' ' THE" CAPITAL' JODrtNAE, Salm, Orft Tele- at EW5 Radio-Television By DAVE BLACKMER Say. we forsrot to .vz . j , 4u- i : "Kur ini arew xne short end of the straws and got to work during the atomic weapon blasts early Tuesday morning . . f The Kent being able technician Don Martin . . . " :: Clayton Sheldon, Portland, recently started publi cation of a mag named Television LIFE. The smaU package Is five by seven inches in size . . . Some thing new Indeed for Oregonian Tele-Viewers. Shel don tames- complete digest of television .. . TOPS IN , TELEVISION Arthur Godfrey and His Friends with Frank Parker, Hale- loke, the Mariners, Chordettes, Tony Marvin, Archie Bley- ers and other KPTV Wednesdays 8:80 p.m. , UNITED NATIONS As a public service, KPTV and the Na tional Broadcasting company will occa . sionally b r i n g , to Northwest televiewers sessions of the Gen eral Assembly of . the United Nations direct from New York City. Because of the time differential, these pro grams will be telecast early in the morning between 8 and 9 a.m. - KPTV will be unable to schedule these sessions before hand, due to lack of advance information concerning the contents and importance of each day's sessions. KPTV and the National Broadcasting company will endeavor to carry these meetings whenever possible. Keep informed . . . know what your government and the other members of the UN are doinur . . . watch, listen and think when you see the UNITED NATIONS on Chan nel 27. YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING Pabst Bouts at 7:00. Bobby Dykes, San Antonio, Texas, s. Pierre Langlois of Paris, France. 10-round middle weight bout from Dallas, Texas. Hollywood Opening Night at 8:00. June Havoc, Don JJeFore, "Komantic Type." Tale of two romantically minded people who run a talent agency.1 I Married Joan at 9:00. Joan fixes a 16-year-old girl up with the boy next door, and winds up as female Cyrano trying to get the two love-smitten teen-agers together. This Is Your Life at 9:30. FrankCoffyn, 74-year-old aviation pioneer who was first student of Wright broth ers, and first to fly an aircraft under the Brooklyn bridge, Is honored by Ralph Edwards tonight. Kraft Theater at 10 :00. Capt. George Hill, James Greg- .. i ti - i. 1 1 tiM ii i r u - i ui v ttiiu tfuiin auiuLwii 111 my xruLiit:i s Accucr. at ue hind-the-lines story of the Korean war of a Marine com mander who is forced to make his most difficult decision. Nite Owl Theater at 11:30. "Bowery Boy." Dennis O Keefe, Louise Campbell. ' On Television KPTV (Channel 27) (Only wotTMnj ichftduled In tdvanci) U;U Jn. Gurry Moor 11:00 p.m. Th Bit PkToff p.m. Wtlcomw Travtltri 1:00 p.m. Kat JBmlth 1:00 p.m. Doublt or Nothinf 1:10 p.it. tx.k. It Rich :0O p.m. Mttlnt Theater . 4:10 p.m. Loft et Lift 4: p,m Peter Fan :0O p.m. Howdy Doody 1:30 p.m. TootBit Hippodrome :00 p.ntrlka It Rich :10 p.m. Doui Xdwerdi 4:45 p.m. Tlmt for Beany 1:00 p.m. rihti :45 p.m. Neva Caravan :0O p.m. Hollywood Opeolu Mlfhl 1:10 p.m. Arthur Oodlrty w.w p.m. i aaarnea joan t:10 p.m. That- Xi Tour Lift 10:00 p.m. Kraft Theater 11:00 p.m. March of Tima 11:30 p.m. Nit Theater Salem Fringe Area - Picture Is Tops! PR ALL'S Formerly Paul T. Waltt 4 Co. 220 N. Ubtrtr Mom 4-4742 MARR RADIO TELEVISION INC Salem's Most Complete Televiiion Center 2140 S. Com'l Phone Day or Night 2-1611 or 2-4728 3:00 p.m. The Feminine Amla 3: IS p.m. Arthur Oodfrey 2:30 p.m. fitrlke It Rich 3:00 p.m. Mat In t Theater 4:15 p.m. Oearch for Tomorrow 4:30 p.m. Lov of Life 4:46 p.m. fltranttr Than Flttta. 