n.ni TUB CAFTTAL JuUKCTAI BMW. vnym ' i I I i ' . I..uiugritil KTATt PETS ' . REAL BUY Lovely Setting ' i Just Like Mew 14 -Acre Lot in Kelzer ' , District Extra Nice Front tnd Back Yard , Insulated Real Cute Kitchen Oil Heat, Insulated Good Fireplace Attached Garage Paved Road , French Doors Very Good Well . ! Almost Imm. Pots. Price Has Been Reduced to 111,300, Better Hurry! AL IS AAK, REALTOR 1035 Portland Road Ph. 4SS1I ' BIDBOOM BOOSE, Berth Sllem. Be UMd price lor .ulek aale. Private aartr. Phona 1-aax. i ainaitut HHUUN tMUttlll rrv- MIIHNMHWUM lion. BUY (MMIUMHU U3i tMniimimimm JIIM.II II SULLIVAN YOUR LUCKY DAY StM DOWN P)u PHA eloelnl eeetl Ml Id Ton more Into thle. Jul om pleted. PHA auperrleed horn. Colored fixture In bathroom. Ibre der elo.aU .Thla flnt homo at 310 Oxford an aa ul for ui appraieeo 0 l,000. , :., , ROBERT B." SULLIVAN REALTOR MM Portland Hood Ph. 4-M11 m w w.h Office Ph. 4-8422 bjiu, cam proptrtr, plouaat aldtr -bdrm. homo with dlnlu rm., alou Coital ihorjDlna dill. Good twlu. at tmn. Ero. call lis. laTZaiR 4-1715, KO LUBUNBXAI REAirUK. 411 K. moK ST. S-ltM. aet HKW. BSATJTLTTJL I-bodroom houat. In aatoorolaBd. Irta doubla sarace. It. miUH ma n.ad for eorafort. tit, 000. ' Sari Saanuttr. Pa. 4tt lor appotnt- mrnt am S-BSIJU01C homo or will tradt for . imall aortal, alooa In. tit Brora At.. ' Ph. S-1U7. OPf DUB Boar B. Bllh. S Bad B, - Xltohan, Dln.tU. Bath, UTlnl II .. rHwd. W. Plr, Baaamant, Auto Boat Plr. Pi Oaraia. IM0O.0O. t anlt Apt. Stoua, tlt.0M.at. 4 anil Apt. Hottia, t21,.o. for Bant: 1 l-Km. Si Bath Purnlahad Apt., tw.00. Ph. OWBir 4-ttU Altar ' S TM. or Batoro S A.U. a HODEaUt l-Bri)BOOM boma. eompltta- U turnUh.d with alootrla raall and rafr i.ralor. Lrnn warn or. amiir, Onion. a70 By Owner Ohall.ni. to umi to aaa av -bdrm homo with flrtplaaa and not kaooma 1U saw ownrr. piart to ba la Oallt. thli wa.k-aad and aan't tak. It with 'as. U pas hara aajthln .ta trad ash at aar, alrplasi, roUarakatai ar ' avonar that X tan tak. with mi thin pan aan hara wa hama. If rou don't aar. anythtns than laaaa with option ' ta bar, but th mala thins ti I au't at it aa It haa to (a. OaU MMO. ast Sll.lll WTU, but a S-B.B. on.-itorr horn with a full dy haimt., oil plpad . far., party rm., flropl., dlnlna rm. - - Badvood aark maul., flra alarm ara . tarn, kra. aaraaa, aoparato bide, could ' ' aa uatd aa ahop or itabla for rldlnt . wans, fan aero, wrd. LM am br door. - Bn. aall PBCK .4it. BD LUKTN BBAL, BXAIroB, 422 M. HIOH. PH. T OWNKB S bodroom homo, llTlnt Mora, dlolnr room, larva nuutr, au taahad laraaa. IT3M. K.IMr DUtrlcL Poona I'STtl. adl tnttMWN IMIIWItt dBU X ItlMttttttlH aLtlO X satsti 1 1 1 1 1 iti iiitsvi mi kttittki II ft) Htm SULLIVAN YOUR LUCKY DAY tOM YW Thli bomt ham four mp . bdrotni pint imotly plat dm ' with IwUt-ln radio. Stpftt ainln room. Ttw llrlnv room it 14x30. You Hut tho Inildo to opprecUU four. Ornir will trodo for two- Wdroora homo. This to ono of tht btit proptrtltt UaUd todov. 119,000. ROBERT B. 8TJLUV.AX REALTOR SSt Portland Road Ph. 4-Mii SST w. Bmh, Branch Ofrtc Pa. 4-4412 atl 865 EAST RURAL Thto pro-wmr-bullt BnclUh trpo Nob t nil bono tbould opptftl to a homo , Inirir wan tins a ml wtQ-bollt homo luibit aroliltoeturo. i bodxooma or - t and dan. Linn room with fUtplaeo dinlntT room with lMu. Tbaro It ft fuUolM batamiiit with lotiiidrr partr room. Automatic btat. Ntwly tstocoratad tbniot. oarato and lorolr v dUtiMoeapoa oornor lot, can nm pu u 11 at lil.BOor a for Diok Severin Realty Co. K K. Rttb oto. 4m aet frWft, nimiftrani a odrooma. olootrlo ornoat, aatMa o oonow ana oioroa, mo i at door. Sbowa by appotptmont only. Call I -atop aftor t p.m. a6ft ntw I bodroom. FHA bnUt, 300. Do four own pain tint and tart) on down pmrmont. pnono mw. aw mt OWNEB, 4 room modorn bouao. m , aoros. Prult treaa, btrrlot, taraio, '. ehtcktn bouao. North. I woo. Ph. 19031. IN fJUtSSITlED ADWEBTUINO Par Ward ta Per Ward, S llaaoe ' I. Per Ward. S time Ua Par Ward, 1 aaanlk Ofl N Bafaada aUalaaara H War.. Bsansan la Laaal Newa Calama Oatr. Par Ward la , Mtalmaai It Weree T