In the Edited y Donald I. Donald Mrs. William Quig ley, worthy matron, Venui cnapter 129, Order of intern Star, slipped on the wet cement in we casement ox her Donald home, Wednesday, March 11, and fractured her hip In three places. . , She was alone at the time, as Mr. quigiey was in Salem on Business. ; She was more than an hour in obtaining help. Finally the anver oz a -Mesa trucK heard her as he made his delivery, . and he immediately summoned - the Canby ambulance, which , wok ner 10 nutcninson nospitai : in Oregon City. . . She subsequently underwent . , two operations, but is reported h oe gening aiong niceiy now , ana u everyining goes as an- tlciDated. she will ha ahla in he up In a wheel chair in two or . uiree weens. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Young ftf Hermlatnn tinnrwd af ihm E. W. Christopherson home for a snon lime juonaay evening. They were on their way to Koseburg. , Shawn Peter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Feller, celebrated , his birthday last week. Help ing him celebrate were Mrs. rVMIe .TnnM tlmrv anri Parln , Mrs. Virgil Scherette, Vickie , ana uneryi, Mrs, rrancis Kyan, Mike and Steven, and Mrs. Bar- . ney t eller, ui ana dun. . tup cakes ice cream and punch war urvpH. Mrs. Eldon Fugh, who under- went major surgery in the hos pital at Salem, is scheduled to . return home this week:. She is getting along as well as can be expected. : A rug braiding workshop was held in the home of Mrs. Harlan Feller Thursday with Mrs. Francis Ryan and Mrs. Feller giving instructions. rhev showed tha immpn hnw to braid the rags and how to sew them together. Attending were Mrs. Ryan, Mrs. Gel Fel ler, Mrs. E. E. MiUer, Mrs. Warren Feller, Mrs. Leighton Whitsett, Mrs. Robert Malt land, Mrs. H. Drlever, Mrs. Jack Bush, Mrs. KUlian Smith, Mrs. Norman Reillng, Mrs. Ver non Miller. Donald A stork shower - honoring Mrs. Robert Kauff man was held at the home of Mrs. Dean Reed (Opal Eppers) Tuesday evening, March 10. Hostesses were Mrs. Reed, " Mrs. Fred LaBonte, Mrs. Le , nd Erb, Mrs. Ed Iverson. " Game winners were Mrs. W. H. Kruie, Mrs. Kenneth Ken- l agy and Mrs. Raymond Peter son.' , Mrs. Virgil Mayhew and Mrs. Louis Unterseher were Initiated Thursday evening, March 5 into the St. Alexle Rebekah lodge. Mrs. Myron Anderson and Mrs. James Wal- 4-1451 195 S. Commercial DANCE TONIGHT Crystal Gardens Old Time and Modern Music by "Pop" Edwords ACORNS FROM THE WITH DEL MIUNE I was confronted with a very talk ative railroad man last Saturday but ot course I wouldn't mention the name of the railroad he is with for anything. "Say Del. are you trying to steal our stuff? You know that the Great Northern is the home ot the big baked potato. We've spent thousands ot dollars advertising that fact and now you come along with your Oak Room and serve baked potatoes that make mine seem like peanuts. Besides you! uirow in a enuna oi cutter as Dig as a mother love for her nine . teenth child, and if it weren't for the wonderful charcoal broiled steaks I'd be real angry with you, but Del my boy, I love you and I love even more those delicious, tender, melt-ln-your-mouth char coal broiled steaks, More power to you boy and keep right on serrlng those big baked potatoes." Phone rl Valley MIKE FORBES lace conducted the initiation. Mrs. William Croshong was nreaanied with a nlnlr inil green corsage in honor of her tnsi Dirtnaay. New members were also given eorsages by the noble errand, visitors at the meeting were Mrs. Har mon Lohse of Home lodge Woodburn Wri Rvrnn Rail weber. Mra. FlnvH Pantla anil Mrs. l verne Norton of rran ces Jodie. Monitor. ' Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Ben EDuers. Mrs Harold Reed. Mra. Bert Snl. berg, Mrs. James Johnson and Mrs. Charles Martin. Eldon Erb. son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Erb left bv Diane Thursday evening, March 12, for Oakland. Calif. He is with