THE CAPITAL JOUKWAIi, Miem, ww rage IB FAN FARE ly W.H Ditxen ? AFIELD feJlrJW Salem Hopes to Get Ten Players from Coast Clubs . aT . I 1 - eh eluhe an ' The Pacific Coast league's sew open classification, should mean more younr baseball players for the Western Inter national leafue in 8nch wa the prophesy tent north this week by Hugh Luby, Sa lem Senator head nun, who la now on a thrse week tour of PCL tralnlnf cam pi In Cali fornia. The open elaaalfieatlon meant that the Goaat lesiae lob now will not take option nliHn from major leaxae teams. The ruling makes It al most mandatory that oaeb of the PCL teams dsTslop their own yonncer ball players, whs in turn most as opuoneo w lower leataes for development Luby hopes to bars at least ten option ball players avai hi from Ban Dieco, Sacra' mento and San Francisco. lost whs they will be may not be known until early April when the Coast leans season gets Noe Sparks Eugene Team To Upset Over Oilers Denver (ff Cbet Noe, a fi ve old Oreron Collefian, outplayed two of the blfgest name centers In basketball to flip over Phillips jeers champs seven out of the last 10 years in the seoona rounu of the National AAU basket baU tournament Wednesday nlsht. Noe. a deceptive drive-in artist, bagged 28 points to guide unseeded Everybody's Drug of Eugene, Ore., to a 66 62 victory over the Bartles ville, Okla., club which lost only four of 64 games this sea son. . Clyde Lovellette, last year's national collegiate scoring leader with the NCAA cham pion Kansas team, and Chuck Darling, who set Big Ten scor ing records in 1952 with Iowa, had only a 20-point total be tween them. Lovellette hook ad in 12 and Darling tossed in tight. Lovellette and Darling al ternated each quarter against Noe but fresh as they were they couldn't stop his brjl llant faking and drives to the basket that paid off with, two points. The Eugene club, made up mostly of University of Oregon and Oregon State players, meets Carbondals, 111., Ritz Cafe in Thursday night's quarter-finals. The Carbondale team of former players at Southern Illinois University advanced with an 81-64 victory over Nebraska Collegians rep rwentine Blair. Neb. . Noe, 6-foot 7-inch center at th University of Oregon last season, said he got "a big kick out of beating mg names use T.nvHette and Darling." 10V' llette is 6-9 and Darling is 6- ' "But I was never so tired m my lite," Noe said. He , ..J BAMAnJ lf Btlll piayva w; - i 40-mlnute game. I ouipointea Lata Manna, Spain, si. Hamilton- former all-1 witehti. star player and assistant coach at the university oi ureion, said his team executed Its stra tegy perfectly. This consisted mainlv of keeping the ball away from the basket until Noe could fake for a drive-in around Lovellette or Darling. The V. 8. Air Force cham pions from Sampson Base at tteneva. N. Y.. and Los Alami- tos, Calif., Naval Air Station meet in another of the quar terfinals. The defending cham pion Peoria, 111., Diesel Cats, overwhelming title favorites after Phillips' upset, meet tne Houston, Tex., Ada Oilers and the Quantlco, Vs., Marines play San Diego, Calif., Grlhalva Motors. Clatskanie 69 Roosevelt 61 But-ena ff) Clatskanie bumped Roosevelt of Portland out of the Oregon Class A high school basketball tour- nament with a 69-61 win in the first Thursday eonsoiauon game.-.. It was a pelnt-for-point game right up to the closing minutes, with the score being tied repeatedly, H-ia ai'rae ouarter. 