Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 18, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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Edited by MARIAN
Bob Lucas
To Be.Wed
In East
From the east comei newt of
Interest to many frlendi her,
announcement of the engage
ment and approaching mar
riage of Mist Dorothy Louise
Bowie of Herkimer, N. Y. to
Robert Lucas, formerly of 5
km.' .'
: The wedding ia planned for
June 10, in Herkimer.
Mr. Lucai, con of Mn. Rus-
--11 Yl J TlAMatiiui mrA
feu ocrK vx nciiuuwii uw
Ray Lucas of Prince Rupert,
B.C., and a nephew of Miss Em
ma Godfrey of Salem, will gra
duate from the. U. S. naval
academy at Annapolis, on June
1. He attended Salem schools,
H1U military academy and
Columbia preparatory school
in Washington, D. C. -,'
The bride-elect is the daugh
' ter of Mr. and Mrs. Irol C.
Bowie of Herkimer.
Mrs. Berg and Miss Godfrey
plan to go east for the academy
graduation and tne weaaing.
AMONG club hostesses this
woeir Mrs. Ralrjh H. Coo-
ley, who entertained for her
sewing group wis anernoon
at luncheon.
Pledge Sororities
Among 27, pledges listed by
University of Oregon sorori'
ties at the conclusion of win
ter term rushing are Miss Pa
tricia Collins of Salem, pledged
by Delta- Zeta; Miss Norma
Stewart, Salem, who has
pledged Gamma Phi Beta; and
Miss Rita Kenyon, Lebanon,
who pledged Alpha Omlcrpn
Pi. '
- ENTERTAINING her bridge
club on Tuesday for luncheon
and the . afternoon was Mrs.
James Armpriest.
Plan Luncheon .
' Plans for the spring lunch
eon honoring state officers on
April 7 were discussed at West
Salem , Lions club auxiliary
meeting on Monday. The group
will participate with local
Lions auxiliaries in the event.
: -Guest speaker was Mr. Libby
of the Farm Mutual Insurance
' HOME from a vacation in
the south are Mr. and Mrs. P.
D. Quisenberry and Mr. and
Mrs. Charles H. Hugglns. They
Ttajuana, Mexico City and
Acupulco. At Palm Springs
they met the Qulaenberryr son
and daughter-in-law, Lt and
Mrs. Dwight Quisenberry, who
were on their way to Fort
Sam Houston.
Welcoming the two aouplea
home, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J.
Fry entertained a group of
friends last evening at their
home at supper.
Is Bride-elect The en
gagement of Miss Donna
Armstrong, above, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George Arm
strong, Jefferson, to . Del
bert Witt of Albany, son of
Mrs. Joseph Johnson of Al
bany, was announced recent
ly. District Club
Event in Salem
Nineteen attended the meet
ing for the board of directors
for district three, Oregpn Fed
eration of Women's Clubs, at
the home of Mrs. George Ross-
man, district president, Tues
The business session began at
10 a.m. and featured reports
from division chairmen. Fol
lowing the meeting, Mrs. Ross-
man was hostess to the group
for luncheon. The table was set
with a white damask cloth, the
centerpiece of yellow daffodils
flanked by twisted yellow can
dles in crystal holders. "
Salem women attending the
gathering included Mrs. Merle
D. Travis, Mrs. David Wright,
Mrs. Arthur R. Jones, Mrs. Al
bert C. Gragg and Mrs. Ross
man. The next board of direc
tors event will be in June.
The state club conference is
to be in Salem on April 8, the
third district cooperating with
plans for the event.
To Install 1
- In Portland this evening will
be several Balem members of
the Daughters of the Nil to
attend the installation event
for Nydia tempi there, Mrs.
Fred L. Peterson, wife of th
Portland mayor, to go to as
queen of th temple.
Mrs. David Wright, Salem, a
past queen of Nydia tempi, if
to be th metalling officer.
HOSTS on Saturday evening
for a dinner party will be Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Prentiss, the
affair honoring Mrs. Prentiss'
daughter, Miss Betty Cooley
and th tatter's fiance, William
E. JCar, Jr., Portland. The
dinner will follow the wed
ding rehearsal for Miss Cooley
and Mr. Kaer who are m be
married next Sunday after-
in a delectable
... So versatile, so
lovely. Here la a suit you can wear from now
clear on through the summer , . . top lt now
with your favorite coat and wear it
later as a tult with a perky blouse
er wear K a a suit drew. You will thrill
at tli light airy feeling of one of these suits
and their delicate pastel shades will
flatter you to no end. Tops in fabric,
tops in workmanship and tops In economy , , .
you just can't make a better buy than a
Natural, Navy, Pink, Blue,
Beige, Grey and Toast.
