WrinMday. March IS, l(g THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, lalcw, OnfM FAN FARE ly W.H Dlraen Luby Visits Sac Camp; Hopes For Player Help Mutter Buth Luby at Mi Salem Senators will be all ayes thli week at Monte rey, California, m he view the Sacramento Boloni of the Fseifle Coait leaf u in tprlnf training aetion. Luby h hlh hopes that the Solon head office will op tion several of their rookie hopes to the Salem club for ltM action. Hlfh on Luby's list is youni Tom Agosta, 19 year eld Sacramento colleg- . Ian, who is retarded as one ef the finest outfield pros- necis in years at the Solon camp. . ' ' Sacramento, which took tl pitchers to sprint camp, is eipeeted to materially aid the Salem mound staff and Luby is hopeful that at least three pitchers will be on the option list. Bob Nelson, last year's number one Salem catcher, is now locked In a tight battle with John Hitch ey, former Vancouver Cap llano, for a regular backstop position with Sacramento. HI conditional aale to the Eugene Team Faces Phillips Oilers in AAU Tournament Denver (A1) 8lx tames Wed nesday between opponents who . appear fairly evenly matched with one exception will com plete .the .selection ..of .eight teams lor Thursday's quarter finals in the National AAU Bas ketball tournament, . The defending champion Pe oria, 111., Diesel Cats zipped into the round of eight Tuesday night with a cake-walk over the Fort' Sam Houston Rangers from San Antonio, Tex., 91-62. A husky crew of Marines from Quantico, Va., followed suit by brushing aside Milwau kee, Allen-Bradley, 84-68. Everybody's Drug of Eugene, Ore., a team including some former University of Oregon itars, edged by Armstrong Yen- is! tvtryhdydMi! ' So smooth SpgEfl k leaves you breathless the mtetttt xamt VODKA c .... MprrW-Midefrom 100 grain nfutrtttpirln. " tniitumiinuQ -, int.t naniora.fonn. C2E SlfSM dors of Indianapolis, Ind., 68 62. The. Orefonlans, however, bump into the Phillip 66ers of BartlesvlUe, Okla., in what appears to be the biggest mis match Wednesday. The 66ers, champions seven out of the last 10 tournaments, butcher ed the Brooke Medical Men from San Antonio, 105-67, in their initial outing Sunday. The Eugene team started coasting Tuesday after it held a 15-point edge in the third quar ter over Indianapolis and nar rowly escaped disaster. The In. dians cut the margin to a single point before the Oregonians caught fire again early in the fourth quarter. Baskets by Chet Noe and John Reynolds wiaen ed the gap and Eugene held on the rest of the way. Two other tames complet ed the first round of the week-long tournament. The Kelly-Ryan team of Blair, Neb., pulled a mild surprise by tipping over the Bea Trav elers of Artesla, N.M., 81-7S, in the second overtime game of the tourney. The U.S. Air Force cham plons, Sampson Air Force Base of Geneva, N.Y., disposed oi a talented Young Men's Institute team from San Francisco, 78-68. fights Last Wight (Br Ttit Jteaoelaied Press) ukiii Arehts Moor. 110. St. Louts, knocked cut At SpsuMIni, 310, Osklsnd, OIK. I (non-tlllel. Las Angeles Leonsrtl Morrow, 191, Oakland. Calif., stopped Abel Fernan dez. Lo Anleles, t. Miami reach, ria. silly Kllsore, 187 a, Miami, outpointed Irwin achulti, lU'A, Hew York, 10. Slotklen, Calif. Willie Vauthan. 