Tuesday, March 17, 19SS vWV Leaue 'To Elect On Thursday t. Election of officers and the acceptance of the report of the railroad crossing! report, the local project of the league, will be the main events of the eve .nlng at the annual meeting of :the League of Women Voters -of Salem. The meeting will be mi. me nome of Mrs. Ralph Wy. ckoff, 2690 Lorian Lane Thursday, March IP. t J o'clock. The meeting will be jiouowea Dy a coffee hour, chairman for which will be I Mr. William Egan. 1. Other business will be re ports of committee chairmen and the acceptance of the new budget, as well as a new local project for the coming two vara. The league president, Mrs. Jason Lee. also innminMi th delegates from Salem who will oe attending the regional league conference on political . effectiveness, in Portland - March 18 and 19 at the Camp- oen court notel. Going from Salem will be jMrs. William S. Van Meter, also a state board member of (the league, and Mrs. E. B. Daugherty, local league tax chairman. Leading the discus sion at the conference will be Mrs. I. E. Hervin of Portland, ja former national league direc tor, and Mrs. Jean F. Carroll, l also of the national board. Sllverton Mr. and Mrs. Hal or Snare have returned from (Stockton where they were (house guests of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mr. (Alden Snare and small son, Davie. Mrs. Snare, Jr., is the former Letha Dawes of Silver ton. I Cohen-Weninger I Wedding at Oswego Silverton Pearl Wenlnger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Crockett of Sllverton, and Max Cohen of Oswego, son .of Mrs. Myrtle Cohen of Port land, repeated their marriage vows in a ceremony Sunday aft ernoon at 2 o'clock at the Our Saviour Lutheran church at Os wego. The Rev. William Gentz read the lines of the double ring ceremony before the can dle lighted alter that was dec orated with lavender and white flowers. The bride wore a beige ny lon lace and net dress designed with full length skirt, deep '"' yoke and long sleeves. A shoul der length matching veil was secured by a seed pearl coronet. The bride's flowers were a nosegay of orchids and pink rosebuds. Mrs. Don Crockett was ma tron of honor for her sister-in-law, wearing a pale blue nylon dress fashioned similarly to the bride's gown. Her flowers were a nosegay of white roses and pink sweet peas. The wore a hood headdress matching her dress. 1 Groomsman was a brother of the bridegroom, James Cohen of Portland. Tor traveling the bride wore a soft gray wool suit with black accessories and her wedding orchid. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Crockett wore a dress makers suit of pale yellow, black accessories, her corsage of yellow carnations. The moth er of the bridegroom wore navy blue and black, her corsage of pink carnations. Sisters of the bridegroom, the Misses Maxine and Betty Cohen of Portland, arranged the reception at the apartment home of the couple. Miss Betty Cohen cut the bride's cake. Mrs. George Crennell presided - at the coffee urns. Mrs. Larry ' Crennell poured the punch, and serving were Miss Delores De Peel and Miss Dessie Nelson. In charge of the guest book and gifts were Mrs. Vern Plummer and Mrs. Harold Burnett. Following a fortnight's travel trip north, Mr. and Mrs. Cohen will make their home in Os wego. At last an Instant coffoe that'i 100 real eoffot-wlth the true color and toxtvre ... th rich flavor and oroma of coffoe frtihly ground. So good you'll moks H your ngular eoffoel Today's Menu Guests for Sapper Hot Sliced Smoked Tongue Potato Puff Tomato Asple with Roquefort celery Crisp Rolls Layer Cake Beverage Tomato Asple with, Roquefort Celery - Ingredients: One 3 ounce package cream cheese, H cup firmly Dacked af Rnnnpfnrt cheese, 12 medium sized cel ery rms tciean and dry), pa prika, lettuce, canned tomato aspic, mayonnaise. Method: Have the cheese at room temperature; cream to gether; put through fine sieve to make smooth; cream again. Stuff cavities of ppIpt-v rlh. with cheese. SDreadlnr imnnth with a small spatula. Run a anarp inree-tlned lortc length wise over cheese: nrinkl with paprika. Cut stuffed celery riDDS