Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 17, 1953, Page 13, Image 13

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    fucaday, March 17, 1953
j Radio-Television
"Talaviainn la n Inf rf fnM
V j iv ,
I .... ..... ..uuiuci une Dana. . . . Manna
n, who appeared at the Jantzen Beach Ballroom Satur
v merit. exDresseri nn view tvi..: : ...
I j .
"But in order to make money in TV, you have to stay
one place. . . . That you can't do and do your band tnH
)0ws. . . . So we currently will pass up the Television,
ut we still appear on the TV disc jockey shows. . . . Plus
have nnr rprnrrlg Ttlatra) n.i: 1..
c - - uu lauiu quite a on. . . .
lfhniiirh nnr hnnn hna annAownj .-i ,
kimerous times we still like
' (.njintny crowa at jant
fcn, has an outstanding personality. ... He seems to enjoy
m nuin u"
usiness attitude.
.,. ...
The hicrcrest television' sof
, tX
the stace of the RKO Pnnf
... - ----- -
lovers the Academy Awards
Die RCA set, measuring 9x12
pe euuio auuieute can see
the TV interpretation.
E- . .. " .
rejection screen, but with a
. .
Secretary of Interior Douglas McKay was interviewed
suDjecis oi mieresi to tne
y Bob tage on the KEX "Field and Stream" show Mon
day night.
Heard that a home over Stavton wav hnR their TV an
tenna about six inches above
bood reception, too! Golly
jdo it!
KOCO will broadcast all
ship games, direct from Kansas City on Tuesday, March
17 and Wednesday, March 18 at 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. (PST).
Of special interest to Willamette vallev residents in thp
fact that KOCO in Salem will broadcast ALL Salem high
school and Dallas high school games during the state high
chool basketball tournament, from Eugene. The cham
pionhip game will be broadcast Saturday night from Eu
gene, and will be followed by the broadcast of Willamette
University Jb reshmen Glee.
Star Theater at 8, starring
bergs, Molly and family as guests.
rireside Theater at 9. "Grand Cod." John Bromfield.
Shirley O'Hara. Tale of New York dock worker at turn
of century who becomes embroiled in the plans of a South
American revolutionary who wants to ship guns to his
native country for a revolution. ,
Circle Theater at 9:30.
of young college prof of a creative writing class who be
it deviled by a paper with no name. -
Ken Murray Show at 10.
Many, guest stars including
lin, Darryl Zanuk, Robert Wagner, Jeanne Cram, Terry
Moore, Jane Powell, Dorothy Lamour, Rory Calhoun,
Mitzi Gaynor, etc.
American forum of the Air
My Little Margie at 11.
to London if she doesn't see
Nite Owl Theater at 11:30.
Robert Lowery, Marie McDonald.
MARCH 18 (Wednesday)
Kate Smith Show at 1.
dancers; fashion show by
linger and Tong Brothers,
Late Tele-View News
Late Monday night KPTV
will carry the National NCAA
should University of Washington win their game Tuesday.
. Richfield will once again
The television chores will
WDAF in Kansas City, Mo.
Silverton Lions
Host Zone Leader
Silverton Kenneth Wil
liams of Stayton, Lions club
The Picture
Is Worth a
Yeater Appliance Co.
Open Wed.-Fri,
375 Chemeketa
, TI1 9 P.M. I
Ph. 3-4311 I
:. t.-, ,
'. Bas naipn riannagan,
vii .icicviaiun ior leie-
uu television snows
to do our road .tours. .
iuuk wnicn produces an AH
. ..
. , ,
"uiiu win ue et up
oo-no rpi.aoa ,u xmn mv
.0v.o iiitiiiw nucil 1DV-1 V
nrespntni inn tQ.A vn.Au m
feet, will be erected so that
ine live ceremonies as well
Artimllv ; v,
J I " " n IJUKC ICtU
false front and sides to give
nation s hunters and anglers
the roof And lira cret. finer
what a neat deal if you can
four of the NCAA p.hflmninn.
. -.
Milton Berle. The Gold-
"The 29th Theme." Comedy
Ken visits a kennel show.
Marliyn Monroe. Irvine Ber
' -
at 10:30. "What Next on
Vern promised Margie a trip
her boy friend Freddie fpr a
. ,
"A Scream in the Dark."