8:00 p.m. Howdy Doody :00 p.m. Rani Rldtr 6:30 p.m. Doua Idwardl, Mewl 1:46 p.m. Time for Beany 7:00 p.m. My Hero 1:30 p.m. Dinah Short 7:43 p.m. Newt Caravan 3:00 p.m. Groucho Marx 3:30 p.m. Burn and Allen 3:00 p.m. The Unexpected 3:30 p.m. Ford Theater 10:00 p.m. Martin Kant 10:30 p.m. WrutUni 11:30 p.m. Hltt Owl Theater THURSDAY 11:00 a.m. Freedom Rlnm 11:30 a.m. Hollywood Reel 11:45 a.m. Oarry Moore 13:00 p.m. The Bit Payoff 12:30 p.m. Welcome Traveler 1:00 p.m. Kate fimlth anew MITCHELL'S Factory Trained Service and Imtallitlon 1880 State St. Phone 1-7577 1880 BUte St. Phone 1-7877 I il l rCegPSgigS Don't Like Swooners New York It won't do you any good to swoon It you're trying to get yourself hired by a celebrity; eroonert don't like wooneri ai secretaries, accord ing to Today's Secretary mag azine. Neither do top-flight en tertalnen, according to Mar lorle Hughe, who ought to know, because ahe'a aecretary to Bob Hope.. -.. - What they want, according to Marjorie, if someone they can depend on to do a good rou tin job and to take emergen cles in their stride. When Mr. Hop Is out of town, Marjorie, in addition to keping things on an even keel at the office, has to be ready, at a moment's notice, to help her boss out of any situation in which he may suddenly find himself. . For instance, most secretaries could feel reasonably free, with their boss in mid -ocean, cn route to Europe, to relax and draw a deep breath. Not Mar jorie. Her phone rang, recent ly, and there he was calling from the Queen Mary. 'I hear London's having' an unseasonable fog, said Bob. 'Will you pull our files on fog gags and air-mail them to me tonight? Need them in London day after tomorrow." A trip to Mr. Hope's Joke files is almost like a visit to Fort Knox, according to Mar jorie. He couldn't guard tbem more carefully If they were gold nuggets. They're ensconc ed in a secret and steel vault, and they constitute the enter tainment world s most fabulous collection of rib -ticklers about 100,000 in all, collected over a period of years. File headings include such items as "Fat Ladles," Foot ball," Santa Claus," and al most anything else you can think of. Alongside most of the gags is a scribbled coding in Mr. Hope's own handwrit ing, for he reads and evaluates every joke produced by his writers. An unmarked joke means he considers it a dud. A checked gag line indicates a maybe pretty funny." And he enthusiastically circles the "sure-fires," which often be come meat for the five-minute monologues that open each of his TV, radio and personal, ap pearances. One of Miss Hughes' prob lems is trying to keep up with Mr. Hope s penchant for mak ing his own schedules.' "We in the office are never surprised,' she says, "to find that he's left town. We may come in one morning and find a note: 'Gone to Alaska back soon.' It's quite usual for him to be here at noon and aboard plane heading- for Europe by night fall. He's always adding to the more than 2,000,000 miles he's already travelled, on every con tinent, since 1941. Dictation from Mr. Hop is nothing for an awestruck girl. "At first I thought I was on the receiving end of a verbal machine gun," says Marjorie. "But now I'm used to it. I've never bothered to check, but he probably dictates at least 180 words a minute." Mr., Hope makes most of his own appointments, she says, leaving the routine to his of fice people. He knows thou sands of people his staff has never heard of many of them acquaintances made while ap pearing around the world. H works all hours, some times all night. Gag-hatching sessions, with Mr. Hop as mas ter of ceremonies, frequently last till dawn, particularly right before a show. Top flight comedy doesn't Just hap pen. Miss Hughes thinks it's par ticularly important for a celeb rity's secretary to keep in mind what every good secretary should remember: Your boss's business stays locked up in the office when you leave. Paper Stockholders Will Vote on Merger Portland u. A vote of St. Helens Pulp and Paper company stockholders on a merger with Crown Zellerbach will start with receipt of a formal offer from Zellerbach officials next week. Stockholders met here yes terday to discuss the $12,000, 000 deal and most appeared to favor the transaction, accord ing to spokesmen. Reason for the merger, as ex plained by directors, is that an expansion has cost more than estimated and additional funds cannot be raised by bor rowing in addition to the $4, 