Thunder, March 19, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon ? Price of Coffee Moves Upward It will probably not be lone before that pound of coffee you buy will be costing you leveral cent more than you have been paying. Wholesale price in Salem now have gone up to 93 cents , pound, the price at which some brands of coffee have been selling retail. Previously the wholesale price had been 84 cents per pound. - Portland (U.B Retail coffee orices were expected to rise soon in Portland following a I wholesale increase to 93 cents a pound on some brands. Latest price hike yesterday added as much as 6tt cents a pound to recent prices. Sharp epurts in green coffee I prices and lifting of price con trols are blamed for the boost. Retailers pointed out that at the present wholesale price they could have charged as much as $1.03 a pound under former OPS regulations. SCS Prepares faster Feast Woodburn Mrs. , Leota 'orter was hostess for the tgular meeting of the Wom n's Society of Christian Serv :e of the Methodist church liesday afternoon at her home nth Mrs. Arthur Burt and fri. Myrtle Hall as assisting iJstesses. " , 8 The business meeting opened (i 10:30 a.m. with Mr. Clifford Jiplegate presiding. The kitch- J'jk committee reported new jlbinets completed in the 4hurch kitchen, ready for tainting, and new linoleum laid. Plans were discussed to ietve an Easter breakfast for be young people of the church. J Mrs. James . Livesay, Mrs. 16hn Coleman and Mrs. Leota P orter were appointed as a nominating committee to re port at the next meeting, April 31, when new officers will be elected. . . A group of members plan to attend the district. WSCS meeting . at, Beaverton March 14, , Mrs. James Livesay Is dis trict recording secretary and Mrs. Lowell Moore is district secretary of supplies. .it Members were reminded of : the birthday anniversary of Charles L. Ogle on March 24. Mr. Ogle, one of the oldest Tmbers of the church, Is now Los Angeles at 1224 West Itrd street, Los Angeles (44). if A sack lunch was served at mon with coffee and dessert furnished by the hostesses, if Mrs. W. M. Burke, and Mr. Sowell Moore were in charge fc the afternoon program "In Iemembrance" pertaining to aster, with 12 members tak ig part, Including Scripture, worship service and group nging. The missionary, les n was given by Mrs. 0. Les- rields. The next meeting on April I will be at the home of Mrs. . L. LeBarr with Mrs. N. F. yler assisting hostess. Shedd Has Quota in led Cross Drive Albany The first Linn iunty community to go over 4th inn In tha current Red jcross fund drive Is Shedd, Ken JEdick, county chairman said fTuesday. Reports from Mrs. aiuth Holxapfel, Shedd ehair- an. showed that residents of fthe area had contributed $650 to ,the drive, even though the community's quota was oniy :$500. The fund drive there jwas handled by the Priscilla club, a woman s social and ci vic organization. Lebanon was the first town in the county to meet its quota, turning over $6500 its exact quota to Edlck In recent ceremonies at Lebanon. Albany reached the half-way mark Tuesday with solicitors turning over $5,842.92. The city's quota is $10,500. PW 11 Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich A 0 DISH CLOTHS 1 I A efftclh. fOciiis&ln' t?K 1 5 Cannon? 4J, ' (ffifl I 1 MOWItnifflKJAT lUUWIUhlFTFffrf vacuum MgjXD 0&2Wf -. WASnffim f? bottle !- - 1 MiTmM- ' H clorox ; WmmwiWi ? l 11 I 0M j MMkl f r 71A CkHPliMnu VjI C A if : J ' I EASTER BASKETS If Tr,M.ow. ftgjv;::' "" n Ttimonta sneers in ma newnr mm 1 jkkJUia ad fJI W ' ' 'w9fm t iC B alv-l - - mf Sprin9 shades. Stock up end sev.1 TlJV 1 rtfvr4i ' ' V ;-lft Vyt S 35c j fi i ' St?w's c5" J r valued ' 3n KJS? SL'SKL' 23T k iStMSM wood frinttilnt ft (31 111 . , ialaL-rSSS51Vim "T TrrT. '1 . . .w II ........ rfiln'em. I l ss4'&m SSSSi" ,9Qci)....v.ryMnfl. . - rnn - - zkjr mm r: riM .iw, kvui. - shbbh sh ill ram oe a'. 1 snnn nn in as sa s Bjsi n -jry-;?'A- L tnee dditeii i Lt I "Coll grandpop sr his club, but give him lime to answar. He'll be right In the mldde of some fish story.". . . Jou U mmnWji mom caDa if you give the other person time to answer at leapt a minute.. ... " . . 1.. n .. . :uUnQ. SfMlel Psrekaiel rARn TARI wi J.I Us braeel locV securely. Walnut faith AQQ Jubilee 1 w Sole Price! alnf, fmclMriiiff WflTfl Easter CRAFT i..ii..1m .ll.t. wltii nly n dip- 3 Taws cow AIL I FOR 69 TtnM WrtfM wytt "I MHik AySNewfi Nwl Pttkw Kit uiasl ! Imiwi Ilia ilsn wh n. ean H ArSi Wy, Tdli illlir-sn4 vIMmIii tmdy lain a hirfvt vfi, calls for ra HrmiMvi IW I . HtlUlflHH rftwrrv Ml ' ' ini irrfi 1 it ' K u its, ? t -m t v y ' , t? Free! Free! 70 OTHER VALUABLE . FREE PRIZES! GET YOUR CORONATION DAY TICKETS NOW WIN THIS 1953 MERCURY 4-D00R CUSTOM SEDANI 7 K" 51 Free! Free! TSf 1011 30015 Pacific Telepbouo, ,t -f