REAL BUY Lovely Setting Just Like New -Aere Lot in Kelxer District Extra Nlc Front and -Back Yard . Imulated Real Cut Kitchen Oil Heat; Insulated Good Fireplace ' Attached Garage Paved Road French Doors Very Good Well Almost 1mm. Poii. Price Has Been Reduced o $11,800, Better Hurry! AL ISAAK, REALTOR 1039 Portland Road . Ph. 43811 at' Denton's SELECTIONS ' Oood family home, I nice bedrooms, ' larg. living room. Large utility room. Will trad lor email acreage. Filn MM. OWNER LEAVING ft-room homi plus ten sttle. Mr gHaee, bard wood floors, olt furnace, at- hum fimt. met mow. IDEAL FAMILY HOME Almost biw S bedrooms on 1st floor. Oct bedroom and party room In wasement. S fireplaces, doubt plumb gag, g-car teiaae, Lane attic, room tor I rooms. CIom to hug and MtboU. Denton & Denton, Rltrs. 44 State Street. Ph. S16SJ Sv. BS60D, 84007 or 18715 ecS- KLUMPP'S BEST BUYS ' MECHANIC'S SPECIAL" ' 1. A nleo homi 1. S acres but toll. $. On pared hwy. 4. I. alumlDum shop. A, Oood well & aprlnkler eyilsm. Right price at 19,750 "$3800" OLDER TYPE 3-BDRU. HOWS with L.R. A kitchen, on 14 aero of Lake Leblsh soil. Oood 7I-ft. well with mall chicken house. Alao family r ahard. "LOOKING FOR SECLU SION?" Sea this f-bdrm. homo with linns - - room, kltcbra, breakfast nook, large atlllty, cm tied In a, grove of fir treei on 4Vi acre of around with year round areek running throuih bick of property, Just 10-mlnute drive from Salem. Prleo $10,600, Aik for Richard Klumpp, on this. , "HERE IT IS!" Beautiful noma on Donna Ave. Well built and wall kept. Good baaamant ft fireplace, oil furnace, lgt. garage, close to H.W. & fit, Vincent. Toura , today for 1 13, TOO. Phono 1-7642 Aik for Clyde "INCOME" RENT AND REST Thl lncoma property bai a very nice homo for owner and three sep rate rental units, 3 garages. In the elty north. Lie. lot, paved atraet & eewer. Hear bui and shopping. Only $31,000. "GREETINGS" One you atop at this nica motel, you Will always want to come back. Own r'a home and 10 rental unite. 4 double, S tlnilea, only 4 yr. old. Well oonatructad on nice acre. 10 garages, 10 bathe. No cooking. Tola la a good invaetmans at s37,doo. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor MM Portland Rd. PB, i-7041 . Mr: 1-7041 07 1-1114 .07' WE NEED , $10,000 . to $20,000 HOMES SEVERIN REALTY St YEARS OP SATISFACTORY SERVICE WALNUT PARK 4 BEDROOMS Among fine homes, 1 bedrooms and bath down, a bedrooms and bath up. Large living and dining room. All floors carpeted with 135.00 per yard carpeting. Finished baiement and 3 er garage. Here ta a fine home, built prewar with best maUrlal. it la yours for under cost. Substantial mortgage an be arranged. $17,800. SUBURBAN SOUTH A home you'll enlov. IflM an. ft ef fine living. S bedrooms, a complete 1 baths, living and dlnlm looms are carpeted. Statnlesa steel kitchen. Large party room with fircnitr. u ere of fenced landscaped lot. A lot wi name lor oniy eu.soo. LITTLE ARM HOME 1 acres of garden, fruit .grapes, duck pond. Well-built home of 7 rooma. It la located close In and can be yours for only 1 11,500. Term. 4585 CENTER ST. Eait or lAncaater. Lovely bom. on lanttacaptd It acr.. Llvlni & dlolni room. Itreplac, clitarful kltcb a with nook, 1 tood-tlatd badrooma, IIUtr and altacbod aaraaa. Only ,10. 00. Mortaai. can ba arranged. JUDSON STREET Ranch atria l-room wall-built bom, tot rou muit to .ppr.olata at tba prlca ollarod. Thla la a naw.r horn, among tha man, (lna homaa , balu built u thla art Hon. Your, tor $10,7d0. North 23rd - Englewood On. block from market. A truly On. soma oonelatlnt ot llvlni A dlnlna with Book, (uU darllabt bailment, lorolr rard, and laraaa. Thli la an utilandlni baraaln at ,11.100. Severin Realty Co. tw N. HUh l-SOMi ataa. 1-tem Mr. Klana l-INt Mr, Moon I-7W1 m a( aNOUCWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT An lamllr home, laraa llrln, atnd dlnlnf rma, beautltullr earpelrd flraptaca, a bad rm., bath, downt 2 bed rtna bath up. Modern oonvenlrnt kltchan., oil lorced air fur nec, .overad pallo wllh fireplace. Sprlnkllnf intern In lawn, ntc. ihrubi. Out ol town owner aacrltlclni at 17,000. JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR 41 N. HUh St. Ph. t Eranlnia 97401 31 . IH7, al CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING tn Ward it Per Word, t tlmec loe Per Word, times liv