Kathryn Lee and Marc Flatt,
Dorothy Daye; Jean Sablon,
acrobats. .
announced that the station
playoffs Wednesday night
sponsor the telecast. ...
be handled by TV station
zone chairman, visited Silver-
ton club at the last weeks meet
In his talk Williams an
nounced the project assumed
by the Stayton group in a hos
pital benefit fund.
In charge of the business
hour were the president, Bruce
Billings, assisted by Quintin B.
Estell, secretary.
Speaker of the evening was
Ernest R. Ekman, past presi
dent of the club, giving a re
sume of his recent trip to the
Hawaiian Islands.
The meeting was a dinner
program at the Double J cafe,
New York W Four teach
ers and two clerks of New
York City's municipal colleges
have been fired for refusing to
answer questions about pos
sible Communist affiliations
before a U. S. Senate subcommittee.
(EBCnjHBQiniD !
Radio Theater
KOCO Feature
Fulfilling . this community'!
need for audio-creative art ii
Salem's radio theater, the War
wick Radio theater.
Warwick U a regular feat
ure of radio itation KOCO,
where it began in the post-war
yean, ai the Willamette Unl
ve'nlty Workshop. Carl Ritchie,
Warwick'i present director,
was instrumental in its be
ginning, and has worked with
the theater in many capacities
since then.
One point of note regarding
Warwick is the fact that it
has approximately SO radio
performances to its credit, and
every script has either been
an original one written es
pecially for the group or an
adaptation by one or more of
the members. The most notable
of these works, probably was
the 5-week production of "Ed
mund Rostand's great heroic
comedy, "Cyrano De Berger-
ac" in the fall of 1949.
This spring, Warwick will
present a complete two-hour-plus
production of Shakes
peare's tragedy. "Antony and
Cleopatra. It will be offered
as a salute to the widely-ac
claimed- Oregon Shakespear
earn festival in Ashland, which
is closely allied with the War
wick theater here,, both by
friendship and mutual endeav
or. . .-
Rehearsals for "Antony, and
Cleopatra" begin this Thursday
and the play will be broadcast
shortly after '. Easter. Other
plays to be heard are "Mich'
ael," adapted from Words
worth's Pastoral Poem; "Sam
son Agonlstes," by John Mil
ton, and finally, Warwick's an
nual, traditional ' Easter pro
gram, "The Terrible Meek.''
Warwick is broadcast on
KOCO at 10 p.m. on Thurs
days, and encored at 6 p.m. the
following Sunday, for the con
venience of those who -find it
difficult to hear the Thursday
Keizer The Keizer Grange
will sponsor a show to be pre
sented by the Salem Civic
Players at the Grange Hall a
quarter mile west of Keizer
school Friday evening, March
20, at 8:15 p.m.
The three-act comedy, "The
Young Scamp" by Edwin
Scribner, will have the follow
ing cast!
R. J. Portal, Charles Domo-
galla, James Cary, John Bran
son, Jim Baer, Arthur L. Da
vis, Patricia Noves, Helen An
derson, Shirley McCauley,
Marge Branson, Helen Lucas
and Sharon, Barker.
Refreshments of home-made
cakes, and pies, ice cream and
coffee will be on sale in the
dining room pfter the play.
A St. Patrick's party was
held at the Marlyn Hadley
home on Newberg drive Friday
evening for two 4-H groups,
The Busy Stitchers, a clothing
club led by Mrs. George Long
and the Keizer Kilowatts, an
electrical club led by Marlyn
Hadley. , -
Games, viewing the TV and
refreshments were enjoyed by
the ' following guests: Patty
Braden, Betty Draper, Sandra
St. Clair, Dona McCue, Susan
Deal, Lynda Lawrence, Gary
Braden, David Pierce, Larry
Redinger, Darel Hadley, Allan
Hadley, Kevin Morse, Macy
Hadley, Mrs. Harley Cordray
and Lyle Cordray.
Keizer Grange was host to
the North Howell Grange last
Wednesday with 23 members
attending, on the county's an
nual visitation program.
Two members from the Mc
Cleay grange and four from
Silverton Hills also were
guests. Mrs. Ida Benson, Po
mona master from Silverton
Hills, also was a guest.
