fgtoday, March 17, 19SS bENNIS the MENACE I SAID THIS KNOB MAKES IT LOUDERW WANT1P POSITIONS PLOWING and dUclm. Orover L. Hi Btenn, nvnmvm asr., Micm. rnnnc l-UU hB6 LEARN DENTAL NURSINOI Train for ft place In this fascinating ' field. LaiODi comt to you by mail followta or snor. ruiatrai training. ' oiamour and Personality Development Included. Write lor FREE information about this well-paid Held. Wayne School. Inc., Box 10, capital Journal. h(6 rtOWINO. IMMEDIATE service. 1-9300, jgjXW lawns. Rotary hoeing. Free utl- jaate. asuftu vtuicuiv. room drin. 1.87 OOO D CARE given children. My home. IWiersncu. rogue -dooo, no?" PATCH PLASTERING, basements water- premise, or p. -s wring, rrarut a service, phone 3-6846. hfli fir EE HANGING, painting, free est.. bihi. von iiucero. rn. a-ooz.. ma" UBB. MICKENHAM'6 DAY NURSERY fUte 11 censed and Inspected. Ph. 2-7890 niw" GARDEN PLOWING PHONE 2-3041 b74 GARDEN, FLOWER bed and Uwn pre- pareuon. Flowint. discing, lerelint, rotoUllng, Service Center. Phone 43673. h76' .TJLDra WITH new M E. ROTARY TIL LER. Phone evenlnt 3-8333. hS4 UORT CRAWLER, dozing, dirt level- to,, trading, pnone 3-3330. h77 LtjiDSCAFB maintenance, pruning, trimming, planting, remitting, serv ice canter. Phone 4-3973. n7t C01TOM WORK plowing and discing. Phono 1-4149. 1B5 sircnwood or. h84 fin WORK. Topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator. John Payne. Ph. t-tnt. hit" BOUX BTJILDINQ and oarpenter work. Ph. 4-1134. DH' OMtrwMTER Cabinet work, home re- awdellng, tree estimates, call 1-0411, 4-UJl. ( ho RADIO TV SERVICE TT ANTENNA bonded and licensed s pe dal. Installed lit), plug material. : Call any ttme.Free estimates, phone 4-1X3. EDUCATION LEARN WELDING Big demand and opportunities ior trained welders in Important, modern ' Industries. Start training now In few spare hours weekly! Arc, acetylene . welding, metallurgy, other basic in struction. Easy, practical; no time watted. Ott FREE facts. Utilities Inst., 11. Capital Journal. hhflS FOR RENT FOR RENT on Airport Road, .30x60 building on concrete slab. Concrete for parking area. Contact owner, 596 N. High St. H3" WANTED TO RENT I BEDROOM HOME. Telephone em ploree. Permanent. Phone William O'Malley, Senator Hotel, s-iiai. JaOiV CHRISTIAN GIRL wishes small modern apartment In private home, can as after 6 p.m. Jaey COUPLE and 3 children need 3 bedroom unfurnished home by 30th. Willing to pay 170 to 176 month for nice place, Phone 34948. jaOA FOR RENT ROOMS BUSINESS DISTRICT, nice, warm, sleeping room, with hot, cold water. JS Center. Ik66 NICE sleeptno rooms, hot a eold we- ter. 441 If. Blah. Par hr week or month. jkoo- WARM, CLEAN, close. In. Reasonable. !5J If. Hleh. ' 1 SEVERAL ROOMS clean, very nice, near lata bulldlnei, IS per week, 430 per montn. rnona 4-1713. jkdd- PLEASANT SLEEPING room close In Man. 141 If. Collate. ' KICK CLEAN comfortable tleeplm room. . 734 N. Cottan. Ph. 3-5971. LARGE, beantlfuUr turnlfihed rooma. Available March If. Alio 3 - room apartment. 638 N. Winter. )kcv DOWN-TOWN aleeplnf room. Hot and cold water. Reasonable. 65B center Jk6B' ILEEP1NQ ROOM lor 1 or 3, 710 N. Church. Ph. J-4333. lo." LARGS WARM furn. room for man, with kitchen & bath. 135.00. 1474 lourt avenlnga. jxe.' FOR RENT HOUSES t-BEDROOM DUPLEX, unlurnUhed, IW. Phone 3-404S between fl and 7 p.m Jm7 ttVrTURE rOR 8ALE with house lor rent, ISO, oil heat, f.p., hw. II.. all furniture or br piece. No reasonable Her refuaed. Ph. I-M13 morn, or a-0.71 after for appointment. Jm4' CAN MOVE IN at once 4-bedroom, modern house, full basement, new del el oil furnace, water, garage, cb lc it en house and large garden spot. $60 a month or lift more furnished. ml. north near Quinabr. Inquire Rt. 3, Box 349, Salem, Ore. Jm7 EW. 1-BEDROOM, unfinished, but Uv- oi. inquire at iisi on itn ei. in West Salem. Jmc7 OOM FURNISHED cottage 171 wrw Ave. jmeT ' v-bedroom house, some furniture. 32M rwriiana Road. jme" I'kEDROOM house, with lou of closet Pace. Electric rente, refrlteretor. Derate, gome utilities. Inquire loos . lth. JmS' ULL 1-BEDROOM home. West Ba m, with nice view. ISO per month. fhona 1-3393. Jm67 DRM. ROME completely furnished, bllta, from town, or 3 furnished 1 bdrm. duplex apu. located on 731 ferry at. 8ee Harry Van Horn. Ph. pe. 4ne, Office 4444, with Colbath Jyd co. lm6T "Ll FL'RNIRBED COTTAGE, clean. tr, reaaonobie, Nlca for couple. 6)6 Commercial jmM By Ketcnam FOR RENT HOUSES CLEAN, 1-BEDROOM furnished cottate. ,.uu.,f, ig, inquire jet, Portland -BEDROOM unfurnished house. 141. 10 Pilrvlew. Ph. 41738 or 30B44. Jm4" CLEAN AND neat 1 bedroom unfurnished nouse, auacneo aerate, lane uvlni room, Tenetlan blinds, eleetrle heat, ass. No pets. H mile laet 4 Corner,. Phona 4-U7S or aak lor ken at 47S Btete. i,7. NICE 1-BEDROOM unfurnished house Kiecino neat, Bendlx washer. Close In. Ph. 33717. jm. VEB NICE l-bdroom furnished ren- .i. newer, clean and neat, ass per mo. call Rawlins Realtr, a-4014 or 4-1741. lm I-ROOM modem homo at Roberts ata. lion, pnone igflll. jmM' EXCEPTIONALLX nice, 1-bedroom ren in in a nice district In West aalem. no per mo. Call Rawlins Realtr, 1-4444 or 4-1761. Jm VERT NICELT furnished duplet. All prl. raw. near rorestry nuuaint. 