Mokr cf Fin Suits
32.95 34.95 and 36.95
Apparel cf Distinction for Smart Women
44S nd 437 Stat St.
Elects Set
Of Officers
mirrr were elected and in
stalled for the newly formed
chapter of Epsllon Blgma Alpna
sorority, Tuesday evening when
the btoud met at the horn of
Mrs. Howard El wood.
Mrs. Deryl Currle was nam
ed president; Mrs. Howard El
wnnH vtfA nreallent! Mrs. Vir
gil Ekstrand, recording secre
tary; Mrs. Gerald L. DeSari,
corresponding secretary; Mrs.
Rollln Hammen, treasurer.
Th ffrnnn U to meet on the
second and fourth Wednesdays
of the month. The next meet-
ine will be Am-il 8 at the home
of Mrs. Ekstrand. " -
Mrs. Chester Jines, field sec
retary, and Mrs. Charles Fil
htn list aecretarv. were here
from The Dalles for the meet
ing last evening.
Altar Group
Sets Events
At a meeting last week for
St. Vincent de Paul's Altar so
ciety, th members made plans
for a number of social events
to take place In the near fu
ture. Among the affairs is a scal
loped chicken supper to be
served next Sunday evening
from fi to 7. The committees
appointed for this event in
clude Mrs. Edw. Tobln; Mrs.
Chris. Johnson; Mrs. B. F. Di
meler; Mrs. Jas. Mahula; Mrs.
C. Petzel; Mrs. C. Williams;
Mrs. Leo Klecker; Mrs. Jos.
Prange; Mrs. Jos. Pfiefer.
Tentative plans were made
for a card party to be at Cath
olic Center on April 9 at 8 p.m.
to which the public is invited.
All types of card games will
be in play. Ladies working on
this committee are Mrs. A. L.
Lewis; Mrs. R. Hoy; Mrs. Cyril
Meusey; Mrs. C, Williams; Mrs.
G. Gruchalla; Mrs. L. Marker;
Mrs. A. W. Fivers; Mrs. Roy
Green; Mrs. J. Todd; Mrs. V.
Mccarty; Mrs. F. Wasser; Mrs.
R. Haines.
A rummage sale is to be
April 15, with Mrs. C. Stupfel
and Mrs. Leo Klecker in
The sewing society will meet
at 1 o clock on Thursday aft
ernoon, March 19 at the home
of Mrs. William Trumm, 1975
Hazel avenue. Th ladies are
making articles for the pre-
Mother'i day gift sale to be
the first Sunday of May.
HOSTESS to a group this
afternoon for luncheon and
bridge at her home was Mrs.
James R. Humphrey. Guests
included past president of Pi
Beta Phi alumna here, Mrs.
James T. Brand, Mrs. Charles
H. Huggins, Mrs. Kenneth
Potts, Mrs. Marion Mulkey,
Mrs. Wolcott . Buren, Mrs.
Albert T. Anderson, Mrs. Cor
nelius Bateson, Mrs. Edwin
Keech and th hostess.
gather for their annual Easter
ham dinner Thursday evening
at Beaver haiL Games and a
program will follow the dinner.
practical, yet so truly
Some Notations . .
: By M. L F.
A group of girls belonging
to bethel No. 35, Job's Daugh
ters, will attend a tea in Forest
r.rnve an Sunday. March 22.
Plans for the trip were made
at the bethel meeting Monday
evening. Mrs. Marvin Raamut
aen and Mrs. Harvey Aston will
accompany the girls.
Among the numerous In
formal coffee gatherings being
given by legislative wives, usu
ally preceding opening of the
sessions in the morning, was
the one for which Mrs. Earl
Hill of Cushman entertained at
her apartment in the Capitol
Plaza, Tuesday morning, guests
being invited between 9 and 10
o'clock . . . Mrs. Irvin B. Hill,
daughter-in-law of the hostess,
presided at the coffee urn, the
table being arranged with a
green and white cloth and a
bouquet of spring blooms . . .
Among the guests dropping in
for a cup of coffee and visit
session before going to the leg
islature were Mrs. Donald R.
Husband of Eugene, Mrs. F. H.
Dammaach of Portland, Mrs.
Russell Hudson of The Dalles,
Mrs. Joseph M. Dyer of As
toria, Mrs. Carroll Locey of
Ironside, Mrs. Lee Ohmart of
Salem, Mrs. Robert W. Root of
Medford, Mrs. A. C. Goodrich
of Bend,' Mrs. Francis W. Zieg
ler of Corvallis, Mrs. Robert E.
Duniway of Portland, Mrs. Earl
Snell, Mrs. J. E, Horner, both
of Salem.
Several of the legislative
wives were in Albany Monday
afternoon to attend a meeting
and tea for the Republican
Women's club of that city at
the home of Mrs. J. W. Savage,
wife of Representative Savage
of Linn county ...
