Pnft 10 IN CONTROVERSY 1 -') I L I Civil Service Rulings Made Lebanon Providence ehureb and its fir-guarded ceme etery, now one of ftw remaining examples of the typical frontier church, la again the center of controversy aa aome of the congregation aeek to deed it to the Flrit Baptiit church of Albany. A meeting will be held there at 2 p.m. en March 30 to act on the proposal. The original church was built a century ago by Circuit Rider Joab Powell. A fire department officer must serve a full year on duty as a fire captain before being eligible for promotion to bat- llnn rhlel. ino Dawn civ" urvira commission ruled Wed nesday in the cast of First Aid Captain Clinton Man, wno re antlv nassed testa for the hither Dosition. " ' Hart was one of four cap tains in the fire department who passed examinations for battalion chlel anoui a monui The eligibility of the ! other three, Percy Clark, Rob ert Mobley and Peter McCaf fery were approved at the last civil service commission meet ing. Commission Chairman Wil liam J. Entress explained that the disapproval of Hart's eli gibility was not to east a doubt on Hart's ability but that the decision was based strictly on civil service rules. , Hart immediately asked Fire Chief E. L. Smith to trans . fer him- to regular fire captain duty from his present first aid crew position. e i.u uFri the com- H 31111.1. " I t-nmmJ minion to accept Hart'a ell- j giDiiiiy. nc uwcnuw -- capable fireman as well as n experieneea iirsi buuiimi who would be difficult to re place at present te the latter position until soma of the newer men got more expert- New Move Started to Deed Albany Providence Church Lebanon A move Is under way again to deed Providence church to the Baptist church of Albany, and notices have . been sent out that a meeting will be held at the church on Friday, March 30 at 2 p.m. to hear from those Interested. The church Is located about six miles east of Lebanon. According to the notices, ' purpose of the meeting Is to "decide whether or not the church should be transferred and deeded to the First Baptist church of Albany . . , and wha ther or not to deed and trans- Tests to Run In Tunnels Madras, Ore, ) Two aban doned railroad tunnels In Wll. )ow Creek Canyon near here will be used by Army engineers for. tests this spring and sum mer. Nature of the tests has not been disclosed. Lt, Charles H, Crossley of the engineers' research laboratory at Ft. Belvolr, Va., said her Wednesday, though, that the tests would have no connection with the work of the Atomic Energy Commission. ' First Indication that the tun nels were being considered came recently in an inquiry from the Walla Walla district engineer's office, Crossley said about 31 per sons would come hare for the tests. He added extensive con struction was not needed. . Stewart First To Announce Desk Clear Rep. Loran Stewart of . Cettage Grove taunted fel low legislators today with the amag announsamant that "the desk Is clear" In his for 1 estry and mining commit tee. Stewart's committee bs ! came the first In the legis lature te clean up the pile f bill referred to II fer Study. House Speaker Rudia Wll. helm, Jr., of Portland, said he would welcome similar announcements frem other ' committee ahairmen aa the . aeaslen went Into Its 'th CAN BRING DOWN BOMBER Los Angeles, OJ.W The latest Rabre jet is equipped with an electrical firing device whith can down the world's largest bomber with a single volley of automatically fired rockets. fer the cemetery property now belonging to Providence Mis sion Baptist church to the Pro vidence Memorial association together with right of aggress and egress ,.," Similar action was taken in February, 19S2, but reiidenta of the community and others interested in the century-old church opposed it so vigorously that the proposal was defeated. Regular services and Sunday school are held at Providence and are attended by 30 to 40 persons of varying denomina tions, Easter sunrise service there is traditional. Providence church marks the center of Joab Powell's circuit riding activities during the earliest days of Oregon's settle ment. He built his original church on the site and it was later rebuilt along similar lines. Powell's grave is in the picturesque