3-S08S. Jm7 KINOWOOD BEIQBTI. Email unlur- msnea t oearoom house, with rant, and refriterator. tSS. Phona 3-4SJ8. JmM- I ROOM in Salem furnished. 131, water urciuueu. rnone a-(oiu, u no anaww call 4-3S04. Im4" NEWLT DRnnuren 1 u.m room, titcnen, dinette, alec, refrlt. .wve, water or sanitary service lur nlshed. Att. taraaa. let. Ph. J-lSat. JmSt BEDROOM home or will trad, for smau acreage eloae in. 4 Brera Ave. Ph. 3-1637. jmfS PARTLY FTJRNIBHED 1-bedroom house csa to Due, store,, taraie. 4-I1S6 itnSB OFFICE FOR RENT S OB e-ROOM SUITE, 3 slntle. Oreton Buildlna. Phone 1-4114. - io GROUND FLOOR office or store space I or rent, can nt Pitta Market. Jo FOR RENT APARTMENTS SHOPPING CENTER, attractive furnish ed apartment, utilities. Private bath. 705 Marion. pM COZY, COMFORTABLE, 2-room apart ment, close in, reasonable. 074 N. Church St. . jp70 1-ROOM FURNISHED apartment and l Sleeping room. Ladles only. Call 831 N. Winter. Jp7 BUSINESS DISTRICT 3-room, nicely furnished apartment, 355 Center Street. Jpoo 3-BEDROOM furnished apartment. Pri vate bath, entrance. $40 month. 3-7715. t JP7 UNFURNISHED 3-rflem apartment, elec tric range, refrigerator. 194 So. Cot- tage. , jP07 FRONT FIRST floor, furnished 3-room apartment, utilities except electricity. SS9 N. Liberty. Ph. 1-7134. . jp07 t ROOM furnished apartment. Private Jnth. refrigerator. N. Liberty. (34815.) jpOO CLEAN, WARM. 3 room apartment. Close In. Only 03t. Lady preferred. 040 rerry. pe AVAILABLE SOON, nice partment with bedroom and bath, good heat furnish ed. State street, close te capltoL I47.U. Ph. 3-4370. JpM CLOSE IN, nice modern 3-room furnish' ed apartment. Adults only. Phone 3S400. jp 1-ROOM FURNISHED apartment, tn . eluding stove and refrigerator. Close In, north. 139.50. Burt Plcha. be., 379 n. huh. pnone J-4W7. jpse 5-ROOM apartment In West Salem. Pri vate entrance. Ph. 41018. ipM1 FURNISHED 1ST floor, I room, $35. 3 room 125. Ph. 3-4070. 10S0 N. Com mercial. Jp67 FURNISHED small court apartment, Newly decorated. Close in. Ph. 10714. jpor CLOSE IN. 2nd floor, to unlet couple. 3 room, heated, completely furnished apartment. 690 N. Cottage. jpf7 BEAUTIFUL furnished apartment. Pre fer permanent resident. 444 N. Cot tage. Phone 2-1887. Jp FURNISHED, very attractive 0 rooms in modern private home on Mill Creek, lots of built ins, garbage disposal, close in, adults. Ph. 3-7495 eves. PRIVATE THREE ROOM furnished court apartment, clesn. Adults. ISO. 3500 Portlsnd Rd. Jp70 SEVERAL furnished apartments, good location. Inquire H. L. Stiff Furniture. Phone 3-9185. Jp NICELT FURNISHED apartment. Am bassador apartment. 650 N. Sum mer. JPT7 Lee Apts. Balem'a Most Dtotlniulshed Addr.es Pollowtnt rentals can be ahown now: a.ivirin. Avalleble Now 110.00 1-Bdrm. Available Now 79.00 1-Bdrm. Available Now 77.00 1 Bachelor Onlt. April 1 61 SO For luxury llvine at moderate rates caU at S89 N. Winter SL Ph. 4-1641. )p LOST & FOUND LOST BLUE Parakeet In West Salem, 4.1 (.Ui Riward. kS5 LOST Lady's brown-framed, told-trlm- j --.... Kaitaartitin Mnhlrrin'l anil mrQ tj. i-4)M, - Monttomery Ward s. Call Mre. Warner at Wards office. Phone 3-S1H. k66 f MISCELLANEOUS nrv.MTVir TRDCKB O-DRTVE MOVE YOURSELF SAVE 4 PICKUPS STAKES VANB TKXACO STATION 61 COURT ST. 'H0.Nt'"' PAOR STEVENSON and AL MIFFORD DENTAL PLATE REPAIR ..HR. HERV1CE IN MOST CASES DR. HARVEY BEMLIR. DENTIST Adolph Bid... State a CammereiaJ ata SALEM Fft- I-IIU MISCELUNEOUS SALEM SAND ORAVEL' COMPANY cnuui work Boed Clearing . Ditching Bower end MBUSt Equipment Rental Ditching kr the Foot Phone Dm 3-4404 vee. 1-4417 or 1-7411 Salem. Oregon m" SUILPING MATERIALS GARAGE ; 11x33 complete on your lot, 118 34 Mr month, n down payment Ton ooa tlx thot 4ra or M that . - - wwwwi ..me was. Tint with u Hoa? Portland Road Lumber Yard Om ALL DAT eATURDAY Nil Portland Rd. Phono 4-4411 ' me BOOFINO Complete line. Call Western . -tiii, ior ire. aatlmatt, Oam ble'e Western Auto Supply Co., Ml M. Commercial, ma77 Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles Bo. la, 11 Inches clear, It; Mo. t, I laches clear, 14. No asp wood or culls. Coma and tat them. Ted Muller, aalom-xndopendenca Road. Ph. .aalem 3-nte, maj Sal es Of Surplus Stock Yard Clean-up 1 I 4 to 1 I 13 No. I. IK and wider board. No. I. 1 i 10 and 1 x II rouah boards No. 3 and better. Price $48 per thousand while present items last. Shims 16.00 Jitney load. 1 x 44' T. a O. kd heavy duty iioorwe. CASH AND CARRY - DELIVERY CAN BR ARRANGED Coast Range Mill WALLACE ROAD AT BAS8XTT ST. WEST BALBM ' mail WE NEED TO MOVE IT. TO MAKE ROOM QUICK!! Cedar Siding Shorts 15.00 to IS.00 (good for small building). Hem. iWg. Rdm. length (not bad) Mjxfl 69.50. x a ft ax10 09.00. 