Wednesday, March 18, 1953 Benefit Planned By Group Plans for benefit card par ty to be next Tuesday after ' noon and evening were an nounced at the meeting of Chadwick chapter, Order of Eaitern Star, on Tuesday. The event .will take place on the fifth floor of the Masonic tem ple: - Mr. and Mr. Joseph B. Scnaller and Mr. and Mri. Wil liam Damery are on the gener al committee for the affair. Mri. r. D. Klbbe ii chairman of the decorationi and Mri. Ef. fie King is in charge of prizes. The afternoon party will be gin with dessert at 1 o'clock, followed by cards. Mrs. Al- , bert C. Gragg will be hostess and Mrs. Charles Fowler la in charge of the committee. As' listing her will be Mrs. E. M. McKee, Mrs. Gordon Barker. Mri. Lloyd Reinholdt, Mrs. Millard Pekar, Mrs. William Damery, Mrs. Jack Pederson, Mm, Robert Crawford, Mri. i Herman Johnston. Mill Leila Johnson is host ess for- the evening party, games to begin at 8 oclock. Chairman of .the committee is Mrs. Joseph Scnaller, assisting will be Mrs. D. E. Beecroft, Mri. J, D. Berwick, Mrs. Ira Darby, Mrs. Curtis A. Hale, Mri. Charles West, Mrs. Gale Fox, Mrs. David Davidson and Mrs. E. P. Phillips. Others assisting during the afternoon and evening will be Mrs. G. A. Reeher, Mrs. Mem Pearce, Mrs. Emery Wood, Mrs. Verdi Walter, Mrs. Arthur Da vis, Mrs. A. N. Copenhaver, Mrs. Edith KeUy and Mrs. Betbine Loose. Proceeds of the benefit will go to the project of the worthy grand matron, Mrs. Carl Wim ' berly of Roseburg, which is to . redecorate the interior of the Masonic and Eastern Star home at Forest Grove. Many aged and Invalid members of East em Star and Masonic members are cared for at the home. . Friends of the two organiza tions are Invited to attend the party and tickets will be avail able at. Hallmark's or at the door. Guests are to bring their own table accessories. . , Thirty-five visitors from Eu clid chapter in Jefferson, Vic toria chapter in Turner, Mari lyn chapter in Mill City and . Acasia chapter in Stayton at tended . : the friendship night meeting of Cnadwick chapter ... on Tuesday. Honored' guests were Mrs. Irene McKlnley of Portland, as sociate grand 'matron; Herman Johnston, grand sentinel; Airs. W. H. Lewis, gratia representa tive to Tennessee; Mrs. Wallace Humphreys, worthy matron of Acacia chapter in Stayton; Mr. arid Mrs. Karl Wipper, worthy patron and worthy matron of Victoria chapter in Turner; Mrs.- N. Thurston and Irvin Wright, worthy matron and worthy patron of Euclid chap ter in Jefferson. Each of the guests was escorted to the east and presented a short talk to the group. . : - Mrs. B. Wilson, formerly of Elwood, Nebraska, was affili ated into Chadwick chapter at the meeting, Following the meeting, sham rock ice cream and cakes were served in a dining room dec? crated with green Irish hats, shamrocks and shillelaghs, those serving wearing hats, bon nets and aprons in keeping with the St Patrick's day theme. A program of Irish music and comedy skits featured the pro- CHOKED--.-GAS? mm mivxNIi Wort attack! an Mid IndHaatltm. Win It atrlkta take Ball-ane labia. Vhay contain 1M laatee.eetlM nadMUiaa known 10 eerore tor ma mm mi kufthun and a a. Ma ratundad If not eettafted. Sand empty carton to Ball-ana, Onnsattrf o Bu-ana uxur. aw. Thanks to this Electronic Miracle TRU-SONIC cnnnii emipiioiie Tea an can rilnlnaU tea aane'teaae ef w tartar aa eM-faahlenea fcaertaa ala. Be tear tbal a aaa a van la tea aaaal . . n -.