Per Word, 1 month Me No Rffnndt Mlnlranm 10 Werdi. KKADKRH In Leeal Kewa Celamn Oalr Per Werd fe Mtntmam It Wards Ts Plscs Ad In Same Pay's Pspcr, Phone 2-2406 Before 10 a.m. REAL 1ST ATI CAR TRADE t bedroom, with HrsUw thst affords comfortable Mela, Ml a kt .room. Urge lot. It vou yr.r.r to b afoot Ineteed .1 koeselsei, don't PUS thlg UP. Call TtMMtU BOW. REASONABLE 8-BEDR00M Tm, and eitr. lot bonne, oo thli sewer suburban torn; wU loeiUd. hardwood floor,, Inelde utility, lini klteben, ou bodroom down, a pertly finished, up. Owner left slew, w. Inrll. u alter, CaU Ttkoetla, 2-BEDR00M SUBURBAN Full dining room. IMOO. This a-yecrd-eubujbca la an ft nke large . ' lot and la Jut chock full of nicer In t nit. Be hardwood floor, aaatal cabinets, la well-arranged kitchen, full-alaod dlnlnc room, blc living room, badrooma are large, lota of closet apace, attached car ace. Street la hard-wrfeced. Call Jim. LARGE 2-BEDR00M $12,000 fl-bedroom. ovenlie living room, nlee fireplace, big dining room, well planned kitchen, big combination utility and play room, double plumb ing, attached caraca, lneulatlon, weetherstrlpplng, Immediate posses Moo, hurryl ThU won't last. OAU Jim. 2-BEDROOM SUBURBAN l-yaar-old home with large living and dining rooma, taalde utility, good wall, blocks from Washington school, will be ft pleaanre to ahow thli fine home. Immediate possession. OaU Dale lUybum. BUILDING LOT Lose ted cut off Center St, tt7B. Call Dale JUrburn now. rra 4-BEDR00M DOUBLE PLUMBING Here's ft four-bedroom home with double plumbing, full basement, ; with 1 acre plua of ground In the city limits Bait en jy Has ft living approximately IB x M, dining room 14 x 1ft. Don't msu this, price only 14,000. Call Chat,- , $800 DOWN Mica t-bedroom aorthcast avbvr ban. WOO or anarbe leaa wiii handle Poll price 18500, or owner would trade for I -bedroom. Call Chet. RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT, REALTOR) loot x. ctpltol OH1M phonu: S-MM -ml SrtDlBt phonu VbbaHl I'lIK Chit l-im Jim t-l7( Dal. Hartum l-MU Roy Todd Real Estate YOU WILL LIKE THIS ' Wee comfortable Jiving, kitchen St dinette combine. Bath. One lea. bedroom. Utility. Shake exterior. About I yrs. old. H acre. Only $3900. Call sir. Simpson, salesman, BEST BUY IN TOWN Thl drtam homo li onir 1 tti. old. Hai t In. bdrmi, hi. Urlni lth . butlful flr.pUc, kltch.n, nook. L. lot U f.nei. Will trad, (or t or ,-bdrm. bouat. Termh 10000. Call Ur. Vandarvort, .alwrnan. LOT AS PART PAYMENT Desirable location. 1 biles, to sch. ft bus. 14x30 living, dinette kitchen combine, i la e. bdnns. with dble. wardrobe closets. 14. garage. Lot 50x110. Only $8500. Will consider ft lot as part down payment. Call Mr, Simpson, talesman. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT You win like this location and thla home. 9 bdrmc., fireplace, nice nook, lie. living, dining room, full basement, lovely yard with out- i aide patio fireplace. Close to shopping. Oood bua service. Price 11,850. Call Mr. Todd. TRADE FOR KEIZER PROPERTY Beautiful lse. i-bdrp. home only 4 yrs. old, Tory Ige. living with , fireplace. Igc. kitchen with eat apace. Lot la very large, street in front . and back of lot. Excellent location and view. Price $13,500, Call Mr. Vandervort, aalaaman. ' ROY TODD, REALTOR " ' NO, ataU atrnt . Cftiw phono: 1-8691 ' ra. phon.: Tandarrort Grabenhorst Specials PAIRMOUNT HILL A spacious 4-bdrm. home la ft friendly and at tractive neighborhood. Lee. liv, rm. with fireplace, din. rm., vary con venient kitchen. Den and full basmt., dble. plbc., wall to wall carpet . thruout. A beautiful yard. To aec thla home CALL H. T LAYMON, . SALESMAN ' BUSINESS PROPERTY Located north on Portland highway. 100 ft. frontage, 430 ft, deep. S houses. A fine piece of property. CALL O. H. ORABENHORST, JR-, CO-OP. BROKER OLDER 4-BDRM. HOUX Convenient to transportation and ahopplng center, newly redecorated InsVde, fresh and clean. A good buy at $0500 $1000 down payment. CALL T. H. LAW, SALESMAN DUTCH COLONIAL Three bdrmi. Including muter bdra. and den. living room 14 x Jo, din. rm., kitchen and nook, lVa acta plbg., full I bsimt., dble. garage. Lgc. wooded lot. Price $17,850. CALL PETER H. ' OEISER, SALESMAN. MANBRIN GARDENS Where pets end children axe welcomed, t bdrmc., full basmt. Spacious llv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm., very convenient kitchen with brkf. area. Lee. beautiful yard. Price $11,500. CALL H. K. LAYMON, SALESMAN GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS lit S. Liberty St. Ph. 1-3471 Bvenlnga Si Sundays call H. K. Laymon 1-8459 j. x. Law J-6113 peter H. Otlur t-Mos g FOR SALE HOUSES CLOSE BT THE SEA on Hwy 101, near Newport. Beautiful location. S-bed-room home and 3 well-built furnished eottages. electric heat. IB750. W. Whit well, Otter Rock, Oregon. ass 365 EAST RURAL This pre-war-built English type Nob Rill home should appeal to a home buyer wanting a real well-built home of lasting architecture. 