into naives. Refrigerate. At serving time place lettuce on serving dish and put round slices of tomato aspic on top of it. Arrange celery around aSDiC. Put a little mavnnnnlu on each asplo round. Makes 6 to o servings. Note: The new tomato aanie. using citrus pectin, may be naa in iu-or about 13-ounce cans. The former will serve 3 to 4; the latter 8 to 8. Past Chief s Event For Pythian Sisters Sllverton , Home temple No.. 21, Pythian Sisters, ob served past chiefs night In a special program at their reg ular meeting last week. Past most excellent chiefs officially conducted) the meeting. , Serving as MEC waa Mrs. Marian Zahler, assisted by Mn. Ben Gifford as PC; Mrs. Emil Loe as ES; Miss Merle Bowen as EJ; Mrs. Gold!. Down as Mgr.; Mrs. Clarence Morley as secretary; Mrs. Ida Cooley as treasurer; Mrs. E. Z. Kaufman as protector; and Mrs. Eliza beth Nieol as guard. The group planned a rum mage sale for the latter part of March, the date and place to be decided later. AUetta temple at Corvallis will be the setting for the dis trict convention on Thursday, April 30. Home temple officers are to exemplify the Initiation of men members. The program begins at 10 o clock in the forenoon. A delegation attended Port' land Ivanette temple on March 10 for their evening meeting. MrE. Z. Kaufman was hostess Friday evening for the Altruis tic club meeting. The officers club meeting was a week-end event, Mrs. E. - Z. Kaufman, Mrs. Carl Specht and Mrs. The. odore Grace as hostesses for the sessions. Social hostess group for the March 19 meeting will be Mrs, Carl Specht, Mrs. Emil Rhyne, Mrs. William Rue, Miss Rose Specht and Mrs. Sam Stadeli. An outstanding event is planned for April 2 when a program will honor the official visit of the grand chief, Mrs. Albert Grinde, who Is a mem ber of Home temple. The com mittee for this occasion is Mrs. Marian Zahler, Mrs. Lizzy Coo ley and Miss Ruth Lorenzen. Mrs. Clarence Morely is pub licity chairman. Silyerton Lodge Reports Activities Sllverton Special honors were accorded a new member, visitors, and the March birth' day anniversary group, during the supper hour at the regular meeting of Tryphena Rebekah lodge, No. 38, last week. Jack Morton was added to the membership by transfer. Honored guests were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webb, visitors at the Morton home. Arranging the supper and table decorations were Mrs. Roy Gingrich, Mrs. Harry Walker, Mrs. Lewis Saw yer and Mrs. Clarence Reed. Announcement was made of the Triple Link club meeting to be Wednesday afternoon, March 25. at the home of Mrs, Miles Tobias with Mrs. Ernest K AChasef k Miss Schultze Recent Bride Gervais In an afternoon ceremony on Sunday, March 8, Mies Donna Jean Schultze, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- lam Schultze of Gladstone, was wed to Le Roy Dunn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dunn. The Rev. H. L. Bachelder officiat ed at the service in the Atkin son Memorial Congregational church in Oregon City. Baskets of orchid and white stock marked either aide of the altar, palms and candelabrums completing the setting. Miss Donna Fisher and Mrs. Don Owens lighted the candles preceding the ceremony. Miss Pat Terry played the wedding music and accompaniment for Miss Nancy Kerbs who sang. Given In marriage by her fa ther, the- bride wore a full length dress of whit nylon tulle over taffeta. The bodice was of chantilly lace over which was worn a bolero jacket with high neck and bracelet length sleeves also of lace. Her nylon veil was held in place by a Juliet cap of chantilly lace and seed pearls. She carried a bouquet of white hyacinths and carnations with white satin streamers. Miss Eunice Johnson was maid of honor. Her dress was of white tulle over a lavender taf feta skirt and a bodice of lav ender organdy embroidered in white. She wore a white stole and cap. The bride's sister, Miss Judith Schultze was flower girl. She was dressed in laven der taffeta and carried a bou quet of violets and pink rose buds. The bride's mother wore a pink afternoon dress with navy and white accessories and the bridegroom's mother wore