1x3 8 Bean Poles (a few) lite each you haull Raked Cedar penela 18x10, some very food, some bad, from Sc ft. to 13c ft. Hop Pegs 4.00 M. you haul Oar- dan stakes, or what do you need? To fnce In the dog or child ''sticks for pickets" lttc lln. ft. "YOUR BUILDING SUPPLY FRIENDS' Portland Road Lumber Yard 3541 Portland Rd. Phone e-4433 ma NURSERY STOCK RHODODENDRONS, artless, camellias. big list of ahruba. Sea our evenreen ahnlba for hedcee. b. L. Pearcy Nur sery Company, location, turn left at Kaiser, follow paved road four mL to auraerr. mi PRIMROSE. DELPHINIUM, ISC I for II, PHLOX and PEONYS, ten colore and varletlee. STREAMLINER and UTAH STRAWBERRY PLANTS, HEATHER, AZALEAS, DAPHNE, BOXWOOD. MERRILL'S GREENHOUSE, BROOKS. For Sole MISCELLANEOUS EARLY AMERICAN corner oupboard, like new. reg. 55.00, now only 39.50. Olenn Woodry, 1605 N. summer, neo' PATENTED NEW DE8IGNED letter pat terns for pillow cases, blouses, etc. Ph. 1-ain. &09 SMALL HOTPOTNT electrio store. 1 hl- speed burners, deep well, good condi tion. Mfl.flO. Olenn Woodry'a. 1005 N, Summer. nB5 DRY POULTRY FERTILIZER Is very good for lawns and easy to spread. By sack or yard. Phillips Bros., Ph. 4301. n BLEACHED OAK dining suite, modern. nice only 79.50. Also, S-pc. chrome set 30.00. wenn woodry'a, lew h. sum mer. n85' SINGER dropheed treadle sewing machine, A-l oondiUon, only $14.96. Fully guaran- teed. Singer Sewing center. 110 n. Com'l. nM' a MODEL REFRIGERATOR Owner mtrv log saerl ( ce at only 144.00. Olenn woodry Furniture Mart, 1005 N. sum' mer. i nw NEW S-PC bedroom set with new box spring mnerspring mat. Can be see at 333t Maple Are. n70 FOR TEXTILE paint kits and brushes. figurines paints and brushes, stencils and transiers, Tri-cnem tube painu. See our selection. Instructions free with purchase. Handicraft Supplies. 153 So. Liberty, upstairs, Rm. 10. n6 50.00 TRADE-IN allowance for your old stove on a brand new Montag electric range. See Olenn Woodry nowll Terms on balance. 1605 N. summer. n65' 1100' STEEL 3" irrigation Pipe. Pierce couplers. Price reasonable, W, A. Ham lin, 3 miles east of Corvallls on Peoria road. Phone Corvallls 3-4979. n65 LIPSTICK RED frelae laveno and club chair, used only 90 days, absolutely aame as new. Was 349.50. sacrifice for 149.50. Terms, trades. Olenn Wood- rys, ion n. summer. n' DRY WALNUTS 10c a pound, 3035 Lan caster Drive, Saturday and Sunday only. n85 ANTIQUE FURNITURE for sale. Two 3- Plece bedroom sets, one high-boy, one a-piece roil top desk. Phone 38764, 3930ft after 6 p.m. i n67 Is -MM. MOVIE projector 10.00. Lawn mower e.OO. Very email boy's bike 13.00. Sleeping bag 6,00. Twin bed springs 3.85. 18x34 plat mirrors 4.75. Over 1,000 bargains at Olenn Wood ry's, 1006 N. Summer. n6V HOWARD PIANO, daveno, vanity dress er, chest, nearly new dlnlnt tet. Phone 1-1331. 1876 HtyaevUle Drive. n68 PIANOS 88.00. at.00, 11800, l.OoT 148.00, 348.00. Terma, tradea. Olenn Woodry'a, 160S N. Summer. nfl5" METAL FENCES Chain link or ornamental type, res idential and Industrial. No Job too largeo or too small. Material only or iob complete. Free estimates. BORKMAN LBR. & HDWE. CO 3440 State 84, Ph. I-ITOI nt- ZENITH RADIO, a beauty. Just 19.00 buys It. Also larse console combina tion, spec. 79.00. Olenn Woodry'a, leos N. Summer. n65 SINGER electric portable sewing machine, foot control sewing tight and new carry ing ease. peclal today, 139.50. Singer Sewing Center, 110 J. Commercial, n66 7-DRAWER kneehole desks 34.78. Maple fin Lin chest desk 39.78. Olenn Wood ry's, 1805 N. Summer. n66 P1ANO, hardware for garage overhead door, reasonsbls. 1211 Beacon Ave. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon , For Sola MISCELLANEOUS DAVENOS. used, II 00. 16.04. SO 04, .te. Olenn woodry'a. 1606 N. feummer. aas WHEEL aervlca erele with all attach- menu. Phona M7I1. n44" (ALC METAL lawn chairs IIS. Olenn Woodsy, 1409 N. Summer. DCS' BABY GRAND piano, recondition d, IJ. Preoa Holoubek. Rt. 1, Brooks, Ml. nea ONE till BUG, all wwl. a0; 1 radio phono table model. 8Mi on. lady'a ault, alaa 10, beautiful material, lit. 4-4778. ne Gravel and Sand. Anrthlni Is iravtl. wholesale And . retail. VALLEY SAND a O RAVEL CO. Ph. 3-4003. tl YOUNG'S TROUT FARM, aood fUhTnT I mllea east of aatu on Linn county side. n4. FREE Weetlnthousa tewing meehlnaa on all floor Samples. Save up to 40, YEATEB APPLIANCE CO., 171 Che mekata. n USED Weatlnthouaa automallo laundro mat, only 4131 95. Yeater Appliance Co., 171 Chamaketa. a MODERN JtEROSENE rente 10.00. Olenn Woodrr, 1601 N. summer. n45" PLASTI-KOTR require, no wattnt. For your floora or linoleum. YBATKR AP PLIANCE CO.. 17i chemekeu. n 1 MODEL Weetlnthouaa 11 Rancho aleetrlo ranca Uk. new, Ul.el. Terms, trades. 