Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 18, 1953, Page 3, Image 3

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    Wdinday, M"ch 18.
mnt nf ih .f.V " """""Ti n important leg
creaseo V ,?t1 food-P"ceMing business hu In
25 vr. IT ?' 0UtJ?Ut Uno,t a'000 Pr "t lat
fnnJ.; ,American Ca, Company, pioneer developer of
Big Campaigri This Year
Set for Blue Lake Beans
The Associated Blue Lake
Green . Bean Canners will
launcn a "bigger and more dy
namic" national promotion
campaign in their icmnH v.
starting this spring, Chester I,
nne, president, announced.
New eniDhasls In tn ha o;,,a
to promoting the use of this
. cannea oean variety in restau
rants, hotels and hospitals, as
well as continuing to boost
consumer demand, according to
Chase, who is also vice-president
of Paulus Bros. Packing
company, Salem. Leading pack
ers of green beans in the Blue
Lake region of the Pacific
Northwest are represented by
the association.
. "We ar am Karl inn .
- --- ,m wi
, Digger and more dynamic pro
gram 01 nercnanaising, adver
tising and promotion in loss
as a result of the spectacular
success of the past year," Chase
saia. - we expect to enlist the
cooperation of more related
Item advertisers, food whole
salers, chains, independents
and allied interests in stimu
lating greater consumer and
Institutional demand for Blue
Lake green beans."
While campaign details will
be announced later, he said the
185S plans include Inter-industry
promotions, advertising In
national magazines, as well as
trad and Institutional nuhll.
Annual Glee
Event Saturday
' Sleenv headed atudanta wIia
normally nave to be routed out
of bed each morning, are aris
ing early this" week In prep
aration lor ' tne trarittfnnai
Freshman Glee at Willamette
university. . ,,
The Glee will h nraunlul
next Saturday night in the gym
Deiore a capacity audience
Early moraine drill In
marching will be the rule durs
ing me oaiance oi in week,
since stage formation it an
sentlal part of the Judging pro-
The steps of the eapitol and
those leadln into the annban
garden are favorite places for
me maneuvers although each
of the four classes involved is
given time in the gymnasium.
This year's Glee comes at an
BDnronriate ttm f .
Vauchn Blankenihin.
manager. It succeeds the state
oasxetDau tournament and the
annual tour ef the a cappella
The Glee is an original tone
contest with the freshmen
challenging the other three
classes to participate.
Morninqside School Job
A N am. a . ,
Awarded Robert Morrow Claim Benefits
The contract far mr..h-..M- f v.. . VIMIIII tVllVlllaf
ing th new Horningside ele-
rocniary scnool building was
awarded Robert D. Morrow at
a special meetlne nf th Ralatn
board- of directors Tuesday
night. Morrow's hid nf anus. .
872 Wai 2fl fl2R halnu, K
highest figure submitted by
sarnam Brothers.
Two other Salem firm. mK.
mitted bids: E. E. Sltbman
$202,000, and Viesko and Post,
The building is to be erected
On tOD Of the hill an Smith
12th street and is to be ready
'Cheater f. rhaaa. nraaiHant
.of Associated Blue - Lake
Green Bean Canners, and
vice president of Paulus
Bros. Packing company, who
announces campaign for Sa-lem-canned
products, v
cations, store display materi
als, and new 'combination meal
Chase reported that the as
sociation mnat anrnaMfiil nm.
motion last year enlisted the
advertising and merchandising
support of five industries and
53 food nroeeisinff rnmnanloa
with the participation of 3,200
new, salesmen, ana D,B37 re
tail store displays arranged in
247 metroDolltan nurlmii i
the 44 states involved in the
Cltinff the Hmmtfli
examnle of tha
work, Chase said that among
me sales restiita uraa a 944
cent increase in one division
M i .
vi urge aistrioutor's area
during the featured period,
i.b per cent gain in another
division, a 100 per cent in
crease in one chain nf 1
Hundred stores, 'and in some
sections it was necessary to ra
tion deliver!
sizes and sieve sizes in the face
or tne heavy consumer demand.