Plao All ta Una Dm' rpar, Phame I-I4H Befara M Jn, ANSWERS M&ll ALL YOUR REQUIRE MENTS!! A lot at houae ll'e OUOUrtM-a, alied bid rooms, with flrola. s nook (picture window), aa anueuellT nice utility room end tent oil. Mini. Lot at M X 131. ALL THIS FOR 11I.M0 , TO, l76 IS the rou, price ' . Suburbaa, I kedroome. Aak t re. - JUST RBDOCBD TO 7t0 . . A modem l-aedroom homo Hh anflaUhcd so. oil floor furnace, r Hict, Urn lot, edie of tows. ModIfhoomet down, 1 -bedroom opt. W, ! ta, doual aa- . race, alee oornor lot. ,11,100. urs toioTTr rorif . If you or. lover of prortnelel, thl. on. la for m A 'err Beet l-tedroom homo la Enllewood. beautifully decorated for provincial furnlluro. The llreplece U eurrouuded br knotlr Uno panelln, end hookoaeei. T, Iber U a dlnlni room and brookfa.1 Book. II'. hard to find a more oomfortabl., eoer homo than thlt on.. Boltor fir aa a oalli th.y don't (row on treee. too'll aorbb ira beautifuli " ' Ono of Uu lovoll.it t-bdroom hom.i la tho luimar.land dUtriek Wond.rful ta i 100 lot. all oorpHlnr, flreplaoa Ml and lor.lr fire place, mirror Indudod. Wi ll ahow rou thra anr tlrao. OTtADSi "A" DATJtT WARM SI A. Mmo ta, MiOM. I ACMat NORTH OKTOtTiAL CK1KI ItMt Will. Irrmiloa wall, Wm. UI loom, all orop land, aaa dlrldod, . OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS art Court at. ' FhoB S411S - Stilt re.: Baarr Ton and UU1 Tod UorrUoa SUM Laua Zonal tut Ralph Maddr nut CAR TRADE I kadrooma with tlrplaea that afford, aamfortabla lMal, fun drn tB troom, lareo lot. If rou prafar ta Da afoot haatiad f hom.liH, don't . paaa thla up. Call TlbhotU bow, ( REASONABLE 3-BEDR00M Ttf. and oxtra lot bonut, on this ntwor tub urban bom, wall loeattd hardwood floor, Inafdo utility, lant kltehen, ono bodroom down, t partly flnlihod. up. Owner loft ttato, wo lnnto an offor. Call Tibbttt. 2-BEDR00M SUBURBAN Tull dinlntT room. $0900. This t-yaar-old-iubarban la on a nleo largo lot and to juit ohock full of nloor thluga. Has hardwood floora, metal oablneti, In wU-arraniad kitchen, fulli Uod dinlnv room, bit llrlnf room, bodrootno art larsa, lota of oloiat apaot. attached sarac. Street to hard-avurfaoed. Call Jim. . LARGE 2-B'eDROOM $12,000 3-bodroom. orenlxo llrlni room, nice fireplace, bit dlnlni room, well . planned kitchen, bit combination utility and play room, double plumb tnr, attaohed laraco, ltuulatlon, weatheritrlpplnr. Immediate poases alon, hurry I ThU won't last. Ceil Jim. . 2-BEDR00M SUBURBAN 1-year-oM homo with larae UtIat and dlnlnc roemo, inside utility, arood well, S blocks from Washington school. Will bo a pleasure to , how this line homo Immediate possession. OaU Dale lUybum BUILDING LOT ' Located oast off Center at. $70 down, 9 on balanot. Full price $70. Call Dale Ray burn now. 4-BEDR00M DOUBLE PLUMBING Here's a four-bedroom boms with double plumb ins, full basement, with 1 acre plus of enmnd In tho olty limits Bast on "D". Has a llrlns approximately 1ft x 24, dlnlnc room 14 s 16. Don't xatos this. Price only $(4,000. Call Chet. $800 DOWN Hies tbodrooni northeast suburban. $800 or nerbe lata will handle. Full 'price 18900, or owner would trade for S-bodroom. Call Chet. RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT, REALTOR) tow if. Capitol Office phones: i-4oo4 ar 4-1711 Xvenlns' phones Tlbbetts I-74M Cbel I -4234 Jim J-8874 Dale Rarburn 1-3044 o47 FOR SALE HOUSES 1IAKI AN OFFER t-badrAom noma that naoda paint ln aldo and out, lota of daanlns. Laat aold for I7150. Locatad at 1215 Abrama Ava. K. A. ItoOLAUFUN, REAUTOR 444 Contn St. S-eit, Ira. 2-4412 aS BT BUILDER l-oadroom. 1 blookj to naw bllh ichooL I1S.000. Phono 4-8201 or 4-1171, Ea. 543. -alo- IMALL MODERN HOUSE, built tor mov- in,, nrr raaaonabia. Phono 4-1W1. a7 NEAR HOPEWELL, 1-badroom homa, 1 acre, iron. Rout, i, eoi t. ara' WILL TAKE CAB, truck or cltr lot aa down payment for 2-bedroom homo. Kolavr dlitrlct. Phono 4-MI2. all DANDY 4-B.R. complatalr mdn. boma ovanooklna the . ocaan. Beaaurullr wooded ludaoapad lane lot, full burnt, with oil plpad furnace. Oood taiuo at tn.too. wm aonaidar ood apt. houae In oichanie. Bra. call ED J-1704. SO miUNBKATj, REALTOR. 