000,000 already negotiated. Lily Pons Memorable For Salem Song Lovers By MABIAN LOWKY FISCBIB Lily Pons, she with vote of bo comparables, cam to Salem Tuesday night, bar con cert without "ibt th memor able highlight for mav seasons of th Community Cavrt as sociation. ; .j.; . ., ' I A capacity audience erowded the Salem high school audito rium to hear th voic and to admire th attractive person ality. They say of Lily Pons that to hear one of her concerts is an experience to be cher ished, and that expresses the reception her. Memorable were the num bers sung with flute obbllgato. a combination perfect for the Pons voice. John May was the flutist, Henry Holt the pianist lor ice concert. In these num bers were on to close the eyes one could hsrdly distinguish between the flute notes and the flute like voice. It is a rich ex perience to hear Lily Pons be cause of the magnificent voice control that marks her singing. The two numbers with flute obbllgato remembered especial ly are "La Caplnera" by Bene diet and "Charmant Oiseau' by David. . - It was a short program as far as time goes, but a "heavy one," as she expressed it, be cause of the exacting control and exertion necessary. The audience thrilled to her presen tation of "Je suis Titania" from "Mignon" and the finale, "Caro Nome, Rigoletto,": of Verdi. Miss Pons came back for two encores, including the ever po- Jaycees Amass AudionGadgets Woodburn A variety of goods and services already have been offered for the community action auction to be held March 27. at the Woodburn armory, sponsored by the Woodburn Jaycees and Jaycee-Ettes. Pro ceeds will go to an undisclosed but worthy local project. . Among the services offered will be the offer of Lou Hilde- brandt to provide and spread a 100-pound sack of fertilizer: Dr. Gerald B. Smith and Mrs. Tom DeArmond have offered meir services as caddies for a round of golf; Tony Painter will put up three one-half hour golf lessons; members of the na tional guard company will split up into groups to plow and prepare a yard for a new lawn or clean up a lot; Herb Bamage will plow a garden up to one acre; Mildred Guthrie will make her famous almond roca; Harold Livesay will fur nish materials and build a dog nouse to the buyer's specifica tions; Mrs. Glen Ahre will give five free piano lessons; the C-J laundry will wash and dry five loads of laundry; Kilian Smith will put up a $10 set of miniature International Har vester toys, and many more ar ticles and services are being offered for this community event. A professional auctioneer, as sisted by the Jaycees, will sell the goods and service donated by local residents to th highest bidder. Any one interested in nor. ticipating in the auction by do nating either goods or services Is asked to contact either Mrs. Lou Hildebrandt at 8031 or Mrs. Gilbert Ramage, 2-4823. pular The Muile Box," an other of th typ of th Hut obbllgato numbers. - . It was difficult to determine who was more thrilled with Miss Pons' concert the capaci ty crowd, or th singer herself. . In a brief interview follow ing the program, the petit, gracious singer ' greeted her callers by figuratively singing out: ' ','., ; "Oh, that wonderful audi ence. And th little children, so many or theml I aaw one little girl,. I know she is net more than S or 4 years old. She scarcely moved, she watched me every minut. It was a won deriul audience. It mad me happy." . 1 The world renowned colora tura soprano then went on to tall of her plans for th early summer, giving the small group of Interviewers little chance to ask a question. She will go to England to sing during the cor onation events, then plans a three-month vacation in France, Italy, and Switzerland. For her concert here the singer wore a sbft pink bro caded dress, styled with off shoulder neckline and a wide American Beauty sash with bow in back: a soarkly neck lace, and long white gloves for tne first part of the program. She had donned a short leopard skin jacket for the interview. Miss Pons limits this inter view - business, however. She was in Salem all day Tuesday, but she does not meet the press ahead of the program. She was gracious, for the few minutes following the concert, but very abruptly announced she was weary after the heavy program. and promptly turned from her callers to attend to the business with the Community Concert association officials. It was all done in a manner not to offend, however. 