30 othera priced from ll.M to 100,00. shop Olenn Woodry'a, not N. Summer. n6S CEDAR telephone and electric poles, fence posts, been poets and stakes. Phillips Bros., Rt. I, Box 4, miles eest of 4 Corners. Ph. 4-3011. a REFRIGERATORS, NEW and used. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 17 Cbe mekela. n THE IDEAL fertiliser It't onanlo peatmose, with poultry dropplnts, only 95c a sack. Valley Farm Store. Ph. 4-4631. n70" 50.00 OR MORE trade-in allowance on your old rente, on a beautiful new Uontat electric. Inveatltete this dealtl Olenn Woodrr Furniture and Appll ance Store. I60S N. Summer. noV SALEM DIESEL Roller and ball bearings for trucks and tractors. 377ft fillverton Road. EXCELLENT barn yard fertlUaar. Phone .-MUi or 9-4400. nog. N'OW IS the time to buy your 1063 West uunduse automatic ' dryer at only 1309.06. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 171 Cbemeketa. D DEEPFREEZE home freelere. YEATER iuTUAHCB CO.,- 376 Chemeketa. n FOR SALE ME. garden tractor, excel lent conoiuon. 12-tncn. Phone 3-8519. . 068 AIRWAY SANITIZEB vacuum cleaner complete, so.oo. Olenn Woodry's, 1608 No Summer. Terms, trades. - n6ft REDUCED! - $10 per day untU sold. USED ONE I INCH DRUM TYPE FLOOR SANDER. 360 SHEETS OP SPEED GRIT PAPER. THIS PAPER ALONE IS WORTH 1160. Starting price Feb. 26, $575 - MARCH 18, $405 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard FRONT It COURT BTS., PHONE I-IIU (We Olva 8aH ureen stamps) a CRAFTSMAN OMi-luch saw. Inquire 338 a. uapuoi, 3-oe. practically new. n85 FERTILIZER Pulverised, rotted manure. aenverea anywnere. a-oi or j-mtz. n68 TOP SOIL River sUt and fill dirt, promptly delivery. Phone 2-1749. - n79 SS0 ALLOWED for your old water heater on this new ex-gallon automatic elec tric water heater. Yeater Appliance, 375 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-4311. n Mcculloch chain saws, km Edge water. West Salem. Salem Logging Sup ply. Ph. 4-lBftl. n HOSPITAL BED for sale or rent. B. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-9188. n USED washing machines, 89.98 and up. yeater APPLIANCE CO.. 378 Che meketa. n DROP LEAF din. table b 6 chairs. 1 chrome breakfast table. Bee at 1605 N. 21st. Ph. 1-3674. n68 HOT POINT kitchen range, good condi tion; 6 O. E. refrigerator, like new; roll-a-way bed and spring filled mat tress, single slie; chest of 6 drawers; 8 piece walnut bedroom set and mat tress; double laundry tubs and lawn mower. Ph. 2-4094. n65 FARM HOME GARDEN Rotted manure, composts, the same quality as last year, for home and garden. Flagstones, red lava stone and other types for walls or gardens. Rus tle cedar fencing and trellis work. Phillips Bros., Rt, I, Box 493, Salem. Ph. 4-3081. n Wonted MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Walnut meats, and walnuts In ahell. Highest cash price on delivery. MORRIS KLORFEIN PACKINO CO. 460 N. Front St., Salem Ph. 1-7(31 na WOODRY WANTS Pianos, phona 1-6110. na" WILL PAY CASH for email bungalow piano from private owner. P. O. Boi 340. Lebanon, Oreton. aa67 LOGS WANTED Stud Milt. Lengths 8' 4" or 16 8". Diameter 6" to 16". Sawmill, Lengths 12' end longer. Diameter 8" to 60". Top prices paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Or..- Phona 1136 na WANTED Oood piano, mahogany pre ferred. Phona 1-8736. na70' ELECTRIC RANGES. Woodry'a. Ph. 3-8110. PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Group No. 1, 3088 N. Commercial. Ph. 3-4818 or 3-4637. P66- SECURITY DETECTIVE Atency, private lnvettltallona. 130 Pacific Bldg. Phone 4-3348. M6 AUTOMOBILES MODEL A PICKUP, ll-ln wheels, 146.00. 4363 N. Lancaster. 4-3707. 066' CHEAP TRANSPORTATION 1837 Naah coupe, good motor, sood rubber, 6136. 516 Larry Ave. Ph. 1-3863. oSl" IMS FORD fl custom line blue sudor at dan. 16.000 actual mile.. 31641. Call 1-1184 or see at 630 wayna Drive. q70' 1952 Willys Sedan Delivery, like new? one owner, l.ooo miles. $1595 SHROCK MOTOR CO. "Where Chemoketa Ooes to Church" e.65' 4 FORD tt ton pickup, best. Phone 4-1667. One of the 068 WILL SELL EQUITY In 10S1 Pontlec 1 dor aeden. Lynn Warner, Amity, Ore aon. q70 FOR SALE 1038 Pord 3-dr. 73.000 ac tual mllea, excellent cond. 1100. 1360 Townsend Wey. q67 WILL SRuTeqI ITT in A-l '41 MercTfor 816, cash, orltlnal paint, radio, 'heat er, new eeat covers, clean and sharp throughout. See at 4M Delmar Dr. alter 6 p.m. .67 1060 CHEVROLET deluxe. Fully equipped with Power Glide. 8ecrlflce for 11841. Terma available. Phone 1-7131. tjIT AUTOMOSH.ES 1AM ford. OD etcellent aondltion. 41176. Ret. Mel E. Arn, Rt. I, Bot Ul, SUvtrton. 094 '51 International Ve-Toa Flekup.. Radio, beaUr, two tone paint, U,N mile. S1495 SHROCK MOTOR CO. mrhtra Chemek,t Ooes it Church1 ne IHt F-el ela-trllnder Ford dump truck, I -foot boa. Excellent condition. Can aw at 1131 Portland Rd., Salem. ejl6 MUST (ELL Maka any offer. '41 Kalsar Traveler. Radio, heater. 1-4144. 