Local Paragraph: Garvin In Portland Jamei Garvin, commander of Capital Post No. 9, American Legion, who became auddenly ill re cently, hai been moved from bit home in Salem to Veterans hospital in Portland. He is showing much improvement, IndustrialisU to Meet Two representatives of the Small Defense Plants Administration will meet Wednesday night at the Senator hotel with Salem industrial and business execu tives, especially those connect ed with metals and woodwork ing plants. The SDPA men are Kenneth T. Caplinger of Se attle, government industrial specialist, and John G. Bar nett of Portland, Oregon di rector for SDPA. The meeting, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, will start at 6:45. Naturalisation Class Walter Winslow, Salem attorney, will speak concerning the constitu tion 01 me unuea stales De fore the naturalization class -to be held at the YMCA, at 8 o'clock Saturday night. Persons interested in becoming citizens are invited to attend the class. Winslow is expected to cover j those points which will be in volved in naturalization courts. Mrs. Phipps Home Mrs. Ma mie Phipps has returned to her home at 2460 West Nob Hill after a visit of three months in Virginia with her brother, George Gullion, who is ill in a hospital in Richmond. Garden Clnb Elects The Organic Farm and Garden club has elected the following offi cers for the year: President, Mrs. Carroll Husted; vice pre sident, R. G. Clark; secretary, Ellen Quail; , treasurer, Mrs. Edna Haaland; directors, L. A. Standard, Charles Sample and Al Clark. Planning Meeting A regular meeting of the Marion County Planning Commission will be held Friday at 2 p.m. at the offices of the county court. Youths Warned Seven Sa lem teen-aged youths were warned by city police Tuesday against trespassing on private land east of the Capitol Lum ber company. Three of the youths had camped in the brush overnight, police said. Others joined them Tuesday. The company had complained about breakage of light bulbs and other equipment in the seldom used mill. J Runners Cited Two Salem boys were cited to see the city juvenile officer after they were apprehended by city police fir ing air rifles in the city. They were released to their parents. MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Wednesday, March 18 Administrative meeting of the 929th field artillery battalion. Thursday, March 19 Organized Naval Reserve sur face division, at Naval and Marine Corps Reserve training center.. D battery, 722nd, AAAAW bat talion, Oregon National Guard, at Quonset huts. , regiment, Oregon National Guard at Baiem armory. Seabee Reserves, at Naval and Marine Corps Reserve training center. Completes School Camp Roberto, Calif. Pvt. Dole Wayland Stice, Route 4, Box 315, graduating with class 18 from the Slxui Army rwa avivux jwb school here March 13. Stice is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stice oi eaiem. In TUt a n it v tt b lurainA f!nrne Air RtAtion. El Ton, Santa Ana, Call!. Capt. John F. Burns, son oi kit. sum Mrs. Paul P. Burrls of 1210 North Summer street Is among those Mil ones participating ui wio hum,' blllty of the "airhead". Burrls is . a pilot of a multi-motored R4Q ' Fafrchlld Flying Box Car trans- , port. NImI.U. a. O.n Til Wn San Diego, Calil. Pvt. Raoul Trevor Peterson, UJ3. Marine Corps, son OI Ijester iars reier can am; TWT!nin nvpnup. SAlem Oregon, is taking his training at me recruit depot neie. Va.ll.ln.(tn In Tpt Third Marine Division, Camp Pendleton, cam. a oaiem, -ic-gon, Marine, Pfc. Harold Joseph TnVtna .a, rtf TUT,. O-H MrR. TPAS J. Johns! 2485 Cressview drive, Salem, was among mose marines part in a Marine development "the AifUa,4" .TV,n. H & chauffeur in "C" company, Third Motor Transport Dattauon oi una ui, slon. At Camp Pendleton, Calif., this week to attend a pre-summer ramn mnf.niTim at Which training schedules for the Marine Reserves will be arranged are Ma, josepn L. Svejkosky, who heads the In structor group for the Marine reserves here, ana mbj. itrcu i fIN4nM .WAm moll.r nf thft Ma' rina Doa'am TTnit. ThP Conference it being held' Monday, through Wednesday and the two will re turn to Salem Friday, making the trip bv train. BORN KFTCHUM To r. and Url. LlOFd Ketchum. Detroit, a llrl. March IT. JOS3ART To Mr. and Mrl. Darrl A. Joaiart, S338 Portland Rd., a boj, Marcn 17. rNUWI.ES TO r. an mim. Knowiej. Bon 131, Mill Cltr. a elrl. "rcn 17. VVlUJVALilB IV ml. - - ard Wllialla, 110 M. Kim St.. March IT. REYNOLDS To Mr. and Mrl. Dlte Remolds, Box 141 Oalet, s tor, March To Meet Thursday Creative art group of the Salem Art association is meeting at 8 p.m. Thursday at the studio of Clli ford Gleason. 