'i During th intermission. Mark Hatfield, president of the association, announced the membership renewal campaign fornext season will be on soon, closing March 30, and he asked cooperation of the members to give' their answers on renew als by then. . New Army Amphibious Vehicle. 3 Men Lost Ban Francisco () Th U.S. Army's newest and largest am phibious cargo vehicle th Baro sank last night and all three crew members w r drowned, th Sixth Army said today. Th oraft, completed only last September and still under test, went down suddenly and unac countably oft ; Pigeon Point, about 20 miles south of here. It was being towed by an Army tug from Monterey Bay to San Francisco. Rough weather made it impossible to determine the cause, th Army said. . ' BIO CORPORATION PAYS New York W A check for 87 million dollars in Income taxes was received from on corporation at th Second In ternal Revenue District head quarters Monday. the Premier Broadcast OF TMI Choral Symphony under the elncvtn ! DR. FRANK BLACK 6:30 P.M. KSLM ' brought to yoo by your ' CADILLAC DEALER Ufsfiman Commissioners Court Tka Mlwtaa to th tftkUl gUn- lloa at Hi record (UUm U!m U MulM cmbif CanualHloaars OMrt Mr Uw Mnui Tub ( im, U U mmrnt allawad, atua MaltaiMO, oraiu to th rtcord la Um alllM ! Uk oauatr cunt; Dr. AuUla w. antrt, HuS nuMctloa. H.Wi Otoa B. eriwnii. 4o. lll.n small xwlm RtUnmaat, Bturamral, t,wi.w; u Si BHuh aUa smaeh. wlumuMuur. I.I1I.MI ac4l ladiallrlal Auttmt, la- L4wn. ixvutr,' SW.lii be QuwaiZ 4. sat.U! Starr juacwina. o. iit.ui 4. L. aiMBUBd. f. suet: 1. r. achiaibm, lo, m il; BUhard MknoUoa, oo, 1U.M; Orae X. BaaeocK, o, irr.101 Ha m. BalUla, do, m.u: sul auin, CUrk, m.st; aaakal Moon. to. lain; ataa Waturtoa, oo. 1M.M. OriaH caart A. A. XlebtnU. Sac. lor Circuit Court, XM.M; B. B. HutJul. S. 1W.KI B. D. PtrWa, 40, IM.tt. ClrU BWaaM-Wal-lleo a. Whtrlon. Director, 1 M Dor- otar a. rrooen, atemarr. w-n. va ir Clark X. BtmkMk. Saautr. IM.al; Lr. Howard. 40, MM B. L. aiulkar. 4. lll.n; v. wiaoior, 40, na.w; r. buum, 40, XLlai B. Wauon. 40. mm B. i. atantoa. ao. 1011 H. II. Olliord. 40, lll.n; a. iiimp, o, iw.at; w. - Praalt, ao. Mt.it. Oaaatr Caarl Qtm laaiaaata 1 Baaalaaik. Clark. (OKI; Jor Dojal. ataoot, 1W.JI. Oaarl BaaM B4 Booth. Mlabt watctuoaa. m.ot; Rath utealaa, Aut. awltahboard Opar, IT.I0: If. J. laorruon, awitonioara uir. t la.Diaartaa aiar. Kooari r. anair joa, Dtputr Dttt. Altr., H.00; Dorli DaVaU. aaoratarr. lT1.il; Jaaoa Lai, Dapulr DM. Atlr.. tll.1l. Dlalrlal Oaart noraaa A. B4do. Daputr. 111.); Uaa BaaL 40. IK . BlatrUI OaaaUMa Artaor m. jtoaiQiia. uaputr wm. Hl.l. Baallk DaaartaiaBt W. t. Stoat, r n.T. II. U0.ro; W. r. Ortaa aanl'ar laa n, llt.ao; f. B. Coltmaa. aaanarlui X. STI.tTi L O. Larmoa, Baoltarlan IX. ITI.n; W. O. BaUlt, Saaltarloa I. Ml 00: Baralca Taarr. faTM V. xn.aa; Bcuth Baulmaa, ran X, M0 10! Mary Lou wondloeh. FHM I. Wl.lt; Claudia Donnaur, PUN IV, 1il.il; Bit Mat Da tar ink, PHN n, Mary itiirr- mao, PHN x, taa.TB; araa MraiacaaT. ON u, im.w; Haiaa roiuaaa, ran lll.ll: VMla Xataabath. PUN n. Ml.04; Wanarat Pari tar. PUN L tU.lti An- Ihonr LalU. Orad Nuraa X. SOI.10I Uarr Seharatr, PHN I, lai.io: Kiltn lnirara, phn I. lll.al: Murlal ewartntan. ON I. SM.lt; Bfllt Cola, PHN U. 1M.! Tar noa OUoa, HaaltB Educator, JI1.I0; Vara wood. Oltaao xil. ait.eot raruu aia- aleun. Cl-Sttaa x, ua.aa; auct sars man, Cl-Trplal X. Ul.aO: PauUna Pu- aau. Cl-atnO I. 141.01! JoU SW- chuck. Cl-Tndat I. IM.I4: Carol Sohxo. Bttra, a.71; annai uraw, ao, ava. Mfarwa JaaUa Oaart Martha T. Hutchlnia, atoraurr, IW.Ml Oao. T. Armatrotif. Ooaatabla. 