. Several bills before the leg-
Built-in All-Channel Tuner
Standout Picture With Interlace
Installed in Your Home for as Low as
$35.00 down, $3.50 per week
Valley Television Center
Complete sales, service and Installation. All sets sold and
Installed carry fall tt-day service.
Baigley Bros.
2315 Fairgrounds Rd.
Phone 2-5491
On Television
KPTV (Channel 27)
11:11 Frisxkwa RlnM
11:08 p.n The Bit Pared
11:30) p.m. Welcome TrtvtUr
I 90 p.m. Ktt Smith
l:M p.m. Bur iurnwa
I :li p.m. Arthur Oodfrty .
3:S0 p.m. 8trlki It Rica
1:00 p.m. MitttiM ThttUr
4:lt p.m 4rch for Tomorrow
4:30 P.m. Lot f Uft
:00 p.m. Howdj Doodr
0:M p.m. Ninu tb coma
0:30 p.m. Dout Bdwardi
0:40 p.m. Ttmo lor Btanr
1:00 p.m. Tw for th Monty
9:10 p.m. Dtoih Short
1:40 p.m. Newt CftrtYtm
1:00 p.m. Clrcm Hour - r . -
t:00 p.m. FlrttMt ThMttr
0:90 p.m. Clrdt Thttttr
10:00 p.m. AlJtn Young
10:30 p.mcott Uudc Hall
11:00 p.m. Mr Uttlt llarcla
11:10 p.m. Mitt Owl Thttttr
IMS p.m. (Approi.) ait Off
Seism's Most Complete
Television Center
2140 S.Com'l
Phone Day or Night
2-1611 or 2-4728
11:45 A.m. Otrrr Moort
13:00 p.m. Th Bit Ptroff ,
12:30 p.m. Weleomt Travtltr .
1:00 p.m. Ktt Smith
l:0O p.m. Doublt or Nothing ,
3:30 p.m. -Strike It Rich
t:00 p.m. liatloet Thetttr
4:1S p.m. Aeirch for Tomorrow '
4:30 p.m. Lovo of Uft
4:45 p.m. Peter Pin
5:00 p.m. Howdy Doodr
5:30 p.m. Tootilt Hlppodromt
0:00 p.m. Stnxu It Rich .
0:30 p.m. Dout Edwkrds
0:4 p.m. Time tor Betnr
1:00 p.m. Plthti
1:45 p.m. Newe Cartvan
0:00 p.m. Hollywood Opening Night
0:30 p.m. Arthur Oodfrer
0:00 p.m. I Married Joan :
0:30 p.m.-ThU Ii Your Ufa
10:00 p.m. Kraft Theattr
11:00 p.m. March of Time
11:30 p.m. Nltt Owl Theattr ' .
ll:lo p.m. (Appro. aim off
Fear of Planes Cause
Of Leigh Breakdown
Hollywood, Calif. (U.PJ An
acute nervous breakdown suf
fered by British actress Vivien
Leigh was blamed by doctors
today on her fear of airplanes.
Her physician, Dr. Fraser D.
McDonald, said the actress
collapsed in hysterics on a
movie set at Paramount Studio
Wednesday following a 72
hour plane trip from a location
site in Ceylon.
Clear Lake The , Odd Fel
lows and Rebekahs will spon
sor a baked ham dinner at
Qulnaby hall on Friday, March
20. Dinner will be served from
6 to 8 pjn.
Islature were reported by Ed
Rogers and Clifford Orey re
ported for the agricultural
committee on the use of soil
W. E. Salvage announced
that the grange would sponsor
the Salem Civic Players in a
comedy act in the Grange Hall
on March 20.
Appearing on the lecturer's
program were Mrs. Clifford
Orey and Mr. Redding of North
Howell Grange.
Twenty Boy Scouts of Keiz
er together with their Dads
spent Sunday, March 8 at Mt.
Hood. They attended church at
the Chapel of the Hills. After
church they drove to Govern
ment camp for dinner and
spent the afternoon there ski
ing and tobagganing. The trip
was made with Mr. Hawley,
Mr. Billings, Mr. Ellis, Mr.
Powell, Mr. Ebert and Mr.
Ronk. They arrived back in
Keizer at 8 p.m.
The Keizer Garden club will
meet Tuesday evening, March
17, at 8 p.m. in the recreation
room of the Keizer fire hall.
C. T. Danen, president of the
club invites any resident of
Keizer to attend the meeting.
