,
wnexe ne na trvea eiauonvu
since his svaduatlnn from Ore
gon State college three year
ago. The Bassett are making
the trip by auto.
Mr and Mra Plnvd Jnhn.
son were in Roseburg Sunday
to see Mrs. ' Johnson's brother,
Paul r?rea who waa in a Intf.
alnff accident last week and la
In the Douglas community hos
pital in Koseburg. . cree will
be in the hospital for almost a
year. Reports are that he is
getting along satisfactorily. .
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Balti
more were in Salem Sunday
vlaltlns at thai home nf Mr. and
Mrs. Marvin Anderson.
Mrs. Frank Balzek 1 spend
ing some time in Longvlew,
Wash., visiting relatives and
Visitors at the TTerhert
Schroeder home Sunday were
Mr. ana Mrs. cawara schroe
der and famUv of Forest Grove
Mr. and Mra. Herbert Schrne.
der Titan tn ariend eeveral dave
in Forest Grove this week with
their granddaughter, Patricia
Schroeder, who Is celebrating
her 13th birthday anniversary.
Miss Julia Kemn Is nnenlno-
a beauty shop in MU1 City and
is ' nlannlns an -nnen hniiae"
afternoon Saturday, March 31,
in tne new beauty salon.
Miss Kemp ha purchased
the buUdine located aloneside
the Mill City variety store on
Broadway, where she is locat
ing her new business. She
cornea from California where
she was in beauty business for
aoout 23 years. . .
Miss Kemn la a alster of Mra.
Bert Morris of Mill City'. As
sisting in the shop wiU be Mrs.
Thelma Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Olm-
stead were In T.vnns Simdav
where they attended a family
reunion at the home of their
son and familv. Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Olmstead. The occas
ion honored several members
of the family having birthday
anniversaries, including Walter
Miss Ardlth .Tones whn la a
freshman at Lewis and Clark-
college in Portland, was among
the 73 students listed on the
faU semester honor roll. Miss
.Tones la malnrlna 1n mnolc .V ...HW..U ... . . . U 1 ... I
She is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. t'loyd Jones and Is a MUI
City hieh school graduate of
last spring.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ressler
are bulldfnff a new home near
their grocery store In East MUI
City. '
Charles Umphress is moving
his shoe shop. "Chuck's Shoe
Repair," across the river and
will locate In the rooms f0N
merlv occuDied bv the Mm m. "
. . -. v-iiy
cafe near the post office. 6oma
remodeling is being done be.
fore the move.
The MUI City Garden club
wUl meet Thursday night
March 26, at the home cf Mrs!
Frank Jackson. Ther i. .
bo a speaker from Silvertoh
at the meeting.
Two Mill City boy answer,
ing the draft call in Salem re.
cently were William (Herble)
Maag and WUliam Hamblin,
The latter graduated from Mm
City high school last spring. .'
Mr. and Mrs. Warren nr..
lace drove to Tillamook Thursi
dav to anend the rinv oi l-
home of his brother and wife
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wallace
and to visit with his mother
Mrs. T. D. Wallace alan ...i.u' .
his sister, Mrs. G. E. Hoben.
The Roberts Sunday school
is starting a contest for at
tendance at Sundav schnni .-j
church, starting next Sunday '
and will continue for six -weeks,
with a prize for the
winner. Points will be given
each member bringing new
member and special points for'1 '
Mrs. Jess Forster attended
the American Sunday School
Union Workers conference at
Macleav Sundav. She
V . - .
ed a good attendance with sev
eral communities represented.
Missionary J. J. Ray of Junc
tion Citv. was there, also h.
local missionary,- Peter J.
Becker. A no-host luncheon
was served at 12:30.
Fridav nisht. March 9(1 n,m
be Roberts Grange visitation
night at Sllverton Hills.
Woodburn Fire Chief
Floyd Maricle last Mnnda
night appointed as his officers
of the Woodburn Volunteer
fire company, Bud Forgard, as- '
sistant chief: Harold Rchi.i
drill master; Stanley Kolousek,
Warren Barnes, Fred Klnns, '
Jr., and Smith French as cap-
tains. : i.
Now Showing - Open 6:45
' Robert Ryan, Rock Hudson
Julia Adams
Irene Dunne - Dean Jagger -"IT
L'l r V ' ? V"'
Lake Westphal says:
Follow Me to
Page 7
x Friday, Mar. 20, Salem High Auditorium
35 acts three hour show.
Door Open at 7; curtain at t P.M.
Adult 1.00; Children 50e.
Herb Johnston, Jr., Master of Ceremonies
NOW ...
W y I '
$5,000.00 in Priies Six Big Drawing)!
Capitol Shopping Center
Cont. Daily From 1 P.M. .
a wsv.wr.SAV TT ; (At Bargain Prices!)
They Coll Him the "Quiet" Man
But . . . There' the Devil to Fay When His Fiery Redheod
Tries to Run Thing Her Woy!
til Thon; 2-7829 1
- .' GATES OPEN 6:S Mi
M SHOW AT 7M5 fa
I now! r
1 Technicolor Hits .
Sal . CONDOR" 7-
ITl . Cornell Wilde "1
I 1 Carlton Heston i
ENDS TODAY! (Ihm.) Si.!.
l ' Huto Haas
111 . "STRANGE
Capitol Theater
9 P.M.
. -a. Ceha.nCHNtCOtOt
n stias i wo kjiis furos
r i. j I IQHN FORD kr fsaw t swam
SKaMaaistnuic. ooorta . aaaotrraKnesi
a aunmue hctum
' Maureen O'Hara
In Technicolor
Richard Greene
NOW! Open 6:45 P.M.
The snows oh
Lt?. l'"meHT M