-a ivv aas) am powered e rRfcs raTour FREE HEARING CLINIC FOR TWO DAYS ONLY . . . This Clinic Will Be Held at 319 Court St. ly MR. WILLIAM MILLER er to teaeta at Stoaa aa toae at ainlas aaal wee aa, bleat SaiaHaaaea" eamettao at Nepaili iHarla If Unable Te Attend Clinic Uae Coopoa Below for Free Try art ORFOOlt fmaama CUNT . t WaeM La Man hfanaatleei NAM! a Mae set eeaooH mtAaiM Rebekah Initiation Event of Monday Honored at Salem Rebekah lodge Monday evening was Mrs. Matilda Slegmund Jones wno was -Initiated Into the or der tn 1908 and was noble grand of the organization in 1808. Mrs.. Theodore Rhoadea. noble grand, presented her with, flowers. A program. Presented bv Mrs. Ida Newton, who is chair man of good of the order, feat ured readings by Mrs. Laura Noyes and songs by Barker Cor nforth, accompanied by Mrs. Nellie Larson. Mrs. George Beane will be hostess to the past noble grands at her home on Wednesday. Theta Rho girls will meet on Thursday for initiation. A can dy sale is scheduled for March 30 at the temple by the jewel committee. The Encampment and Ladies Encampment . auxiliary will meet for a no-host dinner on Friday at 6:30 o'clock at the temple. Following the meeting at 8 p.m., there will be a pro gram and dancing for members ana mends of all branches of the order. - Program for the social diet ing next Monday evening will be given by the Three Links club. Memben of the refresh ments committee are Mrs. Jen nie Chalmers, Miss Wilda Sleg mund, Miss Viola Tyler, Mrs. Frank Saunders, Mrs, .Cora ningoia, Mrs. j. T. noble and Miss Carol Sherman, . Today's Menu, Friday Fare Fluffy Parsley Omelet . Shoe String Potatoes Tomato Sauce Broccoli Fruit .,. . Bread and Butter Beverage Fluffy Parsley Omelet . Ingredients: 2 tablesp o o n I quick-cooking tapioca, tea spoon salt, H teaspoon pepper, cup milk, Z tablespoons but ter or margarine, 4 eggs (sep arated), 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley. . Method: Mix tnnlnra. aalt. pepper and milk in saucepan. Cook and stir constantly over medium, ' heat until mixture comes to a boil. Stir in 1 table spoon Of the butter. Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly . while beating eggs, Beat egg whites until stiff enough to form peaks that curl over slightly. Without washing beater, beat egg yolks until thick and lemon colored. Beat tapioca mixture into egg yolks; stir in parsley. Fold into egg whites until no blobs of white show. Melt remaining table' spoon of butter In' 10-inch skil let with a heat-resistant ban die until very hot but not brown. Turn omelet into skillet and cook over low heat 8 min utes. Then bake in moderate (3S0 F.) oven 18 minutes. Ome let is cooked when a knife in serted in center comes out clean. Cut across at right an gles to handle of pan, but don't eut all the way through. Fold carefully from handle to op posite side with wide spatula and turn over onto serving dish. Or instead of .folding omelet, cut into 4 wedge-shaped por tions and remove with spatula Makes 4 servings. gram. Mrs. Miller B. Hayden was chairman of the refreshments and assisting were Mr. and Mrs. William Damery, Miss Ulva Derby. Mrs. J. D. Berwick, Mrs. Lloyd Reinholdt, Miss Marie Burch, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Wi per, Gale Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Verdi Walser and Mrs. Opal Lewis. Past matrons and patrons will be honored at the next meet ing, April 7. It will be charter night. el rear e mm WArnaAL traaarwa e BMA In Salem, Oregon March 19th and 20th Ml aHaMe BMt. rartlaae. Of, el a Free Trreet caatTaa - Miss Bradley Wed March 10 ' Sllverton An tvent of Tues day, March 10, was the wedding of Misi Mavis Darlen Bradley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mel- vln Bradley, and Robert Lee Coursey, son of Mr. and Mrs, Ray Coursey of Salum. The Rev. Douglai Harold perform ed the double ring ceremony at 7:30 p.m. in the parsonage of the Methodist church in Silver ton. Only close friends and rela tives were in attendance. The bride wore a two-tone gray and gold suit to which was pinned a white orchid. Miss Arlene Pedersen was matron of honor and wore a brown