421 N. HIOH. PH. 2-MSO. all' FOR SALE LOTS BT OWNIB, 1 tracti of approi. St acre each, h mi. north of cltr llmita, vlr lln aoll and aood road. One haa new 14'iW bulldlni on It, other haa all naoauarr forma tor foundation plua t"xl" timber, tor center aula. Priced at ,1200 each with 3M down and III per mo. B. BDWARDS nt. i-riii ion tth at. EINQWOOD BEIOBTS, n71, I blocka from Dallaa Hlchwar, price tloo. Oen cral Rial Eitate, Ph. I-I2N, 1W en ter St. - aaot LOTS uii, no reitrlctkma, 5U0. 110 on., no a mo. Mill, Eve. 1-1142. OBOIOE TOW lota In B3ntwood Helahta, !, waver, om, aMnaioir pricea, aaar terma. Can owner. Phona 1-1411. a.RB FOR SALE FARMS Him iiini tiiuttt itiimt aillMllllt IIMItlltt . aail.illia aaiilialta Films ::";; Homes iitiiiiiitttitiiiiiti Itiiiiiitl it intuitu mum it iiumi tttltt N Mini i SULLIVAN YOUR LUCKY DAY to4 AX3RJW ta Polk aountr. Ortr 10 acres under the plow, now In train. Outstaadlnc 7-room home. AU fenced, woren wire, outbuildlnsi In fair con dition. Tractor, disc, mower, and ap proximately 100 head ot sheep Includ ed m sale price ot Itl.ooo. ROBERT B. SULLIViN REALTOR m Portland Road Ph. 4-4631 ten If. Blih. Branch Office Ph. 4-1431 b 14 ACRE FARM, on pavement, for sale br owntr. 11 aerea clover, modern house. Arteitan well, lrriaaUoa sys tem, barn, chicken house, fruit house, tractor, equipment, acre peach orch ard. Rt 1. Box 144, BUverton, Oreton. Journal Want Ads Pay for Tour ww. Il'e were mim a una ltvtM loom ipoctou kitchen with FOR SALE FARMS PAYING FARM $10,40030 acres of hlthly produc tive soil. Has 3 A. peaches 1 rrs. old, S A. cherries, 4 A. filberts, S A. boy ssnberrlea v rounsberrles, A, new round, very nice a-bdrm. homo about T yrs. old. nlco yard 4s fir shade trees. Yes, there Is a machine shed full of fine machinery includlni trac tor, plow, liso, cult,, sprayer, lots of lodders and mlac. tools. On paved road, north. This Is a real farm and a real buy. Burt Picha ttl N. Bllh at. Brea. 4-1151 Off. 1-4041 M5 M ACRE PARK om beaver dam land on It All aropi ao with place. Houee vacant now. Purchaiar can move rliht on. P. H. Weir, Realtor, 1217 so, Com'l, Phone 1-1411. bee aaaaaaa. FOR SALE ACREAGE 7-ACRE BEAN YARD, equipment tur- nlihed, aood contract. Rt. 1. Box M, Center St. Realty TEN ACRES EAST Willamette loam. Picture your new home on this beautiful tract of silently rolllns land. Only ten minutes out on paved road. Near school. Tho price to 10260. VIEW ACRES m aarea with fine new t moun taint Onlr t mlnata, form eltr on pared road. Picture your auburban home on thla aentlr aloplna alto with a baokrround of madrona, fir, oak and other treaa. Aleo com. old ar ea ard. Th, prloa ta 41000. Center Street Realty mi center stre.t Phone 4-aui Eve. Phone.: Brlihl 3-AM3, an, 2-7812 bboa mitt nilH tmutl wuiiii tlintllltl tHUIIItt IHIIUUI ttltllllll BUY lllllllltltllltttl T tCT BUMUUIItti tttlllllllllllllltlll ,411111111 It HtlMIIII llllllll II PHHH hihi at SULLIVAN YOUR LUCKY DAY TWO ACRES ON LANCASTER This to country llrlns at its best. Chicken house, separata double tarase and a ood two-bedroom house. This homo now haa a itate Teterans loan which aan be assumed or a new loan can be secured. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR lltl Portland Road Ph. 4-Ml! 117 H. Bllh, Branch Oftu. P. 4-t4i COLBATH HAS THE BUYS $950 DOWN BHOLBWOOO snrr. an . sard. aa S b-llrmna. living rm., db Una modera kltcbaa, tnatde tttiutr rm., attached saraia Doe. need aome paint oa in laaMe. mica tntc. Terma tMt da. III par aeonlh. Bvi. ph. Mill, $850 DOWN BM04JTWOOO DIAVT. M W. 14th Lara t-btlrm. houa with S bathrma. L B., DR., laraa kltehea, atuitr attached aaraae. ONLY IMM. Terma no on., 144 per maath. Bva, ph. eiroa. $900 DOWN ea thla 1-rr-old 2-bdrra ho the Boover achool diet. L.R . D It. batb. larea. lot. Storaaa houa. ALL THIS FOR t4oM. BVB. PB. 41701. SUBURBAN i2 ACRE ON 14 OHO AH ATI t-TT.