cemetery beside the church and a memorial to him stands near the entrance to the grounds. Through combined communi ty snort tne people of Provi dence have kept the present church in excellent repair through the years and regard it ont only as an historical shrine, but a center of .worship for 111 denominations. , Services Held for Pal Reilly at Bend Band W) Funeral services will be held here Friday for Patrick Reilly, 82, active more utan SO years as a Central Ore gon stockman. i His brother, Tim Reilly, was killed in a range-land feud about the turn of the century, and Reilly began building up nis noiaings. His best-known venture was the Donnybrook Land and Live stock company in northern Jef ferson county. Reilly died Tues day. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sales, Oregon Ike and Taft Forge Firm Partnership in 1st JB Weeks ' By LTLE Washington tlJJ President Eisenhower and Sen. HoDeri a. Taft (R., O.) have formed a firm and powerful partnership in the first eight weeks of the new Republican administra tion. That may prove to be the No. 1 Dolitlcal development in the experience of the Eisenhower sdministration, so far. It has come about more by the coop erative attitude of the senator than from any friendly beckon ing by the executive depart ment. ' Some observers here are convinced that several of Mr. Elsenhower's most important aides deliberately gave Taft a political hazing during the pre inaugural period. ' He was in vited, for example, to suggest persons for the cabinet. The Punch Hurt Herbert Brownell, Jr., now attorney general, conferred sol emnly with Taft whereafter the senator was socked twice where It hurt. George M. Humphrey, from Taft's home atate, was named treasury secretary with out a preliminary word to the senator. He read about it in the papers. Martin P. Durkin's nomination to be labor secreta ry hit Taft even harder. "incredible, the senator ex claimed. Thereafter he led a delegation to the White House and worked out a patronage O. WILSON system whereby senators would be cohsulted about nominees from their states. No Taft rec ommendation waa accepted for the first republican cabinet in 20 years. , , . Above All Else , Taft. meantime, baa put par ty welfare above bis personal feelings when necessary to sup port the administration. He voted in the labor committee for Durklns confirmation as la bor secretary. The senator indicated his at titude toward the new admin istration when he called the president's inaugural speech "a great and inspiring begin ning:" Taft would like to move further and faster in Asia than would the administration, but he has conceded that the new president Is doing all right there. ' Harry and Bess en Woy to S. F Hawaii San Francisco, u.pj Former President Harry S. Truman and his wife, Bess, on their way to a vacation in Hawaii, are scheduled to arrive nere hv train Saturday. Southern Pacific Railroad said today. The Trumans, traveling on ihm Overland Limited from 4h niw will arrive at the Oakland Mole at Z:4U p.m. rti Shop Owners Hear Help Offer ' Salem operators of shops and factories, about 40 of them, met at the Senator hotel Wednesday night where they ot some food advice from of ficials of the Small Defense Plants Administration on how to go after government contracts. . Kenneth T. Caplinger 'of Seattle, industrial specialist for the SDPA, described the federal budget aa it applies to keeping the supply lines full for the armed services. He told ,the operators to "exam ine your consciences and see where you fit into this pro gram. . . . Find out what the government or the prime eon tractora want that fits into your line of business , . , and dedicate . yourselves to the principle that we are going to see this thing through." "You've got to study your market." he said, "and' the government is one of the big- Husbands! Wives! want new pep and vim? Al III atom mirHn I lalna, at TiH Mnwr'f Fnlm. geet consumers ef the things .... .b Thar k a tre mendous array of iteme suit able for email Business. Paraphrasing the familiar classic about th man who makes better mousetrap, he said that .