suit with a corsage of rosebuds. Best man for his brother was Ray Coursey, Jr. A reception followed the service - at the borne of the bride's parents. Cutting the cake was Mri. Virgil Bradley, aunt of the bride. Miss Janet Stevens served the punch and pouring coffee was Mri. Orville Brosig. Mri. Ray passed the guest book and Mrs. Donald Stewart was In charge of gifts, : The couple left on a ihort wedding trip after which- Mr, Coursey, who is with the U. S. Navy, will report to San Diego, Mrs. Coursey will join him there in May. The bride is a graduate of Sllverton high school-and now is employed in Salem. Mr. Coursey was grad uated from Salem high school. WOODBURN A rummage sale ' will be conducted by Chapter J of the P.E.O. Sister hood, Friday and Saturday, March 20 and 21 in the Fikan building ' on Garfield street. Mrs. Jess Fikan and Mri, George D. Jonei are co-chair men for the event and aik that all articles be brought to the building oh Thursday after noon. ' ' Mrs. Domes Feted At Recent Shower North Dallas Mrs. William Domes of Oak Grove was hon ored at a shower at the Grace Mennonite church in Dallas on Friday evening by Mrs. .Abe Schlerling, Polk Station, and Mrs. John Morris of North Dal las. '.' Invited were Mrs. H. W. Boeder and daughter Hilde, Mrs. Peter Selmer,. Mrs. Lyle Flaming, - Mrs. Joe Hlebenthal, Mrs, Wayne. Hlebenthal, Mrs. Earl Stonebrook, Miss Luella Kllever, Mrs. Dietrich Dlehm, Mrs. C. Rudy, Mrs. Ike Dyck, Mrs. L. W. Gilson and Delores, Mrs. Mildred Gilson, Mill Thelma Brook, Mri. Hugh Mul- ler, Mrs. Milton Barth, Mrs. Ed Schellenberg, Mrs. Susan Mc Fadyen, Mrs. James Copp and Kathryn, Mrs. Herman Flam ing and Kathy, Mrs. Walter Muller, Mrs. Herman Fast and children, Gordon and Gaylene, Mrs. Herman Schrag, Mrs. John Green of Independence, Mrs. Chet French of Salem, Mrs. R. C. Reimer of Monmouth, Mri. Lowell Lambert of Cooi Bay, Mrs. Jane Domes and Mrs. Dick Domes and Ruth Ann of McCoy, Mrs. Bob Muller, Mrs. G. V. Rempel, the honor guest's mother, Mrs. A. G. Rempel, the grandmother, Mrs. Henry Frle- sen, Mrs. Earl Peterson, and Danny, Mrs. Henry Wall and Aganetha, Mri. Sol Ediger, Mri. Henry Ediger, Mri. Carl Wright, Mlu Helen Thiessen. Mrs. Esther Balzer, Mrs. Ray McKlnney, Miss Evelyn Nairn, and Nadine Schellenberg, and Eleanor Schlerling. as. ALEXANA mm ALEXANA Yet ...Alexana S wits as it lubricates your skin to a velvety smoothness... moisturizes jour skin to help restore that dewy fresh look... refreshes your skin with a mild astringent action. A 24 hour treatment; worn Ideally at night, Alexana works during the day... under make-up... flatteringly ...glowingly! 3, IS (pins tax) Coma la and sea Wanda THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salera, OrafM Kim Arbuckle to Be Birthday Feted Kim Arbuckle, younger ton of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Ar buckle, is to be four yean old Thursday. Hit mother has planned a party at their heme In the afternoon. Kim's guests . will include Brenda and Anne Burrell, Dana Grabenhorst, Scott McLeod, Julie Shinn, Katrlnka Johnson, David Hicks; the honored guest's older brother, Tad Ar buckle; and bis two grandmoth ers, Mrs. George 1. Arbuckle and Mrs. W. E. Wheeler; and Miss Irene de Lisle. ,'....", Mattsons to Be Speakers at Club . Woodburn! May or -and Mrs. Elmer Mattson will meet with the Woodburn Business and Professional Women'a club on Thursday evening tt the lib rary club rooms at 8 o'clock. Mr. Mattson will elaborate on civic topics discussed at the March business meeting and the Mattsons wiU also tell of their trip to Europe last Sep tember and show pictures. Mrs. N. A. Mann will sing Irish songs and Mrs. Leon Graham has volunteered -to make some of her famous doughnuts. Members are asked to come and bring friends.. For the