180ft, Lot Angelas, outpointed Charley Cato, IMtt, Oakland, Oallf., 10. White Platni, N. T. Jimmy Wilde, 1J8, New York, knocked out Fat Mal lane, 111V.. Union City, Conn., I. Seeremsnte, Calif. Ramon Fuentea, !4o'e, Los Ansilea, stopped Freddie "Babe Herman, 141, Los Ancelas, ft. Oidsa, Utah Benny Wise, in. Oak land, Calif., stopped Charlie Kalanl, 10, Olden, 3. Brooklyn (SlSsewood Grove) Jlm mr Herrlnr, 1S9H. Brooklyn, stopped Johnny Cerkr. 1S61.,, Des Moines. I. London - Randy Turpin, 180V, Ens lend, awarded decision over Walter ear lier, 1S. New York. Cartler dlsouall Med In second round for repated holding. Sacs is not exnected to hurt Salem's chances of picking np younger ball players from Eddie Mulligan's nin. With spring training sched uled to open at Calistoga la two weeks, Luby plans to vis it both Oakland and San Francisco training sites next week. The veteran Salem kipper has already spent several day in conference with Manager Lefty O'Doul and Owner Bill Starr et the San Diego Padre. JSan Francisco may be eounted en for som player help a an aftermath of the player trade that sent Ray McNulty south for Bill Sev ens. One player Luby would like to have is Frank Mas eera, rotund outfielder who hit .350 with Yakima several years ago. Mascera j a t Joined the Seals after a tour of army duty in Korea. Meanwhile, advance ticket ales are reported as steady by Oeke Walker, Senator manager. Walker also has some box seats on aale on a season basis. Tickets are now on sale at Wicklund'a with eleven grandstand ducats for $10.' Moore Defeats Spaulding, Eyes Matthews and Rocky Spokane, CV Archie Moore stopped tlt-ponnd Al Spauld ing m three rounds Tueaday Bight and then clamored again for Harry Matthews, pride ef the Northwest, or Rocky Mar clano, .king .ef .the .heavy' weights. The light heavyweight cham pion said he'll continue his once-a-week schedule until "I can smoke out Matthews or get the big guy." "Somebody in the balcony hollered 'bring on Marciano,' " Refs Disagree Over Who Won Tag Team Match It was scheduled to be a tag team match between the Lar sen brothers and Don Kindred and . Frank James, but the main event of last night's pro fessional wrestling program at the Salem armory turned out to be a battle between Tony Ross and Glen Stone, the two referees. Ross and Stone disagred on who should have won the de ciding fall in the tag teamer. Ross wanted to give the match. to the Larsens, maintaining that Kindred, who had pinned Elmer Larsen, was not legally tagged into the ring. But Stone insisted that all was legal with the pin, and wanted to give the match to the Negro duo. Ross finally knocked Stone down and raised the Larsen hand. As of now, the match is simply no decision. The Salem Boxing and Wrestling commti sion will have to decide what to do about it. B1U Fletcher defeated Lionel Baillargeon and Ross defeated Red Vagnone in preliminaries, SCORES in the ALLEYS Duck Pins MEWS CITY UAOV ounl S Tweedle Oil (0) D. Oeuthlor 161. I. Beharf ill, L. Hanssn W, 11. Follnskl 391, A. Penny 491, caps, Vssd Cars (4)' H. Smith 4s, X. Alderman 111, J. Haley 437, F. Miller 4(1, Las capps 401. salens Tire T. Howe M0. o. cook 437, D. Swain 309, i. white 451, Bye l7. Cluallir Used Cars B. Campbell 173. B. Snelirovo 144, t. Short 171, it. Van Dell 477. Bye 411. Nss Newman (1) M. Nolnait 181, R Nelnast 141, O. Johnson 411, B. Uaksr 370, Leo Capps IIP. Frosty Olson (I) Howell 114, V. York 157. A. Thomas 117. E. Fallla l. T. Wood S01. Willamette Art Tile (1) B. McQuIre 341, A. Horaehbeck 177, B. Hober in, M. Jacober 1M, A. Meyer 417. DstIi Oil Ce, IS) X. Omohundro 101. H. Miller HI. H. acharf IIS. O. Z anton 411. 