46-48 at the three- quarter and 69-S9 late m the fourth quarter. Then Clatskanie Cot ahead, Roosevelt began to press and to foul, and Clatskanie scored 10 straight points, ngni oi them on free throws. fights last Wight (r Thd AsuoelftUd Frtui Pillii FItttt Lttsloti. leitt,, outpolnUd Bobby Drkta, 1M An tonio, 10. . Mav Axddl Qra. 10. Kan npotU, N.C., outpointed Jlmmr J-wfU leVaV. Cfi umhui. 10. BarctUam mu--miiu mum, Z ltd but Htnaa s vtlfhto. State Tournament Box Scores af n pi tp (Ml Metier Fopprt.f OaUebM.t PontlUl.l sorenan.t Bulordjt Bell, If It pi tp i awmrai,, i a 1 11 Bnahm.l t ill t 15 Woten.a 1 1 UThwn.1 1 1 Mtrbn.t S I (Knipp.r 1 S 3 Crlpen.1 0 Lnderl.l UidtrM 1 Ullr.I Oaterl HI) 1 4 I S I 11 0 0 Beom.f Btoner.f Bltvdsr.A Savaae.1 aarcla,t Bell.I Ackrmn.l Barton,! f ft at to a a a ib mmf ,i l orate,. s I uoort.0 I II Htm: I If LndoU.1 I SZftmaj 1 JOPM.t I 1 () Tkt Dellae ft It PI tp 114 aderway and the slubs mast eat down their rosters. Har. it Is almost cer tain that more new faces will mH ilia local Waters rsrx this Tear than for a number of seasons. Laby Is determined to come ap with outfleio power in 19SS, something the locals have not had In quantity since the Iocs! ownership took over in 1959. Meanwhile, the slab's five board of directors met Thursday to attempt to itimu late the sagging advance ticket sales. After a good start, tne ticket drive has slowed son- siderably. , Plans for ins double opening on April Zl against uaigary are nearing completion. There will be both an afternoon and evening contest on opening day against the Canadian Stampeders. Official opening of spring training Is set for March 30 at Callstoga, Cal. Set for April 20 In Waters Park is an exhibition game with Lefty O'Donl's San Diego Padres. Ross, Kindred Meet in Main Event Tuesday Tony Ross and Don Kindred will meet In the main event of next Tuesday's professional wrestling card at the Salem armory. Matchmaker Elton Owen said today. Ross and Kindred got into another of their frequent beefs last week when Ross and Glen Stone refereed a tag team match in which Kindred participated. Ross declared that Kindred and his partner, Frank James, had lost the match to the Larsen brothers. The other ret maintained that the Lar sens had won. No decision has been declared yet, but mean while Ross and Kindred are still burning mad at each oth er. Turner Rifle Club Loses At McMinnville McMlnnville The McMinn ville Rifle club, using a 36-point Handicap to good advantage, nosed out the Turner rifle team 1917-1908 here Wednes day night. Scoring for McMinnville were Jim Brickey 38S, A. F. Fisher 381, Fred Matches 374, fercy Carlson 374, and Frank Eder 367. Turner scores were Ball 392, Metcalfe 387, Schol- llan 379, Wipper 377, Coats 373 Turner Is scheduled to meet Monmouth next Wednesday night at Monmouth. Salmon-Steelhead Cards. Due We are reminded by the Oregon State Gam Commission that salmon-steelhead cards for last sesson expired March 16, and all anglers are urged to get their cards in the mail pronto. Statistics gained from study of these reports are a great aid to the commission In their future planning. It's one way that anglers can, with scarcely any effort, make real contribution to the management of sport fish. New cards are now available at all game license agencies, and fishermen anticipating