fcrunfighter s Return y USUI IRNINWIIN I AT Neaiieatureal CHAPTER Xv cun back to the kitchen followed by a gaunt, grey-haired man whom she Introduced as Charley Bonn. As they shook hands, ahe added, "You can do your talking at Um table while Jim eats aupper." Bonn took a chair, hi faded Okie eye Intently appraising as Rimbaud went at the plate of warmed-up potatoes and roast beef Eve set before him. When ahe poured Bonn a cup of coffee the old man said, "Thank you kindly, ma'am," but he made no move to drink it. He Just sat them whip straight on the chair and fid dled nervously with his battered bat for a long moment before ask ing. "Was you planning to stay round here for a spell, Mr, Run baud?" Rimbaud nodded, whereupon Bonn asked, "Would you take a rtdln' Jobf . "Starting your beef gather this early?" Rimbaud Inquired. Bonn shook his head. "It sin that kind of riding," he said, and seemed embarrassed by the need for explanation. "It's well, us fellers on ttoanlsh BtrlD are hav lng trouble with Roman Four. The beef market has been bad the last couple years and Stromberg held his steers off the market. Result Is he's short at graze and spread i lng out in all directions. We flgger hell start crowding us worse 'n ever now, on account of losing his Bonora range. He'll have to move his Mez herd north real quick or risk using it to uie Federals. Which means he's got to have more grass right away, or else sell . a big bunch of beef steers for what they'll bring In an of f market." "So," Rimbaud mused, knowing now why the report of Durango's death had troubled the men on Main Street, and why Kve had aid he couldn't have' brought worse news. No matter what side won in a grase-grabbln? fight, veryooay lost something. Even the merchants. . . "We saw how you mad Lew BtromDerg git out of your way," Bonn said, a plain note of admira tion In his voice. "There ain't an other man In Arizona Territory could make him move like that. Mot one. It was a thing to see." Rimbaud grinned and said, "Stromberg knew I'd beat his draw." "Sure," Bonn agreed, "and now you've got the Injun sign on him, erne as he's had It on all of us. ' He glanced at Eve, who sat near (he back door, which she had opened. "Did you tell him how they framed Sam?" Bonn asked. When she shook her head, he explained, "roe jaw is alter Sam. Swede Severlde noticed a yearling steer vram a orana uiai naa Men worked over from a Roman Four into a Boxed M, which is Sam Maioens Brand, From what Swede said, tt was a botchy Job and one you couldn't help from noticing. 'That been Stromberg's way, all along, to accuse us of long looping Roman Four calves and arrest us on suspicion, Well, Sam nagging at Sheriff Robillarde to rode out and shot the steer, In tending to bury the hide so's there'd be no trumrjed-un evidence agin him. He was skinning It when UimJ T.Jul TJ vi ! vumh, iwuiiui fuurs ran THing toward mm. There was nothing for Ssm to do but run." lumeaud grinned. "So I got mis taken for a wanted cow thief." he said, and wondered why the name MaiDen seemed laminar. "Sam Is no thief," Eve objected, very