14.M. ML aaaal JaiUa Caart Joaaph L. PaullrMar, Conitabla. 11.10. Illmlaa Jaitlaa caart P. M. Burch, dirk, 11.40; t. IV Moiler. Coaitabla, M.ftt. Jaraolla Uaaartattal Naaa Whlta, Probation Olflaar, K7.ai; D. J. Japian. Aaa t, M4.9II Jo-Allan Bradltr, do, aaa.iai i a. imm, Btaaoa. lltJI. atlarafllaalaa-H. T. KJei bact, Dtputr, 1M.M. Bttaraar VlnlBla Orltton. Dtputr, SOS.M; Ina JohuaB, da, lll.TOl Jaan Kiuarn, Clark. 111.11; Irraa Aranda, Clark, 11.10; Mall Pattr dark. afi.TO. Baa. it Blacttaa oiaaya wniit, waputr, Saatrtaltaatat Btttr P. Saadar. Sup arrkwr. 11.70: atUdnd B. Ootan, do. 141.10! J. r. Bamlniton, Dtputi, IM.11; Ohrlitlna V. atorlir. aaoratarr, 1V1JJ; jaMuatlBa J. Baoaia. dark. 141.41. SktrUX - aaaaa a. a. jaatatnua. w ntr. I44.M; I aft Wriim, ao, aaa.an; pl a. amith. do. 141 an John Mirier, do. lae.H! X. i. Bout, do, 1I.; orald aoradr, do, 114.14; Hart ay rraBkura, do, aio-vv; rraak siaua, wi, i.v. Braratt Nornaat, ao, an.oot oaou worm aon, do. 110.10: Want atarrraaoa, do, lit H; Hot Lash, do. M il. Skartli Tax H. T. Domoialla, Obiat Tax Dep., 2ll.lt; Bawara T. ay ana, cairutr, aw.oa, LaoBard Camka, Aaa't Caahlar, Ml. 11: Vlolttta Wait, Bkkp. Sapar., 111.40; Harlan laaaa. Bkkp. llioh. OPU. ltl.tli erdaar Ann Nalaon. Dtputr, 1S4.T0; Bamvtrt' urrna ram vuBunmxa, aao ratarr. lal.al. Traaaartr1 otllet--Aud- yav H. Kwlna. DtDUtT. ltt.SI. C&aTlOttt walktr. do, ia.l. Ttaaran-a wiiib Bldtlar c. UlUar. amoa Otllcar, 114.00; Olorla J. TouBi, Baorttarr, 100.40. Dta Dr. a. 1. aVa etoart. 4. liWi tawa Oratarr Ca., Skaaa, 0li Oraatr Bw. piaaaala, Baa, St at; oan a uar. Btard ax rnatatra, aaa.aa. jKyy a a. atealaat, Baat at Sua, ts ao: aJf O. Mtiaoa, Baat, O Mi a. k XaMitr. Cl.u OrtBt T B, 11JII W. B. Ball. Baal, N.oo; 4. . Btoktr, Baal. M lira. , Jo-Allaa BratSar, T B, II Ml Ml. J. A. Braaaamar, Btv, 14 Ul Mra, laror Kupar. Boa, U.; Mr. Bona Whlta, . T t, I NI Albania Barf Boraarr. Baap, .: TH Bar Olrl axe, aa, lot; , CathoU Obarttla Xaa.. 4a, Jal OnU drta'a Parm Boau, 4a. !.; Biaarlak Corp. O B. Si.lll Btaaal DaaarWI B. . M, Baal, ana.aoi ina aaanaa Z ' Board, Ml, 100; Aanaa C. Bt. Mlac, ao.lt; . B. Orar Baa, , I U: MUdrad B. Oaraa. T B, UM! 1. T. Rtmlaitoa. T B. 1 13: Battr Sialna, T B, 11.41! Car parka, Traaa, Bar. , rar Irankaat, Traaa, I ' Barrald Pn- IppL Traaa, w-aai aaaaww shop, atlac. 4.41: await Baariit, TrS; mST uadard OO Oa. jlOal. Uorata. Traaa, wr.-ia, . a. , Trana. t.tll Dtarar Toaao, rtaaaa 11.aa7Dyar Taaaa. aWIaraaa. Mt! XL r. Doaaotalla, T B, S.tu Piaaar Banrao . poataat. aa.aa: wjwamimm ' . Bup, 1.14: rautr-auaita imti araaaa S.tli Balam Bardwara Ca., Bap, ! ala anUthUn a) APPUaaaa, Sap., .4 Iryln ward. T a. a.a ji jar. m. v tradaa. laatba sauad. 0.H; Mr. Daaola H. atar. laatai BtUad. 0.0ti Baaayilt wmtnar Co, Um Ubrarr, S-tti wan . Ptibllahlai Co., Law Likrarr. 41.00! BU utchl aad attldaiari, Coartbaaaa CMaai. aoil.M: Vluka PoaL do, tT.itt.tTi Addraaaotraph Moltairapb, Sap. SOI.OSi Alias Bardwar. Ulaa. Ill; Bauaa WrUbt, MUe. SI JO; A. T. Barasardi. . oraraL. ltt.ooi Bttl Ptpa-Taak caara. Mia.. 411.41: Bandar Moa Ct.. La Ubrarr, 10.00; Slak Maftrtt at Taaraa, Sup. 11.11! Tba BcaM-aiOrrlll oa, laa Ubrarr. 1100; Kalta Bram IA. Oa, Dtpa. .li Buraa't of Labor, Baav S.Ni B. B. Sunaiu 4a, 01.11: Capital Aata ParU. 4a. 11.111 Capitol laiaiktr Ca., Coaat, im.ll: Capital Tractor . Boulp., Bap, 1 14 Cantral Parlat Co, lilac, m il; Cltr of aalaat Watar Dapt Wttr, .4li Oolraar Motor Salaa Co., Rap, 10; k OomintKlal Book Stoca. fcui, Mill; cvoko sutMtun Co., eupa. XM.Ui 1. L. Crow lay. Beaatr, 10.00; O. A. Dowb maaa Bkap. CHaaa, 7,1! ; Bolt BlHlrlo Oo., Rap, 4.41: Bar I. . Parmar Bdwa., Sapa. T.IOi Paaoaaabtr ISaobla Co.. Bap, 4.10; OUknt arttfc. an, Supa. 01.11: Tha Balatd Ca, Snaa, ' 11M.TS; Banlar Conerttt Prodatla, Ml, ' OM.OOi 1. B. Haaaltlna 4) ca.. da. sst.loi Haydan'a Capital Oltr alndayy, saaa, . IM.Ot; HaroM-Pnlltwt Motor Ca, Btpa, to.ixi jbo F. bubi ai bob. ao, o.oai , HutobaoB Paint aiora, Supa. T.M1 xaktf tata Tractor at Btulr, Bra. Mt.ooi John ton Ja aMawart, aapa, alt .01: Ira Jortanaan. do, 140.41; judaaa'a Plyinb- lnr ar Baattas, Rap, mo; a.ar Trp rltar. asps. Jl.00; Th Blaata rkata. Bap, 10.41; T. L. Bunna Oo, Bap, n.7ll 47. 