the navy and expects to be sent io japan. The Donald extension unit held its resular monthly meet ing Tuesday, March 10, 'at the noma or Mrs. Jimian smitn in Woodburn. Mra. Smith form. erly lived in the Donald area At the Business meetina. the chief topic was the annual SDrins Festival which will he neia in eaiem April 25. This will be an all-dav af. fair with all of the extension units over the state taktnc part, .. A luncheon will be sarveri at noon for a nominal charge. It waa decided ta hav plant sale in April at the Sun- snine meetlnc which will be Aorll 28. . Mrs. Leishton whitsett won first prize. Second prize went 10 Mrs. L. Peterson. Hostesses were Mra. Kllllan amitn assisted by Mrs. Coyne mt. ana Mrs. Omar Walker are enioylns three.waav Visit With their ffranriVhlMran Timothy and , Linda Walker,' wniie weir mother, Mrs. BUI uearry ana step-father are taking trip to California. Amity Amity Amltv FT A rh,nt wiu sena a allegation of 16 mcmoers io tne state convex tion In Corvallls, March 16-19 in the group will be the chapter president, John Heft ley. reporter nienn Kti,n. treasurer Leo Brutke, Wesley iwosia, uick McKenney and Vernon Babcock. McKennev. rlefflav Brutke are candidates for State Farmer degrees. Mrs. Edna Strout, Home Economics teacher, a a n a m- panled a group of Amity Fu ture HomamaJcera in Cnrvallla cany ims montn to the eighth annual convention. Delegates were Roberta Pat ty and Joanna Kak. :. The Amity group presented a skit. "Ta Tnrraaaa nnnm.nm. In Home and Community Life." June Ann janzen, Helen O'Jus. Ailene Allison. T.tin Jean Heriberg were the other iria anenaing. me Amity fha department of the high school Is sponsoring a clothes drive, "Your Bundle Week," March 16-21. March 18-16-20 are the days designated ' for gathering the clothing. The Red Cross Bloodmobile unit came to Amity Thursday, March 12. i Fifty-nlne persons donated blood. Nineteen were rejected. Mrs. J. R. Panek, local Red Cross chairman, donated her seventh pint. The unit was set up in the Home Economics room at the ! high school. Three high school students, Vernon Bant- sari, Howard Wood and Helen O'Jua, gave their first pint oflOTj?" in the Knights blood. The Lions club anon. I . py haU Wednesday eve- l naian . ,i r Monday, March 9, was ad-1 M 'nu "r? Wf? !!rved by vance night for officers of Myr-if?."1 W'llla Den'eJ' Mr- w" tle Circle No. 68. Neighbors of i,m G??dinl' Mrs' Harrv Woodcraft. . "e,nD0" 01 ; Schultz, , Mrs. Ervin MUler, and . . I Miss Hilda Be rr The circle plans to entertain . some of the grand . ; the first meeting in April - " Mr. ana Mrs. Russell Law- son were in charge of refresh-' ments. Miss Barbara Panek was hos tess to the Amity high school Pep club at her home near Broadmead, Friday evening, March 13. HELD OVER 3rd Week IT MOUBT DUSTY BROOKS AND HIS ALL SUR HARLEM REVUE faihvlDf Hw HARLEM JAZZ BAND --SONGSTRESS JUAXITA (I0MKHEU) MOWN Mm md Dines 14 Rear SJmws "A REAL TREAT FOR SAIEM" The New Village Inn 1657 Portland Rd. il Falls City Cottaae nraver m ratine at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Robinson Friday evening, March 20 at 8 a'clnck. Warren Frlnk was a Sunday dinner guest of bis son, Eldon and wife, at Bridgeport Mrs. Don Ferguson and Mra. Woodrow Robinson were In Salem Monday. ' Jack Holmes and Glen Foush of Valietz anent tha week-end at Mr. and Mra. Jna Lamprechts. Mr. and Mrs. William Pa. land and Mrs. Lillian Kitchen were In Dallas Friday. The Odd Fellows at the close of their meeting Tuesday eve ning served ovater aoun ta the Rekebahs. Mrs. A. R. Reed anent tha past week with her son's fam ily. Mr. end Mrs. J. W. Wil. liams at Tyee camp. James Jackson of Seattle. Wash., was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lam. precht. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Grinnln were In Dallas Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Tavlor Lowerv have moved to Dallas, Mrs. Robert Sundstram anil children of Conner Hnllnur visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Simon Robinson Satur day. Mrs. Jamea Hunter anant Saturday and Sunday at Drain. rne a-Jti Forestry club held meeting in the Men arhnnl auditorium Wednesday eve. ning. The officers elected are Mel. vln Embree, president; Leon Kitchin. vice-nreiident. and Jean Ferguson, secretary.! The 4-H Stitch , Sit sewing club met Thursday afternoon at the home of their leader, Mrs. w. , Jackson. President Shirley Carev called the mut ing to order for a business vi sion. Games were organized hv vice-president . Violet Lam precht. Meeting closed at 4:30 i.m. Members nreaent wera Shir ley Carey. Violet Lamnrecht. Dona Lons. Roue Ijirnimhi ueiores uiimore, Dona Shoe maker. The Mlssisslonl oneretta will be given at the high school au ditorium Tnursday and Friday evening at 8 o'clock. . One matinee will ha alvmn Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Cordia Fox of Salem is visitina her alater.l n.lou, M?, Bertha Harrington. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bagger spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Graham. Mr.' and Mrs Chealor n of Prairie City spent Saturday with hla aunt. Mra p.h. Harrington. Mrs. Orlo Frlnk wn hnt at a nartv at her hnma r,M. afternoon. Refreshments were sarved in Mrs. Fave Frlnk. Mra William Dunaway, Mrs. Jessie Moyer, Mrs. Lloyd Dunawav. Mr. r. M. Henthorne. Mra. .Tnn nr uaiias, sally Lee Lemond, Mary and Mona Frlnk. . Mrs. Shlrlev nirbenmn en tertained the ABC club at her home on Wednesday. a no-host dinner was served 1:10 p.m. Birthday sifts were received by Mrs. Eva Powers and Mrs. Jessie Jones. Those eniovlns the nmiin. were: Mrs. Maggie Loftus, Mrs. urpnie uiioert, Mrs. Eva Pow ers, Mrs. Jessie Jonei. Mr. Lillian Kitchen, Mrs. Ethel Teal, Mrs. Neva Poland and me hostess, Mrs. Shirley Dick inson. Aurora Aurora Twentv.fiv mem bers attended the regular meet ing oi una Temple No. 28. . f .v. nmg. Members of Una Temnl. nin - ;".5."1P1P"1W lnner ue ' Mrs. card so 17, whrn chapter members of Arlon will be honored tin. t..u , ......... . . I .futile iiisiuuieu Anon Temple in 1914. Friday evening, March 13 members of the Pa. fhi..! club of Una Temple met at the nome oi mrs. mma Smith in Aurora. Out of town visitors in var ious Aurora homes throughout the past week included Howard Moulton of Portland, Mrs. J D STARTS TONIGHT OPEN : Rebert Ryan, Rock Hudson Julia Adams "HORIZONS WEST" Abe Irene Dunne Dean Jaf rer "IT GROWS ON TREES" ti'iJi'Miil) I mm THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Lofgren of Hlto, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Miller of Yamhill, Mrs. Jennie Ziegler, George Ziealer. Lawrence Wandt n n. lem, Mrs. Robert Lelth of the Square L. Chincilla ranch, west of Aurora. Robert Beal. North Marlon high, school student and son of Principal M. H. (Pat) Beal and Mrs. Beal of Aurora, auffarad pelvic injuries recently In an auotmobile accident near Au rora. He was taken to an Ore gon City hospital. . Mr. and Mra., Norman Hnrat Norma Jean and Alan of Au rora, spent last weekend on the North Santiam river as guests vi w. ana jars, uien Blair, former Aurora residents late of uresnam. .. The Womena Missionary an. CietV Of Christ Lutheran ohnrnh at Macksburg bad as Its recent cuesis memDers of the mission ary societies of the Aurora and j iwniwi ux we Aurora anu - m,u uumjicm man- Newberg churches. About 74 at- i Ser: others assisting were Les tended the meeting. He Beamish, Eddie Butler, Mra. John Koch nnnA tha 'Carol Andreaaaen Vlrslnla nil- yviwu wiui i Kioin, rinor " "va, at Mia. Alio wvic lof the day was given by Mrs. Arnold Wittrock. , Hostesses were Mrs. Fred Heinz, Ben Brusch, Mrs. Ed Koch and Mrs. Ruby Etzel. Liberty The Liberty - Salem Heiehta Home Extension unit will meet Thursday. March 10. at in sn a.m. at the Salem Heights Com munity hall. Presentlnc the nroiecf. herh's for variety in meals, will ha sui. naroia noseDraugn ana Mrs. uonaia Dawson. Tickets for the Marlon county home- makers festival will be on sale. A covered dish dinner will be served at noon. Grand Ronde Mra nian Vttar haa antArail the McMlnnvllle hospital for another blood transfusion. This Is her second time within the oast few weeks. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Franks had as their guesU recently Mrs. Mary Rrlrknpr and two sons from Vancouver, B.C. ' They, are now visiting in southern California bul will re turn here the last of the week for a short visit. Rose Marie Hunt and friend of Portland are spending the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Frank. Cpl. Jerry G. Murray sta- ., . z. -. , - - , Honed at Ophlem, Mont., Air j Base, has been the guest of his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Huston. Karen Kav Fischer, one- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fischer, is recup erating from second degree burns on her hands which she received when she fell against the heating stove. Among those enloving hlrth- dav celahrafinna nn Friday tha " . - -. .i . 13th and fearing no jinx; was Liucle Fischer. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Erlckson spent the past week with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Erlckson of Seattle, Wash. The Woman's dim hald II. regular meeting last Thursday evening with the president, Mrs. Walter Murray, presiding. Prior to the business meet ing the members enjoyed a one act play entitled "Another Be ginning." given hv tha Thee. plans of Willamina high school under the direction of Mrs. Royaline Greenlaw, student di rector of the school. Those rjarticinatlng were Nancy Mischleu, Shirley Kas nick and Ted Cook, A pie social end cake walk was held at the school gym last evening annntnrad hv tha Explorers. Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts. Lee Kilgore was the acting chairman fnr tha svanl aa.l.tad I by different Boy Scouts. j GRAND ISLAND VISITORS Grand Island Mr. and Mrs. George Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Douglas and Son. David, of Portland were Sun- to Dol . So smooth it leaves you breathless inimofF CHr:""'iJfc51li7r i".ay Gates There was a lot of feudtn'. fussln' and fightin' at the Mill City theatre, Thursday, March 12. when students or the Rates high school "resented their an. nual play, "Comln' Round the Mountain." The three - act farce comedy, by Robert St. Clair, was nlaved to full housea at both the matinee and eve ning performance. Members of the cast were Allan Vail, Ida Blackburn, Joan Ryal, Viva Lee, David Vail, Don Bates, Pat Stewart, Danny Evans. Jerrv I Herbert Romey, Elda Webster, ueny nicker, and hillbilly nana iois Evans, Bernlce Meal and Gordon Devlna Pro duction crew Included Dale Reynolds, director: rTnnn ilaa ,nj U I 'Mu, vuaiuia x nomas, ."""vw, aveturei mcais, jonii i Bernhardt and Mabel Wtue- iman. - . man. - , The Gates school, war. w ed Monday T,i..d. nesday while the teachers at- in Poland teM,,e" llut"' Edmund L. Davis. Jr.. ha. received ni iUmmnt tm the armed service ai.d return ed tO the ham nf him riorn4e . . ,-a, aVJ, Ulll Mr. and Mri . E. L. Davis, Sat- uraay. Sunday afternoon. Mra Davis and her son drove to'S? T- M,nnmB at teneo Salem to bring Mr. D.vla s, a?v..of " convention home from the Salem Memor ial noapiiat wnere He Had been for the past week. Mr. Davis is resorted to be on tha mA to recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hearing and two children moved Tues day of this weak in fitau4A. where Hearing has been em ployed for several months. Mr. Hear In? formerly and operated the Gates barber snop. Mrs. J. R. Brown' tnpm-T of Pittsburgh. Penn will "V , . "u " cupy the house vacated by Mr. 71 'Vu.'J':. "S"n r.ow.n Hutcheson and will remain ' - CJ--. V4 " a, i , , ii. Gates during the absence of her nusDana, Major