1. Davis 44. W. C. Dyer At Sena Ins. (0) R, Oreenwood 191, B- Lants 171, L. Olle !e. H. Stevens 114, D- Ohastaln sal. Kara Badle (4) B. Oauthler 471. X. Hansel 431. V. Still 407. D. Dean 401. K. Kayo 140. Hlsh team series Canps Used Cars. 3101, Hlih team tame Kaye Radio, 70S. Hlih Ind. jarlea Tom Wood. Frosty Olson, 601. Win Ind. earns H. Van Cell, Quality Used Cars, 10). NEW SLACKS FOR MEN WHO PREFER THE BEST SHEEN SILKEN WOOL Smooth at silk. Rich, durable, never wrinkles. Amaxing the woy it held Irs crest on and on! Lightweight for spring ond sum mar. Regular pleated and Holly wood models. Reg. 18.50 A J.J. VALUE $11 l 95 ff OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9 O'CLOCK Jn Clothes 07 Stale .S. Shp Jo s,ree 2 Doors West of Liberty NEXT TO HARTMAN'S JEWELRY STORE MSN'S CITY LSAOVS Round S Qeallly Used Care (4) B. Campbell 01, B. Snelarovo 17S. I. short 4(0, M. Van Dill 444, Bye ill. Lei Newman (0) M. Nelnast ITS. H. Nelnast 411, O. Johnson 411, R. Maker 301, Leo Capps 198. Frosty Olson (I) W. Howell 411. V. York 157, A. Thomaa 349. E. KallU 170, T. Wood 4(1. Davis OH Co. (SI E. Omohundro 117. H. Miller 404, H. Scharf III, O. Blanton 4S4. 1. Davis 474. Salem Tire ( T. Howe 191, O. Cook 351, D. Swain 176, E, White I4, Bye 117. Tweedle Fuel oil D. Oau thler, 404. X. Scharl M, L. Hamen 17S, M. Follnskl 400, A. Penny 4. W. C. Dyer a Bono Ins. (1) L Olle 171, H. atevens 10, R. Orienwood 111. B. Lants 403, D. Chastaln 104. Willam ette Art Tile (SI B. McOulre 301, A. Herichbaek 458. B. Hober 300, Mi. Jawb er 411, A. Meyer (04, Karn Radio B. Oauthler 111, I. Hensrl 470. V. atlll tit. D. Dean 489. K. Kaye 117. Csr.pi Used Care H. Smith 413. E. Alderman 41), J, Haley 159. F. Miner 404. Les capps 491. Hlih tesm serlfi and tame Kaye Radio. 134S and 111. Hlih Ind. aeries Bill Campbell. Quality Used Cars. SOI. Hlsh ind. same J. Oauthler, Tweedle ruel oil. 319. Carre RIsMan Mbt. IS) Van Dell Capitol Alleys 1NDI1STB1AL NO. 1 Blie Lake (II B. Lanehoir 171. J. Eckley 413. P. Arree 187. L. Lloyd 410. R. Lewis 551. Elwood's Masonry (I) H Elwood 533, R. Bhlpman 481, B. Cray crolt 417, D. Buech 497, P. Whlttaker 459. Salem Felice (1) M. Mathers 117. B Frlese 510. C. Craair 149. B. Da Vail 405, D. Nicholson 494. Hollywood Finance (II K. Clark 904. J. Albrlch 483. L. Jonea 859, J. Olney 410, D. Duncan 131. ' Snebeye (II H. Merrill 199, J. Mc Allister 441, A. Slewirt 491, M. Merrill 909, X. Hauien 417. Xlke (II T. Thomp son 431, J. chsrrlnr.on 409, B. Ready 439. L. McKlnney 41J, B. Lowry 140. Mayflower Milk (l D. Brown 184. E. Van Hoss 441, J; MeParlene 493. M. Case 470, B. Ryan Ml. East Salem Lions ID J. Clark 111, L. Stevene 434, R. Dyer 411, J. Schlmberi ill. Rlohes 511. Calpak (!) L. Lance 474, T. Sloan 499, F. Helnkt too. R. Wcroowskl 419. F. achsldemr 458. Jehnion'e AtpllaneOa (i) A. Hue 909. B. Probst 484, J. Col tin 419. O. Cauiey 111, D. Morris 110. Cnrly'a Dslry (1) p. Salitrom 133, L. Edlund 414, O. Holatettar 314, J. Mill er 481. Nallenal Battery (I) O. Lswls 49, R. Moody III, W. Wills 431, H. Bar tbolomiw 910. Hlih team same and sines Holly wood Finance, (17 and 1554. Hlih Ind. same A. Alewert, 151. Hlsh Ind. series B. LanshoII 678. INDUSTRIAL NO. t MeCaae reed isles j. Thomp son 414, H. comstock 450, D. Thurman 435. X. Wllkalli 471, W. McCuni 481. (aider's Eleetrle (4) A. Jacotuon 411, J. Hammond 411, L. McCain 499, J, Cool er 434, B. Arthur 993. Wlnk'e Brlihl (pel (1) D. Folk 410, J. Day 