Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 17, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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Tuesday, March 17, 1953
Capital Women
Miss Joyce Reeves and
Capt.E. M. Beard to Wed
Here on Sunday, May 17
News of interest to many
friend Is announcement by
Mr. and Mn. Jay E. Reeveg of
" the approaching marriage of
their younger (laughter, Mist
Joyce Lenore Reeves, to Capt.
Eugene Mitchell Beard, U.S.
Ir force, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur W. Smith of Washing
ton, D.C. . '
The wedding is planned for
the afternoon of Sunday, May
17, at 4 o'clock in the First
reception following also will
be at the church,
Miss Reeves for the past two
years has been a stewardess
with United Air Lines, flying
out of Seattle. She will resign
her work and come to Salem
on April IS. She is a graduate
of Willamette university and
a member of Chi Omega sorority.
Captain Beard has been sta
tioned at San Bernardino,
Calif., the past two years. He
Presbyterian church here, Dr. is a graduate of American uni
Paul N. Poling officiating. Theverslty in Washington, D.C.
Couple Wed
Here Monday
Married at a ceremony here
. Monday night were Mrs. Min
nie Reynolds and Robert Bain-
ard. The couple exchanged
their vows at 7:30 at the First
Church of God personal! with
the Rev. Harold Mclntire offl-
elating. The couple was unt
. ended. -
A small reception followed
at the Gold Arrow restaurant
where the couple - greeted
friends and relatives. Assisting
at the reception were 'the
bride's three daughters, Mrs.
Emanuel Hudson. Mrs. Karl
Williams, and Mrs. Dayle Jory.
The bridegroom's daughter,
Mrs. Chet Ottosen, also assisted.
The couple will make their
home in Salem.
EL Club
Members of Salem FL club
No. 14 met last week for their
regular business session at the
home of Mrs. Keith Hender
son, with Mrs. Robert Laudahl,
co-hostess. .
Those present were Miss
Doris Kimble, Mrs. Everett
Soden, Mrs. Harold Bressler,
Miss Joy Doyal, Mrs. 'Troy
; Wood, Miss Delores Jay, Mrs.
' Lawrence McClure, Mrs. Wes
Hunter, Mrs. Orville Britten
and the hostesses.
nae of Salem met last evening
at the home of Miss Vinita
Mrs. Kenneth Goodall, mem
ber of the Portland Alumnae
chapter of the group, a na
tional Journalism honorary,
was a guest. Mrs. Good all is
here during the legislature
with her husband, Representa
tive Goodall of Oswego. '
Hosts to Group
Hosts for an informal at
home for a group of legislative
friends last week were Rep,
resentatlve and Mrs. F.' H.
Dammasch. They entertained
at the home of Mrs. William H.
Burghardt where they are liv
ing for the session. The Dam-
masches are from Portland. ,
. VISITORS from Lebanon
over the week-end at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Doughton
were their son and daughter-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Doughton and children, Jack
and Shirley.
The two grandchildren re
mained to spend the week of
spring vacation with their
St. Anne's
Gives $3000
To Church
A sum of $3000 from their
funds was voted Monday after
noon by members of St. Anne
guild, St. Paul's Episcopal
church, to be given now to the
church building fund. A new
church is now being construct
ed by the parish between South
Liberty and High streets..
The guild met Monday- after
noon at the home of Mrs. Glenn
S. Paxson. Richard A. Rawlin
son, vestryman who heads the
parish building fund drive, was
a guest to talk to the group
about the new church plans
and the need for funds to com
plete the edifice. The Rev,
George H. Swift, rector, and
Mrs. Swift also were guests.
Announcement was made the
guild's spring rummage sale
will be April 24 and 25 at the
parish house, marking to be
done the evening of April 23
Mrs. William H. Burghardt and
Mrs. A. D. Woodmansee will
be co-chairmen for the sale,
Dessert was served, Mrs.
Theron Hoover, Mrs. Walter
Kirk, Mrs. Fred B. Moxley and
Mrs. L. E. de Weese as co-
hostesses with Mrs. Paxson
Pouring was Mrs. Robert M.
Fischer, Jr. About 30 attended
the meeting, Mrs. Donald Mc
Cargar presiding. i
Ceremonial Event
. Monthly meeting and cere
monial of Vada Hae Santha,
Nomads of Avrudaka, was an
event of Saturday evening at
Mayflower hall. Hostesses to
the group of 90 that attended
from cities all over Oregon
were Mrs. Vernon Decatur,
Mrs. Harry Wilson, Mrs. Her
man Bergner, Mrs. Clifford
Schultz, Mrs. Oval C. Harris
and Miss Betty Jean Bergner.
Participating in the ceremon
ial and becoming new members
of the group were Mrs. Axel
Jacobsen, Mrs. Mae Ebright,
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hixon,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Judson,
Mrs. Ralph Wilcox, Mrs. Laura
Johnson and grand chief of the
Pythian Sisters, Mrs. Albert
Grlnde of Silverton. , , -
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Brisbin of Gates were
local visitors Saturday. They
were enroute to Portland for
a weekend visit with mem
bers of their family.
