Pact II THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, him, Oregon Tuesday, March 17, 1953 STARTING FROM SCRATCH .A Li, yJaJtA. -nr ,'-y, i Swede Gets Justice from the Irish on St. Patrick's Day Chicago two A lonely Swede who was haled Into a court full of Irishmen, praised the good at. ratricK today for uie merci ful Justice he got. Seventy-three-year old Rich Anderion openly ahowed his alarm yesterday when he mounted the witneaa stand in municipal court and counted tM men around him. There was Judge Harold P. O'Connell, Assistant State's At torney Nicholas Cumerford and Police Capt. Thomas Kelly, not Egypt's Premier Nagulb, in working trim, plants by band in a hole he dug, the first tree in a reforestation project at Fawyum, southern Egypt. Homer Goulet Home Feature In Magazine The Homer Gouleta new , farm home la featured In the March Issue of "Farm Jour nal." -.. The 'Goulet'a home which was completed about a year - ago la an attractive ranch aiyle home. After living in it a year they aay "We would not change a thing." ' The Gouleta spent several years collecting ideas for the borne on their 500-acre farm which is located on Route Z, Salem. With their careful ... planning, the help of an architect and help from Ex tension Service, the Goulets have home which fits the needs of their family. . The article in Farm Jour nal shows pictures of par ticular Interest. Mr. Goulet baa an office having an out aide door where he can carry on the business transactions - of farming. It la near the kitchen. The kitchen Is V-shaped one. Hemlock Is used for ' walls and cabinets and has wrought Iron hinges and - pulls which add Interest. The kitchen counters were plan- , ned just right for Mrs, Goulet. The two boys each have bedroom but accordion doors ' between them make It pos sible to make the two bed room Into one large one. The combination . living . and dining room Is made to order. They like to enter tain. A small one wouldn't be largo enough; a large one ' would be Mlo too often, so they have a combination liv ing and dining room which provides either a generous dining area or a large living The Gouleta say they have home "without a headache la It" Britain Tightens up On China Shipments ' London ' 010 Britain has tightened its shipping controls to prevent cargoes of strategic materials going to communist China and North Korea. Minister of Transport Alan Lenox-Boyd laid an order be fore parliament last night stipulating British ships must be licensed to carry cargoes io me two communist coun teles. DOUG SEES HAWAII WIN San Joan. Puerto Blrn (U.R) U.S. Interior Secretary Douglas McKay said yesterday he anti CiDBtes Senate annrnvnl nf Hp waiian statehood. McKay stop Bed off on his wav (n fit. Thn. mas to attend a meeting of the virgin islands Company. ill So smooth ft leaves you breathless mirnoff t. i a ys SOpmCMidtAaailOOff tlniinlwlrto. Sm fimSmiraef rb. lac. Hwtfort.Cooo. Irish Celebrate, Parade and Prayer Dublin VP) Ireland cele brated St Patrick's Day Tues day with a parade and i prayer. And there warn t a soldier or a politician in sight. It was a grand day a bright sun shinjng and all so peace ful. It was perhaps the only country in the world where you couldn't drown the Sham rock for all the pubs and bars were closed. ' The fighting Irish, who like to be different, did this up In typically different style , in honoring the country's patron Saint Stripped for the first time were all military trappings. The 12,000 strong Eire Army went to Mass and then were given the day off. The only reminder of Ire land's turbulent past were grey-haired veterans of the Ira-Irish Republican Army who led the parade. But they were dressed in their Sunday best no uniforms. Everyone was in a festive mood. The English were even in' vited to join in the festivities. Highlighting the day's sports program in the capital was an international soccer match be tween England and Ireland. Navy Grooms Cougar ' Jets for Korea War Washington U.H) The navy was grooming new Gruman Cougar jets for Korean, service today to see how they will do In air battles with the Rus sian-built Mig-15s. Vice Adm. Ralph W. Ofstle, new deputy chief of naval operations for air, said he con siders '. the F96F-6 Cougar about equal In performance to both