379, X. Rains 914, L. Meyers 973, c. Ivls 914. Portland Gaa and Cake 111 C. Bertslrom 111, J. Klllir MO, B. Staler (38. J. Martin 107. Lu Lan. die 379. Wklllakere Weldera (It r whit. taker 431, X. Wackm 437, H. Bwood 923, X. Loaan 449, Lawless 499. Brown's Jewelera (I) c. Hauaan 450. r. Halley 410,. V. Hiunn 481, H, Hauien 487, X. Hsuaen 901. CAsppellas Meal Market (Ik ar Wleklaer 901. H. Lsndls 900, J. Hoyt 413, M. Chspptlle 158. Reiser Bardwan (1) M. Powell 495. C. Rlckard 411, O. Jones 495, w. Backa 444, R. Farm er 558. Kelier Merchants (0) B. Crayoroft 174. W. Kechter 411. A. Pedirson 459. O. Brassier 411, J. Coomler 499. valley Farm Stare (1) K. Prince (03. D. Schmidt 930, B. Sullivan 943, L. Bolre 331. L. Churches 415. Kenny Real Estate (4 M. Amunds 483, T. Otbson 419, R. Ross 497. K. Hill 483, L. Brlin 953. Hen Brothers (0 H. Cos 439. M. Csrter 405. o. Nuss 101, L. Westphsl 410, X. Whlllock 470. Hlih team lame and series Valley Farm Store. 190 and 1013. Hlsh ind. same and ssrlaa K. Prince, 331 and 003. , University Alleys LADIES' CLASSIC LIAnillt Good Heasekeeplnr (I) Krelcl 901. Olney 471. Upilon 441, Janes 413, Osr- oarlno 491, Browne Jewelere (II Le. rournouz U2, Rounds 378. Olbbl 409. Jackson 437, Smith 394. Bill Oeke (II kluellhaupt 417, Brad ley 411. CohMn 411, Hill 414. Thompson 491. Rsbsrts Bree. (1) Aloihlre 479. Frudente 404, Loken 407, Davis 193, AH brlsht 833. Chncki kr the Dam (1) Tickle 411 Carpenter 431. Thomas ISO. Lm,,. son Zwttker 490. Nerthweit Poultry (0) ujennara jo. saacKiy lei, Oould 180, Karcha 411. Doerder 431. China Cale (I) Oardner 414. Law less 404. Ruicker 433, Oertnir 450. Pos eehl 431. Rey Simmons (1) Merrill 434. Lowry 41S, Smith 401, Moon 341. Hilly 140. Care Hlsklsnl MbU (I) Van Del 171, Riches 19, Ade 411, Smith 411, o. Carr 440. Planka Cemtraetlon (I) French 111, Oreiorr 450, Plank 40', unka 489, Schroeder 444. Hlih team serlei Oood Houiekur lm, 3315. Hlih team lame Robirli Bros., (31. Hlsh Ind. ssrles n ah. brlsht Mi, Run ma, ,,m, r Mt, ahlre, 111. . Moore said, "and I'd sur like mat." It was asset all anyone had to holler about. The scheduled ten round non title boot was headed for a tjulck finish from the start. Spaulding, bulky heavy weight from Oakland, Calif., was flattened by a stiff right seconds before the bell ending round one, and barely got up in time. Moore, who at 180 gave away 30 pounds,' stalked his man in the second and Spauld ing, bewildered and embarras sed by the futility of.lt all, went down three times. He was counted out In 1:54 of the third. A crewd of 1,640 In the Spokane armory paid S6.706. Moore got Ji,58, more than (300 per minute - for his work. 4 The champion's next date is April 7 in Seattle against Ed die Cotton, the first light heavyweight he has met since winning the title from Joe Maxim last Dec. 17. Promoter Tex Hager said he plans to have Maxim for a match at Boise, Idaho, April 17 and hopes to line up Mat thews with the champion in an outdoor show at Spokane or Boise this summer. Matthews, the Seattle light heavy-weight, was stopped in two rounds last year by Marciano. Oakland Enters . Into Agreement With Wenatchee Wen tche tlx The Pa cific Coast leagu Oakland Acorn will send Wenatch ee of the Western Interna tions 1 league s minimum ef six players for each ef three seasons under new work ing agreement, General Man ager Frank Dasso said Wed nesday, - Tbs three-year agreement was alined Saturday at Mon terey, Calif. Dasso said