Jack R. Brown wno recently was sent to Ko rea to serve with the air rnrnt Recent guests at the home of L. T. Henness and his daugh ter, Mrs. LUlie Lake, were V. L. Morgan of Brooks, G. O. Hutcheson and daughter of Mill City and Etoyle Meyers uij ana ctoyie Meyers r0m Bend, Ueyl a for resident of Gates, had not seen i Mr. tiennees for 40 years. Bob Kelle was at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kelle the last of the week. Upon his return to his home in Cutler City he was ac companied by Mrs. Chris Knut son of Mill Citr who will spend some time there at 'the home of her dnuahfar . Mra ' Hollis Turnldge. Mrs. Turnldge who has been critically 111 and was hospital ized in Portland fnr aavaral weeks Is recovering at her home. . Mr. and Mrs. William P.n. nick and iwn hlllrH .-..a " wuMucu myviiv Sunday visiting friends fn Jef ferson. Mrs. Margie Anderann will, her little daughter T.vnatto left Sunday morning for San rrancisco wnere tne child will undergo surgery at a hospital. Work was resumed this n,t on the community house which members tof the Gates Womans club are endeavoring to hi, lid Windows and a front door were installed. The large glass door was a donation to the club from Mr. and Mrs. Fount Paul Dick Parker is in charge of the work. Wbsi yea Vs BMvtag as towa e te a distant dty. we offer the laset la worry-free moriaf aarv ke. Our local storage and boo taf hciUtias an anaxoallad. And r-as i wpiasautathres for AUM yaaliiaa-waaaa-Jaesatyoui aUanoaal tbm k-w.k- j .l. WwM's krgaH loag-dlaUaea AUad-s Cag m ht astaaaataa. Rtd'Star Tramfar "arty BeaMl Pk. 1-1 11) fating Svice , ACROSS TOWN OI It is planned to build the fireplace and lay the floor this spring so the building can be usea. Macleay Vf .nlau Ulan, war made for purchasing shrubs to plant on tne scnooi grounas at tne community clnh mpetlnff held at the school house Friday night. . Tha man of tha community will meet at the school house Sunday, March 22, to prepare tne grouna zor tne pianung. The program consisted of arnun alntflntf ld hv Mra Sam Miller with W. F, Cole as pia nist, and Bohemian music on a Bohemian accordion by James Huced. The 4-H club members will put on the April program. Mrs. Artnur speionnk ana Mrs. W. F. Cole will be In charge of refreshments UaavKat a TTa.laai.r at l 1.. cent" will be the project for 41.- o-.,., vcr.ta.r. u 'lJi' "Mion unit, at the meeting to .... ? - .. :r :t ' " "el ".By. cn,f. " me nome oi Mrs. M. M. Magee. i eTnU WlU 66 " " d8y mMt' ! Leaders will be. Mrs. Virgil ' urson and Mrs. Magee Gervais Mrs. John Eseers of the Archdlocesan Council of watnouc women at Marylhurst college, Saturday, beginning with mass at 0 a.m. offered bv Rev. T. J. Bernards, spiritual moaerator of Oregon City deanery, former naatnr nf St Joseph's parish, Salem. rne senior class of Gervais union high school Is nresentlna- the three-act comedy, "Quit Your Klddinff." on March 9.1 under the direction of Miss A. Austin. Tickets may be pur chased from any 'senior or at the door. , Those in the caet ara T..illa Schlndler. Bettv Hall. Genrce Lanning, Jean Manning, Pat McManUS. Pattv Tllinn fihlrlnw Vandehey, Millard Henny, Ar nold Schmidt. Rov Cuff. Rettv 'Robinson; Carol Clarke and Shirley Morton. Stage managers are Frank : Muth and Dick Leithf , air- ,r s tlVE-IN THEATRE momi?7829 UIISH 6AIDINS, HIGHWAY ft GATES OPEN :S SHOW AT 7:15 Starts Tonlte (Wed.) - Two Outdoor Technicolor Bits "TREASURE OF GOLDEN CONDOR" Cornell Wilde Plus Was This Indian Really ... - "THE SAVAGE" . Charlton Hestoa Gervais z mm AIR STEPS EXCLUSIVELY AT When If comes to o All Colors and Sins Silverton . . it. .1 ...KmlttaH to uus roia. wuu - major surgery during the past , -a I unlvarsitv weeK at rinau hospital, Is making a slow re- covery. n -' Owens of Lubbock, Texas, wno came by plane to be with her brother for 10 days, has return ed to ber home. Mrs. Ona Hensley of Rich- . a -.1-14.4 a tha hnma of ISIJU, viaibcu a " " her sister and brother-in-law, the Dr. E. L. Henkels, over the week-end. ' Mrs. Lee Wasson has accept- a aVi.. aalataalAal umrlr In ca ym nine i.wi.