162 South Commercial. Officer Writes Proper main tenance and care of automo biles under the specialized con dltlons of police work was the subject of a lengthy article In the current FBI Law Enforce ment Bulletin under the by1 ! of Sgt. Walter Esplin of the Salem police department. Returning to States Two Salem Army men and three from the area surrounding Salem are among the men re turned to the States Wednea. day from the Far East aboard the transport Gen. VL.C. Meigs. The Salem men are Pfc Lam bert J. Feskea and CpL Robert E.Owen. The other men from this area returning are Sgt. Lawrence E. Poole, Lyons, Sgt. Lee M. Todd, Albany; and Pfc. Steven J. Trunde, New berg. Motorists Fined Dallta Joe Young, Portland, was fined $50 in district court Wednes day after pleading guilty to a charge of reckless driving. The charge was changed from drunk driving on which he was arrested in December. FUo Owen Tilley, Portland, Young's passenger at the time, was fined $35 on a charge of being drunk on a public high way. COURT NEWS Circuit Court Iletnor if. Mem vi Huto Meyer, Jr.: Dlyorc complilnt Ueclnc cruel and In human' treatment. Married at Tacoma, Wain., Dee. 11, 1851. AtU (150 monthly jupport and ownership f fcouieholdi effect, and automobile. State of Oregon t Vancourer Plywood Co. at al: Order ilvlni defendant Vancouver Plywood Co. up to and In cluding March 24 wi&ln which to ap pear. T. L. and Pearl A. Hammond va Port land General mectrio Co.: Pialntlfla re ply to defendants aniwer aaklnc lor Judgment a contained In complaint. City of Salem. ex rel Warren North west Inc., vi flam Maori. Jr.. and Paul Maori, dba Stateside Conatructlon Oo: Suit for judgment of 1922.69. Leola Smith va John O. Smith: Di vorce auU. alleging cruel and inhuman treatment, seeke custody of two minor cnuoren. no mommy euDDort and own. erahip of real and personal property, De- lendant enjoined from interfering with Plaintiff durlna litis a Hon. Married at lAMeea, Texas, February 4, 1940. Alvtn T.. Wals.fi n aajtm In !! tt if Eunice Kriekaon estate, vs Albert A new ana Kennein roorman company: Complaint dismissed as settled by tlpu latlon. Ruth Bllyeu ts Paul Bllyeu: Doon stipulation, divorce decree modified In connection with support payment by aeienaant. .. ' B. A. and Gertrude Oalllson va Kar ri! A. Vanderwllt st si: Oelendant Jmi Vanderwllt'a demurer to complaint sus tained. Probate Court Afliumed business name oertllieaU lor Veterans Grocery filed br Merr fi. Trueax and Euntee fledora. . Philip A. lohr jtat: order MthoT- Ulnt isle of personal property; lAicll. A. Dreejltr guardlininlp: or der appolntlni Rubr E. Wuton suardlaa. hut Steenhout. Sr.. lutrdlanAhlp: Order approTlov suerdlitt'e final ac count. Charles X. Carlton aetata: Ketats asv praised at $11,144.71. Clarence LeMasters estate: Batata ap- pralied at 17000. Marriage License Daniel Museehenko, 27, trueslnr, 690 South Lencaater drive, and Dorothy Wesson, vattrsss, fioo South Lancaster dilrs. , Sherwood a. Thompson. M. salesman and Lois nanien, 17, both of woodburn. Ournsy B. Kaworth. ' 98. lsrmsr. and Wanda Ruth Fowler, IS, bookkeeper, both of Albany. Melvln James Maudlin. 90. V. a. air force, Tacoma, Wash., and Rita Marie Lanse. 30. telephone operator, son Mon roe avenue, Salem. Ladies suits for sale, $5.00 and $8.00. Y.W.C.A. Budget Shop, 162 S. Commercial. Open Fri. & Sat. 10 to 5 pjn. 66 Air-steamship tickets any where. Kugel, 8-7694, 153 N. High St. 66 Paint with glamorizing Treasure Tones. See our out standing wallpaper selection. Chuck Clarke Co., 255 N. Lib erty. 66 Estelle Brown is now located at the Beauty Nook, 157 S. Liberty. Ph. 36631. 66 Goodwill truck now, in Sa lem every Tuesday & Friday. Ph. 42248 for pickups. 66 If you can't read this easily have glasses made by Semler Optical Offices to your outom- etrists prescription. Pay 50c wk. Semler's, Waters-Adolph Bldg., State & Com'l. Ph. 3-3311. 66 Rummage sale over Green baum's, Thurs., 10 to 8. Y Menettes. 66 Nobles Tavern, grand open ing, Thursday. March 19. 