THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Balm, Oregon Wednesday, March 18, 19SS Six Brothers and Sister All Serve Armed Forces A youth inlifted at the Sa lem air force recruiting office this week became the seventh and last member of the family of Mrs. Clarlna Fryer, Wood burn, to enter the service elnce the beginning of World War n. Wlllard Fryer, 19, received his ordera in Salem Tuesday to report In Portland Thurs day for transfer to Parks Air Force Base, Calif., for recruit training. Preceding him in the serv ice were five brothers and a sister with a total of eight tours of duty representing nearly 30 years of service during World Waf II and the Korean war. Willard is the first of the family to enter the air force, the others being split evenly between the army and the navy. Service tours by other members of the family dur ing World War II were May. nard, army, now in business in Portland; Eyrtle, navy, now in Kennewick, Wash.; Eugene, navy, now in Port land; Victor, navy, now living at home; and Vivian, WAC, now Mrs. Clarenece Skaug, 1147 North 18th street, Salem. Another boy, Glenn, served nearly two years 'during the Korean conflict in the army, including nearly a year at the front Hyrtle and Eugene each served again in the navy as reserves during the Korean war. None of the family waa in lured in action in their time in the service. Mrs. Fryer lives at the family- home, 788 Ogle street, Woodburn, where the entire family was last together at Christmas time. Her husband, Miller Fryer, passed away in December. SKELTON BACK ON JOB Hollywood UJl' Comedian Red Skelton made plans today to return to his weekly tele- 4 at McMinnville McMinnville () Four Yam hill county jail prisoners ship ped their way through a brick wall to freedom Tuesday night Twenty other prisoners could have followed but chose to re main in the untended jail. The escapees used can lids and a screwdriver to make a hole in the one-brlck-thick wall. They then broke into the sheriffs office in the same vision show Sunday after doc tors pronounced him fully re covered from an ahrinmtnal An. eration performed four months ago. building, helped themselves to other prisoners' clothing, and left by a window. On the floor above, a school meeting was in progress. Those attending said they heard nois es but had not taken the trou ble to investigate. The four were identified as: James Robert Brady, 20, Don ald Van Lannen, 18, and Sam uel Owen Barnett, 20, all ac cused of forgery, and Kenneth Norman Beaver, 17, accused of disorderly conduct JET RETURNS, SANS ENGINE Wichita. Kan. CJ9A B-47 jet bomber, missing an engine that fell on a farm near yal meyer. 111., returned to its base here and landed safely last night, base authorities said to day. . . - New Jet Squadron to ' Be Added at Portland Portland tin A new squadron equipped with F- 94B jet all-weather fighter in terceptors will be added to uie air defense force at Portland International airport in the im mediate future, officials re ported today. The new unit supplementing the 857th fighter interceptor squadron, would double present air defense forces here. Planes in the new squadron will be equipped with eonven tional .SO-caliber machine guns. Carnival Among 1650 To Escape Red Zone v Berlin UJ9 A carnival op erator and his family, defying East German Communist bor der guards raced across me i i- ntA nrlin vester- wiun uikw ' ' ' day with two vans containing their merry-go-rounn, wnee of . chance, and "swinging boats." - . Tfc iknis family, who said they feared Communist con- ;...tlnn of their business, were iTia 1 0 refuaees to reach the city's western sector during the day. OREGON SOLON PRESIDES Washington Freshman Sam Coon of Baker, Ore., presided over the nation s House oi nepreaenw tlves for a few minutes yester day. Coon was called up by Speaker Joseph W. Martin, who wanted to rest. "Add fcfgestica so bd,,, I WAS A OF ULCERS!" Aafe.Jf,V.laaA.S. maaaa, rfimnl N H'. a-al ! at aala taafrartfca, saa. aartaw-4kaaka t. "pnaartetka-trpa" larawla f . Ttmi. Pa.0. Mateas-pim4 r Tablata tooth, a war pals fart I Eat awat ajutklat joa Hka-witkaat tat al SUtxM. AmiUx nlU (MnwMal r wwr ekl M TtmU TaMrfa. 10MOMS MM. tot WON DSSI SAJ.VS mmi II HI ka3 aa kafr . . S I m Saaa Sa WOMMH SAliVBS a ... aim cm momma salts 4 WONDE MEDICATED BOAT llilM SU ia Sauna Vr Caaltal, Fal Slaiaa, Owl. rarlaaa, ua Sakaalar Drac Stana) at raar aaawro aranwi. YOU SAVE WONEYatPAY IBS STORE HOURS DAILY ASt covo At Pay less CARNATION .PET IVAPORATED MILK CANS (LIMIT TWILVE) BE SURE TO ENTER THE PAY LESS TREASURE CHEST CONTEST 25.00 IN FREE PRIZES PLUS TREASURE CHEST SEE OUR WINDOW Get DetsiU Inside ' PAYLESS DRUG . iti STATE STREET Prc.j Effective MARCH 18 THRU MARCH 22 WED - THUR - FRI - SAT AND SUN Seasonal Closeout LOOK LESS THAN H PRICE CHROME SPUN COMFORTERS New Wonder Fabric, lasttag Laswous Beaaty, Uf kt - Warm and Comfy Fall Double BedSise nvttv 5.97 if ... n-w p.- ; VALUE 1 - ' 1 f NOTE Sorry, No Phone or Mall Orders -i mil uiME.f HTinvin van, bv , REG. 1.98 . WOODEN . 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