-a nw the law officei of Beesley tnd Eatell. t Lyons xtkIa rivonH niffht wai rwt iivmiv - observed at the regular meet ing of Faith Rebekah lodge Wednesday evening. All past noble grands were honored with a short Three Links pa geant, with Hose tonman, Doris Kelly, Nadine Duggan TW..riSin- Srt. Girnrt Bassett "wd JeSn Ho- herta also sang a duet in their h , honor. At the social hour Celen Taylor, Gertrude Weldman and May Patton served refresh ments carrying out the St. Pat rick motif. Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Feenstra were guests Thursday evening ti.U.n mawKor. nt tha f?nmmil. nlty Methodist church gathered at tne parsonage wnn & poi luck supper and fellowship TUA Va-nrifda left Vri. day for Dlllard where he will be minister at the Methodist church. Rev. Walter Dodge of Salam will Vu aimnlv nnsfnr HW.V... ... WW .Mff.- I here until conference time in June. Paw Tllvnn nt fihodd whn haa haan hnldlntf avanffallaflp meetings, left for his home fol lowing services inursaay eve ning. 1 Laura Lee and Kay Adams of Pacific City have entered Gregory PECK ERNEST HEMINGWAY'S tfivat WrffcHunfer' Randolph scon Chariot LAUGHTOI The Shoe NOW 0n 6:45 P. M. WS&r tfc. sut I "" 1 a 8Jr and AUTHOI al 1 " 1 Ef ' THe snows of laMMR m kiumakjaiio' . vTi5j 5 jTjqga' MAC0M,E a I .. SwothbvckllM J it B 1 ; Advtnlwrtl of I - Mw MINCt al t f Jwi I . FIKATISI . la JK V 7 Randolph "0 the Magic Sole You iitp on ait 7 K Air Step's StroDer Is trim fashion on a low heel. TaTl or smaJl, It's every girl's casual shoe. With its snug Btting heel and combination last, youTl hardly believe) you need pay so little for this good looking classic. SHI CH..1 .. .-TT-ry, siiziiiiiiJiliii Wednesday, March 18, 1953 school here. They have com to stay with their grandpar. ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hoi llngshead for the remainder of the school year. Tharlea Hlatt .of Brf.., - . - "vwiMjuq viaited relatives In Lyons for several' days. He was over ntffht ffiipitt at the hnmA nt 1.1. ....... as --.....x, 111 brother, Elmer Hlatt. He alto visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wlnzer of Mehama, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Lyons c Klamath. Calif., anent frlri.- and Saturday with relatives In T.vnna. Cyril la the aon nf hjt- mmf . w. , and Mrs. R. P. Lyons and uiuiuh , .j ujnv xun som. V. r,. Rove left Frlda n, V. at a. Mra . . .n T, . . - - J Elgin with a truck load of fur. niture for their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Roye, who recently moved there. Their daushter. Mrs. Laddie of Lebanon, will stay with Mrs. Roye while he Is away. Bethel Park Mr. and Mrs. R. Nelson with their son, Donald Nelson and family of Athena, spent the k1ta ence Nel,on nome at W"l- m'na- Mrs. Kate Smith of Fn.tar I. visiting at the home of her an. Rev. Ray Cather. ' Miss Ethel Berglund has re sumed her duties after her va cation hi Texas. Rev. and Mrs. Harold Beaty of Yoncalla, were Monday - visitors in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Gardner John son. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Nelson ana aauKiuer, uenniier, oi Atn- ena are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Nelson. Mr. Nelson is attending the Oregon State Teachers confer ence in Portland. . f PH0NI .S7S : - Shirley Booth Bart Lancaster "COME BACK, LITTLE SHEBA" Hu(o Haas "STRANGE FASCINATION" PNONS S-SOSO Maureen O'Hara In Technicolor "REDHEAD FROM i WYOMING ' Richard Greene "BLACK CASTLE PMONS S-M7 Howard Keel -Patricia Medina "DESPERATE SEARCH" ' - John Hodlak ' Stephen McNally "BATTLE ZONE" MARILYN'S with ' SHOP MARILYN'S FRIDAY TIL 9PM MARIL YN'S VODKA Mfe from 1 00 tnin fwt tp hi Mm H'i Km NsM MwIm, S-4I2J Pi 367 Court St. Phone 3-8155