Easter Hat and
Bridge Benefit
An event of interest for
Thursday evening will be the
annual Easter bonnet bridge
benefit sponsored by Salem
Junior Woman's club, the par
ty to be in the Capitol room
of the Senator hotel, starting
at 8 o'clock. . ,
Among reservations made in
addition to those announced
earlier are: Mrs. Norman Shol-
seth, Mrs. Allman Todd, Mrs.
Max Denton, Mrs. Donald Dye,
Mrs. Val Sloper, Mrs. Brace
Knapp, Mrs. Ted TibbetU, Mrs.
Lawrence Sheridan, Mrs. Ro
bert Schreiner, Mrs. A. L.
Pierce, Mrs. Wesley Goodrich,
Mrs. Harmon Harvey, Mrs.
Donald L. Rasmussen, Mrs. T.
N. Morris, Mrs. Charles Fear
ing, Mrs. Wallace Cowen, Mrs.
Walter S. Sieber, Mrs. E. M.
Syring, Mrs. Cecil Manton.
Proceeds from the benefit go
to the Eugen Hospital school
for ehlldren.
Cherry City
3S9 Chemekete
k0M 24762
Wedding on
April 6
Announced for the afternoon
of Monday, April 6, is the date
for the wedding of Miss Rita
Lang of Salem and Melvlr. J.
Maudlin, U. S. air force, now
stationed at McChord field. The
ceremony will be at 2 o'clock in
th new St. Joseph's Catholic
church. The reception following
will be in the Knights of Co
lumbus hall.
The bride-elect is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Severin
Lang; Mr. Maudlin the son of
Mrs. Irene Porter of Bend.
HERE from Pope Air Force
base, North Carolina, is Lt.
Sally McLellan, U. S. air force,
visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. D. J. McLellan.
DAUGHTERS of the Union
Veterans of the Civil War will
meet on Friday at 2 p.m. at
the Veterans of Foreign Wars
. "
Mr. Harris Is
Speaker at Club
"The Yards" was the title of
a talk given by Robert Harris
at the annual breakfast given
by members of the Credit Wom
an's Breakfast club honoring
their bosses. Mr. Harris, for
merly with Scotland Yard, re
lated interesting tales of mys-.
terious Investigations which he
conducted. Mayor A. W. Loucks
introduced the speaker.
Miss Etta Sutter gave the in
vocation and James Mosolf de
livered the response for the
bosses. The junior past presi
dent, Mrs. Tom Pickett, intro
duced club members and their
Peter Van Horn presented
vocal selections.
A special guest was Mrs. Ma
belle Bliss of Portland, interna
tional first vice president of the
Credit Women's association.
Miss Muriel Jones and Miss De
lavia Harrison were additional
Mrs. Jean Ogden was chair
man of decorations which fea
tured a St. Patrick's day theme,
and in her group were Mrs.
Robert Jones, Mrs. Rae Sneed,
Miss Lois Dormer and Mrs.
Verne Robb.
Elsies tare
Once again it's almost Easter Time and KAILES' are again ready to Save You Many Dol
lars on your New Spring and Easter Outfit. Yes! It's KAILES' 2nd Annual Pre-Easter Jam
boree, and it's Bigger and Better than Ever Before. Stop in now. while Selections are very
Good. . "'
Beautiful Poodle Cloth Long Coats and
Toppers. Also Smokey Fleeces. All
Spring Colors in Sizes from 8 to 16.
VALUES TO $29.93
Birthday Luncheon
Beth Needham, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Need
ham, observed her J 1th birth
day today. Mrs. Needham
planned a luncheon party for
her daughter at their home,
guests including neighborhood
Invited were Shannon Dyer,
Kay Minty, Ann McKesson,
Leslie Clayton, Jean Vender
hoof, Janet Scheffe, Joyce
Westphall, Gail Shuford, Conie
w W W
Shower for
Miss Celeste Thayer, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Thay
er of Portland, fiancee of Gil.
bert L. Wood, son of Mr. and
Mrs. George Wood, was hon
ored at a bridal shower Satur
day, evening at the latter's
home. '.
The wedding will take place
March 27 at the First Baptist
church in Panama City, Flor
Ida, where Mr. Wood, airman
first class, is stationed with the
United State Air Force.
Mrs. Homer Davenport and
Mrs. Jerry Youngblood were
hostesses for the occasion. Bid
den to the party were Miss
Thayer, her mother, Mrs. Lyle
Thayer; Mr. Woods mother,
Mrs. George Wood; Mrs. W. W.
Beardsley, Mrs. Frank Wood,
Mrs. Norton Wood, Mrs.. Earl
Blankenship, Dickie Blanken
ship. Mrs. Claude Wood, Mrs.