the Mig and the air force's F-88 Sabre jet. . PresbyferianWomen In Dallas Meeting Dallas Presbyterian mls sionary work around the world was the topic of Friday's meet ing of the Presbyterian Worn en's association. Following the regular bust ness meeting, presided over by Mrs. Paul Johnson, devotions were led by Mrs. Hollis Smith, and then the day's program, under the direction of Mrs. Frank Richards, was presented. A film was shown by Jack Evey. Following the film, Rev. Benbow addressed the group. me meeting ended witn a social hour. Hostesses for the day were: Mrs. Norman Baker, chairman; Mrs. Eldon Bevens, Mrs. John Cerni, Mrs. Emll Febvet; Mrs. Carl Bales and Mrs. O. E. Anderson. Red Shells Land 350 Yards from Adlai Seoul W) Adlai Stevenson toured Korea's Western front Tuesday and Chinese Commun ists gunners fired two shells into a hill from which he was observing enemy lines. The 199 Democratic presi dential nominee, clad in an armored vest and helmet, got a cioseup of the fighting from bunkers and deep communica tions trenches in the U. S. Second Divlson sector. The shells landed harmlessly some 350 yards from Stevenson and his party while they were on one end of a hill mass known as The Hook. ANOTHER BIG RED ILL Berlin W East German Pre. sident Wilhelm Pieck was re. ported suffering Tuesday from pneumonia and pleurisy, the same malady which took the life of Czech President Klement Gottwald last week. Fleck, however, didn't catch his at Stalin's funeral. Think Russia Has Super 'A' Bombs Las Vegas, Nev. () The United States figures that potential enemy presumably itussia may have developed atomic bombs at least three times more powerful than those dropped on Japan. This was implicit In remarks maae Dy civil defense author! ties to news correspondents before the reporters took off to cover the scheduled testing of an atomic device at the Nevada proving grounds. 75 miles from ntre, on this St Patrick's Day, John R. DeChant. director of information for the Federal Civil Defense Administration said that in connection with atomic defense planning "we're thinking of bombs having two and a half' times the energy of those dropped on Japan by the United States, and "you'll be hearing more about larger bombs." South Salem C of C To Meet Wednesday Salem Heights The South Salem Suburban Chamber of Commerce will meet Wednes day, March 18, at 8 pjn. at the Salem Heights Community hall. Plans will be discussed on the clubs Carnival slated to be held in May, and committees will report on the progress be ing made. The carnival is for the development of Joryville Park. The Salem Heights Woman's club will serve the refreshments. to mention Anderson's own at torney, Thomas McCormick To make matters a little more serious, the lonely Swede was charged with engaging in bit of a donneybrook with one Mickey Donatio and on Thomas Weldom. Kelly was ready to testify that he found the three of them swinging bar stools and base ball bata at each other last Fourth of July. Anderson turned to the judge. "I want a continuance," he said. "How can I get a square deal in front of all these Irish when tomorrow's St Patrick's Day?" O Connell turned him down and ordered the trial to con tinue. Mickey Donahoe interrupted, but we have known each other for 15 years." 'We are honest men, your honor, me and Anderson and Weldom, and that s more than Capt Kelly is testifying to.' The judge found all three men guilty and fined them each $1. Then he suspended the fines in honor of the great saint's day. "God bless the Irish," said Anderson as he strode out of court, arm-in-arm with Dona hoe, Weldom and McCormick. Farmer-Merchant Dinner at Dallas Dallas Friday evening the annual Farmer-Merchant din ner was held in the Dallas Chamber of Commerce rooms. The members of the Dallas, Monmouth and Independence Chambers of Commerce coop erated and jointly sponsored the dinner, to . which each Chamber member was asked to Invite at least one farmer from his locality. Master of ceremonies was C. L. Masters of Dallas, who pre sented to the group Senate President Eugene Marsh, the speaker of the evening. Marsh spoke about current legislation being considered by the house and senate, and dis cussed legislative and budget ary procedures for the infor mation of the