There will be a question and
answer period with a panel of
members well versed in the
culture of flowers, shrubs or
any form of gardening to an
swer questions.
171 Grant SI.
Phone 3611
1 y-rvs
, , Jf h i ... . :
sFKs 1 , - x ;
tQUsVwBBBlsaiMsflT l4iisi;;i: :.v.'dittiT' ;vtAsmwMamamwmmVvjifaSb
, Reggie, a resident of Taronga Park Zoo, Sydney, Aus
tralia, is a willing, customer as Keeper Dave Cody goes .
to work with clippers to keep the monkey clean and 'cool
during Australia's hot season. ., A - ,
In Linn County
Lebanon Open ' to travel
Friday was the all-paved Leb
anon to Corvallis state high
way, cutting driving time be
tween the two points to. 20
minutes and ; reducing the
mileage from - 27 miles via
highway 20 to only 18.5 over
the new route.; Also reduced
is the all-paved distance from
here to Eugene from 59 to 44
miles. The Eugene route.
however, has been open since
last summer,
Construction of a .bridge
over the Calapooia river five
miles east of Corvallis pre
vented traffic from using the
entire stretch until .this week,
The bridge was constructed
by "Tom Lllliebo, 'Rcedsport
contractor, who subcontract
ed if from the Taggart Con
struction company of Salem.
The latter firm built the road.
The route follows for the
major part, the network of
graveled county roads between
the two cities. 'An oil mat
road originally extended from
Tangent street in Lebanon
west to an intersection with
the Brownsville to Albany
county road seven miles to the
west. The new road begins
here and extends across the
valley floor until it connects
with the paved Corvallis
route to Albany Just west of
The state highway depart
ment bore the cost of the road,
using federal funds allocated
for county road construction.
Approximately ; $250,000 was
spent on the project which in
cluded the Calapooia. bridge
several trestle culverts and
7.55 miles of one and one-half
inch oil mat surfacing on
gravel base.
Road work was completed
last fall but awaited comple
tion of the bridge before its
opening Friday. Bridge ap
proaches still remain to be
surfaced with oil mat.
Linn county contributed the
right-of-way, and was com
pelled to purchase some of it
to permit straightening and
feasible routing of the road
way. Two condemnation
suits Involving the county.
are still pending in circuit
court. '
Irish Banquet
At Silverton
Silverton-J-Two annual events ,
of special concern to the mem
bers of the American Legion, i
Delbert Reeves post and unit I
No. 7, are the March 17, Tues- !
day evening, "Dinty Moore"!
dinner, a budget builder, and ;
the annual past commander's
and anniversary night.
Tuesday evening is the date ,
for the third anniversary ofj
serving the St. Patrick's day!
evening dinner, in Dinty j
Moore style.
Mrs. Ralph Francis, Instiga- j
tor of the affair, has served
as general chairman each year, j
Attractive posters were I
made by Frank M. Powell, '
who also designed post cards
that have been sent to vari
ous towns of the valley invit
ing the members and friends
of the posts and auxiliaries of
the Legion to attend the din
ner being served from 8:30
to 9 o'clock.
Mrs. A. J. McCannel U to
receive the guests and direct
them to the waiting rooms and
Kit- . - 1
the dining room, ' .
Some 35 women are assist
ing Mrs. . Francis . with the
preparation and service of the
dinner, the guests to - help
themselves, country style. The
place is the Legion ball at
Third and Oak streets at the
foot of East Hill.
The second event, ' the Fast
Commander's night, is to be
observed at anniversary night,
Monday, March 23. Dr. R. E.
Kleinsorge organized the post
and will be specially honor
ed. Roy Davenport is to be
general chairman of plans and
will serve as toastmaster.
Guests from-Salem Legion
post No. 9 will initiate new
members. An additional at
traction for the evening will
be the showing of pictures of
the West Indies by Rholin
Cooley who recently returned
from an extensive trip in this
area and took many pictures.
Thirty-one of the 35 past
commanders of Delbert
Reeves post No, 7, are living.
The deceased are Glen Price,
Dr. A. J. McCannel, George
Manolis and Claire Jarvls.
Efficient, effective and really economical
Want Ads are as "newsy" as the front page and your key to
Action and Profit! If you're a buyer ... a seller, or a swapper,
you're sure to agree that a little Want Ad does a whale of a
big job in getting results. Say "hello" to good buys . . . services
and needs read and use the Want Ads regularly!