positive about this. "He's an honest, hard-working man who re fuses to knuckle under for Lew otromDerg." "1Mb just lew way of pushing nam oil nis place ana making it look legal," Charley Bonn explain ed. "I'd be willing to bet that Hugh nuai woraea mat Drana over, drove the steer to Malben's range, and then went after Sheriff Rob illarde, That's the kind of trick neia be apt to play, being a man that's sucker 'n cow slobbers when K comes to dirty work." "Hat Malben left the country?" Rimbaud asked, not much interested. "They'd of caught him tf he hadnt, seems like," Bonn pre dicted. But Eve said, "Sam wouldn't leave." The old man glanced at her, and smiled, and said, "I guess not, considering. But hell have to keep hlsself hid. No Strip man would git a fair trial in this town. Not now, with Sol Robillarde slated for a seat in the territorial legisla ture and half the Jury panel want ing to take his place as sheriff in the next election." When Eve refilled Rimbaud's eoliee cup he smiled contentedly, thinking how gracious a wife. she. would make. He contrived to press an arm against her aproned hip, and wished that Bonn weren't there to cramp on their privacy. What more could a man ask than to be waited on by a woman like Eve Odegarde? He shouldve real ized that two years ago. Recalling the passionate response of her lips, he said slyly, "The finest flavor I ve ever tasted, bar none." ' "Thank you. sir." Eve acknowl edged, believing he referred to the coffee. But she didn't smile, and Rimbaud sensed a tension in her that puzzled him. Presently Bonn said, 'I'm be holden to Bam Malben, same as some others. Our idea Is to put a man on Sam place who's capable or keeping Horn an Four irom tax ing over." . Rimbaud knew what be wanted then. And because there wasn't the remotest chance of his taking such a Job, he said, "You'd have to pay high wages for a deal like that. Gun wages." "Sure." Bonn agreed. "W fig- gured on that. But ltd be worth what It cost, for we'd be doing our selves a favor as well as Sam. Once Strom be re Kits a toehold on Snan- lsh Strip, ltd only be a matter of time until he'd start crowding the rest of us. and we'd have to fight ior our rignis. ' "Sounds like the makings of Sonora Serenade," Rimbaud said cynically. "That's what the news papers call Durango's revolution." "Will you take the Job?" Bonn asxea. 'No," Rimbaud said. (To Be Continued) LCaTTa lV OFWk THAT N060W WEABD TnOBOOV BETTER HEW? LOOK, BG SHOT--IF TOUCHY i-TTtalk about pistol me-ths time Jvou-evee or thev blues ever wanted to wve r I SAW VOL) COUGU-UP THE P6CXXERS, TOftCHY -X3rV T0 6ET .1 tft ,!:2NlrLTWE V"" MEAD WArrEB,UJ6Ee a-wA , 5jLfANEW 9N6EB WEREI QQgS WOULO GUAOtY JsjVkw I OtONT LIKE 117 YOUR WBEDCS i 6,,, RADIO PROGRAMS roGO 'rve COME ID CU,OWt,1TOP A 1tm THfc ) VeVTCHINtS (MMM.NOrl ON THE CTK,T OWL "jfclli 1 ZOlV M0Ui7-wJI IO0K CTA ISA touts JMtMUi Jill J tStgoT tHMttnPi u Jtm&fj Carol Curtis Pattern 323 feH-m f GOTWTPOf N I WAS SHt I I EMI CUPPED OFF- I LIL ABNER , SURE-6fieP ft graftCHT UM6 A I wsewsHoRTwrr ww-re 1 I TBX? I Trf UNB TO CHEF RELTUs'S I X. I VKtO