Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 17, 1953, Page 10, Image 10

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State Totim
Salem Plays Hillsboro
At 1:45 Wednesday
lugene The Oreion itate
elus A hl(h school basketball
tournament, nndlspntedly the
top iporti ttracOon In the
ttate, open its annual five-day
ran at McArthnr court here to-
Blfht, with Salem and Dallas
representor the mld-Wlllam
tte valley.
Salem, champion of district
11, faces Hillsboro at 1:45 to
morrow afternoon. The Dallas
Dragons, champions of district
, swing into action at 8:45 to
morrow night against Astoria,
traditionally atournament
Coach Harold Hauk, dean of
tournament coaches, takes his
Salem team Into the tourna
ment with an unimpressive 15
11 record. Hillsboro, on the oth
er hand, has won 22 and lost 6.
The Salem team will be head
quartered at the Eugene hotel.
Making the trip to Eugene with
Hauk and the ten players were
managers Ray Terhune and
Jack Phillips.
Dallas, making one of Its
infrequent trips to the state
classic, brings along a rec
ord of It wins and losses.
Coach Cordy Kunke's Dra
gons lost only to Sllverton,
Sweet Home and Tillamook
during the season, all on '
games away from home. In
aeh Instance the Dragons
came back later In the sea
son to score a victory over
the team that had beaten
them earlier.
Dallas players on the official
tournament roster are George
Curtiss, Bob Olson, John Kits
miller, Dwayne Hoffman, Har
old Holdorf, Rex Domaschof
sky, Dave Harra, Herb Brandli
Wes Wlldt and Bob Joy. Morris
Eugene Team
Opens Play in
Denver Tourney
Denver 1.H Everybody's
Drug of Eugene, Ore., was
scheduled today to meet the
Indianapolis, Ind., Vendors in
the first round of the 46th an
nual National AAU Basketball
The Oregon titlists original
ly were scheduled to meet the
Vendors yesterday but the In
diana team was unable to
reach the tournament site here
In time.
Cormtwl tor T.fl
0U tr V. S. Cull OMOUt
Sarvtr. rnilatid, Ora.)
Bilk W.ltr. Lw W.ttra
Sink ' Tim. H.llbl Tun, HHhl
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l:0pja. .!
Roosa la making the trip as the
team manager.
The Dallas team will stay at
the Osborn hotel, but is not
scheduled to arrive here until
tomorrow noon.
Sixteen teams, winners In
districts throughout the state,
will compete in the five-day
tourney. v
A new champion will be
crowned next Saturday night
Defending champion Lincoln
high school of Portland did not
earn a tournament berth this
The Dalles, with an unde
feated season (won 24) and
Marshf lcld are rated as the
teams to beat., But strong
competition Is expected from
Medford, Eugene, Hillsboro
and Cleveland.
Two first round games are
scheduled for tonight. Clatska
nie m e e t s Marshfield at 7:30
and Central Catholic of Port
land tangles with another Port
land team, Roosevelt, at 8:45.
Opening-round action con
tinues tomorrow with .six
games. The Dalles meets Onta
rio at 9 a.m., Albany plays
Medford at 10:15, Hillsboro fa
ces Salem si 1:4b p.m., Eugene
takes on Milwaukle at 8, Lake
view squares off against Cleve
land of Portland at 7:30, and
the first round concludes with
the Dallas-Astoria tilt at 8:45.
Wherever men know and appreciate fine
whiskey, they call for "cheerful" Old
Sunny Brook, famous since 1891. This
growing demand has made it the "World's
largest selling Kentucky whiskey."
rriter t:H i.K.
4:ti .
Tin .-.
FrMr HU ..
itt .m.
Page 10
Infield Worry
Spots for Lewis
In WU Drills
Coach John Lewis has his
Willamette university baseball
aspirants going through their
opening practice paces, among
them being eight lettermen
from the 1952 aggregation.
A quick look at the pros
pects indicates that the Infield
may be one of the chief points
of worry for the Bearcat club.
Alva Brown, one of the team's
best hitters last season at first
base, has been lost to the draft.
Infield lettermen back are Sec
ond Baseman Dave and Third
Sacker Elmer Haugen. Gray
also doubles as a hurler.