-old 2 bdrat. home with bdwd. fire., larie L.B., kitcaaa with dinette, inaida atu. Itr rm., aanr bullt-lna. Lan aa race, water aratem. Mice lawn. THIS IS A REAL BUT FOR atM. WILL TRAOB BQirlTT FOR l-bdrm, feouae IB Iowa. BVB. PS. INI!. MANBRIN GARDENS TRIS kaaatual t-kdna. kaaaa with kail burnt, fireplace, bdwd. Bra, L.R., lore ad -air farnaca, patio, corner laadacapad lot. TIDDJ IS A SHOW PLACE IN THE GARDBN. WB OPPBR TtOa PROPBRTT AT A REDUCED PRICE. SEE IT TODAY. BIB PB 1U7I. Store Bide. - $950 Dn. PUBCTT PR&S PAHXTNO SPACB PUTS laraa Irlanala lot. atom build. Inf. llTlns Quartara. attached aaraae. THIS PROPERTY BS SUITABLE FOR KANT DIFFERENT TYPES OP BUS- IN BBS. TO BB SOLD FOR USSS THAN ACTUAL VALUE. PRICB I4SO0. NO PHONE INPORaaATIDH. aTSB TAN BORN, WANT TO TRADE Thla all-kept l-bdrm. homo with bdwd. five., oil heat, fireplace, wve- u aiieien, aunette, attached aaraae. Los. tad on N. nth .PRICB io.a. wm, TRADB FOR LAHOEH BORH, BOMB DP TO 111,000. BVB. PH. 417IB. BVB. PBB. 44 TM, 41701, fain. FARMS & ACREAGES , 1 ACRE $3250 with 3-bdrm. noue not milt fin . tehed but Urable. Beautiful view f aiui and nvountalna. 7t down and ft Per month. 20 A. MUST SELL THIS RANCH with l-rm. modern ha., aood barn, sarace, 4 A. nice Bngltah walnutl. Aakhur 111,000. WE WANT YOUH ItEBT OFFER. OOOD TERMS, THIS HAS TO BE SOLD VERY SOON, . 7AOABDIATB P08SE88ION. 5 ACRES PLUS Oloaa In NT Small modern home, barn and etc. NEAR LANCASTER DRIVE. , 40 ACRES -14 .4 In oats fc vetch, food orchard, Uve week, older l-bdrm. modern home, aood barn, tarase. On paved rd. Nlco TlOW. WORTH $10,400. TAKE ouuu s or sMMinn. imsqo om wade. 87 ACRES 77 ta cull. 12 A. areek bottom, under Irrlfatlon. t.rm. older modern horn. Barn 40150. Price 111,000. Irritation aurp., machine 4b atock aitra. SEE T, T. ANDERSON FOR A PARK EVE. PH. 41714 NEARLY SOLD OUT COLBATH LAND CO. NEEDS YOUR LISTING. CALL OR DROP IN: WE CAN HELP YOU. BVB. PI OOLBSBEB - SUTt ANDERSON - 41714 fjAZENBY 41701 VAN HORN 41711 orncB DIAL, K 44494.24552 NELSON LANCASTER HOME 5500 DOWN Newlp decorated l-bdrm. borne, new roof, new ohakea on oatalde, approx. a. V. kllnda, wired for alec, ranie, lie. lrrlna rm. at kit. Well worth the moner. Onlr 14150. Call Mm. Woot ten. LESLIE DISTRICT $1400 DOWN Cost 4-rxn. home, den with attrac tive fireplace open beam oelUnsr, out side entrance to patio, bedroom with adjotnlnv bath, comb, kl. dining area, hwd. flra., dble. aar. Priced to ecu $7950. Cell lbs. wootten. . BUILT TO BB LIVED IN NIc roomr. comfortable, modern homo In aood cond. 1 bdrmi (lllixll)l kit. (llVkiUI, attracUve, reittul IIt Ini rm. with fplao. Yea, an alee, dlehwaaner At aarbaae dlipoial aoea alio. Lara, lot. All tor lio.too. call Ai. Watta, 1.72U. COUNTRY LIVING WITH A HOBBY 14ny people get too much olty life In their dally work and would be happier to own their home In the country, 4-room home, f place., oak floora, full basement, shop building 14x42) on concrete floor. Ideal for that bobby or business you bare dreamed about. Don't miss this! Only 14,000. ', 12 ACRES ON NORTH RTVXR ROAD , Very good acreage, tdoal for home attcs, good drainage, surfaced roads on two sides. Easy terms, tsooo. call Ur, Oallsghir. NELSON & NELSON epeelallilnc BUh St. Realtor . Ph. 1-IMt eel $5350 -bedroom and basement. Larsa din ing room, plastered home. Oarage. Large lot with lots ot flowers and shrubs. Paved street. Close to bus. UcKlnley district. NCW 3 BEDROOMS $71 per month Including ins. taxes. Lovely ranch type home In a sjulet neighborhood. A wonderful kitchen, till hardwood floors. Porod alr oil heat. Large attached garage. Inside city limits, slay take your oar as down payment, $53 PER MONTH New 3 -bedroom home lust completed. An extra good dining room, lovely kitchen with extra space. Ail hardwood floors. Poreed-alr oU heat, Attaohed garage. Paved street and across street from a nlco city park. Very low down payment. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml South Hlsh Street Phone Pbooo avenlnse: 4-1471, 3-1464, 1-4474, v 4-4414. t-im g4V Roy Todd Real Estate YOU WILL LIKE THIS - Nlc aamfortabla llvlu, kitchen ar dinette combine. Batb. On. la. bedroom. Utllltr. Shake exterior. About t pre. fid. to acre. Onlr TO0. Can Mr. timpeoa. aaleeman, BEST BUY IN TOWN Thli dream horn, la onlr 1 rre. aid. Haa 1 lie. Bdrmi., lie. tlrtna with beautiful fireplace, kitchen, Book. Lie. lot all fenced. Will trade for I ar 4-bdrra. houae. Terma. awo. call Mr. Vaadervort, aelaamaa. LOT AS PART PAYMENT . Deslrablo location. 1 blks. to sen. 4 bua. Ms living, dinette 4 kitchen combine. 1 lse. bdrms. with dble. wardrobe alossti. Lse. gsraaa. Lot 40a 110. only $4400. Will consider lot as part down payment. Call Mr. Simpson. 'salesman. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT Yon win like thla location and aha homo. I bdrmi, fireplace, ka . Book, Ua. llrlni, dlnlni room, full baaamant, lor.lr rard with out etde patio fireplace. 71ooe t .ihopplns. oood bui umci. Prka ,11.160. can Mr. Todd. " TRADE FOR KEIZER PROPERTY Baautrful lie. I-bdrm. home onlr 4 vn. old. V.rr ll. Uvlni with , flrepleee. I. kitchen with eat apace. Lot la verr lane, street la front and back of lot. Excellent location and new. Price 111. too. Call Mr. Yandervort, aataaman. ROY TODD, REALTOR . HO Stat atreel Bra. ptoau: YaBdarrert 1-tNt, Grabenhorst Specials BABBR SCHOOL And ao convenient t down town, bua br door. Sep arate din. rm., fireplace, nook, baaemenl. Lor.lr ahrabe. trito. CALL PBTBR H. OBISBR, SALBSMAN. CHARM WITH BOONOMY 227 WUla Lan. Thla a-roar-oid l-bdrm. home 1. situated where reeltr ralua are Incraaetna ateadllr. Drlr. br thla aharmlw home and than aall for appointment to tnapeet It farther. Price tl.MO. CALL B. X. LAYMON, SALESMAN - CHOIOB HOUB TH CHOICE LOCATION Quelltr, charm, aanvenlenee ta thla l-bdrm. boma, paruallr floored attic that could be fin tehed Into 1 more bdrmi. 4a bath. Lot.1t llv. rm. with Roman brick lire. plaae, kitchen with dlnlni area, full bath with ahower, atllllr room, lie. elnile (am e. Auto. u forcd-alr farnaca. OAU, t. E. law. AN l-BDRM. HOME with Ice. tot, H br approi. too ft. ta No. I Buelneaa . v Bone. Located at not South Commercial Street, Price a, 400. OAU, O. H. ORABBNHORST, JR., CO-OP. , BROKER torn RSVaiV BD CAM ALARU ROME AU en one floor, t bdrmi., Mr. rm. It x 30, dm. rm., arc. kitchen, wonderful allllrr room, f tra wler.., hdwd, fir.., oil heat. Priced bow at 114,750. CALL PBTBR h. OEZSBR, SALESMAN GRABENHORST BROS,., REALTORS 124 S. Llkertr St. ph. 1-1471 BVanlnaa 4k Sundara aal Peter K. Oelaer l-MM i. B. Law l-llll H. X. Lemon 1-ttM REAL ESTATE We Specialize In Trades You Can's Spend a Dime on this one. It's aa older typo home hut believe us It's In fine condition. Interior has been revamped to a point It's beautiful. Brand new lorcea-air furnace. 4 bedrooms. In fine location. Pi replace. Good roof. Lawn and ahrubs. Price is onlr 14940. This Is Not a Misprint An almoit new homo with full base stent. 3-car garage. Forced-air oil furnace. Bus by door. S blks. to school. Pvd. st. P.HJL terms. Pull price $11,400. ' It's a Honey and a Beauty 2 lovely bathMoma. att. to each bed room plua 1 extra half baths. Dual fireplace. Beautiful wall-to-wall car pets throughout. Party room la full basement. Unobstructablo view. Quiet st. Oil furnace. Insulated, weather stripped. 1-oar garage. Patio. A yard that haa unlimited possibilities. Pull price $35,000. Must Sell Soon Owner leaving town. 3-bedroom home.. Only J blks. to school. JElee. ransa and refrigerator thrown In. Insulated. Pvd. at. Almost 1mm. posi. Pull price onlr 14450. CALL FOR MR. CRAWFORD, EVK. PH. 4-DOdio, or MM. JUWUTCB, XV S. 1-H. 4-4444. If no answer, call 4-3344. Business Frontage Approx. I acres with 440-ft. high way frontage. Extra lovely 3-bedroom borne. Almost new. 3-cer att. garage. This would make an Meal alts for a motor court, night club or what have ,yout It would be a pleasure to live in mis Bfiuuiui ncme. 16-Unit Motel AS In good condition. Well fur bished. Living quarters recently ren ovated. This property properly men aced would be a real money-maker. Has been established In this location for many yrs. Terms. Pull price $45,000. , - Cafe Trade . Thia 1 a good one. Xoulpmint In very good condition. Owner will ex change his acuity in Coffee Sbop up to 43400 on a home. Pull price 14740, OAU. FOR DAN 18 AAK, EVE. PH. 4-9513. u ao answsr, can a-3.41. ' Caneberriei There are 11 acres ot good aane- berrles on this 40-acra farm. 14 acres alover. AU Irrigated. Very best of soil, aood, modern 4-room bouie. 