3 bedrooms or X and den. Living room' with fireplace t dlnlnc room with bullt-lns. There ts a full-ilie basement with laundry k party room. Automatic heat. Newly decorated thruout. Oaraee and lovely landscaped corner lot. Can you dupli cate it at 113.600? Ask for Dick aeverm. Severin Realty Co. las N. High 4-38U; evaa. 1-BC98 aso NEW a bedroom, PHA built, IMOO. Do your own painting and save on down payment. Fiione 20987. i BT OWNER, 4 room modern house. 3 acres. Fruit trees, berries, garage. chicken house. North. 11500. Ph. 19538. ass NEW, BEAUTIFUL Jbedroom house. In Eastmoreland. Large double garage, ev erything you need for comfort. $11,000. Ksri Beanuur. Ph. cJftsa for appoint ment. a70 l-BKDKCOM home or wtu trade for smaii acreage ciose in. ese mere Ave. PH. J-1837. aSl MODERN f-BEDROOM home, complete ly furnished with electric range and refrigerator. Lynn Warner. Amity, Oregon. a70 BT OWNER bedroom home, living room, dining room, large utility, at- tacned garaae. 73W. Keiter DUtricL Phooe 1-37 1). afla Suburban North Almost new 1-b.droom home. S.p arate dinette, modern kitchen with plinty o( bullt-lni. Plaatired, Inslda utility room. Plenty ot garden apace, fruit and nloa lawn. The best ol aoll. NIc. lot 40 z 300 tl. CkH. to School and city bus. Priced at 17)50. Salem's Flrct Drive-In Smith Real Estate 44W Portland ltd. Phesa S7MT Ev Mr. OUon, 93001 11007 (Oppoalt. Woodrotti'i San Shop) BY SlltLDER 1-bedroom. 1 blocks to n.w hlah arhool. 115,000. Phon. 4-5101 or 4-3171. ei. Ml. a70' SMALL MODERN ROUSE, built for MI int. vary reaaonobla. Phon. 4-1M1. .17 WILL TAKE CAR, truck or city lot aa down payment for l-bwroota home Kelaef dlstrist. rnon. awe. ..i REAL EST ATI don, t ta Mhh. run arte. atmpaos -OM, Todd 1-1111 V FOR SALE HOUSES NEW, I -BED ROOM, unfinished, but liv able. Inquire at IMS on 1th St. in West Salem. aS8 By Owner ' Challenge to anyone to sec my t-bdrm. home with fireplace and not become Its new owner. Have tn be In Calif, thla week-end and can't take It with me. If you have anything to trade such as car, airplane, rollerskates or money that I can take with me then you can have my home. If you don't have anything then lease with option to buy, but the main thing Is I can't eat It so it his to go. Call S-B390. aS FOR SALE LOTS CHOICE VIEW lota In Klngwood Heights. ewrri, wuer, etc. oensioiy pricea. eaey terms. Can owner. Phone l-MU. aaS9 FOR SALE FARMS A FARM BARGAIN 1M Ac. of tood lend, l-bdrn. luni. large barn, other bldfj. On Hwy. 333 near oaiem. priced for quick cue, 13,000. Borne terms. JOHN J. DANN. HBALTOR 41ft N. High Ph. 4348? Eve. 38,78 Mike 37401, Oscar 35310, Dann 41643 30-ACRB FARM Borne beaverdam land on H. AU crope, go wnn piece. House vacant aow, Purchaser can move rliht In. F. H. Weir, Realtor 134T So. Com'L Phon. 1-1411 MS' FOR SALE ACREAGE Center St. Realty TEN ACRES BAST Willamette loam. Flcture yeur new home on this beautiful tract or silently rolling land. Only ten minutes out on paved road. Near echooL The price la $5110. VIEW ACRES 14 acres with fine view of wtoun taint, only ft minutes form city on psvea toao. Picture your auburban home on this gently eloping site with a back i round of madrona, fir, oak and other treea. Also some old or cnara. me price ti taooo. Center Street-Realty Hn Center Btreet Phone ClsSl Cve. Phones: Brlsbt MI91, oies t7S13 RIAL ESTATE COLBATH HAS THE BUYS' ' MfiO DOWN ' aXOLXWOOD Dlir, w W. trd Baa a Mdroona. llrlu m-. dim. rn... rm attacbad laiaao. boaa aom. paint on in. uuxw. rw pa Tama pn. oa ao pvr aaanw. ... ptu lalTX. $850 DOWN imuvom divt. v. lath. Una l-bdrm. bom. lth batkrau., L DR. laria kltcbra. vtllltr rm. ttaobad aarhaa. ONLY IMM. Tmi MM da Wl par aaonlb. Srfc pn. 411N. $900 DOWN See thla 1-TT-old S-bdra home tn the Xoovar ftchool dut. uiu OJt., bath, large lot. Storace bouse. AIL this ro ftwoo. jFve rzt. cues. SUBURBAN i2 ACRE Off MOkHOAJf AYS. g-yr.