a green afternoon dress with green and . white accessories. Their corsages were of white rosebuds. A reception in the church parlors followed the ceremony, Mrs. Frank Andres, assisted by Miss Beradine Servas. served the bride's cake. Mrs. George Bertilson and the bride's aunt, Mrs. Elvin Cox, were In charge of the punch bowl, and were Southmayde and Mrs. Nellie Southmayde, assisting hostess es. Mrs. Frank Giroux, degree team captain, and her associates rehearsed for the initiatory pro gram for the next regular meet ing of the lodge, when three new members will be initiated. A Monday evening practice also was announced. Team members include: The captain, Mrs. Gi roux, Mrs. Karl Haberly, Mrs. Mary Riley, Mrs. Mabel Mon- son, Mrs. John Beals, Mrs. Theodore Grace, Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, Miss Ruth Lorenzen, Mrs. Lial McClure, Mrs. Walter Larson, Mrs. R. B. Renwick, Mrs. Carl Rutherford, Mrs. Wil bert Peron, Mrs. Allan Foster, Mrs. Ernest Southmayde, Mrs. Ida Maklnster, Mrs. Jennie Cook, Mrs. Orlo Thompson and Dr. T. T. Lwn, HJ. Dr. O. Chin, HD. DRS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS Upstairs, 241 North Liberty Offlct open Saturday onlr 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., to 7 p.m. Coniultatlon. blood prenure and urine taata art free of etaane. Practiced ainco 1117. Write for attractlre sift. Mo obli gation. Gossard's three-tiered petal; sheer magic for full coverage. Created in white satin with lace undercut). Adaptable cup size 32-38 HEADQUARTERS FOR FOUNDATIONS Expertly Fitted By Blllie Rogers Graduate Corsettier The Towne Shop Capitol Shopping Center petal brct... i 5 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Saba, Oregoa Mrs. Daisey King. Mrs. Harry Riches with Mrs. Lawrence Herman as accom panist sang a group of Irish songs. Mrs. Alia Foster directed a skit assisted by Mrs. Wllbert Peron and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor. Named on the initiatory meeting social committee were Mrs. Tom Bentley, Mrs. Law rence Taylor, Miss Ruth Lor enzen, Mrs. Barney Robstad, to plan' the refreshments; and to be responsible for room and ta ble decorations, Mrs. Lial Mc Clure, Mrs. F. B. Renwick and Mrs. L. R. Sawyer, assisted by Miss Helen Bertil son. Miss Boots Cross , had charge of the guest book. The bridegroom's sister, Miss Pat Dunn, assisted by Miss Lynn Walstrom and Mrs. Frank Bel garde, had charge of the gifts. For traveling to Washington, the bride chose a pale blue suit with navy and white accessor ies. Mr. and Mrs. Dunn left Sunday for San Jose, .Calif., where Mr. Dunn Is stationed with the navy. The bride Is a graduate of Oregon City high school and has been employed in Portland at the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company. Mr. Dunn Is a graduate of Gervais high school, and attended the Uni versity of Oregon prior to en listing in the navy. foeasytomte M.-m- TAW' i -'Hi. ' " ' X :4 4 r&&'- 'h$$ :d)7f ;i4sS v 'X. ,' . lW ("V HawMlasi Gets out the "deep-down" dirt ordinary washing actions can't touch! Frigidaire's Live-Water Action is gentle on nylons, woolens and rayons, too! In this washer clothes are in water all the time not half-in, half-out . . , and your hands need never touch water! Sea a demonstration ' today! See how Live-Water Action works, how the new Float-over rinse carries away all the dirt, how Rapidry Spin dries many clothes reody for ironing. There's noth ing else like a Frigidaire Automatic Wosner. Ask abort Refrigerator and Range "Porcefam Pain," too! Come ? sncf see $ cfemonsfrstfon Open Friday . Nile 'Til 9 P. M. Golden Wedding Anniversary Sunday t Four Corners Celebrating their golden wedding anniver sary with an open house on Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. William Floater. Their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bales, also re ceived the guests in the Fleeter home. The Fiesters were wed in Kansas on March 18, 1903,, came to Oregon in 1940 and to Four Corners in 1948. They have two children, Captain J. W. Fleeter of College Park,, Ga., and Mrs. Homer Bales, five grandchildren and three great - grandchildren. Their youngest granddaughter. Miss Geri Bales, observed her eighteenth birthday anniver sary at the open house. ' A group af the guests at the wedding 80 years ago sent a blooming rose bush for the oc casion. Mrs. William Bales modeled the wedding dress worn by Mrs. Fleeter 50 years ago and assisted at the gift table. , Cutting the cake and pour ing were Mrs. Russell Lant and Mrs. Nora Foreman. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bales, Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Automatic HfcsAer Automatic Washer with Live-Water Action gets clothes clean as newl 229 75 ONLY f imMmimiiniuiiiPPiiAct4iPMErDiiixHiM I t 5ALEM OREGON CITY J Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Will Moss, Mrs. Vera McMorrls, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Chrlsman, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lant, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Jeffries, Mrs. Nora Foreman, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward White, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Hovey, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bales, Mr. . and Mrs. L. J. Shrake, Mr. and Mrs.' Ray mond Hough, Mrs. Effie Maya White, Mr, and Mrs. C. R. Os bora, Mr. and Mrs. Hardle Phillips, Mrs. I. H. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Cable, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Walker, Mr, and Mrs. William Bales, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Britten, Mr. and Mrs. I. H. White. The Misses Linda Britten, Phyllis Shrake, Charlotte Smith, Anita Hough, Jeanle Chrlsman, Stndra Mc Morrls, Geri Bales. Other guests were Dick Smith, Mich ael McMoTTis, Billy and Doug las Bales '. WHITMAN BILL APPROVED Washington silo The Sen ate approved a resolution yes terday authorizing the placing of a statue of Marcus Whitman, Washington state pioneer in statuary hall in. the Capitol. The resolution was approved earlier by the House. 1 " WDM Aew Qncf COME f A completely new and different clothes dryer that leaves no sticky lint on the walls, no steamy moisture in the . room and on windows. AND it needs no costly plumbing fixtures or venting pipes. You can dry clothes as fast as you wash them . . . fluffy-soft and sweet-smelling to any dryness you prefer ... all automatically. Remember It's the only Clothes Dryer with Lifetime Porcelain Finish on cabinet and drum for lasting beauty and pro tection against rust. Get this new Frigidaire Filtra-matic Electric Clothes Dryer now! Solon Would Turn Clock Back 10 Years . Oklahoma City (A Leais- latures have dons unorthdox things in the past but here's one that wants to set the clock back 10 years. Oklahoma House of Repre sentatives voted to use the 1940 census figures, not 1980, to ap portion funds to counties from a one cent gasoline levy. Some legislators had discovered their counties had lost population and they would get a smaller cut of the cash. . , But senators decided the one thing they had no control over was progress. They reinstated the 1930 figures. - REMINDER TO VISIT . , Dale Carnegie Introductory Letture At No Cost or Obligation - ' : : '. v osa guest of v ..v ';:'')y)j Capital Business College Wad., March 18,7 P.M. r Cave Room -Senator Hotel Wonderful Bffwmffc Dryer New Filtra-matic Electric Clothes Dryer ends lint and moisture problems! 25975 ONLY PtfT Now the bill goes la- a eon fere rice committee. - Experts here predict, there will . a soma compromise like vising the 1830 i Russian Planes Flying ' Over Arctic Fringes Washington U Tha Air Force said today vapor trails from unidentified aircraft, pos sibly Russian, have bean sight ed during the past year over the Arctic fringes of the North American continent. A spokesman said the Idea- tity of the planes has never been established. But the tell tale streaks war seen In the sky at spots within easy fly lug distance from Soviet air bases in Siberia, EXCLUSIVE LifeHr.3 Percclzb -Fidsh lodfoe woa etsjia a) Scowing powders woa . scratch s) t rarcetaaa Finish , en Cabinets , alto on Washer Tab and Dryer Drawl " X2 Free Home Trial Free Delivery I V - "' ' ' V