TOOK OPPTH' TOP L f T r"U.6rW- A I If SB-TUBS I UeWYSR KNUKS-flr 1 I M OeAO.EH? CVPJLTHSSB OP A Ls fes JL WN0N w Hi-E ! r HOORAY-W PONE UtZjLT MOVEP.AN'Ttr p 'MW "-J oasm cloud i rfrLAitM aa Assvotiove I T . W I EXCEPT THE '. If I I toKJUimons, .Le I I TMCDAKK ' 'I cwuoisAime UOPALONG CASSIDY DOWM, TH'CRAPII OVCRTH' WvNB HAVE 1 SJjtf.jSM3NS.liJ , I L- 'v p7HISDAHGKROUS.r I AH GOTTA FIND ME. J f ASAFCftSPOTJN y FREE TV THEATRE Watch TV at wr TleWlo Theatre, geethem la action before you buy. P.ekorJ-lell, Imerton, Royrhaon, Wetingnouw OPEH FHOM 9 AM. H 9 P.M. WIDNESDAY-FRIDAY Open Other Irtnlngi by Appointment YEATER APPUAKCE S. TELEVISION CO- 375 Chtmakrta rhon 34311 THURSDAY P. M. 1:M KGW S NM Nut Nm SMSLUl him B S. WU SlllllOallu W. Iran Was to Bh TMm BUI r.rf.ll D.e'i Wll W.Iccm Tvtir Dr. rial GftrrvwsT N.wt Mm L. MeCU rctirHB 115. Afternoon or Party Bat. Cro cheted in white velvety chenille, delicately trimmed with fine gold thread, each separately made circle centered with a big fat pearl! Would cost 135 if you could buy it In a store, which you cannot and it will cost you less than $6.00 to make. Youll have the most beautiful bag ever tor dressy after noon, evening wear. Make it in white for the most expensive-looking effect, in lipstick red. black. navy, pastel u you want to match a favorite dress. Send 30c complete crocheting in. structions for the Pearl and Gold' Trimmed Chenille Bag (Pattern No. 323) actual size sketch of med allion construction, sketches of sUtch used; YOUR NAME. AD DRESS, PATTERN NUMBER to CAROI. CURTIS. Capital Journal, 652 Mission Street, Ban Fran cisco 5, Calif. "M f LOOK 6M7 AFTER VtIO 7 TW WEK6 OF TKAVEUN' M0NTH6 IN 6H3W dniMTRY. I MUTT & JEFF I'M ANXI0U6 10 m m CATTLE PRNE i STAKTEP BEFORE THE 4PRIN6 THWW. 1 jeffS; a weak uttle 6UV 1 eOTTA 6IUE J KM cA0ErW3ir ow.m m AWFUL, sioki 1 JUST LIKE MV ONCLE' IHOWVA 1 SICKNESS IS JUST MENTAL VOU IMAGINE VOU'RE 1 sick' CHAHse rs" VOUR MIND MV ANDSAV. I UNCLE" fAW, HE JUST ) THOUGHT HE; J HAD A (RELAPSE') WELL., HE BETTER NOTj CHAN6E HIS MIND HE'S DEAD AND . BURIED VEStERDAy ISSvNO a:u Hmle TlBH UBS Mm Farm Br. INm IBrklsit Wnltra ::18 Haiic Tin arD Oim ran Mr. MaiakMfai Naak Mftolr :U Maile Tina Kom Btoak Fan Br. Ntwi Bnaklalt ran Mm g:5 fan Ttoia OIW KlaaB ran Uaar March Tlma Waak Htwt i;N Calrr Idllar N.wi Urn HaaUanrai Braaklalt KOCO Klitk :lt Jakaar WUIa Kiwa M. Airaaikr Bre.kf.it Nok KOCO KlMk :M N.w. . Niwi ' Bak Qarrae Bit.kl.il Braaklaal KOCO KlMk M K. Maaalas H. B.bbllt Rob H.iia Sam H.rt. Mock KOCO Klwk :Sf 014 S.ara Nm . Bitakfaat CaeU Br.wa Jin Danlr KOCO KlMk itlS OIS S.ara Nm Clak FnH7 Sllar Jin DaaSr KOCO KlMk :! Mailt Baa Or.aS Slan Brt.kfait aikla e.ai Jin Dandr KOCO KM :48 Mail. Ba K.naj.ry Clak Brkla B.ar Jim PanSr Niwi aai HaalaBai W. Warns Nawa nr. Sward Maliaca Stria :1S Mail. Bax Aant Jnw T.a.r'a Star Canmaalarr Matlaa Sereaasa t:M Mafia Baz Btlas Trent Braak Bask rastar Call Matlata-- Bappram :iS UaSlahr Gal SanSar Braak Bank Bar. Caantti Matioaa Flaaa Pal, 19:M Baataaa Baa Kaad Llfa Dan Gardnar Glen Hard Matlnca Bin l:18 FaHr Mat Parklna Chat