n Tuesday, March 17, 1988 Page 12 PADIO PROGRAMS j Giihf ighter's Return WEDNESDAY P. M. : j By LESLIE IRNINWilN IAP Hawtlulurul THE CAPITAL JOlTtNAL, Salem, Oregon . ' . I 1 "EVE ROPER . i ir , n 1 POGO - , . jCffiEs-i.t2( 4i H6PC88NT VoM.747 f ah.VKU. ?WMT,-- ORPHAN ANNIE a . -..kI t "" I A am A I imTmat?)f flttfflatf ' f L etvouT Arweu,N0Tjrre801 I interest in vm-ano I I MWM I "??2 I I Iiookwgooo,;i1 DMFTYiMwoei llEonNSMwiN M wji iffr A I I flrrew I ESKBSg I j LIL ABNER ' ' ' ' uJFT'YrTA MfVE W WHAR? AROOND TW'cSSSlE.7 CLOUD 4 TH' HOUSE AWAVUM TH' , V. ... TWSSEC'Eff AH SnOOKTH' 7 HaTTgiN- 1 A T CLOUD, W I FOOT IT NOTICII-gLW Jr lO 7 CRADLE AWAV FUM THET j OVER TH f V a, , ,, i i i, Tilll 11 umnnur. riasmv 1 ' . NOT IF YOU I rVEKVELUriLl THAT BETTER-. THE I PS5. I m?, Suit 1 Mi I I M ANYTHING V BATTLE TRAIL NORTH Of I Lfc ...a. , I DELIBERATELY J 0RPER5. WU 6AY. TOWN WILL BE UNPER , I K SS5i5S a mm bank II KWN ME fcw .,n AWUT THE SANE TIME WW WP. WflULPN'T k tTX I fil. CHAME OF THE MATTER. . fT BE IRONIC IF THAT BANK 6H0UL0 LEAKN f f... f U. ipOinX "J , i . THEIR EX-TELLER 16 UVIW A RE6PECTABLE j ttli I VI I W 'I ' 7 J v-.i 'fj 1 lVrr-ri AK"FF )? I " I I lvN (jY I MUTT & JEFF ' ' I I lg-MWHeH A PRIMER SEES pHERET COMES A CAR J I Jgj.lLl',, ,n'VCS -TH ANOTHER CAR COMIHfl 1 NOW TO TRV OUT MV (B Vi? CJ VOU SEE. MUTT, J HEAD-ON.HE RELEASES NEWH6AO-ON-AUTO- JMJT 3! LOE M6 Uto 5- I INSTALLED A THE SPRINS WHICH COLLISION PREWENTER' VTE&VlQw. COOL.D J patpwt 5? STRONG SPRINS Scv THROWS HIS CAR . HERE SOES f WdTVlmtlWi ,N"ENT 0 tuiq irj ? L UNDERMVCAR LA OP IN THE AIR AND IjiWtJtWr-- ' TOJ l'3Sf C 6uCH A XuiSlifimlj $p WHICH WILL. 1 THE OTHER OAR iWj!-,',, . 'A"iL JiffiSW. .vWsi.-. , THIN6 w11'10 llW PREWENT HEAD-ON I "TitK-J 60ES RlSHT J--7r A-PSl.1WflV "fi? S,rE!fiaU REX MORGAN, M. D. ' "Z rv' , I I PROMI5B I WOWT V PLEASANT EVENING, THE FIREPLACE, J . I fi. 6 JLZi' I'.' sp li Sramft DONALD DUCK 1 I : n ATEr I O -J $ZTW?&y& Q0r?l (OH.'NOJ v Vt, III oft JOS ) Tjl yOUT SHWE.O SLIT VVE ALL! UJvY!. sT MARY WORTH r- J tf V HAD A L0N6 DISTANCE J IT PROBABLY WA? y IDOMTNUDTOMKIF ,ff -... TMt MOST caE' CORNERS ) A&ATot(xS?E k" ""J CHAPTER 4 Following her through the door way, he wondered at her gravity. She had never been overly gener . oua with her amUee, but he tad expected one tonight. A man ' thould rate that much welcome iter being gone two year.. Eve turned and closed the door behind turn and aald, "You couldnt have brought worae newi. ' What' so bad about It?" he sked, wholly puusled. Eve enrucaea ana uu, i u -nlftln It whil vou eat." Then, aa he took off his hat, she demanded. "In that blood on your forehead?" ' . Rimbaud nodded and grinned at her, his eyes Irarmiy appraiaing. ' She was, he decided, even lovelier than she had been two years ago. Her hair, richly rusaet and drawn back to a braided bun at the nape of her neck, framed an oval face with high cheek bones. Her eyes, he