-"if you ean make some 'small gadget that the government needs better than anyone else can make It you will find a path beaten to your door." John G. Barnett of Port land, Ore., director ' for the SDPA, urged the operators to file with his office a list of their operating facilities, so government needs, plana and ri.lflpatinm an which bids are to be called can be aent to the appropriate shops, jnese are received daily at bis of- Thorsday, March 19, 1I6S W. w. Hosenraugn, wno i presided, commended Presi- J dent Elsenhower for being "Intensely Interested In the, welfare of small business." j The help of the SDPA I agtncy waa - offered in any possible way. Question and answers followed the talks. and Louis Neuman, epeeamg for the Salem Industrial De velopment Council, offered the cooperation of that organ lsation. iv1 -. Dr. Will J. Thompson OetatMtrlst. Office Reepentd at Riwdale Examination in Afternoon or Eve. by Appointment - For . Appointment Phone . 4-4057 I iy REVIVAL Weslevan Methodist Church So. 15th and Mill Streets Rev. Pearl Foe ' Evangelist Spirit Filled Biblical Messages Evangelistic Singing Each Evening, 7:30 ence. In other action, the eom miuinn aonroved the with drawal of the resignation of Robert J. Payne, a former lire man who left Salem but now announces his intention of re turning to his home here. The move makes, Payne eligible for reemployment when a depart ment opening occurs. Wives Hosts To Firemen Salem firemen were the guests of their wives Wednes day night at an annual dinner given by the auxiliary at the Central fire station. . . NaHv. 200 firemen, wives. children and guests attended! the dinner and heard soap box Derbv Director Bill Byers' talk on the Derby and what It means to Salem's youth. A scheduled snowing l we Soap Box Derby movie, 'Where the SON Biunes, couiq not be given as the film failed to arrive in time due to trans portation difficulties. An air travel film was shown in. its place. ' ' Guests in addition to Byers included City Manager and Mrs. J. L. Franzen and Police Chief and Mrs. Clyde Warren. . , , . HI 'Amber' Author Splits With Third Husband New York m Kathleen Winsor, author of "Forever Amber" saya ana nas aeparai- ed from her third husband. In a statement concerning Hier husband, Attorney Arnold Krakower, the 32-year-om nov elist aaid yesterday: Nobody is to blame lor any thing. It is a friendly sepa ration. There is no chance ot reconciliation. Cherry City Electric 139 Chemeketa Phone, 2-6762 SLACKS One Group AN Wool Formerly 16,50 lie fbLiI I I VV vacuum cuanit Ask for Your Lucky Penny At The Vacuum Cleaner Clinic SI Court St Pb. 4-SSI2 FRIDAY and SATURDAY $595 2 Pair for 11.00 AT BISHOP'S TetTne-Ma;. OP'S ( I Lgineveryre- R jJllJ TiiTJV1 'tlmC I sped. . a 3 iAtirisnr extra-efficient waiting performance yon've llVm j 'JTO f fW alwaya wanted., No wonder over five ; SjClJ "IW' "V'i&f million Maytags have been aold-far more fXk ' Wfe' '')"" l' iL tT I than any other make. ' tW t $& You can trade in your preeent waaher lraVAKvVi v ' j J 7 1 ' I IP for a Uberal aUowanoa . , , pay for your . IlV J -vi , , ' new Maytag while you use it on easy Hi'p"iJ j Jjl ' IL Why wait? Come in today for a V l i 3 ' ' ' I 1 demonstration. plfC, , jf ' - , I f lyr s Hkxi r 1 SNr famous m P : VHn-r MAYTAG' I m O ' i 1 rf W CERTIFIED REBUILT ' I I 1 W II Mfilk WASHERS L c'S$ U L"T Mil Modell 10 Round Tub,' "V -V I fipati Ra9. 89.50 iLASQ 1 t- Mi NOW ff- ' . ' THi MAYTAfi MASTER. Finest of ell! MUI Mde' A'u nZi I I ' "V . Hum, iquert aluminum tub holds more; , ftTT Lnw 9 7Q95 f ,ij W keeps water her longer. America's fov- NOW., I ' i 'it arrte convenHonal wesher. Here's the H Model N, like new, i! s wesher that women everywhere depend -.WV. Re. 129.95 Aa50 j tff'-. an for spotlessly clean clothes. Gyrofoom " NOW ww H I aVej? jgl'r weshlnp action, exclusive roller wo,ter jj (j liJ" ATt! "' remever, sediment trap captures dirt. Auto. Floor Demonstrator V $OtV5 SSSr, 269" MAYTAG ' aSSsriSXSSSSf ' ' 189" AUTOMATIC irVTYVV washer n!fIlntnH!i4tm All over America, three generations II M A 1 J II I M n iL jf J CN In rhe some families hove chosen J C-g mim W bSW Maytags. Grandmothers, Mothers, yeLV . LrLhr 1 f WfifoHJ& ' j new homemekera II believe May. I IUX1TTI tlUIT't lllllll IFHUICE I IftNl FI1IIII1II I It . I ' SALEM OREGON CITY j 31 ONIY 309 Corner of State ond Commercial XT"