Pag 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon JtttM, V alley. Edited by MIKE FORBES Sublimity Sublimity Tech. Set. John Sutler and hi German bride of three month! - were -recent ; guesti at the Gene Butler home. Bulter, who U oh' a 60-day leave from the Army, has Just . returned from six years spent in Germany. , A member of the Army the past 14 years, be is : employed as a cook. Tech. Sgt. Butler expects to be . assigned to Korea. The couple are now visiting , his mother, Mrs. Catherine But' ler, and brother-in-law end sis ter, Or. and Mrs. Victor Gehl- infpand family at Pendleton. Presentation of the trophy, second prize won in the district tournament, was made at as sembly meeting this week. -Ronnie Ruef, captain of the basketball team, presented the trophy to Dwight Bradley, stu deni body president, who ac cepted it for the school. Short talks were made by each. The parochial school Mothers elub was well attended. Mrs. Marie Hottinger and Mrs. Ma ria Zimmerman were named as committee to arrange outside ' speakers for the next meetings. - Mrs. Mary Highberger of Aumsville' was hostess to the Women's club recently. Mrs. Frances Roberts end Mrs. Vir ginia Dougherty were guests. First prize at cards was won by ENDS TONIGHT . OPEN :ti "THE SAVAGE ri:.y:; ,. And "FLAT TOP" ItarU Wednesday Open f :5 rwnm MAIfJASfiER-jaAEViWS Mrs. Grove Ditter. Mrs. Bar bara Gehlen won the special prize, , The next meeting will be Thursday, March -19, at the home of Mrs. Margaret Half- man with Mrs. Rose Becker as sistant hostess. Mrs. Elmer Reubel is a pa tient at the Silverton hospital. Election of officers of the Juvenile Girl Foresters Tues day evening resulted in Ber- nice Wolf being elected the chief ranger. Other officers are: vice chief ranger, Marlene Podrabsky; secretary. Carole Koenig; con' ductors, Kay Schott and Patty Wolf; sentinels, Joanne Koenig and Joanne Toepter; flagbear- ers, Linda Hartman and Diana Podrabsky.. . " The organization voted . to give $18 to the Stay ton hospital for drapes and SS to the Red Cross. , The group is sponsoring a cooked food sale on Holy Sat urday. Mrs. Auralia Podrab sky is Juvenile director. Larry Watts, 11-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Kennetn watts, has been confined to a Salem hospital the past 18 days with a ruptured appendix. The lad, a fifth grade student, is expect ed home Friday. Al Hartman, E. A. Ditter, Robert Ingle and Delbert J. Ditter attended fire meeting at Keizer Thursday evening, Aurora Wheatland Wheatland Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rutherford of Raymond, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davidson and two daughters, Cheryl and Connie, of Port land, are week-end guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lane Davidson in the Wheat land district. They came especially to at tend the basketball tournament at Corvallis, when Stan Glo waskl of Seattle university was one of the players. He is a brother of Mrs. Floyd David son.. - Howard Keel Patricia Medina "DESPERATE SEARCH" ' John Hodiak Stephen MeNsHy BATTLE ZONE ft ENDS TODAY) (Taw.) "I CONFESS" Md "BuesMMirr CARTOON MVUr MATINEE DAILY FROM 1 P.M. STARTS TOMORROW! . . . SHE HAD A WAY Of TAMING EVERY KIND OF MAMJ A GUN! OR A KISS! 1 1 rwi a v a v Tt$3m Kuaaj L.f1T1re.-1ff'iiBBJ CO-HIT! DANGER! IN EVERY DARKENED CORNER! -T?Li ias i i i '" ffl.min -i i A m Aurora Principal speaker at we April l meeting of the Au. rora Woman's club will be Mrs. Charles A. Sprague of Salem, Mrs. Dorothy B. Harlan. U. S. Forest Service consultant, was a recent speaker at a meetinc of the local club.' Her subject was You Can Help Conserve uur orests." ,,-. The following names of nom inees for offices were presented Dy tne nominating chairman, Mrs. - Xd. js. sradtl: President. Mrs. J. J.. Emrlch; first vice president, Mrs. Percy Will: sec ond vice president. Mrs. Robert Armstrong, recording secretary, Mrs. w. u. idndauiat: corre sponding secretary, Mrs. James lAngaon, jr.; financial secre tary, Mrs. Herman Anders; treasurer, Mrs. William Dentel. Hostesses were Mrs. John Ell- ers, Mrs. George Johnson, Mrs. Harry Schultz, Mrs. J, W. Mc Clure and Mrs. George Elliott who served ice cream, and cookies. Pouring were Mrs. E E. Bradtl and Mrs. Howard Schutz. Four 4-H half scholarships were , voted to Aurora, Butte ville and Donald schools. Nam ed to contact the schools were Mrs. Lorin Giesy, Mrs. George Elliott and Mrs. W. D. Lind-quist. Robert Diller, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Diller of Aurora, is one of three Linfield college students who will participate in sa-piece intercollegiate sym- phonic band as part of the northwest division convention! of the music educators' national conference at Bellingham, Wash., March 18-21. Kristyn Anderson, daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ander- son, Jr., suffered injuries to her left hand in an accident at the family home. -. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McLin of Aurora, are parents of a son, born Friday, March 6, in Hutch inson hospital, Oregon City. They have four older children. The baby weighed 8 pounds, iaft ounces. Mr. McLin, principal of the Aurora grade school, was for merly with Hubbard hardware. The Clackamas County Rab bit Breeders Association will stage its annual rabbit show in the Canby Women's Civic club hall Saturday, March 22. The "Green Thumbs." rose and flower club of District 91 area, met during the past week David and Judy Fredrikson gave a demonstration on rose pruning. Seed planting Will be demonstrated at the next meet ing by Alan Brackett. David Fredrikson presided. Marks Prairie Farmers Union will meet at the clubhouse Tuesday evening, March 17. ' Real estate transactions dur ing the past week involved the sale of Vincent Chiosi's 35-acre asparagus farm north of Au rora, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Allison of Sweet Home, Ore. Philip Anderson will operate the farm this year. ' Paul Rogers, of Vale Garden Rd., sold his 20-acre farm with six-room residence and 1100 feet of Molalla river frontage, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Louge of Gladstone. They plan to farm the tract. ' t Ray Hibbs, 19, son of Royal HiDDs or unlonvale, was in group of 40 Yamhill county men going to Portland to take examination for U. S. service, Tuesday. C. R. Smith of Grand Ronde, accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. William Warmington, and her aon, Rollie, and daughter. Ann, oi St. Joe, were Thurs day evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Coats. Rollie was seriously . ill with rheu matic fever but is now conva lescing satisfactorily. Aumsville Unionvale If? Unlonvale V e r 1 Hoard, 129th Infantry, Reg. 44th Div. Co. A, Fort Lewis, Wash., was at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hoard for din ner recently. He came to Longview, Wash., with a buddy and telephoned his parents. His brother, Elver and Miss . Donna Walkers of Dayton, his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Baker met him at Longview and come for a short visit, then the four drove him back to Fort Lewis. Aumsville Miss Lois Panke, daughter of the Otto Papkes, has receeived her cap from Emanuel School of Nursing in rortiand. The ceremonies were held in Portland. Miss Papke will graduate with the class of 1999. Miss Papke graduated from Cascade union high school In 1991 as valedictorian of her class. . Members of the student body at Cascade union high school have recently organized a fel lowship group called the Young Life club. Two men students from Wil lamette helped organize the group. , The students met last week at the home of Danny Feller in Turner.. . A membership contest is be ing waged between boys and girls of the group, the Winning boy and the winning girl to receive a trip to a dude ranch as a prize. The club will meet every week on Tuesday evening for a one-hour meeting. The women's auxiliary of the Gold Star post No. 179 of the American Legion met last week with Mrs. Blance Wallace act ing as president in the absence of Mrs. Loretta Bates, who was ill with flu. Plans were made for the an nual Easter egg hunt. The post will sponsor a dance at the Macleay Grange hall March 14. The women will sell coffee and hot dogs throughout the evening. The women plan to sell pop pies again this year and have ordered 800 veteran-made pop pies. After the business meeting, Mrs. Loretta Keith, Mrs. Flor ence Comstock and Mrs. Norma Thompson served refreshments to the post and auxiliary. ; West Stayton Grand Island Grand Island The last of the Unlonvale dress workshop meetings was held Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Claude Pilcher. Mrs. Cecil Will was project leader. Mrs. Clyde Dollar, Mrs. Noble, Mrs. Claude Pilcher, Mrs. Jacob Tompkins, Mrs. V. V. Scoggan, Mrs. Fred C. Stockhoff and Mrs. WiU at-! tended. I West Stayton The engage ment of Miss Doris Lambrecht, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lambrecht, to John Mack, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Mack, Sr., of West Stayton, has been an nounced. No date has been set for the wedding as Mack left Wednesday for induction into the armed services. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kendell have returned from San Luis Obispo, where he was stationed with the army. He has received his discharge following two years service. Harvey is the son of J. J. Kendell and will assist his fa ther on his bean ranch. Mrs. Kendell, the former Shirley Kintz, has been with her hus band most of the time. Mothers who have - children entering school in the fall are invited with their child, to meet at the school at noon for din ner on Friday, March 27, as guest of the primary teacher, Mrs. Janet Brownell. The coun try school superintendent and the, county health nurse will also be guests. Community club was held Friday evening at the West Stayton school auditorium with the president, Lloyd Thomas, presiding. Committees were appointed for the April meeting, Herman Henrikson as chairman of the dinner committee. Zelpha Dow ner and Dorothy Nye will as sist. The girls physical education program in the school perform ed, showing the parents what they are doing. As part of the program the Cub Scouts gave a skit. The cast included Bobby Shepherd, Ronald Wallace, Tommy Tomlinson and Jimmy Thomas. They also sang the "Train Song." , Mr. and Mrs. Buehl Jordan and family returned last week from a winter trip to Califor nia. ..' ,' Thomas Dale Griffin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Griffin, left Wednesday for induction into the armed services. A trip and picnic was held in his hon or Sunday when a group of friends motored to Waldport. j Suit rnwk Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Charles Joslin spent Sunday at Eugene with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Joslin. Mn .Tpuia Mover was a re cent dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Kitchln. Mrs. Vernon Murphy made a trip to Dallas recently. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Powers and family made a trip to De troit Dam recently. m w . 1 r-L..ln. Allan nr, aim idh. spent a day in Salem visiting her mother. Mrs. Don Ferguson and Mrs. Woodrow Robinson were in Sa lem Monday. .TApk Wnlmp and Glen Flow nf Valsatz anent the week-end at the Joe Lamprecht home. The Falls City Garden cum held its February meeting in the new Christian church din ing room. Mrs. John Chamberlain. president, presided at the busi ness session. Mrs. Otto Teal gave a re port on the culture of delphln Games were in charge or. Mrs. Archie Palmer. Cookies, tea and coffee were served by the acting hostesses, Mrs. Fred Luhde and Mrs. Jack Strauss. Two visitors were Mrs. Fre dln and Mrs. Lind of Michigan. Tuesday, March 17, 1955 MCCARTHY SUIT SETTLED Washington vnA, lion dollar libel suit filed by Sen. McCarthy R, wis.) afalnst the Syracuse, N. y ' Post-Standard has been settled out of court for an undisclosed amount. Trial has been set to hpffin Monday. i - Salem Community Concert Association PRESENTS LILY PONS TUESDAY, MARCH 17-8:15 P.M. Salem High Auditorium - 14th and D Srt. Admittance by membership only. . . Tickets for next year may be obtained following the Franceseattl concert March 24 Falls City Falls City Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bennett of Freewater and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bennett and daughter, Barbara, of Philo math, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Joslin and family of Manzanita en joyed a week-end visit with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Camp-' bell and family called on Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Walker at RIVE-IN THEATRE rHONi 2-7829. IAIISH SAIDIHJ, HIGHWAY M J Gates Open 6:45 Show at 7:15 Ends Tonlte (Tne.) 2 Color Hits "APRIL IN PARIS" Doris Day Plus "STOP YOUR KILLING ME" . HELD OVER 3rd Week BY REQUEST DUSTY BROOKS AND HIS AU STAR HARLEM REVUE FMhvisgtht HARLEM JAZZ BAND SONGSTRESS JUANITA (BOKBSHEIL) BROWN MiMandDiata lad Floor Show "A REAL TREAT FOR SALEM" The New Village Inn S057 Portland Rd. Starts Tomorrow! Ends Today (Tim, "MlHlUlPPl 6MnbMf"ud "NoitBoMlifid 6lflilWorid' . -B d-iiP SPELLED TROUBLE!.. Mat em in thbimouBIZs r "If Doc gets fun out o ant... r-a an J? running his hand through my hair... what's "V. ifi : rh harm?" ;( JA WW ONE OF THE YEAR'S BEST.99 mi a 'jPffelL81 .tag CO-HIT! Blonde, Beautiful . . . And Easy to Meet ra3 FAScinAsTon L CIEOMOORI H06O HAAS ADDED- COLOR CARTOON . . e Novelty Reel , "WIND AHOY!" . AIRMAIL NEWS STARTS TOMORROW! BOX OFFICE OPENS 6:45 F.M. ENDS TODAYI (TUESDAY) "MAN IN THE WHITE SUIT" and "STRANGER IN BETWEEN' A Re-Releasa The STAR ::i 'JUL f MflWC AE rfll IMAM I AIW mil jnyvvj vi muriMHjAKU A Re-Release ADDED .jZZsTT FEATURE YV-VSVJk I ykQb) I "?c" i Apy1""" STOItY b 50m