30 by 40 barn, onion house, machine shed, tool house. Over 2000 ft. irrigation pipe. Close to Salem. Full price 414.000. Terms. Very Productive 43-acre farm. Best of soil. Oood. nodern 4-room bouss. 30 try 34 barn, machine shed. 40 acres under Irriga tion. Irrigation equip, worth 18000. S wells. Price has been drastically re duced to $14,400. Terms. 10 Acres , Msar good town. Owner forced to leave state. House completely teno rs ted. Chicken houae, brooder home. Will. soil. All under cultivation. Some terms. Full price 112,500. CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS, EVE. PH. I-4TI4. If no anawsr, call 4-224$. MORTOAOS LOAMS 14-Tear Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phonei: 4-1311 or 3-7420 . S01I PORTLAND ROAD Eve. Phones: 3-4714, 4-4444, 4-4020 ar 1-1(44 K ao answer, phono 4-1344 044 $000 DOWN, $40 A MONTH buys this 3-bedroom borne with attic, largo pleasant living room, wall im proved corner lot, streets paved. 14740. B. A. McOLtWPXJN, REALTOR 444 Center 3-4411. Eve. 1-4413 set S ML. HOUSE, basement, furnace, fenced yard, furnished, $7140. Terms. Call S-4144 evenings, a JOE PALOOKA t RT06 TNPJJ THE STREtJTS CP SV0MEV. ALDN& THE ROUTE ARE CHE6RMJ CVDS Of SP0RT&-L0VIN6) AUSSIES. RAV POYLE Of THE SYDNEY TELEGRAPH DESCRIBES THE POINTS C MTEREST. Office phone: -N,I aampaOB I -Kit, Todd t-1711 REAL ESTATE Garlhaven 1. Very attractive S-bedroom house act Clarke St, In Kelser area. Only 4 years old, paint tlks new. Front and back lawn, fenced-in back 'yard. Hardwood floors, oil furnace. Inside utllltr room. See this for 41000 with 30 down. t. We have 3 new bousss under construc tion on Thorman St. One is a 3-bedroom house with hardwood floors, oil furnace, fireplace, attached garage, Inside utility room. Priced at $9000. The other has 3 bedrooms and Is priced at $10,000. Will be completed soon. Call and look them over now. KINGWOOD PARK S-bedroom house with hardwood firs., I Vibaths, full basement, ssparats din ing room, double garage, beautifully landscsped lawn with lovely shade trees. Priced at $11,500. Reason able offer considered. ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER . 411 Masonic Building Real Estate Inioraneo Mortgage Loins Phone S-S31T Evenings 3-4700 044 INVEST (Salem Is Qrowins) Own part of downtown Balsm. Larss business bldg grcund floor leased and returning the Investment. Second floor vacant and Just wsitlns to take the overflow from tho high school building. Income will far exceed In vestment coat when leased. Investigate now while it is priced to give you a handsome return. $700 PER MO. 4700 per month Income. See this besutiful residential court. 3-bdrm. units, finest rental area, very low overhead. Liberal terms to take over. Vacancy almost non-existent. No phone Information. Shown by ap pointment only. HOME & INCOME Live In this good l-bdrm. boms and take In $55 per month from perma nent renters in furnished home on same lot. Private driveways, private utilities. A fine buy for only $10,400. 43000 down. I960 Fairgrounds Rosd Phong 4-1145, Eva. 3-4041, 4-1704, 4-4473 S7S" FOR SALE BT OWNER 1 nsw 3 bedroom homes In new district, birch kitchen, each having 15,400 ft. floor area, 2040 Ladd fct, 2545 Ellis St., Oft the 1100 Block Evergreen.' c05 BUBINESS PROPERTY NEAR OLD HIOH SCHOOL, an out Standing commercial location, suitable for several types of business In a fsst growing area. Lot 40x165. For particu lars. see Mr. Johnson. ED D. POTTER, Realtor , S15 8. High St, Ph. -11410 or 1-4474 c48 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED t to 10 acrea with aood home, aloae In. Al laaak, Rlt phone 4-2311. It ns anawer, 4-224!. ca NOTICE: Xf rour prapertr la tor aale, rent or aacnanie, uat it with ua. we have all klnda of caah burere. STATS FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 112 S. Hllh St. ca WE ARE In need of cood hou.ee to aeU, In or near Salem. If rou wlah to llat rour propertr for aale, lee ORABBNHORST BROS.. REALTORS, lit S. Liberty Ph. 2-9471 aa To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 ,' .