spring Steele angling in the orth Santiam, or elsewhere, need only pick up their cards, and start easting. Analtrs Overlooking Backyard Bass In between rainstorms, when the Willamette is clear ana a not too high, a small group OX vauey angicri are reaping harvest of rough, tough and wonderful large-mouth bass. Right h. tn tfc backyard of Salem, is some of the finest bass fishing to be found anywhere in the eountry. Oddly enough, Oregonians are so intent on trout, steeineaa ana mwuuu, u the bass are pretty well ignored. Up until the "dog days" of aiimmpr our local baas are as same a fish as can be imagined. Taken on light tackle, a four pounder will often leap with the agility of a rainbow trout. As long as the water is cool, the fish stay hard and scrappy. Warm water Impairs their condi tion and edibility to some extent, as it does most fish. Bass, however, are rugged individuals they can live under condi tions that would quickly kiU a trout. They are touglvguys in disposition, too. They will sock a plug as much out of devil try as hunger. Ami it is this vicious, surging slash at the lure that endears old large-mouth to so many sportsmen. The pit n n Oceanian, had a bass strike so hard the plug went five feet in the air and wrapped tho line around an . , mvl. JJ u ... . .1 -J 1 a 4nf Mosn overhead Driage croispiece. imu y " - --- feet before It hit tho plug; he never even opened his mouth. Clearly a ease of sour disposition. .... .. .. . j I x - AVia tiMt All llKM nignt now, oeep luiiuiut . and description of plugs and spoons are being used successfully, i h .w riumiv anoush. with a fairly slow retrieve. In ban fishing, the retrieve is highly important, possibly even more i r,tr,f the h lure. The skilled bass fisherman need not take a back seat to any man, as there is much art to this form of angling as there is to fly casting. ','.' t. n h hnni that more and more folks will learn to love the bass for the excellent fish he is, thereby reducing the terrific presssure on the already hard-pressed trout population. SCORES in the ALLEYS University Alley! STATI HOUSE NO. 1 DlTblu f A.dlti (l) etrlcklla U4, Dtmeiu 401. mhtr 412, Jobanm U9, dould sol; Spcuttrr W Stot M. 1 () GUI til, McQaun e, Fraako 311. Run 417, BIHim ttt. Vrtmu (i)-uonw tot. Oa.renitroom (OS, Ufln 4M, BUlerien M0! Stentwr C SUU H4. 1 (11 Munr III, OimU tu. rataraoa 4H, Bienur 40t. Bcbuiua 470. HUhmr Cmitrnetln (4) Andinim 110. Rr 4M. HollmUl 430. Wolfe 47B, TUMly 4UI Stol TWt () Hunt 404, Wcomi 3S0, Alforl 411, Bntekoi BIT, Mor rill 404. suu rrlotan D Milan 401. atom 440, Butbr 478, Wollor 42S, Duncan 481, Hlfhwar MitocUli 8 Brown 624, Von Pelt 384. KUea 441, PUm 381, White 409. rmttrr Oltlao ( Xwlnr 411. Eu nimu 482, Autrado 316, Ladd 418, Sta- crr 441: Stata Tax dan. (4) lohnion 487, Crouch 482, Drimla bos, hood m, Mahafley 806. Falrrtew (1) oannon aa, amyora u, Rltterbuah 163, Lukt 464. Coottr 484; Foreitrr ratetlaa (8) Walker 4S1, Phlppa 471, Morrlaoa 448, Berora 468, Storm 488. Bin taam sarlei, Mcretarr ai atata Ho. . 