Paul Baughman, Mrs. Grace
Bolton, Mrs. Fred Sefton, Sr.,
Mrs.' Dwight Wood, Starla
Wood, Mrs. Clara Blankenship,
Miss Betty Baughman, Miss
Josephine Baughman, Mrs. Roy
Beardsley, Mrs. Robert Miller,
Miss June Thompson.
. . -
Are Engaged ,
Announcement is made of
the engagement of Miss Shirley
Ann Miller, daughter of Ben
H. Miller of Mehama, to Til
man Rains, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Til Rains of Gates.
Mr. Rains -is employed at
Ken Galliet's in Mehama.
The couple arc planning a
fall wedding.
REG. TO $59.95
Staff Fetes
2 at Dinner
Th ii of the Oregon Farm
Bureau headquarters office
here gathered at Golden Pheas
ant Tuesday evening for a din
ner honoring Marshall Swear
ingen, who resigned recently as
president of the group; ana
Miu Alma Sehroeder. who re
signed as secretary. Mr. and
Mrs. Swearingen will be mov
ing to their ranch in central
Oregon soon and Mis Sehroe
der plans to go east.
Thirty attended tne wnner.
flltta were nreaented both Mr.
Swearingen and Miss Sehroe
der. George W. Dewey, jr., xne
new executive secretary for
th hiirwu. was master of cere
monies. Magic acts were given
by Mr. and Mrs. John waie ana
other program numbers pre
sented by staff people attend
ing. Mrs. Howard Hewitt and
Mrs. Lnriria Anderson were
chairmen for arrangements for
the dinner.
Donee Saturday
Susan Jackson, Mary Terry
and Valerie Greene are to en
tertain at a dance for teen
age friends in Leslie Junior
high school oil Saturday, the
party to be at Beaver nan.
Chaperons for the evening will
be Mr. and Mrs. L. Clark Jack'
son, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Greene and Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Gates.
Jaycee-Ettes Meet
Discussion of the Junior
Chamber of Commerce state
convention to be in Salem in
May was the principal business
of the Jaycee-Ettes at their
meeting on 'Monday. A lunch
eon honoring wives of the del
egates is planned for May 23
at the American Legion club,
Committees - were appointed
and following the meeting, the
group played bingo and en
joyed refreshments served by
the hostess, Mrs. Douglas Hay,
Mrs. Thomas W. Churchill and
Mrs. Don Richardson
HOSTESS to her bridge club
on Tuesday for luncheon and
the afternoon was Mrs. James
B. Young.
3ST - W
Boxy Suits in Wonderful New Bouclaine,
also in Navy Worsteds in many Styles,
and Beautiful Colors. Sizes 10 to 18.
wn-iUv. Mrcli 18. 1953
f ;fu CifA f a Be
On March 27 and 28
A project enlisting tn uon
of a large group on March 27
and 28 will be the annual
Easter lily sale sponsored by
Salem City PanheUenlc for th
benefit of the Oregon Society
for Crippled Children' and
Adults. Mrs. B. W, Stacey U
general chairman for the acu-
vity mis
Active Panhellenic group
girls from Willamette unlver
iity wlU seU the lilies in front
of the capltol and other state
buildings on Friday morning,
. . i .11 Jau that Silt
and aowniown mu
Among inose
Stacey from the alumnae group.
- - - M Uimnikl.
are Mrs. uo
Mrs. Marens Maltby, Mrs. w.
. if-, v T Fitr.
C, uyer, or., " '
man., ' "
Former Salem
Couple Wed ": "
Wwl Mnnrlnv AVfininff it tilt
church h: Fairbanki.
Miu Janet Bow
er, daughter of Mrs. Arthur
Hugh Bower ol Saiem, ana u.
i.tkur Meispr. formerly of Sa
lem. The Rev. Mr; Purviance
officiated at the ceremony ai
730 o'clock before a small
group of friends.
Mr. and Mrs. wimam oueu-
den of Fairbanks attended th
The couple will be at hom
at Northward apartments , in
Fairbanks. Mr. Melser Is on
the advertising staff of th
Daily News Miner there.
The bride left tnis past week
end by plane for Fairbanks.
m w
HOSTESS on Thursday to
her bridge club wil be Mrs,
Theron Hoover, Mrs. Ralph
Kletzing to be an additional
guest ' .
Zroo, a doctor's anttosptie, promptly
reluTM itchint, stops mtebiaf
o belpi heml and elar tarim, tamm,
paoriuis, rinfworm ot aba and aealp,
doo to axtaraal eaaaa. Bay ttif
StmfiK Zemo (or tbt mora vrajA
tabbora caawl fcCWlW
REG. TO $59.95
I Stops
PHONE 2-0512