-i" rt CERTAINLY T "Mi'Tf I PROMTS EO YOU tVHEM I "8 6fT A LOAD A THEM Wk. MMM... 1 ORATEFULECB. ) . M7 JXWIMJMI mm 60A(0VS SABISf m I mk" . J THIS WONPERFUt nKj-'l, THE STATES THAT WETJ VE JCSSS 60NMA LIKI IT HERE. A UH.!!yiAH.' IeTdTTsmALL farm for ertr. John Bern, i I. Boa IT. Hub- bard. will sxcBANOE a l-bdrm. beua and "i-moiiM for a l-badroom houae m aouth Salem. Bouaee bow drawlns raUll ot IN and .;,""."' - BIKIMESS OPPORTUNITIES GARAGE and Service Station - CONCRETE BOTLDINO S4 I 44J pumps, eompreseoc, MBlamnt. Ala. home with It acre of iround. Thla la In a Terr load buelneaa area. Price Mono, own.r will conllder a lood l-bedroom home for aart. Mo ahone In. formation, aleaae. Center Street Realty 1,14 center St. Ph. 44411 til i nit S11ISS1SSU lilissiisa eef" BUY Slttssisssssseeeee LIST SMlllStlSSiSSSUttM $444444S$ 44 IMMMtl $4 444411 $4 SULLIVAN YOUR LUCKY DAY duplex Ideal InTcatment tar raw. Bach haa two bodroomo with aeparata entrance.. BulMlna interior ev ealer tertora are Immaculate. Lot adjolnlni whlch la aoned for a dnalci la m eluded In eale. Owner win aanetder a horn ta trade. I14.4M. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR MM Portland Boad Ph. 4-W M7 rr. rrtrh, Branch Office Ph. 4-4431 MODERN motel in wanderfal taction on WE. Accommodatlona lor ona r Tamil avoirs. -bearoom unna uar ten. Boom for expanalon and awnar wanta to retire. Take horn or du- nlflvea and aome each aa .art Bar ment. Phone 2-7120. edit BUSINESS & INCOME APARTMENT BUY! can ahow verr aood lnveatment re turn. North location, low rental brack et, low price for aulck aele. Owner leartna atataa. Pacific Newapaper Broken, Ror R. Cole, Broker, 7 n Oapltol, 1-20M. cell' INCOME PROPERTIES INCOME tut per month, t unit fur nished apartment. Three nlci lota, cloae to achool, bua, and etore. Muat be aeen Co b appreciated. -120.000. Phone 1-,U4, ef7 two BUYS thla duplex ot t mi, each. Each aide haa llrlni rm. with Ilrepl., la, dlnlna rm., kitchen, S bdrmi. at bath, lull baamt. with 1 aeta of laundrr traya, 3 elect, wtr. htra. on aeparat meteri, one aide furnlahed, bua br the door, Thla la not Junk, and will .how to, on lnveatment. Sro. call RAT DAVIS 4-W17, BD LUB2NBBAL, HEAllTJOVUI J., aUUM. PH. l-acio. CIH WANTED FURNITURE MIDWAY AUCTIONVWe bur and ecu. Phone 4-WS2. da7I WANTED Oood need furniture and appllaneea. Phone 1-tMI. da ..fM...M'A.StWtf iiTi'jun ar- tj-Bi y y 1 1 AUCTIONS AUCTION! SATURDAY - 1 P.M. FARM EQUIPMENT - LIGHT TRUCFS Conalinmenta welcome, Marlon Bqulp ment Co., 3310 Portland Rd., Oalem. Phone 1-17,2. d AUCTION TONIGHT, TM. Midway Auc tion. 2133 Cherry Ave. ddlS a..a' FOR SALE LIVESTOCK Professional HORSESHOEING X 'forge the shoe to fit the foot. This Is the best for the horse. Tex Shlveiy, 337$ Sllverton Rd. e45 FOB SALE Oentle horse, broke to work and ride; also barness, wagon, plow, etc. Call 3-2500 after 4. c44 SADDLE HOMES Trade for kid ponies, Shetlands, pick-up, or 4-whsel drive Jeep. 3374 Sllverton Rd. e7a LIVESTOCK WANTED LOOKER BEEF White face Hereford, lee. Locker pork, loo. Rothln, down, t moo. to par. Cuatom kllllni. Trailer loaned free. Salem Heat Co., 1123 8. isth. Ph. l-4tl. RABBITS WINQ NEEDS 42,11. BAlrBlTt rtrs stau. IbN CALIFORNIA BUCKS and dee. Phone 4-2041. 4410 Outer Rd. CM7 babbits WANTED. Any ala and ouan tltr. Alio purebred breedm, atock tor aale. Phone 1-7107. eb7r PETS moors tbopical ma, eruipmcat, auppllea. 1 mllaa from Lancaatar on Macleay road. Phone 4-1771. Cloaed Wadneadara. cll CHOICE CANARIES 114 Chemekota at. Ph. I-4III. ael4 Ear tsi Tufdny, March 17. IMS OUTWOOB A8UARITO-1MI attCoy, ana block aaal af N. Capital. I block aorta at Madiaoo. pa. J-aajr. fUEL BUT ANDEBSON'S bandplcked alat. wood, bow I eorda 114.00. Phone t-7711 nr auial. 