1.6M; hlah taam lama, Audiu, 18: hlah lad. aarlei, BlUarlth, 860; huh lad. sama, Boackar, 212. STATS BOOBS MO. I DaaL ml Aariaaltar () Orilflthl STi, Kanlsa 413, Patarion 487, Luta 472, Tan. Mill 408; HUhwar AaoMUttlaa (D Tar. lor 317, Ketehaa 361, Taaiar 401, Cmna 807, Malaon 681. Offlaa Inalaaara (S) Mattion 437. Burton 438, Sacra 481, Scott 8B2, Young B14; State Tax comm. u ionnaon wi. Bowera 377. Banaen 378, Cantleld 438, Searl 484. BrHca Safiaaera (t) pradrioaon w, Bejeri 466, M union 418, Merchant 386, Roike 460; UO (4) Biniiand 614, Hoi 111 433, EniUih 46. Straw 462, Meffert 477. Fereatrr (S)-Udd 436. uroten s, Woodi 408, PMppi 417, (wins 486; Aadita () Corrlgan 441, Btacer BOO, ooiasmltn 386, Jellerion 614, Btrlcklln 608. Unemployment (1) Putman 417, Aaron 413, Sallatrarr 186. Settlemler 470, Bax ter 466; Cheater 84 (S Luthl 441, Lem on 413, Quarrr 416, Henry 481, Remold! 603. SIAO (1) Hunt 430, Xlmmall 638, Pronto 438, Savaae 484, TJpiton 826: Beau (I) Bell 468, Tount 433. Klrbr 443, Oould 478, Hlllirlch 808. Hlah team aerlii, Olllct Bnilneera, 1,688; hlah team aame. Audita, 636; hlah lnd. aerlu, Malaon, 668; hlah Ind. same, Kwlng, 14. Capitol Alleys uajom lkaodb w.i.ei citr Bewl (1) M. Frit M. ! I. Sehulll 496, D. Hatlett 437, 1. Andor- ! aon 496, 3. BlneiuUt 476. Geedlea Meat ' Market (8) S. Ixnan 128, X. Wllkalla 644. J. Muhar 468, O. LUtl 467, S. Phlppi . ... i Kerr H) w. oime nr. em. v. Poulln 668, B. WUkerton 467, X Bart well 600, T. Kerr 467. Thriltwair Claaa- e 1) No ina. acorea araiiaDie. Hrannen Tree Servlee (4 T. Bren- nan 636, T. Prudante 636, B. Valdu 648, L. Anderaoa 470. Marian Betel and Car Park (6) T. Vittono 7V, w. daoKaen -837, J. Irons 487, H. Pate SIS, B. Straw 471. Marion Melon ) O. Schroader 441, R. Sommar 484, W. Garner 627, C. Dona hue 403, B. Thompaon 646. Baileka Gre eera (4 X. Clark 681, R. Parley 481, ; TOannon 676, J. Da Bow 411, W. Wait ' Marahalla 1 Camera (4) J. Oweni 484, R. Ounn 668, O. Ceuier 646, K. KIT 611, L. Xrtagaard 811. Northweit Pool try (4) M. Myera (33, H. Ryan 601, J. Minder 660, R. Meier 407, O. Olodt 830. Hleh team aame Marlon Motorg. r8. Hlth team aerltt Brennani Tree Service, 3733. High lnd. tame and aerlta : Tom Breanan, 334 and 836. Duck Pins s t 6 1 1 10 S 1 It 1 1 1 1 1 10 Total! St It SI TO Totall 18 S3 30 St Albany M M 10H6-7O Jtedlord 1 H I" 11-" uiHid free throwl; Albany 13 Shelby 3, Sorenaon 1, Pontlui 4, Bur lord 4. Medlord 8 Bingham I. Wool en 1, Thompaon, Atterburt 1, Crlppln. Hhootlnt ayeratat POA PO Pet. Albany JJ .304 Medlord 60 " -.J05 Ollidali: Id wallnltt; cammy Xeha- Attendancil Mt4 (aiornlnt teatioa). (HI) Cleveland rt it pi tp 3 0 14 1 Totall 17 7 13 II Totate 30 33 11 43 Quarter eeoree: Ontario 17 14 It 11-41 The Dellea 13 17 14 17-43 Muued free thrown Ontario II Bind er, Oarela 3, Savage 3, Hall 8, Barton 1. Ackermaa 3. The Dallei 13 Pate 4. Moore 6, O. Hoynea 3, Lunoeu. Shooting averagei: POA PO Pet. Ontario 74 n .let The Dalle 60 M .111 OlllclaU: Prank O'NelUl Virgil Swan- eon. COMMXXCTAL LKAOTJS Portland Bead Blehlleld (6) B. Ma- tnira 640. Bye 800. X. Thellade 375. P. OUner 124, P. Haaaa 437. Sriekaene Market (4) K. Melton 477, Bye 348, M. Story 410, A. Rlebardeon 401, L. Bolle 14. Bamatea (1) R. Sink 411, D. Smith 110, M. Patton 317, O. Nelnaat 107, B. Xvenden 183. Beaebraath Farnaea (1) 3. Moorman 138, B. Greenwood 138, J. Holman 341, J. Foiter Ml, B. Stevena 103. Caacada Maata (1) O. Comer SSI, X. Welmer 163, B. Hollilnger 311, L. Welanor 411. H. Weumor 170. Hleko Sign Shop S M. Helnaat MS. H. Nelnoat 373, L. Olio 146, I. Davla 407, T. Wood 437. Bloo Lake Faek It) J. Wontar 411, B. Van Blykt 316, A. Thleuen 363, P. Pitkin 273, O. Rllndolt 146. Waedreffa'a San (4) J. HaU It!, C. Rleater lot, V. Tork 434, M. Greenloy 144. W. Frank 403. Hlth team aerlea Xriekgon'g Market, 1006. High team lama Mlcka Bum Shop. 796. Hlth lnd. tame J. wenier. 