Thud-ay. March 19, 1953 Tele-Views Radio-Television By DAVE "Better T.f Tfc n o,..iv 7 i T . V Ulen amiin or i guess thL ffVnsa5 of Sn!ith ' Anyway this fellow Snw1 Smyti down at KGAE wa " Wednesday donning green trousers, green tie and maybe green eyes. b6, 8 w,as 24 hours wt for St Pat rick s day. But like Smyth says, "Better late than never." . . . Maybe Smyth didn't realize Tuesday was the famous cholorphyll w&b it was a publicity stunt for .'., v Television station KPTV probably spent Wednesday relaxing following the defeat University of Washington took Tuesday night. If Washington would have won, the KrTV brass would have spent all day Wednesday on the phone cleanng network programs. ' Ford Theater and Its parade of filmland stars was hon , ored In BILLBOARD'S First Annual TV Film Show Awards. The dramatic show, seen every Thursday at 9:80 P;m:J5ST) pver NBC-TV was selected in the BEST DBA- MATIC TV FILM PROGRAMS category of the awards which also named mystery, comedy and other special categories. . Sheldon Reynolds, young producer of the European made adventure series, "Foreign Intrigue," was singled out by REDBOOK MAGAZINE as "The young man with an idea who gave television programming something new," In the current (March) issue, of the national period ical. . ' YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING My Hero at 7:00. Beanblossom plays cunid for actress and egotistical director in order to sell honeymoon home in "Beauty and the Beast." 25th Annual Academy Award Presentation at 7:80. Bob Hope cnosen as emcee. Nominations for the various cate gories were drawn from a list of 485 feature pictures declared eligible on the basis of seven consecutive days of playing time in Los Angeles. Five nominations in each group are: - . Best production: "The "High Noon"; "Ivanhoe"; "Moulin Rouge"; "Quiet Man." Best performance by an actor: Marlon Brando in "Viva Zapata"; Gary Cooper in "Hum Noon": Kirk Douelas in "The Bad and the Beautiful"; Jose Ferrer in "Moulin iiouge ; Alec Uuiness in "The Best performance by a supporting actor: Richard Bur ton in My Cousin Rachel"; Big Sky"; Victor McLaglen Palance in "Sudden Fear"; pata." Best performance by an "Come Back Little Sheba"; pata." Joan Crawford in "Sudden Fear"; Bette Davis in "The Star"; Julie Harris in "The Member of the Wed ding," Susan Hayward in "With a Song in My Heart." Best performance by a supporting actress: Gloria Grahame in "The Bad and the Beautiful;" Jean Hagen in the Rain;" Colette Marchand in "Moulin Rouge;" Terry Moore in "Come Back, Little Sheba," Thelma Rit ter in "With A Song in my Heart" The Unexpected at 9:00 "Slightly Dead." An old Irish actor can't get a job and is humiliated in producer's waiting rooms and confused by the traditional chaos of television. Jumps in the East River but is too good a swimmer to drown. J. M. Kerrigan stars as Roman O'Hooliham. . Ford Theater at 9:80. Viveca Lindfors, Helmut Dan tine in "The Bet." An impoverished lawyer grees to elf-imprisonment for 10 years in order to win a bet Nite Owl Theater at 11:80. "Slums of New York" tarring Mickey Rooney. YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING FRIDAY You Asked for It at 8:80. Chandu lights a cigarette from his burning fingertips and shaves with a blowtorch. The Big Story at 9. Chester Potter of the Pittsburgh Press trails a killer of a stool pigeon. Mr. and Mrs. North at 9:30. Pam and Jerry offer a helping hand to a friend and find themselves involved in the homicide of his wife in "The Blackout." Dennis Day Show at 10. Dennis is forced to disguise himself as Charley the apartment superintendent in or der to save the old man from the police. Adolphe Men jou's Favorite Story at 10:80. "The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard." An old sweetheart's daughter is in a charity schol and Sylvestre tries to get custody of the child only to become involved in a chain of circumstances which end with the girl getting married. Nite Owl Theater at 11:45. "Vampire's GhosVJohn Abbott Peggy Stuart MARCH Jl SATURDAY tods and Company at 11 a.m. 13-year-old Carol Heiss, one of the youngest girls to win in world figure skating contest will be honored this week. Victory at Sea at 2:80. "D-Day" picture of Normandy invasion. flUMOlJT NOW QUALITY TELEVISION Offers First With the Finest in TV See the Sensational NEW DUMONT All Channel Tuner GUARANTEED TO HAVE: Less "Snow" than all other