saw now, were some warm shade between blue and gray, like ' campire smoke. There was an ex pression like a smile In them now. Not a smile, exactly, for It dldn t alter the composed fullness of her lips; more like a lingering reflec tion of something that had made her smile a long time ago. Some, thing in the way she peered at him, as if a man's face were a printed page to be read and un derstood, prompted Rimbaud to bow, showing more graciousness at this moment than he had ex pressed In all the months he'd been away. "Sweet Stuff," he said, using the nickname he'd given her In retal iation lor being called "Ftddle foot." , Eve smiled at that; a slow, re luctant smile that curved her lips But she said censurlngly, "You look awful, Jim. Purely awful." "Worse than when I was here before?" Rimbaud asked with mock concern. She nodded. "And ten years old er." Umpy Smith looked In from the kitchen, lus bald head shining In the lamplight. "That ain't another customer, ,is it?" he asked com plalningly. "No," Eve said. "Just a shiftless saddle tramp looking for a hand out." , "Then I'll go," the old man said, and tromped back across the kitch en, his peg leg creaking at each step. When he went out the back door. Eve said, "Poor Umpy. He works all week to support a Saturday-night spree, and can scarce ly wait to get it started." ' Presently, as Rimbaud washed at the sink, she asked. "What brings you back to Junction, Fld dlefoot?" "A woman." Rimbaud said, ac complishing a sly and, secretive tone. That seemed to startle Eve, Her eyes widened and for a moment she Just stood there like a startled school girl. Looking at ner now, Rimbaud had the profound con- vlctlon thnt she hadn't changed and would not. where men were concerned. There waant a sprawb hair In her head, and oddly enough, he was glad that this was :'Do I know her?" Eve asked Rimbaud nodded. "She's Just about your slie and shape, he confided, reaching for the clean towel Eve handed him. "I came back to tell her the man had re formed." "What man?" "Reformed how?" Eve asked. plainly akeptieal. p"h had hi fill of fighting," Rimbaud said solemnly. "And of drifting, also. It took a little time for him to figure out there was nothing In It, but he finally got tt through his thick noggin. And he learned It real good. You'd be sur nrinad how he's changed. Sweet Stuff. It's downright astonishing. Eve was standing close to him, the scent of her nalr making a Rerfume that roused a thrustling unger In him. A hunger that had nothing to do with food. Prompted by an urge he couldn't resist. Rim baud reached out and took her In his arms and aald gently, "Sweet Stuff." "Nojlmi" trie exeiaunea. "One kiss to welcome me back," Rimbaud urged. Eve struggled to her feet. She used her strength against him and commanded, "Let me gol" Instead Rambaud kissea ner. As if there were some potent magic In the merging, she ceased struggling at once. For