107. High lnd. torlet I. Melton, 477. It is estimated that about 70 per cent of the meat eaten in North Carolina is pork. Ukertnr (41) n n pi vp Mohleoa.f Jonei,f wuumi.o ParU.t Oravaax Moil.t WllU.f Bwlntla, 1 1 1 SMcCln.t S I Vrnoo.I 1 llNvnow.o 13 Slmple.I 1 OJoller.g 1 1 McNell.l I 0 Beiher.l 0 0 Btmbh.t t I II 1 II I II 1 1 1 1 Totall 17 II II 41 Totall II 14 I 61 Quarter aoorei; ..... ,. 10 16 I 1144 Clevolond It IS 11 3 utuMi fne throwi: Lakovlow 0. Cleve land 11 McClaln I, Nenoa I. Stomple 1. McNeill. eninAtiM eveeuoil FOA FO Pet. Lakevlew 46 17 .371 Cleveland II .171 Official!'. Xd Wallnlta and Cammy Bchamta. Salaai (() Htkeni.f Johnin.( Wahop, Knapp Dmrella,! Rlce.t Miller . Triplet!,! Sprlngr.e ft of to I 1 t 12 cmptn.i t I tYkerM I 7Mehlin.o I I Ornbt,t I II Hnrch,t IPool.1 I lHrtrpf.0 I Rihlw.l J IDohrtr.l . Berger.t M BllUber ft tt PI to till! 1 I 1 1 I S 0 s Total! 11 17 IB 61 Tollla II II II II Quarter acorea: Mlem 11 " 1 HllUboro 11 11 I t-ll uuimI free throwa: Salem 11 Pick- am l. BUhon 1. Demal'a 1, Rice. Sprinter, Miller 1. HUlebor 14 Comp ton 4. Mlchelien I, Helnrlch t, aern hort 4. Pool I. ,, SMMn ...... .1 ' PGA PO PCt Salem S M teillahnra 17 11 Officiate: Prank OHell and VlnU twaaaoa. lareno (IS) b ft pf tp Stout.t Alnio.f WlUliby.c Henkel.l Raior.t Kykndl.l Tuttle.f aloran.e Hotalng.t Rbnton.l 4t) MUwaaklo It ft Pf tp I 11 MlUer.f 4 S I 10 4 7Prdrck,f 1 SBleedl.e 1 I Loreon, 1 11 Byero.l 0 IStrgll.! 1 IPinie.f I 1 Shlmor,o 1 SDarby.l I llluvli 4 I 5 II S No Changes in Quint Penalties Kansas City, UP) The bas ketball rules committee de cided Thursday to keep the present penalty rule, including the much maligned "one and one" regulation for another year. The group, known as the Na tional Basketball Committee of the United States and Canada and representing the colleges, high schools, AAU, YMCA and Canadian groups, made no radical change in the present standards. H. B. Porter of Chicago, sec retary, said the committee knew that a lot of people were not satisfied with "the one and one rule" but there is not even a good majority favoring a rea sonable substitute. Totate M 30 It at Totate IT IS II Quarter acorea: Euaena 11 11 11 Mllwaukla 11 It 11 1141 Mleiod free throwa: Sugene 13 stott 3. Alnae, WUlouihtr 4, Henkal I. Raior. mule, Moran. Ullwauklo 11 Miller I, Frederick! 6, Bloedel 8, Laroea. Byere s, aturtle, snimor. Maxwell I. Shooting avoroaoa: POA FO Pet. lunne 17 S4 .411 Mllweukla S4 17 .Ml Officiate: Ralph Harper and Len Pat-tenon. Attendance: 4404 (afternoon taaoloa). Aalerta (II) it n pi tp Seppe,f Bar.f Smert.0 uill.a Bray.t BYMolt.l Voilka.t Oatrlnd,f 4 1 I 13 Olion.f 11 lCurtlia,f 4 tlDmiky.t I I KUmlr,i I IBrndll.t 5 IHeMrU I SRerra.4 t I I 4 4 1 I (44) Dallaa It n pf op 7 t I 14 Totate II I II 41 Totall 17 It I 44 Ouarter aeorea: Aitorla II II 1041 ' Dallaa II 10 S 1344 Mlited free throwa: Aitorla I oppa. Smart 1. Dallaa 17 Curtlii t. Dome lehotekr 4. Kltamlllar I. Roldorf 1. Shootlnt averatoa FOA FO Pet Aitorla 11 II .340 Dellea 13 17 .331 Officiate: Vl rati swamoa and Frank O'Nall. Atlendonee: ism ttJskl teealon). Basketball Scores BASKKTBALL TOURNAMENT . (By The Auorlated Preu) Wedneeday aeeree The Dallaa 03. Ontario 11. Albany 70. Medlord 66. Salem 61. HllUboro 31. Butane II, Mllwaukla 41. Cleveland 81, Lakovlow 44. Dalloa 44. Aitorla 41. Thanday Schedule Ceaeelatlaa Beand: 1:30 a.m., ClaUkanlt va. Rooaovolel. 