models Clarity, clearer picture Tone Unsurpassed Installed in Your Home for as Low as 2.95 per week Valley Television Center 'TWO VALLEY STORES" Cnmnlete sales, service and Installed carry full 90-day IN SALEM Baigley Bros. Furniture 2315 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2-5491 BLACKMEB Greatest Show on Earth": Lavender Hill Mob." Arthur Hunnicutt in "The in "The Quiet Man"; Jack Anthony Quinn in "Viva Za actress: Shirley Booth in Anthony Quinn in "Viva Za Installation. All sets sold and service. INWOODBURN 171 Grant St. Phons 3611 IN FILM COMEBACK T A Madge Meredith, convicted in the kldnap-beatlng of her manager five years ago, looks over clips of 111m of herself as she worked at her first screen role since her sentence was commuted fay Gov. Earl Warren of Cali fornia in 1951. With her ia her co-star, Audie Murphy, at Universal-International Hollywood studio. The actress has worked in TV since her release, but has not made a movie. (AP Wirephoto) Oscar Award Telecast Aimed For Tonight's Entertainment The nation's first telecast of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences awards over NBC television on Thursday, March 19, will present cere monies from both New York and Hollywood, an innovation mis year. Charles Brackett, president of the Academy, . announced that Conrad Nagel would act as master of ceremonies in New York at the Hudson theatre where former "Oscar" win ners and a number ot this year's nominees for top honors have been invited to be pres ent. Bob Hope will be master of ceremonies for the mam Aca demy Awards ceremony at Hollywood's RKO Pantages theatre. A nationwide television au dience will see the ceremonies in both East and West Coast entertainment capitals during NBC TVs program which will start at 10:30 p.m., EST. The Academy is cooperating with NBC in every way to or ganize the award ceremonies as a television program which will combine the excitement of Hollywood's biggest night of the year with star-studded en tertainment. Johnny Green, musical director of MOM, is general director of the show for the Academy. Robert Welch, NBC-TV producer, is in charge of the nationwide tele cast. Richard Clerrrmer will produce the New York presen tation program which Warren Jacober will direct William Bennington will be NBC-TV's Hollywood director. Paul Douglas, stage, screen and radio star, has accepted the invitation of Johnny Green to serve as radio commentator for the broadcast of the show over NBC. Douglas was one of the na tion's top mikemen before scoring a hit as an actor in the Broadway production of "Born Yesterday." Following this success, he came to Hollywood, where he Is now one of the screen's top stars. He was the radio commentator for last year's Award Presentation pro gram and served as master of ceremonies for the 1949 Awards show. At least SO former "Oscar" winners and nominees for the current awards have been In vited to NBC's Hudson the atre in New York on March 19. Both Shirley Booth and Betty Davis, nominees for 'best actress" award, are expected "'to THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Onffoa I to be present at this first-in-history New York "Oscar" cer emony. On Television KPTV (Channel 27) (Only vrotrunf aehtdultd In ftdvuMtt VHUMDAT 11:00 Freedom Rlnn 11:10 a.m. Hollywood hmi . 11:45 a.m arrr Moor . ii;oo u. Bit parol: U:S0 pjn. Welcome Travelers l: p.ia. Kate emltb j 3:00 p.m. Feminine Anfle, 1:1 p.m. Arthur Oodfrer 3:10 p.niv-trike It Rich 1:00 pJo-Mt-Unte Theater 4:lt p.oL tvetrcn for Tomorrow 4:10 p.m Lot ot life 4:4ft p.m. tTa&ftr Than Fiction 0:00 p.m. Howdy Doody 0:00 p.m. Ranee Rider 0:10 p.m. Dow Bdwartfe, Mtwa ; p.m. Tlmt lor Beany t:00 U7 Hero T:lt pjn Sporttman'i Club . 1:1 p.m. Dinah Oboie T:40 pjil Newi Oaravaa 0:00 Oroucno Uarx 0:10 tJtt Burns and Allen 0:00 p.m. The Unexpected 0:10 p.nv Ford Theater 10:00 p.m. Martin Kant, Defective 10:10 p.m. Hollywood wratUnc 11:10 p.m. N1U Owl MARR RADIO and TELEVISION INC Salem's Most Compters , Television Center 2140S.Com'l Phone Day or Night 2-1611 or 2-4728 nUDAT 11:00 .b-B!f FMOtr 11:10 pjb. Waleont TrMdtra 1:00 p.m. Ktti emitB S:00 p.m. -Doublt or Nothing 1:W p.Dk-Stilkt It Rich S:00 p.m. Mttlnoo Thtftttr 4:15 pja-Sirch for Tomorrow 4:10 p.m. Loro of Lift 00 pjnQull K!b 1:30 p.m, Ror Rofferc S:00 pjn. Cltco Kid :I0 p.m-Dons Bdwftrdf, Htwi 4:04 p.m. JTlmo for Beanr 1 :00 p.m-CMteMlo of Sport t:44 p.ak Wtwi