Twady, March 17, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, gate, Onm PU-.S Lady Molly Huggins Not'6 Nominated Pessimistic in Address Lady Molly Hueriiu. hnm In Singapore married in Ma laya, and wife of Sir John juggins, former governor of Jamaica, did not answer her own propounded question of 'Shall Slav, Anglo-Saxon, Latin, Oriental or African In herit the Earth," while ad dressing the Salem Knife and .Fork club Tuesday night at fthe Marlon. j Nevertheless, the speaker who Is a candidate for the. British parliament, gave an interesting a n d entertaining talk concerning the countries In which she haa been a resi dent as well a a visitor, j In contrast to previous .speakers who had taken a somewhat pessimistic view of Jworld conditions, Lady Hug fins was optimistic regarding jthe ability of the democracies Ho curb the encroachments of communism. She did not say jthat the Soviets had been topped in their efforts to gob Jble up the world, but she did indicate that the situation was vmore favorable than for a number of years.' J First off, she pointed to the .trend to the right in her na tive land. Under the conserv atives, England has wiped out deficit of $1,280,000,000 in its internal budget and in ,1952 reported a surplus of 0140,000,000. Rationing in jmost .commodities has been eliminated. , Butter and meat re still rationed. . - By FRED ZIMMERMAN ;2 Burglary Attempts Reported by Police Two burglary attempts were .reported by city police Mon day both apparently unsuc cessful The front door of the Rich field service station at Kearney and South Commercial streets, was found sprung by an offic er Saturday night after he saw two youths run from the area ;as he approached. ) Some money In the cash reg ister and a drawer was undis turbed and it was presumed that entry was not made. i A window pane over the door lock in the rear door was .broken at Lehman's Seafoods tore, 995 South Commercial 'street, sometime Saturday .night, but the lock was stiU .fastened and nothing was mis using when the broken window was discovered so it was be lieved that entry was not made here either. f . i" ' ' - . For Loyalty Checkup By Local Authority ! Portland (JPi As long as lo cal boards pass on the loyalty and competence of school teachers, alien doctrines will not subvert American schools, the Oregon Education Associa tion was told Monday. 1 Mrs. Sarah Caldwell, Akron, O., heed of the National Educa tion Association, told the group that organized teachers "must work to repel all unprincipled attacks against us." "Trade and not aid" Is be coming a popular sloaan in England, said Lady MoUy, and she painted a picture of a gen eral improvement . In her home country. The question of the colored races Is one that must be solved when the matter of world peace is considered, be lieves Lady Molly. She pointed to the tremendous populations of Asia and Africa and said they must be brought Into the folds of the democ racies if communism is to be held in check. . That the battle against com munism in Malaya is being won, was another assertion of the vivacious speaker. She quoted an authority on the subject who predicted that the fighting in Malaya would be concluded by the end of the year. As for South Africa, Lady Molly said there was hope that a change in top govermental circles there would result in a more peaceful condition with resultant halt in the spread of communism. The