The pitching corps, in addi
tion to Gray, Includes two one
year letter winners in Andy
George and Benny Holt. Lewis
is hopeful that he can find at
least one other starting
moundsman from among the
ranks of the freshman candi
A favorite from coast to coast
at. 1
Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, March 17, 1953
In the outfield two mono
gramers are counted among
the aspirants in person of Den
ny Elsasser and Duane Shield.
Willamette opens the season
on March 28 against the .State
Prison Greys.
Salem Gun Club
Elects Hall
Gordon Hall was elected
t.u hlth jchool bMkttbftll tournmit. Untrtnltr t Oregon, lusmt: (fee
itorr nd bracktt for ichtdule of gamei).
Profesilonftl wrMtllni. s.lem armory:
brothtra va. Don EUndred and Frank Janua. othir matchai, Tony Rom ti. Red
Tainone and Bill Fletcher ti. Ralph Alexander. Card ctarta at 1:10.
fltata htih anhool baaketball tournament, Untrenlty f Oreion, Suiene: 0ee
atory and bracket for achedule of lamei).
Iiaak Walton League or America, saiem enapter, az4 auxiliary, xtiu at eiuo-
kouae, A o'clock.
State hlth achool baaketball tournament, UnlTertltr at Oraaon, Xuiene; (See
ftory and bracket for eehedule of amei.
State hlih achool baaketball tournemeat. University tf Oregon, Bueenet (See
wry and bracket for eehedule of tames).
IrJ ruea
l. TIN .a
at iiw ..
l:tt .m.
president of the. Salem Gun
club at a meeting at the Turner
road clubhouse last night.
R. E.- Westfall was named
vice-president; Clarence Town-
send, secretary; and Carroll
Ford, treasurer,
Named to the board of direc
tors were C. G. Hiltibrand, Gid
Newton, Byron S 1 m i n s o n,
Lawrence Imlah ' and Fred
Leise. . 1
Ham tttnt. vat team matcn, arn
i ''-.;
because it's...
At Kansas
City Tonight
Kansas City ( Fast-break-
log Indiana rules a seven-point
favorite -over Louisiana State
University and skysora per
Washington is a three-point
choice over defending cham
pion Kansas Tuesday night in
the semi-finals of- the NCAA
basketball tournament.
The Hoosiers, top-ranked na
tionally in the Associated Press
poll, and LSU's Southeastern
Conference -kings, clash In the
opening game at 5:43 p.m.
The tipoff in the second same
will come two hours later.
Washington is No. 2 in the rat
ings and Kansas is No. 7.
Municipal Auditorium has
sold 10,500 seats. A large sec
tion of the crowd has been
lured by the sidelight of see
ing two of the season's out
standing basketmakers vie for
the tournament individual scor
ing record set last year by
Kansas Clyde Lovellette.
The- two are Bob Hou
bregs, Washington's 6-foot-7
all - America, and Don
Schlundt, Indiana's 6-9 soph
omore sensation. They are
within striking distance ef
the 141 points scored by Lov
ellette In 1952.
Houbregs already has crack
ed one of Lovellette's marks
the individual game record. He
scored 45 points against Seat
tle in the first game of the Far
West regionals. That bettered
Lovellette's mark by one point
By adding 84 points against
Santa Clara in Saturday's fi
nals, the Washington, hook
shot artist increased his total
to 79. Be now needs 62 points
to tie the record and 63 to
beat It. Thus he can score
16 less points in the final two
games than he did in the first
pair and rewrite the book.
Schlundt's job will be a lit
tle more difficult He has a
total of 64 points and needs
78 to go over the mark.
Washington is favored over
Kansas because of its tremen
dous height advantage three
players 6-7 and over but the
die-hard Kansans refuse to take
the odds seriously. The scrap
py, Kansas squad, with only
Dean Kelley back from last
year's championship quintet,
has pulled off a surprising se
ries of victories which their
staunchest supporters earlier
had thought impossible.
OSC takes Fourth
Corvallis, ftl.R) The Oregon
State college varsity r if 1 e
shooters won fourth place in
the national intercollegiate
rifle championships, is was re
ported today. Winner was
UCLA with 1434 points, a na
tional record. The University
of Maryland took second and
California third
Basketball Scores
Fort Sam Houston. Tex.. 85; Trtnton,
H. J. (J. c. Vendini Co.). U.
carbondale. Hi. (Riu.caiel. : ania
Maria, Calif. (OoWm Duiea), 17.