4, uwi, oaa, U4.a; aaaaaa : XVawla, Baat, M OO; Uarloa XtackrU Ca, Matt, 11.11: B. c. MattaoB, Ml, 11.141 . c. Malta on. t b, aojj; XMniiaa at- Bar Char. Co., Rap, n.Tli Mill sapvly Corp, Rtp, S.TXi latnnaaot kfratnt mii. w, -ainna, aao.ap; Mountain ataau -Powar . Co, Powar. fl.M; MaJtmaaaah - countr. Boip, M.OOl Naaahaat'a Book . tor, Mlac, 114.04: Rnrbtrt Said ax ararai, orarti, ai re: Boruma', Maau, ut.io: MorrU Walker Paint Oo, Mia. tao.Ot; Orw on Orarl Oo, Mln, llal.ll Oral on PhraXelua, OP. liiati Tk i T 4k T Co, aorrtee, . SOtJI; Paatfl BnUdlns, Bint. 110.001 PWllapl Tlra arrko. Rap. 1.60: Pbotottat Cor. upa. Itt.it: Portland otatral atetrla Co, Power, X0I.O4; Bad Crota Pbaraaaer, . bum, n.iti Ralman Sheet Metal Ca. Rep. .H: Xttmlnitoa Band Xaa. Sktaa. TI.O0; BhotOB, Rhotaa avoarttra, Ba. fund, 1.091 tUebllild OU cor, Supa, 11.011 1. H. BUdoa, Mile. tl.TJ; Babtrts Brothera, Mtto, 1.11: Baeteta jVdelpk. Bond, ttT.tO: Balam Auto Part Co, nap, i.ia; flatem trooeret n CO, tka. : . 71.01: aalem Btool ataaptr Co., do, - 111.11: aUotlam On Oo- oaa. at aoi Bhal OU Co, do, 11.00; atalUas Jack's Buptr aarylce, do, 17.41: bub Baker auwn, atepa, .oti atatemaa ruouah lot Ca, Adr, 1714; aKattnoaa pua- uinini co, Mr, n.u: auto Tin BerrlM, Bepi, llt.ll; atalnke'e Ina, Rtp, IW.Ml attreneoB at Mettord, Bat- aarr. ai.aa; -Jin water aaaooiauOB. Oaa It OU, 017.00; Union OU Co, DlaaeL 16.111 Veiny Conoret Co- Mlaa. loo toi VaUey Parmere Corp, Oa at OU, U50.. Llaeaaa Paaa Bryin A. Ward. Bntoroe- mant Officer, llt.lt; It. J. aJUBtoa,!,,, UoUsr Co." Rep. llt.xii Valla Clerk, 111.00. ctaatr TOpartr n. win. j,n4 a. nrarel Co.. Mlac. lu.err Van.. TlilalieB, Lnd AaeaV no.ltl L. U. WlM ,p llMl vttlk M fcbJillon, Btenoo, 0.00: Robert H. An-1 Q, 4U.M; wUlns Sand J tlaatra utri . ai. awart, v.u. u tlaeer, 15J.01; Thto. Xuenil, Aaa t Ba- Installed in Your Home for as Low as $2.95 Per Week Valley Tefevfsion Center TWO VALLEY STORES" Complete sales, servlc and installation. All sots told and in nailed carry lull. so-day service. ' Factory-trained Technicians IN SALEM ' ' , Baigley Bros. Furniture 2315 Fairgrounds RJ. fhon 2-5491 IN WOODBURN 171 Grant Sf. Fhon. 3611 mi 3a5 if.viv-inre-T) Ph. 4-3331 CLASSES START MARCH 31 BOYS AND GIRLS Aslf16 LEARN ACCORDION . Now Forming Nw Class SALEM MUSIC COS LUCKY "7" "SET' World Famous Galanti Accordions YOU GET: Use of accordion for instruction and sup ervised practice periods. Two periods each week for seven (7) weeks in our store studio. Yon can earn Achievement Award up to $25.00 value on new GALANTI accordion. REGISTRATION $1300 ONLY Read These Simple Rules 1. Must be Between ages t and 14 years, inclusive. i. Must have had NO previous experience on accordion. S. Must asree to be present at each class meeting; for 7 weeks to be eligible for Achievement Award. ('Not o contest, but an award of mrit for individual chivmnt an th instrument) Not: Only limited number of instruments availabl for us an this special ffr. REGISTER NOW AT FHONE 2-870S SALIM, ORIGON 1S3 5. HIGH ST. linear, Jlt.M; A. M. Preanall, Beora tarr. lll.ll. 111 Louli A. Andrui, Jailer, 141.0t. Wtadbara Jaitleo Harold anhlal. Conatanle. 10.401 Marr T. Oor- man. Clerk, tt.to. Bkerill - larat Ploreaee Totmr. Bitra. 