situation in the Carib bean is a good example of the successful cooperation of na tlonali, said Lady Molly. With a population in Jamaica about the same as that of Ore' gon, she said that there was no segregation of races. A person is judged by his char acter rather than by the pig' mentation of the skin. In closing Lady Molly tressed the importance of the people of the United States and Great Britain working together. "Each country should dwell upon the good points ex the other,". , she added. Going outside the field of world politics, Lady Molly spoke briefly concerning the approaching coronation of Queen Elizabeth whom she described as "much lovelier than her pictures," a person with .. tremendous character and dedicated to her country." ByK&FClub Judge Joseph B. Felton, Co- burn Grabenhorst, Bryan Good enough, Carlton Grelder, all of Salem, Llndsey Wright of Stayton, and W. J. Hunt of Woodburn were placed in nom ination for two positions on the Salem Knife and Fork club Tuesday night. The six men were selected by the nominating committee headed by Guy Hlckok who presented them to the club membership during a dinner meeting at the Marlon hotel. President' T. Harold Tomlin son, president of the club, urged the membership to vote as soon as they receive ballots by malL One man will be selected from the Salem residents and one from the other two who repre sent the district outside of 5 lem. Announcement of the results of the election will be made during the next dinner meeting scheduled for April 6 when Carveth Wells will be the speaker. " . Sharp Drop Noted in Influenza Epidemic The incidence of Influenza dropped off sharply in Mar ion county during the seven day period ended March 14, but there was a considerable increase In the number of cases of German measles. ' The weekly report from the Marlon county department of health concerning communi cable diseases registered 53 cases of German measles, 48 of them being in state insti tutions. Influenza cases to taled 35, 11 of them in state Institution, 6 in Salem and 18 over the balance of the coun ty. ,.':..'.' Other communicable end reportable diseases included: 9 measles, 4 chickenpox, I ringworm, 5 tuberculosis, and 1 each of conjunctivitis, impeti go, mumps, pollomyelltlea and scarlet fever. Sixty-one' per cent of the available physicians reported. All Bourbon All 8 Years Old ' And Full 90 Proof Age alone doetu't make a whiskey great . . . but when that whiskey is . choice to begin with then sged for eight long years and bottled at full 90 proof you can trust that whiskey to be truly exceptional. Taste Melrose 8 Year Old Bourbon today. You'll be convinced I ' tettwst w$yt TV M MEL "Pay a lutle mors. Drink a Utile leu 1 reat yourself to the very oat," L ROSE $340 Pint EIGHT TEAR OLD BOURBON rrtAICHT BOURBON WBISKRi W PROOF. MELROSE DISTILLERS, DfC, It T. Easter Time is Dress-Up Time for Girls! liberty street '5.95 '6.45 We GW S&H GrM" StBmft 12itoI;A,B,C Every young miss wants new shoes for Easter but mothers make sure they're Poll Parrots. Pre-tested by actual, active little girls, they fit right, wear better, look wonder ful. Come in todsy and let one of our experienced shoe fitters outfit your little girl for her Easter shoes. Shoet, dotautain liberty trcet court, vtreet- Need fabrics, lingerie, clothing, notions, domestics, shoes, furniture, draperies, ap pliances? Then it will pay you to read tht values listed