1:11 a.m., Ontario va. Uedford. II e m.. Hiuibora va. MUwaukla. 1:41 p.m.. Labevlew vi. Aitorla. Ckovaaleaihla Reandt 1 a.m., Marihflold va. Central Catholic. 4:30 p.m., Tho Dalloa va. Albany. 7:30 p.m., Salem va. Kueene. 1:41 p.m4 Cleveland VI. Dallaa. WKONISDAT'S RESULTS Secant Beaad Sarapeon Air Force Bate. Oeneva. T. II. Loa Artel, i Klrby Shoei 44 Carbondale. 111.. Rita Cale II, Bhtlr Nob.. Kelly-Ryan M. Butane, Ore., Krerybody't Drut Bartleivllle, Okla., PMIllpi Men el. Bouiton. Tex., Ada Olleia 80, Denver Murphy.Mahoney 80. Loa Alamllot, CallU Naval Ah- Sta tion 68, Mitchell Air Force Baae. N T- 67. San Dleeo, Calif., Orlhalva Motort M, Daavgf Central Bank era 41. ELGIN Can Take Any D im ft tt a I . fob! mwmcm tffSfSTANT rVjtJr ApeS SSI 1 A WEEK ?T.. I $45 Aftae.' vSavT MM llletlaae Oaerealasd Wl&SI DUIAPOWH mainsmhno 4' ct rae feewrf Neat Mevef Ireell traePaaBBaBBaaaaaaaaaBBBaaaaeBjaBMaaaeawaBBaBMM 4t ITATIoMUM. Ot. Open Till 9 Friday Night WE'RE SETTING ANEW SALES RECORD FOR THE MONTHS OF MARCH AND APRIL Now Is the Time to Get More For Your Money Than Ever Jefore - Dress Up For Easter We've got the goods and plenty to choose from in sizes to fit all. Regulars, Shorts, Stouts and Longs. You'll never get a better deal. We are sacrificing profits to set a new sales record. OUR BUYER, MR. JOSEPH JOSEPHSON, now in the largest clothing center of the TJJS.A., has purchased the fin est imported and domestic 100 wool pure worsted fab rics and had our 5th Ave. New ' Tork tailors make them op into fashion's latest dictate styles in the newest patterns, colors and weaves, with hun dreds of these Superfine qual ity garments to choose from at amasingiy low prices. COME IN AND SEE The Most Beautiful Suits, Sport Coats and Slacks YOU EVER LAID EYES ON At Prices You'll Be Glad lo Pay - ' ORLON and RAYON THE IDEAL SPRING AND SUMMER SOOTHS MADE TO RETAIL AT $35.00 Now Only $25 00 With 2 Pairs of Pants $33.00 100 PURE WOOL WORSTED Largs selection of potts mi and wmym . . . made to retail at $45.00 NOW ONLY WJrh 2 pair of pants $47.50 35 00 100 WOOL WORSTED EXPERTLY HAND TAILORED QJDTS r A mm ' Madt to Jtatail at $50.00 NOW $'1750 ONLY New Patterns, Colors and Fabrics Large selection en all sixes 100 Wool Worsted Imported Loomed Flannels and Slash Weave SUITS Made to Retail at $60 NOW $l950 ONLY Step out in the newest thing this Spring. 100 Wool Worsted Serges, Gabardines and Flannels syoi s Made to Retail at $75 NOW $CC00 ONLY Step out in the newest thing this Spring. jl Leasure Coats and Sport Coats Solid eolors. Flannels, Houndstooth Checks, Tweed Mix turet, New Smort Styles, Orlons, Rayons, 100 Wool Hand Tailored Derails $22.50 Values $27.50 Values $35.00 Values Now Now Now 1650 2350 2750 Super Fine Quality Slacks 100 Pure Wool Worsteds, Sheen Gabardines, Flanneli, Tweeds, Sharkskins $14.50 Values $16.50 Values $18.50 Values Now Now Now $T0.95 $12.95 $14.95 k Just received, our new Sprint line of America's finest hand made, anion made CHELSON HATS $C00 $750 Compare With stand $7.50 to $15.00 Hati CLOTHES SHOP 387 State St. Salem's Quollty Clothiers for Men ond Young Men t Doors West of Liberty St. at the Bus Stop -;"'" -ft. ';.,..;,. ..;..' " ' ........ I ... . , . .' . ' . . '. ,