-cia 1 bdm. home with hdwd. fire., large L B., kltchan with dinette, Inside util ity ym many built-in s. Large fa race, water aratem. Nice lawn. This IS A REAL BUT POB tW&O. WILL THADK BQUTTT POR I-bdna. hOUCC In town. XVX. PH. 3M2I, MANBRIN GARDENS THIS baautUul l-bdna. horn, with laraa Mnat ilroplac bdwd. lira.. L.R.. D.H.. lorcod-alr lurnaea, patio, eornrr Jandaoapad lot. THIS IS A SHOW PLACl IN TBI OARDCN. wi orrzn this fropzrty at a RKXJCrD PRICX HI IT TODAT. VS. PS. I5I7I. Store Bide. - $950 Dn. flbmtt rtan rtjaana stack PLUS lara. Irlaula lot. .tor. ki.Ud- lna. brlnx auartara. .ttacbad larwa. THIS PROPTBTY IS SUITAEUC fOR IIAHT DIPrZRENT TTPZS OP BUS' JHteB. TO BI SOLD FOR LESS THAN ACTUAL VALUE PRICS ttm, NO PHONS INFORMATION. SXS TAN HORN. . I WANT TO TRADE Thla waU-kapt l-bdrn. horn, with bdwd. ma., u haat, Ilraplaoa. lov lr kitahaa, dinatta, .ttaobad t.rara. iioeatM on n. ista .riijc. ,io,bmi. WILL TJtADB POR LAJtaKR l-BDRAf. UOUI DP TO U,. BVX. PH. 4175. VS. PB. 41TW, 417M, PtIU. FARMS ft ACREAGES 1 ACRE $3250 With S-bdrm. house rTot culte fin ished but livable. Beautiful view of hiiia and mountains. $7S0 down and $10 per month. 20 A. MUST SELL THIS RANCH with l-rm. modtrn ha,., food barn, garaaa, 4 A. nloa Xnsllab walnut.. Aaklna 115,000. WS WANT YOUR BEST OPPER. OOOD TXRMS. THIS HAS TO BI SOLD VZRY SOON. OOIKDIATI POSBZ88ION. 5 ACRES PLUS Close In NX Small modern home, barn and etc.- NKAR LANCASTZR 40 ACRES St A. In oata St vetch, good orchard, live Creole, older I-bdrm. modern home, good barn, garage. On paved rd. Nice View. WORTH $10,800. TAKE OOOD S or 4-fedrm. home on trade. 87 ACRES TT in cult. It A. creek bottom, under Irrigation, ft-rm. older modern home. Barn 40x50. Price $16,000. Irrigation equip., machine 4c stock extra. SEX T. T. ANDERSON POR A PARK EVE. PH. 43714 NEARLY SOLD OUT COLBATH LAND CO. NEEDS YOUR LISTING. CALL OR DROP IN; WE .CAN HELP YOU. EVE. PHS. OCILESBEa - 96S79 ANDERSON - 41714 LAZENBT - 41701 VAN HORN - 41796 orncc DIAL 44494,24552 CS7 IftMWM MII1I ItlMIttM H4IMIIU , IIStltMM tlMMIUI VAlU4S,JiJSJlS;;' HOMES IllllllltltttSltllltt muiiiii tt fttuitiM llltllll II (llltlll Mlltl It IWIII w SULLIVAN NrW HIGH BOHOOL district Three bedrooma and a den In this fine large home. Double garage, aeparate 30x38 guest house with a, fireplace. A real family home for llfi.eOO. Call : Arndt, evae. ph. 41789. MOO DOWN Two acres north with email two-bdnn. house. Balance pay able IS5 a month. This Is a lot better than paying rent. IS, 300. Call Mr. Zltiewita ,cvl. ph. 31337. BOOTH VTLLAOB Quality plug In thla new 3-bbdrm. home with a full basement, two fireplaces, party room, and 3-car garage. Built by prominent cwiem ouuaer. ii&.oqo. II ACRES-Wlllametta soil. Won. darful 1-bedroom home with den. Dbl. plumbing. Paved road and only three miles from Salem. 3,000 feet of Irri gation pipe and a aoo-b.p. pump. Call Mr. ziuewitc, evca. pb. 31337. APARTMENT TrJVKTMXNT Half a block from Capitd ahopplng Center. Hardly ever a vacancy. Eight eots. Yearly Income 5aeo. Rock bottom price 133,000. Pine future potential. van bod Davis, ores. ph. 39794. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR taeft Portland Koad Ph. 4-feS) Branch Off. 107 M. Hlfh Ph. 4423 CSB $400 DOWN Small home Inside city llmltc heeds a nancy man to make into a cute piece, cuy water. Close to bua line. in per month. NEED MORE ROOM??? Then trade your email home on a lovely I -bedroom home with a double garage. Excellent dining room, forced- ir oh oeei, insiae city urn its, $4300 t-bedroom home trssldg elly Itmttg L.r llnng room and a ale. kluh,a Atuehed garage. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml South High Street Phong 3-1301 Phon. .Tinlnea: 4-1171, 1-1IM, 4-0111, I-I1I4 ttT BE. HOUSE, baiammt. furnace, fenced yard, furnished, 171M. Terma. Call l-aie. arenlnga. Phone 2-2406 Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE Wa Spaclallu in Tradta ' You Can's Sptnd a Dims a thla aaa. It', an aldar tn bom. imt kallar. ua lt'a Is line .oadilioa. Interior baa bam rmaped to . point lt'a baautUul. Brand new forwd-ftir furneoa. 