LUGGAGE Vi PRICE! . . . . famous brand of luggage foM late this gale of five different styles well aa rortnifhter. Weekender, Ward robette, Pullman and Cosmetic. Buy now and save helfl All art genuine leather bound. Satin Uatd. Hmv metal hardware fittings, lock, tie. Main floor, men's wow. Cameron Blouses . . $1.98 These well known blouses art always priced at 3.M! Tor thii ail jrou nay atltet them at $1.MI Plain and print Sleeveless tailored for sportswear. Seersuckers, novelty plquta and broadcloth. IS to 18. Blouaa Bar, aula floor. FREE! NEW Z GET YOUR TICKETS AT MILLER'S Car! ANTS I w : - I I r I "...; c a if ft UERCH k BaUBBfc 4tfMCaWHIMkBWMaW1BIVWBH LUCKY FUN! Your Favorite Slip! ARTEMIS ' SLIPS Regular 14.98! 2.89 3 These are not ordinary slips . . . Arte 1 ml sops are noted for their good ityi- tag . . . as a smooth foundation for J your outer garment!. 2nd floor. n I 5 -I 1 NEW SPRING FOR THIS 76 Garment Capacity Storage BAGS . .- . . . the moths are flying north . . . It's time to protect your woolens! These jumbj) garment bogs hold 16 gar ments and have a zipper fastening. Buy a supply now for your closets, protect your clothes from dust, too. On sale In the notion depart ment, main floor. TICKETS GIVEN AWAY! BARGAINS! MERCHANDISE UNPACKED PRIZES FVFNTI a "... It's Time to Shop for i These! yUALI I T FAILLE E3 u a kirD a Reg. to I7.B8 NOW$5.00 Rich lustrous faille handbags for Spring are cere In fills sale at big auoount. buck. Drown, navy owe, urea sy ones with jewel clasps . . . tailored ana other styles. Main floor. Z J . Odds Must Be Cleared Fast! CHOICE OF GIFTS 1.00 I Values to S6.00I Odds and ends of gift- I wares such as crystal glass, pottery, I downs of other gif t Items on this spe cial display table at only 11.00. Main snoor. f ... A Big Bargain! WOMEN'S NYLON SPECIAL PURCHASE Rayon Marquisette REGULAR SIZE 42x81 EGGSHELL TINT MILLINERY SPECIAL! .' . :.!. .-' .-'-';.' J j' Spring Straws 3.49 PERIOD DESIGN BRACELETS Old World Style Reg. to $19.93 .', Now S3TmS979 SPECIAL! SMART FOUNDATIONS FOR YOUR EASTER CLOTHES! REG. $10.00 NEMO GIRDLES $ 5 $ . . . Spring housecleanlng and curtain panel time is here! Replace those old pan els with fresh sheer rayon marquisette panels and save , money. Standard size. Egg shell tint. Downstairs. WOMIN'S BEDROOM SLIPPERS Value to $1.00 2.00 ... Be comfortable around home In these easy-going house slippers Corduroys, lea thern and felts aH to Into this sale at (3.001 Shop tins special early I Shoe dept. Main floor. SECOND FLOOR . r let our expert fitters fit yon with a fine quality NEMO GIRDLE and save you half! Choice of nylon taffeta, or rayon satin with talon closing. Boned front Satin elaitie of fabric back. Sizes S8 to 12. 3nd floor. GET YOUR FREE TICKETS AT. MILLER'S UNIFORMS ONIY$2.00 J (Downstairs) zt Yes, slightly soiled from counter dls- Wn plays, 6ome cotton in the group. eg. a m from S5.98 to $14.95. White only. 8j MAKE YOUR OWN CLOTHES AND SAVE!!! NEW! "SEW-EZY" ELECTRIC PORTABLE! Guaranteed 20 Years! VfH . . . Special Purchase! BABY RECEIVING BLANKETS 4,.,$1.00 Downstairs baby department offers a special sale of cotton receiving blan kets at only tl.OO for fourl Color, sun shine only. Downstairs. swum u I M TV TSB I - 1 iottm TV X, ima tumtm mum Vi , v wwi imui tm WMm f m" 2lcu, metiO a vuiuu mm M OT OMTIOt 49 95 $5.00 DOWN TAKES ONE HOME! Save $30.00 or morel Have all the mod' em Imorovenient on your Electric Dor table at a way down low price. Come see this wonder machine sew ... let us point out the advantages over the or dinary machine. It'a cheaper than renting! Downstairs. j t.rfmyw ' Store Hours 9:50 to 5:30 Get Your X Tkkets at MJ ) II Miller's for Viv II The Grand Prize I JLr 11 New Packard Car ifC$tD ) And Other yTr7 J fex cms! NEW! Motorola Television DOWWTilM