44.11. MaltlUta Bdltk Tom, Olera, lll.ii. avaaar J. r. Aaplnwul, XAOor, jev.io; rtooara w. Hlndnan. do. .141.01: Delbert 1. Balr, a. 979 II: J.' A. Bursa, do. X7I-I7; Mobari Harl. do. 111.09: Blrntr T. Xdeen, do, I35.lt: Xrvlrur XX. Johneon, do, SM.OS; Harold L. Martin, do, Itt.00; Prink nrnalka. Aa. 9JB.3R1 O. D. BUlIf T. do. 131.40; Henrr Bower, do, 110.04; Odle Connelly, do. 147.411 xticnard Dane, co, 117.11: Jo Oebaeon. do. 151.10; Law r.nra Pahar. do. 111.50; WUlmar Pou- holm, Labor, 141.14; Harrer M. Olrod, do, 117.40; Clair narver. no, ato.ia; rot Hatfield, do, 111.11; Dick Boner, do, ll7.oi: Barney aropp. w, ax..ao, Laurel Lamb, do, 141.17: Vlrtll Lonl, do, 4.t: E. A. Martin, do, 140.33; W. K. Maatar, do, 1SUS: Jobs McAUUter, do, 101.171 B. B. MoAUUUr, da, nt.tt; Jal. RIHl, do, 101.31: Glenn Robertaon, do, 314 Ml D. P. eharf, do, 304.01; w. N. Shaw, do, 111.11; Robert smltb, do, 354.01: Barl D. StantUer. do. 330.71; C. J. Btrarou, do, 1IJ)I; Tad K. stone, do. 303.33; Plord Taylor, do, 311.05: Lloyd B. Taylor, do, 315.05 ; A. M. Thela, do, 150.01: Huih Wabb. do, 157.lt; Sam Weaie, do, 117. Ml Tonr Woottl. do, 300.17; Robert O. Bye, do, 311.10: Jo. A. Roble, do, ll7.lt; eJeae R. carter, do, Mill; Lotll Caaa, do, .11.00: Uord Jarman, do, 144.00; Harvey Lively, do, 333.10: Leo MoCalllitir, do, 171.171 Henrr Raamuaaen, do, 141.51: Tom Rltchiy, do, 14i.it: w. s. Bheller, do, 3lt.ll; J. C. Curnutt, do, 17t.Ot; John Anderaoa Jr., do, H7.lt; Albert L. Canoy. do, 3X0.M; Ctiai. P. Canoy, do, 111.10; L. R. cooper, do, 343.lt; B, J. Coovar, do. lll.ll: wllmer Dahlben. 34l.it; Robert L Martin, Labor, 111.31; XL J. Peterson, do, 101.40; C. O. Rou, do, 331.14: A. B. Roiled, do, 337.01; W. J. fltaril, do, 153.04; Wn. Naftater. do. 175.50: Leo A. Andrea, do, 111.05; VlnU R. Paher, do, 111.01; B. M. Martin, do, 311.01; Molrln Monnler, do, 111.00; Delbert aheUlto, do, 111.01: Delbert K. Wamenrotb, do, 111.11; S. X. Bly, do, 371.00; W. M. Duetieteeu. do, 343.00; Arthur Thayer, do, 354.71! Kenneth Watu. do, 157.14: Llle L. WUt. do. 3U.74; Tom Bowdan. do. 114.04: Prank L. Hanha, do, 113.74. larrorer' Olllea John W. Henna. Oen. Office. 174.50; Patrick Holland, chaloman, 114.lt. Sher- rr - xai in c, oraenoum aitr. I07.lt: Myrtle Event, do, 117.lt; Bvelrn Minnie, do, 51.41. Clreoll caart R. Howard. Clerk, 4.01. Slayltn, Jaallea Caart-W. H. Bell, Juatlce, 171.11: Gale Chrlatenjen, Oonateble, 10.10; A. T. AymoBt, StlBO, 30.70. Bailiff Plor Mudd. eBiuir, n.u: Henrr juntwirui, T I, 17.lt; Richard Nleholeon. T I. 11.11: fielem Blue Print Co., Bup, 1.55; J. P. Schlmbert, T B. 11.41: Lao Queenel, T X, i7.oi: j, u. Bietmuna T s, 4l.ll: Your Town Pre Inc., sup, 11.30; Secretary or state, Audit, lo.oo; John tuner, Exp, 30.00; Wallaco 8. Wharton, T X, 17.31; Unlreraal Oraphlte Pencil Co., Bunt, 7:00: Robert H. Anderion, T X, 3.13; Ror Parley, Mlac, 17.60; Joeeph P. Meier, T I. 4.10; Weal Publlahlni Co., fcupa. 11.00: The J. X. am Co., supe, lit: Tht MeXlet Co., Supe., 1.10; Karl Adamr, enra civil bxp, 177.01; Dr. Oeo. R. Mureelu Bxam, 7.50: Paramount Pest Control, Oarbate DUvoeal, 16.00; John Bchmld, do, 100.00; Sllverton flanltarr service, do, to.oo: Alice Bariman. Trana, 1.75; Dr. W. o. Burrowa. Par BerrH 150.00; Dr. M. K. Crotheri, Med. arv, 41.15: Outter Laboretorlea, Med. Supa., 14.50: Dr. Mariartt Dowell, Med. Barv., 11.00; Dr. Luellla Porta er. do. os.ooi A. o. (.faif poetmeeur, poetue, 101.00 I W. p, Oreen, Trana, t.lti w. O. Heme, 'do. Ill: Hendrle Medical Leboratorlee, i bD, iio.7b; -i-ne jeneri'Vn Review, o a, 1.00; X. o. Ltrman, Trana, 4.00: Dr. 'JohB Meedowe, Far. Serr., 113.501 Salem Meionlo Temple, Rent, 116.00: Salem Medical Laboretorlea, Med. Serr., 00.00: School Dlitrkt Ba. toi, l.lli Taylor Initmmtnt Co., do, 11.131 Vellay Motor co., Trane, ioe.; ver wood. Trana. I. Hi Aiutla w. Xlvere, Herd Imp., 4tl. 35; John Hanrahen, Hard Teatlni. 130. ; Dr. . L. Henkel. do. 4tl.7l: Olen I. Bchwtnke, do, 111.00: Nora Wood, O a. i4.7t; aioert Deaulre. Indemnity, lo ot: Meek X. Hemby, do, t.OOl John R. Hlnderllter at Bona. do. 144.001 Jamee V. Jaekaon. do, t.M; John Jacobean, do. aa.eu; ueorta it. aetteimerer, do, to.oo, Dr. wm. Crothere, Exam, 10.00; Dr. Arthur Plihir, do, 7.601 Dr. . V. Port mllir. do, 7.M; Dr. Ralph X. Porvlne, I do, 1.00! Br. Otom aoulra, de, SO.OOi o ravel. Mlae, tw.Ui Warren Horthwut, Cotdpatch, 1541.041 aalem Lausdrr. aupt. a.at vranvrn union, service, :ia: wit- , laineu vaaier Til., rrthlnt, 14J00 Woodbnrr Oo, Mlae, 171.1; C. C. Wrla