4 badrooma, la line locatkn. Plraplaaa. Good root. . Lava aod abruU. PrlM la aolr IMM. ThU la Not a Misprint Aa almoat aaw horn, with fuO mh Bfnt. a-oar saraafc Poraad-alr oil turaee.. Bua kr door, t bike, ta acbaol. Prd. at, P.HJL tarau. Pull aria. 1 1 1.500. It's a Honty and it Beauty t lovalr batbrooma. alt. to aaoh bed room plua 1 aitr. half featha. Dual fireplace. BaautUul wall-to-wall war pete thromihout. Partr room la lull baam.nt. Unobatructabl. Ylaw. Quiet U. Oil lurnaoa. Iniulated. wa.tb.r atrlpped. t-oar iaraa. Patio. A yard that ba. ttnllmltad poaiiouitlea. Pull prio. art ,000. Must Sell Boon Owaar l.artna town, l-badroon borne., Only blkl. to aabool. Kec, non and ralrla.rator throwa In. Xnaulatad. Prd. at. Almoat laua. poaa. pun prlca OUT 14.30. CALL POR MR. CRAWFORD. EVE. PH a-auao, or Mn. ajuuine, svat. rn. 4-lwi ll no .newer, call -ute. Business Frontage ) Apprn. 114 acre, with M0-tk hub war frontal,. Extra lovalp 2-bedroom home. Almoat new. a-car att. aaraaa, Tola would make an Ideal alt. for a motor court, night abib or what have pout It would ba a pIbmut. t. lira la ihle oaautuul bom. IS-Unit Motel AI la tood eondltlon. W.U lur Blabed. Living auarter. tMantlr ran .rated. Thla woportr properlr man- Men would b. a real manor-maker. Baa b.n Mtabllahnl la thla location for manr rra, Tenna. Pull prio, 4,,ooo, Caie Trade Thla Ig a cood one, Eaalpmant tn varp cood .ondttlon. Owner will x--ahanga hla acuity In Colle. 8bop up mi aiuv on a noma, run nriea aaiao. OALL POR DAN ISAAK, EVE PH. 4-1511. u no aniwir, call 4-3241. , Caneberries . Thar, are IT acre, of aood aane. berrieg on thla 94-acro farm. Id Mrea .lover. Ail irrigated, venr beat ol aoU. Oood, modern .-room house. 10 by 40 barn, onion houae, machine ahed, tool house, over 3000 ft. Irrigation Pip.. Cloaa to Salem, Pun price 114,000. Terms. Very Productive l-aera farm. Beet of aoll. Oood. modem l-room houaa. SO by 34 bam, machine ahL 10 acrea under Irriga tion. Irrigation equip, worth MOOO. S walla. Price hag been drasUc&Uy re duced to 114,000. Terms. 10 Acres Near tood town. Owner foroed to toav, gut,. House .omplstely reno vated. Chicken bouae, brooder house. Will. aoll. All under cultivation. Soma terms. Pull price gia.soo. CALL POR MR. LEAVENS, EVE. PB. urn. u no answer, call 4-3341. ' MORTOAOE LOANS I K-Yaar Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ollloe Phonu: 4-1311 or 1-7130 ' 1011 PORTLAND ROAD ar. Phones: 3-4715, 44404, 4-3030 Or I-3S58 If BO giawar, phon. 4-1341 NELSON 3 BDRMS. - KEIZER This l-room cosy home situated on a rolling knoll, has good view. Appro. 4 yrs. old. lnsul.. ear ace, lie. lot TO x 313. 4950; 1000 dwn. Call Mrs. Wootten. LIVE RENT-FREE Thla 3-bdrm. auburban home la newly decorated, aood cond ready to eoeujy, ise. rooms, aiuo xor extra bdrm.. for only 000. HOW'S THIS? 1 blk. to but. Jr. and Sr. high school S bike. .way. 3 mlnutce by car to cen ter of town. Bdrms. 3 in number. Lot alia x 110. Yea, lt'a definitely in town. Price lltoo. CaU Al. Watla, J-7301. SIDE-BY-SIDE TWO S-BUDROOU HOMES These two modern plastered homes on two full-sUed lots each have I bdnns, dble. garage. 2Y blki. to High land school. One for $7500, one for I8W0, Would make food home and rental. 5 ACRES - SOUTH Walnuta, charrlag St prune.. Untbla l-bdrm. home. 11500. 11500 dwn. CaU afr. Oallagher. NELSON & NELSON SPECIALIZING REALTOR TO) H. High St. Ph. 1-IWO C. W. Reeve NEAR MEHAMA on the bank of the nan nam river. 4-B.R. home, fireplace, hdwd. tire., plaatd- H basmt. Pur. 3- car gar. J-rm. apt. on I A. This is a gooo our at ibsoo. Terms, 16 A. NEAR CHEMAWA IU. A beaverdam, family orchard, all under irng. uooo oarn, very aood 3-B.R. has, Pull basmt. Only 118.000 end will -nn. alder home or Income prop, in trade. m A.. 3-BDRM. HHE. with hesmL Fireplace. Large deepfreeze. Earn, chicken hie. Irrig. system. Oood black aoll. Under priced at 16500. Terms. Will take In good 1st mortgage. $300 DOWN, PAST 3-bdrm. hse. with extra sleeping rm. -on porch. Lse. kitchen b L.R. Oar. b chicken hse.: Oood auto, water system. Some fruit. BaL $tft per month. Price I52M. C. W. Reeve, Realtor IMS Million St. . ph. I4IN ... l,u or 47140 al7 'a...... ........... WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED o to 10 acres with good flom, eiose in. ai isaax, Rit phone 4-3311. If no answer, 4-3348. ea NOTICE: If your property la for aale. cut wr fMcnanst, US 1. Wim US, WO have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 1M O. Ml It flt. ca" WE ARE in need of good houses to wu, iu wr near Mltm. II you W1S& to lUt your property for aale, ire ORABENHORST BROS., REALTORS. 