regular business meeting April 2 at the home of Miss Gladys Adams, the nom inating committee will report and officers for the coming year will be elected. Education and vocation committee is in charge and Mrs. Ann McCar- ron (ias arranged a beauty demonstration. Contributions to the Oriental scholarship are to be brought to the April i meeting. , Mrs. J. A. Evans, Mrs. Thomas Baldwin, Mrs. - Sam Smith and the president, Mrs. O. J. Adkinson, attended the Central Willamette spring dis trict conference in Salem Sun day and will give a report at the March 18 meeting. Visit at Sllverton Sllverton Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Melbye and daughter, Jamie Lea of Central Point, arrived Saturday for a few days visit with relatives. -. Melbye, a son of the Lewis Melbyes, Is a teacher In the Central Point schools and is attending the state teachers' meeting in Portland this week, Mri.- Melbye and 'daughter are visiting with her parents-in-law in Sllverton and will spend some time with her moth er in McMlnnville, Mrs, Sidney Fisher. . "Also at the Lewis Melbye home are Mr. and Mrs. Tom Barbour (Ruth Melbye), of Portland. a a a DAR Event Woodburn Members of Belle Passi chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, will meet Thursday, March IB, at the home of Mrs. Ray Baker, vice regent. In the Elliott Prairie community. Reports of the state conference at Klam ath Falls will be given by the MUSTEROtE VPMwUfy fWVM 4Ma9w4flf ACIIES,PA!fJS STIFFNESS SOLVED1 3 basic beauty problems . of the dry skin ... 1 -?! works - Downlnr. She will be ham only. , . Capital Drug Stcro 40SSraHsV.,CfTrHoLrberty . WB atV GREIN STAMP! regent, Mrs. Lester Keller, aad Mrs. Karl Inglemaa who at tended. Plans for the spring tea to be held early in May at the Memorial cabin in Chan poeg park, will be made. Mrs. Dora Scherleh will be eo-tostess with her daughter, Mrs. Bsktr, The meeting starts at 2 p.m. PAST CHIEFS of Centralla temple No. 11, Pythian Sisters, will not meet this month. Next meeting of the group will be April 18. Club to Install- Woodburn Election and Installation of officers by the Woodburn Homemakers club will take place at the regular meeting Friday, March 20, at the home of the president, Mrs. Frank Wright, 812 Third street Household hints will be given in response to roll calk . Coffield Free In Long Case Roseburg John W. Cof field, 28, of .Vancouver, Wash. cleared by a grand jury Tues day of a first degree murder charge, was to be released from Jail Wednesday. .-.' He bad been beld in connec tion with the death last April of Georgia Lang, 19. Earlier this month Chester Crabb, 24, of Arago, Ore., was convicted of first degree murder in the girl's death and was sentenced to life in prison. Both men testified at Crabb's trial that they and the girl had been out together the day of her death, but that Coffield had left Crabb and the girl together and then had driven away. ' Coffield when cleared, said he got "a darn square deal from the state police here. I had to have or I wouldn't have made it" : British Jets in Show For Tito Crash, Burn Cambridge, England OJ-n Two RAF jet fighter planes collided and crashed In flames today while participating in an air show for president Tito of Yuoslavla. The two Meteor lets were in a four-plane formation that roared over the RAF airfield at nearby Duxford past the place where Tito watched the show in foggy weather. They touched wlnis while changing from one formation to another and plunged to the ground behind : a hill. Tito stood up to watch the flames shooting BOO feet Into the air. APPIUNCE REPAIR Call ae for prompt aad expert work en' all appliances Mayes Appliance Repair Faeoef-HU H6 State at. SURGICAL SUPPORTS k)f all kinds. Trusoos, Abdom Unal gaDDorts, llaaue Hosiery. Expert filters