141 DODGE sedan In first class con. dltlon, low mueata, on. careful owner, $1160. Terma if desired. Em 11 Lunx bert, 730 Mo. 17th street, FOB BALE 1941 Char. I door deluxe cr 1160 Ford I door. Set at 1740 Waller. He" AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR BAVINO BADIATOB TROUBLE? Valley Motor Co. experts will aolvo your prob lems and aava you money. Free estl- ' rnaui, tpeodr aervleo. Center At Lib. arty. ' qe TRUCKS I4-FT. TRUCK flatbed, practically aew. cau s-oois or aee at wiuametta st a ehina and Welding Ccs, l& Wallace Rd. , adl7 1144 llt-TON Chevrolet truck, covered body, 1760. Eoff Electrlo Oo. qd70 SPECIAL AUTO USED PARTS Motors, radiators, fenders, ax les, bodies, gears, batteries, etc. Acme Auto & Truck Wreckers S5S5 Portlsnd Road NEAR BAN SHOP DRIVE-IN qx67 FINANCIAL LOANS UP TO $1500 oa Signature, Furniture, Car AT PERSONAL it's "yen" promptly t- empioyed men or women. . 1 -visit loan . . . phone first. You select best payment date. t Between payday loans. Phone, write or come 1a TODAY I Personal Finance Co. 108 S. HIOH ST., SALEM State License Nog. 8-133, M-16S Loans over 1300 up to 11500 and up to 30 months to repay made by Personal Finance Oo. of Marlon County under the Industrial Loan Companies Act of .Oregon. r78 Lie. 8-131 and M-33B and ROY H. SIMMONS INBURANCE AND LOANS Hear "Top Trades" 11:08 Dally KSLM 1390 Kc. - OENERAL FINANCE CO LOANS 136 So. Commercial St. Tel. 3-1161 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 South church Parking a-Plenty Ph. 3-3481 Lie. Mo. M-186, 8-184 8KE US FOR FARM, CITY OR ACREAOE LOANS BEST OF TERMS WE BUY Real estate mortgages fc contracts State Finance Co. 187 So. High St. Ph. 3-4111 STATE FINANCE CO, 5 SIMPLE WAYS TO END TOUR MONEY WORRIES 1 Furniture Loan ; 2 Auto Loan 1 Livestock Loan 4 Co-Maker Loan ' 6Signature Loan Maximum Small Loan 8300 Maximum Auto Loan 6300 167 So. Hlth St. Phono 3-4131 8-310 M-333 r70 PRIVATE MONEY Speclsl Rates and Terml On Larger Loane Long and Short Time Payments ROY H. SIMMONS lU Bo. Commercial St. Ph. 3-0101 5 Interest If yon have Idle funds seeking In vestment, then you are the type of person to whom we can be of service. For over Twenty-five Years we have been helping people In this community find profitable work for their money. During this period we have promptly paid M saasal-asuiaal tatsrest payments totalling many Thousands of Dollars. We are currently paying 6 INTEREST on funds from 6500 to 85000.' General Finance Corporation 136 S. COMMERCIAL ST. Salem, Oreton Phone 1-9161 r HOUSE TRAILERS BRAND NEW 14 foot trailer house. Used Just 9 weeks. 89ti 1410 N. 35th St. ta69 MACHINERY 20-28 M. SAWMILL machy. 320-h.p. dlesel motor, eager, pond saw, unloading rig, etc., ready to go, 193J, Independence. V70 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machines sold, rented, repaired. Roen, 456 Court. Ph. 3-6773. o- BULLDOEINO Bulldoslng road, clearing teeth. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Fair? lew. Ph. 2-3148. 09 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash registers. All makes, sold, rented, re paired. Roen, 456 Court. Ph. 3-6773. o- DRESSMARINO Alteratloua, hemstitching, buttons, bueklee covered, buttonbolea. Mrs. H. M. Alienor, 1-0111. 080" DR1VINO INSTRUCTION Learn to drive the "Eesy Drive" war. CaU or eee Mr. Rlekerd. Valley Mo tor Co., Salem. Phone 1-1147 or. 4-1174. EXCAVATING Ben Otlen tt Son. Excavatlnt. irtd. Int. land clearlnt. Phone 3-3060. 086 mbtTsraiAXTRVCRs' Pork-lift trucks, tnslde and outsliie wort. Hyrter, Clerk. Mobile lift, 10N and 4000 lb. machines. Br dar. week or month. Ph. 3-3436. capital City Transfer. o Insulation, weetherstrlps. ecreene. Free estimatee. T. Pullman. Phona 1-6866. 066 MATTRESSES Capitol Bedding., renovetes. Full line aew enettreeaea. Ph. 1-4601. M A R K E T QUOTATIONS PORTLAND PRODUCE LlgT SelUrfat Tentative, eubieot to Im mediate change: Premium eiuaUry, magi, mum .14 ei cat per cent acidity de livered la Portland at-Tie lb.; tlret quel lly 17-Nos second tualllr, M-174. Valley routes and country points, 8 can Is late. Batter Wholesale f.o.b. bulk aubaa to wholes alae trade AA II score, arc; a grade, 83 aura, eici a, N score, fltci O, at score, att. Above prices atrUtly nominal. came Selling price to Portland wholesaler. Oregon, alulae 41 4 -4401 Oraaaa la. loaf, ttVk-llrtti triplets. Mao lota thaa tint lea. Bats te wawMealara Candled ana containing a loss, aasaa Included f.a.b. roruana, a great urge, Hvt-MVMi A grade medium aivs-64Veel B grade larea. 48Vk-Mrbo. rarUaael Dairy Mark.! Batter Prlca to ratal era: Orada AA print. 