Basilar Telia Teat Matlnaa k.e.rli i:N Strlka Blak Dr. M.l.nt Traa Starr Aniwtr Man Matlnaa ' Bin Strlka Blah Paid. Lliht Traa Starr Mailt Matlnaa K.terli 8:M Daahlc ar Mra. Bartaa Wbliptrlnt Ladles Fair Matlnaa Ran :ij B.thhii r. Maaan Girl M.rrl.t Ladlaa Fair Matlnaa Keeerai Bak and Bar Narah Draka V. Lindlhar On. far Da; Matlnaa Kan :4glBak Hapa BrlihttrDar Baraay K.tp an. lar Par Matkiea Fielrdt REX MORGAN, M. D. freshens yonr teste Chew Wrig ley's Sfitannmt Cum. Enjoy lively rpearmint flavor. CHale. . . . and it costs so tastes so good! H CMiWINO GUM ri J freiliii,.. T. ROOM t BOARD By Ahren T Mini: tuc aAi;TAir-c nci is. OF TRYING OUT MV PERFUMES ON THE WEN IN THIS HOUSE, VHOSE NOSTRILS ARE ATTUNED TO DINNER. AR0MAS..I SHOULD 6Ef A rCrVANS REACTlOrJ... SO TELL ME WHAT VOU THINICOF THAT EXQUISITE, ALLURING SCENT SAAELLS UKE THE STUFF I HANG IN CLOSETS FOR MOTWSL THIS MIGHT BE BETTER, ANt LAY t M UN I HBH i BACKS QUICKER, I I I A FSNrff rat. I 6U655 Iajj I YOUIC 7HOUSHTS, I BEEN PAY- re"' Vn7l e'MINS' SHllA'' DONALD DUCK f PACK TO WHEN eS .' HOv1 I YOU weeE A J PID YOU BOY T wjT Xl01 1 I Ka-WEMBEK. WHEN I WAS 1 A SIRL, REX...WATCHINS AV 1 PAKBNTi PO OUST THIS.' THEY M SEE MSP SO ajBLAXED. . . SO M HAPPY. . . J5 THOUSH N0THIN6 M IN THE OUTSIPE . -fl worlp matterep.' riTT kjl W SM! iVi BEEN F0RSETT1N6 tf THE OUTSIPE WOULP TOO.' Jt WHAT TASTE t THAT WAS THE MOST UN-FUNNV wuvifc. l EVtK MARY WORTH I WHOOPS .'1 MUAS. var- I (HAR...HAR j nrni - r ii ii ii TYl WO 1 just what) yrrr7v WAS SO V HAW PUNNVPJ I VAC! J -THE HAT ON THE DAeAE Qnl THE ROW AHEAD. .OFu6"' J I FRESHMAN!.. TELEPHONE! ef NOW, WHERE...? OH, WELL! 1 SHE'S ALREADY GONE j CUFF?..THIS IS CyOUaIkTHE DOC IF iff T 5EEM5 NOT T ' ( 9 TO HER AFTERNOON J ith UBfiy ? ajjekept THF,?uH.frA -t ABSENT-MINDED T j IBelaa with Mule Bed Skellea Bed Skellea Bit Starr Blr Starr Balpk Idwarda Man'a Fanlr Herld News Ber Begera War Beeera rather Kaewe Caraaaaalet far FBI raewerter Sparta nasi O.IJea rieeee rtewe Lwan MeCall Clip Caaell Clip Caaell 11:01 ISIm Oft KOIN SIS CBS IPaBl Bareep Neen Edit, Jaek Owena Jack Owana Rill lap Baa. Gee. rlaker Klrkhan Elrkhaaa KapWeet Kap Wail Cap Wait Slap Well Mail. . Oedfrep Oedlrep Oedfrep Gadfrep Gadfrep Gedtrer Cart Mai Birkhara Bath AiMan Uln W.k.lr Taaefallp Newe Herld Tedaj rrank Gen KEX IlN ABO Cal Tinner CaJ Tluap Uka ' MlUlenalre Maile Bevae BIU Bins rer Ike Olrw F.r Ike Olrbl Tlnr Tanea 8rl Case Srl Cape u.per Tina Mania Clrala Vlrs. rinklap C Banllep Bak aarrai KSLM UN MBO Tap trades New. Gap Hi Halle ' Newe Gard. Fenaa Maale Bel'r Sbeppei Oar Tewn Slaplaa 'Newe r.ala liana Bat. Prealan Sat. Preetea Skp Kins Iskp Kins KGAE 14M . Burd Bm Beril S; we)rl tLm RaecHI Mttm Llla Dull JIm Duly baw Kids Kanitr Hut Mtrt Hail H.rt Mule Mart Mail Mart Maile Mrl Maile Mari (Mailt. Marl KOCO use lbs Shewau. Newe ''k Baeal "ank D, Skew Care Shew r,u V.ll.r raa. Sanaa Tine far . j Ler. Bias Oraekp Bins Creaky Anerleaa Wap iVIllllat Tine Thenas On Spat Dee. Brlda Dee. Bride Meet Millie Meet Millie Ja StaHerd Jr, Mlae S-Slar Final Interplewe lleaart Ina Orcheatrn Organ Orran