Will atj MoeW Habhorf
son o toaspboeml ht
lwkkwlMM bill Aem.
TWs vodv-mixmd aemaal
Mohw eWlcsee). Mndsetcji
MUftQ Q0 by etalf. In esliwtast
Amd UnkJi lot b grand wfand
Buhh H wilu Ji d tasJ arts,
ant eat tft htxptmhtl
OES Initiation
Initiation will take place at
the meeting of Trinity chapter,
Order of Eastern Star, on Fri
day evening at the West Salem
city building. Salem chapter,
Naomi chapter of Dallas, Aca
cia chapter of Stayton and Rho
dodendron chapter of Falls
City will attend the 8 o'clock
session for friendship night. .
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rosen
baum are chairmen of the re
freshments committee, and as
sisting will be Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Phillips, Mr. and Mrs.
Al Rasmusseh, Mrs. Norma
Shaw and Mrs. Lovisa Shaw.
HONORED on her 10th
birthday anniversary on Sat
urday was Janice - carden,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James Carden.- Attending a
line party and celebration fol
lowing were the Misses Dianne
Mayden, Joyce Kilgore, Cheryl
Miller, Kay -Nuber and the
honored guest.
Son for Perrys
From Portland comes news
of the birth of a son to Mr. and
Mrs. William Clark Perry, Jr.
on March 8. The baby has been
named William Clark Perry,
HI. Also welcoming the new
arrival is a sister, Jo Ann Perry.
Grandparents are Justice and
Mrs. William C. Perry of Sa
lem and Mr. and Mrs. Karl
Eaton of Pendleton. The great
grandparents are Mr. and Mrs,
A. Q. Miller of Sallna, Kansas,
and Mrs. William T. Perry of
Belleville, Kansas.
The paternal grandmother,
Mrs. Perry has returned to Sa
lem following a week's stay at
her son's home in Portland.
Entertained Kappa KaDDa Gamma alum
nae met on Monday evening at
the home of Mrs. Lester D.
Green, Mrs. Harry Williams, a
newcomer in the capital from
Eugene, was welcomed as
new member of the group.
Attending the meeting were
Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Charles
Claggett, Mrs. Newbury Close,
Mrs. Robert Drager, Mrs. Da
vid Eason; Mrs. Robert Elgin,
Mrs. Gayle Finley, Mrs. Daniel
J. Fry, Mrs. F. J. FunnBn, Mrs.
Lauren Gale, Mrs. Louis Ger-
linger, Mrs. Gordon Gilmore,
Mrs. Lee Gustafson, Mrs. Ross
Hogue, Mrs. Charles Mills, Mrs.
Donald Rasmussen, Mrs. Har
vey Ronne, Mrs. Brazier C.
Small, Mrs. Robert Strebig,
Mrs. Roscoe Wilson, Mrs. Green
and the three co-hostesses, Mrs.
William McElhinny, Mrs. Roger
Schnell and Mrs. Walter E,
Alpha Chis
Alpha Chi Omega alumnae
also met Monday evening, at
the home of Mrs. William L.
Phillips, Sr., 18 attending. Co
hostesses were Mrs. George Ha-
nauska, Mrs.. . Gordon Cooley,
Mrs. Cornelius Lofgren, Mrs.
Lawrence Bernard.
Mrs. Paul Heath, a member
of the group, talked on flower
arrangements and care of plants
in the home.
KENSINGTON club is meet
ing on' Thursday at the home
of Mrs. Floyd Bressler, 3095
Garden road, dessert to be. at
1:19 o'clock.
a a
IT'S a new address for Mr.
and Mrs. William E. Healy who
have taken an apartment at the
White Shrine
Elects New
"New officers were elected at
the Monday evening meeting
of Willamette shrine, White
Shrine of Jerusalem.
Serving in 1953 will be Mrs.
Stanley Brown, worthy high
priestess; W. P. Lessard, watch
man of the shepherds; Mrs.
Doris Shreve, noble prophetess;
Jess Hatch, associate watchman;
Mrs. Pearl Speer, worthy
scribe; Miss Myra Ward, wor
thy treasurer; Mrs. B. Roth,
worthy chaplain; Mrs. Alfred
Lightner, worthy shepherdess;
Mrs. Lottie Howe, worthy
STAR OF the Sea Troop, Jun
ior Catholic Daughters of
America, met recently at the
home of Ann Lenninger. The
rosary was said for the Pope
and the meeting was adjourn
ed. Refreshments were served.
The next meeting will be held
at Eileen Lange's home.
Duo Engaged ' .
Jefferson Announcement is
being made of the engagement
of Miss Donna Armstrong,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George Armstrong of Jefferson,
to Delbert Witt, son of Mrs.
Joseph Johnson of Albany,
No date has been set for the
Miss Block Engaged
Gervais Mr. and Mrs.