a moment she was inert, neither rejecting his lips nor responding; her mouth loosely pliant and ' moist and sweet-flavored. Then she kissed him with a passionate pressing eagerness that astonished Jim Rimbaud and hugely pleased him. It was like a wave, tnat kiss; high-cresting wave . warmly flowing over him and through him, possessing him completely. A wave that broke abruptly as she pulled her mouth away exclaim ing, "Don't, Jim please don't I" Ana at tnis moment, as ns re luctantly released her, there was knock at the iront aoor. Rimbaud watched Eve go Into the dining room, her slim fingers hastily tucking up a lock of tum bled hair. He marveled at the monstrous difference one kiss could make. Five minutes ago Eve Odegarde had been a girl he had known briefly and admired. Now she was the woman he wanted to marrv:' the only woman he had ever wanted for a wife. By God, she had everything. Everything a man could want in a woman. ( To Be Continued) WATER. FIGHT DECIDED Portland (U.PJ Federal Judge James Alger Fee hag handed down an opinion that farmers In the Yakima valley of Wash lngton are entitled to the use of Ahtanum creek water, clt maxing 20 years of litigation over the water rights. 2M4 SIZES 12 . 41 Smart Boxy Topper! Meet these cool crisp days with a warm, smartly-styled boxy topper. It can be made In two lengths with slit sleeves either cuffed or un- eutfed. Hat.and bag are separate No 2834 is cut in sizes 12, 14, 14, 18. 20, 36. 38, 40 end 42. Site 18: 2X yds. of 54-ln. fabric. No. 2828 Is a set of belts, hats and bag. Out In sizes sr,ill, med ium and large. Medium hat takes Vi .yd. 3B-in or M-in. cag, ya Just off the press I The new BOOK, agog from cover to cover with scores of the latest style trends, all translated Into delight fully wearable, easy-to-sew pattern designs for every age, every type, 11 slses, all occasions. Send now for this sewing Inspiration . . . Just ate. Carol Curtis Pattern 375 vn ' Vmhrnlilpw ' Neededl Pule pink dogwood blossoms, pale green1 leaves ana stems arc ueuvaic, nng-Ue-looklng end very, very pretty nn airt- nt hrjcl nc nnrnnft riflint.v dining table mats and napkins, on guest toweis, on piu iy - kuiub XWiiiam Th (Vklnr t rtfrhL in the transfer Just Iron it offl Makes 1m,a1u airtm . vnrv IllKV HMUlVPlv I" There ars 2 big 8'4 Inch sprays. 1? separate Dionsorns in uie ) -v torn Sprays and Blossoms in the bye Fast Transfer and laundering In- il-,rt.lnn VOIIR NAME. AD DRESS, PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS, Capital Journal, 652 Mission Street, 8an Fran olsoo 8, Calif. ROOM & BOARD By Ahren few Dimi-v I VAANT VOU TO ' TCCT TUC cmcii np THIS ...OH. BOTHER.. .NOT IN THE ATMOSPHERE ! OF THIS KITCHEN, HEAVY WITH THE , SMELL OF HAM AND CABBAGE... VOlO NEVER BE ABLfc IU . APPRECIATE THE VONDERFUL FRAGRANCE Or THS rfcKrUMt I CREATED r um II DMT BE ANY Knm At vmiB PFDF1IME TESTE It, AfytOW,'... AFTER BEING A FRY