PHONE 2-2406
Silverton School Board ,
Favors Dual School Plan
Silverton In - sympathy
with bills before the legisla
ture, Silverton school board
largely favors a special plan
for children who are slow to
learn, and a plan for students
who acquire knowledge In less
time than the average pupil, to
become a part of the school
curriculum at the opening of
the term next autumn.
'As an elective seminar for
students," Super lntendent
Howard Balderstone said, "had
already been worked out for
the coming term." It la doubt
ful if these high school students
can claim extra credits for this
advanced work, this year, was
announced, but probable ar
rangement may be reached in
this respect by the following
Four Corners
Four Corners Mri. A.' E. La-
Branche opened her home to the
Co. B Mothers. This group or
ganized during World War II.
The membership has fallen
away until now it is a small
social group. Fresent for this
meeting were Mrs. Sadie Mc
Clain, Mrs. Clara Jones, Mrs.
Samantha Baker, Mrs. Jack
Stat Mrs. Roy Shaw, Mrs. L.
L. Osborn. ' . v
Celebrating her twelfth birth
day anniversary Saturday aft
ernoon was Edith Koehler. The
diversion was a movie party.
Guests included Jeanne Wy-
more, Susan Swearingen, Sher
riU White, Betty Bastain, Le
roy and Helen Koehler.
Felicitations go to Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Maret (Bethel Con-
over) upon the birth of a
daughter March 11 at the Sa
lem General hospital. The lit
tle girl weighed six pounds,
twelve and one half ounces and
has been named Brenda Arleta.
She has a brother Jeffery Lynn
and the grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Maret and Mr.
and Mrs. Guy Conover, all of
Salem. A great grandmother,
Mrs. Laura Maret, lives in
Huntley, Neb. :
Pvt. William Kergil, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kergil, Rt.
5, is taking his basic training
with the 11th Airborne Div. at
Fort Campbell, Ky.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kergil
entertained at dinner Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Piekus, Salem, and
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Werner
of Brooks. The Kergil family
drove to Portland Saturday for
the wedding of Miss Helen
Minou and Dale Brethauer,
A new family moving to Four
Corners this month are Mr. and
Mrs. Darrel Miner, Peggy and
Jimmy. Moving out from Salem
they are located at 3810 Mahrt
do a WHALE of a job!
i 1 53 nnr
year.., . ;..-.
The plan for "slow" students,
can largely M accomplished in
the homes of the parents for
special study, with games and
other athletic privileges allow
ed en mass with the general
student group. This, as bal- -ance
theme, is considered fair
and just for all concerned. The
courses will include special .
project plans. ' '
The topic of seminar and
home instruction was discussed
at the past week's meeting of
the school board. .;.
' Silverton. schools are on
spring vacation this week while
teachers attend the state con
ference at Portland.
Miss Edith Ross and Mrs. C. .
J. Towe announced to the
board their desire not to teach
during the coming year. Both
have been on the Eugene Field
grade faculty for a number of
years. Only these two teachers ,
have definitely asked to be re- ,
lievei from the faculty, al
though contracts have not been
signed, all other members of .
the faculty have been offered
their work for the coming year.
Remodeling certain portions
and a general clean-up for the
coming school year is already .
started in the halls and rooms.
A larger - attendance than
usual is expected next fall.
. The high school committee
has - given' the Chamber of
Commerce permission to use
the athletic McGlnnis field for
the Aug. 1 horse show. '
Silverton High
In Career Day
Silverton The Silverton
senior high student body was
host group to the i several ;
speakers from various business
and - educational organizations -at
the observance of Career,
juay at tne scnooi luneneon
Wednesday. , -.'' ...... t, -
: The special speaker and di
rector of the departmental pro- ',
gram was Oregon State college
dean of administration. X B.
Lemon, f'- '
Host to the visiting speakers
and the student body was high
school principal, Howard
George.- Guests were present
from Salem, Corvallis, Port
and Silverton.
Students were ' encouraged
in making up their minds as
to their future courses, to. con
sider: 'The willingness to pay
the price, to have a liking for
their - particular work they
choose to make their business
of profession, and to be fair to
themselves In their personal
evaluation or capaourues.
i, if