Treaearp ' Baadatand Weathermen 10. Bealer Bene IdltlanW. W. News unmet Mas Sam Bapaa deed Ualenlni Sllrar Sella Bllrar Eatle Dreamland Plarhaaae Lenilnee Smphanetlt Talea at Temerraw Newa Temer. Amkader Or. Seareh far Blare Crime Fie Crime ritara iMeile Maile Final BdlMer paaea Tlma Danae Time Danee Time Danee Time Danee Time Danee Tlma Danee Time Danee Time sm Off Ciiee Kid Maale Cemnvnlal far FBI Glen Hardy Fall. Lewie What Ceaka Maale Behind elrp Newarael Newe Crime File. Crime File. Maile Mail. Maile Mailt Marl Sin Off Cene.li Lliliv in surer Vewa U Ken Belarp "an Sl Hail. 8e.ru k., Track UK Traek 1IM Traek 14H Traek 1IM Traek KM Track 14M Track law niwi Warrick Warrick Maile Tea neat Neetarae Neclaraa Neetarae Neetarae Sum Off Don't fret ever a down payment We take most anything en a trad for a beautiful Set. See Ut First for the Finest! TRADER LOUIE TV 170 Lana Ave. Phone 38558 Open Monday and Friday Evenints FRIDAY 6 A.M. TO 11:45 A.M. its Met.! com IS l.t, a.m. ta II a.m. KEX ., s to t .. DIAL LISTING KOAC, 550 lrtlf Tharedar F.Mi S:M. Cklld-,U(AC n.Jnt T,-; Thaatar: B:IS. Benerll aVwMW ren'e Theater: B:S6. Benert frem Earepei S:00, Newe A Wealheri S:45, Oraran Leclilatarei 1:15, Farm Bean S:SS, BBO Thaateri :. Maale That Endnrei; :1S, MedlUtleni 1S:M, Slcn Off. Vrldap S.M.t 1I:M B.WH 11:15, BenarlaV; fee Weani 11:15, Canaerl Belli UM, Niwn 11:11, Farm Bean, Marian eeaalp aiteaalaa niante. Death Toll in B.C. Fire Placed at 5 . Prince Rupert, B.C. W The deatli toll in a lire and explo sion which destroyed the King George Hotel here Sunday was placed at five Tuesday. Police said a thorough in vestigation showed three men and a woman, all guests of the hotel, were missing. A body found in the basement was be lieved that of a visitor to one of the roomers. RUNOFFS BELOW NORMAL Seattle (T The U. S. Wea ther Bureau, in its March re port issued Monday, said run offs on most Pacific North west power and irrigation riv ers will average slightly be low normal this year. ACROSS 1. Favorite 4, Haughty I. Play on ths stage It Grow old UWssh lightly U Statute IS. Figure 17. Game of chance 30. Let down 11. Alcoholic beversge 12. Exists 13. Prying Im plement 14. Biblical country 5. Regsin iT.Tsle SB. Encourage 39. Halt 40. Snrnant 1. Sheet ot glass 42. Swooned 20. Be carried 45. Trunk of a 21. Cubic meter felled Use 23. Separate 43. Pud up 26. Trial . Feminine X rams ' 28. Along 4J. Shelter 2.PsinUng 50. Wearies ai S EJL JS U A P S S UP E BBl5P I HA I S P JP, AjLLMRTURE EE.nClRXaiD IlflkSlIIki. DjBAS PSIT AGPC AL ASH-jrl I VEREXERIT I I iQlp E N E bHc f SITU gESJlMKnc Mate lTgAwkafl NEST Solution ef Ytstardsy's Funis II. Light molav . ture . . DOWN 1. Uoccatin n-e ISelf I. Storm 4. Fruit , 5. Ceremony I. Individual 7. Ourselves 5, Send . Chsnge 10. Feline 11. First even number 18. Sever 18. Scent 20. Stream 21. Step 22. Short 13. Endowment 24. Hue 25. Foe 27. Long for 30. Young hire 31. Took as one's own S3. Part of the esr 34. Short Jscket 36. Peddle 37. Pigpens 39. Glut 40. Entirely 41. Female deer 42. Distant 43. Night before 44. Black bird 47.Flity-one