audience. The dinner was catered by ivirs. i. smnn. Battery Charged TIME TO PLAN a Greyhound vacation! Pre-arTangcd. transportation, hotels, sightseeing included. ..different routes each way to nat'l parks, back East, -Canada, Mexico. Get vacation folder. Sample Vacations from SALEM YM i 32 Dy $268.67 V ) Evergreen International ' Ll2tl Southern CalitorniTrY ' will 12 djj Yellowstone Park j5j5 7 . WfH mmfi on rfoaMt nana ptrtem. pfc Albany Wilbur Ervin Rel- boldt, 80, RFD 4, was charged by city police with assault and battery after a Complaint against him was signed by Mrs. Verna Hodge. North Albany, according to police records. Reiboldt was admitted to $50 bail which he produced. Trial in municipal court was set for Wednesday. Mrs. Hodge told police she suffered bruises about the head and face when Reiboldt committed assault and battery on her early Saturday at the China cafe. GEOGRAPHY LESSON t )r i s v I'M lr'-" . Mrs. Nell M. Owen, of Dallas, named "prettiest teacher in U. S.," sees New York through a telescope on top of RCA building on her first trip to the city. Portland Sailor Lost Off Virgin Islands St Thomas, Virgin Islands W) The search for two missing American sailors, one of them from Portland, Ore., was aban doned by the U, S. Navy Monday. The two, Paul J. Kirchgra ber, Jr., Portland, and Harry R. Major, San Antonio, Tex., were believed drowned last Wednes day when their small sailboat overturned during a pleasure cruise. : Two girls and another sailor were rescued. Columbian Squires Woodburn, Initiate Woodburn New member! Initiated at special meeting last week by St Michael's clr. cle of Columbian Squires at St. Luke's parish hall were James Deagen, Robert Hopkins, Mar vin Kahut George Rels, Paul Sowa, Charles Vandehey, Ken neth Richter, Charles Nathman and David Smith. Members of the initiating team included Richard Sonnen,. Louis Rich ter, Ronald Garnero, Lawrei.ce Gorman, James Zauner, Ralph Smith and Robert Prinslow. Among the .visitors present were Gerald Marking, chair man of the Boys' Life program In Oregon; Tom Gorman, chief counselor; Bob Volz, grand knight; Cornelius Donnelly, Robert Miller and Cliff auner, all counselors of the local Col umbian Squires. Refreshments were served by the initiatory team.'- Announced was the comintf visit of Mr. Dacay of Chicago, field representative from the supreme council of the Boys' Life program, on Wednesday. April 15. Tnril 11 Cherry City Electric SS9 Chemeketa Phone 2-45762 WANTED WALNUT MEATS All Grades Any Amount Highest Price MORRIS KLORFEIN PACKING CO. . 460 N. Front iMtiM 11 II 11 II X - atfiSSS ; onlv ball the hallh taeU, the Ple eonv funding of U rt$laV. "M.wT Vour recovery. Sodon', " by bringing tT oi h. Picture - 405 Stare III (Corner of Liberty). I WE GIVE SMT GREEN STAMPS I TTaiW-OfTI YV we tried i Bt man! you ought to hear the rave about Twin-Turbine DynaAow Drive t ' irom the peopie who've been trying and buying the new Baieka. One word wrapt atp the whole seory Mutational. Have yon tried kP Have you pressed the pedal of 1953 Buick with this new wonder drive aod thrilled to the greatest getaway in all Buick history? Have you (elt the ret-like takeoff that sweeps you from zero to 30 mph before you take two breaths and m a perfect progression of complete and utter smoothness P And tawe Jk goes with this easiest1. dazBrmg new geteweyP New luxury interiors, for one thing. And new braking power. And easier hamcVing. And strll finer ride. And new record high horsepowers and eomftretMon in all models with the world's ncweet V8 engine powering the ROADMASTER and SUFSR. Bnt why miss a world of new stoiMsP - If you haven't yet sampled new Bick with TT Dynaflow, we eoruially invite you to do so without obligation, of course. Can you drop in this week? iStnami on Rotdrntufer, optional it extra tort on otbtr S tries. Optional t txtrt tott on Rotdmatm only. WORLD? ONLY CAR ; with all rkeea feof uroti ' n KtriCAl-YAtVE HKBAU NGNE ) toedmnht DYNAMIC HOW MUFFLER WKfSnptr IWIN-TUMINE DYNAFLOW Df IVEf POWER SrEEKINGt BALANCED MIUION DOLIAR (IDE tOWlt BKAmtf tAHOSAMIC ONE-PIECE WINDOWS HIONT AND HEAR JUT-AWAY SUOf-AWAV HIONT SCATS . WHIN KTTUt AbTOWOHB AM MAT WWCK Will HMD 0TT0 J. WILSON CO. 3 388 No. Commercial LLwau 4S0 NMTN CHURCH Salem, Oregon mm 2-2421