JTrlraU IHtlnsI Ask Tear Doetar Capital Drug Store eS Slate St. Corner ef Liberty SR Green Stamps to adrift yea. Tkls week , , DISCUSS GOVERNMENT REORGANIZATION Rep. Clara X. Hoffman (left) confers with Federal Security Administrator Oveta Culp Hobby and Budget Director Joseph M. Dodge (right), first witnesaea at the Joint House and Senate operations committee hearing on President Elsenhower's Government reorganization plan. Under the plan the Federal Security Agency would be converted into a blnet level. Department of Health, Ed ucation and Welfare.' As head of the department, Mrs. Hobby would become the nation's second woman, cabinet officer. (UP Telephoto) Texan Who Shot Down 12 Migs Coming Home A u. 8. jet Airbase, Korea, () The Texas Air Force col onel who has shot down more MIGs than any other flying gunhawk left for home today. He is Col. Royal N. Baker of McKlnney, described by the Fifth Air Force commander. Lt. Glenn O. Barcus, as "the greatest of them all." Baker ended his MIG-duel- lng combat tour in Korea last Friday, the 13th, when he ihot down hli 12th MIG jet. It was the 13th communist warplane downed by Baker. Earlier, he had shot down a Red LAS pro- peuer-oriven cratt. USE TEAR OAS ON BEDS Pusan, Korea MD United Nations guards used tear gas io queu a demonstration by 2, 000 Communist prisoners on Yonchon Island Monday, the UN Prisoner of War Command announced today. There were Smart THE PERT LITTLE DRESSES With Style Galore If your heart desires a truly luxurious dress at a little 8 rice . . . don't fail to see le "lust arrived" collection at THE VOGUI or SALEM Sport Shop. Whether it be a silk, a rayon, a sheer wool, cotton or one of the new blends ... all types are represented in this (roup. Colors to make even the rainbow envious and styled with that "just right look" that is always evident in fashions from THE VOQUI, You will be surprised , at how easily you can . nave one or more lovely dresses. AnrvGroy Casual Timt Joe Collins Anjac Fashions Marc Originals ... at The Vogue Sportswear Shop! Apparel of Distinction for Smart Womert 445 and 437 State St. no casualties among prisoners or guards. ' " .' ,,'.'. Don't be HAIF-SAFII I YC New alaKtera tell yea how to act 5396 mora aacuiity asaJoat underarm odof and pafapiratiofi. New Arrid. used daily, la proved 5396 more afitctlT than any cxhar leadlns dsodoimnt in keep ing vadtraraas dry and odorless. IfhHfftrtflff Buys i. Budget Wise VOGUE OF 01 these Cofftt S!liM Four ' ' Cnti Und.r WhoUwir Portland tfCollt was sel ling at cents a pound In many Portland grocery stores Tuesday despite a . 83-ceot wholesale price. , , The lower priced coffee Is stock on hand. Heavy con sumer buying, however, is rap Idly depleting this stock, deal era eeld, and a 4 to 8 cent pound retail price in crease la 8 snupected toon. The RS-cent whoiesaia price announced Tuesday la a tn. cent increase. anas but ixa collars Boon, la. UJ0 Dogs are bavins a tough time getting too much competition. Teen aged girls art buying them up . to wear as ankle bracelet. . DO YOU Etfl Itka physically handicapped! heed year kelp. Goodwill In Idaatrtsa seeds) you discarded Iclethlng, faraltare and aoasa half artUles te keep the aaa Idleapped employed. - TaiephoM 4-2248' Fickapa Tuesdays aad Fridays New Cream Deodorant Proved in Keeping Underarms . Dry and Odorless Used dally, AnM pretests ways 1. Keeps underarms dry. Prevents ap peaunce of panplradoa. 2. tofe for clothes. Dots aoc rot amses Saves dothes from stains. 0. Takes adar exit rf persalrarlea - deodorises iastaady oa contact. 4. Antiseptic A smooth, white, gentle 1 action vanishing cream. 1, Creamy. Will not dry out. (Bp- warnee) use AMID than any ether deaderant. maanaaaaaiaBaaalBHamiaiaaHaMeai tSkvm iiaimi a aa aaaa. 1 SALEM Priced 1 12.95-19.95 I -I i.