In return for the players optioned to We natchee, Oakland will get first pick of players from the Wenatchee roster. British Boxing Board Probes Carrier Case London U.R) The British Boxing Board of Control be gan an investigation today of the strange . and tumultuous Randy Turpin-Walter Cartier fight. Board chairman Onslow Fane said a thorough inquiry would be completed before Cartier of New York gets his $11,000 purse. In one of the stormiest scenes in British ring history, Cartier was disqualified last night for persistent holding in the second round of his bout with Turpin, ex-middleweight champion and current top con tender for the vacant crown. No sooner had referee Tom my Little stopped the bout at 1:30 of the second session in Earls Court arena when Cartier touched off a near-riot by rush ing the ring with his fists fly ing at the referee and at sur prised Turpin. The referee warned him seven times for persistent hold ing before he stopped the bout, which had been scheduled for 10 rounds. The match Was re garded a sort of warm-up test for Turpin, who hopes that a fight with Carl Olson of Ha waii or Charles Humez of France in June will be recog nized as champion for the va cant 160-pound crown. . Baseball Team Roster Listed Hubbard Baseball squad and positions for North Marion include Keith Driver, p-s.s.; Jack Rasmussen, p-3rd; Roy Svllar, p-ss.; Ron Barandse, p lst; Merle McLaren, p-l.f.; Owen Stockard, ,p-lst, Dale Callaway p-lst; Llyle Myers, p.; Norman Luke, p.; George Sanders, c-r.f.; Harold Erland, c; David Myers, 1st; Gene Has tle, 2nd; Ivan Hova, 2nd; Larry Cole, 2nd; Andy Dexter, 2nd s.s.; Richard Crane, 2nd; Charles Ferguson, 2nd- If.f.; Melvin Schmidt, r.f.-c-2nd: Bob Hunt, 3rd; Jack Berky, 3rd; John Friend, c.f.-s.s.: Charles Crane, s.s.; Larry Ken- aston, 1.1; Alex Irwin, 1.1-r.l; Dan McLoad, c. It Gordon Alnsworth, c. 1; James Aho, c. 1; Pat Kruse. r. 1; Gene Smith, r. 1; Carlton Gianella, r. 1; Douglas Levens, mgr.; also Ross Lemen, Stanley Mil burn and Dan Blake. Coaches are Don Reed and Walter AU- dridge. Sacs Peddle Dino Rostelli To Portland Glendale, Calif. WV-Sacra mento outfielder Dino Rostelli was sold to the Portland Beav ers Tuesday for the 10S3 Pa cific Coast league baseball season. Portland's general manager. Bill Garbarino, announced the purchase but did not reveal its terms. Rostelli' batting average in 09 games with Sacramento last season was .357. Pete Cooper Leads Seminole Palm Beach, Fla. W) Pete Cooper, playing out of White Plains, N. Y led 87 other nro- fesslonals into the final round of the 86-hole $10,000 Semi nole Golf club's pro-amateur tournament Wednesday with a six under par 60. Cooper put together 34-32 66 Tuesday to give him a two stroke margin over Herman Scharlau of Boca Raton, Fla. Pigeon Club to Meet The Cherry . City Racine r-iegeon ciud will meet at the Tom Pomeroy residence, 3935 Rivercrest drive, . Thursday nigni ai o o ciock. EDMONTON SIGNS PLAYER Edmonton, Alta, (ff) Sigh ing ot 23-year-old outfielder vernon Campbell, who was with the Quincy Gems of the Three Eye league last year, was announced by the Edmonton Eskimos of . the Western Inter national Baseball league Mon day. Campbell won the batting championship of the Pioneer league while with Twin Falls in 1951. o M yiH onoi TIIAINING CAMP NOTES 0(091 .. (.. aViarwIataari Prill) oi ton (A) I. t. Lout " Ji CteVtllBd !) T, VBIfMO w lBnlistalre Bolton (HI I, Hiw Tork (Al t. , ii iai a. New York (Ml (. Brooklyn (Ml 11, Wtahlniton (A) M (10 Innlnis). Cincinnati (Nl 1, PhlledllohK IHI ( CBIesse "" IA) 10, Seattle IFCLI t. Sea Dine (FCL) 1, Chicein (Ml 1. Brooklyn "B" (N) I, Fort worth (TL) - Sittsftunn w s. cuasn uwi . tea Am ilia (FCL) I, Mew Ysrk "B" (N J. By United Press Old pros Bobby Shanlr and Stan Muslal shook off their early soring training doldrums today and flashed their true form for the first time. Shantz, a 24-gBme winner and the American League's most valuable player in 1952, turned in his first impressive pitching In the Grapefruit League, while Muslal, six-time National League batting champion, flashed his first top notch hitting form of the soring. Shantz. battered for five runs in one inning in his first outing, faced the minimum 15 batter in five innings as the u Athletics defeated the Dodgers, 2-1. The 130-pound southpaw issued only one walk and was touched for one hit, a aingle by Carl Furillo. Furlllo war im mediately wiped out in a dou ble play. Shantz' performance was doubly impressive because it was against the dangerous and predominantly right - handed hitting order of the Dodge" Only one left-handed pitcher, Harry Perkowski of the Reds, managed to pitch nin inning and win against the Dodgers last season. - Muslal, whose usually lethal bat bat bten strangely and al most alarmingly, for manager Stanley, quiet suddenly burst out yesterday with two home runs although the Cardinals bowed to the Phillies, 11-9. The homers were the first two hit by Musial this spring. Th Phillie. however, un- leashed a barrage of 17 hits, including homers by Earl Tor geson and Del Ennls to score their second victory in 10 ex hibition games. TIDE TABLE Corrected for Tad (CaasplleS k V. S. Caaat Sj OeoSetla Sareey, Faitlani, Ore.) Bisk Waters Lew Walirs Usrch Tims latinl Time Hiliht 11 l:n a.m. i s i: a.m. -o.l 1:91 .m. I.I 1 II a.m. 71 4:93 p.m. 10 1:10 a.m. (.1 9:13 p.m. 4.T 4:10 a.m. I t 1 13 p.m. 4.1 CIO a.m. 1.1 1:81 p.m. 49 1:11 a.m. 81 CI7 p.m. 4.T 1:17 a.m. I I (17 p.m. 9 0 1:48 a.m. I.( 10:11 p.m. I.S I 11 a.m.. S.S 10:99 p.m. 14 10:31 .m. I.I 11:11 p.m. S.I 11:11 a.m. I.I t 11:47 p.m. I.S ' . 11:00 U t.l 1 11 P-Sft. l. 1:41 a.n. .s 1 11 p.m. i s 10:40 a.m. -M 1(:M p.m. l.i. 11:19 a.m. (.9 11:11 p.m. .i 11:11 P.m. 4.1 11:34 a.m. 1.4 1:01 P.m. 01 1:01 a.m. I I 4:03 p.m. 0.4 till a.m. l.i S:so p.m. .4 0:09 a.m. 1.9 4:11 P.m. l.i 1:08 p.m. 0.7 1:09 p.m. o.T 1 a.m. 1.1 ' (:I7 p.m. (.1 S:08 a.m. 1.1 M p.m. (.1 SmF SSSjaaSSSSSswpaew r aa. L'S fesfe the DIFFERENCE! ) E5I Uudtivntiivniilhttet Spirits (U fnjor (he lien AW of fMt hmom W KtnHtckr brand, ft tVWOM KtnMtf wWtkey bWwd with 70 worn of sprit cWWJad fro hS cnoieew trTryfscoyi $A40 $-)70 m j 54 OT. JUST LIKE THE GOOD OLD GREAT STRAIGHT BOURBON ft. I ( lAntriei'ttip-tilliic liirliii...fjnmtfMrm j ivfr lid M iiuiwi iouhm wiinn , hrm , MiHiiuMiTiumnwiKntowtutiM, stw tgu.it 1. If You Can Buy Any New Car YouCanOwnfly f time u... CZb pnctuoini lMurnc 4-Door Sedan-One-Third Down Y ' 'uu-0? tW Brond-Niw '53 Dodg. ot ttrms ANYBODY can offord! Why settle for less when it's so eosy to buy big-eor comfort and per formonce? You can .n,oy thes. big-car bonuses on this low, low monthly pay mnt plan . . . ond get the solid satisfaction of Dodge dependability at th. som time! Come In Tomorrow - You'll Always Get i Betfer Deal from Your Friendly Dodge-Plymouth Dealer List, for "Hnn Ns" 8:55 p.m., Mond.y thru rrid.y-KSLM STAN BAKES MOTORS Chemeketa and High Solem ChM 24461