George Block announce the en
gagement ' of their daughter,
Miss Helen Louise Block, to
Frank Gratsinger, Jr., of Ger
vais, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Gratsinger of Gervais. Miss
Block was graduated with the
1952 senior class of Gervais
high school. Mr. Gratsinger is
a dairy operator near Gervais,
The wedding Is planned for
June 12.
Kidney Slow-Down
lay Bring
Restless Nights
Whan kldnay function Iowa down, man
loin complain ax duiioi Daesaene, ntu.
aches, diiilneaa and Joaa of Dan and anerer.
Don't suffer restless nights with thaaa dis
comforts If reduced kidney function U rat
lins; yon. down doa to such common causes
as stress and strain, over-exertion or expo
sure to cold. Minor bladder Irritations due
to cold or wrong diet may cause setting up
surma or xrequent passages.
Don't neglect tout kidneys if these condi
tions bother too. Try Doan'a PiUa a mild di
uretic It's amaslng how many times Doan'a
ve happy relief from these dlaeomf orta
In the 16 miles of kidney tubes and filters
nusn out waste. Ask lor new, large, eeonoml
sise and save money. Get Doan'a Fills today
SPIRITUAL Sunflower club
will meet with , Mrs. Irving
Zeller, 2195 South Summer,
on Thursday from 1 to 4
o'clock. '
Miss Weaver and
Mr. Knolle Married
Grand Ronde An event of
Thursday evening was the wed
ding of Miss Joann Weaver and
Herbert Knolle. The bride is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Lovd Weaver of Grand Ronde,
and the bridegroom is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M.
Knolle of Mexico City, Mexico.
An altar decorated with daf
fodils, white carnations and
fern provided the background
for the cerempny wnicn took
place in the Administration
building. The Rev. Mr. Putman
performed the service in the
presence of SO guests.
The bride wore a light gray
suit with a corsage of white
carnations and stephanotls. Her
only attendant was her sister,
Mrs. Clarabell Hamerick, who
wore a navy blue suit and a cor
sage of pink carnations arid
blue delphinium.
A reception followed the
ceremony in the dining room.
After a wedding trip to Seat
tle, the couple will live in Val
ley Junction.
OES Meeting
Friendship night was the
theme of Salem chapter, Order
of Eastern Star, when the
group met on Saturday eve
ning. Honored guests were
Mrs. Laurel Johnson, worthy
matron of Marilyn chapter in
Mill City; Mrs. Julian Leonard,
worthy matron, and Ed Find
ley, worthy patron of Ramona
chapter in Silverton; Mrs. Lois
Wengenroth of Everg r e e n
chapter in Woodburn, Mrs.
Wallace Humphreys, worthy
matron of Acacia chapter in
Frank Lockman was the
speaker. Others featured on the
program .were Miss Patricia
Phillips who presented piano
numbers and Roger Moore-
head who gave a reading. Mrs.
Hal DeSart was in charge of
the entertainment.
Party Feted
Middle Grove A group of
neighbors and friends of Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence' Hammer
surprised them with a house
warming. Saturday night, at
their new home on Klrby road.
Attending were Mr. and Mrs.
William Kleen, Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Van Cleave; Mr. and
Mrs. Cleo Keppinger; Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Bassett; Mr. and Mrs.
John Anglln; Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Scharf, Mr. and Mrs. John
Van Laanen; Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Goode; Mr. and Mrs. Emory
Goode; Dr. and Mrs. Roy Sco-
field; Mrs. Anna Wishing and
Miss Nellie Howe, with their
children and families; Mr.' and
Mrs. Harry Wilson; Mr. and
Mrs. Leo Hammer and Mrs.
Geneva Schmidt. Hostesses for
the evening were Mrs. Sco-
field, Mrs. John Anglin and
Mrs. Emory Goode. A gift for
their new home was given the
honored couple.
e e
Rileas Hosts
Hosts Monday evening for
one of a series of small dinner
parties they are giving were
Major General and Mrs. Thru
mas a. nuea. it was a Bt. Pat
rick's day party, guests includ
ing a group of legislative
friends. On Thursday evening
the Rileas are entertaining an
other group at dinner. The Rj.
leas are at the Capitol Fizz
during their stay in Salem. -
a a a
HOSTS on the evenln-
Friday, March 27, for a dinner
will be State Treasurer and
Mrs. Sigfrid B. Vnander, guests
to include members of the
board of control and their
wives and the Justices of th
supreme court and their wives.
chunk snSijg
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H' iV- ''-'ftKO- -- ,'.;V'''' ? ' v:-' " v wife, K-
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The color you will be hearing
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and the Lady Fair Hat Shop abounds with every
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and priced so inexpensively that you can
easily afford two or even three. See our
"First Lady Pink" window!
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383 Court St.
And Beyond
In a Dress by Irene M. Bury
Incomparable styling, the season's outstqnding
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the things that go together to make
up your IRENE M. BURY dress for spring!
Here is the dress that you will wear
for many a season and never tire of . . .
for this famous designer has the gift of
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lovely selection of sheer wools and luxurious
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