Quantlco. Va.. Marines voa an for
feit from Memphis, Tenn.
Ban Dleso (Qrlhalva Motors) N; ruu-
man. Wash. (Deaotos), 40.
Denver (Central Bankers), 77; port
Sill, Okla. (Commanders), 70.
Los Anaeles IKirbr Shoes). Is; Ama-
rtllo, Tel. (Oraham Hoema Plowboje),
cfcci jhavos thd ojr ether tide !
sbr ef
Two Refs in
At Salem Armory Tonight
. A - A ' --.-W ks I ,. 1 1 .1 1 1 mMmrt
A tar team match that
promises to be so Uvely that
two referees are being as
signed to handle It Is In store
for Salem armory wrestling
patrons tonight.
The Linen brothers, Log
ger and Elmer, tangle with
the Brown Bombers, Don
Kindred and Frank James,
In the tag teamer.
The' same two clashed at
the armory last Tuesday.
Kindred and James' emerged
victorious, but the decision
was a disputed one, since
Kindred interfered from
outside the ring In the
climax of the deciding fall.
Tony Ross, fully recovered
from a recent attack of the
mumps, will take on Bed
Vagnone in the semi-final
match. It'll be Tony's back
breaker against Red's re
verse toe hold.
In the opener, Bill Fletch
er, a fast-rising young star,
will try to put the stopper on
Ralph Alexander, a rough
veteran from Ohio.
Fletcher broke in with Tex
Hager around his home town
of Boise, and formerly
wrestled and boxed in the
navy. He is learning fast and
is anxious to work his way
up to the main event billing.
- The card starts at (:S0.
KOCO to Carry
NCAA and State
Tourney Games
Radio station KOCO, Salem,
will carry broadcasts of both
games in the NCAA tourna
ment at Kansas City tonight,
beginning at 5:40. A similar
schedule will be in effect to
KOCO will also carry the
Salem-HUlsboro game from the
state tournament at Eugene to
morrow afternoon at 1:45, and
the Dallas-Astoria game imme
diately following the NCAA
broadcast. .
Spokane Adds
Two Players
Spokane pr) The Spokane
Indians added a catcher and
an outfielder to their roster
for the 1953 Western Interna
tional league baseball season
George Triandes, a catcher
with Salt Lake City in the
Pioneer league for three years,
and Bobby Byrne, who played
in the garden for Amarillo of
the West Texas-New Mexico
loop last year, were signed by
the Indians. r
Loans p to $1500
Take ap to
24 awoatbi to repay
Ground Floor, Oregon Bldg., 105 S. HIGH STM SALEM
Phone: 2-2464 Rex E. Doyle, YES MANager
leans evar $300 atada by Pirionol Finonca Co. el Morton County imdar the
Industrial loan Cowipanist Act of Ortgoo.
Issm Baas la mMnll si all w malms towM Slots llesns Hoi. MB, S-HS
The Mew York Is&rn
Tag Teamer
Tussles Tony
Red Vag
none, 205-
pound wrestler from New
York, will be in action at
the Salem armory tonight.
He will face Tony Ross, pop
ular 204-pound Salemite In
the semi-final event. The
main event will be a tag
team match between the Lar- ,
sen brothers and Don Kin
dred and Frank James. The
card starts at 8:30.
KPTV Plans to
Carry Finals if
Huskies Play
Portland (U.F9 Television
Station KPTV said today it
plans to telecast the cham
pionship game of the Na-
tional Collegiate Athletie
association basketball play
offs at Kansas City tomorrow
night, providing the Wash
ington Huskies play in the
Tonight's opening - round
pits the Huskies against Kan
sas and Indiana against Loui
siana State university. The
winners of tonight's games
will meet in the title gaama.j
tomorrow night.
$25 to $1500
Make a clean iweep of old bill
. . . pay taxes . . . reduce monthly
peymenta with a fcumat loan.
Phone, write, or come in.
Leant up to $1500
en Signature,
Furniture, or Auto
ne more
f-l 4.w f'