73c: A carton, 13ci a prints. Tie! carton, Tiei B prints, ale. gate to retailer e, ureoa aa largg, 88ci A large, 14-ITei AA medium, ,7ei A medium, 15-tsci A small, nominal Oartone, 3c additional. OtieMg Price to reuuere. Portland. Oregon alnglee. MVk-Moi l-lb. loavea, ll-aVeo; trlplttt. IH. ieaa than aln glee. Premium brands alnglee, Wtioi loaf, SO He. Prooessad American cheete, l-lb. loavet la retail, UVk-4lrho lb. Peallry uva UBisKsaa mo. x auajitr, z.o.a. Plants.) Prrers. Sti-I lbe, Mol 1-4 lbr., loot roaatara, iq laa., sad avav, 1U; heavy hens, all weights, M-ltas lllhl hens, all wslthtt, H-3ci old rcost ers, ll-lecl DreeeaA cauaeae Fryers. lyi-I Iba.. 43-tsci roastera, l-44ci light hena, 31 lloi baevr bene. M-37C1 out bp fry ere, All welthtt, 43-44C. aaaiM . Aver. te to arowartt zjv, whites, 4-1 lbs.. 18-iTei 1-6 lbs, M-aso lb., old does, 10-1401 few higher. Fresh dressed fryert to rttallera, 41-64C; cut up. 66-68C. , t w Cranlrr BUM Masts vaal Top quality, 40-44, To., torn, to 46c:. rouah haavles, 16-33c. Hera Lean biocktrA 30-83ei aowa. light 16-38C. Lamaa Top grade springers, 40-tlcl other grades, according to quality. Matton Beat awaa and wethera, 16- 16o H). Beat Utility cows, ii-iio lb.1 ctnntr- euttert, 28-17C Fresh Dressed Meate Wholeealora to retallere: Dollars per cwt.: Beef Steers, choice, W0-700 lbs., 38.00- 41.00: good, 37.00-40.00: commercial, 16.00 31.00; utility, 33.N-M.Nl cows, com. merclal, 31.00-33. OOi utUlr. canners-cut-tere, 38.00-31.M. Beef Cute (choice ateera) Bind quar- tere, 47.N-61.Wl rounds, 48.N-4S.NI full lolne, trimmed, l3.0O-73.Mi trlanglee, 13.M-3t.Ni forequartere, 36.O0-16.Mi chucks. 88,00-43.00; ribs. 4I.M-6I.00. Veal Good, 8U.W-84.Ni commercials, ev. Galvae Choloa, I4I-UI commercials, 83B-49. Lambs Prima aprlniere, 40-10 Ibs 141-46; good, 140-44. Molten Good choice, 631-31. Park Cats-Loins, No. 1, 1-19 lbs., 653 17; shoulders, II lbs.. 136-31: tpartrlba. 148-U: treeh hams, 10-14 lbs., 855-68. Smtked Hams Skinned. 157-61.60. Rt. fined lard In drums, 111.60-15! slab bac on, 648-66.60. Portland Mieeetlaneaaja Celery Cal. flat erata. 1-IVe dog. 3.38-4.11. Pew to 14.60. Ore., 42.25- 13.60. onions 60 lb. eacke west Oregon y. lows, medium, 13.71-4; l-lnchtt 11.78 6.25; No. 3a, I3-36C1 bollere, 10 lb. aacka. 45-47c: Idaho aiowa, large, 13.60-3.71! No. 1 large, I3.U-1.76: white mad. large. g4.2&-4.6o; large. i4-4.as. Fotatoce ore.-waan. russets, no. l, 4.N-4.H1 few down to t.TOl hakara, I.OO-lsc; 16 lbs., alaa A. 1.15-10; 1, lb. mesh, 60-66c; paper, 48-63ei no. 9, N lbs., I1.N-1.40I Idaho rusaata, bales, 6-10 lbs., ai.oo-3.Ns 1N-Ib. aacks, 84.76-6.M; 26 lb. No. Is, !!..- slay u. B. no. a green auaiia, na llvered car lota f.o.b. Portland, nomlnal lr 835.18 ton: Seattle. 137-31.' Vest-Willamette valley mostly nomi nal at 460 lb. greaae baala. Hides calves, ll-llo lb. according te welghte; green klpt, 17-10s: bulla, 4-6e- green outcner cow nines, 7-ao. FUberla Wholesale selling price No. 1 largo Barcelona., 34-36e lb.: grower prices, orchard run, 14-loe lb. Walnuta Wholesale celling price, first quality large Franquettee, 31-330 ib.i grower price, orchard run, 16-16e lb.. few best to 18c. SALEM MARKETS Compiled from reperte of Salem dealera .for the galdance el capital soaraai readers. (Revised dally.) Retail Feed Prieeel Babbit Pellets 11.01 (80-lb.) hag), ,.60-5.70 (100-lb. bat). Etg Mash 88.30-16.41, Dslry Feed 41.55-3.83 (N lb. bag). 1.06-6.41 UN wt.l. Pealtrr Baring Prices Colored fryera. loc: old roosters. 16c: colored fowL 36o: Leghorn fowl, 34c; roastera, Mo. , Etrei Burlng Prlcee Eggs. A A, 46c: large A, i-50c; medium AA, 4!e; medium A, 41 ic; small, 37c. Wholesale Frloec Egg wholesale prices generally 6-7c hiaher than the prlcee above. Large grade A generally quoted at 66c: medium, 61c. Butieriat Buying price: premium. 71- 71c: No. 1. 68-70c; No. 1, 17c. Butter Wholesale grade A parchment. 73c lb.: retail, 77c. Portland Grata Portland (flv-No coarse grain, wheat bid to arrive market. bas!s No. 1 bulk. delivered coast: Soft White 3.44: soft white, excluding Reg, J.44H; White Club I.44U. Hard Red winter: Ordinary 3.4T4: 10 per cent 3.474; 11 par cent 3.4714; 13 per cent 3.47 te. Hard white Baart: ordinary 1.44: 10 per cent 3.44:, 11 per cent 1.44; 11 per cent I.N. Csr receipts: Wheat 116. barley 1. flour I, corn 16, mill feed t. DIRECTORY OFFICE FURNITURE SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files, filing supplies, safes, duplicate trs, supplies, desk lamps, type writer stands. Roen, 486 Court. o SEPTIC TANKS Hamol's septic tanks cleaned, line serv ice. Quaranteed work. Phone 3-7404. o73 Mike's Bepttfl Service. Tanks cleaned. D'rooter cleans sewers, drains. Phone 3-9488. 084 Sewer, septle tanks, drains cleaned. Ro-to-Rooter Sewer Service. Phone 3-8337, o TELEVISION TV Sales, Service, .Antenna. 1870 Lena Ave. Phone 4-8933. o66a WINDOW CLEAN1NQ Acme Window Cleaners. Industrial floor waxing, housedeanlni. Phone 1-3337. 