134 s. Liberty ph. 3-3411 ca JOE PALOOKA HELLO. DEAR. AHO BA0V AND VES.WE RE AT A WONDERFUL I RECEPTION REAL ESTATE Carlhaven LTtry attracUve 1-bedreom yearg old, paint Uke new. Front yard- kut lavvn. lenceu-u. DUX iaVWO, isuEfU'w - Hardwood floor .11 " .,,uu. mm. an thU tor ISOO, with .MM. t. w, bar. 1 aw house, under eowtrue- UOa on iniraM room house wllh bardwood floora. ou furnace, flrtplaca. .ttached tnald. utlUly room. Pried al 1004. The ether haa 1 bedroomg and Is priced .1 110,000. Will be completed loon, call and look them .ear sow. KINGWOOD PARK S-bedroom bous. with baid.ood lira., 1 ttbalha, full basement, separate din ing room, double garage, beautifully landaeapMl lawn with shade treea. Priced at 111.000. Reasonable offer eonslder.d. ABRAMS, B0URLAND & SKINNER 411 Uaaonle Building Miwtta) inimranea Uortcage Loans ! Phone I-M1T Svenhiga 1-4709 eee" INVEST (Salem Is Orowlng) Own part of downtown Salem. Large business bide, ground floor leased and returning the Investment Second floor vacant and Just welting to take the overflow from the high school building. Income will far exceed In vestment cost when leased. Investigate now while it la priced to five you a handsome return. $700 PER MO. $700 per month Income. See this beautiful residential court. 3-bdrm. units, finest rental area, very low overhead. Liberal terms to take aver. Vacancy almost non-existent. No phone Information. Shown by ap pointment only. HOME & INCOME Live in this good S-bdrm. home and take In $55 per month from perma nent renters In furnished home on same lot. Private driveways, private utilities. A fine bur for only $10,600. $3000 down. 1980 Fairgrounds Road Phon. 4-1301, XV,. 1-1003, 4-1700, 4-4571 C70" EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TRADE SMALL farm for Salem prop erty. John Kern, Rt. l, Box 17b, Hub bard, cbaa WILL EXCHANGE a l-bdrm. house and a l-bdrm. house for a 1-bedroom bouae In aouth Salem. Housea now drawing rentala of 90 and 110 per month. 037 N. Winter. iMI BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CAFE POR SALE. Oood location. 11100. 1000 down. Balance easy term, to re aponslble person. Phon. 3-1430. cdfts SMALL BUSINESS In downtown. Salem, suitable for one of two ver;, to handle. Call 4U07 ofter all o'clock. del" Opportunity Knocks! UP-TO-DATE VARIETT STORE Choice loo. In Valley1, faeteat-grow- lng gmaller city. Mod. bldg, low rent. Reported groia of 130,000 per yr. Only 13500 plus Inr. stock. REDUCED TO BELLI Investigate TODAY I OWN YOUR HOME PLUS INCOME Attractive mod. 3-bdrm. home plus purnished a-unlt court. On six. Eaay price Easy terma. Higginbotham Real Estatt pire and auto insurance, Downtown Plrat Nat'l Bank Bldg. Olllce 7311 woodburn Eve. (Ill ed8J GARAGE and Service Station CONCRETE BUILDING 30 X SO: two pumps; compressor; hoist and com plete equipment. Also good 6-room home with U acre of ground. This Is In s Tery good business erea. Price 130,000. owner will consider good 1-bedroom home for part. No phone In formation, please. Center Street Realty 1784 Center St. Ph. 4-SS31 eds BUSINESS & INCOME APARTMENT BUY I Can show very good Investment re turn. North location, low rental brick. et, low price for quick sale. Owner leaving states. Pacifio Newspaper urosers, ttoy k. coie. Broker, 087 N. Capitol. 3-3035. eeRS INCOME PROPERTIES INCOME $330 per month. 8 unit fur nished apartment. Three nice lots, close to school, bus, and atore. Must be seen to be appreciated. $30,000. ; 2lzrL e,B7 w. a . WAIN I bO FURNITURE E wmsm MIDWAY AUCTION We buy end sell. Phone 4-8683. da76 WANTED Oood used furniture and appliances, Phone 3-S098. 4a iyici"'.'t To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 - HOW ARE VOll l AtOM... f GREAT!... THE HOTEL... HAD FLrSHT...ANO WHAT THEY GAVE AUCTIONS AUCTION! ATTIHDAY 1 P.M. .,JT'.uSJJ,u7i meat Co, 13H Portland Rd., aataa. Phon. 1-tTtl. Jf. Sudtell's, AUCTION TRUES, MARCH ltTB ST SILVER TOR -RD. PSTORsI e-BOg. s eomplite yoeau tl t. k. !oMt. tb. big hut blddw. Oner leer ux gMK. . . t If. W. EJM. Range. U. W. . -M Rm. Mts, B. K. Mt, Rldabed, t rr. Babr Red eomplst.. S Twin Sdg cornpliU, Upright piano, Washer. 