7t Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Pick up yaur Preato-tViaa, Brlou.te and Wood. Ill So. Com'l., phona 1-7711. Oregon Fuel Co. SLAB AND SAWDUST S. & H. Green Stamps Pbon, MID tt Broadway Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. SPBOIAL FOB tO DATS Planer trlmmlnrJ. I load. Phone 17711 Hiway Fuel Co. , Sewduat tube eerrlct, all klnda af wood. Phone 1-1444 WALNUT SHELLS, 10 aacka for II, or H Ion. 13 ton dellrered In town. Mor rU riorfeta Facklni Co. 440 North Front. ' West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, 1" CLEAN IM1SEDIATB DELIVERY ' PMkup Wood Hit Ediewatw . Phone Salem 1-4011 aia.aa..a. FOR SALE POULTRY GIANT TOULOUSE rtooie one. T. B. Jorianaen, 111 Wnt Bcwdea Lane. 4-1MM. ft TEABUNO 1-0271. BEATT kena, toe Jb. Ph. Nt WANTED Colored trrera, 0Mred aaad leihorn henl. Bilheat prlaea. Lat Hatchery, phone l-llll. f FOB SALE Twice weeklr, day-old chloka In New Hampahlre, Parmantera, Red. White Leahorna, A Ultra-White, White Rocka, White WyandotMa, Par. meater eockerela. Lee Hateherr, Phone 1-Hll. f . SPECIAL New Hampehlra pallet., II, a. Valley Farm Store. Ph. 4-4494. WHITS UQHOBNS, Auetra-WhlU, and New Hampehrre chleka, H hundred. Ph. l-astl. Pahnir'a Poultry Farm, Brooke. ft OOLDEN BBOAD and Raw Hampahlre ahlcka, hatched ererr Monday and Thuraday. Our ahlaka now faater. Pn'e Hatchery, 1130 State. St. Ph. 1-4SM. r" PRODUCE OBOANIO OROWN TBIB - BXPENED or. dim and arapelrult. potawea, on lona, apple and nuta. PHTPPIP BROS. FARM MARKET, 1310 Lancaatar Drive. Phone 1-117). a...a.alaa HELP WANTED MALE Interviews One of the faateat procraaalnf com panlai In thla field will hara a repre aeatatlTe Interrlewlni men who hold the loUowlna auallflcatlcna: I. Ace 14 to 40 yean. S. Own automobile In load condition'. t. wuilnl to trarel Mondar throuih Frldar, home every week-end. 4. Hlih achool eduction. - I. Dealr for advancemanl, . ,. Able to furnlah reliable reference,. Thorouch tralnlni 'alvan- br com pany with auarantee of minimum of ,100 per week durlni tralnlni period. CONTACT W. It, CONSTDINB Senator, Hotel, Selem Wedneaday. March It 10:00 a.m. to t:00 pjb. , . r- , t ran NEAT APPEARINa man ov.r 30 yean aie, fair knowledie of city, wanted for taxi work. Apply til N. Liberty St. act EXPERIENCED fry cook. Day ehlft. Apply In peraon. J, B. Drlre-In, 2220 Falnroundi road. ' cael HELP WANTED FEMALE WAITBKSS Woodroffe'a San Shop, 1400 Portland Rd. No phone cm. alr EXPEIENCED ALTERATION Roebuck di Co. LADY Ib37 Applr Seara, BTXPaTRTENCED wanted. aM7 Phone 4-3321. CAR HOP Woodroffe'a San Shop, 3400 Portland no. no pnone ceiie. id EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Office Jobs Saje us for Quality Jobs. Benefit by our knowledge of employers and by our .ex perience In the community. Check our listings Mondays, Wednesdays COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 444 State St. (Oregon Bids.) 4-3941 Also Portland Office, 409 Oorbett Bids. gt&o WANTED SALESMAN LOCAL ORGANIZATION outside salsa program, nationally advertised prod ucts, hard work, good pay. Apply Arse Hotel, 145 Ohemeketa, 4:45 p.m. to 7:15 P.m. Wednesday. .Ask for Mr. Olson. asM WANTED POSITIONS COLLEGE GRADUATE Veteran, officer. family, 21, ambitious. Seeklm full time ovenlni or early morning po sition after t p.m., experienced in t manaierlal. office, retail aalas, writ-' Inr, InTeatlratlon work. Conalder any thlnr. Phone 37476. ' h8T ' ENVELOPES ADDRESSED at my home, neaiir. 2-7101. nol LADY to care for children, my home. nmpooaiDie. corner, autrlct. 4131 Durbln. 3-3217. hS7 CHILD CARE Pick deliver. h7t Phone lull. WBOCAII DAY NURSERY Ucenaed and etate impacted. Infanta bp to I. Phona 1-8018, hio HIGH SCHOOL BOY wanta work tor rait 01 thla week. Phone 1-1171. he KEMTONE PAINTING v.ry reaaonahla. ap your room bow. rn. 10315. hot CBTLD cabs fn my home, call 41,71. hi CLEANING, WASBINO, Ironlni, by day. rut ...IV. OOCa CUSTOM BOTO-TILLING, II" machine hit- . e. an nonr. call 4-1 B7. PAINTING. Prea aatlmaUa. It year ex perience in saiem. Phona I-7M2. hat CTJSTOM Roto Hoima 14 per hour. Ph. 1-1751 hue By Ham Fisher : J .. ! ; K K i : :