67 We are announcing our being open 7 days a week by popular demand. The Western Trio will play Wed. & Fri. nights. Y Cafe, owned and operated by Lois M. York. 67 The regular meeting of Can nery Local No. 670 has been changed from March 26th to Wed., March 18th. 8 p.m. Hall No. 1, Labor temple. 66 The regular meeting of Can nery Local No. 670 has been changed from March 25th to Wed., March 18th. 8 p.m. Hall No. 1, Labor temple. 66 jj 1 Joseph PoggI, who ha served 25 year of a lit sentence in Oregon' prison, and who, says Judge Kira mell, shouldn't have been sentenced to over five years. Prisoner (Continued from Page 1) 'The question here is," Judge Klmmel's decision read, "Did the judge have authority by virtue of any legislative enact ment to sentence Joseph Foggi to life imprisonment on the record before him. . . ,T In considering this matter, this court adopts tne legal premise that the limit of punishment! for crime is a matter for legis lative and not judicial deter mination." "The protection of all persons alike in their possession of the inalienable right to personal liberty, to free access to courts of justice and to due process of law is perhaps the greatest duty of the judiciary faithful per formance of that duty is indis pensable to a free government," Judge Kimmeli reasons. Building Permits W. E. McCune, to alter a one-story dwelling and garage at 220 Candalaria, $150. Park Medic al building, to build an office at 585 South Winter, $2000. Union Oil company, to build an office at 1655 Silverton road, $14,500. Ersel Mundln ger, to reroof a 1 Mi -story dwelling at 1175 North Capi tol, $285. Fined $500 Stanley Uen- tillie, Chemawa, was fined $500 and sentenced to 90 days in the county jail by District Court Judge Val D. Sloper Wednesday after UentilUe pleaded guilty to a charge of drunk driving. His operator's license was suspended for a year. It was Uentlllie's second such offense in recent months. . Open Bouse Announced An open house will be held for Kenneth Peterson, new administrator of the Marion County Public Health depart ment, from 3 to 5 p.m. Friday, March 20, in the office at 475 North Church street. Invited are executives from institu tions and orcanizatloni with which the department deals, including the Marlon county welfare commission. : A 'THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8aJem, Orefoa Ways-Means (Continued from Pag 1) Twenty year ago there was no state welfare program" he said. "Not one penny wa spent by the date but now we have an overall budget for welfare that total $69,000,000," he aid, 'every session of the legis lature the budget for welfare increases. We of the sub-committee feel that the bill will be step to check this increase in welfare expenditure. Sen. Holmes asked if at a recent public hearing on the bill, was not the majority sen timent against it Rep. Dave Baum, member of the sub-committee declared that the hearing was "(tacked by people who are opposed to this kind of legislation." ' , "There was a lot of misin formation given out at that hearing" Baum continued. "Some people were there to play politics. It is easy to ig nore fact and even easier to appeal to emotion." . , Careful Study Made Baum said that the commit tee had made a careful study and produced figure from the social security agency . which revealed that after Indiana had passed a similar law, the de creases in the relief rolls were greater than in any other state tn . t-i A unlnn W UlUUil. In regard to the law putting teeth in the law requiring son and daughters of person on the relief rolls to contribute, if able to do so, the principal change grant the public wel fare commission the authority to obtain from the state tax commission amount of gross income such persons have and the number of dependents. Relatives FaU to Aid Rep. Alva Goodrich of Bend, said that at 'present the wel fare commission is not getting any results from the relatives of welfare recipients. With the added authority granted in the bill Rep. Goodrich said he be lieved the , commission could collect $1,800,000 in the next biennlumln additional revenue. This, he said, was possible, if FRIGID AIRE AUTOMATIC WASHER '- ' In Tuesday Capital Journal t ; Should Have. $29975 f tuiMimmmituiiiicipnuiicttioNirmiiiui I I SALEM OREGON CITY J Comer Commercial and State put a gleam in the ye of each. passerby ..wlth lb new foim aMfltttng Exclusive with Johsnsen...Iifiet that spell allure, the manner