3 Crenoa, llddU hek sJulrg. rteat e drawara, I occ. chalra, rockara, lamp collie tabIM, table Si floor lamps, blah halr, etroUer, beds, U springs, twin ds fun alae atatlnagaa, dlshaa mile articles. ApvIm. nloog, pota- toaa, ahruba, 1 p. IS. 1JVRSTOCK Chlckena Si Rabblu. Calla Is Teal. Peeder Stock, IS looa. oid Hereford Bull, Beef Si ifllk Owws, Heller., Bulla, Steera, Shiep, Ooata, Weaner St PiKlir pks. Call a. belore yeu war, aeU f eon- . LID. me nneei wm LAME SUDTELL'S AUCTION BALDJ YD. .....a.......e'e'.ete'i FOR SALE LIVESTOCK Professional HORSESHOEING . i tan. the aho. to Mt the let. This Is the belt lor the botes. Tex Mlwly, 1371 Sllr.rton Rd. eOT FOR SALE Oentl. bone, broa. t. work nd rldai .iso aaraeaa, wagon, now. etc. Call l-liog alter a. S OENTLE .ulttratlng hongs, a but logging warn, a nearr amuw www. 474S SUTtrtoo Rol. e4fl" SADDLE HORSES Trad, lor kid ponies, Shetlands, plca-up, er e-wnsei on.. Imd. iSTd sUTOrtan Rd. eS7' LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEP Whit. f.c. Hereford. 31c Locker pork, a 6c. potning sown, . moa. to pay. OUBtom killing. Trailer lo.ned free. Seism Meat Co, 1111 S. 31th. Ph. I-4W1. a RABBITS WINQ NEEDS RABBITS IflH Stats' 41111. eosir CALIFORNIA BUCKS and Soea. Phone 4-1M1. 4410 Claiter Rd. .bl7 RABBITS WANTED. Any all. and quan tity. Also purebred breeding .lock for ale. Phone 1-7107. eb7l PETS MOORE TROPICA!, PISH, equipment, supplies. 3 miles srom Laneaeter on Macleay road. Phoa. 4-3771. Clossd Wednesdays. .ell CHOICE CANARIES 1140 Chemeketa at. Ph. 1-4181. .CI4 HOLLXWOOD AQUARIUM 1111 McCoy, on. block seat ox n. capltol, l block, north of Medlsoa. Ph. 1-1197. C71' FUEL BUT ANDERSON'S handplcksd eleb. wood, now 3 eords 114.00. Phon. 1-7711 or 4-4313. . ce7s Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. pica up your pr.ate4ogs, snoueta and Wood, lot So. Com'L. phone 1-7731. ee Oregon Fuel Co. ' SLAB AND SAWDUST S. & H. Green Stamps Phon. 1-1131 SOOT Broadw.y Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. ewwuiAij roa ao ltatb Pllner trimmings, 11 load. Phon. 17731 Hiway Fuel Co. Sawdust tub. service, all kin da .f wood. Phon. 1-0444. .a WALNUT SHELLS, 10 weka for 11, or a? ion. si ion aoiiverod tn gown. Mor ris rlorfeln Packing Co. 460 North Pront. West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, 1" CLEAR IMMTEDIATE DELIVERY pickup Wood 1130 Bdgsw.tar Phon. Salem 1-4031 FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED Colored fryera, eolorod and iwnora sens, nigneis prices, Me s Hatchery, phon. 3-31.1. 1 FOB BALE Twlc. weekly, day-old emeu in now Hampahlre. Parmentera, Red, Whit Leghorns, Auatra-Whlte, Whit. Rocks, Whit. Wrandottes, Par menter cockerela. La. R.tehery, phone 3-3881. J. SPECIAL New Hampahlre puUeta, 11c .a. vnuer nra Btorfc Ph. 4-4034. no WHITE LEGHORNS, AuBtra-Whlte, and new n.mpsnire emeu, 11. bandrad. Ph. 1-1313. .Palmer'. Poultry Perm, Brooks. nt FREE CHICKS FREE CTHTmrai 10 to each customer Tburg., March II. Bring thla add A container. PETE WILL SERVE CROWN WAFFLES m cvrraE LEX FRED e SEED STORE Ml Trad. Phon. 1411 fll GOLDEN RROAD and New Hamnahlr. n.icn.a every jaonaay and juuncii. uur .mega grow raater. Fox's Hatchery, 1130 State St. Ph. 3-tej. .. PRODUCE FOR SALE BURBANK POTATOES, aeed ana eat. loo 10s. a miles eaat of Kelaer school. Ed Sproed. Mo Sat. fill OROANIO GROWN TREB RIPENED oranges ana grapefruit. Potatoes, on ions, ftpplea .nd nuts. PHIPPTP Sltna. FARM MARKET, H00 Lucaater Drive. Phone 1-11M. - ft. HELP WANTED MALE EXPERIENCED Appliance repairman. Cherry city Electric. I3t Chemeketa. Apply aiter s:oo p.m. gace rvpDlTkirwn a, " " nvvif an nuna. tfs . vnTf-lBi HELP WANTED FEMALE WAITRESS Woodroffe'a Sen Shop, 1400 roruano no. no pnone cans. gos ...THESe AUSTRAL I AMS T OOWT tvTjRjty WHATS THE KXi.. T THEV LOTSA CLOSITfi ARE A HOSPITABLE J ABOUT A THING, FULIW UP TH' CLOSET J WIT60WKINSt AMO CORDIAL PEOPLE PEAR...CALL M6 WITH ALL VOUft If HELMET F TV HELP WANTED FEMALE EXPaikfCkD ALTKSATION . LADT Apply Si an. Roebuck a Ca. blTe BZHRIENCED WAITRESS WMtad. wnona a. CAR ROP Woodroffe'e Seat Shop, 140 aMUaS aLfl. UU DnoilS wasaia,, V fc EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Good Jobs P-Rcpt, Up. 1 bra. ............ vm p Cashier, typ. wart Urn. ...11.00 hr. p oen. ofc, apt, tsu. 1. t'O hr. p CeJhUr, gen. ole. i' 't hr. r pbz operator .......117 P Steno, bkkpr., part time Ill, receptionist H0O P SUno, knowlla. bkkpt. ...120 T 4Heno sea. fc, SO-41 ...... .112 M Acct. Bar. Tax axp till M Sale, trelnee, young mecb. Inc. open. Tb. Best Way to the Rett Job COMMKRCIAIi PLACEMENT ORE. BLDCS. PH. 41111 Also, Portland Me, 001 Bidr. gf. Office Jobs See ua for ejuallty Jobs, Benefit by cur knowledge of employers and by our ex nerlenae In the community. Chech our listings Mondays, Wednesdays COMMERCIAL, PLACEMENT AOXNCY 94 State St. (Oregon Bldg.) 4-3361 Also Portland Office $09 Oorbett Bid. gl&8 WANTED SALESMAN Leads Leads Leads Salesman by distributor for 41-year-old firm. Products accepted by Amer ican Medical Association. Mo credit problems. High rate of commission. Pay every week. Aver see aale $300. Average aotnmUslon $10. Must ba aoadable and have car. Apply in per son, ale Court Street. Salem. sg67 LOCAL ORGANIZATION ouUlde aalea program, nationally advertised prod- , acts, hard work, good pay. Apply ArgOj, Hotel I4 chemeketa, 4;45 p.m. to ; 7:15 pjn. Wednesday, Ask for Mr. ; Olson. flgss WANTED POSITIONS COLLEGE GRADUATE Veteran, officer. family, , ambitious, seeking lull tlm. ennlig or oarly morning po-, .ltlHt ftftar p.m, experienced la managerial, office, retail aalea, writ ing, Investigation work. Consider any. think. Phone 17476. h67 ENVELOPES addressed at yar home. neatly. 3-7101. , h07 . LADY WANTS to car. for ehlldren, my noma, rtesponaioie. . comer, district. 4133 Durbln. 3-3307. hl7 CHILD CARE Pick VP and driver. rnon. aseio. h70 WREMAIS DAT NURSERT Llcenaed and .tat. Inapected. Infant, bp to 3. Phon. 3-1019. hlo CHILD CARE In my home. Call 41171, hlo CLEANING, WASBINO, Ironing, by day. rn. xasiu. bee PLOWING and discing. Orover L. Ha-. maun, 34go Bloasom Dr., Salem. Phon. 1-1111. h86 PLOWrNQ. IMMEDIATE service. 1-030O. h!7 REW lawns. Rotary noemg. Free estl- matii. rruana wolcott. Phon. 1-1127. h87 OOOD CARE given children, icy home. rteierencaa. rnon. 4-lHB. h67 PATCH PLASTERING, basements water. prooiso. by piuwrins. prank's Service, pbjQne 3-0148. hll PAPER HANGING, painting, tree eatl- maiea. von AiUCcro. Ph. 1-DB32. b73 MRS. MICKENHAM'B DAT NURSERT Stat, licensed and Inspected. Ph. 3-789S h7. GARDEN PLOWING PHONE 2-3041 , h74 GARDEN, FLOWER bed and lawn pre paration. Flowing, discing, leveling, rototlllng. Service Center. Phon. 41971. h70 TILING WITH new MA ROT ART TIL- raiflii .renin. a-gS3l, 1184 LIGHT CRAWLER, dosing, dirt level- "... anuuii, rnuum ml9 LANDSCAPE maintenance, p r a n 1 n ' ...uiniinv, planting, lertuuing. serv ice Center. Phono 4-IS73. h71 CUSTOM WORK plowing and discing. rw a-wa. lava Bircawood Dr. nit' TREE WORK. Topping, trimming, re- luwvwa. .oaurra operator, rfonn Payne. Ph. 1-0030. h70 IPERIENCED cretrr-bookkeper, fast. .rpiai. nox is, capital Journal. b68 CHILD CARE homework by day. vmu .0017. hsa FIRST-CLASS earpint.r work. New, re- .uuiici, i.iiair. no joo wo .mail. phon. 11311. h7l CARPENTER Cabinet work, home re modeling, ire. estimates. Call 1-0411, 4-1023. RADIO TV SERVICE TT ANTENNA bonded and license spe-. vimi .ubhiiki ,iu, plus manriaL Call any tlma.Prei cellmates. Phon. f FOR RENT ROOMS BUSINESS DISTRICT, nice, warm, aleeplng room, with hot, .old water. 351 Center. Jk96 NICK IMivrvn n-.. v- m. , j ' icr, i a. nun. pay by week or month. jaOl WARM, CLEAN, .log. In. Reasonable. 191 H. High. jkl SEVERAL ROOMS clean, very nice, near atete buildings. 15 psr week, 130 per month. Phone 4-1713. ik06 NICE CLEAN comfortable Bleeping room. rt. cottage. Ph. 1-9971. Jk8 LARGE, beautifully furnished rooms. Available March It. Also 1 - room apartment. 03. N. winter. Jk04 DOWN-TOWN alecclng room. Hot and cold water. Reasonable. 151 center. lko SLEEPING ROOM for 1 OT t, 700 N. Church. Ph. 1-4131, jkot ROOMS FOR RENT Privilege t house, 1110 N. Winter before 0:10 p.m. Jk0l LARGE WARM furn. room for man, with kitchen Si bath. 175.00. 1474 Court aventnis. Jk64 009t WANTED TO RENT PERMANENT COUPLE, email child, want .-oeuroom nouae, Baraga, April 1, R,f. erences. 3-1751. jasi S OR 4-REDROOM house. Willing to pay iw re .io i or ricnt house. Call '?' . . )a01 FOR RENT HOUSES l-BKDROOM DUPLEX, unfurnished, 150. e-uou. .-vu.v o.iwcea . ano 7 p.m. Jmt7 By Ham Fisher 1 WW"s A t . ! . . , a ,.