147 Court. o TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona, Remlntton. Royal, Un derwood nortablee. All makee used machine. Repalre a rent. Boon, 4a Court. o LEGALS NOTICE OF IIEARINO ON FINAL ACCOUNT Notice It hereby tlven thtt the Final Account of Tho United Btatea National Bank of Portland (Ores on) aa Executor of the Estate ot Alice H. Pete, deceaeed, hae been filed In the Probate Depart ment of the Circuit Court for Marlon County, Oreton, tnd thtt April I, 1163, at tha hour of 0:10 o'clock a.m., In the courtroom of aald Court have been fix.,-! as the time and place for heerlng objec tions to such Plntl Account and for eettlement thereof, at which Umo any person Intereeted In eald estate may appear and file oblaettone thereto In writing and contest the aame. Dated and flrat published March 10, iom. the united status; national bank of portland ioreoon) Aa such Executor John A. Heittel Attorney for Ex ecu trig Pioneer Trust Building Salem, Or -son. Mar. 10, 17, II, II. 1,61 LODGE A, SALEM LODGE No. 4, A. P. AA & A M., Wed., Max. 18, F. C. degree, 1:30 pro. gge Ceieese Uvesleak " - i ' Chicago lav-A twtatoteai af retarreeiee of vatlscular atantheast ruled wlaatg order buyers out el the beg market at the stockyards Tuesday end prices Ian 4, te T6 easts a hundred peuada u a reeulL Ca'.tle wart steady to II teats lower, the decline gelng at timet te eowa tad bulla. Vealera were ateadr to Use low. er and trade we ae tet ap la aheap. Most decline on hags appeared en the cream o the run which normally teae to shippers. Moat butcher welshle told from 61l.ee to 114.40, the practwal tap, aowa broutht I1T.M to ll 14. . Matt 1004 tad prima steers and year unga oM from II1.N to 837. ta and good tn tholoe helfert from IW.M I 4II 40. a law choice and prime mixed yearlings moved el 834.M and 131.14. PnUaad LIvmImA Foe Hand llJO CatUe: mi holdover IN: alowi eommtrotal-toed etears llOli enoice up to 1110 lb. fed steere 111 tood. choice fad aleert 11-W.M; canner-cut-ter eowa U-lli nUHty oows 14.60-lfi utuity bunt 11-11. Calves: to; no sarly aaltai toed. choice v.alere Monday M-ll, Hots: INi active, ateadn chow, 16 iW lb. butchtrt M.M-lti ehotct 40 la. aowe M.00. aheap: INi tteady; good-choice tot lb. wooled lambs Mi eholoe-prlme lion dar 11-31,60; good feederi n-17.Ni toodholce alanghtar awaa 1.80-1.64. CAUage Otitene Chicago 4JJ-Suppllea liberal, demand moderate, market about ateady. Track galea N Iba.: Idaho apanlsh V. a. 1, l-lnch tad larger, ear .N, N per eant D, a. 1, 1 cars 4.78, U. a. 1 approximate car 4.00-4.10;. M'-nte-f t TeUow oiobeg U. a, 1, 10 to N per cut '-loch and larger, I can 4.M; Texas Yellow orada U. a 1, l-lnch and larg er, oar 4.7H Texts Yellow Bermuda no grade er alae opacified ant fair quality end mostly medium ear t.lo: Mexico Crystal Whit wai U. s. L I to l-lneh, approximate ft ear I.N. street taloa H lbt.i Idaho, Oreton. Utah and Chile Spanish l-lnch and laner I.N: midwest medium Yellow Globe. 4.M-4.TS, ftw 4.15, eome fair 3.60: whlttt, Mexico Crystsl Wag l-lnch and larger, alio I to l-lnch, mostly 1.0, lHoblgaw I to 3 Inch 4.N; Text Yel low Bermuda and Btboeaa tew I.N. Mid-Willamette Obituaries Charles A. Voss Albany Services were held Tuesday at the Fortmlller Frederickion Chapel for Char les A. Voss, 81, Route No. 8, who died at a local hospital Saturday. Mr. Vota had been a resident of this community for 79 years. He was a native of Iowa, and had lived in Folk, Benton and Linn counties where he was . engaged in farming. On November 28, 1913 he married Christina Pe terson who preceded him in death, March 16, 1852. Sur viving are three children. Mrs, Ray Maddy and Mrs, Donald Groves, both of Albany and Wesley D. Voss of Tangent: two sisters, Mrs. Anna Logs, don and Mrs. Laura Harnlsch both of Albany and six grand children. William T. Krall Albany William Tell Krall 88, 404 6. Geary St., died at a local hospital Friday and services were held Monday at the Fortmille r- Frederlckaen chapel. Burial was in St John's cemetery. Mr. Krall had made his home here the past 23 years. He was a native of Germany and came to the United States at the age of 4 years. He married Lena Wer ner at Portland in 1917. He was a retired railroad employe. Surviving him besides his widow is a stepson, Otto Wer ner, Sea View, Wash. William Smith Silverton Funeral services for William Smith are announ ced for Tuesday, March 17, at 2 p. m. from the Memorial chapel of the Ekman Funeral Home. Concluding rites will be at the Ekman Funeral Home. Concluding rites will be at Mt. Crest, Salem. Mr. Smith, a former Silver- ton Hills farmer, died Saturday at Scio, Ore. Mrs. Ada Olive Wood Albany Mrs. Ada Olive Wood, 77, 1125 Water St., died Sunday at her home following a long Illness. The funeral was held at 2 p.m., Tuesday at the First Evangelical-united Bretn ren church, conducted by the Fisher Funeral home. Burial was in the Masonic cemetery. Mrs. Wood waa born near Cor vallls and had lived in Corval lls, Wren, Kings Valley, Pedee and In Albany the past 45 years, On October 23, 1894, she was married to Jefferson D. Wood, who