here! Everyone is outstand ing. Read carefully, pick the items you'rt interested in, then be here when the doors open Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. No mail, phone, C.O.D. orders accepted,. All items subject to prior sale. leys' Wear LIBERTY STREET 15 Boys' Jeans Rat. IK Stow 10 and IS only. 1.50 6 Boys' Sweaters km. if- . o QQ Stow S-lo-11-16. ..Oi7 . S Prs. Corduroy Pants 1.29 Raf. I.K. an. is. Flannel Shirts Rat. mm. cuter- , i An print 4-t-S-lS. t Feaeoats IMS. f.N. sua i. 3.00 13 Turtleneck T-Shlrts 79c Rat. l.TO. l-tona. SIM 11. 24 Banes Striped Folos Rat. l.ea. QQ Stow 10-11-14-16 PiC Z White Sweatshirts . . 1.00 Rh. i.ts. HO 10. ' S Men's Slipper Sox Rat. i to. -i Art M 10. .,.k J-W AbsorbetttDlshaeflu 6c Uultiwlor- ' Foam Pillows rrcaU. 2 f0r $10 80 Wool Blanket " Ant. color ' Q QA .J vlut. 1 O.J7 Cannon Bath Towels 2 for $1 Percale Sheets 2.99 Auk. eolore 79o Til lie. SlxlOS ramous nam Wool the West Blaahet too woi- 18 95 Auk colon V 10.SJO Bridie Seta Fane, trim. 2.98 JnfonH -ChHdreti UBEBTT STBRT' Fitted Crib Sheets Pnoata- 1 Art l.t valm. ' vv. Receiving Blankata indtiMior. ,2 for $1 All Steel Kiddie Gym Sets NatkHrally advertised, seamless tubing, cad mium plated hardware, anchor ground stakes, heavy chain and ball bearing hangars, green enamel with red bars and yellow teats. H . Furniture Court Street BI. Ml SiM 10. lPlasUo Jacket , 1.49 U Rebel Caps BS. Mo. Blno arar. 29c 1 Satin Jacket Rot. IH. Bin II. 5.00 10 Satin Jackets irallloolor. Q QQ Children's PanUes 3for$l Rayon trim Aut, colon. Girls' Dresses Stow 1 to Sprlns patterns 2.98 Children's White Sandal t itrlc atrapa a AK Bliel iV, U I. Girls' Strap Sandals atoaa SVa to ! Brown, whlto, rod. 2.95 Something New! ROBERTS Closet Shop Large selections of closet accessories to ease your storage problems. Jumbo Garment Bags. $1 Zip Suit Bags $1 Skirt Hangers 49 C Shoe Racks $1 Pillow Covers ;. ' 39 C Dampening Bags 39 C Plastic Travel Bags $2.95 Quilted Plastic Garment Bags .......$ 1 ,69 Menanine Liberty Street II 1 Hosiery Lingerie LIBERTY STREET Ladles' Slips Valuta to 4.11. O QQ Stoat II to 40. ' Nylon Hose Broktn I lanou nam Irrotulan. 69c Anklets Whlto uffaS. 25c Permanent Pleated Slips Whlto 7.M ralut. A OK ah nrlon. Nylon Panties Pane, trim aut. aolora. 1.15 No-Mend Nylon Hose Broken mm 1 (( I N. If p.rl.ct. Domestics LIREBTT STREET Opened Flour Sacks na4itlnarlata. 20c t&. Sportswear Accessories Artlflelal Flowers 50c Raw aprlni aaaortmanta. Barbara Gould Cosmetics 1 2 for $1 Costume Jewelry A?r i.oo Ladles' Handkerchiefs Plorala Plalni. 6 for $1 Ladles' Cashmere Sweaters 6.95 Rat. ll.H Brokan alaaa. Ladles' Blouses - Valuta to 1.S Broktn tlaei. 2.99 Men's Dept. LIREBTT STREET SO Nylon Athletic Shirts Tricot l.M. 1 ni II Dtrf. eiiM S-l( l.UU 8 Prs. Nylon Boxer Shorts 1.00 Rltaa 30-10 l.m, It perftct. a r . '.I-- !,' "V Special Purchase 1 36-snch Terry ) Regular 1.19 per yd., heavyweight terry. Solid colors, plaids and stripes. 2 to 4V4 yd. lengths. Sold by piece. Ideal fabric for towels and tportfweor. 'I " . , ' -. " '" - Pobrks Menanine 11 Ks. Lined Gab. Jackets 1MB rat. Stoat Q QQ M-40-4-QuUtt. ' i O.OO Ka. 40 Wool Gab. Slacks 5.50 Bat. U. 10-ll-3-40 atoaa. SO Frs. Arryle Sport Sox Jr'aiaT 66C 7 la. Wool Flannel Shirts port atria- (taft 13 Fa. Gancho Folo Shirts S ta. a mrtm. f -I Aft lata a-af-i. , i.W IS Ea. Cord. Sport Shirts Rat. 4.H. ' ' OOQ Whlta and . ' ' "os SO Ea. Elasticliad Nylon Sox Rat. I SO. , Q7- Men's AU-Wool Slacks Mr thidta Q QQ All atoaa. 