Cftrovui :00 P.m. Abbott U4 Coitlllo S:to Tou Atted for It :O0 p.BU Bit Storj :H pjaMr. ud lire. Xorth 14:44 P.K. Dnnl, X.7 10:10 pj& Adolph lienjov ll:oo P.BL Bob consldlno 11:15 p.m. Life of RUej 11:10 p.m-WU Owl li : p.m. mu owl Spring's Going to Be Here at 2:01 p.m. Fri. New York VP) Spring ar rives Friday at 2:01 p.m. EST. At that time, the sun will reach the vernal equinox, the imaginary point in the sky where the sun's path crosses the celestial equator. The sun's center will then proceed northward. Servicemen to Hear Awards American servicemen throughout the world will hear the , 25th Annual : Academy Awards presentation program over the faculties of the Armed Forces Radio Service, it was announced today by Colonel William Mason Wright, Jr commanding officer of AJUS. The program will be broad- east direct from the RKO Pan- tales theatre In Hollywood, on March 10. In this country the event will be carried on the combined facilities of NBC Radio and television. This is the seventh year that AFRS will shortwave the Aca demy program to all parts of the globe, with eleven giant transmitters beaming the event to tha GIs wherever they may be overseas. The show also will be relayed by some 68 foreign stations lor their list eners. This will Include all of South America, Japan, Korea, England, Australia, South Af rica, India and Germany. The program will be beam ed behind the Iron Curtain by the AFRS station at Bremer- haven and stations of the Blue Danube network, an AFRS subsidiary. The event is to be carried' by the northern-most radio station at Point Barrow, Alaska, end by the southern most station at Pago Pago, Sa moa. ! It is estimated that the do mestic and AFRS broadcasts reach over 91,000,000 listen ers. NBC's coverage la expect ed to reach another 60,000,000 listeners and viewers. DATING FAROUK 1 m. va.1 Blonde dancer Margarethe Rung Jorgenson of Copen hagen, who said She has been having dates with for mer King Farouk of Egypt since his separation from Queen Narriman, poses In Rome, 'Italy. The 19-year-old Danish dancer told newsmen She met Farouk recently the same night Narriman took oft for Swit zerlandand they had been out two or three times sines then. (AP Wirephoto.) Other Unions to Seek Productivity Raises j Washington U.B A rail road labor leader predicted to day that unions in other indus tries will try to match the four-cent-an-hour pay hike award ed to the nation's 1,800,000 railroad workers. W. P. Kennedy, chief of the Brotherhood of Railroad Train men, said he expects the prin ciple of the "productivity" pay hike to be taken up In other industries by "unions who watched the pay decision with keen interest." "We think the decision will extend productivity beyond the railroads," Kennedy said. "Workers in other industries should be given the same recognition our men got." Boy Didn't Even Know Cops Were Pursuing Oklahoma City OT An 18-year-old hot rod enthusiast, ac cused of three times outdistanc ing police cars which were traveling over 90 miles an hour, explained to police after his capture: "I didn't even know they were chasing me." Areas of the highlands In Scotland have been turned into cattle ranges much like those in the western part of the United States. It's the Picture that Counts! Raytheon Yeater Appliance Co. I Open Wed.-Frl. "III I P.M. 2-4311 NEW THEORY '! i -J Prof. Albert Einstein holds p a finger during a news fonferenc at Princeton, XJn in which he said his new theory, designed to ex plain everything from single atoms to the universe, la mathmatically correct The scientist, who recently cele brated his 74th birthday, discussed his new theory at conference In . connection with announcement that a new college, part of Yeshlva University, has been namtd the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and will be con-: structed In New York City's Bronx. (AP Wirephoto) Morse Applies for Seat oh Demo Side Washington AIA Sen. Wayne Morse, the Oregon Independent who bolted the Republican party, has applied for a seat on the Democratic side of the Sen ate. .; Morse declined to talk about his motives. But he could aide with the Democrats in straight party line votes to produce a precarious 48-to-4B balance be tween Senate Democrats and Republicans, The one-man Independent party submitted his request to the Democratic minority lead er, Sen. Lyndon Johnson (Tex.). If approved, presuma bly by the Democratic policy committee, ne . would move from a front row on the GOP side of the aisle to a back seat among the Democrats. St. Louis Youngsters Die in Blazing House St Louis JP Three young sters, trapped as they slept in a second-floor bedroom, burned to death Thursday in a fire that destroyed their suburban Glen- dale home. The youngsters, two boys and a girl, were the children of Mr. and Mrs. Paul DeCoster. They were identified as Pat, Paul. Jr., 11, and Andrea. 