leiworth, Xteptlr, lt.OOi ZnrbacB Paper, Sum, 374.M1 Walter B. Soeel Co, , Tram, 104.15; capital Cltr Laimdrr, Blips, it.U. raocaxDiNGi m . Pebruarr S. tool final Xuarfae tat Xndemnltr claim af Jamee V. Jaakeonl . Permit to haul loea. Andrew ). tBahop. Cyril POrrett, Ray , Kaufnnaa, Baa D. Bid well : xndemlBllr alalma 0) fee Lloyd MarUtt, final hear lata 19001. Pab, 1, Raiulatlon No. 1 br OTOa-tm Liquor Control Commleeloa; Petition for Improvement ef Jme Btreet: Permit t haul lore. Ale A. Muieehonko, B. o. and Ronald H. Byron, A. 11. aeehtr; la- dtmnllr el aim af wm. J. Meier, Maal haarlnr Sllll; Baml-aaaaal rtpart f Bhtrlff and Tax CoUaetor. Fa. 4. Dr. Bchwenka authortied a lubetltutl herd lnepector on welter, w. Drtntr htrdl Permit t haul lore. Arnold N. Jenooa- Peb. S, Three remonatraneat to thfara poeed formation of Sentient Watar Con trol xiMtrici; rre-quauricftiioB eta ta rn Bnt br -Warren Morthweat Inc.; Permit ta haul loot, Walter L. Xk. Pab. , Bond of Harold r. Sohlol aa Coneteblt af tha Woodburn J. P. Dlatrlcii Permit ta aerial wlra aeroae Countr roada. Paelfla Tale, and Tele. Co.; Permit ta haul lore, DuRetto and Bone, Bobert L. Buret; An twera in Re: propoeed foTmatlotl f Bn- tlam water Control Dlalrlol. Fab. S. Pinal htarlnl an XndemBltr elaime ti Mack X. Hamby, John Jacobean; Twt remonatrancee to propotod fomtatloa at Bantlam water Control Dlttrlet; Ban lation No. br Orecon Board af Pnar- -macr. Feb. 10, Final aoarln ea Indtra- nttr llme I xuert Deaulre. John BL Hlnderllter and Bona; XtemorMtntneo ta reiara to aurinr water riahta lor ar poeed Bantlam Water Control Dlat.l Per mit to haul toae, Cruaon Broe- O, M. Wooda, Vanct A. Hltt, Pab, XI, Permit for Bute Hlihwey Commlaalon ta aon tract approach road between BaMr4 and Aurora; Permit to haul looa, Lloyd and Robert Cooler, Delevne B, Pauletn. Jette Brot. Feb. 11, Permit to move bulMlnr, Belee and Brady; Permit la haul lot, John X. Cook, J ana A. itu. er. Our Muele; Plat of Northeata Ad dition to the Cltr of aalem annex Mo. 1; Bide on tractor, Intercut Tractor n4 quip, w, wooa Tractor co.t Dr. Baa kla authorUed aa aubatltut hard ln epector on Oarr Doty herd. Fib. It, Polo line permit, ftt. Peul Co-op. Tele. Aean.: Two remonetrancea ta aaina in. eluded In propoeed aantlam Water Con trol uiatricu order vacatlnr nortlaa of Plrat street In Ralroad Addition tsl Brooka: countr Bnrlneer to file report on propoara vecation 01 Burner Ave nue. Feb. 17, Bond for Xeauanct af du plicate werrent to Walter M. Brlablnl Permit lo haul lot a, Olen Rotera, V len Crockett, Valena and Donald Crock ett. Feb. 10, Report of moner relied for the Oreion Cheat; Permit to hul looa, Pred J. Perr; Beer licence, Rlehtrd Kit far. Feb, 10, Permit to haul lota, X. T. Beaeler: Appointment of X U MoMep aa Conatable of the Sllverton J. P. Dta- trict. r-eo. re. permit ta haul lata. at. ron and Olicn, Ralph Bortu, Feb, It, Appointment f oonaUblee Jo. I Paulhaber, Mt. Amal J. F. Diet, oeo. Armetronr, conetabl Jeffereon J, p. Dlat., Harold SchliL ConeUbla Wood burn J. P. Dlat.l Annolntnianta a atavlM countr Pair Board, warren Orar, A. A. "imit w iiaiu ime, jonn Jatoo aen, Tom R. Burton. Pea. M, Indtmnltr claim of John Jacobean, final htarlBV la13: Order appolntlBi mtmbtrt af Countr Planniat aad Eoalnr Commli. ion: Quit elalra Deed ta OnWo oil Ca. of California: Permit to haul loot, Wll- ... wwaaiiia wo.i vier- aeim-Bnual report. Feb. 17, Tranafer Order for die count an Contract No. 303 with Cltr af Salami Order ta make Land galea Die trlbutlon: Order to tanctl contract Na. 080 with Darrel and Phrlllt Bean: Copy v. vidh bj civ i.i vommieaion tlae elfylno Itndi under provlelona of Foreat Peo and Yield Tar Act: Order vacetlnt roadt to bo laundated by Detroit Ra aarvolr: Permit ta haul lou, Pellx Haai- inv, narmona r. aacoormlcll rhuI. tion No, 31 br orcton Uouor Control CommUtlon. Feb. 11, Pinal haarlni oa Indemnltr elelme, Lloyd Marlett, Wm, J. Meier. To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406