"Buildms nn aur 10M
cess, we are moving forward
more aggressively with out na
tionwide drive with to
xoid objective," Chase 'con
cluded. "First, to continue to
create - a greater 'consumer
awareness of Blue Lake green
beans as the 'art4nr. ..j
second to make the trade more
familiar with the advantages
of a variety which, while mass
produced, is almost a specialty
to the vegetable field because
of its high volume and profit
potential." ? .
Busy Time for
Monitor Club
The Monltnr .W .T.luo.wv
Club under the laarlarahln of
Phil Yagelskl has been active
IttIS Winter. The memhara
though young and most of them
beginners in 4-H work, have
shown enthusiasm and promise.
In December the club made a
field trio during whlnh anma nf
the boys' homes were visited
and their projects inspected.
The trip ended at the home of
AuEUSt 'Minke ITT. whara
demonstration showing how a
dairy . heifer should be trim
med and handled in tha iW
blng was held. .....
The January meetina- waa
held at the home of the Club
Leader. Phil YaMlalrl and
time was spent studying and
discussing -a record books.
The February meeting was
held at the home of Mark
Klug, who gave a demonstra
tion on "Thro wins an Animal
making the animal immnhtia
permitting the boy to examine
ana trim tne animal's feet.
A SOCial hour Wai inant or, A
refreshments wera arvi
the conclusion of each meeting.
ine next meeting is sched
uled for March 24 at 8 p.m. at
the home of Gary Skiller.
Washington (U.(5 Senata n.
publican Leader Robert A. Taft
of Ohio said after a legislative
Conference with Praalriant TT.I..
enhower today that the Senate
proDamy would take up "tide
lands" legislation before get
ting to Hawaiian statehood.
f iwii8:
fN ''"ovy-ky
La' -i i i i i w ''iai ii 'iiman iMa-niii'iiila
for occupancy by th open ef
uw ibu term, a win consist OX
eight class rooms and a lib
rary, with approximately 24.
000 square feet' of space. This
means th cost per square foot
Will D SDOUt 111.27.
The task of elearlne ihm alta
has been under way for th
past several days and it Is tx-
pectea morrow, wno bum th
new RnaaHala aihnnf urlll h
able to go to work immediate
Sub-contractors working
under Morrow will he- Oremn
Pulp and Paper, mill work;
painting, Si. L. Xlfstrom & Co.;
electric work, Electric Corpor
ation or City Electric: nlumh-
ing, Nelson Brothers; heating
ventilating, refrigeration, Nel
son Brothers; mansonry, Shaw
ana mcxens: earthwnrir Mk
Porter; sheet metal and roof
ing, ( Mcuuchrlst and Sons;
glass, Capital City Glass com
pany; tile, Willard Art Til
company: hardware. Bnilriara
Hardware Service Supply Cor
poration. The laat naman nf
rortiana, is tne only sub-con
tractor outside of the school
The architect nn 4 Via Ink I.
William L-Williams of Salem.
Price Controls
Entirely Off
Washington sin rm,..
were strickly on their mm far
the first time in more than
two years today as the gov
ernment killed off the last of
its price controls and returned
the nation to a relatively free
economy. '
The action marked tha r.A
of a turbulent postwar experi
ment in airect price, wage, and
credit curbs that began in th
fall Of lOKn after 4 Via V.....
It also aiimalnl tha hostn.
ning of the administration's at
tempt to use the cive-anil-tab
of free enterprise rather than
government planning to keep
the nation's economv mnnina
smoothly. ;
Price Stabilizer Joseph Free
hill completed the step-by-step
decontrol of rtrlcea vaar arri a v
by removing ceilings on steel
ana a tatcn ox industrial goods.
aii wage curbs, were wiped
out February 6.
Industrial accident benefits
wera, claimed py 440 teen-ag
workera durlne tha 1 i
months, Labor Commissioner
W. JS. ltimsev said tnriav. In.
vestigatlon of th young work
ers' claims showed that IS nar
cent of th youngaters bad
been hired illegally, he said.