14. Mrs. DeCoster, 47, suffered serious burns. DeCoster and a fourth child, Mary Joan, 16, caped serious injury. I BELLOWS O 1 CLUB H I BOURBON (ffl q . .C0f& ybe no more ify L I H at dome Z if . H a? yew uwcfo dai " q g BELLOW H g MlY 4w 5 CLUB 8 H CbourboiQ 8 O Vwrawawsiy O ' Bellows Club Bourbon represent! tbe superior "HftT T 4 fj qu.llty alwayi auociated with this famoui wSllow a? C 123-year-old name. For those who leek Kentucky J, !Z-i'm Cj jr? Bourbon at Iti flnert, Bellows ofFen nipcrb jjf . Ilghtneu and generality of flavor. That's why "ilti 55 (9 It has long been a popular member of America's Bit J - 9a. jj finest dubt. Isn't it time you tried Itf """16 PROOF t X -gS BELLOWS & COMPANY X Middle Grove It Is 'vacation week for most all pupils ot Middle Grove school, as even the 4-H clubs held their meetings last week. Tha Triple Livestock club held Its meeting with Carol Crum on Thursday. The theme tor the meetinc was "Health Activities." . , I Loren Van Cleave was regis tered as a new member. He will have a Guernsey calf for his project ., . , Attending as members were CherrlU Doty, Carolyn Crura, Sam Myers, Richard and Ron ald Moorman, Eddie Page and George Darland. Leaders were Mrs. Paul Bassett Thomas Do ty and parents, Mr. and Mrs Ernest Crura, Mrs. Ray Dar land and Merle Van Cleave. The next meeting will be April 10 with George Darland. .. ' The Boys Cooking club met with Tom Latham. The demon stration at this meeting was the making of a fruit salad by Harry Lee Scharl Attending were Harry Leo Scharf, Billy Joe Sllmak, Tom Latham, John Angun, Don Anglln, Charles Wyatt and the leader, Mrs. John Cage. For refreshments they usedtthe fruit salad made for demonstration. The girls cooking club post poned its meeting to March 26. Carolyn Crum, accompanied by Miss Mary Grace Marger of Swegle community, left Wed nesday morning to spend the remainder ot the vacation with Carolyn's grandparents. Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Walllus at Nehalem. The Middle Grove Associated clubs meeting has been post poned until the night of March 27. The Ami tie club will pre sent tne program. Middle Grove Mothers club will hold its postponed meet ing Mondsy night March 38, at i :3V p.m. atttei ichoolhouse, It is believed that a species of duck called Old Squaw dives deeper than, any other duck, having been accidental. ly caught in fish nets ISO feet 7h. 33556 feSSffiy j 1QS N. High FKIBAY 0MILY mPiln E0O Vafuesfo 12.95 Vitality Glamour Foorrssr . . Acklin Bootery 105 N. iiiwihiv w ires mun For Spring Fr::t Portland ) BonDsvUss ' Dam will begin preparing Ap ril 6 for tha annual spring freshet in th Columbia rtvtr. . Engineers wlU begin lowering the Botmevilla reservoir than. Now at B feet above sea tor- - si. the pool will be lowered to IVk feet and held there until stream flow picks op to 260,000 euble test a second. - Then tha pool wd be raised gradually to a ihavtonum level of 83 feet ' . Strike Voted Agrinsf Tillamook PUD Tillamook WV-A strike of ST ATX, Electrical Workers against the Tillamook Peoples Utility District Is possible. - A anion spokesman said tb workers authorised the strike after the PUD directors appear ed to be delaying too long a ' decision on whether to make a 5 -cent hourly pay tnereane r troactive. The union wants its retroactive to last July, when negotiations started. . - Strike May Shut Coast : Electric 5emce Off - Tillamook, tin Electrical service to some S500 customers of the Tillamook PUD was threatened today by a strike ot 22 ( union employes. Strike deadline was set tor next Mon day. The AFL Hectrlcal Workers union, which represents tha employes, and management have agreed upon a five-cent hourly wage increase. Dls egreement eomes from PUD'S refusal to make the raise retro active to July 1, 1982, when the previous contract expired. . Theodore Rosevelt was tha youngest man ever to become President ot the United States, being 42 when ha first took office. HIGH ST. 5 37S Chemeketa Ph.