7.' Webfoet Sleevelets Sweater U.II 11 ptrfacV- . g Aft ArtTlla daaltn. O.tJ Men's Neckties Valoal to 1.00. Pamoua brand. 50c Fabric Dept. UBEBTT STBEET SO-In. U-Meached Muslin KrrSSnt 20C yd. 17-In. White Flannel S&or'Saht. ' 20cyd. 00 Square Percale Prints Aut. oolon 00 Denim Tardase SL810"- 69c aawawaawawaaaraaHaaRawaBaat Appliances COURT STREET AlrFlo Clothes Dryer srr- 64.95 Apex Ironer Rot: iM ot- IrUQK PMdamatle. XO.OO Horton Washer Rat. Wraniar atria. 54.95 Apex Washer Rat. KQQK Wrlntar atria. OO.VO Murray Gas Range Rat. 141.11 IJQ QC OiiaranUixI. IH.VO Apex Dishwasher AtttomaUo. 249.95 Bendix Eeonemat Washer , Pullr automatic n on qp Modal B Rat. SM.M. lOV.OO 1 Housewares Dept. ; OOTJBT ST. STORI . Rival Can Openers Aaat aolora, awlnt away Mr!. Bat. ISO. apaelal 2.77 Aon braaa. paolat Dost Mops 69c Lasy Susans BaaaUtol pottarj. ' 1 QK Wooabaao. . Maple Koekers 24.95 Flreplaee SeTwens 9.95 Row Plastic TV Chairs v. vu . ii ' 1495 ' Planters Black trow. 7.95 . Chest of Drawers ; (OQIW AMD ENDS) - 1 5t.M,4k : 89.95 " Rat. 1SJS. ' Rat. M.N. 59.95 ' 4450" Larie Sise Vanity ; j aoior. oo'fit' i Ras. SS.0S. MOV OD.9V i Twin Headboards ' , jmr.o..i..x 59.OO Vanity or Desks Rat. W.II. Mow l-Fc Knotty Pme -" ? ' Bedroom Set ; 11 . Dreastng Tables ' 9.95 Armlaea Daveao Rat. MS. HOW 49.95 Rat. S.00. Draperies -;.w!t,.'v RBliled Marq. FriacUta Id . 4.00 Lined Draperies Rat. tMOV tittoraa ant Rkalaa. ' 'V '.: ' , MEN'S v-r-,' "7,-: VicaraSox 1 69" pr. : (3 prs. for $2) Thousands of dozens of this tough sock have ' been sold. 3 pair guaranteed for 1 year. 10 col ors, sizes 10 to 13. Wash perfectly. Soft, cmik fortable wear! iVUn't-NMaln. Floor All-Metal Ironlnr Board Adjnttakia to T . : R QK taalfhta. Rat. I0.M. Mlrro Whlstllnr Tea Kettle 2.80 S-at. al. Alomlnam. 1-Pleee Juice Set , Mttarna. 1.19 6& OS-Fe. Popular Golden Rose Dinnerware . 18.88 Rat. 4S.00. Spaalal 4-Pc Sucar and Cream Bets TaalwUnt B Si P. crratal 1 1Q with aprlnt sattama. Ka. Clothes Hamper Wlakar trpa with plaatlo r QQ ton. Aaat. aolora. V.30 One-Stroke French Fry Cotter Larta potato alaa. Rat. S.IS. 1198 S4-po. Stainless Steel Tableware - Rat. t.M. 4.95 Furniture Style House Sofa Tw.ed d told. 229.95 Phil ca Electric Ranee 279.95 Rot. M0.M Donblo of an. Bendix Electric Dryer 189.95 Rat. UI.M Modal B. Velvet Lounfe chairs 5 " ' 89.95 Maple Occasional Tables ' S " M' '9.95 Raw. IMS. aaawMflftBaiawaiiniiitiiit anata Fallls Bedspreads .' i 6.00 r Chenflle Bedspreads rSnT1- - 6.00 : .. ChenQlelUdspreads t ? ' -: 495 I i i Pin Det Nino Rat. O K. sozsi. 5.95 i AU Colors Rayon Frlsclllas 5. 3.95 i Upholstery Fabrics : Rat. ret. 2.98 Imported Ponsee Rat. li.eo. Chlnti BeaBpreads 1495 ChenUle Tufted Bedspreads , STh. 8.95; New Table of Remnants Less than price j; Valuta to l.M. OS" Drapery Fabrics LOO Lace Panels mr raroa. 1.00 sfw- fcssWioTliol all laqiui ii.iai yaiWMi l iSaSty S-Yr. Guarantee GARDEN HOSE $4'5 50-ft. length green plastic hoie. Soft, pliable and sturdy! Compare with hose at higher prices. Visit Rob erts Garden Supply Dept. Downstairs Court Street Special Purchase WHITI Hotel Towels 69' (3 for $2) These extra heavy bath size art easily worth 1.50. Thick, thirsty ter ry w 1 1 h various names monogram med on them for identification. Save dollars en this buyl Limited quan tity. Domestics Liberty Street