The ereateat nnmkar n
young claimants, 223, were on
in payrolls ox tn manufac
turing plants. The mercantile
industry emnlnvari an TVir
highest employer of th injur-
ea minors was government
state, county and municipality.
Almost three-fourtha nf tha
teen-ager were engaged in in-
austries outsia tn Portland
metropolitan area..
The 17-veBr-nld irmm mm.
prUed 60 per cent of the claim
ants ana la-yeer-oids, 30 per
cent. Among those claiming
incapacitation because of th
job and discovered to b work
ing illegally were on 12-yar-
siu, two x-yar-oias ana a 14
T ear-old. One U-ihmiU mm.
rlcultural wnrlrar rait n a
elaiza for injury after he llp.
im in a sna ana oil his neea
on the concrete floor.
Girls, who mak ud 40. ner
cent rx ma uan-aak -wnrir
force, entered only 82 claims
for On-th-iob iniuriaa. Kim.
sy seld. ;
Th state labor aanarfanant
auminiawri ootn atat anil rai.
ral child labor laws and la.
sues work permits for th em
ployment of minora under 18
years of ag. ' e .
Pedestrian Strikes '
Driver of Car
A motArllt whA AomA Via
car a little too far Into cross
walk Monday was struck by an
irate pedestrian the cedea-
triar, the eoatlatMd m ki
An eywltoeas if the hat.
dent walked Into th nolle
station with tha story.
Th pedestrian Trying a
bibr and aeeorananieii hv ai.
wife was sroasuig High street
at Court when th motorist
slowed to a aton with hla harm.
er extending into the cross- -
walk. .
First the pedestrian tonlr
sudden kick at the ear hum nar
then handed the baby to hla
wife, walked around the ear,
Jerked open th door and
Dunehed the astonished drln
in th face, closed the door and
wautea on.
.Traffic piling up behind him
forced the unidentified motor
1st to move on. police were
told, by John Kinney, 8844
Neef avenue, who with hla wife
I witnessed the event
Lj '
a3"J GE0G W
Yes, you can nas your thumb
in nb-t araaKar hatHM.
tasting eoffea rery time!
You just press the rounded '
topof the "Pressure Paekedn.
Chass it Sanborn can with
your thumb. .(Read how to
test on the cover.) If if s '
firm, ootTea's fneh. If th
There's no way to test other
cottee cans, may Uhase
Sanborn gives you such
sure proof of treshnas . . .
brings you coffee so fall of
KAoleAaarM, warmhart$& ..
nmlnan Oat Thaaa A
Sanborn today enjoy that .
freshest, tastiest coffee avail
SSBa--T 1
Chaso & Sanborn
BUck Patent and Nat
ural tan; ( to t; AA,
B and C.
Trim Footed Orxra
:'; Black Patent
White: S to i '
AAcB. -
Soft Calf In Red and
Black; 5 to AA
AA and B. 0.7U
Red. Block ft Sreen
Black Green and Red
Military Heel; 5 to ;
AA, BandC AQ
Trim Footed Ooera
RIasticiied for snug
fit. Calf Leather; 8 to
!ndAc:B 6.90
White linen and
natural straw; 4 to
; AA ana a.
Stt to 8, 1.98; 84 to 12. 2.49
12 to 8,2.98
Also Women's Slits
Black Kangaroo 11 TC
Leather I I. d
to 12 B-C-D-E and EEE
Also ...
In Brown
H to 11 B-C-D
Psnney's offer yon an Invitation to visit our completely stocked shoes de
partment In ear downstairs store. Each and every shoe styled for you to
wear for "Best" or for "every day"-if you want to look your nlcesU
Choose from hundreds of popular and beautifully styled shoes. .AH in-
Kp7y?rdw.VVrrt tu.!t1,e',0r elMner' bettCT R4",em-
to 12; B, C. D, E and -
EEE widths.
Goodyear Welt, Boys
8lses, tVi to ; B, O
O Width. 5
fcj White or Black Patent
W to 8, C-D
't to 12, B, C,D...
i to a, A B C
Multicolor and
i in
H to 8...
r -ft a vi i v ysL
SHliS i
: r- K , .
I 1-