LOOK. I-UK. 77 VFAPS EVERYTHING IN A FLOWER SHOW WOULD bMtLL LIKE PANCAKES ANP TORK. CHOPS ID Mt .' sV. r KQWl(6TNKr KSLM KGAE MJty YnVaa UK ABO UMMBC IWf ."WfJt- iE-Bfifif ; s:: a!:.s SS S":!:2: 5sETnri5if- ESS' SSKSJ ul": sr. jimwhit ''', ?;:".. Km... i-li Mult piijhttM H- as. a Vew.. " vtn j :4 Mr t. Jtti C"' j,- ' i:n Btt iih 0. St.,. ton Kmu Mu.i surl 81nlr UMBm O.SIM. It" "' Jf",ill,. U(OC..tB JS W.Ik s Mil W.HI Allilr ; nr. K . . iJs W.l Ml F.F.- Tbt.lt, P.- ''.- ; ik ,Tti IS "... o. 8.i a.Mtt. r".k urn M Or..l Dr.Ch,Mlu Mr. Prt. Jt ''" Tr.tk 1480 :4.1 SlUtnltttt Dr. CbrUlUn Mr. Prt.U.nl Mujl I II Mm P..et W.r Wt-T.m T" " "J Tr.c. HIKI ' I:M "- Th.l Ji 8t.ff.r4 Muilt I. Wh.l Co.M l iS Tan. I.al.r Mil, Mt B.lnt,MMlt ((: a.,.,-.. rF...iE4iTu.Bhta4si illSt ,""," li:lS ia.rU Flail Int.rtl.w. D.at. That a"". Mu,, Y. li:IS M.il.B.ar M.il. D.at. T m, N w.t I:45 M.il. H.ar Mt.lt D.ne. Tint Vtr M.rw iiliflMBb7SniSrD.a. TI-. II. M"' If :15 Mwl. H..r Orr.Mtl.4lt. D.at. T . M. td In Sitl.ra. 11:1(1 CllrC.aa.il Ta D.a.. T n. Jit d : Nt.lurn. 11 :45 Cllr CtaatU Band.l.ad D.at. Tim. Mtladlt. " . , ffnSrl.lOII I I 'D.nc.P.rl, Don't fret over a down payment. W take most anything on a trade for a beautiful Raytheon Set. Bee Us First for the Finest! TRADER LOUIE TV 117 i... i Phone S8558 1878 Lana AVt MoBday ,d Friday Evenings THURSDAY 6 A.M. T0 1 1 :45 A.M. .:MM..I. Ttm.lN... Or., ram N. Brt.kf..t W. M.jodlj. J." M.l. Tim. .r.D. Or. Ora P.rm r.rm Ntn J"' Nm" I-li Mailt Tim. KOIN Klatk On. Firm Ntw. Br"k'" '"r N,w' Ms F.Va. Tim. KOIN '" Ort- P'm M.rrh Tim. Kt.k Ntwt TJcafr, BiTkOIN Kltk Flr.t Edition HtmrnlM.., Brt.kl.,t Md'''"" J.'Tj J.haar Willi N.w. M. Airoaak, Brt.kf.,1 5S?2 5K! lilS N.W. Btk O.rr.4 Brt.kl..l Brt.kf.rt KOCO Klatk 7'." K M.n.lBI B. B.bbllt B.k H.ttn S.m H.rt. Xk KOCO Kl.ck ' ' nu ..... Car.l. - Br.akfa.l Rt.H Browa Jim D.nd, Newi I'ti ml Sr. Brtlkfa.! Pm. All.r Jim D.nd, KOCO Kl.tk J-USatlt B.. g"5 Sl.m l,"i" ..' Jim D.nd, KOCO K1.M Sa.lt B. BM.rn.rr Brt.Ha.t B.ftntfB Jim D.ndr Sea, j ' N,, w. W.rr.n am Edlta Kw. B.ck ftnt. Hpnlfiet. KmI.Bh AaafJtaar rtd.r Str, Mtltdr B.m M.iintt """;. .MMH .B.I B.l.aTr.at Brt.k Bank P.M.f. C.ll B.ek ftnt. '' f :Js 7. "lndl.hr Oar 0.1 Saa Brt.k B.nk B.r. Counlti M.tlntt nin.h shtr. .. B. airn.ld) Bt.d ! Uf. D.a O'rdn'r Glen H.rdr Bek fene. R. l.Vt I !..!.. Maftkla. C. H.ntl.r T.I. Te.l M.llnt. R.c.rd. ll.'u Strlk.lt rltk DrM.laa. Tra. Slorr An.wtr M.n B.ck fenct B.r. J:45 Sink. II rich Paid Lltbl Tra. gt.rr Muilt M.llnt. Rtr.rq. riafT DM ar-Nitk MraBartta WbHatrln. Ladltt Fair Back ftnt. RJ. -. I :7i! DM r Walk P. Maa.a OlrlM.rrlt. Ladlt. F.lr M.tlnta Btl.raA I : Bak Bar Mlta Draka V. Llndl.hr On. far D.r Bk ftnti B.r. :, Bab Haa. Briiktar Dm B.ra.r 0- 'r Pr M.llnt. Btcatdi DIAL LISTING KOAC, 550 IffSkf Wa4.r . m. S:a, Ora rVWMW m ,a.,tar! 1:H. Mailt .1 tb. MaitM.t 4:N, Stren.de la Blatt S:M, Callirra'a Tbaalart a:no, i;oit.ia iwmi