died in 1932. Surviving are a daughter, Margaret Wood, Albany, two brothers, Elmer Matnany, iteno, rtev.. and Al vin Mathany, Corvallls, and a sister, Mrs. Elsl Tatom, Philo math. Robert A. Landell Aurora Robert A. Landell, 78, resident of Rt. 2, Aurora for 27 years, died Friday night Bean Acreage Wanted On Stringless Pole Better prices warrant planting, for a good return this year. For coirj plete information and our help in setting up a yard, contact us at once . . . Write or phone. Hudson House, Inc. (Dundee, Oregon) R. A. Howell FiaTd Past. Horn Phona Sherwood 434S Office Ntrwbert 44 Pare II Ja$. And:r!:n Mado f 'aj:j Promotion to major in the Oraton National Guard of Jaunevt J. Mdaraon, Wtodewrn, waa snnouncexl tms wo vy the Oregon adjutant fanarala oHlca. Tha promotion waa af fective March 10. , Anderson, now with heed- quarters detschmtnt of tha Or egon Nstlortal Guard, aa an ad-i mlnlitrativa ataff officer, oxm- a manded tank company 90 ram of tha 186th infantry rcjfimtnt Oregon National Guard at Woodburn from the time that It wai activated, July 1, 1047, un til February, 1888. In clvU lan life he baa tha position of atiatant personnel adjutant in the Oregon adjutant general'! -office in Salem. The major la a veteran of World War U. In the early' part of tho war he served with , an armored division and than waa transferred to tha Air Force, where he waa brmbax- dier navigator. With tha Air Force ha served in tha Pa cific. BIRDS RUE PEAS, Unionvale Birds are being blamed for pulling early gar den peas lust peeping tnrougn the ground. y at an Oregon City hospital fol- . lowing a short illness. Mr. Lan- . dell waa born Jan. 0,' 1878, in Sweden and when 21 years of age moved to Winnipeg, Can ada, where he engaged in log ging, . He had never marrierd and since living at Aurora Had farmed. ; Surviving is a niece. Frances E. Landell, of Portland.. Funeral services were Tues day, March 17, at 1 at the Ev erhart and Kent Funeral Home, Aurora, with interment in tha ButtevlUe cemetery. . aw- .' 1 acob N. Neibert Stayton Recitation of tha rosary will be held Tuesday night, March 17, at 8 p.m. In the Weddle Funeral - Home, . Stayton, for Jacob N. Neibert, 7B, who died at his home at Stayton Monday. Beqtuem mass will be at 9:30 sum., Wednes day, in the Immaculate . Con- . ception caurcn at btayton. Mr. neibert waa corn . at Sheboygan,' Wise., Feb. . 21, 1874 and came to Stayton with his parents when a small child. In 1920 he married Rosa Rock of Sublimity. Surviving are the widow; a sitter, Mrs. E. P. Mathieu, Sa lem, and a brother, Conrad P. Neibert, Stayton. .: DEATHS Jaaoea H, Berrsat Jamaa H. Herron. let residaat or 1584 auto St, tt local hoepital, March 16. survived br daughter. Mrs. PneJln Richards, aalem, and Mr. Oece De Ntes. seattu, Wash, and a ton, Derrell H. Herran, aalem. Alto snrtlyed by tor en grandchildren. Service, win be hsld wadaaaday, March IS, at t:0 pja. la tha Clouth-Barrlck Chapel with Inter mint at dtp View cemetery. Bar. w. Harold tymaa edatlat..: . . ." Ortt Lawrea. E.bfas - oaorte uvrenoo Jsoomsom. mat reee- denl of M Kawthome An, Medlord, ore. at a local hospltaL March 14, Survived br wife, tart. loao L Bskltllti. Medrordi tea, lavataa w. mowmtati. Uedford: a dauthUr, Mrs. Richard K. Armoad ot Klrksvllls. ISO. blether. Vera J. BcAlnton, Medford: three araad chlldren. Shipment ha been made by Clouth-Barrlck to Great pea, Msw tana with Interment at TTkrhltad oeme. terr. e -.' Olvle V. Bach Mrs. Olive v. Both. lata reelleit of 070 N. winter at, la thla . city, Mirch 14. at the ass at M rear. Saislied tar husband. WUUam B. Kneh, Betemi wre- tntra, .ira Bpanoer. Portland, and Sk-aeat Spencer, Vancouver, Wash. Sarvtce will be held Wednesday, March it, at s p.m. rn the HowaU-Bdwarda chapel wttk la- terment tn Cltr www Cemetery, vat . Her. Dudley atraln win efltdato. If re. Fl.r.a.e Sady-i ' Mrs. Florence Bhloa. In a local era- Ins home March It, at the age at Tt rears. Lett retldent af too B. llth at. Burvlred by dauthtar, Mrs. Jean New man, Hasting, Neb. Announcement of services later by Virtu T. Oclden C. U . Cettow Leo H. COtUW. late resident at MlAkw land. Wash. Survived br hla artfe. atrs. Minnie Oottew ot Richland. Waaa.1 two dauthttrt, Mra. Martarat Lerara, Beu- iiow.r, vain, ana sera. Mary Alice Bott ot Turner. Ore.: a asm. MereU cottew of Hamburte, Iowa: three trend children, Richard Bott of Turner, Rob ert La ram and Patty Ltrasn, both of Bellfloweri etsp-ehlldrea, Mrs. Lncnie Parker of Richland, Waan, and Jack Meyer ot Yakima. Wash.: a sister, Urs. Gertrude MeElrala of aalem; two nleese, Mre. Burton Meysrt of Seism, Or.., and Mrs. Pern cortlte, springer. M.i end e nephew. William cottecr ot Brooke, Ore. Services will be held Clouga-Bsrrlek eh so el Wednesday. March II. at 1 p.m. with tha Rer. Steed offleletlng. Interment la Cltr View cemetery. Pleaae omit flower. Mi ' 3