that is still demure... in a shoe that is all gleaming patents ' all fashion news I 14 I 214 Irish Survive, 'Erin Go'Bralh' By MIKE FORBES Silverton If it hadn't been for the luck of the Irish the Dinty Moore dinner given by the American Legion Auxiliary at Silverton Tuesday night might have turned out to be a smorgasbord. But the blessing of St Pat rick, the fortitude of sprink ling of Irish and table sway backed with corned beef end cabbage withstood the Scandi navian sortie and preserved the reputation of the ton of Erin. : The infiltration became ob vious at the (tart There were Lindqulsts, Larsons and John sons, Petersons, Andersons and Swensons and on of the first toasts', drunk in coffee, was 'Skoal to the Vikings." But the thin green line of Irish was ' undaunted. There were Powells, Murphy and Francises and perhaps Don ovan and a Kelly somewhere in the background, who stood be hind their bunker of Irish deli cacies until exhausted and the Scandinavians sated with corn ed beef and cabbage, pie and other delicacies. Contributing to the morale of the dauntless defenders were Irish melodies played on a harp, mind you, by Patricia Brandt of Mt Angel, and huge shamrock cutout adorned the walls.,- - . ' Mrs. Ralph Francis wa gen el chairman of the dinner. The last toast was "Erin go Brath." ' SUNNTSIDE CLUB Sunny side The Sunny side Community club will hold its regular meeting Friday, March 20, at 8 p.m. at the school house It will be carnival night. only three per cent of the re la tives contributed. ; There was no opposition in the joint committee against the bill which was also sent to the I house for action. $14" N. LIBERTY SALEM 1 1, U.S. Protests . (Continued from Pag 1) : 'The American embassy at Moscow this morning on in structions from the State De partment lodged a vigorous protest with the Soviet For eign Office against the attack by MIG fighters upon a U. S. Air Force RB-50 in the Bering sea on March lo. Text of V. S. Note 'The note sets forth the po sition of the U. S. plane when attacked about 100 mile north east of Petropavloak and at least 25 miles from the nearest Soviet territory, vigorously protest the action of the Sov iet . aircraft, state that the figure moulding STYLE SOS in Rayon j V ML r,'b.f"'f' SATIN Stitched undercup, ; r STL t !A it J firm uplift with 1 Inch , I ' jf ,"55 v 1&J A Cup 82 to 36 ' f ' J "I BCup-2to40 ,'f ' or I,- '"j ' White Only il WW STYLE St in BROAD- v:. 4 Vt 1 . . CLOTH ' I t-ttAJ VlyM ,'r' 1 S A Cup 82 to 18 , Vjf t i""''' BCup82to40 . I yiiuJ CCup 82 to 42 I ' - White only ' 1 ' Each tyle above 'X V ' li TTT T STYLE 225 In Rayon SATIN ' w f Circular all-stitched cup elastic insert V: V I f at center front. STYLE 65 in Rayon SATIN Low-cut high uplift elastic insert in center of IV band; stitched frame in center of cup. A Cup 32 to 88 B cup 32 to 38 White only $1W 234 North Liberty CONFUSING .J. ' This is how the Dinty Moore dinner given by the Amer ican Legion Auxiliary at Silverton looked to the Capital Journal photographer Tuesday night after two huge help ings of corned beef and cabbage.' From left accepting large plates of corned beef and cabbage are Olaf Anderson and Mis Vivian Reeve from Mr. Ralph Francis and Mr. Ray ' Church. Now if you turn the photo a quarter turn to the left you will tee, faintly, Miss Patricia Brandt playing a harp while little Marion Mason, t), look on. , government of the- United States expect to be informed at an early date of the discipli nary action taken with regard to tne Soviet personnel respon sible for the attack, and asks for information - concerning measures adopted by Soviet authorities to prevent a recur rence of incident of this kind." It ha been made clear here that the V. S. Air Force will continue to fly it mission de spite Russia's Implied challenge A Cup 32 to B Cup 32 to White only tmm mm LSON'I, tM Saw ns fas iw w j to it use of air space over In ternational water of th North Pacific. :' Crash! A four-Inch lacera tion of the arm wa suffered by five-year-old . Steve KlUlnger Tuesday when he struck hi hand through a window at hi home. He wa treated by first aldmen and tent to a doctor for stitches. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Killing er, 3830 Monro avenue, v 36 38 $S0 rut ma, owntt run N.rlh Llberlr. Salesa, Oresea fsHawIn hsjvlt!it-ofai Was. SerleHs. She Ca CW Oese. Sris, I 111 I I I it.