labial New. and We.ther; :I5. Ort- Ifaa Mll.l.iar.1 i:id ."hibi ' S:M. B.dla Sh.rth.nd; S:S, Ntw., We.lh ri t:4S, Medll.ll.nl l.:0, Slia Off. tt f A f Thrdr s.m. UM. N.wll IxWAVw 10:15, Eipttl.llr far Waraaal 11:01). Seh.nl af Aln 11:19. Caattrl B.Ul lf:00, New, I 12:15, Noon P.rm Honrs 1:01, t:45. Or.. Rebool .f' Air; S:00, Oreron R- P.ritri t:,fw. uniTrr.i.x num. North Howell North Howell PTA met Fri day, March 13, at 8 p.m. at the school. A program was presented by the Red Cross. Joe White was asked by Mr. Parcher of the Red Cross to be chairman of the Red Cross Cross drive in North Howell. Mr. White appointed Art 1m pecoven, Harold Dunn, Ronald Stevens, Mrs. Vernal Pickens, and Conrad Gunderson to can vass the neighborhood.. - Officers were elected for 19S3-S4 school year. President, Harold Bartsch; vice-president, Mrs. Vernal Pickens; secretary, Mrs. Harold Dunn: treasurer. Marinus Schaa, incumbent. Miss Patricia Wagner did a dance which was followed by refreshments, served by Mrs. Harold Bartsch, Mrs. Carl Westergaard, Mrs. Harold Dunn and Mrs. Joe White. EX-OREGON ATHLETE STRICKEN Klamath. Falls W) Ralph Hill, former Oregon distance runner, whose wife died here last month, was taken to a Eugene hospital Monday with polio. Hill Sunday entered a hospital here, where the di sease was diagnosed. He was sent on to the Sacred Heart Hospital at Eugene. ACROSS 1. Ascend 8. Strikes with the palm 11. Stately 13. Of the back bone 14. Winding around 15. Ripe 18. Long fish 17. Kind of silk ' 19. Offer to buy 20. Symbol for tellurium 11. Tagged 25. While 28. Male deer 18. Bsbvlonian deity 40. Topaz bum ming bird 42. Superlative ending 43. Bulgarian coin 44. Capital of Saskatche wan, Canada 47. Bring into being. 50. Exchanged 81. One having care ol cattle SC0wnSLEDnAcTTl FrTCRteUT a l flic o oj Eanto c par i ny sfe i S Bsl 9E k a ERlBklGjL ADE iaW'EPT I A R Au Si aJrJjjbh (j l db t o pT LTRnTjo o LjaS i Efl EE BflPlEB TllUO 0 Tl eiNlSUOlAlTlHUoMNlSl Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle 28. Light carriage sj.Huski of 30. Overdo thre.heif 82. Commenced 33. Girdle 35. Symbol for lead 38. Thoroughfares grain 53. Sluggish DOWN Litem of property 2. East Indian coins 1. Pacific Island tree 4. East Indian weight 5. Age 6. Mineral pring 1 I l I 1 IMMPtd I' r4 I I'4'" r- '. r- trp trppir- r m 5--- & pirr 'rfife'r xr- it vritwr : -----!T "Mil mmM l"r 7. Kindled 8. Biblical character 8. Social outcast 10. Vehicles for snow travel 12. Bubble 13. Twining plant 18. Moves back 21. Bathes 22. Representa tive 23. Choose by ' vote 24. Ventures 27. Summit ' 29. Godly per sons: abbr 31. Peruse again 32. Turn to pros- ent front to view 34. Seesaw 35. Pieces 37. Engrave with , acid 39. Ward off 41. Culture . medium 43. Place cargo on a vessel 45. Mountain in Crete 46. Novel 48. Brazilian money 48. Sea eagle "I ilNKYS NOSE IS FRYING' ' PAN-I7.ED ,v . . .. . 9CA rri " V 11 - TV. Yfl I til I